Trey  Advanced New 0 points
registered 11.02.08

I am a co-founder of Word of Mouth Rewards where you get paid when you shop! At the same time you are receiving cash rewards you will be raising money for non profits. It is FREE for buyers and non profits to join and there are no monthly fees. With our internet based Yellow Green Pages we match buyers with sellers. Both internet and non-internet sellers, local stores and businesses pay cash rewards for getting customers. You receive a FREE personal internet shopping portal that you can use anytime to get the best possible shopping deals while also receiving cash rewards and helping non profits as you enjoy the ultimate shopping experience!!! You help yourself and others at the same time by automatically generating funding for organizations that do humanitarian and social good. You can keep your personal cash rewards or donate them to your favorite groups. In addition you can create even more cash rewards by telling others and giving them our web address with your personal ID that you will receive as soon as you join. That is why we are called Word Of Mouth Rewards!!! It is EASY and FREE, so join today and start telling your friends, relatives and coworkers! Please be sure to also tell your favorite non profit groups so you can help them receive new funds, continue to grow and do more good things!!!

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