AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Global Points System


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 3.0.5

Added: 07.09.12

Updated: 21.12.15

Category: Tools

Tags: points, activity, membership level, reward, award, payment, purchase, extensions, aqb soft, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft. This notice may not be removed from the source code.

Technical Checklist...

We have created New Points System module which is covered the all parts of Dolphin. There are more then 180 one-side and double-sided actions available for points.Global Point System is the most flexible and comprehensive module for Dolphin which was developed using Dolphin's code convention and Alert engine. Now you don't need to change files during installation - you just need upload and press install button!Each member's action can be stimulated with the points. It means that you can easily direct your members to "work" in any part of your site: to post comments, to create forums posts, vote in polls, ads, events, media and etc…You can also set positive and negative points for member's activities.   This module completely integrated with Dolphin's Payment System. It means that all Dolphin's payment providers can be used by members for purchasing the points. Also, the System is integrated with membership levels, thus members can exchange the points for membership levels. Members and admin can present the points to each other and admin can create actions by him/herself.Features- Buy Points – Members can buy any number of points using available Dolphin's payment providers.
- Exchange points for membership levels – Administration of the site can set number of points for membership levels with number of days during which this membership level can be used. It is a good opportunity to stimulate your members to be active on your site without any payments.- Present points – any member can present number of points to other members. In this case member who gets points as a gift, will receive the e-mail with this information. These features can be turned off/on in admin panel as many others. - Leaders page – on this page member can see other members with points and other info - Leaders block on home page for members and guests.- Actions points info page – allows members to see how many points they can get or loss for each available action.   -Set limitation for earned points for each membership level:
  • Limitation for points during 24 hours for each membership level – you can set maximum number of points which member can earn during 24 hours.

  • Limitation for points for the whole period - You can set maximum number of points which member can earn during the whole period.

  • Limitation for number of actions' executions of during 24 hours –  you can set how many times member can execute any action during 24 hours and this action will be awarded with points.  For example: If you set 10 points for photo uploading and limitation for execution 3, then member will be able to get only 30 points maximum during 24 hours for photo uploading.

- Full history control:
  • To clean history of each member

  • To clean History of all members

  • Detailed History page for members and admin.

  • To correct member's history for admin.

- Administration of the site can reward members with any number of points. For example: If member uploads a lot of interesting videos, you can present him/her with 100 points and give reason like: "You have added a lot of interesting videos". This member will be able to see your reason and new 100 points on his/her history page. Also member can get e-mail about new points with your reason. You can also turn on/off email feature in admin panel.-    Administration of the site can penalized members with any number of points. This is the same feature as points rewarded but with '–' sign. - Periodic reports: You will get periodic reports with the information about all number of points earned on your site during the whole period and during 24 hours. There will be the list of 10 points leaders also in periodic reports. – Possibility to create new actions: Our system automatically determines any new installed module and allows to add the action for it. It means that you can easily add action for any other module (including other experts modules) but this module should be created using Dolphin's Alert engine.- Set points Increment for members according their membership levels – you can set increment which will be added to each members earned points. For example: if member A with membership level Standard gets 20 points for "profile rate", members B with membership level Gold will get 50 points for the same action in case you set 30 points as increment for Gold membership level.    - Possibility to set negative points: You may set points with '-'  sign. For example: You may set 10 points for video uploading and -10 for video delete. This feature allows to control the content on your site. For example: If member upload photo and delete it, he/she will have 0 points on balance.  You also can set negative points for any action you prefer and your members will be able to see how many points they can loss or get for that action on Info actions points page. It is a great possibility to make your members to do only such actions on your site which you want. - Full actions control:
  • Disable any action

  • Remove any action

  • Add action

  • Disable module and all the associated actions

There are more then 180 actions: There are not only actions which member can execute using some module but also actins which are out of modules. Such as to post, remove, rate, update comments or add member to fave list, blocked members and many others... Also there are a lot of double-side actions. For example: If  member A adds member B to fave list, both of them get points. Member A will get points for adding Member B to fave list and Member B will also get points that he/she was added to fave list. The same feature is available for adding members to friends or block lists. - Ajax interface – Most of operations can be executed without page reloading as for admin and members.
- Installation is very easy – You just need to upload module and press the install button. It means that you don't need to change any files and thus you will not be able to break any other modifications or features.  You will perform upgrades of Dolphin without problems.
Demo is here: System can be integrated with any of our pro
ducts without problems. Soon several new add-ons will be available for this module. Don't forget to press update button for this and other our modules and modifications in admin panel to track new versions.
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A very well thought out and comprehensive points system. It is very well written and is a very stable addition to the Dolphin package.

Good Job Anton
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Work like a charm! Fast and easy install, great support. Perfect! Thank you for this great mod.
I want to say publicly Thanks to Anton for the fast install!

It took him about seven minutes from the time I paid to the reply from him that the install was complete.

When i spend money online - I like to receive my product as i ordered and in a timely fashion.

With the service provided I can say we'll be doing a lot of business if and when more useful mods come out to public from Anton.

Thanks - now my kids teen site will have a blast inviting others to spend time on it and hence providing see more hours of daily fun for all who join.

Happy New Years Anton :)


very cool module. very well thought out
This module is one of the best! Anthon even made it better by giving so great product support. It's glad to deal with you Anthon!
Great app (as usual). We've ordered several mods from AntonLV and have never been disappointed. Easy to install and works just as described. Thanks again!
You are welcome and thank you. :)
Mod is very GREAT!
You are a real gentleman! With an incredible speed, professionalism and availability to help me for installation.
I recommend the mod and the service.
Thank you very much!
You are welcome and thank you very much for the review.
Very good mod. I don't know others, but AQB did a very good work.
For now, excelent.
Thanks Anton and Alexey.
I recommend this mod.

Best Regards from Portugal.
Thank you very much for the review. We appreciate it. :)
I'm just getting my first website setup, and installing this Mod was a snap. Ive never used FTP before, never had my own website either. Anton has been ready to assist with whatever issues I have and that is so important for newbies. I'm looking forward to this mod, as it was one of the few things I wanted to implement if I ever built a website....I was seriously thinking "How in the world cold I even begin to pull something like that off?" Low and behold, the work is already done for me! see more I totally dig the Boonex Community, and with developers like Anton ready to serve, that puts me in command of my website and it's success.
Thanks Anton!
You are welcome. :)
Thanks for the review, we appreciate it VERY much!!!
A verry great point system for all mods. Many thanks. No problem for install (im not a professional, smile) and works good and correct.
WOW! Just what the website doctor ordered, brought my site to life, IT'S A LIVE!!!
support was great and professional
You are welcome and thank you for the review.
Good package Anton but two things I have a problem with (1) it doesn't make sense to me that a person can "buy" the same membership they're already on while the level is still active and (2) the points info screen includes activities that aren't installed. Maybe there's a problem with the way I've set it up.
Global Points system integrated with Dolphin membership levels and payment systems. So, member can by any number of same or different membership levels using dolphin membership system and thus Global Points System also.
About second item: We will check it on you site and let you know.
Thanks a lot for this great module.
Hi Anton,
Thanks again your work is great!
Purchased this app and it works flawlessly, it is extremely well thought out. The features are great and the ability to add new actions on other modules and there alerts is fabulous. Had some support/ programming question for Anton and his support have been above par.
Thanks Anton look forward to new apps/ideas in future.
Thank you. We greatly appreciate you oppinion.
I just downloaded it. I had placed 3-5 hours in my agenda to get this ready to work in my site. Guess what? It took me all of 10 minutes!!! Excellent job. So easy to integrate. Its all done for you. Just upload, change points system to your liking and its all done! Thank you.
Thank you for the review :)

Great mod! Works perfectly.

I would like to add a special mention for Anton. You can really count on him in case of trouble it does not drop, it is a real pleasure! No regrets, I recommend this mod at all, you can buy with your eyes closed;-)

ich habe das Mod Version 3.0.4. Ich möchte in meiner Community die Funktion Punkte zu Kaufen ausschalten. Wie kann ich den link "Buy points!" entfernen?.

Translation by Google


I have the Mod 3.0.4. I want to turn in my community, the function points to buy. How can I link to "buy points!" Remove?.

Greeting wolf2009
If you have any questions about the module or need some customization help feel free to contact us via PM or product's support forum.
Thank you very much for such kind words and product's feedback :) Very are very much appreciated!
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