Yahoo Answers Clone Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 2

12 Nov 2012

please update your products for Dolphin 7.1

12 Nov 2012

I have tried to install Yahoo Answers mod but it says that firstly avatar and sounds module must be installed. There is no message like that for other modules like groups or forum. Actually I don't want to install sounds module since it is useless for my project. Could you please tell me what should I do for not installing this module?

24 Nov 2012

 If you are trying to install on a Dolphin 7.1 site, this mod has not been updated as yet.

I have tried to install Yahoo Answers mod but it says that firstly avatar and sounds module must be installed. There is no message like that for other modules like groups or forum. Actually I don't want to install sounds module since it is useless for my project. Could you please tell me what should I do for not installing this module?


Paypal email is -
24 Nov 2012

This mod is now available for Dolphin 7.1

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14 Dec 2012

Adjustments have been made to fix reported issues with Dolphin 7.1 version. Download again and re-upload all files to your server.

Paypal email is -
22 Dec 2012

search answer get this error:

Database query error
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `modzzz_answers_main` left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`modzzz_answers_main`.`author_id` WHERE 1 AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`lifecycle`) AGAINST ('open') AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`status` ='approved' AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`title`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`tags`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`desc`) AGAINST ('test')
Mysql error:
Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
Found error in the file '/var/www/html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php' at line 506.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.
23 Dec 2012

 See my previous post.

search answer get this error:

Database query error
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `modzzz_answers_main` left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`modzzz_answers_main`.`author_id` WHERE 1 AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`lifecycle`) AGAINST ('open') AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`status` ='approved' AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`title`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`tags`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`desc`) AGAINST ('test')
Mysql error:
Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
Found error in the file '/var/www/html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php' at line 506.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.


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23 Dec 2012

Version 2.1.0 released.

Improvement has been made on the search feature. It now allows searching by parent category. Previously you could only search by sub-category.

Paypal email is -
23 Dec 2012

This product is not compatible with version 7.1.0 the seller writes Requirements: 7.1 but not working i have test it is fantastic up to version 7.0.1 - 7.0.9 stay careful to buy for Dolphin 7.1.0 generates errors and still not updated. I do not understand what the seller wrote Requirements: Dolphin 7.1 this creates confusion, is a big difference between 7.0.1 and 7.1.0 carefully.

29 Jan 2013

There was a problem which occurred only on Servers where PHP short tags is disabled. The issue has been resolved now. You can re-download the product.

This product is not compatible with version 7.1.0 the seller writes Requirements: 7.1 but not working i have test it is fantastic up to version 7.0.1 - 7.0.9 stay careful to buy for Dolphin 7.1.0 generates errors and still not updated. I do not understand what the seller wrote Requirements: Dolphin 7.1 this creates confusion, is a big difference between 7.0.1 and 7.1.0 carefully.


Paypal email is -
30 Jan 2013

Best regards for update


have nice day

8 Feb 2013

Upgrade deleted all my categories and data. was it meant to do that or sumthing went wrong?
17 Feb 2013

 That could only have happened if you performed a re-install of the module.

Upgrade deleted all my categories and data. was it meant to do that or sumthing went wrong?


Paypal email is -
17 Feb 2013

search answer get error


Database query error
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `modzzz_answers_main` left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`modzzz_answers_main`.`author_id` WHERE 1 AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`lifecycle` ='resolved' AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`status` ='approved' AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`title`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`tags`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`desc`) AGAINST ('fete') AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`parent_category_id` ='1'
Mysql error:
Unknown column 'modzzz_answers_main.parent_category_id' in 'where clause'
26 Feb 2013

 You need to apply patch 2.1.0.

search answer get error


Database query error
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `modzzz_answers_main` left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`modzzz_answers_main`.`author_id` WHERE 1 AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`lifecycle` ='resolved' AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`status` ='approved' AND MATCH(`modzzz_answers_main`.`title`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`tags`, `modzzz_answers_main`.`desc`) AGAINST ('fete') AND `modzzz_answers_main`.`parent_category_id` ='1'
Mysql error:
Unknown column 'modzzz_answers_main.parent_category_id' in 'where clause'


Paypal email is -
28 Feb 2013

this error is from: version 2.1.0 by fresh install

3 Mar 2013

 Download the mod again and apply patch 2.1.0 and your problem will be solved.

this error is from: version 2.1.0 by fresh install


Paypal email is -
3 Mar 2013

there is issues with answers for 7.1 ...

users are able to edit someones question even if it's not allowed ...

Please provide patch -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
23 Aug 2013

Edit: the issue is actually with users being able to  edit answers given by users even if set to not allow ... can we have patch please ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
26 Aug 2013

Version 2.1.1 released. (See patches/version_2.1.1 folder in zip file)

Fixed issue with member access to editing answers.

Paypal email is -
27 Aug 2013

Hello, there seems to be some bugs with questions ...

At times when members at questions with image, the image shows on outline but not the question. If you don't upload image with question it shows on outline.

Another problem is when trying to submit question with image the page takes a while to load and ends up landing on a user profile ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
28 Aug 2013

continued from above ^^^

There is issue also with the questions on outline ... It shows 'Fans' there:- -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
28 Aug 2013

Unable to replicate the outline issue. Show me an example on your site. The issue where the image takes a while to load is most likely due to the image being too big. The Answers mod does not handle the upload of the image, this is handled by the default Photo module.

Hello, there seems to be some bugs with questions ...

At times when members at questions with image, the image shows on outline but not the question. If you don't upload image with question it shows on outline.

Another problem is when trying to submit question with image the page takes a while to load and ends up landing on a user profile ...


Paypal email is -
30 Aug 2013

 Problem solved. Re-upload this folder : modules\modzzz\answers\templates

continued from above ^^^

There is issue also with the questions on outline ... It shows 'Fans' there:-


Paypal email is -
30 Aug 2013

Hello, Sorry  I put it wrong in prior post ...

The issue is when users add a image with questionr >> most times it does not show with question and will upload instead as separate image (in photos) ... The question shows the standard question mark image and does not show on the Outline BUT the image you tried to upload with question shows only.

If you add a question without image there is no issue and it shows on outline ok ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
2 Sep 2013

As confirmed in your other forum posts, this is a general issue you are having with your site and specific to this module.

Hello, Sorry  I put it wrong in prior post ...

The issue is when users add a image with questionr >> most times it does not show with question and will upload instead as separate image (in photos) ... The question shows the standard question mark image and does not show on the Outline BUT the image you tried to upload with question shows only.

If you add a question without image there is no issue and it shows on outline ok ...


Paypal email is -
10 Sep 2013

Is there a way to add an box for "closed" questions on the Answers Home?

I have a lot of closed questions on my website, but no new/recent questions. As such, my Answers home page looks blank.

I'd like a box below open questions, where I can display 5-10 of the most recent closed questions (or whatever number I choose) for visitors/members to browse thru.


answers-home-page.png · 35.4K · 408 views
15 May 2015

 Ok, I will look into that.

Is there a way to add an box for "closed" questions on the Answers Home?

I have a lot of closed questions on my website, but no new/recent questions. As such, my Answers home page looks blank.

I'd like a box below open questions, where I can display 5-10 of the most recent closed questions (or whatever number I choose) for visitors/members to browse thru.



Paypal email is -
15 May 2015

For the Answers mod, version 2.1.2 released. (See patches/version_2.1.2 folder in zip file)

Removed all references to "modzzz" from the URL.

Added "Ask a Question" option to the homepage block.

Added "Closed Questions" block to the Answers main page block.

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10 Jun 2015

Version 2.1.3 released. (See patches/version_2.1.3 folder in zip file)

Improved the ability for guests to answer questions.

Paypal email is -
13 Aug 2015

This module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

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9 Sep 2015


1. Is there a way to place the "Question" and "Categories" on  the main page and allow Guests to ask questions?

2. There is a Question box on the front "index.php" page, yet only members can post questions, is there a way for guests to post question?

I have looked for a place to change this permission, but cannot find it.

3. Is there a way to place new categories in its proper place in alphabetical order?

Thank You,


Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC)
19 Oct 2015

There is a problem with language key, I don't know what to put into language file

member menu.png · 71.5K · 394 views
23 Oct 2015

_modzzz_answers_answers_single = Answers

I have added the missing string the the mod so you can update your files and then recompile language for the module.

There is a problem with language key, I don't know what to put into language file


Paypal email is -
25 Oct 2015



1. Is there a way to place the "Question" and "Categories" on  the main page and allow Guests to ask questions?

RESPONSE : Please indicate which page you mean by 'main page'. Is it the module front page or the site index page ?

2. There is a Question box on the front "index.php" page, yet only members can post questions, is there a way for guests to post question?

RESPONSE : Look in the membership settings for the action 'answers add question'. You can activate this action for non-members.

3. Is there a way to place new categories in its proper place in alphabetical order?

RESPONSE : Download again and re-upload the module files.

Paypal email is -
25 Oct 2015

Help... When checking individual Question Asked, the My Questions "USER'S QUESTIONS"

always is empty.

It states there are 3 question in the My Question and when clicked, there is nothing again.

All there is is the main Question Area. 

How do I fix this?

Thank you

Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC)
6 Nov 2015

I am not able to replicate this problem in a test environment. Send me a PM with your site details so I can check it out.

Help... When checking individual Question Asked, the My Questions "USER'S QUESTIONS"

always is empty.

It states there are 3 question in the My Question and when clicked, there is nothing again.

All there is is the main Question Area. 

How do I fix this?

Thank you


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6 Nov 2015

An update is made to the mod so that Questions will be displayed no matter what stage of the lifecycle they are in. The following file is updated :


Paypal email is -
7 Nov 2015

Where do we get the updated file?


Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC)
7 Nov 2015

 By re-downloading the module.... however your site has the updates already.

Where do we get the updated file?



Paypal email is -
8 Nov 2015

I have made quite a bit more changes to the module to increase usability. Re-upload the module files and re-compile language for the module.

Paypal email is -
8 Nov 2015


I have made quite a bit more changes to the module to increase usability. Re-upload the module files and re-compile language for the module.


Do we download the files from here and then re-upload them and recompile?

Authors Bag Portal is a Crowd Sourcing Collaboration (CSC)
8 Nov 2015

 Yes, but all of these changes are already applied to your site.


I have made quite a bit more changes to the module to increase usability. Re-upload the module files and re-compile language for the module.


Do we download the files from here and then re-upload them and recompile?


Paypal email is -
10 Nov 2015

How do I reduce the white spaces to the left & right of no-image-thumb in the page blocks?

Updated to dolphin v7.2.1, evo theme.

Image attached.


modzzz-answers-white-spaces.jpg · 76.7K · 396 views
20 Nov 2015

You can fill the space by resizing modules\modzzz\answers\templates\base\images\no-image-thumb.png to 240 * 240. Currently it is showing the Dolphin 7.1 size of 140 * 140


If you definitely want to reduce the space, you will have to make a number of other corresponding adjustments.

1) You will have to adjust the size of generated thumbnails from 240px to 140px, This is done in the Photos module and will also affect other modules that have photos.

2) You will have to modify the bx-twig-unit-thumb-cont style class found in templates\base\css\twig.css and change the width from 240 to 140.

How do I reduce the white spaces to the left & right of no-image-thumb in the page blocks?

Updated to dolphin v7.2.1, evo theme.

Image attached.



Paypal email is -
22 Nov 2015

Quick question.

When Answers are posted on Timeline, I've noticed that when there are comments in the section below answers to questions, it attributes the comment to me, not the person actually commenting. (attached).

How can we attribute the comment to the right member or guest (anonymous)?

answers-comment-attributed-to.png · 65.5K · 418 views
30 Jan 2016

An update has been made to properly attribute guests to comment posts. Re-upload module files and recompile the language for the module.

Paypal email is -
30 Jan 2016

in your demo site:

When a member ask a question, is it ok to post without add "Tags"?

Walter -
12 Jan 2017

I have updated the module so Tags is no longer compulsory.

When a member ask a question, is it ok to post without add "Tags"?


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12 Jan 2017
13 Jan 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.