derartmediaPopular  1304 (94.6%)

eBay Auctions


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 02.07.10

Updated: 24.05.12

Category: Other

Tags: ebay, affliate, connect, auctions, money, module


License: This is a commercial product made by beckmedia & dolphin-mods and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for single domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from beckmedia is strictly forbidden.

Technical Checklist...

UPDATE 18.11.2011

Integration for Boonex Mobile Apps & Dolphin > 7.0.6. Now your Members are able to browse your sites ebay-auctions via your mobile app.



eBay Auctions Importer


Are your Members sellers on Ebay and you want to promote there auctions on your dolphin-website and earn money by eBay (after successfully joining ebay-affliate-network) for portential bidders on your webiste?
Now you can do this in a very easy way with this EbaySeller module.eBay-listings will be automatically displayed on your website vis cronjob.


This module works with the latest API available on Ebay developer website.

-Activate all auctions after creation automatically
-Recently added Auctions on auctions home
-Number of auctions to show on browse pages
-Number of auctions to show on profile page
-Number of auctions to show on homepage
-Default auctions block tab on homepage
-Max number of rss items to provide
-Sort by soon ending, popular, recent
-Option to sort items by one eBay category or countries.


- Online-Demo Auctions Home

- My Auctions Profile Page

- Member Auctions Index Page

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It says I am missing a file...the one in:
EXCELLENT SELLER, and another fantastic mod for your site. Want engage your members? Want them to feel more at home on your site than others? Then here you have another important piece of the puzzle. Integrate, integrate, integrate. The more they can do from your site, the less reason to go to another community. This product works, it's from a great seller, and its' just what your members need.. Buy it, you will not look back.
Does not work!!! Do not buy from this progamer!!! He is the worst at everything you can think of! Out of all my years paying for service this has been the worst. Rude! No communication, cant understand issues that need to be fixed. Complete waist of my money and stress. Over 100 emails asking for problems to be fixed... I ask for 6 errors to be fixed after my server and Boonex told me these error came from this mod and he still stats its not his problem! I even paid for installation after buying see more the mod and still didn't get it fixed. He yells at you in emails which gets you more mad. Then he tells you he should not spend this much time with me on a "CHEAP MOD"... He calls his own mod CHEAP!

This person should not be able to sell for Boonex!!!

I will now have to pay for someone to get HIS mod fixed!!!

What a joke...
metaldecting fings bugs that are not present! metaldetectig is not able to put ebay-id into account-settings. metaldetecting is not able create or delte a cronjob! After over 150 email we stop communication with him!
thanks so much for this suuuuuuper module, long time searching for something like this. works perfect.
This mod not working right :-(
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.