Zarcon  Super Moderator Established 359 points (98.6% positive, 1.4% negative)
registered 27.10.07
Skills: Some random skills
Timezone: Eastern Standard TimeWorking Hours: M-F 9AM-5:30PM (just not here)
Availability: Sporadic
Spoken Languages: English

Starting again...

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Excellent features. Paid version better then free. Excellent mod
The best mod on the Market.. It should come with dolphin Core....
Great job Chris with that powerful mod and very simple to install... Highly Recommend to all...
Thank you very much!
We are at work for Page Cover
Works perfect. Since I can't post on the hosting, I just want to say these guys are amazing. The dedicated hosting is the only way to go if you are planning on expanding your social membership. Service and support is the best that I have seen. There response time is quick and efficient. Everyone who is serious about their dolphin platform should be using Zarconia hosting. Thanks!
Thank you!
Is it possible to change the background-color for background-url?
I would like to put an image in the text instead of color
thank you
After using this mod, member's were STILL skipping the avatar cropping. Here's the fix for that:
Worked perfectly
although my cache file name to be deleted was differently name
But it was easy to take care off. Grant script to keep spammers away.
To confirm work with a breeze D7.05.

Got a little confused at the delete file part.....
Mine was called...

anyways its working like a charm :)
Worked like a charm! Thank you
Zarcon ,
Wow in one year and a half have really hard time to have anwser and this gentleman give me what I need!! Big thanks to you !!!!

You're the best
This mod works perfectly and easy to install , even for beginner! But word of caution, if you install or plan on installing any mods which have a "like" feature (i.e. Facebook) to your pages, the resulting posting to Facebook with link and snapshot will come up as an error since the permission for that page is not valid for visitors.

If you do not have a Facebook mod which links to pages within your site, this is a fantastic Mod!
Hi everyone,

I have 7.0.5 and it works. Night60000 you have 7.0.4 so you should be all set. :-)

Love it! Thanks!
This works awesome as well in version 7.0.4. Thanks for a great mod.
Hi would this work with 7.4 ?

I run all in sql, and does not give me error

but does not appear homepage wall blocks
Can you have a dolphin wall in both the account page and profile page???
Such a great little change. 2 minutes to complete. Adds a nice personal touch. Perfect!
Zarcon thank you for your help, the error on my website was corrected as you advised me to do. Great!
can this work for dolphin 7.0.3?
has been a great value to my website. His work and ideas brings life to the site. He was on top of this work and help! I recommend him personally!..And, I am willing to share my experience with him personally..So, I like his work and efforts as they bring value to this community!...
Excellent work. Great support. Thanks.
Is there any way to set the Avatar photo as the profile photo?
I still can not wipe it or be seen to do what Wal urgent help
Works Great
It works thanks.
there are for Dolphin 6.1.x?
Thanks works as explained. Easier to install and more adaptable than AntonLVs Wall on Homepage offering.
I would like to know how to turn off some of the top bar categories such as RSS and Subscribe though?
Andrew Boon
Zarcon is a respected Unity moderator and he has been continuously providing quality products and services to Unity members. Today we award "Trusted" status to Zarcon's account, which he has earned with his hard work.
After being taken advantage of by more developers, providers, design personnel, and programmers, I cannot recommend Zarcon enough! He was patient, willing to spend his precious time, walked me through the entire process of creating my dolphin site, explained easily the "how-to", made it easy to understand and was an absolute riot to work with!
Everyone else I tried to get to assist me would either ignore my questions or ignore my calls/emails. Zarcon returned my emails in minutes, see more he never ignored me and he has been great to work with.
In addition, what took others months to accomplish, he did in 3 days. I can honestly say that he made it all easy to understand.
If you need help, I can guarantee, there is no one better to turn to! He has made me thrilled with the Dolphin 7 product, and he has restored my belief that there are really good guys out there! THANKS, ZZZZZZZ!!!
Perfect :)
This is great thanks a bunch ,,, great guy great honest advise too
works great, easy instructions - thanks!
what about 7.0
7.0 requires that you update your BxDolProfileFields.php file. You can find it here:

Still need to mark it as Mandatory in the database though :)
working great thanks
is working fine but people can still skepp thet croping pagel for the avatar

Can you provide instructions on how to make the Uploaded Photo on the Join Page automatically the Avatar without the member having to scroll all the way down on the second page to crop the Avatar?
This would be really nice.
I will see what I can do. In the mean time you can edit the language string called _user_activation_succeeded and add something like the following:

Congratulations!<br /><br />Your account has been successfully confirmed and activated. <br>Please scroll down and click "Set Avatar" to complete your profile setup.
wow wow i asked a question and it was replied too and issue resolved right away.. thanks again for everything Z.......faster than the boonex agents im still waiting for a response from all 4
You rock, thanks!
I have been struggling with Dolphin 7 since day one and really getting to the point of believing it was not worth the stress. Never in my life have I had to go through so much trial and error wth a software. I am a computer specialist with over 20 years of experience supporting computer software AND hardware. I know what good technical support is. Because of the general lack of manuals or individuals that are honest and care, Dophin 7 was turning from what I thought was a great idea into a real see more nightmare. I went through switching from 3 different hosts just because nobody bothered to tell me the significance of ffmpeg/RMS to having videos on your site. Finally went with HostForWeb (afterall, if Boonex is using them, so will I) -- only I spent the next 2 aggravating months with HostForWeb not being able to figure out y my videos didn't work, it was escalated to thier 3rd level support TWICE. Couldn't get help from my agent and Zarcon was the ONLY one who provided solutions 2 my problems without asking did I buy one of his products. I am poor and appreciate that. Not everybody has money to waste or be ripped off. I chose Dolphin because it was FREE, but in reality it has been anything but free. I am glad Zarcon was willing to answer my questions and had solutions where everyone else failed.
can i get my money back please?
Sorry.. Its "As Is".. No refunds.. lol
Thanks Zarcon!!!

After post a comment cannot remove already? can't delete
think i'm doing anything wrong, it give this error:
Method(servicePostBlockIndex) was not found in module(wall)
I have replied to your email with the fix. Let me know if you have any problems.
Wow man are you kidding me on any page i will download this

you are getting better like all the times making free mods for a lot people

Thank's a lot Zarcon
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.