Help Center

Boonex team is small, but Boonex community is strong. Exploring the Forum and asking fellow webmasters for help is the best way to solve any issues.

Community support, knowledge base and discussions.

Installaion and setup manuals, update instructions, APIs.

Contact Boonex Team directly. Priority to Premium members.

Top 10 Questions

And if you want to ask something else, just send us a message.

Can I change logo and design?

Yes, and you should. You can change logo, splash-screen image, backgrounds, site design templates, edit texts, add and manage languages, configure settings and re-structure database. If you have a full license, you can also remove "Powered by Dolphin" badge.

How do I get mobile apps?

You can download mobile apps soruce code to modify and re-brand them as you own before submitting to iTunes and Google Play. Dolphin Mobile Apps will only work with licensed (non-Trial) Dolphin.Pro websites. Your users can connect to all your sites from within one app.

How do I host Dolphin.Pro?

Dolphin is a web-software platform. It has to be hosted on a web hosting server. We have selected a few recommended hosting providers that we constantly monitor. If you want to use your own hosting - just make sure that it meets Dolphin Hosting Requirements.

How does Trial version work?

Trial is a full-featured Dolphin.Pro package. A "Powered by Dolphin.Pro" badge shows on your site when it's in Trial mode and Mobile Apps can’t be connected to a Trial site. Once you order and register license, the badge will disappear and you will be able to use Dolphin.Pro Mobile Apps.

One license for one site?

Yes, Dolphin.Pro license is per one domain/site only. So, if you want to launch multiple sites you would need a license for each of them. Once your domain is registered you can use any version of Dolphin.Pro on it and Mobile Apps will connect to the registered site.

Can I change domain on my license?

You can register your license to a different domain at any time and as often as you want. Just reset the license (you must be logged in to your Boonex Account) and it will be free to register with any new site again. You can’t tranasfer your license to another Boonex account.

Can I pay by Bank Transfer?

Sure, you can pay directly to our bank account. SWIFT BIC: SGBLAU2S. Routing Number: 021 000 021. Account Number: 068 024 324. Name: BoonEx Pty Ltd. Once sent, send us your transfer details, so that we could process the order manually.

How do register a new license?

To register a Dolphin.Pro license login to your site's Admin panel and go to Dashboard > License. Specify the license number to be registered in the field: "Register a new license" and click "Register". The license numbers you’ve purchased can be found in your Boonex Account.

Who supports Market products?

BoonEx Market is an open trading platform. All listed products are offered by 3rd party vendors and all payments go directly to them. If you have problems downloading, installing or using a product from BoonEx Market, please contact the vendor directly.

Is it easy for non-developer?

Dolphin.Pro is designed with one simple idea in mind - anyone should be able to manage it. Great ideas and basic computer skills is all you need. Everything is configurable through Admin Panel. Once installed, Dolphin.Pro is really easy to manage. No need for IT diploma!

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.