Some errors on my instalationmozack started 19 May 2008
mozack replied 21 May 2008Hi,After upgrade to 6.1.1 i've that error when i click to see all media files (photo, video, music):W...
Dolphin 6.1 Licence (Freeversion)isacologne started 19 May 2008
thinklucky13 replied 21 May 2008I have installed the Dolphin 6.1 Software and will licencing the free version. I have a Licence in Unity but the Licence does...
Switch language option in 6.1nancycity started 20 May 2008
nancycity replied 20 May 2008Hi,
it seems there is no more "enable switch language" option in Language settings. Does anybody knows how t...
ProfileFiles Instalation Errorzankoku666 started 19 May 2008
zankoku666 replied 20 May 2008I've searched through unity forums and everywhere I could, and I haven't found an error like this one, below, they are 20-30 ...
Lost connection issuepwes started 20 May 2008
praveenkv1988 replied 20 May 2008Hello everyone.
I'm installing the dolphin software on my hosting account andsomewhere in the middle I get ...
6.1.1 Index page alignmentdpenner started 20 May 2008
praveenkv1988 replied 20 May 2008Recently I have been trying to get all the thumbnail icons for events, classifieds and the photogallery to display at a large...