I am wondering if anyone else has assorted problems with these forums here at boonex.com/unity/forums?
Most of the time I can not get to or see the posts I have flagged. When I can actually see my flags or my posts and I try to click on them it says "Access error...you don't have permission...something you must be logged in"
Something like that, well I sure the heck am logged in I can post so I must be.
Another thing is if I try to edit my post or a post I have replied to for whatever reason it tells me the same "Access error" it did update it but I must go back to the forums using the nav menu on the left and hope the heck I can find it again, since my flags are not working.
This happens in both Firefox/ and ie6. I don't have ie7 I hate it, but certainly others use ie6 as well and firefox is certainly up to date.
It's a little annoying and frustrating. The blogs mess up a bunch to if I try to edit a post.
I am just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues?