phpBB integration into Dolphin
/forum/ directory - this directory holds the forum script. phpBB script was integrated for the package.
If you want to use phpBB script on your site you need to install them before approving profiles.
Download latest version of phpBB and upload it to your site/forum directory
Then install the forum (you need to install the script to the same DB with dolphin script)
PhpBB install instructions (Flash tutorial )
Instructions to modules integration:
- download latest version of these scripts at for phpBB;
- upload them to forum directory they are included in Dolphin package) respectfully;
- run installation;
- delete index.html files from forum directory;
- upload necessary intermediary module. Intermediary modules are files that were developed for each integrated script to make it compatible with Dolphin.
Intermediary modules are stored in the Dolphin script in the /modules directory (phpbb.aemod - module for phpBB)
You should download necessary file to your local PC (if you do not have a local back-up copy) and upload it via Admin Panel -> manage modules panel (this way it will be uploaded to your database). Do not forget to click the "Refresh" button after you load the file.
- configure database if phpBB was installed to separate database from Dolphin . To do this, go to Admin Panel -> manage modules and make the following changes:
- press Configure for phpBB
- make appropriate changes:
$mods['phpbb']['ModuleDirectory'] = 'forum/'; - forum directory
$mods['phpbb']['Database']['TablePrefix'] = 'phpbb_';
$mods['phpbb']['Database']['Host'] = $db['host']; - host for your database
$mods['phpbb']['Database']['Name'] = $db['db']; name of the database
$mods['phpbb']['Database']['Username'] = $db['user']; name of the database user
$mods['phpbb']['Database']['Password'] = $db['passwd']; password of the database user
- press Update;
Enjoy your forum.
We recommend that you disable registration in forum this way in order to use your forum, visitors will have to register at your dating site to use them. To do this for phpBB
apply the following modification: