Dolphin Mobile 1.6 Available Now + Discount on Prime and Enterprise!

Andrew Boon posted 15th of July 2012 in News. 12 comments.

Updated versions of Dolphin mobile apps are now available for download in Android Play and iTunes. So, you and your site members can download, test and use them on Andoid devices, iPhones, iPods and now iPads!


Dolphin Mobile 1.6 for iOS Preview

Dolphin Mobile 1.6 for Android Preview


Apple iTunes Link

Google Play Link


If you are a Prime License holder, you may also download (through your BoonEx account) and modify the source code for both apps, rebrand them and submit to Google and Apple as your own. 


$100 Discount on Prime and $200 Discount on Enterprise for 4 days!

To celebrate approval of the new mobile apps and to let you get ahold of the updated source code we're offering a short-term discount on Prime and Enterprise licenses. Buy Prime Now for Just $399 or Enterprise for Just $799!

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it will create a special mobile offers, instead of buying "Entreprise or Prime" for it, for those who have a license "permanent" it would be simpler and it would increase the number of person who purchased the license
Andrew Boon
There's now such an option and the cost is $399 for a standalone mobile license ( ), so it makes little sense while this special is on. In some cases (multiple license holders, repeat orders, Prime clients) we may further discount mobile license, but this needs to be pre-negotiated. Feel free to email me to to arrange.
can you please tell us what are fixes and new in 1.6? I know iPad is one. :)
Andrew Boon

Why is it that in the preview I see icons for Articles and Blogs, however in the actual app (after I've install the new IOS version) it's not showing? Is there a switch in the admin to enable it?
cool!! but when will you add the most important feature that every social network got on ios app... the SIGNUP function!!
If you offered the mobile apps for $299, I'd be all over it right now. It is tough to justify $399 for prime when I already have a permanent license, and $399 for the mobile apps is a bit steep for their limited functionality.
Trust me when I say: $399.00 for the mobile app license is a lot cheaper than building the app from scratch. Even with the limited feature sets.
I wonder where to report bugs? So it seems the android don't post status updates to the community
Now Andrew, you KNOW I LOVE the mobile apps. But why you chose to put articles and blogs in before Groups and Events is beyond me.. So my request to you is.. After the release of 7.1 which everyone and myself is anxiously awaiting.. PLEASE add the following to mobile.. Groups, Events, and ability to post to the Timeline..
Timeline, Forums and Events would need to be integrated for the mobile app to have the minimum functionality users would want from mobile access. I am confident the majority of user access would be from a mobile device if these features functioned in the mobile app.

Which version of the mobile app will incorporate at least the Forum?

I must admit that every time I see the mobile app being pitched for a new sales campaign I get excited thinking there must have been actual development on the see more package only to find out that they were merely bug fixes.

It almost seems as if Boonex is trying to see who takes the bait because the current mobile features leave much to be desired and honestly it's just a crappy user experience. One I wouldn't want to subject anyone to at this point.

It sure would be nice to have this answered BEFORE the sale ends tomorrow.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.