One Unlimited Dolphin License to Everyone (who needs it)

Andrew Boon posted 11th of May 2009 in . 375 comments.

Today we're generating one free unlimited license ($790 value) to every single registered Unity account. It's a one-time action. Accounts created after this post will not be included.

Now here's the catch... you have to pay for them, as much as you feel you are able.

Just use the PayPal payment form below and make a payment of anything from $1 to $10000. Thus you'd show your support and appreciation to BoonEx for our work and you can have a license for as much as you see fit. So, if you're not happy with the new BoonEx licenses prices, or just want to show your support - here' s your chance. It works like donation, and we'll list everyone who has donated on the site and in this post, ordered by the donation amount.

(contact us at to arrange alternative payment method, but note that Wire Transfers often cost at least $15 to process).

This should help those who "were going to buy, but missed the boat".

Oh, and one more thing - even if you don't pay a penny you'll have a new license generated on your account, BUT it may disappear/stop working any moment (maybe not).

Remember that these licenses work on the Dolphin 6.1.5 or 6.1.6 versions, and you need to first perform the upgrade to have these licenses work.

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no. I mean WOW!

This was absolutely unexpected.

Very generous.

Thank you BoonEx.

more than generous, this is over the top. man these guys are just going all out.
good news for those who don;t have active licenses.
really good boonex:)

one question...for orca i still have to buy the license?
no .
orca is included in dolphin pack
Andrew Boon
You can use the license for Orca too, it will work.
but i still have the big boonex footer in orca and groups/orca

i updated to 6.1.5. but never had a orca license

what must i do now?
Andrew Boon
3 donations already! Good stuff! Thank you guys!
see moreSir,

Thanx for amazing offer.

I have two accounts in boonex and I donated by both acounts but forgot to mention my username in Paypal form.

Receipt Number: 2682-7406-4394-9425 & 2884-7756-1483-7585

My both username at boonex are -- nrirac & preanim.

Thru nrirac username I had bought dolphin, orca & ray annual plan six months ago for a single domain that is working.

Please tell how much unlimited license I will get in total.

I want 4 more domain on boonex.

I have donated through paypal but unfortunately i forgot to give my unity username. so what should i do now.

but when i went into my unity account it is already there a license code can i use that but how do i insert my domain name there in the unity account.

This great news, many thanks! Question is this for D7 also (what happened to the licenses for all those who registered when D8 was initially announced?)
Andrew Boon
It's unlimited Dolphin - works for any Dolphin version, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc
Many thanks unoboonex, very generous!
I have donated - where or how can I get my license? (I looked on my account / licenses....)
You are Amazing!!! Thank YOU!!!!!
It's impossible :)

What about boonex footer? Does it will be already there after unlimited license?
These licenses will work as they should work - they are not smth different, or new... you are provided with the Dolphin Unlimited license which is offered on the BoonEx payment page for $790. As soon as Dolphin is installed on your server and the license is registered, the BoonEx footers will be removed.
This is what I have been looking for since 1997. I thank you and maybe in the future we might be able to discuss further business. Soon I will have the name I have owned for so long working send direct email I would like to talk to you about the next future of things to come.
I have an unlimited licence,If I make a contribution too, will there be something for me too?
ok, Good - Great.

T H A N X S.

I am going to donate now.
I want to have an unlimited license.
very nice!!! thank you!
I have donated just a very small amount but if everything will go ok in future with my site maybe I will be able to donate more :)
Hello UnoBoonex,

¡¡With two COJONES (Bull testicles)!! (Typical phrase in my country that applies to people of great value, toreria and art).

I think your "Great Action" is a measure of security in your product and business, and look “to tomorrow”. Today you have put a "brick" (very important) to achieve more success, and today I am more proud of having your products (and belong to this community), and I want to donate money ($ 100) without licenses.

Ole, Ole, see more and Ole.

A Great
very nice of you Decano01. with or without the license, that is a great gesture on your behalf as well.

Hello DosDawg,

Thank you for your words.

With the action now being undertaken BoonEx, is going to spend much time to "see" money "truth", also will increase media help. this means that a lot of work and problems X $ 0.

A business is like an elastic cord and must be stretched in both directions, not just one.

Long live BoonEx
wow very cool!!! - so the "dolphin_permament" license that just appeared in my account here is the real deal? :)

i hope to contribute more soon! :) thanks!
Oh God I want this, I be a desperate woman LOL, thank you... I have been drooling for a few months.

Now all I need (another prayer - is a free server or space to put it - I'm broke and desperately trying to build an online singing chat room LOL - which I hope will be unique!)

Thanks God, and thank you Boonex, giving the moths some air in my purse... sob.

I have no idea what an unlimited license is, I just want to sing! Heheh.

THANK YOU, tosses fake earring at you.

EDIT: I gave see more you too many earrings! heheh
How do people sing in a chat room?
THANK YOU GUYS! You´ll have my donation going within 48 hours!

This new opportunity you give us not only shows how smart you are but also encourages all of us to compromise with the project even more.

I couldn´t see if there is a Donate button anywhere else in the site, but I can promise you further donation will arrive at Boonex if you continue to treat us this way!

Thanks again!
Donation sent! (Though I don't know if it recorded my username, so if that matters, tell me how to match it up please). Generous offer, thank you so much!
erm is this CRAZY???

I just donated all I had left in my paypal account, sorry its not hundreds :)

Does this mean I can now use dolphin, and all future dolphins "ad-free" forever on unlimited domains??

if so, hello christmas!!!
Not sure, but I think it's for 1 domain...
hi guys,

Nice! I made a donation, but my paypal address is different from my e-mail in UNITY. How can I make sure my donation is linked to my unity account?

Insane, pure Marketing Brilliance!
Thankyou unoboonex
Hip Pip Hooray
For he's a jolly good fellowwwwww, and so say all of us!!!
so say all of us. this is phenomenol!
Will i be able to use the Unlimited License for Dolphin 7?
I did donate by the way!
Whoaaaaaa, you guys really made my day I have to say, thank you, I've complained openly about Boonex and I'll happily eat all my words right now. Again, thank you guys, really appreciate, and the open ended thing, that was exactly what I was hoping for but had no idea you were considering, and you did it!! Thanks, seriously.
erm is this CRAZY???

I just donated all I had left in my paypal account, sorry its not hundreds :)

Does this mean I can now use dolphin, and all future dolphins "ad-free" forever on unlimited domains??

if so, hello christmas!!!
also after payment it said id get instructions in my email - nothing yet, is it automated or done manually ?

love this!
Good day! I am a user of a free license of BoonEx, and I want to get your free unlimited license by donating. But I live in Russia and, unfirtunately, I can't use PayPal. How can I get this free unlimited license? By what means can I donate?
I think they said something about wire transfers. Contact them using the given address.
great one
I am donating, sorry not in hundreds.

May I use it on my site ad free for unlimited time.
I have donated also. Not too much; perhaps this sounds way to good to be true and I'd never consider myself to be that lucky!
Just came back to say, I am supporting you guys cos I really appreciate the amount of work that goes into creating and developing Open Source software for the likes of me, and I know my contribution is minute much to my embarrassment, compared to the hours you dedicate.

I might not even ever get the chance to use it, but well, I'll still drool, and it is still worth a million times over what I could ever give you in return.

Darn! So excited I left the radio button on neg. GRRR.
Thanks pal, I will donate too. These licenses are for the coming Dolphin or for the old one. Who cares? The offer is great. Thanks for looking after us.
Thanks! This is great.
Ho ho ho ho..... That's awesome!!!! Thank you very much!!! I'll donate ASAP!!!
Many Thanks for u unoboonex and BOONEX of course!
Thanks Boonex..
I like your trick.. :)
Can you please reveal your donation stats.. :p
i just made a donation, but when and how do i recieve this new licence?
You will see the license is already in your license section on Boonex under My Licenses
we are happy to contribute!

Thanks a lot!
good move by boonex... free or nearly free is the way forward!

the entire boonex operation seems to have gotten a complete overhaul recently and the future is looking bright...

long may it continue :)
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.
Hi LyubovL,

I don't see no license on my account although I donated twice.
Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
what will this do if you already have the free account up and running? I have dolphin with ads and don't want to mess anything up.
Wow!!! Thank You!

Please takeover mod development and make it available as mod-store powered/moderated by Boonex...
I was in a hurry to donate, and I did not see that we have to put the user name on the paypal box. I ended up donating twice. But that's pretty small compared to what it is worth. Thanks once again guys.
just donated, thanks sooooo much
I will be sure to donate to receive my free license!
is the new licence called: dolphin permanent?

if so, where do I put the one licence code in my free script site(version 6.1.4)

finally when version 7 comes out, can I transfer/upgrade for free AND retain the licence?
its ok figured it out... added the licence to my advanced settings in admin, the logged out and back in, hit CTRL+F5 (master refresh) and its worked... footer ads are now gone
I have the dolphin 6.1.4 free version with ads and seems your situation in similar to mine. Is anything needed to install or just add the licence then CTRL+F5?
Hi Shaun, I added the license to the Advanced Settings also.... Is that all I needed to do? Because my site/apps still have the Boonex stuff on it: any advice would be helpful.
This free licence is an ad free licence?
Mr. President, why do you need a free license? Your site really sucks by the way - that would be a good candidate for conversion to Dolphin.
Previously I bought 1 dolphin unlimited license by $98 which has become unlimited for all modules, I was regretting myself why I didn’t buy another license that time although I was planning for. Thanks that now I got another license. I am happy and just donated happily. :)
:( its a shame I didnt have an account, just created one today. A little unfair
Write them a note. Unless you created the account for this purpose, they might grant you one anyway.
Just sent a quick donation..
Thanks for your generosity.
Excuse me but I not understand English and I use the translator google

and I wonder if I understood

have donated the amount we want - to get an unlimited license !!!??

donate what you want

get 1 unlimited ad-free licence
Oui tu as bien compris.

Boonex est genereux, merci à Boonex pour ceux qui n'avait pas de licence. Profitez-en ;)
Oui tu as bien compris.

Boonex est genereux, merci à Boonex pour ceux qui n'avaient pas de licence. Profitez-en ;)
I take back all of the greed complaints ... this is simply incredible of you guys to do and my donation has been posted. Thank you!
This is great new, specially for someone like me who never run BOONEX before :) I am so glad to hear this news I will donate now!
Just sign in this new account :( can i pay a minimum amount to get the license???

Thank so much!!
i had bought dolphin unlimited license....does this mean that my ray and orca will automatically get ad free....can anyone help
danielmarseille - Yes
I've got only $1 left in my bank account and I donated it. Hope I'll get something. Crap. Sorry for the swearing but I suppose you know how it feels -.-
I've been there! (and am not far from that now) Hope this is a good investment for you.
WOW this is great... I can use a license for my new site. Will be sending my donation... very generous of you boonex poeple... thank you so much for this
just donated (twice because i forgot to specify the username the first time - and my paypal-email info is different from my unity email)... hope it'll work :-)

I praise your decision to offer something to everyone. There are many folks struggling out there, and with the world economy in such a bad way, there are many many people who will appreciate this offer.

Offering the Free and Donation unlimited licenses was a really great way to thank your supporters, and I am certain we all, including myself, appreciate the offer.
Hello, I have just donated. Thanks very much for the kindness.
they are mad at BoonEx

two days ago it was $ 790 - and now we give what we want

if I give $ 10 I have an unlimited license

BoonEx please you confirmed!?

of course I would give not only $ 1O

but if a lot of people give just $ 10 or $ 20

this is not a proposal for BoonEx risking losing a lot of money
Well, you could donate $100 and tell everybody, so you kind of set the standard.

I´ll donate more than $100, and if everything runs ok, I´ll continue to donate every year. This was never about money itself, but about opportunity. Now we have the opportunity. Boonex gave it to us. So, let´s do our part!
Boonex, just another way to prove that you really care about this community and go above and beyond in every way! Your generosity is very much appreciated by everyone here. Many thanks!!
Just donated and thank you so much it is really aprciated thanks Againe reall good offer i am quite new to this but will peridocly donate anyways
Vielen Dank... supper Sache
Thanks a lot! I am very impressed with Boonex for responding so quickly to the pubic outcry about the pricing. This is a very generous thing to do and thanks again!
You know, Boonex deserves a ton of credit for this decision, but there wasn't a huge "public outcry" - there were just a handful of us expressing our opinions- most people sat on the sidelines. We received a lot of abuse and personal attacks for opposing this policy. One person even tried to get me kicked off Boonex for these opinions. We deserve a little credit too.
OoH I had one unlimated lincese thank you boonex and all work team ... Really Crazy offer and I said in last time you are great and best company but now I say boonex is amazing company ... I'm live in syria and it's imposible pay by paypal and I tried so much from 2 year ago and request from boonex support moneybookers bank for I can pay but now I'm suddenlly my dream true and I had unlimited lincese thanks now I want donte how? I understood there are other payway other than paypal .. Please can see more you tell me to from contact?

Finally thank you andrew and all boonex team I bet on your company and dolphin will be the best opensource software and today I'm winner really you with these offers and next time dolphin 7 will give you the top in community software

Great thanks, just sent my donation! Does this include all upgrades and new features? Thanks again for the generosity!
Nice one guys - I've just messing around with Joomla (with CB)just now and was looking at Dophin as an alternative that looks to suit my needs. Thing is its just a local community (village) site that I'm building so didn't warrent the outlay. I've donated a little amount just now, will put some more in if Dophin is the solution we go with.

Top notch.
You are so wonderful. Encouraging us to grow chances. Thank you Unoboonex
I can nother other say than, THANK U BOONEX!!!
donated :) but how do u track it?
already donated. Thanks guys. this is unexpected.
Just donated and I am ecstatic to be a part of this initiative. Thank you Boonex for representing with the virtual Stimulus Package. Follow us on for the relaunch of our 10 year web portal.
hi i just donated; so now i have two license numbers?

one for annual, and one for permanent?

how do i use the permanent license?

thank you!
I logged in and there is no license, or is the license generated after we donate. I would also like to know if I can donate with the paypal of a friend, I am in Egypt and we do not have paypal, so the email of the paypal will be different from the email of my account.
Sorry now i see the license, the other question still stands can i pay with a friends paypal account?
Wow ... what a great monday morning !!! I know you guys start your day before us ( im in toronto ) and got lucky before us :)

I have donated and hope to get free licence, I knew Boonex would come up with something good for it's fan-base. If my site does well, I promise to donate much much more later...

After I had to call you genius for the work of V7 I have to call you now generous to!

I bet, if you hold on that balance - your future success will be great!
Thanks a trillion, the license is really appreciated.

One more reason to keep making mods and custom work for Dolphin websites at
This is the best customer service/appreciation I have seen in many years. Thank you. I will be happy to donate to the future of a good product.
Thank you so much boonex muahh luv you guys so much...

Thanks again..for the unlimited license.
Can't say enough towards the Boonex team and community! As always, it just keeps getting better! Thanks ever so much for the unlimited license and show of support! Donation to follow.
Lets see that working
There is a little - I am not ready to purchase or go live at the momement.. ;-)
Create an account, donates money (a little truth is that I want to see if this is true) o.O
but after that I donate? I did not received any mail as I get my license)
That's just awsome, thx very much to boonex :)
Great approaches taken for the free liceneses.
Donated twice, got no email. Did I get screwed or what?
I was just thinking what a nice script this is and wham I read its been open sourced then all of a sudden I read at the bottom free license, ok, you got me, I'm hooked.
can i donate any amount to get a free licence and remove links
Since this is a $790 value. I guess this is for:

$790 - lifetime link-free license for 1 domain.

Many people have asked if this is for a link free version and have not been answered so I figured I would answer for Boonex.

Please correct if my assumption is wrong.
your presumption is corect !


boonex is still no1
thank you i have donated too but not much

Thanks Boonex,

Very Generous

I donated but not got any instructions yet
Sounds pretty good, but this leaves me bit leery. Does this only apply to one who does not 'donate' anything or one who 'donates' ??..BUT it may disappear/stop working any moment (maybe not)...
I'm pretty sure that was a joke- about your account disappearing. You get one free license just for having an account here- even if you don't donate.
I stand corrected, I wasn't quite awake when I wrote this. You will not get a license just for having an account, but you will get one if you donate any amount.
nice one!

best regards
Outstanding. I already own the SmartPro package and will prob not use all of the licenses, but I will donate for another because you guys rock! Thanks for everything!
Thanks Boonex
Donated =)
I made two gifts and I have not received any mail with the license, I do wrong?
Look into your unity account, got to licences see if there is a code into dolphin ad free
Thanks for the generous gesture and allowing people to donate funds for the Dolphin software according to their ability.

Please note: I have made a donation and installed the unlimited license code but the branding is still displayed on (early stages of development).

Do we now need to manually remove the Dolphin and Boonex branding?
No, fill in the new code into your admin - advanged settings, log out and in again, now the branding must have gone.
Make sure you delete your free license - that is the mistake I made.
Is it the banner at the footer that should dissapear "powered by" Dolphin and orca in it.
I have donated as i think this is fantastic offer and shows your committment to your software and its users.
Thank you for this opportunity. Ur response is quick! Great gratitude to boonex from :)
I think this more then fair, thanks Boonex. I just made a donation,

it like Christmas

Just sent a donation, sorry it couldn't be more and thank you.
might not reach me leave my partner does not have paypal account? can someone confirm me?
Great News. Just finished making a small donation. I would have made a larger donation, but just got laidoff from work.

When I get back on my feet, I hope to be able to donate more.
wow. this will be great for my reggae community website
Have just sent my donation but I have not receive any instruction on how to get my unlimited license, what should I do next?
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
Hi Cool It's great
Thanks i'll buy one lisence :D
Wow, what a great thing you are doing for the community. I guess it's a Dolphin Stimulus Package!

Great job guys.
Thank you Boonex! I can only send a little now, but if my site takes off, I can certainly add more! thank you!!

Sorry for the amount of my donation, but i've had bought already another high-priced community product.
I was tired of being put off - waiting for the new version.
Maybe your version is better than the other product.. in this case i'll donate more, later :)
Really amazing, awesome offer guys!

I'm just wondering how you guys know who donated and who didn't? Because some use different email addresses etc.

I still need to register for my PayPal but I will definitely make a donation, I haven't been active for a while but this is a great opportunity to start over again.

And for those who don't have PayPal and can't sing up for it (for any reason what so ever), you don't have to register with PayPal to make donations, you can also make a see more credit card donation without a PayPal account.

Perhaps this is a scam? I made three donations already and I never get mail with a license.
The license already in your licenses in Unity, if you were an existing member BEFORE today. From your previous comments, it appears that you created your account today just to take advantage of this offer? If that is the case, donate until you're blue in the face, you're not going to get it. THIS OFFER IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE THAT WERE ALREADY REGISTERED AT UNITY.
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
Love the software. I donated (under old addy but never received the license?

Thanks again, U guys rock!
Hey, we're thinking about donating but the license hasn't shown up in our accounts. We've been registered since 2007.

Could you please tell us how to get the license?

Here's a screenshot of the license page:


Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
Nope, "permanent" is nowhere on the license page. The only licenses there are old (free) dolphin ones.
This is pretty amazing. I will get my "work" account to donate for the license and probably do $99 because that's what we were going to do before the change. Then I can donate to get my own license and I will use money that I received from helping other Dolphin users.

I wonder if people realize how cool Boonex is being right now. This is epic.

I wonder if anyone is going to feel bad for the negativity pointed towards Boonex?
What you are calling "negativity" might have been some people just expressing their opinion. Had they not done this, I doubt if this policy change would have happened. For myself, I was careful to not use the word "greed" as some did, because I didn't believe that was what was motivating Boonex, and with this decision, they have proved that.
Hello Great offer. I donated as much as it was possible for me. Thanks
Thank you,but can anyone tell me if I had one dolphin and one orca unlimited license in one registered domain ,so now I can have two,can I keep the frist one and register another new domain for the second dolphin,???Any deadline for me to do that???
I have not come out another domain for now...
I discovered it was my problem. Do not send licenses to the new accounts
The google translator does not translate well, and I thought I had to create a new account. :P
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
KewlBuzz, will you get a life.
Very nice thing to do. You bet I donated and am looking forward to more use.

I hope I can make my donation bigger sooner than later.
Another smart move! I told you that you were leaving money on the table with the old policy. That part about the free license you generated disappearing was a joke, right? If not, please tell us which one - I got a bunch from my member points and want to make sure I don't use that one :-) Thanks for doing this.
You know, keep giving me negative votes if you want, but this wouldn't have happened without a small handful of us expressing our opinion on this issue. Boonex deserves TONS of credit for this generous new policy, and they deserve praise, but some of us who opposed the old policy had vicious personal attacks and abusive language - one person even tried to get me kicked off Boonex for expressing this opinion. Most people who didn't like the old policy sat an the sidelines because they didn't want see more to be subjected to this. There were about a half dozen people brave enough to express their opinions - they deserve some credit too.
It was clear from the start --- you were being a pest because you didn't get a freebie. It had nothing to do with the injustice of the alleged 800% (and however you came up with this number was truly "new mathematics") price increase at all. Now that you DO have your freebie, ......

It is one thing to be disappointed for missing out on a freebie (which is understandable). It is altogether different again when you try pinning your business plan's failure (a business plan based on freebies see more -- of OTHERS, Boonex especially, giving YOU freebies) on Boonex. That was just so unfair.
Thanks BOONEX for the chance to go UNLIMITED!
thanks a lot
have donated $1
will donate more once i get some money into my paypal account
Thanks, you guys are amazing!
Yes, I am glad to have donated, and to have received my license. I hope I can donate more, sooner than later, as I am grateful for the whole experience.

Also, looking forward to the email that has the instructions as it has not arrived yet.
I was a little sad when I read your last post. I don't have 50 points. But now I'm dancing in the halls. You folks are awesome. I will be glad to donate something.

Keep up the great work!
Hmmm just a question. I'm a member since 10.11.2008 but there is no new license generated in my account. It's still the same, I only have the Dolphin free license and I donated by the way (but I would also like to have the unlimited license...)so could somebody please explain to me why there is no new license in my account?
You probably just can't see it. Look under your "free licenses" section.
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
hey guys, i sent an email to you regarding other ways to make payment as i just set up a pay pal acct but its going to take 3-4 days for them to verify it. please reply back as soon as you can as I'd like to get this all set up today. i emailed from thanks!
I am a bit confused about how I get my license code. Thanks so much for the offer. I will wait for the email.
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
Yes, this is very generous of BoonEx. This should make a lot of people happy.
Just donated and wanted to say thank you for the unlimited license! Boonex is wonderful!
i put the new unlimited license in admin panel from dolphin and have the 6.1.5. update.

i didn´t had a orca license before...

but i still have the big boonex footer in orca and groups/orca

what can i do?
have you saved it, loged out and again in... then it sal work
i have logged out and back in and it removes the footer from dolphin, but not from the forums.
Thanks a million folks,
I needed another license for my second site and you have given me a great gift. I will donate on payday (end of May) so please dont delete it I will donate I promise :)
How do I use the new unlimited licence, as I already have the site up and running, do I have to install the newer version or is it worth waiting for version 7? Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks again.
this is a never ending licence, you can use it for every version of dolphin
Donated and put license in my 6.1.5 site. Logged out and refreshed, but footer still has ads. Also, license page in unity doesn't show my domain name yet, still says "not registered" for the new license. Does somebody have to make that I donated? If so I will be patient.
Do it again, save the new one into advanged settings, log out and again in. now it have to work.
and make sure you delete your old free license.
Thanks boonex
Donation sent wasnt much but it was all i could do at the time.
Hoprfully i can send more later.
You are "BADE DIL WALA" unoboonex.

In INDIA we say this to the person "WHO HAVE BIG HEART"

Warm Regards.
Hi-5 for the cause!!!

Keep it up...

Thanks for the Unlimited Dolphin Licence.

I have a question, when I was a contributor (before January 2009) my licence work with our domain name.

The new Unlimited Dolphin Licence work the same with your domanin ?

And id the licence work with the domain where in the site I should update my domain information ?

PD. We diden't upgrade our contributor status as we was waiting for the new big upgrade version (7)plus our community is not launch yet.

Thanks again folks
Just go and register the new license to you domain.
Wow! Thanks sooo Much!

Only thing and it might of been missed! On the music player for a profile - there still is a small, tiny triangle link back to boonex where it states - "Upload music to Music Gallery"

It only shows on the profile music player - no where else..
I just joined today, and was wondering if I could obtain the free license? Met with a guy last week who introduced me to your site and just logged in today to see your message. Can I donate and get the free license? Or did I miss out? thanks

Definitelly we will donate but after version 7 is released!

In this way we can send you more as I can ask to all our partners to donate!


KewlBuzz Team
Hey ... I donate but I dont recive any e-mail yet .... please check ....
I donated too!!! great work all time!!!
I made a donation but have not received my confirmation email with download instructions.
Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to "My Licenses" and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.
Again - Licenses have already been generated and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the "My Licenses" section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click see more CTR + F and type "Permanent"

Have a nice day!
donated, thanks sooooo much =D
Thats great.. just donating now :)
I joined today does it mean I missed the boat even though I have made a donation. Please say nooooooo!
This is soo great. I'll have to donate.
Just donated(Vorrtex Worldwide). Keep up the good work. We'll be donating every now and then.
You've demonstrated customer service on a superhigh level.
Hey I just sent donation, What is the next step?
What about the ones who had already purchased all licenses? What do they get? Nothing?
Those who have purchased licenses before, they just get an additional Unlimited License in their account.

Check "My Licenses" page ;)
Upload Status ( Virus Detected; File not Uploaded! (Can't parse clamd configuration file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf)

has anyone an idea what that means?
I donated and did not receive my free license???
What's up with that?
When I succeed in running the scripts I will donate more or even keep you guys busy for the years to come. The scripts are very promising and suitable for the projects we have planned.

Hope to be able to clear the virus issue soon. Not sure if that is from the server setting, mistake or whatsoever.
donated, thanks sooooo much.

(I don't know if it recorded my username, so how can I make sure my donation is linked to my unity account?)

donated twice now because i forgot to specify the username the first time - and my paypal-email info is different from my unity email
Thanks a bunch to Boonex, sure am glad I stayed with the Dolphin Community ((CHEERS))
Forgive my ignorance; but I just want to be clear:
I make a donation and the license will appear in my account? That's it?
If so, great.

I just want to make sure.
The license has been put into your account if you were a member of Unity and your account status was active at the moment this post has been posted.

If so, please check "My Licenses" page in your account.
GRACIAS BOONEX!!! Few more PESOS to support the cause. WISH I could send more!!!
Thanks Boonex. We made a donation! Our site is built for non-profit usage so this really helps out.
Wow, that would be great, and most off all appreciated.

Thanks a million for this offer.
Shalom all,

I think this is an AWESOME gesture from Boonex & for most people it will get them what they want but I like having the Boonex links at the bottom of my site as it is an opportunity to promote Boonex & make an affiliate commission at the same time...

That being said... I have noticed that some people are concerned about the statement at the end of unoboonex's post where he said:

BUT it may disappear/stop working any moment (maybe not).

It see more seems that some people who read this post read it much like they read the bible, half blind. Apparently they tend to ONLY read what they want to read.

Read the rest of what he said & you will fully understand what this statement means...

Here I will post the first part that y'all seem to have missed...:

Oh, and one more thing - EVEN IF YOU DON'T PAY A PENNY you'll have a new license generated on your account,
============={emphasis/all CAPS is mine}

And THEN he said:

BUT it may disappear/stop working any moment (maybe not).

The license is ALREADY generated in your list of licenses but it does not have it registered to any particular URL so if you decide to use the license BUT not donate/pay something for it then it might quit working some day but then again maybe not.

Thank you so much guys! I would love to donate more but that is all I can do right now for this week.
I've been waiting for a while and I'm excited to get this up and running.

When should the license appear in my account? Should I donate first?
Nice move guys as it was going a bit like those who did and those who didn’t for a while. So this should bring the community back as one.
O except for me as for some reason I missed out on it.
Anyways smart move by you guys to get the licensing out on the table, cleaned up, wrapped up and all happy so it won’t be an issue for 7. Cool.
I made a donation from different account. I hope it will work....
Just donated a comfortable amount for now. But intend to donate more when funds become more available. This was a great move and with it have garnered a staunch friend in me. Giving us the opportunity to give what we can for such a script is very generous and I hope most people see it that way as well.


1) Can I wait and use it for the upcoming release of 7?
2) I already installed the free version on a domain and this past weekend have done some work and changed the site all together see more and won't be using Dolphin on it. But I will on another site I'm building. Is the new license avail for that new domain or do I have to only use the old one (which is now defunct)?

Thanks again.
OMG! this is awesome thanks boonex! one question.. if im upgrading to dolphin 6.1.5 from 6.0005 can i do the upgrade to free dolphin then just put my ad-free license in there?
I have donated just a very small amount...

If everything will go perfect in future with my Company maybe I will be able to donate more... much more friends

My paypal account is: dirceuvml @
Donated earlier today. Thanks

Can I use the permanent license on a test domain first, then move it to a production domain later?
Does this remove ads from ray widgets too ?
So someone thinks this is a stupid question,
Wel then tell me how to get rid of adds on widgets cause they are still there
Thank you Boonex...appreciate the hard work and all of the user-contributions and pundits who made this software workable! Job well done...sending in the dough! Let's keep up the innovative input going in the forums!
Can someone tell me please how to go about installing this new unlimited license version? Do I download and install the free version? Will there be some place in the admin section where to put the new license code? How is this supposed to work?
Go to your account "One Here" once you donated, then go to my-licenses, you will see a new license for "Dolphin" there..
I realized I posted in the wrong blog earlier after it was to late. I think this was an extremely nice gesture on the part of Boonex to recognize it's members and reward them. As I stated on the wrong blog, please apply the amount I paid to purchase a ad free license toward the amount I have donated. I only need a single domain license. I think all the negative posters concerning the price change owe Boonex an apology. UnoBoonex has heart. That's a rarity in the internet business world and should see more be acknowledged by all. NO other software vendor I know of would have made such a gesture for 5 minutes, much less a day. I am proud to be a part of this community and a user of the script.
Why should we apologize? If this change wouldn't of happened, would you still feel the same or felt negative as you did before?
This is a temporary offer for EXISTING members. If you qualify the license is in your UNITY account already, click on your licenses link and look, if not it won't happen for you. The post was very clear "Every existing member has a free license in their UNITY account". If you make a donation the license will remain, if not it can go away without notice. If you wait you do not get it.
Thanks a ton!
I have registered with unity as well as donated but have yet to see any licenses under "my licenses"...
Does this process take more than a day?

Never mind the post....after reading the original blog post I see that registering today doesn't qualify....hope to see something for all that registered today...some kind of incentive for those that registered and donated today..
Thank you Boonex.

Very much appreciated.
Hello All,

Thank you sooo much for the unlimited license! Donation made, and more in the futur...
Keep the good work!

Hi Boonex - thanks for keeping everyone here at Unity happy. I donated - not much but its really hard at the moment. When I can afford more I will donate more, I promise.
I cannot find my old account info.. No idea... I opened new one but does not have code... I donated although I have no job and a student so really nothing to spare but I tried.. Please help me out...

I just learned the hard way that Paypal hits you with a $1.00 test charge before taking your donation when you do a transaction with a new card. Translation --- if you go in and donate w/o creating an account on Paypal, they hit you with that charge first.

My case, debit card - only balance I had on card was a measly $1.24 until Wednesday. So, I figured that since Today is 'donation day' I would plug in what I had left and then add more on Wednesday if still see more available. No dice. Paypal snagged the $1.00 first so not enough to give really to Boonex. :(

I emailed Boonex on this one in hopes that there is some grace on the donation record thing. Anyway, come Wednesday, I plan on giving more than I was going to do today.
I agree with the sentiment that advertising for BOONEX is a good thing.. I use the mass mailer. I ask my members if they want to know how to make one of these sites for anything. Then I ask them what they are doing and see if it is something I can be involved in. This not only advertises boonex, but it protects my interest..

Also.. apparently the new licensing agreement does not remove the orca footers in the forums.. unless there is more i need to do besides log out and back in..
I have dolphin 6.1.4 Free with ads. What do I need to do to get this up and running to not interfere with my up and running site? I donated and see the dolphin_permanent in my licences now at unity but it still shows I need to buy a license to remove ads. Is this normal? Will it fix automatic or how does this work? Was reading a post by shaunbaird and his situation seemed similar re: just adding the license to the advanced settings in admin. Here is what he said:
its ok figured it out... added the see more licence to my advanced settings in admin, the logged out and back in, hit CTRL+F5 (master refresh) and its worked... footer ads are now gone. Is this all that needs to be done?
Any help is appreciated thanks.
Oh, and one more thing - even if you don't pay a penny you'll have a new license generated on your account, BUT it may disappear/stop working any moment (maybe not).

and if we donate will it still disappear/stop working any time or not :))

Thinking of donating like $100
I have donated - where or how can I get my license? (I looked on my account / licenses....)

I followed LyubovL's instructions (see below). I still do not see the license.

I have been registered with Unity since Oct. 2, 2007.

Maybe an admin can take a look at my account and help clarify?

"Those who already donated and those who didn't yet ... all of you already have had a Dolphin Unlimited license placed into your Unity accounts. Simply go to 'My Licenses' and say hello to your newly added Dolphin Unlimited.

Again - Licenses have already been generated see more and issued to every Unity account, whether you donated or not, and you can find your new license in the 'My Licenses' section.

Navigate to this link being logged into Unity -

click CTR + F and type 'Permanent'

Have a nice day!"

Hi SJordan!

Do it again and you will see your Dolphin Unlimited license.

Have a nice day!
Nice I hope I get one, I have already donated, its not that much but I hope it wil help.

this is an amazing offer and good reward for loyalty :)
donated already, its small but if all goes well, i promise i will put in more..
Just wanted to say thank you to the Boonex staff! Good show mates!
Congratulations to Boonex!! this Will ecourage all of us to keep donating as we grow up our proyects, as much we can, we are happy to do it even if just a Dolar, 10, 20,100 . I will keep donating as much as I can . Thanks for this opportunity!.
I haven´t received my license yet,but I hope to receive it soon..
That's the real commercial spirit ! I've been working past few days to get a Paypal account (hope I succeeded) and my donation will follow ASAP, one way or the other (bank transfer).

THANK YOU and a big hug !!
Great idea! I am still trying to decide if I want to use Dolphin or not and this certainly helped me to move another step in the "yes" direction.
I made two donations because I missed the "username" field the first time.

Thanks Boonex!
Fantastic offer Boonex - just donated!

I have Dolphin 6 installed on my own computer for testing purposes and was waiting for the release of Dolphin 7 before going to a live site.

Can I hold off inputting my licence number until Dolphin 7 is released and I install it on a hosted server?
I have asked a similar question via email so I will let you know what I find out from mine if they don't answer you. :)
Hello Unoboonex!

Very generous!!!
I made my small donation.
I'm wondering if I can use that licence with any domain, because the domain that I'm using Dolphin on right now most likely I will change it in the future.

THANK YOU Unoboonex!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.