Deanos Facebook Connect Support

Support forum for my Facebook Connect module.
25 Feb 2010

What's this means?

25 Feb 2010

What's this means?

This is a support topic for a modification by deano92964, available here:

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
25 Feb 2010

Just updated my facebook connect module to patch a bug that was found preventing the module from working correctly on one site it was installed on.

Updated Feb 25 at 10:50 EST.

Those that downloaded this prior to the above date and time should download a new copy.
25 Feb 2010

Another update to this mod today. Mar, 11

Added missing import of Facebook first and last name fields to dolphin.
11 Mar 2010

I have an install glitch.  I installed once and it didn't show up in my modules list.  I realized that I should have probly uninstalled the original facebook connect first, so I uninstalled both mods.  Now when I go to try to install the Deano mod it sends me to an error page, "Database query error".  I replaced the files on the server with a fresh copy of the mod which didn't help.  I also did a database rebuild and reset...still have the problem.  Other mods can install and uninstall fine.  any ideas on what I can do here to get this to work?  Thanks

12 Mar 2010

I have an install glitch.  I installed once and it didn't show up in my modules list.  I realized that I should have probly uninstalled the original facebook connect first, so I uninstalled both mods.  Now when I go to try to install the Deano mod it sends me to an error page, "Database query error".  I replaced the files on the server with a fresh copy of the mod which didn't help.  I also did a database rebuild and reset...still have the problem.  Other mods can install and uninstall fine.  any ideas on what I can do here to get this to work?  Thanks

I sent you a pm. The boonex version should have been removed first.
12 Mar 2010

Sale of this module has been discontinued for 2 reasons.

1) My mod was origionally written to replace the non functional boonex version. As such it uses some of the same database fields. So it creates problems if the boonex version is not removed prior to install. This needs to be corrected before i put it back on the market.

2) When Dolphin 7.0.1 is released, this mod will no longer be required as boonex has fixed their FB connect.

So. because of point 2, i may not even continue development on the module. If the boonex version is truly fixed then there really will no longer be a need for mine.
21 Mar 2010

Version 3 of my facebook connect module is currently being tested at

The new version uses the new facebook API and will prompt for extended permissions to get the email address and will return the actual email address if permission is granted.

This module is being brought back as i have recieved a number of requests for it.

If you already have an account on my site, you may need to remove it if you wish to test the module. I would like to give it a good testing for errors before i release it next week.
19 Jun 2010

Ok. No testers. So i just released it. New verion 3.0 located here.
19 Jun 2010

A critical bug with my new 3.0 version was just fixed and uploaded today Jun 20 at 2:15pm EST.

This bug involves removal of a cookie that prevents logon back into the site after manually logging out of facebook.

If you downloaded version 3 prior to this date and time you will want to grab the new copy.
20 Jun 2010

Excellent work Deano on the Facebook connect upgrade! It was a breeze to install and restore my backup!

Thanks again for continuing your the work on your mod..great value!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
22 Jun 2010

Great Mod at a great price.  Thanks deano92964.

No Signature at this time.
22 Jun 2010


In approximately 3-4 days i will be releasing version 3.1 of my Facebook Connect Module. There will be a number of enhancements made to help deal with the problem of obtaining all required information during join. Those new features are as follows.

1) Redirect on join. This feature will allow you to set a redirect page other than the avatar page in which the new member will be redirected to after joining. If this is set, the avatar crop tool will be skipped and an avatar automatically set if an image was able to be retrieved from Facebook.

2) Redirect on logon. This feature allows you to set the page a member will be redirected to on subsequent logons using Facebook connect.

3) Check profile fields. This feature will allow you to set an interval in hours of how often Facebook connect will check the profile for missing required fields and will inform the member that the missing information is required, and after clicking ok, will then redirect the member to the profile edit page.

I am hoping these enhancements will solve most of the problems with using Facebook connect on a dolphin site. Update should be available in a few days.
29 Jun 2010

Top stuff Deano as without this the facebook connect mod is pretty pointless

29 Jun 2010

Testing a feature of my new upcoming Facebook connect module. If you previously signed up on my site using Facebook connect, then please log back in again using Facebook connect. Once connected go to the home page. If all works correctly you should be informed that required profile information is missing.

Unless of course you already filled all that stuff out previously.

Just trying to give this new version a vigorous workout before i let it out the door. is the link to test.
1 Jul 2010

New version 3.1 to be released soon.

I expect to release this tomorrow if testing goes well. Below is a screen shot of the admin panel of the new version so you can get an idea of the new features.

This is a list of the bugs fixes and additions listed in this version.

July 1, 2010 - Version 3.1
July 1, 2010 - Added Redirect after Join option.
July 1, 2010 - Added Redirect after logon option.
July 1, 2010 - Added mobile device support.
July 1, 2010 - Added Redirects for mobile devices.

July 1, 2010 - Fixed bug to correct problem with apostrophe and accented characters in nicknames.
July 1, 2010 - Added a required profile fields checker and profile check required page.
July 1, 2010 - Fixed facebook logout bug. Now properly logs out of facebook when logging out of dolphin.
July 1, 2010 - Changed design of facebook connect button.

The new version also includes a new facebook connect button to replace the old one.

I expect to release this version tomorrow if testing goes well. So stay tuned.
2 Jul 2010

Version 3.1 of my Facebook Connect mod has been released.

Due to unforseen problems, the planned mobile device support is not included in this version.

New version can be obtained here.
3 Jul 2010

Any plans on adding a friends inviter to this?

4 Jul 2010

No plans. It's a connect mod only. I may work on other facebook mods at some point in the future.
5 Jul 2010

No plans. It's a connect mod only. I may work on other facebook mods at some point in the future.

Thanks for the quick reply! Smile

5 Jul 2010

Good Work Deano

but when i click logout is not letting me login out from the site still loggin

any idea why

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
5 Jul 2010

Working on that one. One other person had this problem. It's releated to the dolphin event calls. Working on a solution. In the mean time try re-uploading the file. modules\deano\deanos_facebook_connect\classes\BxFaceBookConnectAlerts.php

Uninstall and reinstall the module and try again.
6 Jul 2010

I uploaded a patched version that i hope will fix that logout problem.

I can't test it at the moment. My dedicated server is down. Crashed. I have a ticket in to have my server looked at.
6 Jul 2010

cant login with this

i get the following error on facebook

The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain ( You can configure the base domain in the application's settings.

my base domain is set to

8 Jul 2010

cant login with this

i get the following error on facebook

The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain ( You can configure the base domain in the application's settings.

my base domain is set to

One method of contact is all that is needed.

The problem is how you have your facebook app setup on the facebook side. It must be properly setup for the domain it will be used for. Refer to the screen shots in this post.
8 Jul 2010

I uploaded a patched version that i hope will fix that logout problem.

I can't test it at the moment. My dedicated server is down. Crashed. I have a ticket in to have my server looked at.

not working man. still cant logout

8 Jul 2010

cant login with this

i get the following error on facebook

The Facebook Connect cross-domain receiver URL ( must be in the same domain or be in a subdomain of an application's base domain ( You can configure the base domain in the application's settings.

my base domain is set to

incase anyone else has this issue. my base was set as and it should be just

8 Jul 2010

Yes i know. At the time i did that i could not test becuse my server was down. It apearently did not work. So i am working on another solution.

This bug does not affect all sites. Seems it affects mostly sites that do not have a www prefix on the domain in the inc/ file for the $site['url'] setting.
8 Jul 2010

I just uploaded the new one i am working on.

Download the new one from the market.

Go into admin. facebook connect. and make a backup then uninstall the module.

Then upload new files.

reinstall module and restore backup.
8 Jul 2010

Uninstallation of: Deanos Facebook Connect Failed

-- Changing database: 
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: Can't DROP 'dbcsFacebookProfile'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE `Profiles`DROP `dbcsFacebookProfile`;
-- -- Error: Can't DROP 'dbcsFbNagTime'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE `Profiles`DROP `dbcsFbNagTime`;

8 Jul 2010

I just uploaded the new one i am working on.

Download the new one from the market.

Go into admin. facebook connect. and make a backup then uninstall the module.

Then upload new files.

reinstall module and restore backup.

-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:

-- -- Error: Can't DROP 'dbcsFbLogoutURL'; check that column/key exists

ALTER TABLE `Profiles`DROP `dbcsFbLogoutURL`;

Was this during the uninstall of the old one? If so. Run this from phpMyadmin in your hosts cpanal.

ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `dbcsFbLogoutURL` TEXT NOT NULL ;

Then try the uninstall again.
8 Jul 2010

One problem at a time please. If i can't tell what you have done so far, i will not be able to help.
8 Jul 2010

One problem at a time please. If i can't tell what you have done so far, i will not be able to help.

Ok so i cannot uninstall. so therefore i cannot reinstall new one

I have done what you said in phpadmin

still not working

8 Jul 2010

what is the error during uninstall?

If it was the drop table error you mentioned. Did you run the sql query to put the missing field back in.

If your willing to pm me with access info. I can fix it. Would only take a minute or two.
8 Jul 2010

This guy is amazing!!!!!

Highly recommend.......

8 Jul 2010

Last issue resolved. Found some sites don't properly logout after the call to log out of facebook. I made some more alterations to the module. New version uploaded for those having logout issues with my module.
8 Jul 2010

Deanos Facebook Connect version 3.2 Released.

I have been fighting a logout bug for days now, and i finally believe i have located the problem. Please try the new version. If logout problem persists then please report it here.

Please make sure you follow upgrade procedures at the top of the install instructions included in the mod.
10 Jul 2010

Hi Deano

Were I can change the image size

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

im using the original Facebook Connect button

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
16 Jul 2010

Hi Deano,

I've purchased your Facebook Connect mod but it isn't working for me.

I've installed it (I uninstalled the Boonex one first) but when I try logging in with Facebook Connect, I allow the app on Facebook but instead of redirecting me back to the edit profile, it just hangs and displays a blank white screen. :(

I'm unsure where the problem lies but I'm sure it's probably something simple.

It might also be worth mentioning that despite installing your mod correctly, my site doesn't use the Facebook Connect button you supply in the login box, it still displays the Boonex dropdown 'Basic' or 'Facebook Connect'.

Many thanks,


17 Jul 2010

Hi Deano

Were I can change the image size

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

im using the original Facebook Connect button

It's there. You must have missed it.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>
17 Jul 2010

Hi Deano,

I've purchased your Facebook Connect mod but it isn't working for me.

I've installed it (I uninstalled the Boonex one first) but when I try logging in with Facebook Connect, I allow the app on Facebook but instead of redirecting me back to the edit profile, it just hangs and displays a blank white screen. :(

I'm unsure where the problem lies but I'm sure it's probably something simple.

It might also be worth mentioning that despite installing your mod correctly, my site doesn't use the Facebook Connect button you supply in the login box, it still displays the Boonex dropdown 'Basic' or 'Facebook Connect'.

Many thanks,


Start with the following.

1) Make sure the facebook side is setup correctly. Go here, and edit your application settings and then make sure its setup per the screen shots i provide here.

2) Remove the redirects from the facebook connect config and see if that makes a difference.

I will also need the url to your site so i can do a test login. You can PM me with it if you don't wish to post it publicly.
17 Jul 2010

Hi Deano,

I've purchased your Facebook Connect mod but it isn't working for me.

I've installed it (I uninstalled the Boonex one first) but when I try logging in with Facebook Connect, I allow the app on Facebook but instead of redirecting me back to the edit profile, it just hangs and displays a blank white screen. :(

I'm unsure where the problem lies but I'm sure it's probably something simple.

It might also be worth mentioning that despite installing your mod correctly, my site doesn't use the Facebook Connect button you supply in the login box, it still displays the Boonex dropdown 'Basic' or 'Facebook Connect'.

Many thanks,


Start with the following.

1) Make sure the facebook side is setup correctly. Go here, and edit your application settings and then make sure its setup per the screen shots i provide here.

2) Remove the redirects from the facebook connect config and see if that makes a difference.

I will also need the url to your site so i can do a test login. You can PM me with it if you don't wish to post it publicly.

Hi Deano, I've sent you a PM. All set up as instructed and removing the redirects made no difference.

Many thanks, Geoff.

17 Jul 2010

Hi Deano,

I've purchased your Facebook Connect mod but it isn't working for me.

I've installed it (I uninstalled the Boonex one first) but when I try logging in with Facebook Connect, I allow the app on Facebook but instead of redirecting me back to the edit profile, it just hangs and displays a blank white screen. :(

I'm unsure where the problem lies but I'm sure it's probably something simple.

It might also be worth mentioning that despite installing your mod correctly, my site doesn't use the Facebook Connect button you supply in the login box, it still displays the Boonex dropdown 'Basic' or 'Facebook Connect'.

Many thanks,


Start with the following.

1) Make sure the facebook side is setup correctly. Go here, and edit your application settings and then make sure its setup per the screen shots i provide here.

2) Remove the redirects from the facebook connect config and see if that makes a difference.

I will also need the url to your site so i can do a test login. You can PM me with it if you don't wish to post it publicly.

Hi Deano, I've sent you a PM. All set up as instructed and removing the redirects made no difference.

Many thanks, Geoff.

It hangs when facebook returns. It may be due to your site using a IP rather than a domain name. I will have to run some tests involving setting up a ip based server and see what happens. This will take some time.
17 Jul 2010


Got the application working I send you a couple of emails not long ago. Now wile testing it I found an issues with the avatar picture not been transfer to the website, it transfers a gray empty picture.

do you have any info on how to fix that ????

by the way, the link to support on the products page is missing the /unity/ and comes out as bad ;-)

19 Jul 2010

This issue with the picture is site specific. It's happens on very few sites so the problem has not yet been found.

While testing, remove the redirect to pedit after join so it reverts to the way the boonex version works which passes the image it gets from facebook directly to the avatar cropping tool. And see if the image appears for cropping.

It seems some sites are not able to fetch the image from facebook. I am still trying to find out why.

Most likley i will need someone to let me work on it from their server because at this point in time i am unable to reproduce the problem on either of my test sites.
19 Jul 2010

Hi Deano!

Sorry I for got about this topic but in wat part is that code on wat html


Hi Deano

Were I can change the image size

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

im using the original Facebook Connect button

It's there. You must have missed it.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
19 Jul 2010

This issue with the picture is site specific. It's happens on very few sites so the problem has not yet been found.

While testing, remove the redirect to pedit after join so it reverts to the way the boonex version works which passes the image it gets from facebook directly to the avatar cropping tool. And see if the image appears for cropping.

It seems some sites are not able to fetch the image from facebook. I am still trying to find out why.

Most likley i will need someone to let me work on it from their server because at this point in time i am unable to reproduce the problem on either of my test sites.

hey sure I will let you test on mine, I did the trouble shouting you mention before and it didnt work. Something else the regular app work and got the pics before. Any ways, I will allow you to test on mine just pm me so you can tell me exacly what you need and I will provide you with the codes

19 Jul 2010

Hi Deano!

Sorry I for got about this topic but in wat part is that code on wat html


Hi Deano

Were I can change the image size

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

im using the original Facebook Connect button

It's there. You must have missed it.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img width="167" height="24" border="0" src="http://mysite/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>

The file the button code is in is inc\ and it in the instructions included with the mod. In the new version i just remove the width and height settings. If left out it will work with any size button.
19 Jul 2010

Sweet new Version do you add tha language key for the profile info

The file the button code is in is inc\ and it in the instructions included with the mod. In the new version i just remove the width and height settings. If left out it will work with any size button.

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
19 Jul 2010

Yes. There are two new language keys. One for the profile info required text and another for the link text.
19 Jul 2010

Thank's man you the best i See you don't for got about my request Wiipii

Yes. There are two new language keys. One for the profile info required text and another for the link text.

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
19 Jul 2010

Deanos Facebook Connect version 3.3 released.

This version hopefully fixes a problem with retrieving the avatar from facebook. For those having this problem, please try the new version. You can down load it here.

Please follow the update instructions included with the mod. Make a backup and uninstall mod before uploading new one.

Also included in this version are 2 additional language keys for the profile info required page.
19 Jul 2010

hey sure I will let you test on mine, I did the trouble shouting you mention before and it didnt work. Something else the regular app work and got the pics before. Any ways, I will allow you to test on mine just pm me so you can tell me exacly what you need and I will provide you with the codes

I may not need to. I believe the problem has been found. Please try the latest version i uploaded last night. Follow update instructions included with the mod.
19 Jul 2010

I just downloaded and am installing on site.. will be up to test shortly

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
19 Jul 2010

I just downloaded and am installing on site.. will be up to test shortly

The newest version 3.3.0 ROCKS! Informs members to complete more of their profile information! Excellent changes...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
19 Jul 2010

agree Deano is doing everything good for us

will be nice to add the inviter for facebook

Good Work Deano

I just downloaded and am installing on site.. will be up to test shortly

The newest version 3.3.0 ROCKS! Informs members to complete more of their profile information! Excellent changes...

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
19 Jul 2010

It work, thanks a lot ;-)

19 Jul 2010


I am getting this error and some of my members also

Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 7: couldn't connect to host thrown in /home/ewollyco/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 511

do you know what it could be??

22 Jul 2010

Line 511 in facebook.php is the facebook API. This is not my code. It's facebooks API code. The exception is occurring in the function that makes requests to facebook. Given that this code is part of the facebook API i will not be able to do anything with that.

Does it happen all the time or only occasionally?

One thing you should try is to make sure your logged off your site, then log into facebook and go to the application settings page. This url!/editapps.php?ref=mb

Look for your sites app and remove it.

Log out of facebook, clear your browser's cache and close the browser. This should reset things. Then open your browser, go to your site and try again.
22 Jul 2010

Wow its working great.Laughing

The automatic avatar crop tool is excellent.

Its possible to automatic add profile photo?

Mr Deano, Can you please add this feature?Wink

27 Jul 2010

I will look into that as a possible future update.
6 Aug 2010

Version 3.4 Released.

This is just a bug fix release to take care of a few problems. There is only one new feature in this version. The ability to add the photo to the photo album instead of just the avatar which was a requested feature is not in this version. It may be added to the next version. I just wanted to get this version out to correct a install issue.

Version release notes:

Aug 1, 2010 - Fixed several problems dealing with facebook cookies.
Aug 3, 2010 - Added ability to match existing dolphin profiles to facebook account if email address matches.
Aug 21, 2010 - Fixed bug. Install process not recompiling page cache so my new page was not properly displaying unless cache was manually cleared.
Aug 21, 2010 - Moved optional facebook connect button into modules images folder
Aug 21, 2010 - Removed templates folder from archive. With move of button image, this no longer needed.
Aug 21, 2010 - Released Version 3.4
21 Aug 2010

Does this mod allow you to join using other sites besides Facebook such as Twitter, Linkedn etc.?

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
28 Aug 2010


Does this mod allow you to join using other sites besides Facebook such as Twitter, Linkedn etc.?

Nope. Facebook only.
28 Aug 2010

How can a make updates from my admin panel with out coming here

for new updates



Version 3.4 Released.

This is just a bug fix release to take care of a few problems. There is only one new feature in this version. The ability to add the photo to the photo album instead of just the avatar which was a requested feature is not in this version. It may be added to the next version. I just wanted to get this version out to correct a install issue.

Version release notes:

Aug 1, 2010 - Fixed several problems dealing with facebook cookies.
Aug 3, 2010 - Added ability to match existing dolphin profiles to facebook account if email address matches.
Aug 21, 2010 - Fixed bug. Install process not recompiling page cache so my new page was not properly displaying unless cache was manually cleared.
Aug 21, 2010 - Moved optional facebook connect button into modules images folder
Aug 21, 2010 - Removed templates folder from archive. With move of button image, this no longer needed.
Aug 21, 2010 - Released Version 3.4


Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
28 Aug 2010

You can't.
28 Aug 2010

 Please Update this page

I am not sure what should i enter in this field.

  [Canvas Page   The base URL of your application on Facebook ]

My Application book mark still blank just show my App name only.  without link to my App

any one help please.

8 Sep 2010

You put nothing there. The canvas section is under the Facebook integration now, but all fields that are on my canvas page screenshot are still valid on the current setup if they exist. A couple of fields have been removed but for those that are there, it still matches.

Nothing is to be entered in the canvas section and canvas type is set to iframe, and iframe size is set to scrollbars.

I will update screen shots soon.
8 Sep 2010

Screen shots showing the proper setup of the facebook application have been updated to match the new configuration pages facebook is using.

I am also showing a common error message from facebook in these new screenshots, and the reason for the error.

12 Sep 2010

Hi Dean,


I just purchased this Mod and noticed:

1) It pulls hometown not current city

2) It pulls the rather than the members actual email address.

3) If a member edits profile info, the next time they log on, it is reset with FB info--which is not always a good thing. For Instance, if the FB user has "Country" not filled in on Facebook, the profile info on my site defaults to the first city on the list.

20 Sep 2010


Hi Dean,


I just purchased this Mod and noticed:

1) It pulls hometown not current city

2) It pulls the rather than the members actual email address.

3) If a member edits profile info, the next time they log on, it is reset with FB info--which is not always a good thing. For Instance, if the FB user has "Country" not filled in on Facebook, the profile info on my site defaults to the first city on the list.

1) The new API is able to obtain both. I will correct that in the next update.

2) Will return real email address only if member allows extended permissions. If you had used a previous facebook connect that used the older api, you may need to go to your facebook account  Under account->Application settings from the menu and remove your site from the list. Logout and log back into your site, and it should prompt for extended permissions.

3) I will look into the reset. It should not be doing that. But country is also not returned by facebooks new API even if it is entered on facebook. So it does default to the first on the list.
20 Sep 2010

I just checked on the reset.

Changed all information on my site.

Logged out and then back in with facebook connect. The information was not reset. It remained what i had set it to. Cannot duplicate the issue.
20 Sep 2010



Hi Dean,


I just purchased this Mod and noticed:

1) It pulls hometown not current city

2) It pulls the rather than the members actual email address.

3) If a member edits profile info, the next time they log on, it is reset with FB info--which is not always a good thing. For Instance, if the FB user has "Country" not filled in on Facebook, the profile info on my site defaults to the first city on the list.

1) The new API is able to obtain both. I will correct that in the next update.

2) Will return real email address only if member allows extended permissions. If you had used a previous facebook connect that used the older api, you may need to go to your facebook account  Under account->Application settings from the menu and remove your site from the list. Logout and log back into your site, and it should prompt for extended permissions.

3) I will look into the reset. It should not be doing that. But country is also not returned by facebooks new API even if it is entered on facebook. So it does default to the first on the list.

1) Ok thank you.

2) I didn't use an older FB Connect. Nevertheless, this is happening with new Members signing up to my site.

3) Is that a FB thing--meaning is it possible to return the Country? Ok- so if a member logs in with FB Connect, then edits his profile on my site, then logs in again on another day, who wins, FB or my site, in terms of profile info?

20 Sep 2010

I removed my site/app from FB account and re-connected,  it still pulled the app+xxxx email address.

20 Sep 2010

Nevermind-- I had to remove the member from my site as well, and when did FB Connect again-- pulled real email.


Please advise when update for 'Current City' will be available--and if it could possibly also pull Country.


Thank you

20 Sep 2010


As i purchased deanos facebook mod long time ago all was working good , i mean i set the application in the facebook following step by step in the screenshot and it was working fine , but yesterday i noticed when i click GO TO APPLICATION it doesn't log me into my site but it only send me to the Home Page !

Is this the facebook playing again or something else am doing wrong !

Note :

I installed also a new facebook mod purchased from modsfordolphin but i didn't do no changes at all to deanos step by step settings in the facebook !

Of course i puted my site and the base site and so on...


Help pls thanks .

Proud Hosted by
21 Sep 2010


Of course i puted my site and the base site and so on...


Help pls thanks .

I don't know what that means. But if you made absolutely no changes to the facebook application then there is no reason why it would simply stop working.

Try making sure your logged out of facebook, delete your browser cookies and cache, close browser, then reopen and try again.

You will also want to make sure you are running the latest version of my mod which is version 3.4 which fixes some cookie bugs.

when i click GO TO APPLICATION it doesn't log me into my site but it only send me to the Home Page !
I also do not know what this means. My mod has a facebook connect button. I don't know what GO TO APPLICATION means. I need a better explanation, or message me the URL to you site so i can try logging in.
21 Sep 2010

Ok , first of all your connect button is working fine :) there's no problem with it at all !

But what am talking about is my application that i did create in facebook ! before the facebook member can log in to my site and sign automaticly by using my application just by clicking GO TO APPLICATION and then they log into member area without passing through the registration process ...


But now when ever they click Go to Application ( mean my application in the facebook ) it direct them only to the home page of my site without registring them automaticly as it use to do before ...

I wish u understand a bit what am meaning ...

Thanks for taking ur time reading this .


Proud Hosted by
22 Sep 2010

Ah, yes i understand now.

I don't know. Perhaps a facebook change. That has never worked at all for me. I'll see if there is a change that can be made.
22 Sep 2010

Ok. i am still testing this for a few hours to make sure i won't cause a problem, but does seem to work.

Edit your facebook application.

On the website tab in the site url field is your sites URL.

Change the


This should log you in using the go to application button on the facebook apps profile page.

I just need to keep a eye on this for a few hours to make sure it does not affect the use of the button on the web site itself.
22 Sep 2010

Thank you man , it works like a charm , no problema at all ;)

That's the way the support it should be , quick and effective !

I appreciate your help .

Peace .


Proud Hosted by
23 Sep 2010

Hi Deano,


Looks like Im having the same issue. If in FB clicking on the app link should automatically log you in to my site, but it doesn't . I tried that link you gave Eli but it still doesn't do anything.

It used to work fine--wonder if FB changed something?

27 Sep 2010

I tried for it works..?

27 Sep 2010

I don't have any other suggestions. Pointing the url directly to the modules logon page was the method i found that had any affect on the go to application link.
28 Sep 2010


I wonder if this module is always useful for the Dolphin version 7.0.3 or better to use the default module provided by BoonEx

Thank you

Free Dating Site on:
1 Oct 2010

Mine has more features, but it's your choice.
1 Oct 2010


so I stay with your module

Free Dating Site on:
1 Oct 2010

My Facebook Connect patched for Dolphin 7.0.3.

Minor fix for saving and restoring settings. To update just upload the new files. There is no need to uninstall and reinstall the module unless your updating from a older version.
1 Oct 2010

Thank you Deano now it works perfectly with the new version

Free Dating Site on:
2 Oct 2010

A new version of my Facebook connect module will be released late Saturday or sometime Sunday.

3 New features will be added to this new version.

1) Set Facebook photo as dolphin profile photo.

2) Set a single or a comma delimited list of profiles ids that are to be added as friends of the newly created account. (Auto Friend like MySpace)

3) Account activation email sent to email address of new account. Will have a customizable email template that will be in dolphins normal email template section.
8 Oct 2010

New Version of Deanos Facebook Connect just released. Version 3.5.

Includes 3 new features.

1) Now adds facebook photo to profile photos.

2) Has separate email templates for profile activation and confirmation.

3) Auto friend adding. Like tom on MySpace. Automatically add friends to the newly created account.

If updating from a previous version, follow update instructions included with the mod in Install Instructions.txt
9 Oct 2010

Hi Deano, I have your FaceBook Connect mod (v3.5 - D7.0.3) and I am very pleased with it.

Q. Is there a possible conflict if I install your redirect Mod?


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Oct 2010


Hi Deano, I have your FaceBook Connect mod (v3.5 - D7.0.3) and I am very pleased with it.

Q. Is there a possible conflict if I install your redirect Mod?


No. My redirect mod works only with the standard login. The Facebook connect mod has it's own redirects.
13 Oct 2010


I just install this module and have this error in a fresh 7.0.3

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: Error validating access token. thrown in /mysitehome/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 453

When I try to login via FB connect

Any help?

13 Oct 2010



I just install this module and have this error in a fresh 7.0.3

Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: Error validating access token. thrown in /mysitehome/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 453

When I try to login via FB connect

Any help?

Oauth errors are caused by facebook cookie problems. The solution has already been provided here in the forum already.

I will repeat here.

1) Log out of facebook.

2) Clear your browser cookies.

3) Close your browser.

Now try again.
13 Oct 2010

I have a fresh 7.0.3 install and installed the newest FB connect..

Now have this error coming in emails Query: SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `dbcsFacebookProfile`='100000392012688' limit 1 Mysql error: Unknown column 'dbcsFacebookProfile' in 'where clause' Found error in the file '/home/newton27/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php' at line 337. Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
15 Oct 2010

That field is in the install script so i suspect the install did not complete. Run this in phpMyAdmin to put it in.

ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `dbcsFacebookProfile` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL ;

Then uninstall the mod and reinstall it. There are 2 other profile fields and if those are missing as well, the module will not work correctly.
15 Oct 2010


I found a VERY irritating bug..

1. Alex goes to
2. Alex decide hes too laizy to make a user, so he clicks on "facebook connect" and BAM user is done within seconds...
3. Alex is happy because its easy..

so.. then i found out theres a major bug...

4. The next day, Alex wants to go to YourSite, but hes perhaps not at his own computer, or not logged into facebook... so he goes to try to login with his: Email and password that he uses on facebook... = DONT WORK!!!

P.s. This makes me wonder, is this a bug in the script, or did facebook do this on purpose to make sure people always visit facebook?

15 Oct 2010



I found a VERY irritating bug..

1. Alex goes to
2. Alex decide hes too laizy to make a user, so he clicks on "facebook connect" and BAM user is done within seconds...
3. Alex is happy because its easy..

so.. then i found out theres a major bug...

4. The next day, Alex wants to go to YourSite, but hes perhaps not at his own computer, or not logged into facebook... so he goes to try to login with his: Email and password that he uses on facebook... = DONT WORK!!!

P.s. This makes me wonder, is this a bug in the script, or did facebook do this on purpose to make sure people always visit facebook?

That is not a bug. Passwords are randomly generated when connecting through facebook connect.

Why, because it is not possible to retrieve the facebook password. Thats common sense. That would be a serious security risk if getting the password used on facebook was as easy as asking facebook connect for it.

So if you want your members to log on via the standard logon then they have to set a username they prefer and a password when they are taken to the profile editor after connect via facebook.
15 Oct 2010


That field is in the install script so i suspect the install did not complete. Run this in phpMyAdmin to put it in.

ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `dbcsFacebookProfile` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL ;

Then uninstall the mod and reinstall it. There are 2 other profile fields and if those are missing as well, the module will not work correctly.

did that..

got this in return

#1060 - Duplicate column name 'dbcsFacebookProfile'

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
15 Oct 2010



That field is in the install script so i suspect the install did not complete. Run this in phpMyAdmin to put it in.

ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `dbcsFacebookProfile` BIGINT(20) NOT NULL ;

Then uninstall the mod and reinstall it. There are 2 other profile fields and if those are missing as well, the module will not work correctly.

did that..

got this in return

#1060 - Duplicate column name 'dbcsFacebookProfile'

Then it's already there, so it makes no sence your getting a email that says it's not there.

That will be a tough one to figure out.

So. your getting a email. Now are you doing anything before that. What i mean is something you do triggering it?

I would still uninstall and reinstall anyway. It makes no sence at all.

You also need to show me what you have at line 337 in that module. In my current copy there is nothing at that line that even accessing the database. Again. Makes no sence.
15 Oct 2010
 no more errors so far... FM
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
16 Oct 2010

It had to have been a mysql server glitch. It's the only reason i can think of to explain a error stating a database field does not exist when we know it does exist.
16 Oct 2010

Version 3.6 of my version of Facebook Connect has been released. New features and fixes listed below.

Oct 27, 2010 - Improvements to cookie handling.
Oct 27, 2010 - Change event code for logout. Improve logout of facebook.
Oct 27, 2010 - Added Relationship Status pulled from facebook.
Oct 28, 2010 - Added Favorite Films pulled from movie likes on facebook.
Oct 28, 2010 - Added Favorite Music pulled from music likes on facebook.
Oct 28, 2010 - Added Favorite Books pulled from book likes on facebook.
Oct 28, 2010 - Added Interests pulled from interests on facebook.
28 Oct 2010

great news about the cookies thanks deano

I also have a would you happen to know why facebook comments plug in on the front page, works great except when people post the comment it doesnt show up and their facebook wall even if that have the button checked to do so, I know this is not your mod but was just asking in case you knew a quick fix.


28 Oct 2010


great news about the cookies thanks deano

I also have a would you happen to know why facebook comments plug in on the front page, works great except when people post the comment it doesnt show up and their facebook wall even if that have the button checked to do so, I know this is not your mod but was just asking in case you knew a quick fix.


When i develop a mod, i learn the parts of facebook i need to learn for my mod. So i don't have an answer. Publishing to facebook is a different area of their API.
28 Oct 2010

Hello   I  get  a warning  if  a  try to   login via faceboo and logout the  same


Login :

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectModule.php on line 496

i remove ?> on  ths end but  still the same


Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 493

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 494

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 147

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 148

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 149

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 150

Warning: cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ../../inc/ in ../../inc/ on line 133

i remove ?> on  ths end but  still the same

BxFaceBookConnectModule.php · 47.5K · 669 downloads · 27.5K · 636 downloads · 16.5K · 695 downloads · 36.2K · 803 downloads
15 Nov 2010

I think you mis understood. You need to undo your changes.

You need to remove any blank lines after the closing php tag ?> but do not remove the php tag itself.

So for example lets say you have this at the end of the file.

blank line
blank line
----------- END OF FILE -----------

just remove the blank lines so you have this.
----------- END OF FILE -----------

NOTE: The dashes and end of file marker is just a illustration to try to explain. The files don't actually contain them.
15 Nov 2010

ok  i try agin

in ie8  no worning

in firefox

in Safari I dont now

In chrom i Get the warning  i clear the  cach  form bowser too

15 Nov 2010

I try  agin


only  in  chorme Browser  i get   this  warning   you  no  why?


16 Nov 2010

Try the following.

Open modules\deano\deanos_facebook_connect\classes\BxFaceBookConnectModule.php

Look for this at line 491

function setLogged($iProfileId, $sPassword, $sCallbackUrl = null)
$this ->_oDb ->saveLogoutURL($iProfileId,$this->logoutUrl);
$sCallbackUrl = ($sCallbackUrl) ? $sCallbackUrl : BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
header('location: ' . $sCallbackUrl);

Add the line marked in green to make it look like this.

function setLogged($iProfileId, $sPassword, $sCallbackUrl = null)
$this ->_oDb ->saveLogoutURL($iProfileId,$this->logoutUrl);
$sCallbackUrl = ($sCallbackUrl) ? $sCallbackUrl : BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
header('location: ' . $sCallbackUrl);

Let me know if that corrects the warning message.
16 Nov 2010

Hello. I've installed this module and got this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: name lookup timed out thrown in /home/dateinma/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 516


How can that be fixed? Thank you

16 Nov 2010


Hello. I've installed this module and got this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: name lookup timed out thrown in /home/dateinma/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 516


How can that be fixed? Thank you

Unknown. facebook.php is the facebook api. not my code. Sounds like a DNS lookup when curl is trying to resolve the domian for

Start by asking your host if there are any dns issues. And if your having problems with anything else that might require lookups such as rss feeds or other things on your site that ar not working.
16 Nov 2010

OK . It's working now. Cheers

16 Nov 2010

Hi  i change  the code  with


But the  samre  error line 496 only  in Chrome

i clear the cach   the  cach  off the  browser too


17 Nov 2010

Hi deano


I  found   the  problem   nothing  to do  with your module

it  a misstake in this  module:


I remove it  and fb Connection  work fine

20 Nov 2010

Oh good. Becuse i was having a hell of a time trying to reproduce it. I dowloaded copies of chrome and installed on 3 different machines and still could not reproduce that error.

Well, at least it's now known. Its a free mod, so i'll grab a copy and see why it causing the problem. I may be able to come up with a work around.

But it will wait until after the 7.0.4 dolphin release in a few days.
20 Nov 2010

Hi Deano!

i'm getting this database error installing the facebook connect


Database error in

INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('70', '_dbcs_facebook')

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcs_facebook' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/content/xx/xxxx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.


I unistall the mod and upload againg  but keep getting the same database errro

I don't have the boonex facebook connect mod I don't know why is telling me Duplicate entry '_dbcs_facebook' for key 2

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
24 Nov 2010

Hi Deano,

I  have  a mistake  with this mode  with the version 7.0.3

If  some one  connect  wiith  facebook   the  profil are Unapproved

24 Nov 2010


Hi Deano!

i'm getting this database error installing the facebook connect


Database error in

INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('70', '_dbcs_facebook')

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcs_facebook' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/content/xx/xxxx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.


I unistall the mod and upload againg  but keep getting the same database errro

I don't have the boonex facebook connect mod I don't know why is telling me Duplicate entry '_dbcs_facebook' for key 2

Uninstall the mod.

Then search language keys for _dbcs_facebook and remove any found then reinstall mod.
24 Nov 2010


Hi Deano,

I  have  a mistake  with this mode  with the version 7.0.3

If  some one  connect  wiith  facebook   the  profil are Unapproved

Is your site configured to require approval for normal signups?
24 Nov 2010

hi Deano!


I found all this key




_dbcs_facebook ()

_dbcs_facebook_settings ()

_dbcs_facebook_information ()

_dbcs_facebook_information_block ()


_dbcs_facebook_profile_exist ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_not_defined ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_error_info ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_error_api_keys ()



when I select all to delete is not letting me delete these key I select one and click delete still not letting me to delete

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
24 Nov 2010


hi Deano!


I found all this key





_dbcs_facebook ()

_dbcs_facebook_settings ()

_dbcs_facebook_information ()

_dbcs_facebook_information_block ()


_dbcs_facebook_profile_exist ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_not_defined ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_error_info ()

_dbcs_facebook_profile_error_api_keys ()



when I select all to delete is not letting me delete these key I select one and click delete still not letting me to delete

I can't help with that one. There is something wrong with dolphin preventing the language keys from being removed. And i have no clue what would cause that.
24 Nov 2010


are you serious so who is going to help me with this so I can install the facebook connect


I don't have no facebook connect install on my site the one from you is not install the one from booenx is not install two

so I don't understand why I have these keys when I don't have no facebook connect install on my site that's is ridiculous when you have some key from no where

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
24 Nov 2010

I am not laughing. And i am quite serious. You can't delete them even from admin in the language settings, so how do you expect me to remove them when you can't even do it from admin.

Try finding them in the database and removing them that way then recompile your modules languages.

Have you even done some language key tests, like removeing some keys for other mods, creating new keys and then removing them, anything to see whats going on with the language system.
24 Nov 2010

I remove all these language key in my database but still geting database error WTH


This is funny only your mods is giving me data base error I try to install the facebook inviter two and doing the same thing


Database error in mysite


INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('71', '_dbcs_fbc_Restore')

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcs_fbc_Restore' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/content/xx/xx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.






Database error in mysite


INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('71', '_dbcs_FI_bx_FBFriendInviter')
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcs_FI_bx_FBFriendInviter' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/content/xxx/xxxxx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
24 Nov 2010


Hi Deano,

I  have  a mistake  with this mode  with the version 7.0.3

If  some one  connect  wiith  facebook   the  profil are Unapproved

Is your site configured to require approval for normal signups?

How  to sheek  this  im not  sure?

25 Nov 2010

My facebook connect mod was updated yesterday to correct a glitch creating new accounts on dolphin 7.0.4

Also added a option in the configuration to allow the built in email address matching on new account creation to be disable.
25 Nov 2010



Hi Deano,

I  have  a mistake  with this mode  with the version 7.0.3

If  some one  connect  wiith  facebook   the  profil are Unapproved

Is your site configured to require approval for normal signups?

How  to sheek  this  im not  sure?

Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings.

For fully automatic account activation these should be on. If any of them are off, they effect account activation for both normal signups and facebook connect.

Also in admin->settings->Membership Levels

The setting for Enable promotional membership: should be off.
25 Nov 2010

My Facebook connect updated to 3.6.1. Just a bug fix release to fix an error that occurs when restoring backups on Dolphin 7.0.4
1 Dec 2010

I got an error when trying to change email templates :

Fatal error: Class 'BxDolAlerts' not found in /var/www/placeapart/inc/

  • Facebook profile activation message template.
  • Facebook Profile e-mail confirmation message template

I don't have it when trying to change other email templates ?

3 Dec 2010

Any one that has the 3.6.1 version of my facebook connect will need to download it again. The latest version did not include the install instructions.
5 Dec 2010


I got an error when trying to change email templates :

Fatal error: Class 'BxDolAlerts' not found in /var/www/placeapart/inc/

  • Facebook profile activation message template.
  • Facebook Profile e-mail confirmation message template

I don't have it when trying to change other email templates ?

Determined to be a problem with dolphin. See end of post here.


7 Dec 2010


Hi Deano!

I have a question can member use the same email and password they use on facebook to login to my dolphin site with out using the facebook connect because i have members trying to login to my site using the email and password they use to login in facebook and they don't want to use the facebook connect button  no more when they already create an account on mysite using the facebook connect

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
8 Jan 2011

For reasons that should be obvious, facebook does not provide the password to facebook connect.

So if your members want to logon using the normal logon method, they will have to set a new password in the profile editor(pedit.php). Facebook connect generates a random password.
8 Jan 2011


Just purchased your module. Can we add the Connect with Facebook button somewhere on the index page instead of the login form ?

Imo, it should be easier to see the Facebook connect button for people who don't know.


Your module is awesome and well worth the $20.

Thank you.

9 Jan 2011



Just purchased your module. Can we add the Connect with Facebook button somewhere on the index page instead of the login form ?

Imo, it should be easier to see the Facebook connect button for people who don't know.


Your module is awesome and well worth the $20.

Thank you.

You can place a link anywhere you want. You can even replace the button image. It's just a standard image with a link.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a>
9 Jan 2011

Thank you Deano.


I am trying the OpenInviter extension for Dolphin -


After installing, if anyone visits that link, it shows -


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Facebook in /home/eduevent/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 82

How do I fix this ?


13 Jan 2011

You don't.

That open inviter is including the facebook API class. It can't exist twice. The classes would have to be renamed requiring quite a few rewrites.

So in short. The 2 modules are not compatible.

I will work on a fix for the next version of my facebook connect to eliminate the incompatibility.
13 Jan 2011


You don't.

That open inviter is including the facebook API class. It can't exist twice. The classes would have to be renamed requiring quite a few rewrites.

So in short. The 2 modules are not compatible.

I will work on a fix for the next version of my facebook connect to eliminate the incompatibility.

Thank you Deano. Any ETA on next version and any other new features ?

13 Jan 2011

New version will be available in 1-2 weeks. Lots of new features.

1) Ability to pass facebook info into standard dolphin join form and dolphin then finishes the join process. This feature will unfortunatly bypass a lot of the other features of facebook connect when facebook connect is allowed to create the new account automatically. But many people have been requesting that facebook connect be able to do this.

For when that feature is not used, these additional features will be available in the new version.

1) Country will be imported now.

2) Auto friend any dolphin member who also joined with facebook connect and is in facebook friends list.

3) Option to import facebook photo albums.

4) Option to prompt for password becuse facebook connect by default generates a random one.

5) Option to prompt for new logon ID if prompting for password is also enabled.

6) Option to prompt for new email address if prompting for password is also enabled.

7) Logon ID and password will be sent to new member. Now included in the email templates.

8) A few bug fixes.

However, there will be a $10 price increase on this. So the new price of the mod will be $30. Those that have the older version will be able to get it for $10.

Still trying to figure out how to deal with that. The market here is not capable of upgrade pricing.
13 Jan 2011


Per my email conversation here is the exact error I get when installing your facebook connect...

I faield to remove boonex facebook connect first, installed yours, then uninstalled both to reinstall yours... now



INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('18', '_dbcs_facebook')

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcs_facebook' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/yippity/www/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622.
Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.

13 Jan 2011

Easy fix.

Go into your languages settings. Search for _dbcs_facebook and delete the key.
13 Jan 2011

Those that have the older version will be able to get it for $10

When you say that

You trying to say we have to pay for the update or the people already have pay for this mod can get the update for free with out paying againg

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jan 2011

Had to remove a few more items from languages but got it to install... I then setup API in the config.


Problem I am getting now is error from facebook



An error occurred with *****. Please try again later.

API Error Code: 191

API Error Descirption: The specified URL is not owned by the application

Error Message redirect_uri is not owned by application.

13 Jan 2011


Had to remove a few more items from languages but got it to install... I then setup API in the config.


Problem I am getting now is error from facebook



An error occurred with *****. Please try again later.

API Error Code: 191

API Error Descirption: The specified URL is not owned by the application

Error Message redirect_uri is not owned by application.

That error meens the url you have set in the facebook app on the facebook side does not match the url of your web site. You need to properly setup the facebook side paying close attention to the site URL and Base Domain.

See these screen shots for reference.

There are more options now in the advanced section than what is shown in my current screen shots. Just leave the extras at their defaults, and if that does not work, disable them all. But do set the ones that are shown.
13 Jan 2011


Those that have the older version will be able to get it for $10

When you say that

You trying to say we have to pay for the update or the people already have pay for this mod can get the update for free with out paying againg

Yes or No

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
17 Jan 2011

Yes. That is what it means. $10 for the update. The full price will be $30.

But this may not actually happen. There is no easy way to do upgrade pricing in the market. So this still has not been decided yet.
17 Jan 2011

Deano, what about those of us who just purchased the module within the past 30 days or so? (OK, 37 days to be exact) Will we still be required to pay the $10 upgrade fee? We haven't even had a chance to launch the site with the current version

17 Jan 2011

Hi Deano,


I  Wont aske  you  about the new version ?

27 Jan 2011



            hey I sent you an email about the slashes showing up in profile text fields... turns out it is a bug with the facebook connect mod


only members signing up with facebook connect were getting slashes in the text fields


like it's was showing up it\'s


I added some code that I believe is the fix but will wait and see if I continue to have the issue


I added this line in classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php

around line 66 I added


$sFields= stripslashes($sFields);



       $sFields = preg_replace( '/,$/', '', trim($sFields) );


please let me know if this seems to be a valid fix as I have not tested it yet but I will see with the new connect sign ups






2 Feb 2011




hey I sent you an email about the slashes showing up in profile text fields... turns out it is a bug with the facebook connect mod


only members signing up with facebook connect were getting slashes in the text fields


like it's was showing up it\'s


I added some code that I believe is the fix but will wait and see if I continue to have the issue


I added this line in classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php

around line 66 I added


$sFields= stripslashes($sFields);



$sFields = preg_replace( '/,$/', '', trim($sFields) );


please let me know if this seems to be a valid fix as I have not tested it yet but I will see with the new connect sign ups






I also believe i asked you if it was affecting only facebook connect signups. I you said it was both.

Anyhow. If you look a little above where you added that code you will see this.

$mValue = $this -> escape($mValue);

That is what escapes things before adding to the database.

Just try commenting out that line. like so.

//$mValue = $this -> escape($mValue);

In any case this still seems odd and indicates a improper setting in one of the magic_quotes settings.

But whatever works for you.
3 Feb 2011

one question do you ever make the update or still on line

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
3 Feb 2011

No update yet. Still debugging the new 4.0 version.
3 Feb 2011

All magic quote settings are off


try putting some quotes in the about me field on facebook and use the connect.


I did not realize it was only happening with the FB connect until after we spoke



3 Feb 2011


No update yet. Still debugging the new 4.0 version.

Well, then i better wait for your new version to come out, instead of buying now and then paying 10$ upgrade fee.. rather pay it at once :-) ..

Would be better if you keep it at 20$ though ;-)

4 Feb 2011

We just upgraded to dedicated IP address & SSL cert and started getting these errors ....

Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: name lookup timed out thrown in /home/dateinma/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/facebook.php on line 516


The quality of your support and documentation allowed us to resolve the issue in a matter of minutes. I just wanted to share that we've purchased a couple of mods and are using the tools on our website. I wish Boonex would just license your mods, make them part of the Dolphin code and pay you to write tutorials and documentation! EXCELLENT WORK!!! Not only did everything install without a hitch; We really appreciate the  time & patience put forward  to fully document everything with such great detail!

Gloria Grayson
Project Manager

Gloria Grayson
8 Feb 2011

Version 4 of my Facebook Connect is in final stages of testing.

This version has many new features.

I could use some help testing. I have setup 3 test sites each with facebook connect setup in each of the 3 possible configurations so all of the features can be tested.

Link 1.

This one is setup with the option to transfer photo albums from facebook enabled. So those who have facebook accounts with photo albums are asked to test this link.

Link 2

This one is setup the same as the first one with additional options enabled to prompt for a password and optionally to change logon ID and email address during the account creation process.

Link 3

This one is configured to gather information from facebook and use it to fill out the standard dolphin join form and pass control back to dolphin. This one limits the features of the facebook connect mod as avatar and album transfer and other features do not take place onec control is passed back to dolphin.

If anyone is willing to test out these different configurations, please do.
11 Feb 2011

I think link 2  is the best setup in regards to functionality and simple for user.


Great Work....

11 Feb 2011

I love the link 2

Nice Work Deano Realy Nice Work Man

Wow when they importing photo they get all the photos tranfer to profile and album create automaty to the site two Nice

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
11 Feb 2011

Hey  link  2  is the best  solution

11 Feb 2011

For those that imported photo albums. Could you also verify the following occurred accurately.

1) Did all facebook albums get imported.

2) Did the album privacy settings get set correctly. This one is a bit tricky. Dolphin does not have the same privacy settings as facebook, but should have been set as follows.

If album was set to allow Everyone to view on facebook, then album would be set to public on Dolphin. All other facebook album privacy settings would be set to Friends on dolphin.
12 Feb 2011


maybe sound rushing but now you show this big update and look beautiful and more greate things

do you will post this today the new update so I can download this today and instal lthis on my site can wait to see memebrs all picture on albums


Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
12 Feb 2011


I thing the Facebook Connect is not leting people to visit the store module when I go to see the product using another user using your facebook connect module  I get this

I can't  rate, comment, go to the forum of the produc but  I can see the reviews

Access denied. You must have special permissions to access this area or you are not logged in.
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
12 Feb 2011



maybe sound rushing but now you show this big update and look beautiful and more greate things

do you will post this today the new update so I can download this today and instal lthis on my site can wait to see memebrs all picture on albums


Additional problems were found. Not yet.
12 Feb 2011



I thing the Facebook Connect is not leting people to visit the store module when I go to see the product using another user using your facebook connect module  I get this

I can't  rate, comment, go to the forum of the produc but  I can see the reviews

Access denied. You must have special permissions to access this area or you are not logged in.

Cannot reproduce problem. Does your site have any additional membership levels configured other than the dolphin default membership levels?
12 Feb 2011

I have the default membership create by Dolphin

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
12 Feb 2011


I have the default membership create by Dolphin

And how are the auto approval settings for membership configured for your site.

Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings

Automatic profile activation after joining:

Do not change profile status after editing profile information:

Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email:

What are those set to.

And is your promotional membership level enabled or disabled.
12 Feb 2011



I have the default membership create by Dolphin

And how are the auto approval settings for membership configured for your site.

Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings

Automatic profile activation after joining:

Do not change profile status after editing profile information:

Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email:

What are those set to.

And is your promotional membership level enabled or disabled.

The 3 option from Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings

They all not select

The promotional membership is not set

The reason i don't have this option set is because i'm getting members using fake emails I want only to allow members use the site using real emails

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
12 Feb 2011

Facebook connect sets accounts up the same way the dolphin join form does.

So if your site is configured to required members confirm their email, the facebook ones will be setup the same way. Requiring activation as approval just like the normal signups.

Check the facebook account your having problems with. I am guessing it is not set to active. Most likley still on approval of unconfirmed status.
12 Feb 2011

I check that and I only aprove the members I have waiting on the aproval link on my members list

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
12 Feb 2011

I have tried setting up my site with the same settings and still cannot reproduce the problem.

Looks like i will need access to locate cause.
12 Feb 2011

Just bought the facebook Module and its not working..

Help would be much appreciated

Cannot install module from "deano/deanos_facebook_connect/" directory Failed

14 Feb 2011

You need to click the + to the right side of where it says failed to expand so dolphin will show you the reason why.

The most likley cause of failure would be that you have not set the backup folder to have writable permissions as stated in the install instructions.
14 Feb 2011

I clicked the + and nothing shows up.

The permissions are set to 777 as directed in the instructions.

14 Feb 2011

That does not make sense.

Ok. Describe your install procedure. Step by step.

Did you unpack the zip archive and upload via ftp per the included instructions which is how it is suppose to be done, or are you trying to upload using the uploader built into the modules section in dolphin?
14 Feb 2011

The built in uploader can't be the issue. I just tried to reproduce it.

Looks like your going to need to PM me your sites FTP and admin access info.

Your saying the + does not show you anything, but without knowing a cause, i cannot offer a solution, so i will need access to try and find the cause.
14 Feb 2011

Hi Deano!

like I told you before the facebook connect from link 2 looks better and more easy for users

but on the second step: Would you like to import your Facebook photo albums to this site?

I thing this need to be set mandatory so all the members who use the facebook conenct option they can have profile photo by mandatory and all the photos need to be show in profile two will be nice if you can make the second option to be mandatory so they don't need to press Yes or No


Thank's Deano

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
15 Feb 2011

problen login facebook connect after upgrate boonex 7.5  and  Deanos Facebook Connect 3.6.1

when i try to login it show  Possible security attack!!! All data has been collected and sent to the site owner for analysis.

please advice sir.

21 Feb 2011

Not a facebook connect issue. It's dolphins filters. Check this topic for assistance. Others have had this problem recently in other areas of dolphin after upgrading to 7.0.5.

You can also search the forums for this phrase.

Possible security attack

You should get other posts on this issue as well.

If you can't get the problem resolved, you will get these messages when posting large forum posts, blogs, and a number of other areas in dolphin as well.
21 Feb 2011


I tld you put the new update for the facebook connect i'm very disapointed

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
21 Feb 2011

Couple more days at the most for the update.

Do you want it now or do you want it working properly?

Sorry, but i prefer not to release anything with problems i am aware of. Thats the point of testing.

And the update will not fix the dolphin security attack issue if thats your point.
21 Feb 2011


Couple more days at the most for the update.

Do you want it now or do you want it working properly?

Man if you can send me this I will be glad to install or update this on my site than I will wait for you to finish the last update

so I can translate the language file to spanish if not I can still wait lol

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
21 Feb 2011


Not a facebook connect issue. It's dolphins filters. Check this topic for assistance. Others have had this problem recently in other areas of dolphin after upgrading to 7.0.5.

You can also search the forums for this phrase.

Possible security attack

You should get other posts on this issue as well.

If you can't get the problem resolved, you will get these messages when posting large forum posts, blogs, and a number of other areas in dolphin as well.

ya its true..

can you please help to solve this problem  i mean solve connect with your facebookconnect module?

22 Feb 2011


ya its true..

can you please help to solve this problem  i mean solve connect with your facebookconnect module?

I did. I provided this link in my last post for assistance.

You need to resolve the dolphin security problem by shutting it off. Set the two values mentioned in that topic to -1

As i said. It's not a facebook connect issue. It's a problem with dolphins PHPIDS system which is suppose to be OFF by default in dolphin 7.0.4 and higher because it was determined the PHPIDS is not functioning properly.
22 Feb 2011

Thanks bro...


After set the value -1 Facebook connect is working fine now..

22 Feb 2011

I just changed hosting companies.  Facebook Connect is no longer working.  Any thoughts?


24 Feb 2011

Not really. No longer working does not give me anything to go on.

But i would start by removing the mod after making a backup.

Then make sure all other aspects of the site work. A common problem when changing hosting companies is permission issues. In many cases when moving a site, the permissions that were setup when dolphin was installed are lost and need to be corrected.

Make sure normal signups work and that uploading avatars works and posting of photos. All of these things are used by my facebook connect and need to be operating properly.

Once you have verified all of the sites key features are working, reinstall the module.
24 Feb 2011

I reinstalled and it didn't work.  I do have one glitch I just became aware of.

After logging in, I can't log off

24 Feb 2011

Well, there has to be other problems as well. There is no reason it should just simply stop working after moving the site unless something is wrong somewhere.

Empty the cache, cache_public and tmp folders. Verify all 3 of those folders are writable.

Verify normal signups work.

Verify avatars can be uploaded.

Verify photos can be uploaded.

Oh, and reupload the files for my module incase something was damaged during the move of the site.

If php is logging errors instead of displaying them, then also check those log files for errors.
24 Feb 2011

I cleared all of the cache as you suggested.  Those folders are 777

I added a new profile, photos, avatar, group, forum post....and then deleted them all.

When I couldn't log out, I deleted the profile, which worked...but I still can't log off :-(

24 Feb 2011

You will need to message me site admin and ftp access and i will look when i get some free time. I cannot solve this problem with no error information to go on. I will have to look at things myself.
24 Feb 2011

New version 4.0.0 is finally released. This one is a major rewrite of the previous version with lots of new features. New version can be downloaded here.

Screen shots in the market entry, and i will also post them here.

You can try out the new version on my site.

Deanos Facebook Connect.
Version 4.0.0
  1. Prompts for extended permissions to obtain Email Address if member grants permission.
  2. Allows for the selection of 3 possible usernames to avoid user name conflict.
  3. Has built in backup to backup members Facebook id's and module settings.
  4. Facebook ID field added to member profile information. Allows existing accounts to be tied to a Facebook ID.
  5. Existing dolphin accounts will be tied to a Facebook account automatically when logging in with Facebook if the email address used in dolphin matches the email address used with Facebook.
  6. Allows for redirect to different pages on join and logon.
  7. If redirecting on join, cropping tool will be skipped and avatar will be cropped automatically.
  8. Includes a required profile nag page that can be disabled or set to bug member at preset hourly intervals about missing profile fields.
  9. Adds Facebook photo to members profile photos.
  10. Auto friend adding. A list of member id's can be provided that will be automatically added as friends of the newly created account.
  11. Separate email templates for auto activated members and for those requiring confirmation. The sending of these messages are determined by the moderation setting in dolphin as it is with the standard signup procedure.
  12. Pulls the following information from Facebook if available.
    1. Email Address
    2. Primary Photo
    3. Date of Birth
    4. About Me
    5. Sex
    6. Name
    7. Home Town
    8. Relationship Status
    9. Favorite Films
    10. Favorite Music
    11. Favorite Books
    12. Interests
    13. Country
  13. Nickname and password sent to new users via the email templates when account is created.
  14. You can now select what Facebook permissions you want Facebook connect to prompt for.
  15. Import of Facebook photo albums.
  16. You can also just have the Facebook info passed to the standard dolphin join form and dolphin can finish the signup process as normal.
    1. NOTE: This feature not available on dolphin 7.0.0

IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Dean Bassett Jr. ( and cannot be modified other than personal use.
This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Dean Bassett Jr.
Screen Shots Below.
Screenshot of Optional Facebook connect button on logon form.
See install instructions on how to install this optional button.
Screenshot of optional Facebook Connect button in promo area.
See install instructions on how to install this optional button.
Screenshot of Facebook Connect Admin Settings
Facebook Connect prompting for password. (If option is on)
Facebook Connect prompting to import albums (If option is on)
Facebook Connect while importing albums
Facebook Connect completed signup process
Informing member their profile is incomplete (If option not diabled)
Facebook ID field in profile edit.
Facebook ID field in Join Form.
28 Feb 2011


Nice update

Thanks a lot Deano been waiting for this man

Thank you

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
28 Feb 2011

Thanks  for the Update


But  have a strange mistake.

if  i try ro connect with facebook

I get the request   from facebook about  the  app (Application ID and Application Secret are ok)

but it's not working??


if  i try  with internet  explorer i get   the  js  error



Message: Object doesn't support this property or method

Line: 4

Char: 3

Code: 0


2 Mar 2011

cant join ur site via fb connect.... white screen appears....
2 Mar 2011

I try  differnt  way  without  passwort  id   email ....

now  I try  it  agin   with passwort ....

but  still the same  now  the wihte screen is  done   but style no  work

cant join ur site via fb connect.... white screen appears....


2 Mar 2011

Just do not see any differences with the default version of facebook connect. Default 'version differs from this only that it does not import album? It turns out people are paying $ 30 for the transfer of album titles! :)

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
2 Mar 2011

As discussed earlier, will this version work with OpenInviter extension ?


2 Mar 2011

i try   with the  facebook  connection modul from Boonex

i get  a problem to connect  to

error I dont now


Cant't define your profile information

Just do not see any differences with the default version of facebook connect. Default 'version differs from this only that it does not import album? It turns out people are paying $ 30 for the transfer of album titles! :)


2 Mar 2011


i try   with the  facebook  connection modul from Boonex

i get  a problem to connect  to

error I dont now



Cant't define your profile information

Just do not see any differences with the default version of facebook connect. Default 'version differs from this only that it does not import album? It turns out people are paying $ 30 for the transfer of album titles! :)


We had to turn to someone from boonexers here. You would anyone need help

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
2 Mar 2011

I just installed the module, but I'm getting a blank screen after I hit the connect button.  Any suggestions?

2 Mar 2011

PM me with your site details. I will take a look.
2 Mar 2011


As discussed earlier, will this version work with OpenInviter extension ?


2 Mar 2011

Hello. Everything was working fine till now . I've got 3 my own profiles on my website. I always login using facebook and then facebook connect button on my website. I was trying to login  today and instead of my profile I'm getting profile of the last person who joined my website. It's happening with all my 3 profiles. It's strange because I'm using different usernames and passwords but it still connect with the same profile. Nothing was changed on my website. Do you know what can be wrong with it? Thank you for help

2 Mar 2011


Hello. Everything was working fine till now . I've got 3 my own profiles on my website. I always login using facebook and then facebook connect button on my website. I was trying to login  today and instead of my profile I'm getting profile of the last person who joined my website. It's happening with all my 3 profiles. It's strange because I'm using different usernames and passwords but it still connect with the same profile. Nothing was changed on my website. Do you know what can be wrong with it? Thank you for help

Check email addresses on all 3 of those profiles. Are thay the same or different?
2 Mar 2011

Make sure you have the API setup correctly with Facebook. I had the same issues where it didnt release my info....and I signed in using facebook connect with a different profile and it showed me as the user logged in as well as all of my it was like I hadn't even logged out.

Once you do that...clear your cache and recompile the modules. I haven't had an issue since and I have Deanos Facebook Connect module.

2 Mar 2011

Emails are different Deano.

2 Mar 2011


Make sure you have the API setup correctly with Facebook. I had the same issues where it didnt release my info....and I signed in using facebook connect with a different profile and it showed me as the user logged in as well as all of my it was like I hadn't even logged out.

Once you do that...clear your cache and recompile the modules. I haven't had an issue since and I have Deanos Facebook Connect module.

Hello. I've checked that and everything is fine. Facebook Connect still doesn't work properly. Thx

2 Mar 2011



Make sure you have the API setup correctly with Facebook. I had the same issues where it didnt release my info....and I signed in using facebook connect with a different profile and it showed me as the user logged in as well as all of my it was like I hadn't even logged out.

Once you do that...clear your cache and recompile the modules. I haven't had an issue since and I have Deanos Facebook Connect module.

Hello. I've checked that and everything is fine. Facebook Connect still doesn't work properly. Thx

Check all 3 profiles. Check the facebook id field.

If those are all different as well, pm me access so i can find the cause.
2 Mar 2011

Update version 4.0.1 just released. Problem found thats been causing the blank white page that many have reported with the 4.0.0 version.
2 Mar 2011

I make  the Update to 4.0.1

The request   to facebook  is better  and faster now  :)

2 Mar 2011

Is it from the Facebook button and PSD files? I wanted to change the language on it!

Sorry for my English!
3 Mar 2011

Just bought ur mod... working good :)))
3 Mar 2011


Is it from the Facebook button and PSD files? I wanted to change the language on it!

I think if you google this you will fine more facebook connecy buttons with PSD files

and you can do anything you like or change the text

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3 Mar 2011

The buttons i provide are just PNG files.

I will eventually be switching to this button set. So you can check these out if you like.
3 Mar 2011

Thats cool. I have the I am using my own Facebook connect button and just replaced the one you included Deano with mine. Works great.

3 Mar 2011


The buttons i provide are just PNG files.

I will eventually be switching to this button set. So you can check these out if you like.

M using this one....

download attachemnt...

fb.png · 14.9K · 562 views
3 Mar 2011

What bout those who joined the site before this updated mod.... how can they import their facebook albums????
3 Mar 2011


What bout those who joined the site before this updated mod.... how can they import their facebook albums????

They don't. It's part of the signup process. It can't be done after.
3 Mar 2011

As signup process gets completed in a few steps, is there any way to incorporate another mandatory step to invite user's friends using aramis openinviter mod??
4 Mar 2011


As signup process gets completed in a few steps, is there any way to incorporate another mandatory step to invite user's friends using aramis openinviter mod??

You can just make the final redirect to go to that page instead of the default pedit.php

Change that setting in the config.
4 Mar 2011

can't we improve the quality of images imported from facebook????
4 Mar 2011


can't we improve the quality of images imported from facebook????

Facebook connect just passes the images to dolphin. It has nothing to do with the quality of the images. So there are no settings within facebook connect to control that. Look up image quality in the forums here. You will find other topics on poor image quality in dolphin.
4 Mar 2011

Deano could you reply to my pm?

5 Mar 2011


Deano could you reply to my pm?

I did.

I sent you a request for more information. I Need full details of all 3 accounts. Dolphin ID of each account. The 2 that are yours, and the one that you get logged into by mistake. I also need the facebook ID if each of those accounts.

I also need FTP access. Your site is running a version of FB connect that is two versions down from my latest. It needs to be upgraded to eliminate a couple of known bugs.
5 Mar 2011

I just sent you another PM again requesting information.

If your not getting my PM's here then try my email address.

deano92964 at
5 Mar 2011

when it prompts the user to choose password,username and mail address can i add 'country' field too as fb connect alwez show wrong country aftr fb connect
6 Mar 2011

Not as easy as you might think. In order to interrupt the sign-up process like that, previous gathered info needs to be stored, then retrieved after return from the form. The form itself also is a bit complicated due to its dynamic design and built-in error checking.

So adding that will require a great deal of code changes. I will have to look into it.

I however am working on a way of obtaining accurate country information anyway for the next release. It appears the locale from facebook is not accurate.
6 Mar 2011



can't we improve the quality of images imported from facebook????

Facebook connect just passes the images to dolphin. It has nothing to do with the quality of the images. So there are no settings within facebook connect to control that. Look up image quality in the forums here. You will find other topics on poor image quality in dolphin.

This post helped me on this issue....
8 Mar 2011

I got this Database error message ( the email start with INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = 'Kylian', `Email` = '**********', `FirstName` = 'Kylian', :..)

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Kylian' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/youdanzc/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


Can it be because this Nickname "Kylian" exist already ?


8 Mar 2011

Today one user joined widout user id and email address.... can we make these two fields mandatory in ur fb connect??

also can we add country block there??????


looks at screenshot plz...

Capture.JPG · 59.3K · 461 views
8 Mar 2011


I got this Database error message ( the email start with INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = 'Kylian', `Email` = '**********', `FirstName` = 'Kylian', :..)

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Kylian' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/youdanzc/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


Can it be because this Nickname "Kylian" exist already ?


Possible. Normally cannot occure. Checks are in place to prevent that. How do your have it configured? If your using the 4.0 version, are you prompting to allow members to change that during signup or not?

Uses settings from dolphin, make sure they are set to mandatory in the join form. Admin->Builders->Profile fields then join form. Make sure nickname and email address are set mandatory and unique.
8 Mar 2011


Today one user joined widout user id and email address.... can we make these two fields mandatory in ur fb connect??

also can we add country block there??????


looks at screenshot plz...

Those fields are supposed to be mandatory. Uses settings from dolphin, make sure they are set to mandatory in the join form. Admin->Builders->Profile fields then join form. Make sure nickname and email address are set mandatory and unique.

As for the country. You already asked, and i answered. It will be to complex to add that now. A solution will be provided in the next version.
8 Mar 2011

I got again the same database error from one other user trying to join:

INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = 'Christophe', `Email` = '*********', `FirstName` = 'Christophe', `LastName` = '*******', `Sex` = 'male', `DateOfBirth` = '**********', `Password` = '************', `DescriptionMe` = '', `FavoriteBooks` = '', `Interests` = '', `FavoriteFilms` = '', `FavoriteMusic` = '', `Religion` = '', `RelationshipStatus` = '', `City` = 'Goussainville', `Country` = 'FR', `zip` = '', `Role` = '1', `dbcsFacebookProfile` = '*********', `DateReg` = '2011-03-08 02:39:32'

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Christophe' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/youdanzc/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


Any advice ?

8 Mar 2011


I got again the same database error from one other user trying to join:

INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = 'Christophe', `Email` = '*********', `FirstName` = 'Christophe', `LastName` = '*******', `Sex` = 'male', `DateOfBirth` = '**********', `Password` = '************', `DescriptionMe` = '', `FavoriteBooks` = '', `Interests` = '', `FavoriteFilms` = '', `FavoriteMusic` = '', `Religion` = '', `RelationshipStatus` = '', `City` = 'Goussainville', `Country` = 'FR', `zip` = '', `Role` = '1', `dbcsFacebookProfile` = '*********', `DateReg` = '2011-03-08 02:39:32'

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Christophe' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/youdanzc/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


Any advice ?

Please answer my previous question. How is it configured, are you allowing members to set a nickname at signup, and if so, do you have you checked the join form settings for mandatory setting?
8 Mar 2011

If you do have the prompting for nickname and email on, then try shutting them off. They can change the nickname later if they don't like it.
8 Mar 2011



I got this Database error message ( the email start with INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = 'Kylian', `Email` = '**********', `FirstName` = 'Kylian', :..)

Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Kylian' for key 2

Found error in the file '/home/youdanzc/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


Can it be because this Nickname "Kylian" exist already ?


Possible. Normally cannot occure. Checks are in place to prevent that. How do your have it configured? If your using the 4.0 version, are you prompting to allow members to change that during signup or not?

Uses settings from dolphin, make sure they are set to mandatory in the join form. Admin->Builders->Profile fields then join form. Make sure nickname and email address are set mandatory and unique.

I posted my 2nd message at the same time that you posted your answer to my 1st one.


Your mod version on my site is 4.0.1. ( dolphin version is 7.0.4 )

I am not prompting to allow members to change that during signup. I just use the "Prompt for a password on join"


Nickname and email are already set as "mandatory" and "unique"

8 Mar 2011

It should not matter if the name exists or not. Facebook connect is not suppose to attempt to create an account if the name is already taken.

PM me with your site URL. I will signup and see if i can duplicate it.
8 Mar 2011

I also got a similar error to jpl1er



INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = '', `Email` = '', `FirstName` = 'Maria', `LastName` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', `Sex` = 'female', `DateOfBirth` = '1973-10-13', `Password` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', `DescriptionMe` = '', `FavoriteBooks` = '', `Interests` = '', `FavoriteFilms` = 'Morning Glory,The Notebook,Eat Pray Love,Buddy The Elf', `FavoriteMusic` = '', `Religion` = '', `RelationshipStatus` = '', `City` = '', `Country` = 'US', `zip` = '', `Role` = '1', `dbcsFacebookProfile` = 'xxxxxxxxx', `DateReg` = '2011-03-08 18:12:51'


Mysql error:

Found error in the file '/home2/acupunct/public_html/' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


I've attached a pic of my settings


FB Connect Settings.png · 75.1K · 513 views
9 Mar 2011


I also got a similar error to jpl1er



INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET `NickName` = '', `Email` = '', `FirstName` = 'Maria', `LastName` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', `Sex` = 'female', `DateOfBirth` = '1973-10-13', `Password` = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', `DescriptionMe` = '', `FavoriteBooks` = '', `Interests` = '', `FavoriteFilms` = 'Morning Glory,The Notebook,Eat Pray Love,Buddy The Elf', `FavoriteMusic` = '', `Religion` = '', `RelationshipStatus` = '', `City` = '', `Country` = 'US', `zip` = '', `Role` = '1', `dbcsFacebookProfile` = 'xxxxxxxxx', `DateReg` = '2011-03-08 18:12:51'


Mysql error:

Found error in the file '/home2/acupunct/public_html/' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


I've attached a pic of my settings


Similar, but not the same.

Until i can find a resolve the issues with the optional form that prompts for password, user and email they will need to be shut off.

Prompt for password on join, and the 2 other prompt options directly under it are to be shut off for now.

I am pretty sure most of the current problems are within this form, we just need to pinpoint which options cause problems.
9 Mar 2011

Okay, thanks for your quick response as always

9 Mar 2011

Just updated 4.0.1, I cant figure out how to modify
dolphin to allow spaces in nickname:


Allow Spaces in Nick Name
Do not enable unless you have modified
dolphin to allow spaces in nickname:

Thanks for help

9 Mar 2011

It states in my instructions for the mod that feature was added per request and not to ask me for help modifying dolphin to do it because i do not know how.

There are other topics on allowing spaces in nick names. Please look them up or start a new one. I cannot assist you with that.
9 Mar 2011

Hi Deano,
yesterday i purchased your great Facebook Connect module, install and work ok.

I've a problem, when user import facebook albums, these are created but photos inside not imported.

I try several times, but the problem is always the same, without any error indication, albums are created but photos don't imported.

How possibile is the problem?

Last question: is it possible to set a max photo's number to import or set to photo's number indicated in startup membership and how?

My dolphin version is 7.0.5 without core modifications, only some mod buy on market and installed.

Thanks for your fast response and support!


P.S. I apologize if i send you the same request on private message....i saw forum support only after


from Italy

11 Mar 2011

Answered in email.
11 Mar 2011

Dear Deano,


I purchased your wonderful Facebook Connect module yesterday, installed it successfully but I am not able to put the F Connect Button next to JOIN and LOGIN , i did exactly the same you put on the instructions.


Used the following code and put it after <div class="sys_tm_actions">

<div class="input_wrapper input_wrapper_input_set"> in login_join.html , but no success, please help me with it. Thank You.


<div style="background-image:none; background-image: url(<bx_url_root />modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbutsm.png);width:98px;height:39px;float:left;margin-right:10px;cursor:pointer;" onclick=" ('<bx_url_root />modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form','_self');"></div>

11 Mar 2011

Normally after making any code or template modifications the dolphin cache needs to be cleared.

Have you done that?
12 Mar 2011

Thanks, its sorted out now. F COnnect button shows, but now there is another issue. It doesn't pull out the main Facebook picture as my profile photo.

Even i checked The         Set main Facebook photo as profile photo.



If you can help me with that too. That would be awesome.



Thank you in Advance.

12 Mar 2011


Thanks, its sorted out now. F COnnect button shows, but now there is another issue. It doesn't pull out the main Facebook picture as my profile photo.

Even i checked The         Set main Facebook photo as profile photo.



If you can help me with that too. That would be awesome.



Thank you in Advance.

Does it import your photo on my test site

If Yes, then is your site configured to required email confirmation or activation by admin manually?

None of the photo import options except for the avatar will work if either of these 2 moderation settings are off.

Automatic profile activation after joining:

Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email:
12 Mar 2011

Thanks Deano, its working now . I already made a post. I don't know why is it not showing up.


I modified the bxDOLjoinprocessor.php to auto Friend Admin with any user that joins . But It doesn't autofriend any member with admin who joins through Facebook Connect.


I don't see any option available in your Facebook Connect Module to AutoFriend Admin.


If you can suggest any help in that area too. It would be great.


Sorry for asking too much.


Thanks in Advance.

12 Mar 2011


Thanks Deano, its working now . I already made a post. I don't know why is it not showing up.


I modified the bxDOLjoinprocessor.php to auto Friend Admin with any user that joins . But It doesn't autofriend any member with admin who joins through Facebook Connect.


I don't see any option available in your Facebook Connect Module to AutoFriend Admin.


If you can suggest any help in that area too. It would be great.


Sorry for asking too much.


Thanks in Advance.

Yes there is.

The option is Comma delimited list of friends to automatically add to new account.

It's listed in the instructions on line 198.

It's able to befriend more than just the admin.

Most every option my facebook connect has is documented in the install instructions that come with the mod.
12 Mar 2011

Thank You Deano,


That helped also. I got another issue regarding my video comment, I am gonna put it in a message.




13 Mar 2011

I just tried to add the section that adds the Facebook Connect button to the to replace the drop down authentication.  It removes the authentication, but for some reason does not put the Facebook Connect Button at the top of it.  I cleared all cache still not luck.

21 Mar 2011

The button not showing up is usually always a caching issue.

Try clearing the cache again, Manually if you have to via FTP or cpanal.

If that fails, send me access info via PM and i can take a look.
21 Mar 2011

your mod asks permission to post on member's wall when he joins the site but i cant find the way to post on my members's fb wall...

is there any way??

I just joined and it posted on my fb wall that i joined that site... Is there such facility in ur mod deano????
22 Mar 2011

There is no way to do that with facebook connect.

In the config there are many permission options. You will see that the 9'th one is publish permissions. That one is on for my facebook friend inviter. It is not really needed for facebook connect.

The other permission options are there so all permissions for mods installed on you site can be requested at once.

This avoids a second prompt that other mods would have to do to get the required permissions.

They are there for convenience only, they are not used by facebook connect.

This is in the instructions that came with the mod.
22 Mar 2011

My facebook connect has been updated today. The following has been added to this release.

1) Added detection and alert for members joining from facebook that were invited by my facebook friend inviter module.

2) Added Banned IP checking for dolphin 7.0.4 and higher.

3) Renamed classes to avoid conflicts with the boonex version of facebook connect.
25 Mar 2011

Hi Deano,

I have installed your  module as per your instructions.

Once I click your button, it takes me to my facebook login page without any issues.

But, once I input the username and password and press "Login" button, receiving the error

"CurlException: 7: Failed to connect to Permission denied

On line 251"

Please let me know where it fails. I am sitting behind a proxy firewall, but the above IP belongs to FaceBook server at California.

My web site URL is

Thanks in advance.


25 Mar 2011


My facebook connect has been updated today. The following has been added to this release.

1) Added detection and alert for members joining from facebook that were invited by my facebook friend inviter module.

2) Added Banned IP checking for dolphin 7.0.4 and higher.

3) Renamed classes to avoid conflicts with the boonex version of facebook connect.


Do I need to update my?

thanks and have a great & safe weekend


25 Mar 2011


Hi Deano,

I have installed your  module as per your instructions.

Once I click your button, it takes me to my facebook login page without any issues.

But, once I input the username and password and press "Login" button, receiving the error

"CurlException: 7: Failed to connect to Permission denied

On line 251"

Please let me know where it fails. I am sitting behind a proxy firewall, but the above IP belongs to FaceBook server at California.

My web site URL is

Thanks in advance.


Hi Deano,

I found the issue. My hosting server had a feature to block outgoing connections at IP level.

I had to disable this feature using cPanel, now the login works fine.

But the profile picture not getting updated from facbook profile. Will keep looking.




25 Mar 2011



Hi Deano,

I have installed your  module as per your instructions.

Once I click your button, it takes me to my facebook login page without any issues.

But, once I input the username and password and press "Login" button, receiving the error

"CurlException: 7: Failed to connect to Permission denied

On line 251"

Please let me know where it fails. I am sitting behind a proxy firewall, but the above IP belongs to FaceBook server at California.

My web site URL is

Thanks in advance.


Hi Deano,

I found the issue. My hosting server had a feature to block outgoing connections at IP level.

I had to disable this feature using cPanel, now the login works fine.

But the profile picture not getting updated from facbook profile. Will keep looking.




I tested logon on your site. It's working.

The reason no photos is because you turned on the option to have the facebook info passed to the dolphin join form to let dolphin handle the rest of the signup process. If that option is on, then none of the rest of the options below that will work. That includes all photo import options.

You really should test the module with it's default options that are enabled when the module is first installed until you learn what each of them do. Some of the options, disable others. You can't just turn everything on.

Your site also prompted me for a lot of permissions when i first connected. This indicates you turned on all of the permission options as well.

I suggest you uncheck all those extra permission options you turned on. Checking them all is over kill. The first 9 are all that are needed in most cases, again, the first 9 are the defaults.

Read the information provided in the instructions that came with the mod. Most of that stuff is explained.
26 Mar 2011



My facebook connect has been updated today. The following has been added to this release.

1) Added detection and alert for members joining from facebook that were invited by my facebook friend inviter module.

2) Added Banned IP checking for dolphin 7.0.4 and higher.

3) Renamed classes to avoid conflicts with the boonex version of facebook connect.


Do I need to update my?

thanks and have a great & safe weekend


No need. This update was just to add a couple on minor requested features. It's not a required update.
26 Mar 2011




Hi Deano,

I have installed your  module as per your instructions.

Once I click your button, it takes me to my facebook login page without any issues.

But, once I input the username and password and press "Login" button, receiving the error

"CurlException: 7: Failed to connect to Permission denied

On line 251"

Please let me know where it fails. I am sitting behind a proxy firewall, but the above IP belongs to FaceBook server at California.

My web site URL is

Thanks in advance.


Hi Deano,

I found the issue. My hosting server had a feature to block outgoing connections at IP level.

I had to disable this feature using cPanel, now the login works fine.

But the profile picture not getting updated from facbook profile. Will keep looking.




I tested logon on your site. It's working.

The reason no photos is because you turned on the option to have the facebook info passed to the dolphin join form to let dolphin handle the rest of the signup process. If that option is on, then none of the rest of the options below that will work. That includes all photo import options.

You really should test the module with it's default options that are enabled when the module is first installed until you learn what each of them do. Some of the options, disable others. You can't just turn everything on.

Your site also prompted me for a lot of permissions when i first connected. This indicates you turned on all of the permission options as well.

I suggest you uncheck all those extra permission options you turned on. Checking them all is over kill. The first 9 are all that are needed in most cases, again, the first 9 are the defaults.

Read the information provided in the instructions that came with the mod. Most of that stuff is explained.

Hi Deano,

Yes, it worked after I removed the IP filtering for 'outgoing' connections. Thanks for checking my site.

I agree with you, I will uncheck all the optional ones as soon as I am done testing the features.

Is there any way we can do a 'sync' with FaceBook after we login to our Dolphin site using your component..?

Please let me know.



29 Mar 2011



Is there any way we can do a 'sync' with FaceBook after we login to our Dolphin site using your component..?

Please let me know.



No there is not. The facebook connect module was designed for making sigups to the site easier and faster. Syncing or importing after are not available in the module. These kind of features are being considered for future versions.
29 Mar 2011




Is there any way we can do a 'sync' with FaceBook after we login to our Dolphin site using your component..?

Please let me know.



No there is not. The facebook connect module was designed for making sigups to the site easier and faster. Syncing or importing after are not available in the module. These kind of features are being considered for future versions.

I found another issue, please let me know if I am missing something.

The log-out from dolphin does not log-out from FaceBook. I checked both IE and Fire Fox.

30 Mar 2011

It should. It sometimes happens if other facebook modules are also in use on the site.

But most of the time it should properly log out.

PM me site details and i can take a look.

But just try to log into your site with facebook connect and then log back out. Then check to see if it logged out of facebook. If it does, it may be other facebook modules on the site.

The logout feature is unreliable anyway and does not work at all if the browser is just closed because the logout requires dolphin set an alert during logout. If your sites logout script has been modified, or something else if preventing the logout alert from being triggered then that will also prevent it from working.

Thats why i spent a lot of time concentrating on the handling of facebooks cookies because i cannot rely on logout.
30 Mar 2011

I tried all the combinations, still the log out process does not trigger log out from facebook. I in-fact I uninstalled default "Facebook Connect" module and tried again. I am using Dolphin 7.0.5 and my site URL is . Please let me know if you can help me out.



31 Mar 2011


I tried all the combinations, still the log out process does not trigger log out from facebook. I in-fact I uninstalled default "Facebook Connect" module and tried again. I am using Dolphin 7.0.5 and my site URL is . Please let me know if you can help me out.



PM me access info. FTP and dolphin site admin.

Your missing the profile_info_required.php script which appears not to have been uploaded from the archive. And yes, it does not log out so i need to look at it more closely and upload the script you missed and see if any others are missing or damaged.
31 Mar 2011



I tried all the combinations, still the log out process does not trigger log out from facebook. I in-fact I uninstalled default "Facebook Connect" module and tried again. I am using Dolphin 7.0.5 and my site URL is . Please let me know if you can help me out.



PM me access info. FTP and dolphin site admin.

Your missing the profile_info_required.php script which appears not to have been uploaded from the archive. And yes, it does not log out so i need to look at it more closely and upload the script you missed and see if any others are missing or damaged.

I sent the access info to you at

Please let me know your findings.

31 Mar 2011

New version released today. Version 4.0.3 fixes the following two bugs.

Mar 31, 2011 - Fixed bug saving options on backup. Some of them were not saved.
Mar 31, 2011 - Fixed bug with alerts not being processed.
31 Mar 2011

Deano, Thank you for the latest fixes to this module. I set it to 'download' pictures from Facebook.. and it creates a Category called, "Facebook Member Photos"... I cannot 'see' that category in the category list for photos, nor in the list of Albums available on the site. I'm interested in changing the title of this category, as well as deleting individual pictures from it..

1 Apr 2011

I will have to look into your request as a feature for the next update. At this time the category is not editable. It's hard-coded into the code that handles the import operation. The ability to change that did not cross my mind during development.

As for deleteing photos from it, you can already do that in admin. Admin->Module-Photos then put Facebook Member Photos in the keyword search box and click search. It will show only the photos in that catagory.
1 Apr 2011

What about the proper inport of COUNTRY info while using facebook connect???
2 Apr 2011

Being worked on.
2 Apr 2011

GeoIP lookup for country is now being tested on my site for my facebook connect module. It's accuracy is within 99.5%

I could also do Geo Lookups for City and Zip codes as well, but due to the nature of how IP address are assigned to internet users, its accuracy is low and only within a 25 mile radius. So i have opted not to bother with city and postal code lookups.
2 Apr 2011


GeoIP lookup for country is now being tested on my site for my facebook connect module. It's accuracy is within 99.5%

I could also do Geo Lookups for City and Zip codes as well, but due to the nature of how IP address are assigned to internet users, its accuracy is low and only within a 25 mile radius. So i have opted not to bother with city and postal code lookups.

That's good....

how can we have the ability to post on our members's fb wall?
3 Apr 2011

That is not a planned feature. It goes beyond the design purpose of this mod which is primarily to allow facebook information to be used to create accounts on dolphin.

There are other mods in the market that provide other abilities such as communicating back and forth between dolphin and facebook. Posting to wall, updating of status messages, ect.
3 Apr 2011


today I am getting:



Is that as something to do with the module, or with my Site or with facebook ?

( I didn't make any changement on my site)

Thanks for your help

8 Apr 2011

Most likley facebook. Give it some time. It should clear up.
8 Apr 2011


Most likley facebook. Give it some time. It should clear up.

Thank you very much.

You are right, suddently it is working again.

8 Apr 2011

Released version 4.0.4.

This version adds/fixes the following.

Mar 3, 2011 - Added GeoIP lookup for country.
Mar 5, 2011 - Not working in IE9. Fixed.
Mar 5, 2011 - Improved cookie handeling.
8 Apr 2011

I am currently working on the next version to make changes to the photo album import feature.

Many have asked if photos can be imported after a member has signed up, or for existing accounts. Currently you cannot.

There is also another issue with the import. Currently the import feature will not work if the admin requires email validation or manual approval. This is because photos cannot be uploaded on accounts that are not yet active.

To solve both those problems i will be making changes to the importer. Currently it asks the new member if they want to import as part of the signup process. This step is being removed from the next version. Instead the importer will be a separate action. And will be available as an action in the photos area of the site. Thus photos will be able to be imported at any time.

I will also be improving the photo import so it will show the facebook albums and photos within them, and the member can select which photos to import.

It will be awhile before the next version is released. Just thought i should post an update on this so those that have my facebook connect module will know about the upcoming operational change.
12 Apr 2011

Hi Deano, thanks for your mod. I'm having a problem, after instaling you mod I'm getting a page (profile_info_required.php) with this message (PROFILE NOT AVAILABLE FOR VIEW), when trying to access photos, wall and home. Please let me know what to do.

By other side, we are using you friend inviter also, but when a friend log in for the first time, it didn't update the list in the friends inviter dialog (didn't remove from invited friends), again let me know.

14 Apr 2011


Hi Deano, thanks for your mod. I'm having a problem, after instaling you mod I'm getting a page (profile_info_required.php) with this message (PROFILE NOT AVAILABLE FOR VIEW), when trying to access photos, wall and home. Please let me know what to do.

By other side, we are using you friend inviter also, but when a friend log in for the first time, it didn't update the list in the friends inviter dialog (didn't remove from invited friends), again let me know.

You missed a step of the install instructions. Please re-read to make sure you do them all.

Missed step involved with this problem from the instructions is................

2) Upload the file PROFILE_INFO_REQUIRED.PHP to the ROOT of your dolphin site.
14 Apr 2011

Perfect Thanks. Second  "we are using you friend inviter also, but when a friend log in for the first time, it didn't update the list in the friends inviter dialog (didn't remove from invited friends), again let me know".

And thanks again

14 Apr 2011


Perfect Thanks. Second  "we are using you friend inviter also, but when a friend log in for the first time, it didn't update the list in the friends inviter dialog (didn't remove from invited friends), again let me know".

And thanks again

The invite may have glitched. If facebook does not send the invite back as successful, it will not be recorded. So try it again.

But i do not want to continue any support for the inviter in the facebook connect forum. So if you have any further issues with that, take it to the support forum for the inviter. Not here please. This is off topic.
14 Apr 2011


If people have like 20 albums on facebook then the photo importer is hanging. Looking like its not moving anymore. But I see you are working on the facebook photo importer. so i will see this in the next version.

I have 2 other questions:

1 I changed Nickname to Full name and made it a non unique field. So The same Full name (nickname) could  used 50 times. Only your tool is making a check if the name exist already. What do i have to change for this? People can login with email address.

2 When people making a new account it copies the profile photo from facebook. Working very good but at the moment i am using megaprofile. Do you have any idea how i can change that it will also work with megaprofile. Which key i have to change in your code

For the rest i just can say. Nice module :)Laughing

27 Apr 2011


If people have like 20 albums on facebook then the photo importer is hanging. Looking like its not moving anymore. But I see you are working on the facebook photo importer. so i will see this in the next version.
The script is most likley timing out. The photos are taking to long to import. I will have to add some restrictions.

1 I changed Nickname to Full name and made it a non unique field. So The same Full name (nickname) could  used 50 times. Only your tool is making a check if the name exist already. What do i have to change for this? People can login with email address.
It will require several code changes and i will have to look them up and test, so i can not tell you what to change at this moment.

2 When people making a new account it copies the profile photo from facebook. Working very good but at the moment i am using megaprofile. Do you have any idea how i can change that it will also work with megaprofile. Which key i have to change in your code
I cannot answer that. I do not own megaprofile, and i do not have a copy of it. So i cannot provide a solution.
27 Apr 2011

Thanks for your answer. I just found out that my field is still unique. I made a type mistake so the field was not unique. When i fill in a same name i receive a database error. So i also got to look for it again. Hope you find a solution for it in facebook connect. I hope i will find it in dolphin itself because i want that everybody seeing realname in the whole page. (searching real name ect..)

27 Apr 2011


Deano the facebook connect is not working on google chrome and IE 9

only on Firefox and when I use the connect button using firefox and I click the option to inport all my photo album from facebook is taking for ever and still say inporting photo please wait....

so when some one try to connect to my site using the facebook connect using IE , Google chrome they get this messages

AuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 Apr 2011

The import function is being removed from the signup process in the next version and will be a action in the photos section instead.

Those with a large number of photos have the problem due to script timeouts. A different method needs to be used and is being worked on.
30 Apr 2011


The import function is being removed from the signup process in the next version and will be a action in the photos section instead.


are you serious man

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 Apr 2011



The import function is being removed from the signup process in the next version and will be a action in the photos section instead.


are you serious man

I have to. Import is not compatible during the signup process for the many people that require accounts be verified. This is because photos cannot be uploaded on inactive accounts. So the process has to be separated.

This was explained a couple of posts back on an announcement i made for the next version.

I have valid reasons for everything i do.
30 Apr 2011


is like every developer when they do something new or something cool and couple days or weeks they remove it because they want to bring something new all they dont find the solution to keep cool


Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 Apr 2011

I think you will like the new method.

Anyone on your site with a facebook account will be able to import their photos from facebook. Even those that did not signup with facebook connect.

The new importer will also be able to allow members to select only the photos they want imported, and the admin can also set limites on the number of photos the member will be allowed to import from facebook.
30 Apr 2011

Now THAT is what I am talking about. Cant wait for the new version.

Nothing to see here
30 Apr 2011


Keep the good work all the time man we need more developers like you man

because this site is full or fake devlopers I only trust you and other 4 developers they been my favorites but you the #1 on my list man

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 Apr 2011

Invalid Argument

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.


I'm getting the above error... what should the URL be?



5 May 2011

Never mind... figured it out Laughing

5 May 2011


I wonder how I can disable the profile check interval/hours of the module?

Thank you

Free Dating Site on:
7 May 2011




I wonder how I can disable the profile check interval/hours of the module?

Thank you

Go into the settings. Change the interval from 24 to 0 to disable it.
7 May 2011





I wonder how I can disable the profile check interval/hours of the module?

Thank you

Go into the settings. Change the interval from 24 to 0 to disable it.

Thank Laughing

Free Dating Site on:
9 May 2011


I already got this error in the past ( see my message  from march), but it didn't come since more then one month.

And suddenly it is back, but I didn't make any change.

Mysql error:

Found error in the file '/home/xxxxxx/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

I am not using anymore the "guest surf limit" that was using cookies creating the old error.

My dolphin version is 7.05 and deanos facebook connect: 4.0.4

Do you have any advice ?

12 May 2011



I already got this error in the past ( see my message  from march), but it didn't come since more then one month.

And suddenly it is back, but I didn't make any change.

Mysql error:

Found error in the file '/home/xxxxxx/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectDb.php' at line 69.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

I am not using anymore the "guest surf limit" that was using cookies creating the old error.

My dolphin version is 7.05 and deanos facebook connect: 4.0.4

Do you have any advice ?

You will need to dig through your php error logs and find the actual query that generated the error. I need the full error to determine where the cause is.
12 May 2011

One question. Do you still have Prompt for password turned on with prompt for logon ID?
12 May 2011


One question. Do you still have Prompt for password turned on with prompt for logon ID?

Not sure I understand coorectly your question. I f you mean the configuration in your module:

This is what I have:

Prompt for a password on join: NO
If prompt for password on join is on, 
then also prompt for new nickname:



If prompt for password on join is on, 
then also prompt for new email: NO

I send by mail the full PHP error.


12 May 2011

Yes. Those are the settings i was refering to.

However i have not recieved any error message from you. You can post it here. I only need the part above the words Debug Backtrace. The rest of it is not needed.
12 May 2011

Ok. I got the error from you. Delay in email i guess.

Why it happened is unknown. The query is fine. Nothing wrong with it, and and be dropped into phpmyadmin and does not generate any error. So i am unable to determine a cause.

As there is nothing wrong with the query itself, i have to ask if you are getting any other once in a while database errors from other areas of dolphin or other installed modules.

You could also check with your host or find the mysql server error logs. I suspect something is happening with the mysql server.
12 May 2011


Ok. I got the error from you. Delay in email i guess.

Why it happened is unknown. The query is fine. Nothing wrong with it, and and be dropped into phpmyadmin and does not generate any error. So i am unable to determine a cause.

As there is nothing wrong with the query itself, i have to ask if you are getting any other once in a while database errors from other areas of dolphin or other installed modules.

You could also check with your host or find the mysql server error logs. I suspect something is happening with the mysql server.

I did receive one database error last week from one other module, so maybe it have something to do with my host and have a look at the mysql server error logs.

Thank you

12 May 2011


Ok. I got the error from you. Delay in email i guess.

Why it happened is unknown. The query is fine. Nothing wrong with it, and and be dropped into phpmyadmin and does not generate any error. So i am unable to determine a cause.

As there is nothing wrong with the query itself, i have to ask if you are getting any other once in a while database errors from other areas of dolphin or other installed modules.

You could also check with your host or find the mysql server error logs. I suspect something is happening with the mysql server.

I did receive one database error last week from one other module, so maybe it have something to do with my host and have a look at the mysql server error logs.

Thank you

12 May 2011

Installed your facebook connect mod on dolphin 7.0.4. The module install process completes with no errors. Followed your instructions step for step. Step 7 is where I am having trouble. When I go to Modules => Deanos Facebook Connect (to enter facebook API)  I get a Error 500 from admin panel. Tried to use different browser to view site and I get a blank page but can access admin login. Please help. Thank you in advance. Oh, I also upgraded dolphin to 7.0.5 and tried the mod install again and received the same results. Upgraded to dolphin 7.0.6 and got the same results.

14 May 2011

Never seen this happen before. I will need access to analyze problem.

Best guess is your site is not processing permalinks. You could try going to Admin->Settings->Permilinks and uncheck the option Enable friendly permalinks in facebook connect.
14 May 2011

Actually you said a 500 error. So my permilink guess is wrong.

I will need access. Dolphin admin and FTP so i can reinstall and check. One or more of the files must have been damaged during upload, perhaps wrong FTP mode for transfer.
14 May 2011
Hi deano, Will it be possible to show a different button on the "connect box" and the promo box for multilanguage site ? So that for english it show the standart " connect with facebook", than french "se connecter avec facebook",... I already find how to do it with your PHP box tool and the code you wrote in one other forum post, but I don't know how to do it in the "connect" and "promo box". Thank you
14 May 2011


Hi deano, Will it be possible to show a different button on the "connect box" and the promo box for multilanguage site ? So that for english it show the standart " connect with facebook", than french "se connecter avec facebook",... I already find how to do it with your PHP box tool and the code you wrote in one other forum post, but I don't know how to do it in the "connect" and "promo box". Thank you

Yes it can be done. A little tricky, but can be done.

First you need the 2 separate buttons. A english version. and a French version.

My english version is here. modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png

You need to put a french version in the same folder. modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images with a different name.

Then create a new language key like _fb_button

Set the english text to modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png

Set the french text to modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/nameoffrenchbutton.png

Then the current button code is

$sFormCode = '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 8px;"><a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a></div>' . $oForm->getCode();

Change it to look like this.

$sFormCode = '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 8px;"><a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . _t('_fb_button') . '"></a></div>' . $oForm->getCode();

Basically your just putting the path to the button in a language key instead, and replacing the path in the button code with the language key used to hold the button path.
14 May 2011


I will need access. Dolphin admin and FTP so i can reinstall and check. One or more of the files must have been damaged during upload, perhaps wrong FTP mode for transfer.


Sent pm

15 May 2011



Hi deano, Will it be possible to show a different button on the "connect box" [....]

Yes it can be done. A little tricky, but can be done.


Change it to look like this.

$sFormCode = '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 8px;"><a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . _t('_fb_button') . '"></a></div>' . $oForm->getCode();

Basically your just putting the path to the button in a language key instead, and replacing the path in the button code with the language key used to hold the button path.

THANK YOU, it work perfectly for the "connect block"  ! It is a big improvement for multilanguage site.

I try to do it for the "Promo box" button, but I didn't manage ( I try to adapt your Php code to html ).

If you can help also with the promo box I will be a very happy man :-)

15 May 2011

You would need a different language key for the promo button because it's a different button.

So same thing as last one. Create a new key like _fb_button_promo and set the image paths.

Then the code for that is

<div style="background-image:none;background-image: url(<bx_url_root />modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbutsm.png);width:98px;height:39px;float:left;margin-right:10px;cursor:pointer;" onclick=" ('<bx_url_root />modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form','_self');"></div>

Now becuse this is a template, you need to use the template language key version not the php version.

So change code to this.

<div style="background-image:none;background-image: url(<bx_url_root /><bx_text:_fb_button_promo />);width:98px;height:39px;float:left;margin-right:10px;cursor:pointer;" onclick=" ('<bx_url_root />modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form','_self');"></div>
15 May 2011


You would need a different language key for the promo button because it's a different button.

So same thing as last one. Create a new key like _fb_button_promo and set the image paths.


So change code to this.

<div style="background-image:none;background-image: url(<bx_url_root /><bx_text:_fb_button_promo />);width:98px;height:39px;float:left;margin-right:10px;cursor:pointer;" onclick=" ('<bx_url_root />modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form','_self');"></div>

Work like a charm !


15 May 2011

Deano, how do I get facebook connection for accounts that are created on dolphin before installing this mod. Thanks in advance. And I really appreciate your help.

15 May 2011

There are only two ways.

If the option to match email addresses is on, then my facebook conenct will match a dolphin account if it has the same email address as the facebook account.

The other way is manually by editing the profile and putting the facebook ID in the facebook ID field.

There really is no other way. So if a facebook ID or matching email cannot be found in the dolphin account, it can't match it, so facebook connect will create a new account.
15 May 2011

Hi, I upgraded to your Facebook connect module 4.0.4 and I upgraded to dolphin 7.0.6 every time a new user joins the avatar picture get imported to their profile from Facebook but it's never added to their profile photos so when you go to my profile page you can't see their avatar photo , can you please help me with this issue ?? members are starting to complaint really , I get tones of emails daily nagging about this problem

my website is go there and join through Facebook connect option and accept all the terms and then you will see what i'm talking about

18 May 2011

Hi Deano,

today I receive this email from facebook with Tiltle "URGENT NOTICE"

Dear Developer of deano_connect_mysite,

Our automated systems have detected that you may be inadvertently allowing authentication data to be passed to 3rd parties. Allowing user ids and access tokens to be passed to 3rd parties, even inadvertently, could allow these 3rd parties to access the data the user made available to your site. This violates our policies and undermines user trust in your site and Facebook Platform.

In every case that we have examined, this information is passed via the HTTP Referer Header by the user's browser. This can happen when using our legacy authentication system and including <iframe>, <img> or <script> content from 3rd parties in the page that receives authentication data from Facebook. Our legacy mechanism passes authentication information in the URL query string which, if handled incorrectly, can be passed to 3rd parties by the browser. Our current OAuth 2.0 authentication system, released over a year ago, passes this information in the URL fragment, which is not passed to 3rd parties by the browser.

Please ensure that you are not allowing this data to be passed immediately. Accessing your site as a test user while running a HTTP proxy/monitor like Charles or Fiddler is the best way to determine if you are allowing this information to be passed. If you discover the issue, you can do one of two things:

1. Migrate your site to use our OAuth 2.0 authentication system. We are requiring all apps and sites to update to this mechanism by Sept. 1, 2011. Migrating now will address this issue and ensure that you are one of the first to meet the deadline. For more details, please see our Authentication Guide.

2. Create and use an interstitial page to remove the authentication data before redirecting to your page with 3rd party content. This approach is used by many of our largest developers today (although they are all migrating to OAuth 2.0 shortly). This is a simple and straightforwardchange that should have minimal impact on your site. For more details on this approach, see our Legacy Connect Auth doc.

Because of the importance of ensuring user trust and privacy, we are asking you to complete one of the above steps in the next 48 hours. If you fail to do so, your site may be subject to one of the enforcement actions outlined in our policies.

If you have any questions or believe you have received this message in error, please contact us.

Facebook Developer Relations
I have no ideas what they mean. Can you help please give me some advice, because few hundreds of my user use your mod to connect and ut will be really a problem if they can not connect anymore.
P.S: you already have all the acces to my site (admin, ftp,...), feel free to have a deep look in my site.
19 May 2011

I am looking into this.

If you do a search on google for this.

"Our automated systems have detected that you may be inadvertently allowing authentication data to be passed to 3rd parties. Allowing user ids and access tokens to be passed to 3rd parties, even inadvertently, could allow these 3rd parties to access the data the user made available to your site. This violates our policies and undermines user trust in your site and Facebook Platform."

You will get hundreds of results. This is not just my facebook mods. Hundreds of people using facebook connect apps for various platforms are getting these messages.
19 May 2011


I am looking into this.

If you do a search on google for this.

"Our automated systems have detected that you may be inadvertently allowing authentication data to be passed to 3rd parties. Allowing user ids and access tokens to be passed to 3rd parties, even inadvertently, could allow these 3rd parties to access the data the user made available to your site. This violates our policies and undermines user trust in your site and Facebook Platform."

You will get hundreds of results. This is not just my facebook mods. Hundreds of people using facebook connect apps for various platforms are getting these messages.

I should have think about doing a google research before to post here sorry.

So I think I understand a little bit more...

It seem that facebook send a lot of this message in the last days and I suppose that all the other boonex users with an active "facebook connect" will get it ( it is not your mod, even boonex facebook connect users should be  getting it).

I saw that every plattform are concern ( wordpress,...)

Facebook want us to change to the new system auth 2.0 with https, if I understand correctly.

The best information I could find until now:

But 48 hours to make change to our site is a liitle bit hard from facebook. Plus change to https will mean also for most of us more cost from our host.

THANKS to always respond so quick and be so quick to help !

19 May 2011

I think the message is a bit misleading. As long as there are no serious problems, app developers should have to the Sept 1 deadline to update. I don't think this will be a problem.
19 May 2011

Deano when the next version is coming

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
19 May 2011

Release date unknown.

The developers of the PHP version of the facebook SDK used by this module, the boonex version and many other facebook apps are currently working on a new SDK.

So additional development of my facebook apps is on hold until the new update for the PHP version of the facebook SDK is complete. SDK Info located here.
19 May 2011

Hi Do you do installations for your module?

22 May 2011

No charge for install. But my time is limited. So I do installs when I have free time between my regular on-call job and other projects. I cannot schedule the installs. Most installs are complete within 24 hours from the time I receive the needed access information.

As this is a Facebook related module, in addition to the normal required access information, your Facebook application ID and secret keys for your facebook application at will also be needed. If you do not have an application setup at then you will need to set one up and configured per these screen shots at before install can be done.
22 May 2011

Just to keep people who have my facebook connect module posted, facebook has been shutting off facebook apps for some users after a mass mailing from facebook about updating apps to OAuth 2.

I am still working of version 4.1.0 however given the current situation i will be releasing an update version 4.0.5 i hope by monday implementing OAuth 2 to hopefully satisfy facebook.

We are supposed to have a Sept 1 deadline on this, however facebook has been jumping the gun on a few people, so i have decided to release an update early. There will be no other fixes in this update version. Just the upgrade to OAuth 2.

Should be by monday. I will post a message here when it is released.
27 May 2011

Aww man.. I was hoping that photo importer was on the way to be released.. haha


Oh Yeah, and maybe you should consider creating a new forum topic for support and just link back to this one. It took me 23 minutes to scroll down this one (just joking on the 23 minutes).


Keep up the good work!

Nothing to see here
27 May 2011

Well if boonex would add pagination to the forums, getting to the last post would not be so much of a problem.

HINT to boonex. Pages in the fourms please.
27 May 2011


Well if boonex would add pagination to the forums, getting to the last post would not be so much of a problem.

HINT to boonex. Pages in the fourms please.


will e nice to add pagination so no one need to scroll and scroll to see the last reply

I thing 10 post by page will be nice

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 May 2011


It took me 23 minutes to scroll down this one (just joking on the 23 minutes).

 Wow - 23 mints do you still using dial-up internet

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
30 May 2011

Good morning people!

Morning Deanos! Is there a changelog in this version?

5 Jun 2011

The new version anounced above that was supposed to be released monday was delayed due to problems found during testing. So it's not out yet.

However, all of my releases have a running change log at the end of the instruction text file.
5 Jun 2011

The new version that was suppose to be released last monday has been delayed. Ran into problems during testing. Should be released soon.
5 Jun 2011

To keep people better informed i am dumping the forums on my website and am setting up groups for each of my products.

Simply join the group for the product you have to keep informed of update releases. When you become a member of the group you will be emailed when i send a broadcast message to the groups members.

The groups forum can also be used for support.

To keep informed of updates, join today.
5 Jun 2011

Thanks for responding, i just saw the changelog...rtfm rtfm rtfm... :P

6 Jun 2011


To keep people better informed i am dumping the forums on my website and am setting up groups for each of my products.

Simply join the group for the product you have to keep informed of update releases. When you become a member of the group you will be emailed when i send a broadcast message to the groups members.

The groups forum can also be used for support.

To keep informed of updates, join today.


I can't login with my existing account (wrong passwort). When I send me a new password, the same error :-(

The facebooklogin don't work.

Sign in with a new username and email says "Your IP ist blocked"!!!

Help please.

6 Jun 2011

Sorry. Antispam filters must have been blocking your IP. Try again.
6 Jun 2011


Sorry. Antispam filters must have been blocking your IP. Try again.

 Thanks. It works :-),,
6 Jun 2011

My Facebook Connect has been upgraded to Version 4.0.5.

Version 4.0.5 now uses facebooks OAuth 2.0 authentication system. Facebook SKD upgraded to version 3.0.0

Download new version from the market here. Follow update instructions. Old version must be properly removed before uploading new one.

This version also moves the checks for missing curl and json php extensions from the facebook SDK to the module itself. Done so i can display a error message instead of php logging a fatal error which depending on how php error logging is setup results in a blank white page most of the time. Now a notisable error will be produced instead.

Also added php flag to force the gd library to ignore errors when resizing images from facebook that are damaged or not in proper jpg format that was preventing avatar from showing up for some people.

There have been not other changes.

More changes are on the way, but a OAuth update needed to be done ASAP, so a new version was released ahead of schedule.
12 Jun 2011

Hello Deano,

I have just updated to 4.0.5. I am unable to logout of my website, I get a 'header info sent' error on line.... deanos/facebook etc.

I subsequently removed the update and I am now able to logout.

Any ideas?


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
12 Jun 2011


Hello Deano,

I have just updated to 4.0.5. I am unable to logout of my website, I get a 'header info sent' error on line.... deanos/facebook etc.

Please do not do that.

Partial, incomplete, reworded or otherwise improper reporting of errors do not give me the info to debug.

Based on the partial provided, there is a line number, but i do not know what it is because it was left out. Also a file name. That also was left out.

So, please provide the FULL error.
12 Jun 2011


My Facebook Connect has been upgraded to Version 4.0.5.

 Deano you for got to add the read me file on the new version

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jun 2011

Yup. Missed it. I just uploaded a new zip file with the instructions.
13 Jun 2011


Yup. Missed it. I just uploaded a new zip file with the instructions.

 Thank you, Now I can update

Deano One question the: Import Facebook photo albums and photos: Is working or still down

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jun 2011

This is a OAuth 2.0 update. There is not change in this version with any of the features. It's exactly the same as version 4.0.4 except for the OAuth update.
13 Jun 2011


This is a OAuth 2.0 update. There is not change in this version with any of the features. It's exactly the same as version 4.0.4 except for the OAuth update.

 But my question: Is Working or Not

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jun 2011

It has been working. The only issue with it i am aware of is it does not work on sites that require email validation or admin approval of accounts. So if your site is open. Auto activated accounts then yes, the importer works and has been. So weather it works for you or not depends on how your site is setup. Auto activation of profiles or not.

There are plans to separate it from the signup process so it can be used to import after the account is active or to import for accounts that did not originally signup with facebook connect, but that separation is not finished yet.
13 Jun 2011


It has been working. The only issue with it i am aware of is it does not work on sites that require email validation or admin approval of accounts

 I have that before and I have to remove becuase is blocking the members from evrything and the only thign they see is the private lock image or access denied

so now when new member sign up the account is activate the only thing I need to do is go to admin panel and click all the aproval members

So I dont haveemail validating no more Only admin approval

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jun 2011

Then for you, the answer is no. The photo import will not work. Reason is account is not active until approved. And photos cannot be uploaded to accounts that are not fully active.

This reported problem is the same reason the current importer will not work unless the account does not require email validation and also does not require admin approval.

There is more than one forum topic on this same issue, and this issue affects my importer as well. So that is the reason a separation of the importer is being worked on for future versions. My importer will no longer be part of the signup process in the next version, but imports will still be able to be done later.

This was all previously mentioned several posts back if you remember. You responded to a couple of those posts.

Anyhow, the function of the importer has not changed in this version. This was a OAuth update only. The separation of the importer is scheduled for the next version.
13 Jun 2011

Than I will wait for new version  now I need to disable the option lol

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
13 Jun 2011


Hello Deano,

I have just updated to 4.0.5. I am unable to logout of my website, I get a 'header info sent' error on line.... deanos/facebook etc.

I subsequently removed the update and I am now able to logout.

Any ideas?


The error flashes onto the screen so I had trouble getting a screen grab! Please find it attached!


Deanos_facebook_405.bmp · 3.1M · 411 views
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Jun 2011

Ok, what version were you using prior to this upgrade?

It's doing that while looping through the cookies to remove the facebook cookies during logout.

The thing is this function is practically identical to the one in the previous version so i am curious as to what the last version you were running was.

Currently i cannot find a problem with the function itself. So i may need access to do on site debugging.
13 Jun 2011


Ok, what version were you using prior to this upgrade?

It's doing that while looping through the cookies to remove the facebook cookies during logout.

The thing is this function is practically identical to the one in the previous version so i am curious as to what the last version you were running was.

Currently i cannot find a problem with the function itself. So i may need access to do on site debugging.

Hi Deano, I was using version 4.0.4 prior to installing 4.0.5.

The problem arose because I forgot to enter the Facebook API & Secret key. Everything is now working ok. Many thanks for this update and your professionalsim!



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
13 Jun 2011

My facebook connect has a backup feature.

The proper upgrade procedure is...

1) Make a backup.

2) Uninstall old version.

3) Upload new version.

4) Install New Version

5) Restore backup which restores the previous settings including the keys and all previously recorded members facebook ID's

Anyway, thanks for remining me that i have to put a check in the logout event to not process the logout event if facebook connect has not been configured. So thats a small bug that is only there if it's not configured. I still have to fix that though.
13 Jun 2011

i followed all instructions and all settings are ticked but pics wont upload i am sure i missed something. previous version was working fine but i have triple checked and nothing.



19 Jun 2011



I have installed your mod on my site and everything is working correctly, but my join page formating is messed up.

Can you tell me how to fix this?  It was fine prior to installing the mod.


Here is the page: 


and here is what is in the join.php file

*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -------------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2007 BoonEx Group
*     website              :
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or  any later version.
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to

define('BX_INDEX_PAGE', 1);

require_once( './inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );



if (isLogged()) {
    header ('Location:' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'member.php');

$_page['header'] = _t( '_JOIN_H' );
$_page['header_text'] = _t( '_JOIN_H' );

if(getParam('reg_by_inv_only') == 'on' && getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']) == 0){
    $_page['name_index'] = 0;
    $_page_cont[0]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_registration by invitation only'));

$_page['name_index'] = 81;
$_ni = $_page['name_index'];

$oJoinView = new BxTemplJoinPageView();
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oJoinView->getCode();

$GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addJsTranslation('_Errors in join form');
$GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addJs(array('join.js', 'jquery.form.js'));
11 Jul 2011

I do not see a problem with the formating.

The module adds an additional field for facebook ID. However, i see it on the join form on your site, and the page looks fine.
11 Jul 2011

Hi deano, not sure whats at fault but hope you can help.

When using your facebook connect to create an account on my site all works well including the profile pics etc. I have one major problem though, Now when a user downloads the iphone or android app and tries to login, they are refused each time due to password failure. What is the best way round this rather than having to inform people they must change their password on my site before using the apps. Also even if they did change their password how would that affect the logging in via the facebook connect?


I hope ive made some sense




27 Jul 2011


Hi deano, not sure whats at fault but hope you can help.

When using your facebook connect to create an account on my site all works well including the profile pics etc. I have one major problem though, Now when a user downloads the iphone or android app and tries to login, they are refused each time due to password failure. What is the best way round this rather than having to inform people they must change their password on my site before using the apps. Also even if they did change their password how would that affect the logging in via the facebook connect?


I hope ive made some sense




They must set a password if they expect to logon using the basic logon. The password can be changed at anytime, it will not affect facebook connect.
27 Jul 2011

Thanks for your quick answer. I had a feeling you was going to say that. Just means that users who dont see the warning that they have to change password will get frustrated and not use the site anymore.


Thanks for your response anyway,



27 Jul 2011

 if you wanted to be proactive, you could write that up in the FAQ, also, as part of your HELLO letter, include some of the more annoying aspects of the site, so that hte members have a good idea going in.

Thanks for your quick answer. I had a feeling you was going to say that. Just means that users who dont see the warning that they have to change password will get frustrated and not use the site anymore.


Thanks for your response anyway,




When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
27 Jul 2011

I do not know what version of my facebook connect you have, but the one currently in the market both shows them the ramdomly generated password after signup is complete and emails it to them. It also has a option to prompt for a new one during signup. That and two other prompt options are a little buggy in the current version. A fix is being working on, but if your version does not email them their password, you might want to consider upgrading it.
27 Jul 2011

Im using the lastest version only downloaded this week. I didnt actually notice it gave you a new password on signup but have tested since your post and it does work. The email that is sent does not contain the password,only that the profile has been activated. Would be very usefull if it also contained the password.


Thanks once again for your quick response.



27 Jul 2011



Thanks for your response. Thats a good idea to include it in your welcome email. Simple but something embaressingly i never thought of. I will go do it  I will also add it to my faq as once again, another good sugestion.

Ive been out of the dolphin scene for a year now and just getting things back together. Its amazing how much you forget when you havent used the software for so long. I do however remember receiving support and prompt replies and advice from both you and Deano, so its good to know you guys are still about.





27 Jul 2011


Im using the lastest version only downloaded this week. I didnt actually notice it gave you a new password on signup but have tested since your post and it does work. The email that is sent does not contain the password,only that the profile has been activated. Would be very usefull if it also contained the password.


Thanks once again for your quick response.



Could you PM me your site URL so i can logon and check. I just tested on my site and the email sent contains both the logon ID and password as it should.
27 Jul 2011

Pm just sent. I think ive found out where the problem lies, but not how to fix it. the facebook connect isnt sending out the confirmation email. The one i received was the welcome email from my site. Its all in the pm.





27 Jul 2011

Ok. I believe the email you're looking at is the one the admin of the site gets when a new account it created. The other email, the one with the nick name and password is sent to the new member. To the email address that gets pulled from facebook for the new account. So check that address, or check spam folders.

I received mine when i signed up on your site. Nick name and password was sent to me so it appears to be working fine.
27 Jul 2011

I'm having an issue with google chrome and the f/b connect module. Logging in using F/B works fine if you are not already logged into F/B. It goes through the process of having you log on to F/B and all is good. But if you are logged into F/B and use F/B connect it gives the following error.  This doesn't happen with firefox 6 or with IE. I have tried clearing cookies, cache etc.. set my privacy settings to the most permissive possible and still get the error. 


This webpage has a redirect loop

The webpage at long string of junk) has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

Here are some suggestions:

Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.
18 Aug 2011

I am unable to duplicate the problem.

I need you to go to

Edit your app, look under the web section and tell me what the Site URL looks like.

Then look in the On Facebook section and tell me what is in the Canvas URL locations if anything.
18 Aug 2011

I have this as the site url -> 

I have had the same thing in the url setting and had the same problem, removed it and have nothing in the canvas url and still have the same problem.


18 Aug 2011


I have had the same thing in the url setting and had the same problem, removed it


Could you explain this further? I do not understand what you mean.

I have also tried with chrome several times on your site. Both logged into facebook, and not logged into facebook and still cannot reproduce the problem. Each time it has worked fine.

I will need more information.

1) What version of chrome are you using?

2) What operating system?

3) Is your computers clock accurate? Inaccurate times can affect cookies.
18 Aug 2011

I was actually able to reproduce it when i advanced my computer clock.

So check your computers clock.

After checking the clock and correcting if needed. You will need to log out of facebook, clear all browser cookies and close the browser before trying again.
18 Aug 2011

It seems to be on a couple different computers at home and at work,. After you had success and I have had several other people try and its working for them. I figured out what was common on the different machines (a mix of OSX 10 and Win7 machines).  We have a modified hosts file for internal development servers. After removing the custom hosts entries the problem is gone.  So thanks for you time. I really appreciate it.

18 Aug 2011

Hi deano,


First : great mod I love it.


But what must I do to make the importing albums on.

I have select "Import Facebook photo albums and photos:"


But it dont work with a new fb account.




22 Aug 2011


Hi deano,


First : great mod I love it.


But what must I do to make the importing albums on.

I have select "Import Facebook photo albums and photos:"


But it dont work with a new fb account.




If your site requires either email validation or admin approval of accounts then photos will not import. This is due to dolphin itself. Photos cannot be uploaded until an account is fully active.

Send me your site URL so i can verify.
22 Aug 2011


Hi deano,


First : great mod I love it.


But what must I do to make the importing albums on.

I have select "Import Facebook photo albums and photos:"


But it dont work with a new fb account.




In your case, you have the option to pass all information to the standard dolphin join form. If you read the text on that option it states that with that option on, none of the other features listed below that will work.

That option passes control back to dolphin. It that case, photo and avatar importing does not function. Once the facebook info is passed back to dolphin, dolphin takes over as if it was a normal signup.

Thats the reason your not seeing any photos.
23 Aug 2011

When some one join on my site using the facebook connect and the profile is activated

they get this email


Your profile has been activated. Thank you for joining via Facebook Connect

This message looks very suspicious to our SmartScreen filters, so we've blocked attachments, picture, and links for your safety.

Please take a look of the two screenshot I add on the Attach two

They also get a title unknown

suspicoius.png · 18.1K · 509 views
2.png · 11.8K · 477 views
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
26 Aug 2011

It's not something i can fix as it's obviously a filtering issue with your hosts mail servers or the servers at the recieving end of the mail.

However i suspect it's not ALL your users as you have stated. Most likely ONLY those with Hotmail accounts. In which case it is THEIR smartscreen filters.

Based on the links i am finding all over google. It's a hotmail issue with their smartscreen filters.

You should also join with the normal join form for tests. Considering the email template used is almost identical.

You could also play with those email templates rewording them and see if it helps get it by the filters. In any case there is not a thing i can do you force an email to be ignored by filters.
26 Aug 2011


It's not something i can fix as it's obviously a filtering issue with your hosts mail servers or the servers at the recieving end of the mail.

 When some one you the simple join button they dont get this

only when they use the facebook connect button if you can see the  messages say: Your profile has been activated. Thank you for joining via Facebook Connect

This only happen when they use the facebook connect

but when they use the normal join they get the email to the inbox or junk


 I dont know what to say to my host becuase i'm 100% my SMTP settings are correct on my admin panel

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
26 Aug 2011

As i said. I believe it is hotmail and only hotmail users are getting this.

My facebook connect uses a normal email template available in the email templates area of the dolphin admin. Can be edited like all other dolphin templates. And is sent by dolphin just like all other dolphin emails.

And also as i said. The only difference between my template the the one the dolphin join form uses is the addition of the user name and password sections.

So most likely one of those is triggering the email as suspicious by hotmails filters.

Also as i said. You can try rewording the template to see if you can get it past the filters.

Any word in that template could be triggering the filter, such as Facebook, or username or password. Could be anything.

I will get a hotmail account as play a bit to see if i can reproduce it.
26 Aug 2011


Also as i said. You can try rewording the template to see if you can get it past the filters.

 Ok -  I'll try to get a better email template so the email can past the stupid hotmail filters

lol I got your point

Thank's deano

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
26 Aug 2011

Notice to all of my customers.

I do not know when i will be able to resume support on my modules. My area has been evacuated.

My house is currently flooded and have no power. My home was in the Hurricane Irene zone on the east coast of the US.

It may be a couple of days before i can get back up and running.
28 Aug 2011


Notice to all of my customers.

I do not know when i will be able to resume support on my modules. My area has been evacuated.

My house is currently flooded and have no power. My home was in the Hurricane Irene zone on the east coast of the US.

It may be a couple of days before i can get back up and running.

 Really sorry to hear that.

Bon courage

28 Aug 2011



4 get the support for your customers now man and take care your family first then you care about you customers

family come first remember that my friend I hope you OK and your family and I witch the irene go away so you come back with new updates for the modules

lol lol lol

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
28 Aug 2011

When I logout redirects me to the Facebook page and does not actually log out
Any solution to this failure?

19 Sep 2011


When I logout redirects me to the Facebook page and does not actually log out
Any solution to this failure?

I need to ask. Where did you get my facebook connect module? I show no record of purchase of my facebook connect module with your boonex ID.
19 Sep 2011


I bought the module Deanos Facebook Connect and installed! it works, the members can log in via facebook and it will all be imported correctly.

The problem I have now been at the Registered Members:

You could log on and then comes the member.php.
If you are now on the main page (index.php), music, pictures, ect. want to go, then the message "Profile not available for view" on the address block is:

Thanks Blank

settings.jpg · 199.9K · 505 views
profil_view.jpg · 37.8K · 498 views
11 Oct 2011

You missed step 2 of the instructions.

2) Upload the file PROFILE_INFO_REQUIRED.PHP to the ROOT of your dolphin site.

If the file profile_info_required.php is not in the proper location which is the root folder of your dolphin site, the root folder being where index.php is then that message is displayed instead.

That file is required for this feature.

Profile check interval/hours
This feature informs your members is any required profile information
is missing. It does this every number of hours set in this field.
You may put 0 in this field to diable. Thats the number Zero.
11 Oct 2011

 How is this possible?
Sep 8, 2011 04:42:17 GMT +01:00
Transaction ID: 87X41960FU5651932

Deanos Facebook Connect - Version 4.0.5    $30.00 USD    

Unfortunately only now I noticed that you answered my question. Forgot to subscribe ...

I await response, greetings


When I logout redirects me to the Facebook page and does not actually log out
Any solution to this failure?

I need to ask. Where did you get my facebook connect module? I show no record of purchase of my facebook connect module with your boonex ID.


16 Oct 2011

Start by uninstalling and reinstalling the module. That should reinstall the logout alert. Make sure you use the modules backup feature first so your settings and facebook member info gets saved before you uninstall.

Also facebook has been making changes. Make sure you have the current version of the module and that all facebook application settings are correct per these screenshots.

If all that still fails, i will need access to check things to see if another module is interfering with the logout procedure. As a incompatibility with another mod would be the only other reason for the failue.
16 Oct 2011

Hi Deano,


I noticed since fews days that less user are using your facebook connect to join my site.

Si I try myself and I got:




If I click a second time on the button, then it work fine.

I saw fews posts here about some issues being more or less the same, but I didn't find out what can I do.


Do you have any advice ?


Thank you




After disable cloudfare (CDN) it look like it is working. I clear the cache and turn back on cloudfare and it still work... So maybe it does come from the cache. 

I'll be happy for any informations helping me to not get this error again as I am really trying that most of my users connect with your facebook module.

25 Oct 2011

That error meens there was a timeout while curl was trying to connect to facebooks servers.

I am not familier with this CDN your using or what it caches or how it routes data. So i cannot offer a solution. The error indicates a timeout, so either something was preventing curl from connecting to the facebook server or it could not look up DNS.
25 Oct 2011


That error meens there was a timeout while curl was trying to connect to facebooks servers.

I am not familier with this CDN your using or what it caches or how it routes data. So i cannot offer a solution. The error indicates a timeout, so either something was preventing curl from connecting to the facebook server or it could not look up DNS.

 Thank you for your quick answer. I will look more around this cache problem and see if I can find a solution.

25 Oct 2011

It looks like the module works just fine... but there is an error:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38


What do I need to do to fix this?

Website at

27 Oct 2011

Weird... there is another error at the bottom of the page, and these errors only seem to be showing up on the home page... and only for the test standard member user I am using... doesn't show up when I'm logged in with my admin account.

Here is the error at the bottom:

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

27 Oct 2011

YIKES... this keeps getting worse...

Now that standard member account I have... the site wont even let me log out. Gives me a long error message and then just sends me back to the front page, still logged in, with the errors I posted about already still there.

Here is the long error message:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 484

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 485

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 147

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 148

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 149

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 150

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 133

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0
27 Oct 2011

why you got to block the members from the important modules on site?

I used your FB connect with no problems..

YIKES... this keeps getting worse...

Now that standard member account I have... the site wont even let me log out. Gives me a long error message and then just sends me back to the front page, still logged in, with the errors I posted about already still there.

Here is the long error message:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 484

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 485

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 147

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 148

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 149

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 150

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thecitiz/public_html/ in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 133
[edit] logged out of your site and it was perfect, takes me back to home page as new member.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
27 Oct 2011

This... is odd. I don't think I made any changes that would have fixed it.... it all seems to be working fine now though. I'll be inviting a few dozen people for some alpha testing in a few days... hopefully it doesn't come back.

The site I'm building is very focused... I took out functionality that isn't useful for the purpose it will be used for.

27 Oct 2011

This first error tells the entire story.

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_55c8f53d9e6ceb15cd4a590af65e3890, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in/home/thecitiz/public_html/ on line 38

The facebook api cannot start the session. Caused by a permission denied error as shown. In the servers main tmp folder. Not dolphins. Which means php cannot start the session. This indicates a hosting problem. Not a problem with the module or dolphin. Either server is low on hard drive space or the servers tmp folder cannot be written to. Next time this same error occurs, show it to your host. It's a problem on the server.

The rest of the errors that followed that one can be ignored. The first error triggered a chain of failures that would not have occurred if the first did not occur.
27 Oct 2011

Seeing this thread in Marketplace category but i don't think so that this belongs to this niche...

Or i am getting wrong can someone tell me the marketplace meaning thanks



Kevin Smith


Facebook Applications | iPhone Applications | Web Applications

28 Oct 2011

Hope you can help me with this:

[29-Oct-2011 02:27:12] PHP Warning:  session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/wwwinim/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPaginate.php:202) in /home/wwwinim/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/fbsdk/dbcs_fbc_facebook.php on line 38





29 Oct 2011

pm me URL to your site so i can test. This may be just a temporary issue with your session and may go away on its own. I need to logon to see if it does it with other sessions.

If it does then i will need access as well to analyze the cause. You may have recently added a module that for some reason is causing an incompatibility.
29 Oct 2011

Actually i would like you to try this first.

Edit the following file.


At about line 37 look for this.

    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {

Remove those 3 lines and replace with this.


Make sure your logged out of your site, close your browser. Then reopen browser and try again.
29 Oct 2011

OK  I did the changes as you said I also erase the error log in modules, log off and log in again  and up to this time the error log file is not showing anything so I am guessing that the problem its solved if comes up again I will let you know..Thanks for your quick reply

29 Oct 2011

Good afternoon...

A small question. I have a couple of custom html blocks enabled on my regular join page. When someone joins using the mod, those html blocks do not appear in the Facebook enabled join page.

How would I add them into that page>? ... Hosted by!
1 Nov 2011

At this point in time you don't. The form is generated using a dolphin function so the values obtained from facebook can be passed back to dolphin. It's not an actual copy of the dolphin join page. There are also no pages in page builder that can be edited in this version to add additional blocks.

I will make a note to add this ability to future versions.
1 Nov 2011

Bummer. Well, as long as it's on your list, I'll survive ... Hosted by!
1 Nov 2011

Hi Deano,


I'm having problems with the photo albums also.

It only imports the avatar photo not the album like it did on your website.


Please help..

8 Dec 2011


Hi Deano,


I'm having problems with the photo albums also.

It only imports the avatar photo not the album like it did on your website.


Please help..

As mentioned above in several forum posts, the photo import feature will not work on in-active accounts.

Check the moderation settings for dolphin in Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings

If any of the 3 boxes for ......

Automatic profile activation after joining:    
Do not change profile status after editing profile information:    
Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email:

Are un-checked then photo import will not work and you may as well shut the feature off.
8 Dec 2011
Hi Deano, All the checkboxes your talking about are checked so thats not the problem.
9 Dec 2011

You will need to send me the url to your site so i can see if i can determine the cause.

Only other posibility i can think of would be incompatibility with another module on your site.
9 Dec 2011

You have something installed on your site that is interfering with the sign-up process. The account is getting redirected to pedit.php before photo import is complete.

Most likely a mod you have is using an event that's triggered when a new account is created that checks for incomplete profile information and redirects. This type of behavior is not compatible with the importer because the account has to be created before photos can be imported.

However. Whatever mod you have in place to do that is not necessary with my facebook connect module because my facebook connect module already has a similar feature built in.
9 Dec 2011

I should also mention. I do not know if you remember everything that occurred during the signup process on my site but if you remember, there were 2 other things that occurred after the photo import.

1) Logon details are displayed to the member and a thank you for joining message displayed.

2) Redirect to pedit or whatever the custom set redirect after signup page is set to.

Neither of those are occurring either due to interference from your own sites redirect modification.
9 Dec 2011

You where right its because of the advanced profile checker i use.

Thanks for your help

10 Dec 2011

Hi Deanos


Please assist me with the below errors during registration:

Warning: file_get_contents(/home/mydomain/public_html/tmp/dbcs_fbc_data_0.tmp) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mydomain/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectModule.php on line 1026

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mydomain/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectModule.php:1026) in /home/mydomain/public_html/inc/ on line 133


Users cannot complete registration because of this errors

11 Dec 2011

Check permissions on the tmp folder in dolphin. Must be writable. It appears it may not be. Also check other folders. cache and cache_public which also must be writable.
11 Dec 2011

Also send me URL to you site so i can check.

One more thing. Are avatar and photo modules installed on your site and are their data folders writable as well?

Go into your sites admin and then to Tools then Host Tools. Make sure all the permissions under the permissions tab are in the green.
11 Dec 2011



I have tried your recomendations without luck

My site is


Please have a look and advise

11 Dec 2011

Check the moderation settings for dolphin in Admin->Settings->Moderation Settings

If any of the 3 boxes for ......

Automatic profile activation after joining:    
Do not change profile status after editing profile information:    
Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email:

Are un-checked then photo import features will not work.

So if you intend on keeping it that way you need to shut off the facebook connect options for photos. The last two options for ....

Set main Facebook photo as profile photo:    
Import Facebook photo albums and photos:

Need to be off.

That warning is of course a bug i will need to fix in the next version. It is happening because it's attempting to read data for a member that is no longer logged in because of how your moderation settings are set in dolphin.
11 Dec 2011

Turns out i will need further access to your site. Admin and perhaps ftp access.

You must have a mod installed that is interrupting the process and logging the member off before facebook connect can complete the signup.

I just unchecked all moderation settings on my site and the signup still completed normally except for photo import of course without problems. So some other mod you have is interfering.
11 Dec 2011

Hi Deano


That did the trick

Thank you so much.


Nice modLaughing

11 Dec 2011

Any news on the completion date of the upgrade? ... Hosted by!
12 Dec 2011

No. Inviter is first. Any updates to this have been put on hold until my inviter is fixed.
12 Dec 2011

Deano I sent you pm prior to finding this but I just installed this module on a 7.08 install. Here is what I am getting when people try to log in.


Error validating access token. Attempts to auto correct failed.
Clear your browsers cookies and cache and try again.


Cleared cache and cookies and still the same thing.

28 Jan 2012

A little background.

Did you ever try the boonex facebook connect module. The one that comes with dolphin. And does that one work? Mine is not meant to be purchased simply because you can't get the boonex version working. So i kinda need to know if there are problems with that one also.

Verify all settings on the facebook side are properly setup using these screen shots.

Also create a file in the root of your dolphin site called dbtest.php and place the following in it. This is a test script to test required php functions.

echo 'fopen test<br>';
$handle = fopen("", "r");
echo '<br><br>curl test<br>';
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'' );
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch,CURLOPT_VERBOSE,false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
echo curl_error($ch);
echo '<br><br>gethostbyname test<br>';
$host = '';
$ip = gethostbyname ($host);
if ($ip != $host) {
    echo $ip;
} else {
    echo 'IP Lookup Failed.';
echo '<br><br>';

Then run that file as so. and post the results here.
28 Jan 2012

I did try the default facebook connect with no luck. I seen everyone was giving this mod their graces so I tried it. I followed the screenshots but Facebook has changed a little since those screenshots but overall they are still pretty relevant to use.


I tried the dbtest.php you suggested and returned this

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /home/www/**********.com/dbtest.php on line 15


Except posting here I replaced mysite with **asterisks


Line 15 is

$ ip = gethostbyname ($host);

29 Jan 2012

Seriously? There is a space after the first $

There is not in the code i posted.

Try the file i have attached instead.

I asked if the boonex version works because i know the version in dolphin 7.0.8 and 7.0.9 works. It may not be as good as mine. But it still works. If it does not, then there is a problem elsewhere that my version will not correct as both mine and the boonex version use the same facebook api to communicate with facebook.

So the next step is the test script. If the script does not reveal an obvious problem, then i will have to issue a refund.

dbtest.php · 585B · 284 downloads
29 Jan 2012

I am not a big php coder. I know it but I did not catch that the space was wrong. A mere copy and paste must have put the space in it or something accidental on my part.


I just now fixed my problems. It just occurred to me what was happening. My hosting has a built in Outgoing Connections manager that blocks connections like those that facebook was trying to make. I continue to use the connections manager because it blocks a lot of stuff I dont want making connections.


I approved facebook connections and your mod is working just fine now. Thanks Deano.

29 Jan 2012

And that would have been something i would not have thought of, or been able to find. Well i will have to file that one away for future reference.
29 Jan 2012

Hey dean,

The mod works perfectly, but i want to ask you

if there is a way to limit the number of photos that are automaticaly been imported

from FB at join.

In an earlier post you mentioned that you were considering of adding it in an update.

Is there a way i can do it now? only one member imported 300pics i dont want more to do the same!!

2 Feb 2012

Not at this time.

I am still working on my inviter. Facebook keeps making changes slowing down my progress on that.

When i get back to the facebook connect module, the import process will actually be separated from the module.

Import during the signup process does not work reliably on many sites due to a number of different issues from php timeout settings to moderation settings in dolphin. I have to redesign this whole import feature and make it a separate process that can be done after signup is complete from within the photos module.

It's the only way to resolve many of the current problems and make it compatible with a larger variation in the number of ways dolphin can be setup and increased compatibility with other 3'rd party modules.
3 Feb 2012

I am wanting to only allow members to signin with the mod and only allow new users to join with this mod. In other words I do not want regular register or login anymore (we are a facebook game clan so they have to be on facebook anyhow) can anyone help me do this?

4 Feb 2012

This really has nothing to do with support for this module.

Post your question in the regular dolphin 7 forums. The standard join form and other changes would need to be made to dolphin.
5 Feb 2012


I am wanting to only allow members to signin with the mod and only allow new users to join with this mod. In other words I do not want regular register or login anymore (we are a facebook game clan so they have to be on facebook anyhow) can anyone help me do this?

Deano is right, this is not something that should be in the support forum.

But as it is really easy to achieve, I like to give you some informations how I did it.

You don't have to delete or touch anything from the "join" and " connect" process from boonex.

As Deano Facebook can be use with his own link: ,

you just have to hide the boonex connect and join block ( page builder ) and add your own html block with a button pointing to ""

If you have difficulties, DON'T ANSWER ME HERE, but create a new topic in the forum or send me a private message.

5 Feb 2012

Deano awesome mod

I have a small issue I need help with.

It appears I drop members from time to time. Wondering if something in my settings.

A new member joins via the mod then occasionally a member comes back a few days later and their account is gone and they have to rejoin.

Deano do you or anyone else have a clue what is happening?

20 Feb 2012

Facebook connect has no role in removal of accounts. So this issue would be a dolphin issue completely unrelated to facebook connect.

My guess would be something related to the moderation/account expiration settings in dolphin.

I would start a new topic in the standard Dolphin 7 forum. This is not a facebook connect issue. Facebook connect does not even have any functions in it that could delete an account. So it's not possible.
20 Feb 2012

Thanks Deano Will do.

20 Feb 2012

Issue resolved. Rebuilt site completely. Dont know what my old webmaster did but works fine now that I rebuilt site.

Have 1 question for anyone who can help. Just so you know we only allow Facebook connect to join/login (Facebook Gaming Site).

I have hid join and login in page builder and set it with new html block so goes to deanos mod

Got join working where it says "Hello Guest, Join / Login

But "Login" still brings up Dolphin default login choices.....anyone know where I can find "login" so I cant redirect it to deanos also?


Thanks in advance

28 Feb 2012

Fixed...Thanks Deano

28 Feb 2012


I purchased and installed the great MOD yesterday.

I think I did exactly as described from you.
But i get a error, when choosing Deanos FBC (from FB side)

The boonex default FB connect works fine.

Any idea ?



29 Feb 2012



I purchased and installed the great MOD yesterday.

I think I did exactly as described from you.
But i get a error, when choosing Deanos FBC (from FB side)

The boonex default FB connect works fine.

Any idea ?



Error is from facebook side. Are you using the same facebook app key and secret key as the boonex version?

If not then check the facebook side of the settings. Use these screen shots as a guide.

If you are then check in the facebook connect module and make sure there are no spaces in front of or at the end of those keys.
29 Feb 2012

tks a lot
it was a conflict in the FB app config.

Sorry about

Works great now, including foto import etc


29 Feb 2012

Hello all


I am about to upgrade to 7.0.9 can you confirm that this will work with .09 please?



8 Mar 2012

I have been using several functions from this too with 7.0.9 with no problem.

8 Mar 2012

It works with 7.0.9
8 Mar 2012


I am getting this error any help will be aprreciated Thanks

[19-Mar-2012 10:00:13] PHP Warning:  session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/wwwinim/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPaginate.php:202) in /home/wwwinim/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/fbsdk/dbcs_fbc_facebook.php on line 38

20 Mar 2012

My records show you have had this mod since Aug 2011.

How long has this been going on.

One of 2 posibilities.

1) Either of the 2 files mentioned in the error is either damaged or recently edited and white space left at the end of the file after the closing ?> tag.

One of those files is inc/classes/BxDolPaginate.php mentioned in the first part of the error and the other is modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/fbsdk/dbcs_fbc_facebook.php

My file in modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/fbsdk/dbcs_fbc_facebook.php does not contain a closing tag ?> at the end of the file, so extra space should not be a issue. So check the other file mentioned.

2) A new mod recently installed that is causing a incompatibility.

You could also try this edit. modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/fbsdk/dbcs_fbc_facebook.php at the line mentioned, line 38 try changing this.


to this


Test facebook connect after making that change to make sure it still connects to facebook.

However, details of any recent changes such as new mods would be of some help to me. Seems odd an error like this would just now start for a module you have been using since Aug 2011
20 Mar 2012

I'd made the change as you said and so far no more errors.........Thanks

20 Mar 2012

Hi Deano,

Haven't bought this module but just curious, what happens if I place a facebook connect button on the site but set the join to invitation only. (While in beta stage)

Will the users still be able to join through facebook?

28 Mar 2012

I had to test this to find out.

Yes it does allow signups. It is not supposed to. It's a problem i will have to fix in the next version.

The subject of facebook signups for invitation only sites has not been brought up in the two years i have been selling this module. So that one was overlooked.
29 Mar 2012

Thanks for taking time to check it out!

Haven't tested if the default dolphin facebook connect also has this problem. (Else it would be considered a bug?)

Will keep a lookout for your next version. :)

29 Mar 2012

Version 4.0.6 has been released.

This is a bug fix version. Previous versions did not check to see if the site was set to allow registrations by invitation only. This version fixes that problem.
29 Mar 2012

Hey Deano

Just wanted to check something before I changed anything on my site due to the issues we had before.

As you remember my users can only join with your FB connect on my site. My forums are SMF forums which are integrated to Dolphin. The issue I am having is the way I have FB connect set up it issues the password after join and many dont remember it to use in the forums for login and are reseting in SMF

My question is if I check "Prompt for password on join" would this allow them to enter their own so that say they could use same password as they use on Facebook so they can remember and if so they will still be able to use FB Connect for login correct?


Thanks Again

4 Apr 2012


However you will need to monitor for problems. For the most part the prompt for password feature works and allows a password to be set at sign-up. But some people have had problems with those prompting options. Sometimes they don't work. So i do not recommend any of the others be turned on. Just the password.

There is a bug somewhere with those features i have not yet found. Seems to mostly affect the prompt for nickname. In any case. If you enable the feature, just keep an eye out for sign-up problems.
4 Apr 2012

Ya I kinda remember us talking about that. I have had all other disabled anyhow.

I have it on and will test it for a few days

4 Apr 2012

Hi Deano,


Ive just installed v4.06


Ive tested with the pass to dolphin login form and without. With the dolphin login page selected it goes through the motions of allowing you to fill in the data and when you select join it simply sits there doing nothing at all.

Testing the other option of it importing fb stuff and registering you straight onto my site, it fails to grab pics and albums from fb. it does however grab the profile pic.

Due to millions of spam users daily i changed my site to fb connect only and havent had a single spam account since. My site is mainly in testing as i dont have many real users and havent done anything on it for months and months. Just decided to give it another


Any ideas?




9 Apr 2012

Once data is collected and passed to the dolphin join form, dolphin has control at that point. So if the form is not submitting then there is a problem with dolphin as facebook connect no longer has control at that time.

Test the join form with a manual signup. I have a feeling you have some filters active that are blocking or preventing the form signup from completing or some other error with the join form.

As for photos. Photos cannot be uploaded if account is not active. Covered already in the forums. Check your dolphin settings, if you are requiring confirmation of email or admin has to approve then photo import will not work.

As far as the spam. I solved that on my site by just simply adding a question in my join form that asks the question "Are you human" and must have an answer of Yes. The number of spam accounts i get now has dropped to almost none.
9 Apr 2012

Hi Deano,

Thanks for your quick reply.

Ive switched off the passing of the registration to the join form as ive now tested and am happy with the facebook connect  dealing with it from start to finish. Tested the photo problem i had and your absolutrly correct. I had the settings wrong. Now changed and all the pics imported.


Your spam tip is a very easy one but sounds very effective. As im only going to allowe fb users to join hopefully i should stay relativly spam


thanks for your help its much appreciated.




10 Apr 2012

Hi deano. 

I just installed the facebook connect module of yours, it works great, except for 1 thing. When i tested it with my facebook profile, it joined and everything and imported the info like it was supposed to. But when i try and view the Profile it says there is no profile available to view..


url for site is



19 Apr 2012

I tested twice on your site and did not have a problem. It seems to be working fine.
19 Apr 2012

Hey deano,


I have a feature request.

1) (for logged in users) Adds a Link/Unlink Facebook Profile to member.php

2) When a user uses FBC for the first time it gives the option to link with an existing account 


can this be done?

Thanks! :)

~~Mike ~~ This Signature is missing something :(
21 Apr 2012


Hey deano,


I have a feature request.

1) (for logged in users) Adds a Link/Unlink Facebook Profile to member.php

2) When a user uses FBC for the first time it gives the option to link with an existing account 


can this be done?

Thanks! :)

1) It could be. It can be done now by a member by removing the facebook ID from their profile information. You may even be able to write a button in a php block to remove it. However there is a feature in facebook connect that will have to be disabled to do it. The match on email address option will link to an existing dolphin account if the accounts email address matches the facebook email address. That feature will have to be turned of or it will defeat the purpose of a button like this.

2) To do that would require i stop part way through the facebook connect signup to ask for existing logon and password info then check the logon. As facebook connect is written now i cannot currently implement that. Perhaps in a future version.
21 Apr 2012

Facebook has recently made some changes in the wording of some of their error messages. This is preventing my module from properly detecting and trapping certain oauth errors.

If you get the error.....

OAuthException: Error invalidating access token: The session is invalid because the user logged out.

Then close and reopen the browser.

This only occurs when reconnecting with facebook right after logging out without closing the browser first.

I am working on a fix and it will be released later today.
3 May 2012

Version 4.0.7 released. Fixed latest facebook OAuth error.

As usual, follow the instructions included for upgrade.
3 May 2012

So having only used your tools and updated from 7.0.8 my login on the front page has a missing image, when i click on it I get this message which I shouldnt even get because I havent even had the module:


Module(deanos_facebook_connect) was not found


The link to the missing image is this:




How can I remove this please?

10 May 2012

The only reason that should have happend is if you attempted to install a facebook connect button through code available within the forums.

These are the instructions on how to add the button. You need to look for those changes and remove them.

There is no way these changed could even exist unless you or someone else you had work on your site attempted to install code found somwhere on these forums for a facebook connect button.

So either reverse the changes show in in these instructions or restore a clean copy of inc/ for your current version of dolphin. Your better off getting a clean copy of inc/

To add a facebook connect button open inc\

Look for the following at about line 477

'inputs' => array(
    'nickname' => array(
    'type' => 'text',
    'name' => 'ID',
    'caption' => _t('_NickName'),

Comment out $aAuthTypes,. Make it look like this.
This mod removes the auth type drop down list. This is optional.

'inputs' => array(
    'nickname' => array(
    'type' => 'text',
    'name' => 'ID',
    'caption' => _t('_NickName'),

Now near the end of the file at line 525 look for this.

    $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);

    $sCustomHtmlBefore = '';
    $sCustomHtmlAfter = '';
    $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'show_login_form', 0, 0, array('oForm' => $oForm, 'sParams' => &$sParams, 'sCustomHtmlBefore' => &$sCustomHtmlBefore, 'sCustomHtmlAfter' => &$sCustomHtmlAfter, 'aAuthTypes' => &$aAuthTypes));

    $sFormCode = $oForm->getCode();

Make it look like this.
This mod adds the facebook connect button.

    $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);

    $sCustomHtmlBefore = '';
    $sCustomHtmlAfter = '';
    $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'show_login_form', 0, 0, array('oForm' => $oForm, 'sParams' => &$sParams, 'sCustomHtmlBefore' => &$sCustomHtmlBefore, 'sCustomHtmlAfter' => &$sCustomHtmlAfter, 'aAuthTypes' => &$aAuthTypes));

    $sFormCode = '<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 8px;"><a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src="' . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/templates/base/images/fbconnectbut.png"></a></div>' . $oForm->getCode();
10 May 2012

There is a reason people like you, when you go out your way and do the right thing, I admire u for giving me the instructions, thank you. I have removed the code. Cheers

11 May 2012


Where can i find the changes log from 4.0.5 to 4.0.7?

17 May 2012

All changes are listed in the instructions.txt that comes with each release of the module. I do not publish them separately. You will need the latest version. Facebook made some recent changes that required a fix. Here is a list of changes in 4.0.6 and 4.0.7

Mar 29, 2012 - Fixed bug that allowed signups when site was set to registration by invitation only.
Mar 29, 2012 - Version 4.0.6 released.
May 3, 2012 - Fixed a language key category problem.
May 3, 2012 - Facebook made session handling changes causing an oauth error. Fixed.
May 3, 2012 - Released version 4.0.7.
17 May 2012

Hey Deano,

I wasn't able to message you because I have the free account right now until I get paid again but I was wanting to talk to you about your facebook connect module.  I'm building a site with a professor and another student for our research project to see the affects social media has on personal, national, and international relationships and was hoping you would let us use your module...  My email is - 


Your's Truly,

Mitchell Wood 

(Sorry, I didn't know how else to contact - I'll delete this from your forum asap) 

5 Jun 2012


Can I have facebook connect button both on join page AND homepage? I currently have it on join page but I want another one. Can you please tell me where is the html code and will it work if I simply put it in an html block?

Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it
17 Jun 2012



Can I have facebook connect button both on join page AND homepage? I currently have it on join page but I want another one. Can you please tell me where is the html code and will it work if I simply put it in an html block?

Yes, just put it in a html block. I think mentioned once that is just a image with a link. It's standard HTML. No trickity tricks to it.
17 Jun 2012

I was kind of hoping you'll tell me where to find the html code 'cause I have no clue as you already know...

Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it
17 Jun 2012

This inside a html block.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Or yoiu can just put the logon box back on your home page. As the button is already installed in that box.
17 Jun 2012

 Awesome!! thank you very much.


This inside a html block.

<a href="modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form"><img border="0" src=""></a>

Or yoiu can just put the logon box back on your home page. As the button is already installed in that box.


Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it
17 Jun 2012

Debug tools will help to see if there is is an error for your created apps  you can see this tool in apps basic  edit :


Put : 

press DEBUG

And if it has no error or looks like this Has output Response: 200 you are good to go.

Also dont enable canvass if not needed or esle you must delete it.

Input URL, Access Token, or Open Graph Action ID

Scrape Information
Response code: 200

20 Jun 2012

Mr Deano

we are waiting long time to get update this module like import photo separately and invite facebook friends also. 

Thank you.

10 Jul 2012


this one is certainly a easy one, but I don't get it to work.

In the connect windows, under the "connect with facebook" button, and before the "Pseudo" and "password" standart box from boonex... I like to put a small text like "or connect here under".

Any advice ?



25 Jul 2012

A problem has just be brought to my attention.

Facebook has apparently made a recent change in scope options. If your get the following error from facebook when trying to connect via facebook connect.

API Error Code: 100 API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: Unsupported scope: 'user_photo_video_tags'.

Go into the facebook connect options and uncheck the permission for user_photo_video_tags

That scope is no longer supported by facebook.

I will work on a updated version to remove that option within a couple of days.
1 Aug 2012

Hello deano,

i have a problem with installing Facebook Connect, can you maybe help me with installing this Modul?

Best ragaurds


7 Aug 2012


Hello deano,

i have a problem with installing Facebook Connect, can you maybe help me with installing this Modul?

Best ragaurds


Install instructions are included in the zip file. Your a starter so i will have to contact you as you cannot send messages.
7 Aug 2012

Hi, i dont understand you, my site is and my E-Mail is:

I insalled it allready, but it didnt work realy.

Please help me to finish it today.


Best Ragaurds 


7 Aug 2012


Hi, i dont understand you, my site is and my E-Mail is:

I insalled it allready, but it didnt work realy.

Please help me to finish it today.


Best Ragaurds 


What i meant is as a starter you cannot send me personal messags here, so i will have to contact you. Which i did. Check your messages here.

I already figured out what yuur site url is, and i tested the module. It works fine. If you look on your site you will see i have an account there that was done with the facebook connect. It appears to be working fine.
7 Aug 2012

Dear Deano..

New two problem found in Facebook connect modules.

1) Different nick get same Image(avatar)

for more detailes Mr.Deano please check your private message box

see attachment image also.

2) After upgrate new version all avatar from FB getting small size.

Thank you.

sample.gif · 29K · 356 views
12 Aug 2012

That is not facebook connect. It's a issue with dolphin. It's been happening with other people as well. If you search the forums you will find other with the same avatar problems.
12 Aug 2012

As for the small photo size. I cannot explain that one. I cannot reproduce the problem on any other site i have tested it on.

If you upgraded from a very old version, you need to make sure you followed full upgrade instructions.

1) Backup
2) Uninstall module
3) Then remove all files for module from the server except the backup folder.
4) Then upload new version.
5) Install
6) Restore backup.
12 Aug 2012

Proper upgrade instructions are included in the install instructions text file that comes with the product. That procedure must be followed when upgrading to a new version.
12 Aug 2012

Ok. Facebook changed things again apparently.

Funny thing is i tested this morning and found no problem with the size of the photo retrieved for use for the avatar and profile photo.

A few hours later i test again and problem appeared.

I am working on a fix. Should be available today. I will post again when issue has been resolved.
12 Aug 2012

Version 4.0.9 released.

Added support for friends only privacy when importing photo albums.


Fixed recent problem caused by changes facebook made that imported the small photo for the avatar.
13 Aug 2012

Version 4.1.0 of my facebook connect module has been released.

This version adds support for Dolphin 7.1.0

Also included in this update are the following fixes and additions.

Aug 21, 2012 - Fixed bug that created errors after install and module was not yet configured.
Aug 24, 2012 - Improved detection of real IP address when a proxy is involved. Better accuracy for GeoIP lookup of country.
Aug 24, 2012 - Improved facebook connect button image.
Aug 28, 2012 - Added Option to set a specific profile status on join. (Defaults to Active)
Aug 28, 2012 - Added Option to force unconfirmed previous Facebook connect accounts to active on connect. (Default is on)
Aug 28, 2012 - Added Option to enable/disable GeoIP country lookup.
Aug 28, 2012 - Added Option to set the default country.
Aug 28, 2012 - Added check to make sure curl is operating properly on the host and with https support enabled.
Aug 28, 2012 - Added check to make sure host is resolving domain names.
Aug 29, 2012 - Tested for proper operation on Dolphin 7.1.0.
Aug 29, 2012 - Fixed a cosmetic problems for Dolphin 7.1.0.
Aug 30, 2012 - Released version 4.1.0
30 Aug 2012

Deano i have installed this and am getting this error, any suggestions please




site is

4 Sep 2012

If you have done what the error say to try. Which is clear all browser cookies and cache, then the most likley reason is the app on the facebook side is not properly setup.

Go to end your app. and make sure the settings are correct.

Use these screen shots as a guide.

The most important settings are.....

1) Site URL. Must match your dolphin site.

2) App Domain. Must match your domain name.

3) The migrations under Advanced Settings. All migrations MUST be disabled.

Facebook makes changes on a regular basis and these changes can end up as new migration options in your apps settings. So every now and then you you need to check that to make sure they are all still off.

I suspect these migration settings are the current cause of your issue.
4 Sep 2012


done that and still not working :(


Don't know what those attachments are, but you better look at them. They are photos.

I need to see screenshots of your settings on the facebook side.
4 Sep 2012

sorry wrong photo's

4 Sep 2012

Take out the canvas URL settings. The instructions to not say to set those. So should not be.

Second. Try changing the site URL to just

If that fails. Then try setting deanos facebook connect to use this test facebook app.

App ID: 115628535177533
App Secret: 4d685d922fcde56b9ebbbda584873bd9

The SDK may be having a problem dealing with the double dots style domain name.

But the test app will tell me if the problem is on the facebook end or your end.
4 Sep 2012

It works with your SDK :(


strange as i have never had a problem before, any suggestions

4 Sep 2012

Something is wrong with the app on the facebook side.

Create a new one. And only setup what is shown in my screen shots.

Something with the current one is still not setup right.
4 Sep 2012

You new one is not pulling in the avatar. So double check the migration settings.
4 Sep 2012

And also check the permissions in my facebook connect module. By default the first 8 are checked. They must remain checked. Those first 8 are required for facebook connect.

I have seen some people uncheck some of them and check others they don't need which is why those settings are going to be removed in the next version.
4 Sep 2012

Looks like you got it. My last test looked good.
4 Sep 2012

Cheers Deano


It was the SDk causing the problem :)

4 Sep 2012

Hi deano how do I auto friend people. I have auto friend enabled when users join normally but not when they use Facebook connect

8 Sep 2012

Depends on how far you need to go with the auto friend. My facebook connect has a option to add people as friends.

The option as it appears on the config page.

Comma delimited list of friends to automatically add to new account.



The option described in detail in the install documentation.

Comma delimited list of friends to automatically add to new account.
Here you can enter dolphin member id's of members you want to automatically
be added as friends of the new member during the join process.
The field must contain member ID numbers, not nicknames.
More than one can be specified by separating them with a comma.




There is also another option for those that have joined with facebook.

Auto friend any current members who are also friends with new member on facebook
If this option is on, then the new joining member will be added as a friend
to all existing dolphin members who are also friends with the new member on
facebook. The existing members had to have originally signed up using facebook
connect for this feature to work.
8 Sep 2012

Hi there,


almost everything works for me except for the following:

when a person doesn't have an account on my site, but has a facebook account and rty to login using facebook connect, the following error appears:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() in /modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/geoip/ on line 390

What can be done to avoid this message and redirect to join page?

9 Sep 2012


Hi there,


almost everything works for me except for the following:

when a person doesn't have an account on my site, but has a facebook account and rty to login using facebook connect, the following error appears:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare geoip_country_code_by_name() in /modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/inc/geoip/ on line 390

What can be done to avoid this message and redirect to join page?

I will need access to analyze the problem. Should not be occurring. I will need to determine if you have other modules installed that also include and use the geoip database.
9 Sep 2012

Also. There is a option in the latest version of the facebook connect module that allows you to disable geoip lookup. Turn that off and see if the problem goes away.
9 Sep 2012

Deanos Facebook Connect updated to version 4.1.1 today.

Change Log.

Sep 12, 2012 - Updated photo retrieval to deal with facebooks October 2012 Breaking Changes
Sep 12, 2012 - Removed option for custom permissions. Not being properly used.
Sep 13, 2012 - Moved SQL causing errors on install in dolphin 7.1.0 to installer.php.

Anyone running a older version should upgrade to this version no later than October 3'rd.

Facebook is changing the primary photo retrival method. This is the photo that is used to set the avatar. At this time the October 2012 Breaking Changes can be disabled in the migration settings for the app on the facebook side. But after October 3'rd that option will no longer be available. At that time you run the risk of facebook connect not being able to retrieve the photo which will result in errors.

This version have been updated to deal with those changes.
13 Sep 2012

It there a way to have your login button in the _sub_header.html there until the member either joins or logs in?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
29 Sep 2012

Not sure.

You have to be a bit more specific what you want to do. I provide button code in the docs for the default UNI promo area next to the logon and join buttons.

But the _sub_header.html does not have a area that only shows to guests.

So i do not know. I would need details as to exactly what your trying to do, where you want the button.
30 Sep 2012

I solved it by putting code for link/button in a HTML block on the most popular pages on the site and set for guest only, this really works well for the site.

One site's events page is popular so just that single button top left of the page has increased signups..

Thanks for quick response though!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
30 Sep 2012

Deano i have a massive problem, my site is getting really busy and am getting 20 new members say within 30 seconds when i put a post out on FB to a group i own, i am using the /modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect%2Flogin_form link in promotion but it's adding one persons photo thats grabbed from fb to the same people that register at the same moment.


How to stop this from happening as it's happened 9 times now 

4 Oct 2012

If you look around the forums, other people have had problems with avatars doing the same thing, and many not even running facebook connect. Here is one topic.

There are more topics on the same issue as well.

This is most likley not a facebook connect problem, but a problem with the avatar module because of the number of people without facebook connect haveing the same issue.

I will look into it and see if i can find a solution, but if i can't duplicate it, i most likley will not be able to correct it.

First thing i would try is to turn off all of dolphins caching to see if the problem goes away. Some of the posts i have read in the past seem to suggest some kind of caching problem.
4 Oct 2012

Cheers for the quick reply deano, i have only noticed this issue when i have an influx of users join within seconds, i own a group on FB with 7000 users and everytime (during peak times) i put my post on getting people to join has it ever happened so assumed it was the FB module as thats the only way it could happen, it is even making the user's profile page have the same pic

4 Oct 2012

After update version 4.1 i am having problem to login FBC

Error. Missing PHP Extension.
Test for proper operstion of curl failed with the following message.

SSL connection timeout

Contact your host.


please help.

error.gif · 5.4K · 337 views
7 Oct 2012

curl timed out when attempting to contact facebook. Problem is normally temporary.

If it continues, contact your host as the message suggests as it's a hosting issue with the operation of curl.

You can also try increasing the timeout setting by editing the following.

Open modules/deano/deanos_facebook_connect/classes/BxDbcsFaceBookConnectModule.php

At line 1227 look for this.

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);

Change to this.

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);

Where 15 is the number of seconds to wait for a response from facebook.

I will increase that timeout setting in the next version.
7 Oct 2012

Thanks Deano i will try to change the time out value as you mention..

7 Oct 2012

Just recently, it appears that members joining my site using the FBC module are not getting their avatars pushed over.


This was working fine up until a couple weeks ago, now they just get a blank image when they sign up using that method. 


Any thoughts, or where I should start looking?

Skype: shawn.nelson
18 Oct 2012


Just recently, it appears that members joining my site using the FBC module are not getting their avatars pushed over.


This was working fine up until a couple weeks ago, now they just get a blank image when they sign up using that method. 


Any thoughts, or where I should start looking?


Make sure you are running the latest version of my FBC Version 4.1.1 which was released last month on Sept 13 to prepare for facebooks October breaking changes.

The release was also announced here in this forum on Sept 13
18 Oct 2012

Hi Deano, hope all's well! Just recently the Facebook Connect button simply redirects to Facebook... so I thought I'd install the most recent update. However, Boonex says we haven't purchased it when trying to click 'Download'. Very odd as we've been running it for years. Our site is here if you'd like to check things out. Can you let me know how to resolve this and install the latest issue?

3 Nov 2012


Hi Deano, hope all's well! Just recently the Facebook Connect button simply redirects to Facebook... so I thought I'd install the most recent update. However, Boonex says we haven't purchased it when trying to click 'Download'. Very odd as we've been running it for years. Our site is here if you'd like to check things out. Can you let me know how to resolve this and install the latest issue?

You don't have my facebook connect. You are using the boonex version.

Records show you have purchased my Admin Announcements, and the inviter, but not facebook connect.

The button you have on your site you have pointing to the boonex version of facebook connect. You most likley got the button instructions here.

You can tell from the url which version of facebook connect your button is pointing to.

Your button is pointing to modules/?r=facebook_connect/login_form If your were running mine it would be pointing to modules/?r=deanos_facebook_connect/login_form

You should also look in your admin panel in the modules section. It will also show you what is installed.
3 Nov 2012
6 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.