Cron Job Error

We have been getting an email with the subject header reading -

Cron cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php The body of the email reads - register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.

I can confirm that register_globals and allow_url_include are both actually off, as they should be. It's the error message that's incorrect.

How do we fix this so we stop getting these emails...Thanks


Valerie Bloomberg
Quote · 29 Dec 2009

I am not sure what type of operating your server is running..but I found that that configuration does not work to well with Apachie. Are you able to upload and process video?


This might work:


Try and see if not you can always switch back. I am assuming that you are running Dolphin in the root (public_html) and not a sub-directory?


/usr/bin/php -q /home/brenaris/public_html/periodic/cron.php

Quote · 30 Dec 2009


First off, try setting your cron command to this instead:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/brenaris/public_html/


Nothing to see here
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

I signed up for, BTW love the Template. Tried to access the forum and this is what I got..


Warning: require_once(/home/brenaris/public_html/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/brenaris/public_html/ on line 96

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/brenaris/public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/brenaris/public_html/') in /home/brenaris/public_html/ on line 96


Why do you need to have your domain name in the cron url.. I think that is the problem, are you using as a sub folder in public_html?

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

You are getting that error in the forum because there is no folder for the template in /modules/boonex/forum/layout directory.

You need to make a copy of the Uni folder and rename it to the same name as the template being used in /templates.

It is very possible that the domain name is registered somewhere else, making it "needed" in the cron job path. If there is a folder in the public_html directory, then my post is correct.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Yes I agree with you. Was just wondering if the domain is in the public_html as a folder. If it is and the scripts are installed in that folder the cron is being called in a loop, as the domain is being called twice to execute the same command.

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

We have been getting an email with the subject header reading -

Cron cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php The body of the email reads - register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.

I can confirm that register_globals and allow_url_include are both actually off, as they should be. It's the error message that's incorrect.

How do we fix this so we stop getting these emails...Thanks


Did you fix the problem ? If yes how? Because i get the some error message...

Thank you...

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Thanks guys!  We will look into these suggestions and see if it fixes the problem!!


Valerie Bloomberg
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

jec1944 -- we followed Zarcon's instructions and copied the uni folder in the /modules/boonex/forum/layout directory. Please take a look and see if that solved the problem you found.

However, nobody's advice helped with the cron issue. The paths are correct -- we need in the path because we have many domains hosted on this server, and that's the way the server represents them. And stedracu gets the same errors, so it's not specific to our configuration anyway.

Any other advice?


-- Jason & Valerie

Valerie Bloomberg
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

How about this guys, let's go back to the very basics and find out what you have in common with each other that is different than the rest of us.


We know you are both human, that you are both members of Unity, that you are both running D7 on your sites.  So what else do you have in common?  Let's find out.


1.  Hosting Company:  Who are each of you hosted with?  Could you have the same host?


2.  Hosting Plan:  Are you on Shared, VPS or Dedicated Servers? 


3.  What are your server basics?  PHP, MySQL, Linux or Windows?  Running CGI Mode?  Apache Handler?  If so, type? 



These questions all are extremely basic but we might find the answer in them where we haven't been able to find it out for you yet. 

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Well, I agree with mydatery. There are a lot of questions. I have been to your site and all seems to work ok, except the Forum. Trying to go to the forum will get you this error. The Template you are using is not intergarted correctly with Orca. Are you sure this Template is compatable with D7??.There are some out there  that clame to be, but have some problems with intergration. The php script for Dolphin is really the best I have seen. Mydatery is correct about the hosting and also there may be some programing mistakes in your Templates, might want to check with your builder.


This is what happens when clicking on the Forum menu link.


Warning: require_once(/home/brenaris/public_html/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/brenaris/public_html/ on line 96

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/brenaris/public_html/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/brenaris/public_html/') in /home/brenaris/public_html/ on line 96

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

We have been getting an email with the subject header reading -

Cron cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php The body of the email reads - register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.

I can confirm that register_globals and allow_url_include are both actually off, as they should be. It's the error message that's incorrect.

How do we fix this so we stop getting these emails...Thanks


Lets deal with this first and clear up some obvious mis-understandings.

Cron runs the CLI version of PHP which on some servers does not use the same php.ini config file as the webserver. Thus it would not matter how the settings look in the webserver, they will not affect cron.

This is obviously one of those cases.

So you have a few options.

1) Call your host and see if they have a easy solution for this.

2) Try placing a custom php.ini file in your periodic folder

3) Try a custom php.ini in your periodic folder and a modified cron command to tell php to use that config like so.

cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q -c /home/brenaris/public_html/ cron.php

If option 2 and 3 fail, Option 1 would be the only choice.

I know how to fix the template problem, but one thing at a time.
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

We have been getting an email with the subject header reading -

Cron cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q cron.php The body of the email reads - register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.

I can confirm that register_globals and allow_url_include are both actually off, as they should be. It's the error message that's incorrect.

How do we fix this so we stop getting these emails...Thanks


Lets deal with this first and clear up some obvious mis-understandings.

Cron runs the CLI version of PHP which on some servers does not use the same php.ini config file as the webserver. Thus it would not matter how the settings look in the webserver, they will not affect cron.

This is obviously one of those cases.

So you have a few options.

1) Call your host and see if they have a easy solution for this.

2) Try placing a custom php.ini file in your periodic folder

3) Try a custom php.ini in your periodic folder and a modified cron command to tell php to use that config like so.

cd /home/brenaris/public_html/; /usr/local/bin/php -q -c /home/brenaris/public_html/ cron.php

If option 2 and 3 fail, Option 1 would be the only choice.

I know how to fix the template problem, but one thing at a time.

Thanks! I put a php.ini file in the periodic folder with two lines, turning register_globals and allow_url_include to Off. The cron is running every minute but it's no longer generating error emails, so hopefully that's fixed. Thanks again!

I had fixed php.ini for Dolphin 6 but that file went in my root directory, not the periodic directory.

Valerie Bloomberg
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


I know how to fix the template problem, but one thing at a time.

How do we solve the template problem?

-- Jason & Val

Valerie Bloomberg
Quote · 2 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.