World Mapsewsg started 15 Feb 2019 · richmanfl replied 20 Jul 2021Hello,   I use ver. 7.4 and have installed world maps. I have created an API Key. Now I would like to see the r...
action boxbarbieq807 started 6 May 2021 · barbieq807 replied 13 May 20217.4.2 how do i change the colour of the blocks in the action box from blue to whatever and member menu etc
Error Iconfaceclub started 11 May 2021 · LeonidS replied 11 May 2021For no reason, the form error icon shows up all the time. Not just when th...
user login isnt working and reload page msgbarbieq807 started 6 May 2021 · barbieq807 replied 9 May 20217.4.2  Front:   Without the splash page:   Join or login: YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSIONS TO AC...
Easter Sale - 50% discountmodzzz started 1 Apr 2021 · modzzz replied 15 Apr 2021
fixed backgroundbarbieq807 started 12 Apr 2021 · LeonidS replied 12 Apr 2021how do i make a fixed background in 7.4.2...dpnt want it scrolling with the page content
Messed up when replyingregma started 16 Mar 2021 · johnk42 replied 4 Apr 2021Hi I am new to Dolphin.   When someone reply on a comment will end up like this on a mobile. Please check the i...
To UNA or not to UNA....daihlo started 22 Dec 2020 · LeonidS replied 22 Mar 2021Used to build a fair few sites with Dolphin back in the day, moved to WP based platforms as Dolphin just seemed to get left b...
fakepath where to remove?geek_girl started 7 Feb 2021 · joelde123 replied 13 Feb 2021It was not in 7.3.5 but showed up in later versions.  Fakepath scares members.  It should just be the file name as it was in ...
dolphin backgroundjoelde123 started 4 Feb 2021 · joelde123 replied 6 Feb 2021hi, looking to have a custom background created for dolphin. actually years ago i had a custom ui built for a mobile a...
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