I know there is a mod out there for this or at least there was.
In the old dolphin you could add this line to the join_form file
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$IDnormal}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
Where do or would I add something like that now?
Everybody needs a friend named Tom right...or should it be Victor!! Hey just kidding. I know there was a mod too, not sure if it is the same or if anyone can update it. Would be a nice feature
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
I also would be interested in Tom Mod
Yeah I'm still trying to figure it out.
I keep getting the database error message after I register a user.
I figured out the user ID of the new member is $iMemID not $IDNormal.
I just can't figure out where to put the line without getting an error when I execute db_res. BxDolProfileController is where I'm working.
I figured it out. I tested it numerous times to make sure it works. This is on Dolphin 6.1.1
Find this line in join.php (approx Line 391):
list( $iMemID, $sStatus ) = $oPC -> createProfile( $aProfile );
Insert this line after it:
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
The profile number needs to be whatever number your "Tom profile" number is.
This works for new members only!!! It is not retroactive!!!
If you have members already and want to add your "Tom profile" to current members, run an SQL query on your database as such:
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '2', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '3', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '4', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '5', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '6', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '7', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
This is an example of inserting your "Tom profile" into members 2 to 7. Make sure that your ID numbers match actual member ID numbers and that the profile number match your "Tom profile" or you will get an SQL error or improper database additions.
Tested and it confirmed it works in 6.1
Thanks bruh.
Thanks for the details on the mod! |
I have published a mod like this But in which you can set the profile in admin. It is available in expertzzz.com ---- |
I just sent you a message about another mod. |
Where is it? Link please.
I have published a mod like this But in which you can set the profile in admin. It is available in expertzzz.com
Where is it? Link please.
I have published a mod like this But in which you can set the profile in admin. It is available in expertzzz.com
Dude socald1971 just showed you how to do it above.
Why would you buy a mod? |
So then I should create another Profile calling "Victor" ;-) .... Should the profile be a moderator or does it matter...?
And just add the code....(some of the free mods I have been testing did not work with 6.1.1 ....)
Dude socald1971 just showed you how to do it above.
Why would you buy a mod?
Sure you can do whatever you want just make sure you know the profile ID #
This mod is confirmed to work in 6.1. I use it myself.
---- |
I was able to install and it works with 6.1.1.
Thanks for the FREE mod!!!! Keep 'em coming!
Sure you can do whatever you want just make sure you know the profile ID #
This mod is confirmed to work in 6.1. I use it myself.
Nice one, thanx.....how about if the friends aren't being counted in the first place??
I keep trying to add this but I get this message???:
[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]
Yeah, works great for new members; however the retroactive code is incorrect. It produces an SQL error. There's actually 2 things I noticed with the code...
a) multiple queries such as you did it require colons, not commas at the end of each individual query
b) you don't need to specify field names...and if you want to, you need to go about it a whole different way.
Correct syntax would be:
INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('2', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('3', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('4', '1', '1');
INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('5', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('6', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('7', '1', '1');
Or, another way to do it would be:
INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('2', '1', '1'), ('3', '1', '1'), ('4', '1', '1'), ('5', '1', '1'), ('6', '1', '1'), ('7', '1', '1');
however the first code is much easier to use on a mass scale(though messier).
This is code is great; however, I was wondering if you could two "Tom's" for each new member. I tried to copy the code twice, putting in the ID number of the second Tom on the second line, but I'm getting a sql error. Thanks! |
I had the same issue;
just double paste it and change the second profile ID
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 2, `Check` = 1");
Red numbers 1 and 2 are profile ID, you can set any number( profile) ID you want.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Are you kidding Stuart? When you sign up/account at myspace and you login you automatically have 1 friend "Tom". I don't know who he is or what part he plays with the company anymore. He used to be like the original creator/programer or somethig. That's all you ever heard about was "Tom". Either a marketing thing or I guess to make you feel special you have a friend "Tom" whoopy. That's about all I know about myspace except the younger kids hang out there from middle school age up to early to mid 20's. I don't really get it too much, but since it's so popular I try to check it out and see what works for them might work similarly with dolphin to keep a site active and popular. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Tom is the guy that founded MySpace, everytime someone signs-up for a MySpace page Tom is automatically added as their friend. Tom has 240,475,297 friends right now.
They have a new toy now, it's from Snapvine or something.....people can leave voice messages on your MySpace page among others. I'm going to ad it to my site, really cool toy.
sweet!!! This actually prompts add'l ideas... like automatically greeting the new member on the shoutbox. |
socald1971's code worked! thanks!
Thanks for this information guys. By the way, I am running 6.1.4 and the code begins on line 781, not line 391. |
You mean Tom is not a real person! He is my only friend on MySpace! |
Glad to see that sense of humor is back!
You mean Tom is not a real person! He is my only friend on MySpace!
Thanks for this information guys. By the way, I am running 6.1.4 and the code begins on line 781, not line 391.
You have word/line wrap turned on .....
It is on line 391 in v6.1.4 ..... .
I added 'Tom' to my join.php page and it works too well! each and every new member becomes a 'Friend'
Question: How do I remove the unwanted friends??
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Go to your account page, choose there go to friendslist, there you can remove people from your list. Kids first |
Hello Killerhaai, I did that and clicked on 'friends' Did not see any way of deleting individual ' friends'
As regards the mod, it is apparently working correctly, what I had not considered was the new friends would be added to my account. This is no good to me as I do not want 100's of 'friends on my account. Anyway around this?
Stuart There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Stuart try logging in to your site as your member not admin. Then after logging in: http://www.yoursite.com/contacts.php?show=friends
On the left you can check the box in front of the user you want to remove from your friends list.
Then at bottom of the page click "Delete from friends list"
Now I haven't checked to see if it removes me as their friend on there page or not.
Which you are kind of defeating the purpose of the modification to begin with it sounds like.
gameutopia DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Thanks gameutopia the http://www.yoursite.com/contacts.php?show=friends link worked. But in my accounts the friends takes me too: http://www.yoursite.com/viewFriends.php?iUser=1 - As far as I can see there is no way for me to get to the contacts.php?show=friends link. - As for defeating the purpose, I think not. If I am automatically their friend why do I need them listed in my account? - Ok, found it, under 'Contacts' not 'friends' There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
After logging in and going to your member page /member.php
You should see "member info" status active membership type view allowed actions etc.
Under that "Contacts" Messages.... Friends...."go to my friends" <--link should be the http://www.yoursite.com/contacts.php?show=friends
If not you can edit that from admin panel language key/string. I think this key maybe what you could check _ATT_FRIEND_NONE with:
No new friends (<a href="{0}contacts.php?show=friends">go to My Friends</a>)
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Found it, many thanks.
After logging in and going to your member page /member.php
You should see "member info" status active membership type view allowed actions etc.
Under that "Contacts" Messages.... Friends...."go to my friends" <--link should be the http://www.yoursite.com/contacts.php?show=friends
If not you can edit that from admin panel language key/string.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
You set your account (1) obviously as your "Tom" account ..... it is added your account to every other account .....
If you do not want all the friends in 'your' account, add a new 'Tom' (xx) account for that purpose .....
Then add the new 'Tom' account mod (xx) ..... which will add one 'Tom' to your account and all others and everyone to the 'Tom' account.
Hope that makes sense for you ..... .
INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('2', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('3', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('4', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('5', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('6', '1', '1'); INSERT INTO FriendList VALUES ('7', '1', '1');
this one works...
Thanks for this...
I added my sites support account to everyones friends so it easier to contact me for customer service
Using the:
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET 'ID' = '{$iMemID}', 'Profile' = 9, 'Check' = 1");
In the join.php produces a database error page, and using the sql query:
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '9', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
works just fine for adding a friend to user accounts.
I am using Dolphin 6.14, is there a different code required for this version?
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` =7, `Check` = 1");
i'm using the above code in 6.1.4 free version it works.
Worked like a charm !! One million thanks to you !!!! An excellent free mod !!! |
Thanks alot socald1971! :) |
Has anyone verified this for 6.1.5?
I tried it and it generated an error when clicking on the Join link:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function phprequire_once() in /home/mydomain/public_html/join.php on line 1
Any ideas?
Any help is much appreciated 
I figured it out. I tested it numerous times to make sure it works. This is on Dolphin 6.1.1
Find this line in join.php (approx Line 391):
list( $iMemID, $sStatus ) = $oPC -> createProfile( $aProfile );
Insert this line after it:
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
The profile number needs to be whatever number your "Tom profile" number is.
This works for new members only!!! It is not retroactive!!!
If you have members already and want to add your "Tom profile" to current members, run an SQL query on your database as such:
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '2', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '3', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '4', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '5', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '6', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '7', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
This is an example of inserting your "Tom profile" into members 2 to 7. Make sure that your ID numbers match actual member ID numbers and that the profile number match your "Tom profile" or you will get an SQL error or improper database additions.
If you want to have multiple profiles you want automatically added to any new members then just add a line below the:
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
with each new line just change " 'Profile' = 1, " leaving " 'Check' =1" "
So if you want to add the first three profiles to new members it should look like this:
list( $iMemID, $sStatus ) = $oPC -> createProfile( $aProfile );
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 2, `Check` = 1");
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 3, `Check` = 1");
Ive tested this in dolphin 6.1.4 and works fine.
Stuart try logging in to your site as your member not admin. Then after logging in: http://www.yoursite.com/contacts.php?show=friends
On the left you can check the box in front of the user you want to remove from your friends list.
Then at bottom of the page click "Delete from friends list"
Now I haven't checked to see if it removes me as their friend on there page or not.
Which you are kind of defeating the purpose of the modification to begin with it sounds like.
I am new here and I am trying the "Delete from friends list" function. Once I click on that button I get "Internal Server Error" on Apache/2.2.0 (Fedora) Server. Can anyone give me an idea as to what is causing this?