DeeEmmPopular  694 (98.6%)

FREE - DeeEmm Dolphin 7.x.x Adult Check Popup


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 23.03.10

Updated: 28.06.10


Tags: deeemm, adult, check, popup, click to enter, verification, modifications, entry popup, enter site, warning, warning page, free


Support Forum:

License: This MOD is free to use for commercial and non-commercial use under the LGPL License, see more a copy of which is available at

Technical Checklist...

This MOD displays a lightbox style warning 'popup' on every page. The popup shows a standard adult site disclaimer that has to be agreed to before access to the site will be given.
  • Popup uses existing jquery framework for smooth animated fade in and fade out effect.
  • Popup can also be easily modified for other uses.
  • Popup also displayed on both forums and group forums
  • Site access is controlled by a session cookie that expires when the users browser is closed.
  • An option button shown for leaving the site, this navigates to but can easily be changed to any URL of your choice
  • The style of the 'popup' box can easily be changed via the included css file
  • PSD file for buttons also included.


Difficulty of installation

Easy - Step by step instructions are included for installation on modded sites, or simply copy the included files.


  • 23/03/10 Version 1.0 - Initial Version.

DeeEmm Web Technologies

Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
This was worth the price and is very cleanly coded. I have full control over the look and feel. Excellent addition to our site!
I can not get it to work. the only change i did was to change the colors of the buttons to my site colors and loaded the files as directed. Why doesn't it work?
Salut, j'ai installer votre petit module sur mon future site qui est en Dolphin 7.0.6, j'ai bien modifier les fichier _header.php de mon thème, mais rien a y faire le popup ne s'affiche pas.

Hello, I install your small module on my future site is Dolphin 7.0.6, I did change the file _header.php my theme, but nothing to ay the popup does not appear.
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