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Key Replaceelfe started 20 May 2009
Technoman replied 20 May 2009Dear dolphin experts,
I'm trying to understand how dolphin works. One basic question is how the placeholder... | 2POSTS |
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help really needed!kademan started 20 May 2009
Technoman replied 20 May 2009I uploaded dolphin to the directory and when I put the url in the browser and hit go it gave me this error
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Dolphin lacking two featuresgoldman started 20 May 2009
goldman replied 20 May 2009I recently did a survey on a successful dating website to find out what attracted them to that website. Approximately 50 peo... | 1POST |
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Activate account before loginstech786 started 15 Nov 2008
cpljv replied 20 May 2009If user does not activate his/her account, they are able to login under inactive user's status and browse the site. I want us... | 5POSTS |
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