OK, so I know that it's this line in BxDolClassifieds.php that I need to change but...
$sCountryName = ($aNameRet['Country']=="")?$sAdminLocalAreaC:_t($aPreValues['Country'][ $aNameRet['Country'] ]['LKey'] );
There is no predefined value for City, so how do I change it so that it displays the City (I want to keep the country flag though, which is the next line). I'm assuming that I can change this line but leave it as "$sCountryName" or am I wrong and will also have to edit where BxDolClassifieds.php refers to "$sCountryName"??
My City language keys are:
_City (profile fields relevant) _FieldCaption_City_Join (profile fields)
_FieldCaption_City_Edit (profile fields) _FieldCaption_City_View (profile fields)
While we're at it, where/how do I alter the size of the picture in Classifieds? I don't mean the thumb, that's fine, just the main picture when someone views the advert..
ok, I solved the image size, still not sure how to make it display City instead of Country..
anybody? |
For this,
Make a new prevalues for cities. Then add a similar code to change the countries to cities.
then for the flag, Currently whenever the user selects an option a javascript function changes the flag. Disable that.
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firstly, I want to keep the flag, I'd like the display to read "<city> <country flag>"
secondly, is a predefined value really necessary? Considering the number of cities worldwide that would need to be included in any pre-value, it kind of defeats the intention of a 'simple fix'.
I am already using a value for Town/City in the join form, is there a way to make the script call that value rather than the country value, that's all I'm asking. If not, then it's not a problem, if there is then great!
I'm kinda loathe to spend a lot of time creating a pre-value that is hardly necessary, imo. |
The predifined values are important in some places. For example there are 100s of countries. If you directly use it in database you will get an error. For these reasons predefined values are important.
If you don't like to use predefined values, You can define those variables as array and include that and save the key in database. Hope this helps.
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Lazaru, could you post your solution to the image size issue - somewhere here I have a post asking that question.
Here's the fix Caltrade, in inc/classes/BxDolClassifieds.php
class BxDolClassifieds { /* * Global(common) params part, settings */ //variables
//max sizes of pictures for resizing during upload var $iIconSize = 45; var $iThumbSize = 110; var $iBigThumbSize = 240; var $iImgSize = 800;
Change the value to whatever you want, default is 340.
@praveenkv1988 - I'm afraid it helps me none. I'm not a coder/programmer and have no idea what you just suggested I do, sorry.. I'm assuming that I can't change it to display the city without some custom programming/coding that I am not capable of doing. No matter, it was just a cosmetic issue more than a major one. Thanks anyway :) |
Would you please share the syntax and/or file of where you make this change? I see hints with the predefined values, etc but not quite enough for me to implement.
Actually I don't want "country" referenced anywhere on my particular site, rather have "city" displayed and or sorted on. :)
I have a video on taking over country to state..watch it and just insert your cities.
its in my blog...watch all of them ..you 'll be a pro real quick...lol... well...
I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
That would be fine if I wanted to change to state instead of city darren, 51/52 changes wouldnt be hard to do..
1. I want to keep the country flag, dunno if changing the country lang key would affect that or not? 2. I want to keep the country option/dropdown list on registration and through most areas of the site.. 3. I only want city to display in classifieds alongside the country flag, and I do have language keys for city, whether they are the ones that are relative to the city that members enter on the join form I'm not sure (but I assume they are). 4. I am hardly going to want to enter every town/city in the world to the/a language key nor am I likely to know the towns/cities that future members are going to be from to limit the number I would have to put into the lang key.
basically, in BxDolClassifieds.php, instead of it calling the country prevalue, I want the line to call the city value of the member that posted the classified (what he/she entered on their join form). I already have this value showing in profiles, (that was easy), now I want it to show in classifieds aswell.. (and be a searchable value)
thanks anyway, but it looks like what I want isn't going to happen anytime soon. It doesn't matter too much but would have been nice to have :) |