compatible compatibility not specified not compatible
Added: 10.05.11
Updated: 07.09.12
Category: Dating
Tags: naked truth, games, friends, questions, friendly, credits, members, fun, answers, esase soft
Support Forum:
This is the greatest application we ever offered to you!
It is an app to keep site members on your website, to have fun and to force them to be back as soon as possible.
Naked Truth load questions about user's friends (funny questions) and opens answers for credits (money) - another way to make money with your site
It appears on the user's account page and if user choose to load application, it is easy to be used - based on AJAX.
User will get a friend's thumbnail with a question related to this friend. A friend will get a notification to his email address with the link to the application and will certainly be interested to check answers about him/her.
In the "ANSWERS about me tab" user has to pay using credits to be able to view who has answerred. (IE. user's thumbnail who answerred questions is hidden to open it, member has to pay )
I developed it as simple as possible and to be useful and friendly.
Main features: (features will be updated from time to time with the new options.
1 Email notification when user answered a question
2 It is based on AJAX completely
3 Site users is able to filters his friends list
4 It is integrated with the credits module and allows to open answers about me for credits
It is easy to translate into any language your site uses
Simple to install and manage.
SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER!This mod comes with myCredits module... Thus, ordering Naked truth for only 40 $ you get two mods in one!!!NOTE PLEASE!!! IT IS A VERY LIMITED OFFER!
Who already have my Сredits module can get Naked truth for 50%... (IE: this module costs only 20 USD for you!!! )
demo on:
test accountis : tester/tester
Very easy to install, fully multilanguages, well integrated wit Esase's Credits system, this module has a clean and nice look too.
You will most probably not need any help for this module, but Esase provides a friendly, fast and efficient support ;-)
God Job ESASE!