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D7 RC2 Coding questionhd4real started 6 Dec 2009
hd4real replied 6 Dec 2009I am not a coder but I try to get around. I have a question. Maybe someone knows the answer.
I am trying to ... | 11POSTS |
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text profilakira92 started 6 Dec 2009
akira92 replied 6 Dec 2009hello how aligned the text has left the bloc in the General... | 1POST |
htmlpage in new pagegaylinq started 6 Dec 2009
gaylinq replied 6 Dec 2009I have some htmlpages on my server (not created in Dolphin).
These pages contain links and banners and sort of things... | 1POST |
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manually migration to RC2gaylinq started 6 Dec 2009
gaylinq replied 6 Dec 2009is it possible to migrate manually from D6.1.6 to D7RC2 because the migration script still doesn't work?
And if so...... | 1POST |
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mass mailer probputeranismo started 5 Dec 2009
puteranismo replied 6 Dec 2009hi all i am new in here,now i use dolphin RC2 all success but in mass mailer if i sen tu all member sent success but all user... | 3POSTS |
Share Profiles in 6.1 and 7dpi started 6 Dec 2009
dpi replied 6 Dec 2009I am loking, and hoping, that there could be a way to share profiles in 6.1 and 7?
Basically, something that... | 1POST |