modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.1.6

Added: 27.12.10

Updated: 22.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, music, album, entertainment, modzzz, celebrities, group, band, song

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

Enhance the entertainment aspect of your site. Allow members to create profiles of their favorite bands.



Block on the Index page to display featured, recent, top and popular bands


Block to display local bands in the member's city


Block to display all bands posted by the profile owner


Band Admin can now post News items about a particular Band.

News block with the latest posted News is shown on Band View page

Sub-section added to Band page to allow browsing all News items


Band Admin can now post Events taking place for a particular Band.

Events block with the latest posted Events is shown on Band View page

Sub-section added to Band page to allow browsing all Events


Band Admin can now post different Venues that a particular Band plays at. The schedule (which day and time they play) can also be posted.

Block with all Venues is shown on Band View page.

Sub-section added to Band page to allow browsing all Venues.


Members can post Feedback and Reviews on Bands they have witness performing already. This will provide enlightening information for potential concert goers.


Allows sharing of the Band on Twitter, Facebook and other popular networks


Each Band Member has their individual page with extended description and the ability for persons to Rate and leave comments


Each Album has their individual page with extended description and the ability for persons to Rate and leave comments

MEDIA GALLERY (with Video Embedding)

Bands Admins can upload Photos of Band events, parties, activities etc. The Band Admin can decide whether or not fans have access to upload Photos also.

Bands Admins can upload Videos of Band events, parties, activities etc. The Band Admin can decide whether or not fans have access to upload Videos also.

Bands Admins can upload Audio of Band events, parties, activities etc. The Band Admin can decide whether or not fans have access to upload Audio also.

Bands Admins can upload upload Files. These could be brochures for Band Events etc. The Band Admin can decide whether or not fans have access to upload Files also.

Allows embedding of unlimited youtube videos. This is useful if you want to conserver server space but still allow video functionality.


Ability to Rate Bands ... The creator can turn on/off this feature

Ability to Comment on Bands ... The creator can turn on/off this feature


Forum is tightly integrated to facilitate discussions about Bands


Members can Share Bands of interest with other site members or external friends.

Members can Invite their friends and other external persons to check out a particular Band listed.


Members can add themselves as Fans of a Band

The Admin for a Band listed can broadcast messages to all fans at once


Admin can set Bands as Featured

Ability for Admin to Post-Moderate Bands

Admin interface to easily create and manage Band Categories

Bands Admins can choose who can access a Band (friends only, everyone etc)

Configure for automatic approval or allow site administrator to approve all new Bands.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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My words have finish talking good about this guy!!!!..I believe BoonEx should hire this guy!!!

thanks so much for your creative ideas!!!
Very good! That's what we are waiting for.
Our wish is, a link to our members, when they are band members. so we can use the memberfunction from boonex too.
This is great! I had it up and running in 5 minutes total!
Killer mod, easy to install, works flawlessly and the support cannot be beat.
band module is greate.
I want to know Is progress bar is possible in Audio. video, file, photo uploads of band module?

What a amazing module. I have been racking my brain for weeks now trying to figure out how to do this and here it is already done for me. Had a few problems installing but that was my fault cause i was the idiot that didnt view hidden files to find the files needed to be mod. i emailed them and got a response within minutes. Other modules i have purchased it took days to get a response. so now if i need a mod i will look to see if these guys have already made it. I already know when i get more money see more i am going to buy the clubs module. keep up the great work and if you are considering this module then dont just click add to cart and make it happen cause it is worth its weight in gold and then some. well for what i am trying to do it is. Thanks chuey from
It would be great if it shows the information from the linked youtube with the option to embed the video.
(Main Video info when watching a video)
Great mod, and the author added a block to view by state when I requested it. Couldnt ask for better service.
Modzzz is by far one of the easiest and best people we have had the pleasure of doing business with. Top notch all the way. Highly recommended!
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.