Dolphin 7 (Hookie) RC3 is out!

VictorT posted 11th of December 2009 in . 62 comments.

This Friday features the special release of the week. It's Dolphin 7 RC3 today!

Along with the previous RC release, this one comes with a proper upgrade script too, which will automatically update your files (unless you made script modifications) and will keep the site data and settings in place.

Please, try this package and let us know how it rolls.


Check out the list of bugs fixed in RC3

Download Dolphin 7 RC3

Upgrade Instructions from RC2-to-RC3

Download RMS RC3

Online Demo (upgraded to RC3)

Report bugs, post suggestions in Forums

Check out Trac for the progress of the next milestone.

Upgrade from 6.1.6-to-7.0 has been updated with "custom fields" upgrade along with this release. It is not official yet and for test purposes only.

And yeah, don't forget to comment in comments and discuss in forums. Not the other way around.

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yay i'm first! Thanks for your hard work! :D
What updates are those...? over 20 bugs moved for 7.1 version :( .. hope 7.1 will be out soon.. :(
They are NOT bugs, but enhancements. It was told many times that enhancements are not accepted at all after first RC is out.
On my way to upgrading :) Thanks Boonex
Is this the final RC version? Or is there going to be an RC4?
Thank's Boenex A Lot Nice Work

cosmobc : yes Dolphin RC4 is Coming
I've tested it and it works great... so far :)
oooooooooooooooooh my gooooooooood T H A N K S !
Thanks Guys, upgrading was going without pain :)

You guys don't think the inability to delete a page you've created in admin is a bug? You moved it to 7.1??

You don't think the inability to set the page width slider in page builder to even the defauly site width is a bug? Also moved to 7.1??

You can't do either of these things without digging around in the DB. Dolphin 6 was famous all over the internet for having a really lousy back end, and you guys are doing it all over again, when you just ignore some really basic admin features.

Personally, see more I don't mind digging around in the DB to make things work. In working with Dolphin for the past year, I've grown quite accustomed to it.
"delete a page you've created in admin" - it is enhancement, we have to move it to 7.1

"inability to set the page width slider in page builder" - the same.

If you want to see release in any future you have to accept the principle that any new feature is not accepted in RC. We have already taken some enhancements by mistake in previous RCs and it definitely causes some delay and more RCs.
Alex, that is not an enhancement, it's a basic functionality that exists currently in D6. We should not be losing functionality by upgrading these sites to D7, we should be gaining functionality in new areas while maintaining the functionality in all areas that do not attain further functionality.

Basically this means, if it's not broken, don't fix it. In this case, you guys have taken away 2 basic functionality items that those who have used/developed D6 loved. Exactly how hard is it to see more add these to D7 now that you've taken them away?
And another thing.... How about a zip file with ONLY the changed files. I know you have the technology to provide this.
Yes!!! It is important to me to know that has varied, instead of simply to copy all package. I have changes in templates, in other files, I should do all anew.
Awesome, how many RC's are you planning to have before going gold on 7?
Thank you Boonex, Go Go I'm waiting the final version

I wish it's Christmas gift

Sorry, but I did not understand the tutorial to upgrade from 6.1.6 to 7! was confused when they say should be a clean installation.
Should I replace directories and files from my dolphin 6.1.6 by 7?
Help me please.
This might sound stupid ... but how many tables should the database contain ?

I'm going to install from scratch, so can I use the RC3 to start with ?

I already tried 3 times, but every time I get an error in the last step where they ask to change permissions for the INC folder to 755. But it is already in CMOD 755 and I'm still getting the error.

How to work around this ?
It might be that your hosts standard setup is something other than 755. Ask your host what the standard folder/directory permission level is for the server. If they tell you 750 or 705, etc. then you would want to go with that instead. There are a few hosts out there that have some pretty tight less than standard setups. Not that it is bad, just scripts like dolphin quote the more standard, and occasionally you get a host that uses a different setup.
I also had this issue with previous RCs and found it was actually my FTP client that was the problem. I worked around it by changing the permissions via the Cpanel instead.
If you have read through some of the intall scripts, they are written to set you folders at 755. I had the same problem but clicked skip, because 755 is the right permission at least on my server running php inCgi mode. I can remember when you had to do that manually and they were all 777.
Why are the RSS links not working No feeds at all!
wow! thanks boonex and happy holidays!
after upgrade grtting design php will not load
I installed the RC3 (from scratch) and had to call my provider ( for help because I got several database errors. They disabled the open_basedir restriction and then it worked smoothly.

Strange, because when I first installed the RC2 I did not have that problem.

After installing all the missing modules from the admin panel I'm missing several language keys now. Events, groups, store.

Do you guys have a COMPLETE language file anywhere ?
Try recompiling the language files for the respective modules.
I did recompile and nothing happens. I exported the english language file to find the keys with the Dreamweaver search function, but nothing found. So the only conclusion is that they are just not there in the RC3 version.
I am running RC2 very very sweet indeed and very nervous about installing RC3 as I don't want any errors. (like above)
It's worth saying again, in case someone at Boonex inadvertently reads this post.

Please consider providing a zip file that includes ONLY the changed files, from one version to the next, as an optional download. I created my own this time, and it was only about 105 files out of over 5,000 that were actually different between RC2 and RC3. Why overwrite 5,000 files, when you only need to update 105 of them? The zip file was only 700K instead of 12MB.

I'm sure I'm not the only one modifying see more css, template, and other files. Knowing what all the changed files are, and only updating those files, makes upgrading a little easier.

I don't have a problem with doing this myself, but others might not have all the right tools to do it, and such an upgrade package might be useful to them.
I vote for that because I already noticed that in every upgrade they forget 'something' :-)
I second that too. I'm a bit afraid to upgrade now.
I have since stopped trying to upgrade each time a new beta and now RC's come out for this very reason. If the new RC's are only full downloads and not the changed files I'll just wait for the final release.
If you are attempting to perform a migration from an existing 6.16 site, be SURE to back up your database as well as your files. Fortunately for me, I did. I decided to see what the latest release was about and installed it in a subdirectory on my account. Install went fine. Backed up my 6.16 database and files. After following all directions and having all modules installed, all plugins set up and registered, and testing my new 7 installation I began the data migration. Did a lot of checking see more prior to this in the forums and blogs to see what others had encountered. Selected the Profiles as instructed and started the migration. I need to state here that my 6.16 database is modded in a number af areas, but profiles table isn't too much different. Okay, profiles showing started. After a while, I figured it should be done. Still showing in progress. I wait for a while longer and know that it shouldn't take this long. Still running. I checked my database for 7 and no profiles beyond the admin I initially set up. I go back to my actual 6.16 site and suddenly all members are standard and no photos for anyone. I stopped the migration and took a look at the 6.16 profiles table. ALL the profile ID's have been changed there. New numbers starting with 5454 where they were originally started at number 1. I go to my sql backup and select my profiles table and recreate the original profiles table. Then had to clear the cache folder (I just renamed it and created a new empty cache folder. My members are now back to their original settings and photos are back.
Anyone contemplating migrating their data should be aware that it MAY not go as planned and have a backup ready to go. I'll have to research this a bit more, but it DOES state that a 6.16 to 7 RC3 data migration is possible. The errors I encountered in mine according to my cron job errors notices seem to be related to the migration script looking for the D7 RC3 tables in my 6.16 database. not sure why.
Like Magick we move forward, thanks for all the hard work Boonex team and Happy Holidays.

What are the license issues with this version?

Is it available for free as well?

Can we install this version for our users?

If when u launch the original full version, will it be having any limitations for your costumers who are utilizing it with free downloads?
Do u honor costumers who are using free download versions with your powered messages as your joint venture partners globally or not?

Do you welcome such costumers?
nice progress, thanks. As houstonlively stated would be easier for all of us though.
I wish updates would work like with joomla cms. Overwrite the files and you're done.
Anyway, I will try a full install on a subdomain to see how that works before I upgrade.
ray chat still not support unicode. Can u add this feature ?
full install went well. It appears to be slower though, but this can be due to sub domain I used
it's seem the template not compatibility with firefox
Hi there,
I am very excited about RC3 and made a fresh install immediately. BUT - about half of the paths (internally & externally) are simply wrong.
e.g. all of the modules are linked in admin panel to a path
Won't work of course, as it should be something like

Furthermore there is a 404 error when trying to see my profile on the frontend (same for many of the pages).

Any solution?
BTW see more - this is the fresh install (new subdomain, new db)

Kind regards from Austria,

Hopefully these blog posts get answered. :)

1st, GREAT JOB on D7 .. I LOVE IT!

2nd, are there ANY plans to allow us to have a feature to turn on/off email notifications ? I know this was made as a "paid mod" for previous versions of Dolphin .. but I think the fact to be able to turn them on/off should be a given.

Seems to be several bugs with RC3
I agree! I beleave the first RC was the best! The rest are to screw lewy and nothing works or works right if it does
I'm new to boonex, and have installed 6.1.6.. but am thinking about just starting site fresh from 7. However, when I download 7 RC3 and open the zip file I notice there are no php files outside of folders...

Is 7 supposed to be installed over v6.1.6? Like do I need to do the upgrade to 7 and THEN the versions of 7?


Have you read this?
are there any plans allow us to have a feature to edit, delete or create a field in registeration form ?i want to delete the country fields and add somethings..

I have Firefox 3.5 and IE8

Since my move to RC3 in backend_> Builders-> pages blocks
Unable to move the blocks. For others (profiles etc) no problem.
Ah, is the slider to adjust the width of the pages disappeared.?
Where can I advertise it?

Thank you
how can i edit the (about us, privacy, terms) links to customize it on my website?

Also i am unable to edit (Copyright © 2009 Your Company) on my website.

I need help on this on urgent basis.

anyone who can help me with this
Check your language folder and edit the language php. You will find the Copyright notice at the very top of the file. However there is a problem with that to. You can change it but it will not last. I have change 3-4 times and after a while it reverts back to the orginal txt.
PS: you will find all of the txt for the privacy, terms and other things in that file.
it reverts back when you adjust something in Navigation Menu
Member Menu
Profile Fields
Pages Blocks
finally i upgraded from rc2 to rc3 and surprise, it upgraded smooth as silk.
can someone tell me where the Desktop App go
can'y find it, for my users ta download
Merry Christmas To All

it's in the download module right on the homepage if you have moved it out you must make another link to desktop download, or move it back again
why I can not use blog/music/vedio......
pls help me
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