Okay, her you see the file, i dossent know how this work.
* IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by BoonEx Ltd. and cannot be modified for other than personal usage.
* This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from BoonEx Ltd.
* This notice may not be removed from the source code.
* Current version information.
if(!defined("VERSION")) define("VERSION", "7.0.9");
* Data Base Settings
if(!defined("DB_HOST")) define("DB_HOST", $db['host']);
if(!defined("DB_PORT")) define("DB_PORT", $db['port']);
if(!defined("DB_SOCKET")) define("DB_SOCKET", $db['sock']);
if(!defined("DB_NAME")) define("DB_NAME", $db['db']);
if(!defined("DB_USER")) define("DB_USER", $db['user']);
if(!defined("DB_PASSWORD")) define("DB_PASSWORD", $db['passwd']);
if(!defined("DB_PREFIX")) define("DB_PREFIX", "Ray");
if(!defined("GLOBAL_MODULE")) define("GLOBAL_MODULE", "global");
if(!defined("MODULE_DB_PREFIX")) define("MODULE_DB_PREFIX", DB_PREFIX . ucfirst(empty($sModule) ? '' : $sModule));
* Flash plugin version
$sFlashPlayerVersion = "9.0.0";
* General Settings
* URL and absolute path for the Ray location directory.
$sRootPath = $dir['root'];
$sRootURL = $site['url'];
$sRayHomeDir = "flash/";
$sHomeUrl = $sRootURL . $sRayHomeDir;
$sHomePath = $sRootPath . $sRayHomeDir;
$sRayXmlUrl = $sHomeUrl . "XML.php";
$sFileErrorPath = $sHomePath . "file_error.html";
* Pathes to the system directories and necessary files.
$sModulesDir = "modules/";
$sModulesUrl = $sHomeUrl . $sModulesDir;
$sModulesPath = $sHomePath . $sModulesDir;
$sGlobalDir = "global/";
$sGlobalUrl = $sModulesUrl . $sGlobalDir;
$sGlobalPath = $sModulesPath . $sGlobalDir;
$sFfmpegPath = $sGlobalPath . "app/ffmpeg.exe";
if(is_integer(strpos($sFfmpegPath, " ")))
$sFfmpegPath = '"' . $sFfmpegPath . '"';
$sIncPath = $sGlobalPath . "inc/";
$sDataDir = "data/";
$sDataUrl = $sGlobalUrl . $sDataDir;
$sDataPath = $sGlobalPath . $sDataDir;
$sSmilesetsDir = "smilesets/";
$sSmilesetsUrl = $sDataUrl . $sSmilesetsDir;
$sSmilesetsPath = $sDataPath . $sSmilesetsDir;
* Default smileset name. It has to be equel to the name of some directory in the "smilesets" directory.
* The default path to smilesets directory is [path_to_ray]/data/smilesets
$sDefSmileset = "default";
$sNoImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "no_photo.jpg";
$sWomanImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "woman.gif";
$sManImageUrl = $sDataUrl . "man.gif";
* Integration parameters.
* URL of the site in which Ray is integrated.
$sScriptHomeDir = "";
$sScriptHomeUrl = $sRootURL . $sScriptHomeDir;
* Path to images direcrory
$sImagesPath = $sScriptHomeUrl . "media/images/sharingImages/";
* URL of the profile view page
$sProfileUrl = $sScriptHomeUrl . "profile.php";
The error:
Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/security.inc.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/usr/lib/php:/tmp) in/home/a7580472/public_html/inc/header.inc.php on line 173
Warning: require_once(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/security.inc.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/a7580472/public_html/inc/header.inc.phpon line 173
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/usr/local/apache/htdocs/inc/security.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in/home/a7580472/public_html/inc/header.inc.php on line 173