Liars and Theives are liars and thieves, don't be drawn in by Sammie or DosDawg, they will take advance payments and set up false recurring subscriptions from your account, they will then make up shoddy excuses to terminate your hosting, avoid these thieves like the plague.


I uploaded a template that I found via rapidshare, this crashed my site due to it not being suitable for 6.1.4, I've since received nothing but abuse from Sammie claiming that I'm responsible for their server being hacked, yeah right, through a template, I don't think so, and if that was the case, it would say more about their lack of security than anything else, this was just a way to defraud me of my money.



Quote · 4 Mar 2009

I never stole a thing, I found a pack of mods on rapidshare, and they aren't suitable for 6.1.4 anyway.


I never installed a single mod, I uploaded a template, which wasn't suitable, this in no way compromised the site nor the server, these are just lies and excuses to cover your theft of my money.


Your attitude and foul mouth say far more about you than they do about me, you took my money, then used a feeble excuse not to provide what I paid for.


And for the record, I still have the personal messages on here that prove you are a liar, you advised me to go to terabyte, and said that you were no longer a part of it, of course I now know that not to be true, you are still very much a part of it.


I did nothing wrong, i did not use warez or bit torrent to obtain anything, and like I said, i never installed a single mod.

Quote · 4 Mar 2009

I am absolutely gutted that you have done this, I'd been working for weeks to get my site right, and if I'd knowingly been doing anything wrong, I wouldn't have told you what I was doing.

I was very pleased with the hosting and the support, this was clear by the praise I had posted on unity.

I found a mod pack on rapidshare, and found the one I wanted most in it (private photos).

As it turned out it wasn't suitable for my version, so I had decided to purchase the updated version from the author, but there is no confirmation that the updated version works on 6.1.4 and you can't ask the author via expertzzz as their join link is broken

There was no need to accuse me of things or to become abusive, I didn't with you.


I paid for 4 months hosting up front, and I have only had one, how do you expect me to feel and react?

Quote · 4 Mar 2009

I host with Terabyte hosting and have had no problems at all. Infact they go out of their way to assist you in all areas. They installed all my RMS as part of the package. They were great. Okay this outage has affected me a little, but their support was on the ball, identified the 'said' problem and resolved it and future proofed the site from further problems/users.


Do not d/l warez. You really do not know what you are getting. Also people have worked long and hard over these mods, and so they should be paid for their work! If I need mods then I will pay for all the work (well cannot afford any at the moment, I almost cannot pay the house loan, blame the international exchange rates... Ah well).



Quote · 4 Mar 2009

While im not going to get into this, i just wanted to comment on rapidshare. Rapidshare is one of the biggest hosts for files that are from warez sites, if you get a file from rapidshare, on the whole it is pirated software or files in some respect. I thought everybody knew that. Not only that, when some clever sod hacks these programmes, mods, files, whatever, 9 times out of 10 they include a little gift that you cant see,(trojan,virus,worm ect) and its just not worth it for your own use on your own PC, let alone running it on somebody elses server.





Quote · 4 Mar 2009

C'mon Sammie.  Tell us how you really feel :)

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 4 Mar 2009

C'mon Sammie.  Tell us how you really feel :)

I think we should all buy sammie some  flowers, id rather be her friend than her enemy, anyday  Wink

Quote · 4 Mar 2009 are liars and thieves, don't be drawn in by Sammie or DosDawg, they will take advance payments and set up false recurring subscriptions from your account, they will then make up shoddy excuses to terminate your hosting, avoid these thieves like the plague.


I uploaded a template that I found via rapidshare, this crashed my site due to it not being suitable for 6.1.4, I've since received nothing but abuse from Sammie claiming that I'm responsible for their server being hacked, yeah right, through a template, I don't think so, and if that was the case, it would say more about their lack of security than anything else, this was just a way to defraud me of my money.





I just can't resist this thread... After all, why should I hesitate to put my 2 cents in here... But it's not going where most of you think it's going to go... Cool

Let's take a look at this... You uploaded a template which crashed your site and instead of just taking the basic step of removing it you left it in place to allow site hacks to work there way through the entire server.  Now, your admitting to getting the template from someplace other than or and want to yell at other people. 

Next up, you caused over 59k files to be uploaded by a hacker, disabling a lot of dolphin sites, taking money out of the pockets of owners who are down and will lose potential members and revenue because there sites are not up to generate that revenue that they use to feed their families. 

Your in another thread bashing HFW because they wanted to charge you $60 to install Ray and another $30 to install additional modifications.  I severely doubt any of those mods are SERVER related because HFW is well know, just like all the other hosts for installing SERVER related software for free. 

Now, as your host and I do not agree, I have to admit that there servers are set up for Dolphin (It's all they host from my understanding, I could be wrong on this) so it would do them no good to optimize for anything else.  Now, Sammie has to go dig through the site files of all the sites on their servers and clean each and every one of them up, while site owners are all pissed off that they are down.  The average cost for non-server related work is $60.00 if a site goes down to fix it.  I'm using HFW's rate there folks, and she has 59K files to remove.  Figure it will be a few days at best before they have those servers corrected.

Now, a template is comprised of over 100 different files.  Since you lack the ability to read the code and figure out if it will even work for Dolphin 6.1.4 or to even install Dolphin which is a fairly automated process to do, I severely doubt you maintain the cerebral synapses it takes to detect something like this: 

*****Do not copy this code, it's only for example and not for actual use in any Dolphin Site.  Again, Do not copy this code, it is only an example and not for use on any dolphin site******************



* Dolphin Smart Community Builder

* -----------------

* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006

* copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group

* website :

* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder


* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.



* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;

* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,

* see license.txt file; if not, write to



$_page_cont[0]['dol_orca_ray'] = getParam( 'enable_boonex_footers' ) ? '

<div class="bottomImages">

<img src="__images__small_dol.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

<img src="__images__small_orca.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

<img src="__images__small_ray.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

</div>' : '';



* Return code for the login section for frt


function LoginSection($logged)


global $site;

global $memberID;

global $logged;

$ret = '';

if( $logged['member'] )


$ret .= '<div class="logged_member_block">';

$ret .= get_member_icon( $memberID, 'none' );

$ret .= '<div class="hello_member">';

$ret .= _t( '_Hello member', getNickName( $memberID ) );

$ret .= "<br>";

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'member.php" class="logout">' . _t("_Control Panel") . '</a>';

$ret .= ' &nbsp; ';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=member_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '</div>';


elseif( $logged['admin'])


$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url_admin'] . 'index.php" class="logout">Admin Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=admin_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'aff/index.php" class="logout">Affiliate Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=aff_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'moderators/index.php" class="logout">Moderator Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=moderator_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="login_block">';

$ret .= '<form method="post" action="' . $site['url'] . 'member.php">';

$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

$ret .= '<div class="login_line">';

$ret .= _t('_Nickname') . ':';

$ret .= '<input name="ID" value="" type="text"class="login_area" />';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="login_line">';

$ret .= _t('_Password') . ':';

$ret .= '<input name="Password" value="" type="password" class="login_area" />';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="forgotDiv">';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'forgot.php">' . _t('_forgot_your_password') . '?</a>';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<input class="login_button" type="image" src="' . $site['images'] . 'button_login_index.gif" />';

$ret .= '<div class="join_now">' . _t('_or') . ' <a href="' . $site['url'] . 'join.php">' . _t( '_Join now' ) . '</a></div>';

$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

$ret .= '</form>';

$ret .= '</div>';


return DesignBoxContent( _t('_Member Login'), $ret, 1 );



function getProfileOnlineStatus( $user_is_online, $bDrawMargin=false, $bCouple = false ) {

global $site;

$iMargR = ($bCouple==false) ? '5' : '10';

$sMarginsAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? ' style="margin-right:'.$iMargR.'px;margin-bottom:10px;" ' : '';

if( $user_is_online ) {

$sRet .= '<img src="' . $site['icons'] . 'online.gif" alt="' . _t("_Online") . '" title="' . _t("_Online") . '" class="online_offline_bulb" '. $sMarginsAddon .' />';

} else {

$sRet .= '<img src="' . $site['icons'] . 'offline.gif" alt="'. _t("_Offline") . '" title="'. _t("_Offline") . '" class="online_offline_bulb" '. $sMarginsAddon .' />';


return $sRet;


function getProfileMatch( $memberID, $profileID )


global $oTemplConfig;

$match_n = getProfilesMatch($memberID, $profileID); // impl

$ret = '';

$ret .= DesignProgressPos ( _t("_XX match", $match_n), $oTemplConfig->iProfileViewProgressBar, 100, $match_n );;

return $ret;


function getProfileZodiac( $profileDate )


$ret = '';

$ret .= ShowZodiacSign( $profileDate );

return $ret;


function TemplPageAddComponent( $sKey ) {

switch( $sKey ) {

case 'something':

return false; // return here additional components



return false; // if you have not such component, return false!



function HelloMemberSection()


global $logged;

global $site;


if( $logged['member'] )


$memberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$iLet = getNewLettersNum($memberID);

$sNewLet = $iLet > 0 ? '<b>('.$iLet.')</b>' : '' ;


<div class="topMemberBlock">

<?= get_member_icon( $memberID, 'right' ) ?>

<div class="hello_member"><?= _t( '_Hello member', getNickName( $memberID ) ) ?></div>

<div class="hello_actions">

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php"><?= _t('_My account') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>mail.php?mode=inbox"><?= _t('_My Mail') ?></a><?=' '.$sNewLet;?></span>

<span><a href="<? echo getProfileLink( $memberID ) ?>"><?= _t('_My Profile') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="javascript:void(0);"

onclick=" '<?= $site['url'] ?>presence_pop.php' , 'Presence', 'width=224,height=600,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1');"

><?= _t('_RayPresence') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>logout.php?action=member_logout"><?= _t('_Log Out2') ?></a></span>





elseif( $logged['admin'] )



<div class="topMemberBlock">

<div class="thumbnail_block" style="float:right;position:relative;">

<img style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background-image: url(<?= getTemplateIcon( 'man_small.gif' ) ?>);"

src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" />


<div class="hello_member"><?= _t( '_Hello member', 'admin' ) ?></div>

<div class="hello_actions">

<span><a href="<?= $site['url_admin'] ?>index.php"><?= _t('_Admin Panel') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>logout.php?action=admin_logout"><?= _t('_Log Out2') ?></a></span>







//<a href="<_?= $site['url'] ?_>member.php"><_?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?_></a>


<div class="topMemberBlock">


require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.'alv/location_title/' );

echo $PromoText->getPromoText();


<div class="no_hello_actions">

<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>join.php"><?= _t( '_Join Now Top' ) ?></a>

<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php"><?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?></a>





return ob_get_clean();


function MsgBox( $text )


global $site;

global $tmpl;



<table class="MsgBox" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td class="corder"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_lt.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="top_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="corder"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_rt.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>



<td class="left_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="msgbox_content"><div class="msgbox_text"><?= $text ?></div></td>

<td class="right_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>



<td class="corner"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_lb.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="bottom_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="corner"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_rb.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>




return ob_get_clean();






Now, all I did there was remove 1 symbol from the entire file.  But that one symbol can take an entire site down.  The experienced coders will site here and laugh at this error, and you will never figure out what symbol I have removed from the file.  You don't even know what file it is do you?  I promise, it's a file called for just about every page on a dolphin site.  We could say it's an indispensable file which makes that one symbol indespensable.

Now, you came in here a month ago acting big and bad, busting on everyone else and standing up for the very host your now trying to bash.  You've caused others to lose revenue, caused Sammie to have to work a ton of extra hours and done nothing to benefit the community.  Great, we now know your a drama queen. 

I'm off now to go pop some popcorn and watch you get castigated at a level you have never experienced before. 

***Examples like this are exactly why I am thrilled to be on a server by myself and not sharing anything with anybody else.  "I highly recommend you get one if you have the means."    -Ferris Buehler, Ferris Buehler's Day Off.  


Quote · 4 Mar 2009



I never installed a single mod, I uploaded a template, which wasn't suitable, this in no way compromised the site nor the server, these are just lies and excuses to cover your theft of my money.



 Uh, if it was an old template that is EXACTLY what compromised the server... if you google "dolphin exploit" you will see that it was a file in the template that contained the exploit (pre-6.0) in the older version.


So good work there buddy, it was your ignorance that caused several other peoples sites to be compromised.



Quote · 4 Mar 2009 are liars and thieves, don't be drawn in by Sammie or DosDawg, they will take advance payments and set up false recurring subscriptions from your account, they will then make up shoddy excuses to terminate your hosting, avoid these thieves like the plague.


I uploaded a template that I found via rapidshare, this crashed my site due to it not being suitable for 6.1.4, I've since received nothing but abuse from Sammie claiming that I'm responsible for their server being hacked, yeah right, through a template, I don't think so, and if that was the case, it would say more about their lack of security than anything else, this was just a way to defraud me of my money.





I just can't resist this thread... After all, why should I hesitate to put my 2 cents in here... But it's not going where most of you think it's going to go... Cool

Let's take a look at this... You uploaded a template which crashed your site and instead of just taking the basic step of removing it you left it in place to allow site hacks to work there way through the entire server.  Now, your admitting to getting the template from someplace other than or and want to yell at other people. 

Next up, you caused over 59k files to be uploaded by a hacker, disabling a lot of dolphin sites, taking money out of the pockets of owners who are down and will lose potential members and revenue because there sites are not up to generate that revenue that they use to feed their families. 

Your in another thread bashing HFW because they wanted to charge you $60 to install Ray and another $30 to install additional modifications.  I severely doubt any of those mods are SERVER related because HFW is well know, just like all the other hosts for installing SERVER related software for free. 

Now, as your host and I do not agree, I have to admit that there servers are set up for Dolphin (It's all they host from my understanding, I could be wrong on this) so it would do them no good to optimize for anything else.  Now, Sammie has to go dig through the site files of all the sites on their servers and clean each and every one of them up, while site owners are all pissed off that they are down.  The average cost for non-server related work is $60.00 if a site goes down to fix it.  I'm using HFW's rate there folks, and she has 59K files to remove.  Figure it will be a few days at best before they have those servers corrected.

Now, a template is comprised of over 100 different files.  Since you lack the ability to read the code and figure out if it will even work for Dolphin 6.1.4 or to even install Dolphin which is a fairly automated process to do, I severely doubt you maintain the cerebral synapses it takes to detect something like this: 

*****Do not copy this code, it's only for example and not for actual use in any Dolphin Site.  Again, Do not copy this code, it is only an example and not for use on any dolphin site******************






* Dolphin Smart Community Builder

* -----------------

* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006

* copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group

* website :

* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder


* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.



* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;

* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.

* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,

* see license.txt file; if not, write to



$_page_cont[0]['dol_orca_ray'] = getParam( 'enable_boonex_footers' ) ? '

<div class="bottomImages">

<img src="__images__small_dol.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

<img src="__images__small_orca.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

<img src="__images__small_ray.png" alt="" title="" class="dolphinLogo" />

</div>' : '';



* Return code for the login section for frt


function LoginSection($logged)


global $site;

global $memberID;

global $logged;

$ret = '';

if( $logged['member'] )


$ret .= '<div class="logged_member_block">';

$ret .= get_member_icon( $memberID, 'none' );

$ret .= '<div class="hello_member">';

$ret .= _t( '_Hello member', getNickName( $memberID ) );

$ret .= "<br>";

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'member.php" class="logout">' . _t("_Control Panel") . '</a>';

$ret .= ' &nbsp; ';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=member_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '</div>';


elseif( $logged['admin'])


$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url_admin'] . 'index.php" class="logout">Admin Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=admin_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'aff/index.php" class="logout">Affiliate Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=aff_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="logged_section_block">';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'moderators/index.php" class="logout">Moderator Panel</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '|&nbsp;|';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '<span>';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'logout.php?action=moderator_logout" class="logout">' . _t("_Log Out") . '</a>';

$ret .= '</span>';

$ret .= '</div>';




$ret .= '<div class="login_block">';

$ret .= '<form method="post" action="' . $site['url'] . 'member.php">';

$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

$ret .= '<div class="login_line">';

$ret .= _t('_Nickname') . ':';

$ret .= '<input name="ID" value="" type="text"class="login_area" />';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="login_line">';

$ret .= _t('_Password') . ':';

$ret .= '<input name="Password" value="" type="password" class="login_area" />';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<div class="forgotDiv">';

$ret .= '<a href="' . $site['url'] . 'forgot.php">' . _t('_forgot_your_password') . '?</a>';

$ret .= '</div>';

$ret .= '<input class="login_button" type="image" src="' . $site['images'] . 'button_login_index.gif" />';

$ret .= '<div class="join_now">' . _t('_or') . ' <a href="' . $site['url'] . 'join.php">' . _t( '_Join now' ) . '</a></div>';

$ret .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>';

$ret .= '</form>';

$ret .= '</div>';


return DesignBoxContent( _t('_Member Login'), $ret, 1 );



function getProfileOnlineStatus( $user_is_online, $bDrawMargin=false, $bCouple = false ) {

global $site;

$iMargR = ($bCouple==false) ? '5' : '10';

$sMarginsAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? ' style="margin-right:'.$iMargR.'px;margin-bottom:10px;" ' : '';

if( $user_is_online ) {

$sRet .= '<img src="' . $site['icons'] . 'online.gif" alt="' . _t("_Online") . '" title="' . _t("_Online") . '" class="online_offline_bulb" '. $sMarginsAddon .' />';

} else {

$sRet .= '<img src="' . $site['icons'] . 'offline.gif" alt="'. _t("_Offline") . '" title="'. _t("_Offline") . '" class="online_offline_bulb" '. $sMarginsAddon .' />';


return $sRet;


function getProfileMatch( $memberID, $profileID )


global $oTemplConfig;

$match_n = getProfilesMatch($memberID, $profileID); // impl

$ret = '';

$ret .= DesignProgressPos ( _t("_XX match", $match_n), $oTemplConfig->iProfileViewProgressBar, 100, $match_n );;

return $ret;


function getProfileZodiac( $profileDate )


$ret = '';

$ret .= ShowZodiacSign( $profileDate );

return $ret;


function TemplPageAddComponent( $sKey ) {

switch( $sKey ) {

case 'something':

return false; // return here additional components



return false; // if you have not such component, return false!



function HelloMemberSection()


global $logged;

global $site;


if( $logged['member'] )


$memberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$iLet = getNewLettersNum($memberID);

$sNewLet = $iLet > 0 ? '<b>('.$iLet.')</b>' : '' ;


<div class="topMemberBlock">

<?= get_member_icon( $memberID, 'right' ) ?>

<div class="hello_member"><?= _t( '_Hello member', getNickName( $memberID ) ) ?></div>

<div class="hello_actions">

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php"><?= _t('_My account') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>mail.php?mode=inbox"><?= _t('_My Mail') ?></a><?=' '.$sNewLet;?></span>

<span><a href="<? echo getProfileLink( $memberID ) ?>"><?= _t('_My Profile') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="javascript:void(0);"

onclick=" '<?= $site['url'] ?>presence_pop.php' , 'Presence', 'width=224,height=600,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1');"

><?= _t('_RayPresence') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>logout.php?action=member_logout"><?= _t('_Log Out2') ?></a></span>





elseif( $logged['admin'] )



<div class="topMemberBlock">

<div class="thumbnail_block" style="float:right;position:relative;">

<img style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background-image: url(<?= getTemplateIcon( 'man_small.gif' ) ?>);"

src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" />


<div class="hello_member"><?= _t( '_Hello member', 'admin' ) ?></div>

<div class="hello_actions">

<span><a href="<?= $site['url_admin'] ?>index.php"><?= _t('_Admin Panel') ?></a></span>

<span><a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>logout.php?action=admin_logout"><?= _t('_Log Out2') ?></a></span>







//<a href="<_?= $site['url'] ?_>member.php"><_?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?_></a>


<div class="topMemberBlock">


require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT.'alv/location_title/' );

echo $PromoText->getPromoText();


<div class="no_hello_actions">

<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>join.php"><?= _t( '_Join Now Top' ) ?></a>

<a href="<?= $site['url'] ?>member.php"><?= _t( '_Member Login' ) ?></a>





return ob_get_clean();


function MsgBox( $text )


global $site;

global $tmpl;



<table class="MsgBox" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td class="corder"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_lt.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="top_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="corder"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_rt.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>



<td class="left_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="msgbox_content"><div class="msgbox_text"><?= $text ?></div></td>

<td class="right_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>



<td class="corner"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_lb.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="bottom_side"><img src="<?= getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) ?>" alt="" /></td>

<td class="corner"><img src="<?= "{$site['url']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/images/msgbox_cor_rb.png" ?>" alt="" /></td>




return ob_get_clean();







Now, all I did there was remove 1 symbol from the entire file.  But that one symbol can take an entire site down.  The experienced coders will site here and laugh at this error, and you will never figure out what symbol I have removed from the file.  You don't even know what file it is do you?  I promise, it's a file called for just about every page on a dolphin site.  We could say it's an indispensable file which makes that one symbol indespensable.

Now, you came in here a month ago acting big and bad, busting on everyone else and standing up for the very host your now trying to bash.  You've caused others to lose revenue, caused Sammie to have to work a ton of extra hours and done nothing to benefit the community.  Great, we now know your a drama queen. 

I'm off now to go pop some popcorn and watch you get castigated at a level you have never experienced before. 

***Examples like this are exactly why I am thrilled to be on a server by myself and not sharing anything with anybody else.  "I highly recommend you get one if you have the means."    -Ferris Buehler, Ferris Buehler's Day Off.  



Yes I am sure an experienced php programmer would laugh at it once they notice it. I am an experienced programmer and sometimes it is a bitch to find the thing to laugh at, especially if it is only one character. I sometimes have a mad time trying to find bugs that will run through the compiler ok (i program in a different language) but because of a syntax error, perhaps two calculations merge into one. However I take your main point though. Source code may initially look reasonable but should you really trust it because it initially looks reasonable? Percentage wise, yes if it comes from a trusted person with a good reputation for dolphin mods e.g. Anton. Hoever if it has been downloaded from rapidshare, or anyother warez site, percentage wise no, as who knows what has happened to the source code along the way.  

p.s. I want my own webserver too but then I would have to do my own upgrades :P

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Hello funswing,

It appears you came to the table with dirty hands.  Instead of bashing the company your action caused damage to you should be apologizing and hoping they would be willing to work with you.  Maybe you weren't aware that you would cause their sever any complication but you did.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Yup. Something as simple as that can be missed, especially when you are not looking for it.


But man, now you point it out... Just saw all that code and thought cant be bothered lol.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Sammie,  are you guys going to offer FMS?  My shared service won't be offering it so I will have to upgrade at some point, plus I may have a prospect or two to throw your way.



Quote · 5 Mar 2009

You weren't supposed to tell Sammie... Now that idiot will go someplace else and act like he knows what he's talking about...


Oh yeah, he has to learn what a closing tag is... :))  I forget that... Maybe next you can teach him the difference between \ and /



Quote · 5 Mar 2009


Yes I am sure an experienced php programmer would laugh at it once they notice it. I am an experienced programmer and sometimes it is a bitch to find the thing to laugh at, especially if it is only one character. I sometimes have a mad time trying to find bugs that will run through the compiler ok (i program in a different language) but because of a syntax error, perhaps two calculations merge into one. However I take your main point though. Source code may initially look reasonable but should you really trust it because it initially looks reasonable? Percentage wise, yes if it comes from a trusted person with a good reputation for dolphin mods e.g. Anton. Hoever if it has been downloaded from rapidshare, or anyother warez site, percentage wise no, as who knows what has happened to the source code along the way.  

p.s. I want my own webserver too but then I would have to do my own upgrades :P


cbass, everyone knows I don't begin to have a clue on how to run a dedicated server, let alone what I've got.  My host also knows this, as I was very upfront with them and we worked it out so I don't have to manage it or do any of my own upgrades, they do it for me.  The theory behind this is simple, I don't have the knowledge and they're not about to let me tinker with it and cause a huge mess.  For me, managing my set up is the same as managing a VPS, let the host know what I need and it happens.  Many times I get told I'm nuts and then they explain why and I learn a little bit.  They simply installed the cPanel & virtuozo for me (I still have no clue how to use virtuozo but I have it Tongue out) and they do all the work.  I do what I'm good at, marketing the site and paying the bills.


Pay attention to this hosting companies, lots of sites will buy the dedicateds if your willing to help them manage them as most of us site owners have no clue what the difference between > & } is when we start these sites.  I still don't know the difference, except you better not mix them up and if one of us gets lucky enough to explode a site then we're going to need that dedicated fast... Actually, you could end up needing a lot more than 1 dedicated very fast if your site explodes with members...

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Not that I'm putting in my 2 cents worth..... but OMFG could we have any more time on our hands than arguing about this sh_t and bashing this comapany or that?  People are always going to cheat the system... (which it looks like this guy did) HAving been a programmer and running a hosting company for the last 7-8 years, I come across lot's of customers like this one.  If we give you the lattitude to manage your site and you are irrespionsible with that, we cut you off.  This is why like Sammie said about suPHP on our shared servers we sandbox our Dolphin installs. We either run suPHP or FastCGI and then they can't bring our whole server environment down.  As hosting poviders we have to be responsible and KNOW that some of our customers are jerks and want to milk us for every free thing they can.

I look at it like this... if you don't know what you are doing then we will be more than happy to charge you a fee and manage your site for you. BUT WE WILL NOT let you compromise one of our servers.

There are alot (too many too count) of people that claim to be hosting companies, or claim to be this or that, but I have noticed that although this site provides a great "open-source" application like Dolphin, there are people on this site that (because this is SOCIAL networking software) have nothing bettter to do than BI__CH about things and to  (IMHO) not really help people or further the usage of this software.

Guess you caught me in a locquaitious mood, however could we please get on with providing quality information and help to people who are serious about runnig their sites.  Instead of dealing with A__holes that aare heere today and gone tomorrow.?

Thanks for your  sorry Sammie and the rest.... I just couldn't resist.

Shared Dolphin Hosting w/RMS
Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Sammie,  are you guys going to offer FMS?  My shared service won't be offering it so I will have to upgrade at some point, plus I may have a prospect or two to throw your way.



well the last time i looked it was $4000 per box per year for FMS license, it would need something special to pay that for just a few user

Ouch!  I thought that was going to replace RMS?  I thought the Ray stuff was going to be re-written into Flash on D7.   Will they still use RMS?

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


well the last time i looked it was $4000 per box per year for FMS license, it would need something special to pay that for just a few user

Look again.  It's $4500 now


Wowza Media Pro server gives you everything FMS does at $995


Still, $995 is a few bucks, but a lot better than $4500   If you need h.264, Wowza is the way to go.  I think Red 5 won't support h.264 until  V 0.9 and 0.8 is only at RC1.


I don't know how closely Ray is married to Red5, but I'd sure like to have h.264 capabilities in the near future. 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Hey funswing... can I get that rapidshare link?


sammie I feel for you... it reminds me of a few old wordpress installations that I have had to fix....

Happiness is a warm gun.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Are you serious? Even if you don't have any morals wouldn't the story above detract you?? Those mods are all from a much older version of Dolphin and are full of bugs and security holes.



Quote · 5 Mar 2009 are liars and thieves, don't be drawn in by Sammie or DosDawg, they will take advance payments and set up false recurring subscriptions from your account, they will then make up shoddy excuses to terminate your hosting, avoid these thieves like the plague.


I uploaded a template that I found via rapidshare, this crashed my site due to it not being suitable for 6.1.4, I've since received nothing but abuse from Sammie claiming that I'm responsible for their server being hacked, yeah right, through a template, I don't think so, and if that was the case, it would say more about their lack of security than anything else, this was just a way to defraud me of my money.





I just can't resist this thread... After all, why should I hesitate to put my 2 cents in here... But it's not going where most of you think it's going to go... Cool

Let's take a look at this... You uploaded a template which crashed your site and instead of just taking the basic step of removing it you left it in place to allow site hacks to work there way through the entire server.  .......

Since you lack the ability to read the code and figure out if it will even work for Dolphin 6.1.4 or to even install Dolphin which is a fairly automated process to do, I severely doubt you maintain the cerebral synapses it takes to detect something like this:





 I actually removed the file straight away to try to fix the problem, and I sent a copy of the file to terabyte.


And where did I say I couldn't install Dolphin? What I said was, that HFW did NOT have RMS installed, and said only they could install it and wanted $60 to do so, this rendered Ray unusable, when I referred to Ray in previous posts, i was rferring to RMS side of things.


And let's face it, we only have Sammies word for it, that it was the template file that caused the problem, but I've had it looked at by a coder I know, and he says he can't find any malicious contect in it.


I have apologised if this was to have been the case and I aso haven't hidden any of my actions from anyone.


You are all happy to stand up for Sammie, but I was treated in a very unprofessional manner, I was sent foul and abusive emails when I questioned as to why my email wasn't working, I wasn't even informed that my actions "may" have caused a problem, I found out second hand that my site had been removed, the iorony of this, at the time I found out I was on here singing the praises of terabyte.


If you had been treated in this way, most of you would have reacted as I did.


To clear up a few points, yes I found a mod pack on rapidshare, but, none were installed as they were unsuitable for my Dolphin version, I did upload a template, that I had failed to recognise as not being suitable for 6.1.4, this then of course failed to load, I informed terabyte and they fixed the problem within minutes.


I also removed the folder.


With regards to mods; I’m a novice and so I am obviously somewhat naive, but from my own perspective, I’m trying to set up a site, on my own, and footing all the bills myself, and it is human nature to try to cut costs, if the mod builders where a little more generous in their pricing structures, people wouldn’t need to look elsewhere, but $50 dollars for a script is excessive,  I use SMF, and all mods are free (99% anyway) and the ones you do pay for are usually only $5 - $10 and these are mainly themes not mods as such.


I had decided to purchase the updated version of the mod I wanted (private photos) from the author, but there is no confirmation that the updated version works on 6.1.4 and you can't ask the author via expertzzz as their join link is broken and the only other way to ask a question is to pay?

Some of the Doplhin mod writers are taking advantage of novices and this in itself will cause end users to fight back and look for alternative sources, for example, there is a mod for sale, for about $50 to add admin, this as you know can be done in the Database.

If this would have been dealt with in a good and proper manner, then my further comments on unity wouldn’t have taken place, I would still be singing the praises of terabyte, which until this case, had been excellent.


The only real loser in all this has been me, as I have lost my site and my money and been put through a very stressful situation, especially as i had dedicated so much time and effort into trying to customize my site, often being up 24hrs at a time to do so, and all through no deliberate negative action on my part.


If any of the staff were created problems through my innoccent actions, then I apologise, but I did not deserve to be treated the way I was by Sammie, and had this been dealt with in a professional manner, none of it would have been made public.


Sammies actions have been in stark contrast to DosDawg's, it's just a shame he didn't deal with the issue, I'm sure it would have been dealt with in a timely manner and i'd have accepted that my actions may have caused a problem.


If anyone wants a copy of the file I uploaded to examine for themselves, you are more than welcome to request such, then you can have a look yourself to see if this did inded create an open door, and I will happily accept responsibility.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Sammie, as you have decided to copy sections of private tickets and the fact you have done makes an huge statement about your business accumen, then I'll provide the full version.


Also, it's clear that although DosDawg has offered a way to a solution, you don't want one, I think you are far more driven by your ego than by any business ambitions.



View Ticket #903089

Department: Dolphin Hosting Packages
Date: 03/04/2009 13:34
Subject: Can't access email
Status: Answered
Urgency: High


|| Client 03/04/2009 13:34
When outlook is checking for mail, for all my funswing accounts I get a box asking for network password but it won't accept

IP Address:
Sammie|| Staff 03/04/2009 13:40

Marc i have had to suspend your account,we had a ticket today from a customer about strange files appearing on their account, when i looked their account had been hacked, this is the first time in 8 months that we have had an account hacked on Terabyte-hosting. this is so serious that every account on this server has been hacked, all of them within the last 24 hours.

as you have admitted to downloading your stolen mods from a bit torrent, and everyone knows that bit torrents are loaded with backdoors and trojens, and as your site also crashed yesterday, it is my belief that you are the cause of 100+ of our customers sites being hacked.

"It would seem that all the mods and templates i have are for the previous version, what a pain, so I'm stuck, oh well that's torrents for you."
not such a pain it has now caused us, 4 days of work to undo the damage and convert the server to SuPHP, and 4 days of 100+ customers sites having issues while we convert the server

You rated this response           

|| Client 03/04/2009 13:44
If you are accusing me of hacking I take that very seriously, and I will contact the relevant authorities and seek legal advice, my site didn’t crash, I installed a non compatible template, that was it, you are quick to contact me now about this, but not so quick to respond when I was charged today when I shouldn’t have been!

And as for stolen mods, they weren't STOLEN, they were given to me.
|| Client 03/04/2009 14:00
And this is the only file I uploaded yesterday, nothing else, and it has no executable in it.
Sammie|| Staff 03/04/2009 14:13

"It would seem that all the mods and templates i have are for the previous version, what a pain, so I'm stuck, oh well that's torrents for you."
you downloaded 130 mods you stated yesterday, "oh well that's torrents for you." from torrents you state here. now pray tell, who gave you them, fred barny and whilma? no i am not accusing you of hacking the server, (you couldnt hack your way out of a wet paper bag with an axe) i am saying your actions and total disregaurd for using downloaded torrents (called warez and are not permitted on our servers as they are stolen and illegal) have caused the server to be hacked.

your account will remain suspended pending your legal challenge, remember we shall keep all logs and tickets where you admit to using unpaid for prependirty rights protected scripts that you did not pay for and did not obtain from the legal owners, thats obtaining stolen goods in the UK. its a crime.

You rated this response           

Marc Hughes || Client 03/04/2009 15:09
Well as I've been defrauded of money, i'll be contacting paypal, you have stolen money from my paypal account today, and you have also taken money without providing services, and I got the mods via rapidshare which is open resource and no theft at all, there are no licences, you are clearly liars and thieves, and I shall be making sure that I make as many people as possible aware that your company is obtaining monies by deception!
Sammie || Staff 03/04/2009 15:45

you do just that, and while you are at it, cancel any subcriptions you have setup. we will make it known to boonex and all the mod dev that you have obtained 130 stolen mods and are looking for someone to installl them for you, as you are also looking for hosting of your dolphin site, we shall inform every other boonex recomended hosting provider of this and lets see if you get hosting. RMS hosting will also be hard to find.
You rated this response           

|| Client 03/04/2009 15:51
I wall albe letting it be known all over the web that you are defrauding people
Sammie || Staff 03/04/2009 16:00

look asshat, i do not care what you think you can do to us, but hey as you are making threats, i'll make you a promis here and now. within the hour i'll name and shame you and your 130 stolen mods and your name and the domain you used, and all the trouble you caused us on boonex,
in case you didnt know it, but we only host Dolphin sites and i am the most highest profile member there, with more integrety than you appear to have.

you have stolen from the members of that community, who the fuck do you think they are going to believe? me or a dishonest slime ball like you who has stolen from them?

get a life
How would you rate this reply?  Poor             Excellent

|| Client 03/04/2009 16:00
It's a disgrace the way you and your sidekick shark the forums looking for prey to steal from, I was lured in and fleeced, all i did was uplaod a te,plate, and you know for a fact that had nothing to do with any server being hacked, which i don't believe it was, you are just thieves.

And explain to me how I stole anything?

I found a mod pack on rapid share, these mods are not licensed, once purchased they belong to the person who purchato do with as they will.

If you were in the UK I'd be reporting you to the police for fraud, luckily as you are in the US I don't know how to, but you are a disgrace.
Marc Hughes || Client 03/04/2009 16:07
What a sucker I was to be taken in by your "very helpful appearence" when your sole intention was to defraud me.
Marc Hughes || Client 03/04/2009 16:14
And to think, just as I discovered you had ripped me off, i was in the process of singing the praises of your hosting on Boonex Unity
Marc Hughes || Client 03/04/2009 16:43
I am absolutely gutted that you have done this, I'd been working for weeks to get my site right, and if I'd knowingly been doing anything wrong, I wouldn't have told you what I was doing.

I was very pleased with the hosting and the support, this was clear by the praise I had posted on unity.

I found a mod pack on rapidshare, and found the one i wanted most in it.

As it turned out it wasn't suitable for my version, so I had decided to purchase the updated version from the author, but there is no confirmation that the updated version works on 6.1.4 and you can't ask the author via expertzzz as their join link is broken

There was no need to accuse me of things or to become abusive, i didn't with you.

|| Staff 03/04/2009 19:32
The proper thing to do here, is to apologize to Terabyte Hosting Solutions, apologize to all the customers we have on here whose sites were compromised, retract your statement that we are frauds and theives, and apologize to our datacenter engineers that spent three hours cleaning up the server from hacked files. Do this and then please try to persuade us why you should be allowed to be hosted on this server? You made a statement that i wish to clear up for you, those mods, are licensed, Common Licenses, you may need to read what that entails, that are licensed. there are many types of licenses when dealing with open source, these mods and this application are open source, if you download a file that is open source, but licensed, you do not own the software, you have purchased the rights to use it. same as with microsoft office, you dont purchase the software, you have purchased the right to use it, that is why you have that long winded EULA (end user license agreement).

I am appalled that you have created such a disaster because you wanted a mod that would cost about 30 dollars, and for that thirty dollars you costed our team of engineers approximately 3 hours of their time, and countless other sites to be affected. as i stated earlier, i do not think you intentionally done this, however, you knew that you werent paying for the mods and insomuch, you realized you were stealing them, that is a concern for the Dolphin Community, then you uploaded those corrupted files on our servers, and ultimately compromised 100+ accounts.

We will need to be persuaded as to why you should be allowed to host your site with Terabyte Hosting Solutions, bottom line.

Who Let The Dawg Out
How would you rate this reply?  Poor             Excellent

 || Client 03/05/2009 05:01
We all learn from our mistakes, and like I said, I would have paid for the mod if I was able to determine that it was fully functional on 6.1.4, but because of the way expertzzz has set itself up, I can’t even ask the question of the mod writer, as you have to pay to ask a question, as it was, I didn’t install the mod, I uploaded a template that was provided to me by a friend, I have even provided you with the folder and it contains no malicious script, I’ve had it checked out, but as you know the reason my site wouldn’t load was because the template wasn’t compatible with my Dolphin version.

When I enquired as to why my email wasn’t working, I didn’t know at that point my site was also no longer working (suspended), I was hit with accusations and abuse (including profanity), it wasn’t even explained in a sensible manner, that the file I uploaded “may” have caused a problem, the irony was, whilst that was happening, I was composing a post on unity singing the praises of terabyte, this straight away put me on the defensive and I felt sorely mistreated.

To add to the insult, yesterday morning a recurring payment had been taken from my paypal which I hadn’t set up, and which as you know, we had discussed and you confirmed no such payment would be taken, when you look at all this from my perspective, you can understand my reaction.

If this would have been dealt with in a good and proper manner, then my further comments on unity wouldn’t have taken place, I wasn’t even contacted to inform me that my file “may” have caused a compromise, i was left to discover this for myself and then hit with torrents (no pun intended) of abuse and accusations.

Had this have been dealt with correctly, and in a business like fashion, of course I would have apologised and accepted that my actions “may” have caused a problem, but it wasn’t.

I’m a novice and so I am obviously somewhat naive, but from my own perspective, I’m trying to set up a site, on my own, and footing all the bills myself, and it is human nature to try to cut costs, if the mod builders where a little more generous in their pricing structures, people wouldn’t need to look elsewhere, but $50 dollars for a script is excessive, as you know, I use SMF, and all mods are free (99%) and the ones you do pay for are usually only $5 - $10 and these are mainly themes not mods as such.

Some of the mod writers are taking advantage of novices and this in itself will cause end users to fight back and look for alternative sources, for example, there is a mod for sale, for about $50 to add admin, this as you know can be done in the Database.

When you look at all this, you should be able to understand my reaction.

I will apologise for any problems I may have caused, as none were in intentional, and I think you know that, but at the same time, I think I deserve an apology for the way I’ve been mistreated and abused.

I haven’t stolen anything, I simply found a mod pack, which as you know, turned out to be useless anyway as it’s for much older versions.

I have of course learnt from this mistake and the results devastated me and I found the treatment I received most upsetting, I did not expect to be spoken to in such a foul and abusive manner, if I’d have felt I was doing any wrong, I wouldn’t have been asking for your help with it, surely that is obvious?

Anyway, there is nothing more I can do, you control the site, so it’s up to you what you decide to do.

Sammie || Staff 03/05/2009 05:25

Marc i am going to reply in a crystal clear manor, without the use of any of my charm. so expect a long post in about 30 minutes or so
Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Quote · 5 Mar 2009




I never installed a single mod, I uploaded a template, which wasn't suitable, this in no way compromised the site nor the server, these are just lies and excuses to cover your theft of my money.



 Uh, if it was an old template that is EXACTLY what compromised the server... if you google "dolphin exploit" you will see that it was a file in the template that contained the exploit (pre-6.0) in the older version.


So good work there buddy, it was your ignorance that caused several other peoples sites to be compromised.




I wasn't a pre 6 template, so aquire the facts before slinging mud, it was 6 to 6.02, and I have accepted that I made a mistake, this doesn't change the way this was handled, terabyte is a business, but the handler "Sammie" acted in anything but a business fashion.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.


I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.


and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.


I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.



You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.




 Your logic is AWESOME! If my local grocery store raises prices I'll just start stealing all my groceries because they are being unreasonable! Give me a break..

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.


I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.


and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.


I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.



You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.




What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.


But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.






Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I got the mods via rapidshare which is open resource and no theft at all, there are no licences, you are clearly liars and thieves.

I would leave it if i were you, you keep shooting yourself in the foot, rapidshare is not open source, it is where MR Pirate stores his stuff to place the links on his warez site's. you keep saying you got the mods from Rapidshare, but you never say where you got the links for the files from. The only possible place you can get links from that lead to rapidshare for these kind of downloadable files, is a warez site, or a mate, who got them from a warez site.





Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





as i said, I can afford it no problem, but what i do grudge is paying for a licence for dolphin, ray, orca only t5o have to pay more to get even the most basic features you would expect from this platform, then a new version to come out and have to buy all those again...I REPEAT _- I pay for all the major mods as yes they are good value for money, and being a programmer myself I do know the value of work... take for eg - $20 for a delete group mod.....yes $20 for 4 lines of code, that to me is being crazy, so yes iI did go and download it, and yes I did post it on every forum board that asked the delete mod question....and I dont have an ounce of shame in me for i know I have helped alot of people on a simple solution to a sometimes headache of a problem.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I got the mods via rapidshare which is open resource and no theft at all, there are no licences, you are clearly liars and thieves.

I would leave it if i were you, you keep shooting yourself in the foot, rapidshare is not open source, it is where MR Pirate stores his stuff to place the links on his warez site's. you keep saying you got the mods from Rapidshare, but you never say where you got the links for the files from. The only possible place you can get links from that lead to rapidshare for these kind of downloadable files, is a warez site, or a mate, who got them from a warez site.





actually there are even links on this site for warez

the funny thing is, at least some industries are using torrent sites and warez to boost sales most now know you can actually benifit in long run.

many people will download tracks or scripts, but are more than happy to pay for an updated version now they have tested it and seen the good product it is.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


I got the mods via rapidshare which is open resource and no theft at all, there are no licences, you are clearly liars and thieves.


I would leave it if i were you, you keep shooting yourself in the foot, rapidshare is not open source, it is where MR Pirate stores his stuff to place the links on his warez site's. you keep saying you got the mods from Rapidshare, but you never say where you got the links for the files from. The only possible place you can get links from that lead to rapidshare for these kind of downloadable files, is a warez site, or a mate, who got them from a warez site.






I see that because it suits you, you miss the point that a business handled this issue in anything but a business like fashion, and have you never heard of rapidshare search engines?


I also said i realised the mods couldn't be used anyway, but that also the mod I wanted isn't confirmed as working for 6.1.4 and in order to ask the question, you have to pay "to ask", now come on, would you pay $50 for something you have no confirmation will work? If you walked into a staor, an in order to ask the assistant a question about a product, you had to pay, whould you pay?


I have accepted that I made an error of judgement, and soon realised that it wasn't worth the risk, that doesn't excuse the way this was handled.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.


Quote · 5 Mar 2009





yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.


I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.


and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.


I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.



You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.




What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.


But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.






Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.


Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.




You claimed that using a shared source was the same as walking into a shop and stealing an item, this is nothing like the same, at all, but I see you are still choosing to ignore valid points just to suit your high and nighty attacks.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.


ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.

you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Just to reiterate, yes I do regret trying to use a mod that I had aquired from a shared resource in order to "evaluate" the product before purchase, as the vendor makes such evaluation impossible, and even makes it impossible to enquire as to compatibility.


I kept Terabyte informed of my actions as I clearly felt I wasn't doing anything wrong. I provided all the information I could and even made it clear where I had sourced the code.


This thread was created on the back of the lack of professional handling of the issue, the issue itself has become secondary to that, it is now just being used as an excuse to validate attacks and the lack of business accumen of the handler.


Plenty of mods are not even mods as such, but siimply basic code, and a lot of that code is shared on other Dolphin sites.


I have however learned it's not worth obtaining code from places other than the trusted source, but I still find it hard to believe (maybe naively I admit) that a template code would open the door to an entire server.


I wanted to sort this out in a positive fashion, and the email i received from DosDawg suggested this would be possible, but Sammie clearly  driven by ego, doesn't want this to happen.


This is a copy of the email and my reply:


The proper thing to do here, is to apologize to Terabyte Hosting Solutions, apologize to all the customers we have on here whose sites were compromised, retract your statement that we are frauds and theives, and apologize to our datacenter engineers that spent three hours cleaning up the server from hacked files. Do this and then please try to persuade us why you should be allowed to be hosted on this server? You made a statement that i wish to clear up for you, those mods, are licensed, Common Licenses, you may need to read what that entails, that are licensed. there are many types of licenses when dealing with open source, these mods and this application are open source, if you download a file that is open source, but licensed, you do not own the software, you have purchased the rights to use it. same as with microsoft office, you dont purchase the software, you have purchased the right to use it, that is why you have that long winded EULA (end user license agreement).

I am appalled that you have created such a disaster because you wanted a mod that would cost about 30 dollars, and for that thirty dollars you costed our team of engineers approximately 3 hours of their time, and countless other sites to be affected. as i stated earlier, i do not think you intentionally done this, however, you knew that you werent paying for the mods and insomuch, you realized you were stealing them, that is a concern for the Dolphin Community, then you uploaded those corrupted files on our servers, and ultimately compromised 100+ accounts.

We will need to be persuaded as to why you should be allowed to host your site with Terabyte Hosting Solutions, bottom line.

Who Let The Dawg Out





We all learn from our mistakes, and like I said, I would have paid for the mod if I was able to determine that it was fully functional on 6.1.4, but because of the way expertzzz has set itself up, I can’t even ask the question of the mod writer, as you have to pay to ask a question, as it was, I didn’t install the mod, I uploaded a template that was provided to me by a friend, I have even provided you with the folder and it contains no malicious script, I’ve had it checked out, but as you know the reason my site wouldn’t load was because the template wasn’t compatible with my Dolphin version.


When I enquired as to why my email wasn’t working, I didn’t know at that point my site was also no longer working (suspended), I was hit with accusations and abuse (including profanity), it wasn’t even explained in a sensible manner, that the file I uploaded “may” have caused a problem, the irony was, whilst that was happening, I was composing a post on unity singing the praises of terabyte, this straight away put me on the defensive and I felt sorely mistreated.


To add to the insult, yesterday morning a recurring payment had been taken from my paypal which I hadn’t set up, and which as you know, we had discussed and you confirmed no such payment would be taken, when you look at all this from my perspective, you can understand my reaction.


If this would have been dealt with in a good and proper manner, then my further comments on unity wouldn’t have taken place, I wasn’t even contacted to inform me that my file “may” have caused a compromise, i was left to discover this for myself and then hit with torrents (no pun intended) of abuse and accusations.


Had this have been dealt with correctly, and in a business like fashion, of course I would have apologised and accepted that my actions “may” have caused a problem, but it wasn’t.


I’m a novice and so I am obviously somewhat naive, but from my own perspective, I’m trying to set up a site, on my own, and footing all the bills myself, and it is human nature to try to cut costs, if the mod builders where a little more generous in their pricing structures, people wouldn’t need to look elsewhere, but $50 dollars for a script is excessive, as you know, I use SMF, and all mods are free (99%) and the ones you do pay for are usually only $5 - $10 and these are mainly themes not mods as such.


Some of the mod writers are taking advantage of novices and this in itself will cause end users to fight back and look for alternative sources, for example, there is a mod for sale, for about $50 to add admin, this as you know can be done in the Database.


When you look at all this, you should be able to understand my reaction.


I will apologise for any problems I may have caused, as none were in intentional, and I think you know that, but at the same time, I think I deserve an apology for the way I’ve been mistreated and abused.


I haven’t stolen anything, I simply found a mod pack, which as you know, turned out to be useless anyway as it’s for much older versions.


I have of course learnt from this mistake and the results devastated me and I found the treatment I received most upsetting, I did not expect to be spoken to in such a foul and abusive manner, if I’d have felt I was doing any wrong, I wouldn’t have been asking for your help with it, surely that is obvious?


Anyway, there is nothing more I can do, you control the site, so it’s up to you what you decide to do.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

No, im not high and mighty, you want to use pirated software for your own private use, then thats your choice, but please dont come on here telling us that you didnt know what you were doing, like we are children who havent got a clue. I dont know sammie, but i respect where she is coming from, if you would have brought down my server with pirated software, then slagging me and my business off accusing me of being a liar and defrauding money out of potential paying customers, id have reported you to the authorities, (it is agaisnt the law you know to use pirated software) You keep banging on about how she isnt respecting you or behaving in a business like fashion, have you behaved in the same way at all knowingly using pirated software with the risk involved  to that server you were installing them on, did you respect the integratie of the contract you signed with the host. No, of course you didnt, all you saw was a freebie, something you didnt have to pay for, and you didnt much care where it came from or the risk you were running, not only for you, but the server and all the other sites it did affect.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009 are liars and thieves, don't be drawn in by Sammie or DosDawg, they will take advance payments and set up false recurring subscriptions from your account, they will then make up shoddy excuses to terminate your hosting, avoid these thieves like the plague.

I uploaded a template that I found via rapidshare, this crashed my site due to it not being suitable for 6.1.4, I've since received nothing but abuse from Sammie claiming that I'm responsible for their server being hacked, yeah right, through a template, I don't think so, and if that was the case, it would say more about their lack of security than anything else, this was just a way to defraud me of my money.


i disagree

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


No, im not high and mighty, you want to use pirated software for your own private use, then thats your choice, but please dont come on here telling us that you didnt know what you were doing, like we are children who havent got a clue. I dont know sammie, but i respect where she is coming from, if you would have brought down my server with pirated software, then slagging me and my business off accusing me of being a liar and defrauding money out of potential paying customers, id have reported you to the authorities, (it is agaisnt the law you know to use pirated software) You keep banging on about how she isnt respecting you or behaving in a business like fashion, have you behaved in the same way at all knowingly using pirated software with the risk involved  to that server you were installing them on, did you respect the integratie of the contract you signed with the host. No, of course you didnt, all you saw was a freebie, something you didnt have to pay for, and you didnt much care where it came from or the risk you were running, not only for you, but the server and all the other sites it did affect.



 I see you are ignoring the point again, I'll ask again, "would you pay for an item where you did not know if it worked or not, and in order to "ask" the vendor if it worked you had to pay, would you do so"?


And again I'll reiterate, had this been handled in a professional manner in the first place,I would never have made it public.


And with regards mod writers, also read what I said, if so many didn't take advantage, like charging a lot of money for a few lines of code or offering simple instruction that can be found on many sites, then people would be more than willing to pay for mods of value, where effort has clearly been made to produce a very useful end product.



Here is an example of how some docers are ripping users off;


This code will force a log in on pages:


if ( !( $logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, false ) ) )
if ( !( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, true ) ) )
if ( !( $logged['aff'] = member_auth( 2, false )) )
$logged['moderator'] = member_auth( 3, false );


This is offered for sale as a $50 mod!!! Yet I found those instructions on another Dolphin site, not a torrent, not rapidshare, not a stolen mod, a simple instruction, you will also find many other so called mods simply offered as free code and instruction.


This to me is true community spirit, offering help to other users, like the free help, advice and mods offered by such communities as SMF, these people offer their work as it makes them feel good, not cause it makes them profit and actually as such forces people to look for alternative code sources.



Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.


ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.

you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

So ok, ive bought a cd, ive put it on my mp3, and thats the same is it as dodging about warez sites, looking for something im too cheap to buy in the first place, knowingly using pirated software that someone else as taken the protection off. Erm i dont think so sunshine. Make excuses all you like for your out and out stealing of other peoples property, something that you havent spent a penny on and try and justify it. " ive heard it all before and it doesnt wash, YAWN! sorry.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



 ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.


you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

So ok, ive bought a cd, ive put it on my mp3, and thats the same is it as dodging about warez sites, looking for something im too cheap to buy in the first place, knowingly using pirated software that someone else as taken the protection off. Erm i dont think so sunshine. Make excuses all you like for your out and out stealing of other peoples property, something that you havent spent a penny on and try and justify it. " ive heard it all before and it doesnt wash, YAWN! sorry.



 Ignoring the point STILL I see, would you buy that music on a medium that you did not know would play on your particular equipment? Would you pay to ask the vendor if it indeed will play?


No, you wouldn't!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

No, im not high and mighty, you want to use pirated software for your own private use, then thats your choice, but please dont come on here telling us that you didnt know what you were doing, like we are children who havent got a clue. I dont know sammie, but i respect where she is coming from, if you would have brought down my server with pirated software, then slagging me and my business off accusing me of being a liar and defrauding money out of potential paying customers, id have reported you to the authorities, (it is agaisnt the law you know to use pirated software) You keep banging on about how she isnt respecting you or behaving in a business like fashion, have you behaved in the same way at all knowingly using pirated software with the risk involved  to that server you were installing them on, did you respect the integratie of the contract you signed with the host. No, of course you didnt, all you saw was a freebie, something you didnt have to pay for, and you didnt much care where it came from or the risk you were running, not only for you, but the server and all the other sites it did affect.

I see you are ignoring the point again, I'll ask again, "would you pay for an item where you did not know if it worked or not, and in order to "ask" the vendor if it worked you had to pay, would you do so"?

And again I'll reiterate, had this been handled in a professional manner in the first place,I would never have made it public.

And with regards mod writers, also read what I said, if so many didn't take advantage, like charging a lot of money for a few lines of code or offering simple instruction that can be found on many sites, then people would be more than willing to pay for mods of value, where effort has clearly been made to produce a very useful end product.

And with regards mod writers, if they are writing such simple code, then write it yourself, if you cant, and most people cant, then you are not only buying the code, but also the expertise, and expertise as anybody will tell you, cost money. Thats the point you seem to be missing. It's easy to put a washer in a tap to stop it dripping, but not everybody can do that so plumbers cost a fortune for the simple task. you pay for the knowledge, for the hours and hours its taken that person to learn a skill. you expect that person to give their skills away or something.


Its the same with sammie, these servers arent cheap you know, you have set up a business in a very competetive market where consistensy and up time is important for your reputation and success, and along you came and caused them a massive headache, downtime for other peoples sites on that server, and maybe even loss of business because of your unfair outburts and slanderous accusations. i wonder if you are big enough to put yourself in terrabytes shoes, how you would have felt if your business was put at risk because of the actions of one person running unknown scripts on your servers risking your reputations and livelyhood.

You are out of pocket by £160, but how much do you think your outburst will cost them in potential clients, and existing clients in the trust of terrabyte. Ego does not come into it on sammie's part, you are delibratly trying to destroy somebody business because you got caught using pirated software, and you expect people to be nice.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.

you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

So ok, ive bought a cd, ive put it on my mp3, and thats the same is it as dodging about warez sites, looking for something im too cheap to buy in the first place, knowingly using pirated software that someone else as taken the protection off. Erm i dont think so sunshine. Make excuses all you like for your out and out stealing of other peoples property, something that you havent spent a penny on and try and justify it. " ive heard it all before and it doesnt wash, YAWN! sorry.

Ignoring the point STILL I see, would you buy that music on a medium that you did not know would play on your particular equipment? Would you pay to ask the vendor if it indeed will play?

No, you wouldn't!

The real point is, if i bought that product from a reputable licenced dealer, i know it would work, but if i get it free  off the back of a lorry with no questions asked (rapidshare) then i would expect it to (at best) not work (at worst) mess up my site and screw up the server.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009




No, im not high and mighty, you want to use pirated software for your own private use, then thats your choice, but please dont come on here telling us that you didnt know what you were doing, like we are children who havent got a clue. I dont know sammie, but i respect where she is coming from, if you would have brought down my server with pirated software, then slagging me and my business off accusing me of being a liar and defrauding money out of potential paying customers, id have reported you to the authorities, (it is agaisnt the law you know to use pirated software) You keep banging on about how she isnt respecting you or behaving in a business like fashion, have you behaved in the same way at all knowingly using pirated software with the risk involved  to that server you were installing them on, did you respect the integratie of the contract you signed with the host. No, of course you didnt, all you saw was a freebie, something you didnt have to pay for, and you didnt much care where it came from or the risk you were running, not only for you, but the server and all the other sites it did affect.



I see you are ignoring the point again, I'll ask again, "would you pay for an item where you did not know if it worked or not, and in order to "ask" the vendor if it worked you had to pay, would you do so"?


And again I'll reiterate, had this been handled in a professional manner in the first place,I would never have made it public.


And with regards mod writers, also read what I said, if so many didn't take advantage, like charging a lot of money for a few lines of code or offering simple instruction that can be found on many sites, then people would be more than willing to pay for mods of value, where effort has clearly been made to produce a very useful end product.

And with regards mod writers, if they are writing such simple code, then write it yourself, if you cant, and most people cant, then you are not only buying the code, but also the expertise, and expertise as anybody will tell you, cost money. Thats the point you seem to be missing. It's easy to put a washer in a tap to stop it dripping, but not everybody can do that so plumbers cost a fortune for the simple task. you pay for the knowledge, for the hours and hours its taken that person to learn a skill. you expect that person to give their skills away or something.


Its the same with sammie, these servers arent cheap you know, you have set up a business in a very competetive market where consistensy and up time is important for your reputation and success, and along you came and caused them a massive headache, downtime for other peoples sites on that server, and maybe even loss of business because of your unfair outburts and slanderous accusations. i wonder if you are big enough to put yourself in terrabytes shoes, how you would have felt if your business was put at risk because of the actions of one person running unknown scripts on your servers risking your reputations and livelyhood.

You are out of pocket by £160, but how much do you think your outburst will cost them in potential clients, and existing clients in the trust of terrabyte. Ego does not come into it on sammie's part, you are delibratly trying to destroy somebody business because you got caught using pirated software, and you expect people to be nice.


You insist on ignoring the point don't you.


I have no problem with people charging for mods, but charging you to ask a question about it before you purchase it?


Also, the pricing structures, they are pricing themselves out of the market, especially considering the amount of mods available, you also ignore the point that I said had this been handled in a business like fashion, instead of me being sent a torrent of abuse and foul language, not being informed of the issue but finding it out accidentaly, I'd have accepted a slap on the wrist, learned from it and not made it public.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

When it comes to expertzzz and the mods being sold there is no question that the stealing and abuse of the system comes from both sides.

If you read the forums over there you will see lots of people complaining about their mods being repackaged re sold as their own, you see losers finding open source code selling it as their own work. You see people down loading packages of mods and selling them for almost nothing.

Buyers are being ripped off just as much as the sellers, there are sellers on expertzzz that are selling there own legit mods with their own backdoor trojans, the whole thing is fd up.

You have to very careful where you get your mods from, even when buying it through expertzzz. There are few mods I have put off bung just because of the price and who knows what mods will come with the next release. It seems most of the sellers that are legit have higher priced mods and if you look closely you can see who are the sellers you can trust and most seem to be affilaited with boonex.

For this convesation I will say that I am sure if this drama never reached the forum you probably would not have had gotten such a hard time from people and maybe you would have your account back by now. Its never a good a idea to go public with your complaints until you have given every other way of resolving an issue a chance first. I have a terrible temper I have learned the hard way that sometimes you just need to shut your mouth give it some time before you react. You say things that come back to bite you in the ass, which this obvoisuly has.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


well you persume things that you know nothing of, last night DosDawg and I talked about this and about what we would accept to allow you to continue to be hosted at Terabyte and this came down to a few things that we needed from you:

#1 you apologise to the real mod developers whom you stole from.

#2 you apologise to Dosgdawg and I

#3 you apologise to our customers for cause the server Tera1 to be hacked.

#4 before you upload any Mod to your site, you prove to us that you own the rights to use it by posting a comment in the mods thread, as only people whom have bought the mod can make a comment this would prove to us you paid for it.

#5 you agree to us monitoring your site closely and accept that is we find any stolen mods on it, we will terminate you account without notice.


this is part of the long reply i was about to post to you when i seen your comments in this thread again,

you said i escelated this lol no you made threats and after that i called you an asshat.



|| Client 03/04/2009 15:51
I wall albe letting it be known all over the web that you are defrauding people
Sammie || Staff 03/04/2009 16:00

look asshat, i do not care what you think you can do to us, but hey as you are making threats, i'll make you a promis here and now. within the hour i'll name and shame you and your 130 stolen mods and your name and the domain you used, and all the trouble you caused us on boonex,
in case you didnt know it, but we only host Dolphin sites and i am the most highest profile member there, with more integrety than you appear to have.

you have stolen from the members of that community, who the fuck do you think they are going to believe? me or a dishonest slime ball like you who has stolen from them?

get a life"

well guess what, we only Host dolphin sites and nothing else, so like i give a shit what you say over the net. lol carrying on like this and trying to make it look my fault is laughable.

guess what ya dumb fuck, you blew your last chance for keeping your hosting account. because you are to stupid to be allowed to be incontrol of a TV remote, let alone let loose on a server.

account terminated

you stole from this community, you stole and got caught, you told us where you got them after you used them and we informed you of the risks of using them as they usually contain backdoors and trojens. even after all that we were still prepired to allow you to keep your hosting account. you fucked that chance.

How would you rate this reply? Poor           Excellent


I didn't steal a thing, I found a load of mods that as it turned out, I couldn't use anyway, I kept you fully informed of my actions, I didn't swear at you or abuse you, but you did to me, you have slagged me off and called me names on here, you have made accusation after accusation and I have reacted, I have been replying to DosDawg via email and i had said also that I had learned a lesson, you even told me in a private message on here that you were not involved with terabyte, that was lie.


I have done all I can to try to reslove this, and I have also stated the facts in my comments on here, I haven't hidden anything nor fabricated anything.


I also said, that if I'd have been able to confirm that the mod I wanted would work on Dolphin 6.1.4 that I would purchase it from the source, but you cannot even ask the mod writer if it will indeed work without paying a fee just to ask, there is only one mod I was really interested in, and that was it, the theme I uploaded was just to see if it would would, I was simply parctising installations.


Never once have I lowered myself to personally attack you by calling you names, i made a mistake which I have openly admitted to on several occasions, but you took money from me, and even took extra money from me yesterday after you had closed down my site, how would you react id that was done to you? I felt that I had been defrauded.


I even raised a ticket yesterday morning with regards the fact you had taken a payment that wasn't due and that is still awaiting a reply.


My actions were done through ignorance, and naivity not malice, and i have since been trying to rectify this.


I woke this morning to find a torrent of one sided views without substance and I have done my best to answer in a fair and factual and concise manner, but let's face it, it's financially beneficial to yourself to make me out to be the villain, when all I did was make a genuine error, for which I had already apologised.


I have been used to running an SMF forum for over 2 yrs, and the suppoort and the mods have always been free, so this was all new to me, being faced with people asking for money at every turn, and not even wiling to answer questions about the compatyibility of thier products without payment just to answer such questions, it hardly builds a community spirit.


My dealings with DosDawg had always been very good, and had you simply pointed out my errors and mistakes rather than attacking me with abusive and foul words, I would never have made this public, you didn't even inform me that there was a problem.


The fact remains though, that you have taken money from me without providing the service I have paid for, you even took further monies knowing you were not going to provide such service, what would you call that, i know what I would call it.


If Dos had dealt with this rather than you, i'm sure we would never have found ourselves in this thread.


I was chuffed as nuts with my site and the service provided by Dos and Co (Terabyte) and I am totally devastated by what has happened this past 24 hrs.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.


ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.

you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

So ok, ive bought a cd, ive put it on my mp3, and thats the same is it as dodging about warez sites, looking for something im too cheap to buy in the first place, knowingly using pirated software that someone else as taken the protection off. Erm i dont think so sunshine. Make excuses all you like for your out and out stealing of other peoples property, something that you havent spent a penny on and try and justify it. " ive heard it all before and it doesnt wash, YAWN! sorry.

yes it is the same, read the copywrite..or in your little world do have different rules for one and rules for another, just because you say just admited to pirating music on to your mp3 player - ignoring the copywrite placed on that cd by the owners, but hey thats ok according to you....but those bad people who get it from another source...according to you should have the last rights read to them...sorry mate but in the eyes of the law rules are dont you ever preach about whats wrong and whats right as the end of the day 2 wrongs dont make a right...the only difference is that I can accept this quite cant

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I actually got dolphin 6.0.3 off a torrent/warez site, i liked it that much i upgraded it to 6.1.4 and bought a licence for rayy, dolphin and orca...without that initial download from the so called criminal site, boonex would never have got my money or would the people who i have bought mods for, or would the many many people i have helped....whats your answers to that?

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Well go get a reputable hosting which is worth your  money .Avoid using all those reseller hosting bcoz you will end up with many problems like they say cut the middle person off and u get the best deal.Below are two type of hosting which is reputable, cheap, world class support and they provide help in script installation.

1. ( execellent shared hosting for dolphin and other script )

2. ( manage vps and dedicated hosting) .Highly recomended for newbie

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


I didn't steal a thing, I found a load of mods that as it turned out, I couldn't use anyway, I kept you fully informed of my actions, I didn't swear at you or abuse you, but you did to me, you have slagged me off and called me names on here, you have made accusation after accusation and I have reacted, I have been replying to DosDawg via email and i had said also that I had learned a lesson, you even told me in a private message on here that you were not involved with terabyte, that was lie.


you admit here that you did not want to pay for the mod and that used rapidshare search to go and look for dolphin mods to use without paying for them, only afterward have you stated you only wanted to try and then buy it. sorry you got busted and only came up with that crap as a damage limitation process. you informed us after you had made several attempts to install your ill gotten gains, that you got them from a torrent.

let me see, i did not once swear at you until you threatend to post shit on the internet that you know to be untrue.


you are lying now, look i did not say i had nothing to do with are the 2 pm's:


"I found that out too late unfortunately. However I sent a question via your site about 24 hrs ago and I'm still awaiting a reply, also, on the larger of the three hosting packages, it says you get 200gig of space, however when you click on the the link and it takes you to the sign up, it changes to 100gig?"



my reply

"ah sorry i no longer own 50% of terabyte-hosting, i had to give it up due to recent health issues i have just been diagnosed with. the work load for me as joint owner was just far to much, so i have gone back to my own private clients and looking after them that i host on my own private servers. there are only 2 presales tickets open and both have been replied to on terabyte"


clearly i tell you i do not own 50% of the company anymore, clearly i look into your email you say you sent. clearly this means i do not own 50% of terabyte and clearly it shows i still do some support for Terabyte. i am so happy your next bullsit is to tell everyone that you have only posted FACTS on here and havent hidden anything nor FABRICATED ANYTHING HA HA HA HA this reply above proves you have not stated FACTS and have FABRICATED shit.


I have done all I can to try to reslove this, and I have also stated the facts in my comments on here, I haven't hidden anything nor fabricated anything.


See above reply.


I also said, that if I'd have been able to confirm that the mod I wanted would work on Dolphin 6.1.4 that I would purchase it from the source, but you cannot even ask the mod writer if it will indeed work without paying a fee just to ask, there is only one mod I was really interested in, and that was it, the theme I uploaded was just to see if it would would, I was simply parctising installations.


trying to convince people here that you would buy it after you stole it, OMFG what do you take us for? you have posted here your reasons for stealing the 130 mods, now you want us to believe you didnt mean it and now you FABRICATED this bull shit to try and salvage your reputation, guess what? you need the fuckers that found the Titanic to salvage your reutation, it took such a nosedive and is still going deeper with every post you make.


Never once have I lowered myself to personally attack you by calling you names, i made a mistake which I have openly admitted to on several occasions, but you took money from me, and even took extra money from me yesterday after you had closed down my site, how would you react id that was done to you? I felt that I had been defrauded.


"never once have i....." OMFG you make me giggle, whats the title and purpous of this thread? to personally attack me by calling me names lol let me guess this one doesnt count as once right?

your not a very good lier are you? is this another FABRICATED comment that is keeping to the FACTS?

ok you where told on the 02/02/2009 that "ah sorry i no longer own 50% of terabyte-hosting" just how did "I" take any money from you? last month you paid 4 months in advance hosting to Terabyte-hosting, when did i take money from you?i dont have access to your paypal nor Terabytes paypal accounts. let me guess it wasnt you that placed the order for hosting and chose quaterly billing right? it was us taking your money right? ok, at this point you dont sound very bright, can you tell me if you are on some meds and what are they called? also whats your mental age?


the payment yesterday that you sent a ticket about, #1 i have no access to the paypal account so i can not reply to your ticket about this payment, as it was a subscription, at some point you have managed to approve this when logged into paypal.


you state that we took this payment after i closed down your site, correct? lets look at the time stamps and see whats been FABRICATED here:

03/04/2009 06:50Hi, I've been charged a Paypal subscription amount when I shouldn't have been:


03/04/2009 13:40 Marc i have had to suspend your account,we had a ticket today from a customer about strange


it really does begger belief that you think 6:50am comes after 13:40pm (are you smoking any funny stuff?) i really fail to see how you can claim that you keep to the facts and truth and do not FABRICATE anything. HELLO! anyone home?


I even raised a ticket yesterday morning with regards the fact you had taken a payment that wasn't due and that is still awaiting a reply.


your reply is now with the paypal dispute you opened. geez still waiting for a reply, OMG is this another lie lol


My actions were done through ignorance, and naivity not malice, and i have since been trying to rectify this.


trying to rectify this? HA HA HA HA every post you make is more bullshit and denile and trying to paint your self as all honest, truthful and innocent. OMG are you for real?


I woke this morning to find a torrent of one sided views without substance and I have done my best to answer in a fair and factual and concise manner, but let's face it, it's financially beneficial to yourself to make me out to be the villain, when all I did was make a genuine error, for which I had already apologised.


"I have done my best to answer in a fair and factual and concise manner" do you really believe that that is a true statement, my bullshit detector has committed suicide.


I have been used to running an SMF forum for over 2 yrs, and the suppoort and the mods have always been free, so this was all new to me, being faced with people asking for money at every turn, and not even wiling to answer questions about the compatyibility of thier products without payment just to answer such questions, it hardly builds a community spirit.


stealing thier shit is hardly something a community would take lightly, we dont need a community of people in black n white stripes.


My dealings with DosDawg had always been very good, and had you simply pointed out my errors and mistakes rather than attacking me with abusive and foul words, I would never have made this public, you didn't even inform me that there was a problem.


again, i only started on you when you made the threat to start posting shit, you posted shit and you got my full wrath, ask anyone here, i am not the person to piss off, you'll loose. in this case you didnt need my help, everyone seen through your shit and seen you for what you are.


The fact remains though, that you have taken money from me without providing the service I have paid for, you even took further monies knowing you were not going to provide such service, what would you call that, i know what I would call it.


we didnt place your order, we didnt click quaterly billing, we didnt approve the payment in your paypal account, you did all that of your own free will. we provided the service until your actions caused me to suspend your account while we recover the server and clean it up and convert it to SuPHP, but you started shooting your bullshit spewing mouth off and escelated this all on your own.


If Dos had dealt with this rather than you, i'm sure we would never have found ourselves in this thread.


you started this thread, you chose to escelate it, dosdawg wouldnt take your bullshit either while he was stuck with a hacked server and you wanted to make threats of legal action, he would have done as i did,


I was chuffed as nuts with my site and the service provided by Dos and Co (Terabyte) and I am totally devastated by what has happened this past 24 hrs.

i'll zip and ship your site on cd to you.



Sammie you are laughable, your justification for stealing my money is a joke, oh, and by the way, have you never heard of the time differnces between our continents?


Also, downloading a file from the public sector is not theft, and I didn't try to install a mod, I installed a theme, and again, it had no hidden code that openned any doors, that is lies to cover your errors on your site, you can make me to be the villain all you want you took money from me, didn't provide a service, and to add insult to injury, you took further monies from my paypal account that you were not even entitled to, as I had paid for three moths in advance, so it would appear that you have possibly gained access to my account as I have no quraterlies set up, but let's see, a quarter of 12 would be 3, so tell me how you took money from my accoutn after a month? Because you have either hacked it or have hidden code in your billing.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009




I didn't steal a thing, I found a load of mods that as it turned out, I couldn't use anyway, I kept you fully informed of my actions, I didn't swear at you or abuse you, but you did to me, you have slagged me off and called me names on here, you have made accusation after accusation and I have reacted, I have been replying to DosDawg via email and i had said also that I had learned a lesson, you even told me in a private message on here that you were not involved with terabyte, that was lie.


I have done all I can to try to reslove this, and I have also stated the facts in my comments on here, I haven't hidden anything nor fabricated anything.


I also said, that if I'd have been able to confirm that the mod I wanted would work on Dolphin 6.1.4 that I would purchase it from the source, but you cannot even ask the mod writer if it will indeed work without paying a fee just to ask, there is only one mod I was really interested in, and that was it, the theme I uploaded was just to see if it would would, I was simply parctising installations.


Never once have I lowered myself to personally attack you by calling you names, i made a mistake which I have openly admitted to on several occasions, but you took money from me, and even took extra money from me yesterday after you had closed down my site, how would you react id that was done to you? I felt that I had been defrauded.


I even raised a ticket yesterday morning with regards the fact you had taken a payment that wasn't due and that is still awaiting a reply.


My actions were done through ignorance, and naivity not malice, and i have since been trying to rectify this.


I woke this morning to find a torrent of one sided views without substance and I have done my best to answer in a fair and factual and concise manner, but let's face it, it's financially beneficial to yourself to make me out to be the villain, when all I did was make a genuine error, for which I had already apologised.


I have been used to running an SMF forum for over 2 yrs, and the suppoort and the mods have always been free, so this was all new to me, being faced with people asking for money at every turn, and not even wiling to answer questions about the compatyibility of thier products without payment just to answer such questions, it hardly builds a community spirit.


My dealings with DosDawg had always been very good, and had you simply pointed out my errors and mistakes rather than attacking me with abusive and foul words, I would never have made this public, you didn't even inform me that there was a problem.


The fact remains though, that you have taken money from me without providing the service I have paid for, you even took further monies knowing you were not going to provide such service, what would you call that, i know what I would call it.


If Dos had dealt with this rather than you, i'm sure we would never have found ourselves in this thread.


I was chuffed as nuts with my site and the service provided by Dos and Co (Terabyte) and I am totally devastated by what has happened this past 24 hrs.

 I really love this response... Hey, I got a question for you funswing... I was over at your house the other day and found a TV in the family room, it's real nice.... In fact it even had a wallet with some credit cards and stuff on it... Since I found it I get to keep it... Right.  Thanks a million dude, lovin the picture on this baby... It's my first plasma...


Do you see how stupid that looks?  Yes, it is illegal to be in possession of pirated software.  Yes, it is illegal to use pirated software on your site.  Yes, you can go to jail for it.  It's called receiving stolen property, you don't have to actually go in and steal it, all you have to do is accept possession of it.  You don't even have to use it, just accept possession.


Now, you seem to think that it's okay and people are talking out their arses (that's your word that you used to me first, check your posts above) and that you are innocent.  Point remains:  You first hosted with HFW and got upset when they would not build your site for you so you went over to Terabyte-hosting solutions.  You then did not like the prices for mods (which by the way I've been happy to pay for all of mine and they work so well.  In addition, the mod creators even bend over backwards to make them work when something screws up because having their mods on my site is great advertisement for them as the site grows and I give honest feedback on mods), so you decided to surf the web and look for FREE copies of these mods.  You ended up with a mod-pack of 130 mods (I've seen the mod-pack and it is available from different places and the mods in it are all pretty much hacked up and useless... Funny part is I legitimately own most of the mods that are in the thing and it was fun to see how much people screwed them up over time.)


Most of the mod pack you have is filled with hacks.  Now, you said you had someone who is a professional coder look and that individual could not find any hacks.  Why not hand the template over to one of the experienced Dolphin Coders and let them show you where it is?  The point is a hack can be placed anywhere in a file, php & sql can be called from any file.  Are you even aware of the hack exploits that dolphin took in it's early stages via templates?  What about issues all the sites dealt with early on via the widgets? 


In the end, you uploaded a template that you received for free, that you should of paid for, and it caused your site to crash first.  It then exploited a server that maintained the livelihood of several other individuals who you have never even met and caused them financial loss.  Now, your actions are in fact not only illegal in a criminal sense, but in the US and in the UK you can be held liable in a civil court for the losses that each and every one of these people have suffered due to your personal desire to be a tightass with your money and not pay twenty bucks for a template. 


Next, you come in here making false accusations against 2 hosting companies, in an effort to disrupt their businesses and cost them revenue, forcing them to defend themselves in a public arena where they obtain their customer base from, all because of your poorly thought out actions.  Now, being naive does not make one innocent.  Have you ever heard of the phrase... "...ignorance of the law is no excuse..."  It means you don't have to know your over the speed limit to be violating the speed limit.  But even if you want to take this to another level to test, we can. 


Some would argue you had no intentions to hack sites or disable sites and therefore you lack the responsibility to prosecute.  That would work had you made a simple change to your own code that did not work and crashed the server.  We've all seen rookies make that mistake, that is an honest, naive mistake.  However, you intentionally sought out software that you knew was not legally available for free (the mod/software creators are charging for it and all have a statement it may not be re-distributed for free or a fee without their expressed written consent) for the sole pupose of using it on your commercial website with the intentions of making money from said software.  Doesn't matter if you intended to sell it to other sites, only that you intended to sell it to your members in the form of a feature to the site, makes you criminally responsible for computer hacking and thus you have an issue as you committed this act on US soil.  A little unknown fact regarding computer hacking, is it belongs to the jurisdiction where the computer/server that was hacked is physically sitting.  To explain it better, I am currently in Canada, but I live in Twinsburg Ohio.  My servers are physically sitting in Chicago, Il.  This means if you hack my site, you are committing your crime in Chicago Il and it will be picked up by the appropriate authorities.  The beauty of this is, in the US 4 entities have the ability and jurisdiction to pick up on these, they are as follows:


The US Attorney Generals Office.


The State Attorney Generals Office (This is dependent upon the state your in but applies to all 50 states)


The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)


Last but not least, I was surprised to learn this:


The US Secret Service loves to get involved in these cases.  Note, the SS has a very far reaching arm, so hiding out in the UK won't do you much good.


Now, if I was Dosdawg I would be contacting the authorities, filling out police reports and prosecuting your "arse" for all the damage you have caused, down time, disruption of financial income, exposing countless site members personal information to hackers and the additional costs to deal with this mess.   Then I would open up a civil liabilities suit against you, invite every site owner to join it and any and all of their site members who you screwed over and turn it into a class action suit.  Due to the fact that the server sits in the US (correct if I'm wrong here guys) means that your subject to the US laws, note that due to the fact your actions are criminally negligible, you may not bankrupt any of the civil or criminal costs (this inlcudes any civil judgements they obtain against you) and therefore you will spend the rest of your life paying for it.  I'm pretty sure between the two of them they can figure out how to collect every penny from you.


At this moment, as far as I know, they are only terminating your account under their hosting programs TOS which you agreed to, I'd suggest you walk away very slowly and very politely at this point before they decide to really get pissed and take this whole mess to the next level.



Quote · 5 Mar 2009

yes well what about the morals of people who charge crazy prices for simple mods?...or is that different?.....somehow i do not think so.

I always offer any solutions i come acroos to questions on this forum for free..even if there is someone selling the solution for 20 my opinion open source like this should be like phpbb and most mods free..this way it benifits everyone.

and yes i have used certain sites for things i i loose sleep.NO...why?...because paying someone 20 quid to fix a simple job in my opinion is worse.  times are changing people...but most prefer to stay in the dark ages...oh and btw..the anyone who says rapid share and torrents are full off bugs and viruses...most definatly have there blinkers on. most are exact copies with no change at all, and also most are for 6.1.4.

I always pay for something if I believe I am getting my moneys worth and not being cheated, I have enough money to do so, so its not trying to get things on the cheap..its out of choice and refusing to fill someone elses pocket by overpricing.

You can slag me off all you like on here if you wish, i'll sleep easy at night no sweat.

What a stupid thing to say, im not going to get into what coders charge for mods because thats their buisness, and they know what their work is worth, but your attitude is all wrong. I guess then if you go to the store, see something you want but havent got the money to pay for it, you just steal it then do you because you believe what they charge is too much and over priced. and yes it is the same thing. If being in the dark ages means not stealing from others, then im happy stumbling about in the dark.

Most people are brought up to believe, if you want something then you save up for it,then buy it, just because you can steal something from rapidshare or any of the warez sites, doesnt mean it right to do it. Yes it is stealing, call it want you want, but stealing is what you are doing using something that is pirated, and also running the risk of getting something nasty in the process.

But hey ho, it takes all sorts to make a world, some of us are honest peeps, and clearly, some of us are not.





Oh how we twist, was it "stolen" from the source? No, it was shared by someone who had obviously purchased it. So your analogy is negated.

Twisting words, no my friend, thats called the truth,  It's liars and thieves who accuse people who tell the truth as twisting words. Do you really believe your own BS, this is why we have this thing called single use licences and so forth. Truth is, you thought you could get yourself some pirated freebies, got caught, it cost you 160 quid in the process, and you dont like taking the consquences.


ok I bet you are also guilty of copywrite laws and 'stolen' content many times so get real ffs.

have you ever put a cd onto tape, or made a copy for the car?...have you ever loaned a book or a dvd to a friend? if you have you have breached the copywrite laws and lost the owner a sale....or in your little world is that ok?..or is that different?....NO ITS NOT, just because some use the internet rather than walk to someones house doesnt make it any different.

you show me one person in this world that has never 'stolen' something by loaning it, borrowing a copy from a friend, even taped something of of the telly.

So ok, ive bought a cd, ive put it on my mp3, and thats the same is it as dodging about warez sites, looking for something im too cheap to buy in the first place, knowingly using pirated software that someone else as taken the protection off. Erm i dont think so sunshine. Make excuses all you like for your out and out stealing of other peoples property, something that you havent spent a penny on and try and justify it. " ive heard it all before and it doesnt wash, YAWN! sorry.

yes it is the same, read the copywrite..or in your little world do have different rules for one and rules for another, just because you say just admited to pirating music on to your mp3 player - ignoring the copywrite placed on that cd by the owners, but hey thats ok according to you....but those bad people who get it from another source...according to you should have the last rights read to them...sorry mate but in the eyes of the law rules are dont you ever preach about whats wrong and whats right as the end of the day 2 wrongs dont make a right...the only difference is that I can accept this quite cant

LMAO.. dear dear little boy, did someone smack your little pirate botty. Im afraid its you who are in the wrong but not me or anybody else will ever make you see that, because basically you are a pirate,(and more than likely proud of it) and nobodys hard work is safe with you and your kind about. If you want to justify yourself by pointing the finger at the millions of people who legally buy a cd and then copy it to a mp3 device to listen to it on the move (not steal it, sell it or share it), then off you go, try your best, but only a pratt would ever see that as the same as people abtaining software, taking the protection off it, then selling the pirate copy a hundred times over, or using it to give away in the pirates cove we call rapidshare and warez sites because they think its clever and havent got the intellegence to get that it's stealing, who have never paid anything for it in the first place. Im afraid it's you who cant accept the truth of what you are doing, and dont much care either. It's not your fault i guess that you are just a product of the spoilt generation that is emerging, want it now, dont care how i get it either generation.

You and funswing just dont know any better. Well thank god that most of us do.

Ive never heard so much crap in my life as what as been spouted by you two on this thread, rapidshare is not the fault, its the people who abuse its services that are at fault, and both of you know this "public sector my Butt" still pirated software, and you know it.

This is getting boring now i think children.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

This little clique is just laughjable, I was defrauded of money, yes, defrauded, I pirated fuck all you sill yankee fuckers and oh how you twist words to suit, TERABYTE hosting are theives, they stole money, they have possibly hacked my paypal account, AVOID AT ALL COSTS and don't be taken n by the band of thieves that back them up, they are thieves

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut


Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

This little clique is just laughjable, I was defrauded of money, yes, defrauded, I pirated fuck all you sill yankee fuckers and oh how you twist words to suit, TERABYTE hosting are theives, they stole money, they have possibly hacked my paypal account, AVOID AT ALL COSTS and don't be taken n by the band of thieves that back them up, they are thieves

Excuse me! but im not a silly yankee fucker (no offence meant to those that are of course Tongue out ) im  British and this isnt about Terrabyte, its about principles (look that word up if you must) I for one am not with terrabyte but ive read about them and they are a good hosting company, and many people like them and sing their praises and the support they get is next to none from what i hear.

Im sorry that you dont get this, but people just dont like it when you come on here threatening, slandering a person who does nothing but help other members in the dolphin community, and now it shows your mentality to accuse us all of being theives because we didnt side with you.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



This little clique is just laughjable, I was defrauded of money, yes, defrauded, I pirated fuck all you sill yankee fuckers and oh how you twist words to suit, TERABYTE hosting are theives, they stole money, they have possibly hacked my paypal account, AVOID AT ALL COSTS and don't be taken n by the band of thieves that back them up, they are thieves

Excuse me! but im not a silly yankee fucker (no offence meant to those that are of course Tongue out ) im  British and this isnt about Terrabyte, its about principles (look that word up if you must) I for one am not with terrabyte but ive read about them and they are a good hosting company, and many people like them and sing their praises and the support they get is next to none from what i hear.

Im sorry that you dont get this, but people just dont like it when you come on here threatening, slandering a person who does nothing but help other members in the dolphin community, and now it shows your mentality to accuse us all of being theives because we didnt side with you.

 Mentality? Look up the page and read how many abusive emails full of name calling and swearing I got via the oh so professional terabyte hosting solutions ticket system.


I made an error of judgement, to which I admiotted, but instead of beiong made aware of this, they closed down my site, didn't even have the professionalism to contact me and let me know and look for solutions, no, they had already been paid, so were in ther driving seat, when I asked what was going on i was accused of this that and the other.


This is somewhat akin to the builder you pay up front who starts a job, but then after a short while cuts and runs, I wonder how many other people will fall victim to this????

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


This little clique is just laughjable, I was defrauded of money, yes, defrauded, I pirated fuck all you sill yankee fuckers and oh how you twist words to suit, TERABYTE hosting are theives, they stole money, they have possibly hacked my paypal account, AVOID AT ALL COSTS and don't be taken n by the band of thieves that back them up, they are thieves


First of all I hope your not referring to me in that little statement about a clique because had you been around here for more than a nanosecond then you'd know that Sammie & I have had our little wars and do not see eye to eye on many things.  But we do see eye to eye on this... Hell she has worked hard to take customers from HFW and I work hard to bring customers to HFW... (No, I don't own or work for them, though I am affiliated with them... No big surprise there...)


You weren't defrauded of money, you chose to pay for something and then violated the TOS and caused the company you were doing business with to lose money because you were to cheap to pay for something that costs $20 US... Oh my god, $20.00 US... Can someone tell me what that comes to in British money?  Or are you guys on the Euro also, this stupid Yankee can never keep up with that stuff...


Now, the amazing part of all of this is, that you seem to be finding time to come in here and keep this mess going, posting more hacks and trashing more people than it's worth.  Boonexnerd can post what they like on their site and people will use it at their own risk.  You posted a hack to disable Boonex footers on Boonex's own site.  Now it's wrong to put it either place, but not only is it wrong to post it on Boonex's own site but really crude also.  How about if I come over to your house and start banging your wife on your couch while your watching how that special you like so much on knitting socks?  I'm sure with what you've shown here you won't mind a bit...


Grow up funswing and realize you made a mess and be grateful they're not prosecuting you for it... Not yet at least..

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



This little clique is just laughjable, I was defrauded of money, yes, defrauded, I pirated fuck all you sill yankee fuckers and oh how you twist words to suit, TERABYTE hosting are theives, they stole money, they have possibly hacked my paypal account, AVOID AT ALL COSTS and don't be taken n by the band of thieves that back them up, they are thieves


First of all I hope your not referring to me in that little statement about a clique because had you been around here for more than a nanosecond then you'd know that Sammie & I have had our little wars and do not see eye to eye on many things.  But we do see eye to eye on this... Hell she has worked hard to take customers from HFW and I work hard to bring customers to HFW... (No, I don't own or work for them, though I am affiliated with them... No big surprise there...)


You weren't defrauded of money, you chose to pay for something and then violated the TOS and caused the company you were doing business with to lose money because you were to cheap to pay for something that costs $20 US... Oh my god, $20.00 US... Can someone tell me what that comes to in British money?  Or are you guys on the Euro also, this stupid Yankee can never keep up with that stuff...


Now, the amazing part of all of this is, that you seem to be finding time to come in here and keep this mess going, posting more hacks and trashing more people than it's worth.  Boonexnerd can post what they like on their site and people will use it at their own risk.  You posted a hack to disable Boonex footers on Boonex's own site.  Now it's wrong to put it either place, but not only is it wrong to post it on Boonex's own site but really crude also.  How about if I come over to your house and start banging your wife on your couch while your watching how that special you like so much on knitting socks?  I'm sure with what you've shown here you won't mind a bit...


Grow up funswing and realize you made a mess and be grateful they're not prosecuting you for it... Not yet at least..

 Get your facts right pricko, the mod is $50 and there is no way of knowing if the mod even works on 6.1.4 cause to ask the mod seller, you have to pay, would you pay to ask a question or pay in the hope a mod "might" work? Go on, lie mr fuckin saint, say you would!


And I uploaded a template just to see what it looked like, I was actually happy with the template I had, but wanted to see if I could manage to do it myself, that was it, mr saint fuckin cuntybaws,


Yes, I can swear too, and I'm sick to fuckin death of holding it back, these fuckin grifters robbed me of over $125 simple as that, so fuck off treating me like a raped a fuckin child you fuckin=s sad cunts.


I installed a fuckin template I found for free, and all this bollox about fuckin hard done by code writers, they are leeches, passing off simple codes that can be executed by novices as mods, ok, there are some genuine ones out ther, but the sharks give them all a bad name, no wonder people look for other ways of obtaining simple mods, paying $50 dollars for 4 lines of code ffs, amd yes, I would have paid for the mod I wanted as it was important to me so I'd have wanted to make sure I had back up for it!!!!!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut

Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.

I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.

To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.


Updating my site.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Perhaps they were a little too busy to let you know the damage you had caused at the time, because they were clearing up the mess you made for them and all the other sites they hosted.

It should have become clear by now, as it has to all reading this thread, that if you hadnt come on here slagging people off, they were going to give you a second chance, but you kept digging your own hole, and after the damage you have caused them, i think that is very proffesional behavoir from terrabyte, more than i would have offered at any rate.

A word of advice, if by chance you do get the builders in, i suggest you dont threaten them like you did terrabyte, or i can see you pulling the bricks out of your arse for a week. Some people just dont know when i quit i guess.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009





Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut


Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.


I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.


To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.












 Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?


Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Fine, that makes it one of the more expensive templates out there... I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you only stole the cheaper one... Now keep in mind, you've just given us a very slim window on who you stole from because few charge $50 US for their templates.


Now, have you ever written a template your self?  It's not just 4 lines of code, it's not even just an hour or so... In reality it takes a couple of weeks to truly create a unique template that will work in all browsers across the board.  I know, I created the template on my site by "MYSELF".  I know the hours it takes to do it, and it's not just changing a few colors or uploading a background if you want something truly unique and different.


You still seem to think you have this sense of entitlement to free stuff for your site, yet you have nothing to give back to the community in exchange for it, and you have the guts to call the people who do give back grifters.... Do you even know what a grifter is?  It's a leech in the end, nothing more and nothing less. 


Now, I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell spammers who come on my site... Shooo... Go away now before you get hurt your self straining your brain....

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


Perhaps they were a little too busy to let you know the damage you had caused at the time, because they were clearing up the mess you made for them and all the other sites they hosted.


It should have become clear by now, as it has to all reading this thread, that if you hadnt come on here slagging people off, they were going to give you a second chance, but you kept digging your own hole, and after the damage you have caused them, i think that is very proffesional behavoir from terrabyte, more than i would have offered at any rate.


A word of advice, if by chance you do get the builders in, i suggest you dont threaten them like you did terrabyte, or i can see you pulling the bricks out of your arse for a week. Some people just dont know when i quit i guess.

 Look dick head, they slung mud at me, took money that wasn't due as I'd paid in advance, when I reacted to this by saying I would seek legal advice, they said they were keeping my money and my site was dead, that was when I brought it here!


All of that time I was trying to work in the background to resolve, but all the time Sammie was shouting and swearing and calling me names like a child, so you expect me to sit on my hands?

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


Fine, that makes it one of the more expensive templates out there... I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you only stole the cheaper one... Now keep in mind, you've just given us a very slim window on who you stole from because few charge $50 US for their templates.


Now, have you ever written a template your self?  It's not just 4 lines of code, it's not even just an hour or so... In reality it takes a couple of weeks to truly create a unique template that will work in all browsers across the board.  I know, I created the template on my site by "MYSELF".  I know the hours it takes to do it, and it's not just changing a few colors or uploading a background if you want something truly unique and different.


You still seem to think you have this sense of entitlement to free stuff for your site, yet you have nothing to give back to the community in exchange for it, and you have the guts to call the people who do give back grifters.... Do you even know what a grifter is?  It's a leech in the end, nothing more and nothing less. 


Now, I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell spammers who come on my site... Shooo... Go away now before you get hurt your self straining your brain....

I'll give you this, you are a bawbag of the highest order, you have fantastictly set up blinkers, you have such fantastic see what you want to see vision, you pick out what suits you and ignore the rest, where the fuck did I say that all mods are 4 lines of fucking code? I said they can be, and I've also given credit to the ones that actually do take time to write proper mods, that are worth paying for, now you fuck off you shit lickinbg piece of sammie's cunt dripping.


And for the last time, I uploaded a fucking template, to practice, not any other mod you fuckball!!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009






Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut


Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.


I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.


To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.












 Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?


Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

 Do you not know how to read?  Do you not understand a contract?  Are you really so dense as to ask that question?  Let me explain this to you in a simple form.

Boonex provides the Dolphin script for free of charge in exchange for the rights to post ads on your site at the bottom of each page and within the widgets.  If you would like to remove those Ads, you can do it by making a small contribution ($100 per year) to Boonex and they will provide you with the proper licensing numbers to remove the Ads from your site. 

You provided an individual in the forums here on Boonex with the ability to circumvent that licensing procedure and remove the Ads from their site without paying for it.  That is how "YOU STOLE FROM BOONEX"....

Now to help you out a little more, you don't have to commit the theft your self to be guilty of it, you only have to assist the person who commits the theft in some shape, manner or form.  In this instance you handed him the tools to remove the Ads without paying thus you have stolen an underterminable amount of money from Boonex and weakened the script as hackers will know where to look to mess with things. 


Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut

Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.

I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.

To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.


Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?

Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

Funswing, first off calm down.

Secondly, understand that you are NOT allowed to take out those BoonEx footers without paying for a license. You can check sammie's dolphin for dummies. She gives a good explanation of how the process works.

To clarify, the banner at the bottom of a Dolphin site needs to show up on the site UNLESS you have paid for a license for its removal.

My question to you is, "Did you pay for a BoonEx license?"

If your answer is "Yes", then you would have been sent license keys that would effectively take them out automatically.

If your answer is "No", then you have mistakenly circumvented the license agreement.

Let me know your answer please.

Updating my site.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009


We said the same


Well funswing? Let us know and I think it will help to clarify some things.

Updating my site.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009







Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut


Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.


I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.


To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.












Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?


Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

Funswing, first off calm down.



Secondly, understand that you are NOT allowed to take out those BoonEx footers without paying for a license. You can check sammie's dolphin for dummies. She gives a good explanation of how the process works.



To clarify, the banner at the bottom of a Dolphin site needs to show up on the site UNLESS you have paid for a license for its removal.


My question to you is, "Did you pay for a BoonEx license?"



If your answer is "Yes", then you would have been sent license keys that would effectively take them out automatically.


If your answer is "No", then you have mistakenly circumvented the license agreement.



Let me know your answer please.






I followed the instructions on your site, i didn't write the instructions, i wouldn't have known how to, I simply discovered that by deleting the value they were no longer there.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009







Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut


Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.


I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.


To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.












 Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?


Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

 Do you not know how to read?  Do you not understand a contract?  Are you really so dense as to ask that question?  Let me explain this to you in a simple form.

Boonex provides the Dolphin script for free of charge in exchange for the rights to post ads on your site at the bottom of each page and within the widgets.  If you would like to remove those Ads, you can do it by making a small contribution ($100 per year) to Boonex and they will provide you with the proper licensing numbers to remove the Ads from your site. 

You provided an individual in the forums here on Boonex with the ability to circumvent that licensing procedure and remove the Ads from their site without paying for it.  That is how "YOU STOLE FROM BOONEX"....

Now to help you out a little more, you don't have to commit the theft your self to be guilty of it, you only have to assist the person who commits the theft in some shape, manner or form.  In this instance you handed him the tools to remove the Ads without paying thus you have stolen an underterminable amount of money from Boonex and weakened the script as hackers will know where to look to mess with things. 



And we know why you are so upset fucko, the adverts in the widgets are all for HFW, not Boonex, you just want to grab money via affiliates, LEECH

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Great minds think alike jtadeo...


Question for funswing... Did you ever get the Free licenses for your site?  If you did then you know about the paid licenses also... When you dowloaded a copy of Dolphin did you not nitce the Dolphin Free & Dolphin Ad-Free versions?


If you did then you know abou the licenses.  Have you ever hung out in the forums?  If so, then it's safe to bet you know about the licenses.


One last thing... Did you have terabyte-hosting solutions as a hosting company?  If so then I KNOW that Dosdawg told you how to get the discounted Contributors license and thus you knew about the licenses...


But do us a favor... Don't calm down, it's fun to watch how long your around before Boonex bans you for good from the entire Dolphin program....

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Can't help but tell lies can you Sammie, and the fact that all your clique find defrauding me of money and STEALING money from my Paypal account is funny, it says far more about them than it does me!

what? i aint the one who claims scotland is in the USA lol

but no end to you dishonesty, here you post a doozee, how to remove the footers

i think you just sealed your own fate numbnut

Actually, I copied those instructions from boonex nerd, keep it going Sammie, and oh how you love to twist, as you full well know, when I was refering to continents, i was refering to the US and the UK, and just to put you in the picture, Scotland IS indipendant of England, but not the UK!

Well funswing, you've managed to get me to decloak.

I got an e-mail from a kind soul saying that my site at somehow helped you rip-off Boonex. For the record, the instructions were posted in my forum by a member who I understand didn't know any better (uh huh). I've since taken it down.

To be sure, I prefer you click on my affiliate links and purchase the license vs. circumventing the license agreement with Boonex. It's only a few bucks and you can feel good knowing you are supporting a fantastic Web app.


Explain how I ripped off boonex? The banner at the bottom is ugly, that is the only good reason i can see for not wanting it there, where does the rip off come into it?

Again, deflecting from the fact I've been grifted!

Funswing, first off calm down.

Secondly, understand that you are NOT allowed to take out those BoonEx footers without paying for a license. You can check sammie's dolphin for dummies. She gives a good explanation of how the process works.

To clarify, the banner at the bottom of a Dolphin site needs to show up on the site UNLESS you have paid for a license for its removal.

My question to you is, "Did you pay for a BoonEx license?"

If your answer is "Yes", then you would have been sent license keys that would effectively take them out automatically.

If your answer is "No", then you have mistakenly circumvented the license agreement.

Let me know your answer please.

I followed the instructions on your site, i didn't write the instructions, i wouldn't have known how to, I simply discovered that by deleting the value they were no longer there.

So would I be correct in understanding that you have NOT paid for a BoonEx license?

Anyway, if you haven't paid for a license then you need to and as for the posting on my site that should not have been there. I get several hundred visitors a week at my site and I don't always keep track on what's going on at the forums. It sorta runs itself.

At any rate, maybe it's time to retire this thread? It is just getting nasty. We all make mistakes and it's important to learn from them. I don't believe you had any malicious intent to cause harm or somehow try to mess people around, but at this time it may help for you and those involved to just take a breather.

Besides, I need to get back to


Updating my site.
Quote · 5 Mar 2009


Great minds think alike jtadeo...


Question for funswing... Did you ever get the Free licenses for your site?  If you did then you know about the paid licenses also... When you dowloaded a copy of Dolphin did you not nitce the Dolphin Free & Dolphin Ad-Free versions?


If you did then you know abou the licenses.  Have you ever hung out in the forums?  If so, then it's safe to bet you know about the licenses.


One last thing... Did you have terabyte-hosting solutions as a hosting company?  If so then I KNOW that Dosdawg told you how to get the discounted Contributors license and thus you knew about the licenses...


But do us a favor... Don't calm down, it's fun to watch how long your around before Boonex bans you for good from the entire Dolphin program....


When you have pulled that cock out of your arse and sucked the shit off of it maybe you will look at the facts for once, i made one fucking mistake, which i have admitted to, since that point I have been stoned like a fuckin paedophile, I paid out money, put night after sleepless night into trying to mould my site into something peole would find attactive, only to have the rug pulled from under my feet, and to be ripped off of over $125 so i fuckin reacted, I know all this is giving you a litle power trip, but fuck you, I've been sworn at all day, now it's my fuckin turn, you don'y like it, don't fuckin read it, all this boonex stuff was new to me, i'd been used to using software that was offered by a community that helped each other, not that leeched and sucked the blood out of the veigns of the ignorant.


And for the record, when I first discovered boonex i was looking to purchase licenses before I found it was free, but soon changed my mind when I found out that when you contacted them they failed to respomf, i was just about to give up on it when I discovered Terabyte, much to my cost, so all in all, this has been a very bad and costly experience for me.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009





And we know why you are so upset fucko, the adverts in the widgets are all for HFW, not Boonex, you just want to grab money via affiliates, LEECH



Laughing Now that statement is funny... That statement is beyond funny, it's hilarious...


I don't run the Boonex RMS on my site little one... I don't lease it off of HFW, terabyte or anyone else... I own the RMS on my site... Let me help you understand the person your calling a leech...


I run all the licenses on my site via Contributor status.


I have over $10K US invested in my sites development not counting servers.  Yes, plural.


My site sits on a 6 Server Cluster with an SQL Load Balancer in a full productin environment and has successfully fended of hack attacks that have lasted up to 50 hours.  We timed the dang thing.


In additon, my site doesn't charge it's members for a thing, in fact I give out round trip airline tickets and hotel stays to reward my members for using the site.  (Yes, I do that for those who didn't know it.)


I have never placed a single mod on my site that I did not obtain legally directly from the owner/creator of that modification.  The profile layouts on MyDatery.Com are 100% original and were designed by me with input concerning the coding from mrpowless, who simply helped me find the errors so I could correct them.


Now you little Bitch, you want to trade me server bills?  Your fucking $125  your sitting in her whining about is a joke, its' a fucking drop in the bucket in comparison to what I've put out on my site since October 7th 2008 and the money mentioned doesn't even cover the image ads I run on Google/Yahoo and other Major Advertising Sites.  Hell you little Bitch, I spend more on Memory in one month than you probably spend in a year on your server lease... So go away and quit trying to act like a big dawg when your a little cockroach...


Sorry all... I normally do not swear but this little Climple (Clit Pimple for those who don't know the term) is really annoying and needs to learn how to grow up.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009






And we know why you are so upset fucko, the adverts in the widgets are all for HFW, not Boonex, you just want to grab money via affiliates, LEECH



Laughing Now that statement is funny... That statement is beyond funny, it's hilarious...


I don't run the Boonex RMS on my site little one... I don't lease it off of HFW, terabyte or anyone else... I own the RMS on my site... Let me help you understand the person your calling a leech...


I run all the licenses on my site via Contributor status.


I have over $10K US invested in my sites development not counting servers.  Yes, plural.


My site sits on a 6 Server Cluster with an SQL Load Balancer in a full productin environment and has successfully fended of hack attacks that have lasted up to 50 hours.  We timed the dang thing.


In additon, my site doesn't charge it's members for a thing, in fact I give out round trip airline tickets and hotel stays to reward my members for using the site.  (Yes, I do that for those who didn't know it.)


I have never placed a single mod on my site that I did not obtain legally directly from the owner/creator of that modification.  The profile layouts on MyDatery.Com are 100% original and were designed by me with input concerning the coding from mrpowless, who simply helped me find the errors so I could correct them.


Now you little Bitch, you want to trade me server bills?  Your fucking $125  your sitting in her whining about is a joke, its' a fucking drop in the bucket in comparison to what I've put out on my site since October 7th 2008 and the money mentioned doesn't even cover the image ads I run on Google/Yahoo and other Major Advertising Sites.  Hell you little Bitch, I spend more on Memory in one month than you probably spend in a year on your server lease... So go away and quit trying to act like a big dawg when your a little cockroach...


Sorry all... I normally do not swear but this little Climple (Clit Pimple for those who don't know the term) is really annoying and needs to learn how to grow up.


Now you've waved your cock in front of everyone, but managed to resist the temptation to say how big and fast your car is, I'm going to give my hands a rest, go buy a bottle of vodka, get blootered and allow you to sit in your smug puddle of pish! I've an headache.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Point made if that's the best you can come up with as a response.  I know it's difficult to stay in a fight when a man shows up and your still just an egg in your mum's ovary... Don't worry, you'll make that trip down the falopian tube someday...



Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


ROFLMAO... So you decided to use a video titled... Irish Rebel Song, Sniper's Promise to make a point to us?  But it's using movie scenes of a Russian Sniper and the battle for Stalingrad, "Enemy At The Gates"... It appears tera1 ended up with an enemy inside the server...


Or is this a threat to our servers & sites?  Not worried about that, as I'm not sure you could hack your way out of a wet paper sack with a giant chainsaw...


...How do ya pull the rope again George... Huh Huh...

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

What the hell is wrong with you putting that vid on as some sort of message to our friends in the US, thats just sick my friend, and i hope this lot kick you out. Getting upset is one thing, but that message is twisted.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I made a genuine mistake, and I've been treated like I raped a baby, even after I had sung the praises of terabyte hosting and pasted their link and good comments everywhere I could, it's what's know as making a point!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I made a genuine mistake, and I've been treated like I raped a baby, even after I had sung the praises of terabyte hosting and pasted their link and good comments everywhere I could, it's what's know as making a point!

The only point you have made is that you are an immature arsehole, what kind of person can try to make a point using the cockpit video of a friendly fire incident that killed brave american soldiers. FFS words fail me. Get a grip for fucks sake 'cos that is just not on!!

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

When you have pulled that cock out of your arse and sucked the shit off of it maybe you will look at the facts.

Thank you for that lovely image Funswing, and the others you have posted here as well.   What is your real name?   Do you stand by the things you have said here?

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



I made a genuine mistake, and I've been treated like I raped a baby, even after I had sung the praises of terabyte hosting and pasted their link and good comments everywhere I could, it's what's know as making a point!

The only point you have made is that you are an immature arsehole, what kind of person can try to make a point using the cockpit video of a friendly fire incident that killed brave american soldiers. FFS words fail me. Get a grip for fucks sake 'cos that is just not on!!

 LMAO off at the bandwagon point scoring jumper

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



When you have pulled that cock out of your arse and sucked the shit off of it maybe you will look at the facts.

Thank you for that lovely image Funswing, and the others you have posted here as well.   What is your real name?   Do you stand by the things you have said here?




I stand by the facts, but as most in here have ignored them, I'll digress

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

And this may yet still be resolved, and that will just show how fickle I can be, I also don't bear grudges, not worth the effort.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

When you have pulled that cock out of your arse and sucked the shit off of it maybe you will look at the facts.

Thank you for that lovely image Funswing, and the others you have posted here as well.   What is your real name?   Do you stand by the things you have said here?

I stand by the facts, but as most in here have ignored them, I'll digress

Then what is your name?  If you stand by the things you have said here you shouldn't mind telling us.  That way if people come across you in the future, they can decide if you are the kind of guy they would like to do busiess with.

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

I made a genuine mistake, and I've been treated like I raped a baby, even after I had sung the praises of terabyte hosting and pasted their link and good comments everywhere I could, it's what's know as making a point!

The only point you have made is that you are an immature arsehole, what kind of person can try to make a point using the cockpit video of a friendly fire incident that killed brave american soldiers. FFS words fail me. Get a grip for fucks sake 'cos that is just not on!!

LMAO off at the bandwagon point scoring jumper

Listen up you piece of crap, you carry on and i think its you that will be needing to point score,you might not hold grudges but everybody else on here will, years of running many forums have tought me to hold my tongue,so im not going to say what i really want to say.. what you have proven is that these forums need moderators to get slime off like you as quick as possible. Do us all a favour and bugger off back into your bottle of vodka and stop bothering decent folk.

Get the picture piss head ( i guess not)

Quote · 5 Mar 2009





I made a genuine mistake, and I've been treated like I raped a baby, even after I had sung the praises of terabyte hosting and pasted their link and good comments everywhere I could, it's what's know as making a point!

The only point you have made is that you are an immature arsehole, what kind of person can try to make a point using the cockpit video of a friendly fire incident that killed brave american soldiers. FFS words fail me. Get a grip for fucks sake 'cos that is just not on!!

LMAO off at the bandwagon point scoring jumper

Listen up you piece of crap, you carry on and i think its you that will be needing to point score,you might not hold grudges but everybody else on here will, years of running many forums have tought me to hold my tongue,so im not going to say what i really want to say.. what you have proven is that these forums need moderators to get slime off like you as quick as possible. Do us all a favour and bugger off back into your bottle of vodka and stop bothering decent folk.


Get the picture piss head ( i guess not)

 Look mr point scorer, away and die in your own shit

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Quote · 5 Mar 2009




When you have pulled that cock out of your arse and sucked the shit off of it maybe you will look at the facts.

Thank you for that lovely image Funswing, and the others you have posted here as well.   What is your real name?   Do you stand by the things you have said here?




I stand by the facts, but as most in here have ignored them, I'll digress


Nobody here has ignored the facts.  In fact I'll lay them out for you in the order you've provided them to us:


1.  You obtained Dolphin & set up an account with HFW


2.  You became upset that HFW charges to install script software and switched to terabyte-hosting solutions (THS)


3.  You obtained a copy of a template off Torrent/warez/modmysite (this mod package was listed on there too) and attempted to upload it to your server.


4.  You caused to go down and take several sites with it due to the template you uploaded having a hack inside of it.


5.  THS began repairing their servers and went off on you, which is understandable due to the amount of damage this caused.


6.  You came into the forums screaming and yelling, calling THS thieves and liars.


7.  I cam into this, noting your bashing of HFW on another thread that was uncalled for, and spoke up as to the facts.


8.  You have insulted/threatened/belittled and whined for 2 days now, creating one of the longest threads on the Boonex/Unity forums ever.  (Can someone please check what the record longest thread currently is) and you are still going with this.


9.  You have drawn other individuals, such as JTadeo into this, by accusing him of hacking sites when you have admitted the mods that you obtained YOU did not pay for. 


Now Funswing, you were a jerk when you first came in here, regardless of whether you defended THS in the beginning or not, but you acted like you knew what you were talking about when you knew nothing. 


Now, I admit that I'm considered a newbie in coding, but I'm not in Dolphin.  Sammie can tell ya, my first day here I was asking some incredibly stupid questions and she was laughin at me.  But I took the time to learn this script and now I try to help out whereever I can any site owner who requests help.  In fact, I even offer solutions to problems my servers encounter to THS (even though I'm not hosted with them) in an effort to keep the Dolphin Community up and running well.  No one needs to suffer through the same probelm I might of suffered through and they offer me tips on things they find.  This is not unheard of within the Dolphin Community.


Now, you have complained that you had a right to the template because the author was charging $50 for it.  Guess what, it's going to cost you 500-1000 to get someone to create a custom template that is for you and you only, it's a lot of work.


Now, your in here threatening sites, using videos of US Soldiers that were killed with friendly fire in an attempt to convey only you and God know what, as if your a tough guy.  Your not a tough guy, your brand new to this community and we attempted to welcome you in and create a place you could fit in.  Instead, you have chosen to just bash every respectable member who comes near you in an effort to justify your own  actions which caused major issues across the board for several sites. 


I don't personally carry grudges, but I would love to have your IP as it's one that will definitely go onto my sites block list... You are not the type of individual that is wanted within the majority of online community...


Now 403 and shoo....

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Mmwhhaaaaaa. Dont feed the troll..... ROFL

Quote · 5 Mar 2009

What irony you trolls

Quote · 5 Mar 2009


Mmwhhaaaaaa. Dont feed the troll..... ROFL


Oh go ahead and feed him...  Maybe he'll get so fat he dies under his own weight...   Besides, he's just digging his hole deeper... deeper... deeper...

Quote · 5 Mar 2009



Mmwhhaaaaaa. Dont feed the troll..... ROFL


Oh go ahead and feed him...  Maybe he'll get so fat he dies under his own weight...   Besides, he's just digging his hole deeper... deeper... deeper...


Quote · 5 Mar 2009

Who are you "funswing"?  What is the name of your business?  You have used the anonymous posting feature of this forum to post inflammatory accusations about another person and business, plus you have admitted to what sounds like criminal behavior.   You are in Scotland, is that correct?  Even in the U.S. you could get in lots of legal trouble for what you have posted here, but as I understand it the laws against slander and libel are far more strict in the United Kingdom.   If you are lucky, Boonex will delete this thread because otherwise it might occur to someone to file a big, fat, juicy lawsuit against you.  Now there are lots of witnesses.

Quote · 6 Mar 2009


Who are you "funswing"?  What is the name of your business?  You have used the anonymous posting feature of this forum to post inflammatory accusations about another person and business, plus you have admitted to what sounds like criminal behavior.   You are in Scotland, is that correct?  Even in the U.S. you could get in lots of legal trouble for what you have posted here, but as I understand it the laws against slander and libel are far more strict in the United Kingdom.   If you are lucky, Boonex will delete this thread because otherwise it might occur to someone to file a big, fat, juicy lawsuit against you.  Now there are lots of witnesses.






His brain doesn't possess enough cerebral cells to make the connection between what he did and what the consequences of what he did are Caltrade... The guy is just a 40 year old idiot who thought he could build a porn site and get women to send him pics... In the end, he's just another loser...


**No offense to those who have built the reputable adult sites...

Quote · 6 Mar 2009

Ok after some research here is his info:


Name: Angus Mctavish

Description: Red hair, kilt, plays the bag pipes

Website: - a place for friends (who think they have seen the loch ness monster)


Sorry, that was a sterotype... but if someone does create that site I want my cut!!! haha.



Quote · 6 Mar 2009

I thought his name was Marc Hughes.


Ok after some research here is his info:

Name: Angus Mctavish

Description: Red hair, kilt, plays the bag pipes

Website: - a place for friends (who think they have seen the loch ness monster)

Sorry, that was a sterotype... but if someone does create that site I want my cut!!! haha.

Quote · 6 Mar 2009


Ok after some research here is his info:


Name: Angus Mctavish

Description: Red hair, kilt, plays the bag pipes

Website: - a place for friends (who think they have seen the loch ness monster)


Sorry, that was a sterotype... but if someone does create that site I want my cut!!! haha.




Okay mcgoo, what are you doin breakin into my top secret test sites and broadcastin the next latest thing... now I gotta go create a new site... maybe this one will be off my heritage... sould be a good site... Wonder if it's taken yet?

Quote · 6 Mar 2009


Drop this already, you are getting nowhere, you are merely embarrassing yourself. Dont put fuel on the fire and think its not going to burn. I was dealing with you and trying to get this worked out, you accuse Sammie of not letting it die, look at the time you have devoted to trying to convince all of us that the mod(s) you got 130 of them, compatible or not, were not yours to have, that is really here nor there at this point of the game.

the bottom line is that i requested something of you that was simple, and direct. please stop fueling the fire, and you will see this too shall pass.

I do not wish to discuss this in a public forum, as i considered this to be our "business", you were the one that chose to throw it out in the street for all to see. He who lives in a glass house should never throw stones. have you ever heard of that Funswing. Drop this crap, take a deep breath, regather your composure and address this as a mature competent adult.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 6 Mar 2009

*sniff*  *sniff*  What's that I smell? 


Aaaahhhh.... The smell of fresh, troll free air... Smells so good with that trolll gone... Banned... Never to return....




Quote · 6 Mar 2009

I have accepted that I made an error of judgement, and soon realised that it wasn't worth the risk...

It would nice if everyone would just delete the non-relevent parts of the quote when replying! Then this page not might not be 400 page views long and have a quote within a quote withing a quote for a simple one line reply!

Quote · 1 Aug 2009

I couldn't resist straightening out this little bit of misinformnation about copyright laws etc...

The reason behind this section of the copyright act is because when you buy a blank audio CD, you as a consumer pay a use tax that is part of the purchase price, which subsequently goes to the copyright holders. Accordingly, you bought the right to copy audio media on the CDs you bought. You can distribute those copies (e.g. give them away) provided the distribution is not commerical.

Next time you are in a Best Buy or Circuit City you will notice some blank CDs are labeled as data cds and others are labled as audio cds. These blank cds are the same (e.g. you can burn music on the data cds with no loss of quality over the audio cds), but data cds cost less because you are not paying the use tax.

Esentially you have purchased the rights to make a copy and distributing this copy without financial gain is LEGAL. Now we can get into an argument about wether or not it is MORAL... Slavery was legal at one time but was it moral? I don't think so... To be honest I don't copy that much music from my family or friends but on occassion I will get a song or two to listen to -- If I like it I tend to purchase the music anyway.

Go ahead and make that copy.

Now I will say that in regard to computer programs etc... or modifications, if you don't pay for it and you get it from someone who is "sharing" it you ARE in violation of the licensing agreement of the developer or publisher.  Many times you will see modifications or programs that are free for "non-commercial" or "personal" use.  An example of this would be like the free (and limited) versions of AVG Antivirus and ZoneAlarm.

However, if you are setting up a test site or you give credit to the publishers (like the Free Dolphin comes with their ads) that's one thing...but if you are setting up a pay site or commercial venture you should definitely pay for it.

Shared Dolphin Hosting w/RMS
Quote · 4 Aug 2009

Holy cow people! What's all this muck about? We're all supposed to be helping each other in here! These forums are where we all come to help each other and to share/trade ideas and not insults. Please let's keep that in mind before the next pissing match. Personally, I really hope that I don't come across a forum like THIS one again as it's rather disheartening to say the least. Let's try to keep it civilized in here and not behave like the beasties below. Thanks in advance folks... Cool

Quote · 11 Jul 2010


Holy cow people! What's all this muck about? We're all supposed to be helping each other in here! These forums are where we all come to help each other and to share/trade ideas and not insults. Please let's keep that in mind before the next pissing match. Personally, I really hope that I don't come across a forum like THIS one again as it's rather disheartening to say the least. Let's try to keep it civilized in here and not behave like the beasties below. Thanks in advance folks... Cool




You revive a thread that has been stagnant for nearly a year to tell people to behave? WTF?

LMAO - Gimme a break.

Quote · 11 Jul 2010

Please don't feed the retarded trolls

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 11 Jul 2010

I'm still rolling over the Monkey F*ing video put in this thread.  That came from out of no where!

Quote · 11 Jul 2010


I'm still rolling over the Monkey F*ing video put in this thread.  That came from out of no where!

 Some people will look for any opportunity to inject monkey porn into a topic - ha ha

Quote · 11 Jul 2010
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