scriptologistPopular  2917 (90.6%)

People You May Know

Product isn't selling, further product support and update maybe unavailable.

compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 05.02.10

Updated: 27.06.13

Category: Social

Tags: people you may know, friends of friends, modifications, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - demo1,password - demo1

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Scriptologist. It cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage.

Technical Checklist...

Search for friends of your friends to the last degree level just like Facebook.
- easy remove from the list so that it won't appear as People you may know list - search for friends of your friends of your friends... to the last level - display on the list are options to add the person as friend, send message, and view friends - displays who are your common friends from the listed people you may know list - cool display/delete that uses ajax just like Facebook.
- This is a dolphin module so admin can easily install/uninstall the mod
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Just installed and went very smoothly. Very cool mod!! Thank Scriptologist.
Installed quick and easy. Excellent mod! One step closer to having the best community site on the web. Thanks Scriptologist!
This mod is excellent and very reasonably priced. Works perfect without any issue.
Mark has been a great value to my website. His work and ideas brings life to the site. He was on top of this work and help! I recommend him personally!..And, I am willing to share my experience with him personally..So, I like his work and efforts as they bring value to this community!...
Mark has fixed some issue with our portal very quickly. Now everything works fine. Nice module, works superb!
Emma VPP
his the best and very quick thanks man when it comes to quick his super man of the web cool Mod i give 5 star in all
Stick with vendors with great reputations who's products install without problems, and are compatible with the latest dolphin version and buy this instead

Thank you modzzz
It is incredible!Thank you Scriptologist.

Jut bought the People you may know mod but on install on 7.0.8 we got an incompatibility message. Please refund or suggest a similar compatible module. Usually mods compatible with 7.07 are compatible with 7.0.8 but I suppose this is an exception.

I just updated the mod. Please re-download your copy. Thanks!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.