Install Dolphin in 38 Seconds or Less

jtadeo posted 13th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 42 comments.

Install Dolphin in 38 Seconds or Less - Code Study

The desire to do something good won't get it done. You need to plan and execute the plan. A plan should have some form of foundation. Sometimes "winging it" just won't cut it. I believe the same can be said when you want to install a Dolphin site. I think part of that plan should be a good setup for testing your site so you aren't messing around with your live site.

I've done a few Web sites here and there and one of the things about making a Web site is that it takes time (orly?). Yes, for realzzz...

Something that you believe will take only 5 minutes can easily stretch to 50 minutes or more. Now, extrapolate the Web page to multiple pages and then take that to a social networking site. It isn't easy but it is a lot easier than before. It is a lot easier and companies like Boonex have given some tools that I am seeing improve more and more.

Your Set Up is Part of Your Foundation
On a daily basis I get e-mail about issues relating mostly to installation problems and I am finding that a majority is related to incompatible hosting. I strongly suggest that if you do plan to start work with Dolphin that you get the right foundation in place. Part of that foundation is a compatible host. There are a few listed in my site under resources.

With the right set up, you can get a Dolphin site installed from 38 seconds to 20 minutes.

Install Dolphin in 38 seconds? Yes.
Watch this

In this example, you just need to enter the folder name and all the icky database, permission, folder stuff is done for you. It's main use is for testing and trying things out. I've broken so many of my installs that it made sense to make an auto installer. I think other developers and programmers like myself will find this useful.

I Have Two Versions: Local and Server
It is a Dolphin install using a WAMP server. This one is on a live server, however I am planning a release for a local desktop with WAMP as a distributable. The full server version has more complexity and security issues that needs to be dealt with. If you don't know much about setting up WAMP locally on your computer, I will have a tutorial at that I will be posting.

Now that is a set of optimized code I've written, but the install would not have worked that fast if I did not have the right hosting. My code would not have worked. I think the same goes for most of the Boonex scripts. At a minimum you need the right hosting plan.

Where's the Download?
If you are interested, please chime in. I think this can save people some time and if there is enough interest, I will release this as a developer tool. At a minimum, you can try new things out with your site without having to worry about doing a long install. If I get enough pings then I will take the time to clean it up. Right now, it's kind of held together with duct tape..

Look for the download. As usual, I offer it free to the community.

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James I am absolutely interested. You are awesome for even thinking about putting this out there. So many times I think "Hm I want to try this this and this" but I already broke the heck out of my test environment and I don't want to take all that time of setting up a new one. So anyway yes I'd love it, and I for one appreciate all the help you give the community. Most of the time you and Mrpowless are the only help we get!
Thats my boy!! whooop..

I got some super glue :-)

I am also very interested. I've hesitated in updating to the latest Boonex versions so far but I will eventually need to so having an auto-install and testing tool would be EXCELLENT!
HELLZ YES I'M INTERESTED. Hey James next time your on send me an IM i have a couple things to talk to you about the site.
Excellent idea!
I am also interested in the local WAMP install. I have setup WAMP5 on my Desktop but cannot get Dolphin to work and that is after a successful install! any help would be appreciated!

I am slowly learning and a test site is imperative!!
i got it down to 6 minutes on a manual install but that sure beats me and makes it so much easier
that would be great. Im glad that theres still folks out there willing to help other for free.
Sounds great!!! I would love to have it!!!
I am interested. Thanks!
Ma kojami Olugbala.... I'm also interested. Great Idea!!!!
i have started a php script that will help with this same thing. basically you call up the file, provide it some parameters to ftp, (the zip file does not have to be loaded, i have all of the different versions on the net for a wget command) the file would check that all files are in place, proceed to change the permissions. you would then step through the files installer, and upon completing the install, this file would have a second button, that would set the perrms back on those five see more or six files that need it, and finally it would remove the install file from the server. i dont know about 38 seconds worth, you would have to have the dbase in place, and the script zip would need to be on the server or in a locale where you could wget it.

anyway, kewl beans.

i do have a question that has been puzzling me from the very beginning of using this script. why, is it necessary to have us change all of those file permissions, when they should be set at that level from the start, there are only the five or six files that actually change, and then change back.

boonex, how come you guys do that, i havent counted the number of files in sometime, but last i counted it was 83 files that get chmod'd, and only about five or so that get reversed?

just wondering

re:"i dont know about 38 seconds worth, you would have to have the dbase in place, and the script zip would need to be on the server or in a locale where you could wget it."

For this dev version, it's all easy peasy.

Just enter the name of the directory and it auto creates the database, the directory, the permissions, logins, passwords, site tiles and bunch of other stuff on-the-fly. You just have to practice your clicking techniques.

During the install, you do have the option see more to update the Title, e-mail, login info etc. But that if you are doing testing, this is set up in a set of config files that you set up once.

Locally, the set up is not 38 seconds. It's more like 25. That install was using a server version of the program.

It's not perfect but it has saved me a lot of time.

if dolphin used the .tar.gz compression it would keep all the file permissions intact as it is saved.
upload dolphin once to a server, set all permissions for the install in cpanel public_html root select all and compress in the .tar.gz format, this keeps the file and folder permissions intact.

use that one .tar.gz file to install as many times as you like on as mant sites as you want, all you'll have to do in the roll back of the 5 file permissions after the install.
Count me in, I want it definately... 3 cheers to you for coming up with this..
I'm definitely interested
Anything to help with this monster is appreciated. Count me in!
Good Idea! It will help all the developers who are building their site using Dolphin.
I am very interested. I have tried installing Dolphin on both a WIndows 2003 and Fedora WAMP with no success. I keep running into permissions issues at the end. I hope this will help. Please let me know where I can download a copy.

I'm very interested.
When will this be available?

keep up the good work!
Nice one, this would save a lot of time and money. I've installed a few PHP programs so I guess I know what I'm doing....a little but, I'd rather not screw it up although I can follow directions some of the installs I've done took soo much time I leave it up to somebody else I can trust which costs a buttload. I love auto-installers in fact, I'm using one right now and it's saving me a weeks work at least. I believe anything like that is a godsend to say the least. Way to go, keep on wotking on it. see more
I really appreciate your effort to sort thru things and make this software manageable. I have an active database of 70,000 members of the military and law enforcement communities waiting to join my patrol organization and I need your help to succeed. Your expertise makes it seem possible in spite of the inherent weakness of the Boonex software. I hope you will consider taking me on as a client. The threat of a nuclear attack against the civilian population in the western world has never been see more greater and there is no time to waste. Thank you for your gracious manner!
I really appreciate your effort to sort thru things and make this software manageable. I have an active database of 70,000 members of the military and law enforcement communities waiting to join my patrol organization and I need your help to succeed. Your expertise makes it seem possible in spite of the inherent weakness of the Boonex software. I hope you will consider taking me on as a client. The threat of a nuclear attack against the civilian population in the western world has never been see more greater and there is no time to waste. Thank you for your gracious manner!
I Love it... Awesome Job... How do I get it?

Always to your Success,
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the comments and encouragement.

I've managed to do some clean up on the code and will send out a release to those who have shown interest by taking the time to comment in my blog.

I will send out a link.


Once again thanks from the whole community! You are a God send, dude!

Hi Guys,

I'm still working on this. My schedule lately is a bit tight so I work on it when I can.

If it takes any longer, I will just pack it up and send it out as-is and you guys can have at it, duct tape and


I'm sure that any and all of us would be more than willing to have a go at it if it is held together with duct tape, scotch tape, Irish tape, superglue and string at this point! Then again we all know what it is like trying to work on anything with deadlines and schedules that take up the rest of our lives outside of here. Just take all the time you need to get it done...and HURRY THE HELL UP!

xox ;-)
James I would love it!!!! if you can send me a link I might just be able to get this thing installed!

Hi James, I'd also like a copy of the installer.

no real hurry, I am learning so much from this board.

Thank you!
Just saw this, as I am new to this site, and to servers! Yes, please! Thank you very much for your dedication, and sharing! It means a lot to people who want to get started on the right foot with positive experiences!! I just installed WampServer 2.0c...
Excellent that you have dedicated your time to this. would be very grateful for this! thanks =booker
hey james

i would like a copy of this please... Cheers
Hi Everyone.

uhm...sorry I've been so deliquent on the installer. I got a few e-mails the last couple of days and people actually still want this :D

I know there were other alternatives such as those offered by BoonEx with regards to hosting companies. There was also a post from another person who used an SSH script to apply permisions...and yet another solution by I-can't-remember-the-name...uhm so I figured no one was really that interested anymore.


As I write this, it's 186 see more days since I posted the blog. Wow.

I'll dig it up and and start writing out the instructions and will post the download from my site.

Hi James,
There's another one here anxious to get his hands on your auto-installer ASAP,
Cheers and thank you for your good work
Hi James,

Just found your magnificient 38 seconds auto-installer video demo this morning, and It really uplifted me. It will have me get started, when it's ready; and I am waiting for it as calmly as can be ...
My entire previous experience is that, I had tried using Wordpress. I had successfully installed it using Filezilla, but the Wordpress blog format was not my favorite. I especially admire the Dolphin menu editor, and look forward putting a million things in the Dolphin platform and organizing see more the menu.

For Dolphin, but, you'll all laugh, all I managed to do so far in my spare time is an SQL database on the cpanel... from watching the video tutorials.

I have not comprehended any step after that.

Thanks kindly for preparing the auto-install for us
It's a great Idea... I myself as a hosting provider, can install Dolphin direct from my control panel. I use Parallels Products such as their Plesk control panel, and the have it as an auto-installable application. This makes things handy for me and potential new dolphin sites. Currently the only dolphin version that is auto-installable though is 6.0.3.

This means that I guess there are autoinstaller scripts out there. But it sure would be nice to have a generic autoinstaller script.

Keep see more up the good work.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.