Hi, this is a repost from Expertzzz by teklounge, but I have the same issue, as do many others and it never got addressed there. Any ideas?
How can I add a hyperlink to the member profile page using a field value from the member's profile?
searched all over this forum, the unity forum, and boonex nerd, but I
can't seem to find out how to do this. At least not in version 6.1
(which is what I have). Ant help is MUCH APPRECIATED!!!
I added a new field, homepage, to the member's profile setup. I'd like
that field to be displayed on the MEMBER PROFILES page, and I'd like it
to be click-able. This way, if someone visits the member's profile,
they can click on that link and go to the member's website (a site
outside of Dolphin).
The value of that field would be: http://www.memberwebsite.com
It would be cool too if I could 'hide the address' and just show the
words: Member's Website (and that link is the field's value).
Any Ideas??? If you do... THANKS!!
I'm actually thinking of using this for Affiliates too... creating a
field in the users setup, setting up the users as users AND as
affiliates (not member's as affiliates), and then putting in their
affiliate link: http://dolphinsite.com/join.php?affid=1 (or whatever it is).
Does anyone have a solution to this one? It seems so basic - I'm sure others here would like a clickable link in the profiles.
I want to do this same thing along with basic formatting in a TextArea field. For example, when a member wants to break up text, I need it to accept a hard return. It will appear that way while editing the profile, but not display that way in the profile view.
I agree these seem really basic and something we all need.
This code will help.
$qry = "SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$memberid'";
$res = db_res($qry);
$member_email = $res['Email'];
echo '<a href="'.$member_email.'">'.$member_email.'</a>';
---- |
Then make it to display inside a box if needed. ---- |
To LHAdmin
For this feature some changes are required.
You have to change the database `Profiles`.`Description` field to mediumtext.
Then you have to add a tinymce to the description field in the editing section.
This will help you.
---- |
Praveenky - this is an important procedure- thank for posting it. I haven't tried it yet because I am stuck on a few things. Are you saying you can make any field a tinyMCE - like this box I am composing this in? I wanted to turn the "DescriptionMe" into tinyMCE - so I went to phpmyadmin to change the field type. There was no "medium text" so I changed it to "medium blob" - will that work? I don't know how to do this part, "add a tinymce to the description field in the editing section" - I don't see any options for Tiny MCE - how is this done?
To add tinymce make the class and id of that field to blogText ---- |
Where? In phpmyadmin or somewhere in Dolphin- like the field builder? I couldn't find anything called "blogText" in either place - could you (or someone) clarify?
Can you (or anyone) please give more clarification on how to enable tinyMCE on select profile fields.? |
Thanks LHAdmin - I'm still waiting too, and I'm sure that MANY people will want to do this.
I've noticed on this forum that the people on this forum who are really expert tend to be really terrible communicators, and the people who are good at communication often don't have the knowledge to help on many issues.
If anyone can help interpret the approach that was given above, or can help develop a procedure for this, please weigh in.
According to dolphin join page programing, it will be much complicated when you make the tinymce to particular field. But you can easily do that if you make your own join page in normal way. ---- |
To set that blogText don't goto database. Its the files with forms that you have to edit. ---- |
Praveen, what are "files with forms"? |
.you guys ask questions way beyond the scope of a simple forum lol..there is soooooo much to wrap together it would confuse everyone...better to just give you files and you can use app like fcompare to see changes I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
You beat me to the punch - I was just going to write you a private message to try to get your help interpreting the vague and confusing statements.
Mrpowless- we are not going to give up on this one. If it is possible to have tinymice in a profile field, and to have a profile field that can be a clickable web link, we will just have to keep asking questions over and over again until we figure it out. I use a program called "PHPlinkDirectory" and they manage their forum very differently from this one. When someone has a simple mod, the show you the exact files, and the exact code to change.
Here the instructions will be something like: "make form in normal way, then change your database files and adjust the class parameters". There is no context or precision so you are right where you started. Mr Powless - if you have an approach for this issue that you think will work, I will follow your instructions faithfully.
So you want to show a link in the profile?
Do you have an example?
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site. |
To help clairify what that code is for, you would need to insert it along with the matching Field Description(from the Fields Builder) into the templates/base/scripts/BXBaseProfileView.php file.
I actually had a MOD for sale on Expertzzz that would allow custom Profile Fields that where hardcoded into the script, much like the Description Profile Field. Their are actually two parts involved in the Profile Fields, the most obvious is the Admin Panel Fields Builder, but that only allows an individual to input content(to database), you need to get the script(specifically the Profile View page, BXBaseProfileView) to display the corresponding field. So thats why you need to alter the Script. I could go into more detail, but thats pretty much the Profile View system in a nutshell.
Caltrade and others, unless you have alot of spare time to research the Profile structure, I would wait until an Extension is made or a Tutorial explaining it, just because the Profile Fields System is really technical.
So you want to show a link in the profile?
Do you have an example?
The way I see is that when you add a new field in the profile area, you have the option's of text, textarea, password type option's.
With 99% of software, the same type options are available, but all have HTTP, by selecting HTTP will allow for a clickable web address to be added, and edited by the member.
So in the profile area, admin could add new fields like My Site, the member then adds their web address, with the extra field option HTTP would allow to add members profile option's like My Favorite Site, or any option they wish to add to the members profile that allows them to add a clickable weblink.
Just my suggestion, but it would be great if such an option was added.
From the land DownUnder |
ok here's my script hackery for this evening:
Try it out and let me know if it works for you.
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site. |
Jtadeo - what I want simple- or at least I think it should be:
1. I want a field named "web" that would allow the member to enter his website url, then I want that same field to appear in the members profile as a clickable link. I should be able to put this anywhere I want on the profile via the field builder.
2. I want a field "Descriptionme" that will be part of the member's profile, and that they can edit and format with advanced tinyMCE commands- like this one I am writing this in.
As I understand it, these features take the same approach so we are talking about both of them here.
Nuccca - that's great that you have done a mod for this. Are you going to do one for 3.1? This seems so obvious, that it should be part of the product, but I hope people will do low cost or free mods to help us with these issues.
ok here's my script hackery for this evening:
Try it out and let me know if it works for you.
Yes, just perfect.
From the land DownUnder |
Jtadeo - what I want simple- or at least I think it should be:
1. I want a field named "web" that would allow the member to enter his website url, then I want that same field to appear in the members profile as a clickable link. I should be able to put this anywhere I want on the profile via the field builder.
2. I want a field "Descriptionme" that will be part of the member's profile, and that they can edit and format with advanced tinyMCE commands- like this one I am writing this in.
As I understand it, these features take the same approach so we are talking about both of them here.
Nuccca - that's great that you have done a mod for this. Are you going to do one for 3.1? This seems so obvious, that it should be part of the product, but I hope people will do low cost or free mods to help us with these issues.
I think I got #1 done.
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site. |
Jtadeo - where is says "my fave link" right? Yes, that is basically what I want- maybe with the ability to get rid of the "http" part, and options to open in a new window, same page, etc. Can you publish that mod here?
UPDATE: I didn't read Handsconnect post very carefully but he is absolutely right. With most software, you would have the option for it to be a web link- or plain text, dropdown, whatever, right when you defined the field- but in Dolphin we were not given this option for some reason.
Jtadeo - where is says "my fave link" right? Yes, that is basically what I want- maybe with the ability to get rid of the "http" part, and options to open in a new window, same page, etc. Can you publish that mod here?
Hi Rob,
At a guess, I think Jtadeo may make this available via Extensions, or from his site www.boonexnerd.com
From the land DownUnder |
Handsconnect- I hope so- but I just went to check out the "extension" area here and found it only had two mods- is that correct? There are a number of categories to the right - some of them have numbers, but when you click them they are all empty.
Handsconnect- I hope so- but I just went to check out the "extension" area hear and found it only had two mods- is that correct? There are a number of categories to the right - some of them have numbers, but when you click them they are all empty.
Hi Rob,
Yes there are only 2 at this stage, if it is added via extensions, I beleive it has to through a approvel proccess before it is made available, not sure how long that takes.
From the land DownUnder |
Did you see my blog post about the extensions requirements? Two is probably the most you will see there for a while.. let me put it this way NOTHING I have ever writen would pass half their requirements :-(
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Mscott- yes I read your blog- which took a long time to find by the way- you would think they would have put it on the profile, but they didn't For the benefit of those who don't want to search, here it is: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/_Extensions_stink_
I do think it is cause for concern. for one- I think both Ray and Orca have problems, and it they are the only ones who can get approved, this system is much less "open source" and much more something else. Maybe they could have one area for "officially approved" extensions, and another for member created mods- perhaps with a community rating system.
In any event, the mods discussed in this thread are needed soon, and I hope we don't have to wait through some bureaucratic process.
Well if you want a chuckle here are the requirements... please pay special attention to "each extension must have an admin area", the bit about the "installer wizard" and that it can't be "one file".. Don't get me wrong, these all sound wonderful! But they are condusive to an extension area with only two extensions ;-)
Meanwhile I can post anything I want on expertzzz.. but it will be lost ina sea of "turnkey" websites downloaded from dotcombuilder and scammers selling files that don't exist. All that needed to be done was add moderators to expertzzz.. not THIS.
But back on topic: Was what Jtadeo posted close to what you're looking for?
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Did you see my blog post about the extensions requirements? Two is probably the most you will see there for a while.. let me put it this way NOTHING I have ever writen would pass half their requirements :-(
Strange what can pass, and what can not, I went to www.darrenpowless.com and with intrest I clicked on forum only to be taken to another site, I tried clicking back, but was not possible so I closed the window, and went back to the video and tried again, only to be taken to the same site again.
Then I seen later that Darren has added the Hello extenstion, so all his site visitors are now being redirected from his site, if the code must fit requirements then the fact that you are sending your site visitors to another site with no click back option will happen by adding this to your site, should also be noted as part of the requirement.
From the land DownUnder |
Hahaha, too true.. I saw someone complain on the "comments" that it was doing something strange on their site too. BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Yes Mike that was me, I did not add it to my site, when I was reading the code, I went to look further, while is states it will try not to redirect the same visitor more than twice in any one day, the truth is that if you have a visitor for the first time, and they click on join now and ended up on another site trying to sell you a Plasma TV, I don't think they will ever return again.
But back on topic: Was what Jtadeo posted close to what you're looking for?
Yes jtadeo has it right, I just can not understand why it is not a standard function.
From the land DownUnder |
The fields to be displayed are selected by the file join.php
and the fields are displayed as form by the file "templates/tmpl_xxx/scripts/BxBaseFormView.php"
and the addRow() function performs this.
My suggestion is make your own join form for this.
---- |
Wow, there was a lot of activity on this thread over night! I want to do exactly what Rob nunerated. Jtadeo, I'm encouraged that you have something. I will check it out this morning. If you do plan a mod for the full request, thank you! and I think I know who are your first two buyers! |
Solution with following notices for 6.1.1:
- For single account only
- Makes any text starting with 'http://' to be interpreted as hyperlinks in all profile fields
- No custom name for URL yet (
NEW VERSION RELEASED! Look posts down...
Vespen wrote, "Makes any text starting with 'http://' to be interpreted as hyperlinks in all profile fields"
Cool! I haven't tried it yet but this should be very useful, and is exactly how I would hope people would describe their mods here- i.e. tell us what file to change and exactly what to change. I appreciate your effort on this.
Vespen wrote, "Makes any text starting with 'http://' to be interpreted as hyperlinks in all profile fields"
Cool! I haven't tried it yet but this should be very useful, and is exactly how I would hope people would describe their mods here- i.e. tell us what file to change and exactly what to change. I appreciate your effort on this.
ty ^^
Now i'm working on separate profile field type for hyperlinks and still have some issues. I've cloned 'text' field type and added option to wrap hyperlink address by the string specified. But now i can't write this string to DB and can't read it from... thou it can be readed from admin panel clearly ((
I'm not an expert in both PHP and Dolphin but i'm quit interested in that kind of things ^^
PS! Anyone can explain how to make (inc\classes\BxDolPFM.php)
function savePositions( $aInArrays )
function to save my value? ^^ I've found that this one is in charge for saving part.
This one at the start of the function perform clearance of my variable:
db_res( "UPDATE `ProfileFields` SET `{$this -> areaBlockCol}` = 0" ); But that's all... some conditions haven't met i think (( I understand this is complicated.. but.. any idea? ))
Wooot!!! Beated saving procedure ^^ Just looked into wrong function ))
Now just one known issue left - loading value when working with profile...
ty, but i think i'm done for today ^^ it's very evening here and i'm quiet tired...
So if any1 can point me where to look for loading values that coming into
function showBlockPFBlock( $sCaption, $sContent, $bNoDB = false )
(interested in $sContent particulary)
in templates\base\scripts\BxBaseProfileView.php
i will be grateful tomorrow ^^
ty, but i think i'm done for today ^^ it's very evening here and i'm quiet tired...
So if any1 can point me where to look for loading values that coming into
function showBlockPFBlock( $sCaption, $sContent, $bNoDB = false )
(interested in $sContent particulary)
in templates\base\scripts\BxBaseProfileView.php
i will be grateful tomorrow ^^
Vespen nicely done.
I wrote a similar function to get my file working. It was very late in AM for me when I wrote mine.
Updating my BoonexNerd.net site. |
maybe you guys should compare notes, then submit it as an official mod- or patch to be included in the next version. This seems really basic and something that should have been included in the product.
p.s. How are you smart guys doing at coming up with tinyMCE for the profile fields?
Finally, i've made it ^^ Untested thou... so check by yourselves.
NEW VERSION RELEASED! Look posts down...
Nice... now i can't test it ((( Buggy fields editor in admin panel erased all my blocks and moved fields to inactive O_o And how i suppose to restore my blocks with all this multilanguage crap? I hate autovariable system for languages >:|
This one happened when i've deleted active field from ProfileView panel...
So this is it, most complete version by now.
DB modifications! BACKUP `profilefields` table plz in case of smth wrong!
ALTER TABLE `profilefields` ADD `HTextWrap` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `MatchPercent`;
ALTER TABLE `profilefields` ADD `HTextOption` tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `MatchPercent`;
ALTER TABLE `profilefields` CHANGE `Type` `Type` ENUM( 'text', 'area', 'pass', 'date', 'select_one', 'select_set', 'num', 'range', 'bool', 'system', 'block', 'htext') NULL DEFAULT 'text'
File modifications:
NEW VERSION RELEASED! Look posts down...
This one contain a new field type called HyperText which in it's turn have 2 new options in Advanced section. Hypertext wrap - used as a wrapper text to display URL address if specified. Use Caption instead - overrides previous option. Forces field to display hyperlink text using the Caption text. If none of this options specified - normal URL printed as specified in Text control.
WARNING! Not tested entirely, so be careful! Also, i have no complete FAQ what code strings to change yet... but i will look into it soon.
PS! Updated sources a bit to be more readable and added step-by-step documentation for manual mod injection. Have fun! ^^
I just did this mod. Vespen, VERY VERY nice job!! I tested on IE, FF, Safari, and Opera. I found no issues, but will keep trying to break it. 
Now all I need is to have the textArea fields in the profile view show hard returns so the string of text in those fields are better formatted, and I will be all set! What do you say, Vespen? You pulled this hyperlinking mod off in record time!
Thanks again!
Nice work :-)
Thank you ;-)
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Fixed an unexpected misc behaviour. 2 new property fields was shown for all field types in admin panel, now it only show them for HyperText fieldtype. File changed: admin/field.js
Download and read FAQ on what to do to apply fix.
I just did this mod. Vespen, VERY VERY nice job!! I tested on IE, FF, Safari, and Opera. I found no issues, but will keep trying to break it. 
Now all I need is to have the textArea fields in the profile view show hard returns so the string of text in those fields are better formatted, and I will be all set! What do you say, Vespen? You pulled this hyperlinking mod off in record time!
Thanks again!
Yes, i definetly will look into this issue, but do not know how soon... have a little free time now.