Gigya Social Widget modification

Not sure if anyone has ever heard of the Gigya social widget - it allows posting of content directly to many social sites, blogs, forums, etc..

I made a modification to the source code to implement this widget.

First - sign up for free at

Edit BxDolSharedMedia.php at line 298 after the </div tag> add the following:

<textarea id="embedCode" style="display: none;">

<script src=""></script>

Testing wildfire widget
<div id="divWildfirePost"></div>
var pconf={
defaultContent: 'embedCode',
UIConfig: '<config><display showDesktop="false" showEmail="true" useTransitions="true" showBookmark="true" codeBoxHeight="auto" showCodeBox="false"></display><body><background frame-color="#BFBFBF" background-color="#FFFFFF" gradient-color-begin="#ffffff" gradient-color-end="#F4F4F4" corner-roundness="4;4;4;4"></background><controls color="#202020" corner-roundness="4;4;4;4" gradient-color-begin="#EAEAEA" gradient-color-end="#F4F4F4" bold="false"><snbuttons type="textUnder" frame-color="#D5D5D5" background-color="#fafafa" over-frame-color="#60BFFF" over-background-color="#ebebeb" color="#808080" gradient-color-begin="#FFFFFF" gradient-color-end="d4d6d7" size="10" bold="false" down-frame-color="#60BFFF" down-gradient-color-begin="#6DDADA" over-gradient-color-end="#6DDADA" down-gradient-color-end="#F4F4F4" over-color="#52A4DA" down-color="#52A4DA" over-bold="false"><more frame-color="#A4DBFF" over-frame-color="#A4DBFF" gradient-color-begin="#F4F4F4" gradient-color-end="#BBE4FF" over-gradient-color-begin="#A4DBFF" over-gradient-color-end="#F4F4F4"></more><previous frame-color="#BBE4FF" over-frame-color="#A4DBFF" gradient-color-begin="#FFFFFF" gradient-color-end="#A4DBFF" over-gradient-color-begin="#A4DBFF" over-gradient-color-end="#F4F4F4"></previous></snbuttons><textboxes frame-color="#CACACA" color="#757575" gradient-color-begin="#ffffff" bold="false"><codeboxes color="#757575" frame-color="#DFDFDF" background-color="#FFFFFF" gradient-color-begin="#ffffff" gradient-color-end="#FFFFFF" size="10"></codeboxes><inputs frame-color="#CACACA" color="#757575" gradient-color-begin="#F4F4F4" gradient-color-end="#ffffff"></inputs><dropdowns list-item-over-color="#52A4DA" frame-color="#CACACA"></dropdowns></textboxes><buttons frame-color="#CACACA" gradient-color-begin="#F4F4F4" gradient-color-end="#CACACA" color="#000000" bold="false" over-frame-color="#60BFFF" over-gradient-color-begin="#BBE4FF" down-gradient-color-begin="#BBE4FF" over-gradient-color-end="#FFFFFF" down-gradient-color-end="#ffffff"><post-buttons frame-color="#CACACA" gradient-color-end="#CACACA"></post-buttons></buttons><listboxes frame-color="#CACACA" corner-roundness="4;4;4;4" gradient-color-begin="#F4F4F4" gradient-color-end="#FFFFFF"></listboxes><checkboxes checkmark-color="#00B600" frame-color="#D5D5D5" corner-roundness="3;3;3;3" gradient-color-begin="#F4F4F4" gradient-color-end="#FFFFFF"></checkboxes><servicemarker gradient-color-begin="#ffffff" gradient-color-end="#D5D5D5"></servicemarker><tooltips color="#6D5128" gradient-color-begin="#FFFFFF" gradient-color-end="#FFE4BB" size="10" frame-color="#FFDBA4"></tooltips></controls><texts color="#202020"><headers color="#202020"></headers><messages color="#202020"></messages><links color="#52A4DA" underline="false" over-color="#353535" down-color="#353535" down-bold="false"></links></texts></body></config>'
Wildfire.initPost('466242', 'divWildfirePost', 400, 135, pconf);

Make sure you edit this line: Wildfire.initPost('your number', 'divWildfirePost', 400, 135, pconf); to reflect your wildfire account number

see a demo here:

Quote · 27 May 2009

Great this works like a dream and is really useful, thank you :-)

Quote · 27 May 2009

Great this works like a dream and is really useful, thank you :-)

I need to fix it to show with only image files, as I know it will also embed music and videos

I have a resize fix to work on to limit the size of the photo to the medium image - but will work on that later.  Right now, large images will show LARGE.. ;-)

Quote · 28 May 2009

Got the image size fixed for large images.  THis will force the image that you want to embed smaller so it won't go off screen.

On line 239 in BxDolSharedMedia.php:

replace or comment out ( /* code */ :

$sEmbedCode = '<img src="'.$this->sFilesUrl.$aFile['medID'].'.'.$aFile['medExt'].'">';

and replace with this:

$sEmbedCode = '<img src="'.$this->sFilesUrl.$aFile['medID'].'.'.$aFile['medExt'].'" width="300" height="200" border="0"/>';

The embed code will also change with this, so if you don't like it resized, you will have to create another $sEmbedCode for it, like $sEmbedCode1 or something, then change the textfield code to reflect the appropriate $sEmbedCode to change.

Quote · 28 May 2009

Boogerd - could you expand a bit on what this does?  I went to the site and am not sure I get it.  Does this mean that people can log into your site with their Facebook name - like OpenID?  or does it mean people can post to blogs when they are logged in to our applications?  What exactly does it do- is there a site you could point us to that uses it.  I'm intrigued.





Quote · 28 May 2009

have left this at the deault to share music and videos as well as photos.

Caltrade it's for direct sharing media eg pictures, music to those friends you know that have accounts etc..

Quote · 28 May 2009

Boogerd - could you expand a bit on what this does?  I went to the site and am not sure I get it.  Does this mean that people can log into your site with their Facebook name - like OpenID?  or does it mean people can post to blogs when they are logged in to our applications?  What exactly does it do- is there a site you could point us to that uses it.  I'm intrigued.





Youdidn'tdidyou explained it correct.  This social posting widget allows you to embed the images, music and videos directly to many sites on the net without copying and pasting code, including Myspace, facebook, Odeo, Blogger, plus a lot more.  I have it implemented on a  few sites I have..

My dolphin site: 806social

Photo sitesL and

Basically, find the content you want, click one of the places you want it to post, login to that place and post it - very simple and easier way than embedding the code.  check out one of my sites.

Quote · 29 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.