Happy HolidaysTravelNotes started 23 Dec 2014
solusoft replied 24 Dec 2014Merry Christmas and a H... | 4POSTS |
How to setup a facebook appdeano92964 started 11 Feb 2013
deano92964 replied 17 Dec 2014I apologize for the quality of this video. Videos are not my thing. The sound is not very loud so you may need to crank your ... | 3POSTS |
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On storing passwordsgeek_girl started 9 Dec 2014
dolphin_jay replied 10 Dec 2014I just read this article on Computer World about not storing passwords. The argument is that only the hash should be stored ... | 5POSTS |
Testing 7.1.1 on PHP 5.6geek_girl started 19 Oct 2014
geek_girl replied 25 Nov 2014I am testing 7.1.1 on PHP 5.6; 7.1.1 is the current version on my site. No install errors, no run errors except I had to tur... | 7POSTS |
Brainstorm - splitting adsense profitsdaihlo started 16 Nov 2014
moonsoon2u replied 17 Nov 2014Im thinking of a site specifically made for high volume traffic and page sharing - where members can create something like an... | 7POSTS |
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AT&T U Verse modem questionhoustonlively started 10 Nov 2014
houstonlively replied 10 Nov 2014Is anyone aware of a U Verse compatible Modem/Router with built in ddns capabilities. I just switched over to uverse from st... | 1POST |
Everyone have a good holloween?deano92964 started 8 Nov 2014
geek_girl replied 8 Nov 2014Thanksgiving is next. I love turkey. I think i will spend the entire day eating. | 3POSTS |
This whole change in Dophin to Dolphin Pro...geek_girl started 25 Oct 2014
AlexT replied 3 Nov 2014This whole change in Dolphin to Dolphin Pro and licensing I am beginning to really dislike. There is just not enough informa... | 21POSTS |