I am opening this thread to explain our Terms of Service.
We are going to upload very soon some products in the Boonex Market, and this thread is necessary for all our customers when purchasing one of our products.
This thread will be added on each of our products, and it's very important to read it for present and future products purchases.
YobiLab will provide all its mods for 2 days TRIAL.
It means you will be able to install the mod on one domain and test it for 2 days for Free.
In order to do it you will need a license key.
To grab a license key you will need to download the package by the Boonex Market Post, install it on your Dolphin site, and follow the onscreen instructions.
As soon as the trial version is ended you will need to purchase the product or it will be automatically deleted.
To grab a license you will also need to create an account on YobiLab.com, and not only for the licenses but also to receive regular invoice as explained below(see INVOICES).
We have decided to provide a Trial to avoid requests of refund and to let you see how our mod works on your site.
I hope you like this solution.
We want to make it clear for everybody, since we have seen so many people confused about ilbellodelweb encryption.
All our mods, even when free, will be encrypted.
All our mods will need a license key to be activated.
How the encryption works:
The mods will be encrypted, valid for one domain only. You won't be able to do any modification on the mod.
When you need a modification on one of our mods, there is only one company that you can contact: YobiLab.
You will be able to modify the CSS files (style of the mod).
If you have a modded site, we will work for free for you to make the mod working with your modded site!
The license works in this way:
Your site is not linked to our site each second, and it won't decrease your site speed.
The license will be checked every 15 days.
A local key will be stored on your site, that will be enough for 15 days.
After 15 days the module will re-check the license on our site, it will take about 1 second, and for other 15 days it will use a new local key.
The license key system is stored on a dedicated machine, with unmetered bandwidth and with 12GB of RAM, so your site won't even notice the difference.
Licenses and encryptions are not applied only for custom modifications.
YobiLab is a legal Web Agency and Web Hosting Company located in Europe.
We always work with American people, and with people around the world.
But there are some laws we need to respect.
This is why we advice to purchase our products on YobiLab.com. The process will be simpler and faster
You can even purchase the products on Boonex.com, but you will need anyway to create an account on YobiLab.com to receive a regular invoice as described below.
Boonex does not give the opportunity at the moment to provide regular invoices, but we need to do that, or it will be considered illegal in Europe.
Invoices work this way:
-For European customers 20% Tax Rule apply, if the customer is an individual. Tax-Off if is a company
-For NON-European customers 20% Tax Rule does not apply in any case
Sorry about it, but you won't be able to use a mod made by YobiLab until you create an account on YobiLab.com.
Laws in Europe are very important, and we need to respect them in full.
Remember that you will need to use your REAL CONTACT DETAILS.
We work with MaxMind to check the client details.
If we find your details to be false, each license will be suspended, even when free or paid.
This is our TOS.
There is no way to change it.
Each client is the same for us, no one will have a different treatment, for any reason, even for more money. This is what our company has to do, we do not have any other way.
We have made many custom jobs in these days, this is how we provide a quote. Read it with attention.
We have seen so many angry customers with their own programmers. This happens because a customer requires a custom modification, for a lot of money, and then the programmer posts the custom modification on the market to resell it.
To avoid this bad thing, we will provide the quote in this way.
You will find three different prices when asking for a custom modification:
1)Copyrighted by YobiLab (the cheaper one, YobiLab will be able to resell the custom modification/template on the market)
2)Copyrighted by the customer(YobiLab won't be able to resell the custom modification on the Market, the price is a little higher)
3)Copyrighted by the customer with reseller rights (The customer is the copyright owner and the customer will be able to resell the custom modification on the market. YobiLab just creates the mod, nothing else. The price is more expensive in this case).
I hope everything is clear.
Use this forum thread only to ask for clarifications, nothing else.
I repeat we won't change our Terms of Service in any case, so do not use this thread for any other reason than just asking for clarifications.
I have been so serious here, I know, but it's REALLY important to make everything clear from the begin!! =D =D