Making Dolphin Retina-Display-Ready

Andrew Boon posted 30th of March 2012 in News. 23 comments.

The latest iPad is creating huge waves in web-design community. It's hard to look past the fact that it is selling like hotcakes and websites all over the web look like a weird combination of blurry-smudgy images and razor-sharp texts. This is the start of an inevitable shift in technology - we're about to say "Good bye!" to pixels. 


The difference of perception when using high-DPI displays compared to standard screens is so striking that computer manufacturers will just have to either embrace the technology or expect sales bleeds, so it is only a matter of one-two model generation upgrades before high-DPI becomes a norm.


Challenge for content, software and hardware.

Pixel-dense displays bring a slew of challenges. First, naturally, content has to be available in higher-resolution. Second, software has to account for combination of high and low resolution content serving, loading time, scaling and zooming. And third, hosting and ISP infrastructure will have to deal with increased bandwidth. 


Software is our trade and we're going to deal with whatever needs to be done to make Dolphin-based websites look their best on "retina" displays. The challenge is not an easy one, however. There're no hard and proved ways to approach web-design for high-DPI. We are experimenting and learning from our own mistakes. 


Dolphin 8 HD

Just a few interesting 'comparison' screens to demonstrate the progress so far...


1. Large Images

This is a closeup of two similar Dolphin 8 Launcher icons as viewed on iPad 3 "retina" display. Note how the silhouette headshot at the very bottom does't even look like a man in headphones on the left icon. This is the most obvious challenge and solution - images need to be available in 4x the resolution from now on. The image is intentionally zoomed in, because you're likely looking at it on your "old-fart" screen now. The difference, however, is just as pronounced when you see it at 100% magnification on the new iPad.



2. Small Icons

It gets even more tricky with small icons. They are often displayed as a visual-aid near texts, and in many cases they are "zoomed in" by viewers. This may turn even high-resolution icons into smudgy mess. We are taking the route of using vector icons loaded as icon-web-fonts instead. The effect on iPad display is stunning. 

As a bonus, this approach allows additional flexibility in controlling icon styles, colours and sizes dynamically without losing quality.


3. Interface elements.

It used to be so easy to make fancy switchers and buttons using images. Forget that. Now is the time to embrace HTML5 and do some inventive "drawing". Resulting elements look sharp and sleek at any level of magnification, and hence on any kind of display.

See how we're using image-free buttons, on-off switches and sorting arrows. They look like images, but they are in fact vector fonts and CSS objects. You may also note how low-res icon (Premium) is losing ground compared to hi-res (Copper).


4. Trickery

It a fun time! We will now see numerous tricks that help to make things look right. We'll see inventive combinations of raster graphics, web fonts, SVGs, CSS hacks and javascript. Rest assured that Dolphin 8 is going to be at the forefront - sexy and elegant, as it should be.


Stay tuned!

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Very nice and well done! Just one recommendation to make.. it would be a lot nicer to have one single icon style throughout the site/admin panel.. (perhaps something monochrome/minimal) what I see there are just some random styled icons.. especially on the image from "small icons".

Oh just remembered, I have this question on my mind all the time, yet I always forget to ask.. is there any raw estimation on the alpha/beta version release of D8?
really fascinating info, andrew. I learn so much just from your articles here on dolphin, and you are a damn good communicator.
Cool, thanks for the inside look into the future :-)

BoonEx rules :-) I love it!
Is this going to be a problem for my site to have since my site was built using D7? Is Boonex making it so all the sites that were built with D7 can upgrade to D8? If not, how do I get my site retina-display ready? I spent a lot of money building my site using D7, I can't just start over. I hope a solution has been thought up. Please let us know (people who built sites using D7).
Andrew Boon
D7 will live on. We plan a few updates and among other improvements we will surely work on retina-dispaly compatibility for D7. D7 is and will remain a safe investment, since it will take quote some time for D8 to catch up in functionality, and more importantly - it will serve somewhat different set of goals.
Andrew Boon
p.s. When saying "D7 updates" I mean not just marginal fixes, but feature, design and system improvements. We have major version updates planned - 7.1, 7.2, etc.
Thank you Andrew. I was concerned that D7 might be abandoned for D8 and all the time and effort put into sights made with D7 will be all for nothing when more updated looking sites with more functionality come out using D8. I am glad to see that is not the case and I'm looking forward to the major updates for D7. Thank you and keep up the good work.
As usual, on to the next project before the last one is anywhere near completion. Your track record for continuing development of the previous version is abysmal. Why should we believe it will be any different with 7 as you develop 8?
hi andrew

long time ago im a member of boonex/ i see long time nothing to improve the community script.

why you dont make a appstore like shopify build "only" the base of the community script an other contributer can code some very nice "apps" for the sites.
So make a hosted packed/leasing package so user can build very easy a new niche community and add live addons for few bucks a month

only my idea
We have that.. it's called the "market". There is a link at the top of the page.
Nathan Paton
Apparently people don't know about Dolphin's Store*, either. ;)

*Use the source, Link.
year! you dont understand that....look at: or
hold on here. does this mean as a new member and just building my site. are we going to be able to upgrade to d8?

I mean come on here. dont abandon something continue on with it. what is the purpose of me even continuing on with d7 when the future will pass me by and soon my website will be outdated. Or maybe i dont understand it, but to make it to where we are unable to upgrade to the next level means we are getting caught in the past.

someone explain this d7 to d8 thing, becuase I dont see more understand why the hell cant you simply just keep upgrading dolphin from one version to the next or do we buy a license only to be left behind or buy another one?

concerned customer
I think waiting for dolphin 8 to come out is a bad idea as when it will come out it will be buggy. But dolphin 7 is quite stable now as it already received many bug fixes. You will be able to MIGRATE to dolphin 8 in future if you want.
migrate - meaning start a site with dolphin 8 and pay for a new license and then start over from scratch. or they will allow us to update to dolphin. it seems i bought a license for what will soon become an antique or relic. explain what you mean by migrate and what the cost will be, do i have to purchase another license and start from scratch and then beg my members to move to the other site or simply upload all programming to the new site and then change url facing that site and the members see more simply sign in as nothing happened (this will please me)
lol don't be hyper. You don't need to buy any new licence. The licence is a one time purchase. The migration means that the content will be transferred from your old site (dolphin 7) to new dolphin 8. Everything thing will be migrated. Your users, photos, videos...etc. Atleast this is what i know or believe till now. Boonex please don't break my dream about migration..:)
Andrew Boon
Dolphin licenses will work for D8. No need to buy a new license. As for data migration - depending on module compatibility we will be providing migration tools. Some data might not be up for migration, just because D8 wouldn't have all the D7 features in the beginning. In short - if you want to build a site now - use D7 and don't test D8 later when it comes to see if it suits. We'll be supporting and developing D7 for a long time anyway. It's not going anywhere.
Looks very great the new design when will it be ready and the new version has performance increament because the server i'm using is suffering a lot for heavy load querys.
Nathan Paton
Dolphin 8 has no set release date. It's too early to tell right now, but it is coming along nicely.
well that's the story i'm hearing since July last year :)
Nathan Paton
Yeah, it's going to take a while. Massive re-write of code, plus the continued development of Dolphin 7 (some good stuff is coming in the next release).
Thanks for all your hard work :)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.