Dolphin 7 (Hookie) BETA 1

Andrew Boon posted 8th of July 2009 in . 139 comments.

Over the last few months we were all playing with Hookie Alpha builds and developers have made a lot of changes, added tons of features and improved the script structure quite a bit. This can go on forever, but at some point we need to say "freeze" and pack something that won't be torn apart in a few days. The moment has come and we're presenting what we call a Feature Final Beta of Dolphin 7.


Imagine yourself running late for a plane and only half of your is stuff packed. You just throw the rest into your cases and off you go. That's pretty much how the current beta is. It has bugs and is very fast-baked. Still, the main idea is to present everything that's going to make it into the final release and gradually polish it.

OK, now... step by step:

1. The full package download is now available here and to get the RMS click here. Download and use at your own risk. Do not use it for live sites/projects. Install and dissect it as you please, but do it for testing purposes only (or blame yourself if things go ugly).

2. The Demo is not updated yet. We'll update it by the end of the week.

3. At this stage we DO need your feedback, bug reports, suggestions etc. Please post them at the forum, so we can discuss them.

4. Notice to moderators and pundits... please gather and double-check bug reports and post them to the Trac. You should have access to it.

5. Depending on who you are, you may want to consider different actions.

- General users would probably be better off waiting for the DEMO update.
- Developers can look into the code, install the script and share their opinion. Take a look at the development manual to see how we expect the modules to be developed.
- Designers should look into how templates are handled now. This document should help.
- If you're into translating, check out the Translation Manual.
- If you run a hosting environment, we'd ask about your experience in terms of tech requirements and the installation process.

- And finally, if you just want to help - any input on documentation or packaging, any bug reports, code submissions, language corrections are very welcome.

What's New

First of all, if you compare Dolphin 7 to 6.x you'll realize that they are two almost completely different beasts. Although they share large chunks of code, the new version is a huge improvement. Just browse through the Alpha updates posts to see what's going on.

As for the changes made since the last public Alpha update, at a glance...

- Group admin/leader can manage fans and allow fans to upload media to a group. Basically, we're trying to create a whole new Groups system, much like the one at Facebook

- Subscriptions. Subscribe to email notifications

- Language file importer/exporter (Administration Panel)

- Articles module

- Categories

- Profile customizer. Finally the real-deal customizer, for MySpace-like madness on your site. Not all parts are ready yet, but we'll add all the page segments

- OpenSocial support. Administration and integration with builders. Your users now can add any OpenSocial widgets to their profiles

- Spy module

- Facebook connect module

- Albums. This is our joy and pain. We're tweaking them again and again to make 'em great

- Overall modules structure was dramatically improved

- Documentation for all Classes is added.

And the plan is... go out of BETA as soon as possible, but there's NO exact or even approximate date. Starting from today we'll be fixing and polishing, we will not add any new features, unless they are absolutely critical. We will not make any serious structural changes. Bug reports will be duly addressed. Every week or so we'll post the next beta build and once we're really bug-free, we'll proceed to the RC stage.

At the RC stage we'll be updating, which would in turn bring improvements to Dolphin 7. will also run in BETA mode for about a week, before the BIG DAY.

Buckle up, hold your breath, download.

Please login to post a comment.
Thanks Alot - Downloaded & Uploading now
Good job! Thnx guys!
can you please answer to this question boonex:
the beta will be able to upgrade to the final version??? will you provide a patch to pass from beta to final?
No in-between upgrades or patches while we go through Beta and RC stages, sorry.
downloading right now !
I have started a thread over here for discussions regarding bugs for those that are interested. It should hopefully keep things a bit less confusing while sorting through threads since we are supposed to report in Orca and not in the trac. :)
Fantastic, will be getting stuck into this tonight.
Downloaded and now we are going testing in the Netherlands.. :)
after all this long wait .........
we dont get a windows rms ?
Everyone knows you need Linux for a webserver - LOL

(sorry couldn't resist)
no worries ..

Dolphin has always put out a RMS Meida Server for linux and windows at same time with final / Beta / RC stages, it is very strange why this time they did not :(

You guys are the BEST!

Wohooooo :) get the party started :)
Great job guys!
Thanks for the download and documentation links :)
Well, time to roll the sleeves up... I've dedicated the entire day and well into tonite for this. Thank you!
Very nice !!!!!!!!!!
going to try it out tonight......Thanks :)
Thank you very much for the new Dolphin..You guys rock!!

And ummm Houston i told you so..hehehehe
I just can not understand this increasing fields in profiles' fields. In Dolphin 6.1.x there were about 20+ fields to fill out but in this version there are almost 50!!!!!!!!! Nobody is really interested filling out so many fileds. Many of those fields could be combined together with and explained in description me field. When I look for a friend, I don't give a damn about book, web and so on ..
You can remove it from the profile fields builder.. You can make it what you want :)
Finally!!! Was waiting for this day from long time .. Thanks a lot Boonex !!!
Stupid question i know, but cant i upgrade my previous site to dolphin 7 as the download is just for a fresh install?
this release is not for a production site. im sure there will be a DIFF set out when we get the release for production.i would suspect that we will get an upgrade patch from 6.1.6 to 7.0

it's BETA just for testing
Why people don't read the blogs before doing anything.... pffffffff
So confused, there is no photo management, many things lok like they are missing...will delete and reinstall again.
Go to Administration Panel -> Tools -> Modules and you will see the list of modules which you may want to install.
Bye Balle Balle...!!

Take my Thanks even before Downloading...!!
FWIW - Pagebuilder is not working at all. Will not let you even test the Page building functions. So, basically a "just out of the box" install experience.
I feel like missing half of the admin panel. For example, how can i make memberships?

And why not just simple couple profiles, now i have 2 profiles for 1 couple. My members never gonna understand this...

Conclusion so far, frontend looks very good for users. Backend is a mess...
you have to enable the modules. the script will do the install and sql injection for you. you then manage those modules from the extensions area of the admin panel.

I know... but general settings...

Like where can i manage my memberships for example...
Hello ... 4 is the time that I install beta: (but do not mistake me saying username and pas in the admin panel and the home of the website gives me this error ..............Found error in the file '/home/danilo/public_html/beta/inc/' at line 419.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:

[1] => Array
[file] => /home/danilo/public_html/beta/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php
[line] => 232
see more [function] => error
[class] => BxDolDb
[type] => ->
[object] => BxDolDb Object

Plz specify in what page you see this error?
I'm about to unwrap my present now. I have a feeling I'll have blurry vision in about 8 hours. Thanks so much, and I'll definitely posting any bugs I find. I want to help make this great.
many menu items are missing, videos, blogs, chat, photos, during join it asks for a photo, but then photo does not show, and no management for the photo. Seems to have alot of things missing.

Seems you didn't install "Avatar" module. We'll make installation of necessary modules during package setup process.
So are we going to be able to upgrade 6.x to 7.x????
Geez another testing download. When are we going to get the REAL thing Boonex? This is such a dissapointment. All this hype about a release that is not functionable is wrong!
same here, ive been holding off updating my site for this!
Obviously a late night for you guys, up burning the midnight oil (again).

Great job in getting this out, will install it tonight and take it for a test drive.

Well done.

Also you state you will release new Beta versions each week will they be upgradable from the prev week version?
Thanks from New Zealand. This is the start of the new Dolphin 7. Its looking good.
WoOoOoW Great .. you're the best really

thank you ... I'm downloading :)

Installation was easy, up and running in 30 minutes...RMS was even easier...Great Job!!..The front end seems to be just fine..however the dashboard page blocks doesn't seem to be working. Thats the major bug i've found so far. will post when I find more. check it out
Nice work! I spent the '80s and half the '90s on Whidbey and the pic of the passage under the Deception Pass bridge made me homesick. Thought I'd be there until I died, but my ex abducted the kids after a few years of being Mr. Mom, and so now I'm in Austin, Texas where I just became a grandpa... thanks for stirring the memories!!

I have installed the D7 A17 version, do I need to delete this one and reinstall the D7 B1 version or just upload the D7 B1 files?

Anyway, it's a great job done.

Yes, you need to install D7 B1 from zero.
i can't finish install D7 beta1 on my localhost..
i always got "Next directories have inappropriate permissions:inc;" on final step..

no matter i change 777,755 or 666,644,444 to /inc folder...

what should i do??
Are you changing the file permission through the FTP? I changed the file permission through my control panel on my web host and it worked.
Did the same for me the FTP permissions wouldn't change correctly, changing the permission through cpanal fixed the issue for me.
hi,no i didn't use ftp..
i use chmod -v 755 command on my localhost...

what's the corrected permission?? should be 755 right??
Managed to install it on the plane on the way to work this morning (hope I get a prize for highest installation).

Anyhows... Installation went without a hitch - was 110% easier then previous installation experience - WELL DONE.

General observations are that it looks pretty good - will post initial bugs / comments in forum thread / bug tracker.

Good Job guys (Buy yourself a beer from me ;) )

Is there a SEO improvement ? I'm talking on different keywords and descriptions for each page, or for each article ?

I see that the general interest of you is regarding almost entirely the layout or things like that, but WHAT'S THE USE OF A BEAUTIFUL SITE THAT NO ONE FINDS ON GOOGLE ? because of pooooooooooooor SEO on the platform
Definately need much better seo optimization. I am so tired of all the same pages having the same info in google. In some cases this can even cause negative results to a site in google. Since the world revolves around google, I would like to think that this would be one of the for sure imporvements.
Trying to install to my domain
I get the error:
get_magic_quotes_gpc is Off, enable it
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.

Please help me on how to fix this
Thanks came right my host helped me enable it
edit your php.ini file

this line:

magic_quotes_gpc Off

make it:

magic_quotes_gpc On
i installed dolphin 7 this morning...its installed ok.
i tested some features.
1. videos embedding not working.(can we embedd youtube videos)
2. after uploading videos&songs they r showing 0 sec duration....

am testing ...........
YES !! Some stuff to play with during the weekend :-)
can i know where the music and video files will be stored in server when i upload them?
Check /flash/modules/widget_name/files
can i add files directly in the above specified path?
will they appear in frontend?
Video - no, because it will require flv and mpg converted files and 2 pic files - with .jpg and _small.jpg postfix. And of course string about this file should be added in RayVideoFIles table.
Dide i can upgrade my dolphin to this bete or i can install the beta and then upload my db and media folders?? it can be work? my proyect is a beta too and i will assume the risk but i want to know if this is posible
very nice demo site, im uploading to host now. Thank you!
when i uploaded the files they r not opening instantly.
its saying Error! file not processed
how much time it will take to process?
Convert cron jobs running 1 time per 5 minutes in video and music modules.
can u please tell me how to do that?
cron job for videos and music.
in admin panel
in navigating menu changing menu order is not working.
any body tell me how to change the order of menu items?
can i add files directly in the /flash/modules/widget_name/files path?
will they appear in frontend?
May have to take a sick day today to get a test site up. Can I run the new RMS on different ports so I don't have to stop my current one?
I installed D7 without too much trouble. But now, video uploads seem to work, but then I get "Not Proccessed Yet" errors. And the RMS is not connecting (Using
Hello boonex ... I had a big problem with the D7 .. but now I've passed .. now I have a problem ankora largest ... Many pages in this site gives me the error 404! why? : (Nn capisco ....
Error profile 404 members
Reasons of your trouble - not installed mod_rewrite module
very good
thanks admin
This is NOT Beta 1, this is ALPHA 2 !!!

This so dissapointing, we were not waiting for this !!!

A BETA is an almost complete version that needs debugging, this is not a BETA !!!
I agree, just had my reply deleted within one minute saying the same thing .... I see the state police (admins) are on the scene today :D
Unfortunately this is now a censored site - a few of the moderators Boonex has selected are absolutely horrible - it is extremely disappointing that Boonex has gone in this direction.
Hey guys the sign up function dont work for me... every username i chose it says " please user only latin .... etc .. "
Reason was described here:
Correct this is Alpha 2, and the use of Beta is incorrect which i say confidently for most software developers. Beta 1 naming, scares me as there must be a Beta 2, and so on. As I said before D7 will take until Christmas to complete from looking at Alpha 1. Beta will be finished by September & we will be into RC builds until the end of the year.

I should know how long this takes as some people here know! I do wish Boonex well with Dolphin but a team meeting is in order. I want to see Dolphin see more expand for good reasons and direct friendly competition is needed to help D7 along a good path :)
wtf difference does it make whether it's called alpha or beta? It's not a RC, so what's your problem?
Stop Deleting MY Replies. I am trying to add constructive thoughts your Beta 1 release.
Thank all of you at Boonex.

I know you've all been busting your butts to get this out to a hungry audience & I appreciate it. I'm sure we all do in one way or another but impatience can cloud the senses, hence the negativity.

Been there & done that myself many moons ago ; )

No bug reports from me just yet. Only appreciation for pushing so hard to get this in our hands. I have full confidence that this will be a real gem when it's released in earnest.
Regarding the name Beta - it is correct - Aplha releases are normally not released to the 'public' whereas Beta's are.

There is no definition as to how functional the software actually needs to be.

is there any chance to embedd youtube videos?
its showing add flickr video link....thats not at all useful.
please help me

can u check this. search in videos not working.
embedding videos,photos not at all working.
can u look at this issue.
in the admin panel
page builder not showing anything.
i wanna change the home page ,how to do it?
page block not working
I installed the avatar module but I can't upload a profile picture (or avatar). Profile photos work fine.
can i know where we will get answers for dolphin7 issues?
am asking so many but no one is replying.
can you please answer to this question install:
Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php on line 329
Database connect failed
Mysql error:

Debug backtrace:

[1] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php
[line] => 77
[function] => see more error
[class] => bxdoldb
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Database connect failed
[1] => 1


[2] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php
[line] => 56
[function] => connect
[class] => bxdoldb
[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[3] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/
[line] => 25
[function] => bxdoldb
[class] => bxdoldb
[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[4] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/
[line] => 22
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/

[function] => require_once

[5] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/
[line] => 24
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/

[function] => require_once

[6] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/
[line] => 22
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/

[function] => require_once

[7] => Array
[file] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/admin/modules.php
[line] => 22
[args] => Array
[0] => /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/

[function] => require_once


Called script: /doll/admin/modules.php
Request parameters:

[PHPSESSID] => 4a73b1cad725f83d7ce5dba32de27fe0
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/hosting_users/ok50/www/doll/inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php on line 31

what should i do??
Plz specify - other part of site works fine? May be your Dolphin reached limit of connections to your DB.
Install was easy, a lot better than previous versions. To see all the features you need to activate all the extensions.

Videos don't seems to work. I've only tested uploading FLVs. They will upload but nothing will play.

Chat, Notifications, Status updates, works great and Articles allow you to post up images this time around.

The Search drop down is throwing errors.

There are other issues, but I'm pretty impressed with version 7! Can't wait until the final release.
Video requires now setup Cron Jobs. Because all uploaded files are in pending status and should be converted by Cron launched file.
oh ok. I skipped the Crons setup this time around. Do you remember what they were for D7?
Overrides won't work well neither for the html templates (_sub_header.html -> logo placement change) nor for css (common.css -> body color override)
Where were all the good days were we had *.tpl's to work with and everything was so easier!?
Seems you have enabled cache for template and css files - in this case you should clear files from cache and chace_pulbic directories for working your changes.
I uploaded it, got an error about the file but fixed it, got it "working", then tried to sign in as admin and after clicking submit, it kept going back to the admin log-in page. I don't see a link from the homepage (signed in as admin) to go to the admin panel.
you can login in homepage in dolphin 7,as if you were a simple user, then click on your thumbnail to go to admin panel (or simple go to Will anyone care to give me an answer about the html templates? ...please...?
I was blown away by the release of the beta even though half of the whole suite didn't work. ;)

I'm very impressed with the idea and concept of using FaceBook connect. I myself was thinking of spending a considerable amount of time implanting this feature myself. Overall, the package looks good however I'm surprised to see that the package (unless I've overlooked something) doesn't contain features that allow users to grow their own network.

Let me clarify.
On MySpace or FaceBook across them see more both are features such as bulletins, status updates all though you have support status updates in D7 it's not that all simple to view other user's feeds along with latest feeds in a box like MySpace or FaceBook.

Bulletins are also a nifty feature and a great feature for any social network to have. :)
This not mainly makes Dolphin a better alternative to MySpace but it's what makes a user's network a "user's network" seeing posts and bulletins by there friends.

Why should we have these features?

Because these features along with a lot of features that are already packaged in D7 hold dynamic content. Content that's always changing and updating that's not relying on webmaster(s) to modify.

But overall I like D7!
It has a lot of potential already and I congratulate boonex team on their efforts!
- page builder not Show
- Music Uploaded, Player Error! file not processed
- Video Uploader, Player Error! file not processed

all good!!

my Server FFMPEG Version
D7 Music and Video FFMPEG Version or ??

I like D7!! Error: Video, Music and page builder
work not!! wait!!
Admin --> Builders --> Pages Blocks

not Show!! not Working

Not sure if this has been brought up, my hosting company keeps asking me if there s a way to store all the 'media content' ie: photos, videos, audio files, etc on a seperate server or external hard drive. This would be a huge help in managing all media content loads on the servers and also can speed up the sites as they grow larger and larger. Our site just topped 5000 members and it is already a huge load on the server we are on, so they want to know if it's possible to store that stuff on a different see more server. If not, is it possible to add this to the new update, future updates or the new platform that you are building?
testing the 7beta1 version, I must say pretty neat, apart from a few confusing settings. I'm testing on a shared server without RMS setup yet and still satisfying results and few bugs only.
For example when I want to test the flash scripts and therefore need to register them, but then at the other hand it says that it will expire in 10 days.
Instead of assuming what it means I'm looking forward to hear a word from developers.

Overall a fantastic job that should/will be far better than anything see more available so far.
it is difficult to use DOLPHIN 7 is because there are too many things that do not work. buld page do not work, worl map do not work.
pofffff, it's realy hard.
ok are what someone here just gives me a solution ???
You do understand that this is the first Beta version, don't you?
Is anything being changed/added as far as making language translations easier? I really had a devil of a time with the translations for D6 and could see in the forum that I wasn't the only one. Greetings from Germany.
Can't wait to try it. I'm a newbie, so I'll wait til it's a bit more newbie-friendly (:

Fantastic job!
Do you have another beta version coming out soon?
Hello, there
please answer to this question install:
... install -->Cron Jobs ....
Error.Table'Zen24.sys_options'doesn't exit
Error.Table'Zen24.sys_options'doesn't exit
Error.Table'Zen24.sys_options'doesn't exit
Error.Table'Zen24.sys_options'doesn't exit
(this mesage is a image)
Please! burnning advance!!!
I just want to ask: what about Open ID Project? I can not find it.
When is this v7 going to be released???? anyone know???
Does anyone know when Dolphin 7 will be released
still way too much going wrong with this "final beta"... not even sure where to begin!
still way too much going wrong with this "final beta"... not even sure where to begin!

1) let's start with the most obvious...

all the menu items are showing the table names from the database

2) my admin user is showing up as a member??? why would that ever happen??
This is NOT a final Beta.... it's the first Beta. Pay attention!!!
Its amazing peace of script
I installed it here <a href="">Demo of Boonex 7</a>
you can try it and I will do my best to update it for every version release
I will defenetly buy it
Its amazing peace of script
I installed it here

you can try it and I will do my best to update it for every version release
I will defenetly buy it
sorry i wrote wrong link
the correct one is
I got install problem is the install/sql/v70.sql correct?
My uploaded video and sound files are not found.
Please Help me.
really great work...but cannot find video chat module. Also dont know how to install RMS to get A/V chat working properly..
Also there is only one payment gateway...cant we have any more? I mean Zombaio or something else...
We need polish version dolphin ( translation) , is sombody help me ?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.