Ultimate Points Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 4

28 Jan 2014

 You can get this done as a custom job, PM me if interested.

Hello Modzzz .. is it possible to have badges awarded when people hit point levels ?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
28 Jan 2014

@presscon - Go to the Admin section for the mod and you will see the tab to manage levels.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
28 Jan 2014

 This still isn't working.

 On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings..


I was hoping to buy another couple of modules but am frustrated at the continued non-function of this one from the admin panel.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
15 Feb 2014

Did you re-download the mod recently and re-upload the files to your server ? There is no such issue with the latest copy of the mod.

 This still isn't working.

 On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings..


I was hoping to buy another couple of modules but am frustrated at the continued non-function of this one from the admin panel.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Feb 2014

I did.


The 2.1.5 patch.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
15 Feb 2014

Any ideas why this is still not working for me?

I followed the Read Me notes in 2.1.5 patch.... but nothing.

Do I need to upload all files (not just those mentioned in the patch)?

Or did I need to do 2.1.4 patch first?

What did you have to correct to get it to work, maybe I can start from there?

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
22 Feb 2014

Every patch released must be applied. Therefore if you have version 2.1.3 and version 2.1.5 is the latest you should apply 2.1.4. then 2.1.5. If you did not apply 2.1.4 you need to do so now.

Also, re-download the mod and re-upload all files to your server.

Any ideas why this is still not working for me?

I followed the Read Me notes in 2.1.5 patch.... but nothing.

Do I need to upload all files (not just those mentioned in the patch)?

Or did I need to do 2.1.4 patch first?

What did you have to correct to get it to work, maybe I can start from there?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
23 Feb 2014

POINT VALUE: Can you please clarify for me...

When managing actions, you have the mod name and under that, its associated actions.

Beside each action you have the point value and beside that the limit.

For the limit - what does that number mean? Is it the allowed number of actions per month...?

27 Feb 2014

@shannypoo - Limit is the maximum amount of Points a member can earn from a particular action per day. Zero is interpreted as unlimited.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 Mar 2014

OH that's perfect thanks!!

A bonus would be if you could set a limit for the total points a member can earn per day, including all actions/activity on the site!!

@shannypoo - Limit is the maximum amount of Points a member can earn from a particular action per day. Zero is interpreted as unlimited.


3 Mar 2014

Tried contacting you several times but no reply  Cry

How do I set up the auto membership to upgrade to the membership level I want?

Also, How do I edit the different levels I've created? It seems that once they are created you can not edit them?

4 Mar 2014

Go to the administration section for the module - http://www.yoursite.com/m/point/administration/

There is a tab called Auto Membership that allows you to set up the Point values for your various memberships. This feature is only available if you have some membership levels already setup.

There is also a tab called Manage Levels. Select the Level you want from the drop down box, make the changes to it then click the "Edit" button.

Tried contacting you several times but no reply  Cry

How do I set up the auto membership to upgrade to the membership level I want?

Also, How do I edit the different levels I've created? It seems that once they are created you can not edit them?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Mar 2014

I do have membership levels already set up including a custom level but this does not show up in the 'Auto Membership' section.

The manage levels tabs does shows the different levels in the drop down box but when I select one, it does not load on the screen and there is no edit button.

4 Mar 2014

@callum - Issues were resolved.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Mar 2014

Hey Modzzz,

I have deleted my old site and started a new one. I have just installed the Points mod and in my manage actions is all smashed together? I have had that before but was never really concerned because i had all your mods and points configured. But this time I just started to install the mods and the manage actions is already smashed up. So all I can think of is it is having a conflict with some other setting I must have done. Only thing I really did different is in the SVN I added the site_customize and the java for uninstalling the mods I have installed.

I will PM you the Site info and logins.. Thank you for your help..

11 Mar 2014

I cannot figure it out so will not add the rest of the sqlpoints.php files until I can.. To hard to read and fill things out..

12 Mar 2014

Besides the above problem I am having and no help. In the Membership upgrade page there is missing Language key.  _modzzz_points I tried to add it but I can't seem to get it to work either.

14 Mar 2014

Thanks Modzzz, I see that you fixed all my problems. Great work..

14 Mar 2014

I'm so confused over this part...

I have 2 membership levels... Standard (free with no expiration date) and Gold (Paid and expires after 365 days).

I want memberships to be upgraded to Gold status (length varies according to points) automatically when a member reaches a certain level of points. 

How should my settings be configured so that both standard members get upgraded and gold members have their membership increased?

6 Apr 2014

 Thanks for the clarification (and your patience). Now I see the 'Manage Actions' interface in admin has changed and I can start having some fun with this.


Every patch released must be applied. Therefore if you have version 2.1.3 and version 2.1.5 is the latest you should apply 2.1.4. then 2.1.5. If you did not apply 2.1.4 you need to do so now.

Also, re-download the mod and re-upload all files to your server.

Any ideas why this is still not working for me?

I followed the Read Me notes in 2.1.5 patch.... but nothing.

Do I need to upload all files (not just those mentioned in the patch)?

Or did I need to do 2.1.4 patch first?

What did you have to correct to get it to work, maybe I can start from there?



TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
16 Apr 2014

I don't know what's happened but since I upgraded, the Member Points block no longer shows up on the profile page _modzzz_point_block_profilepage but it does on the account page _modzzz_point_block_acountpage.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
18 May 2014

Ignore that, the issue seems to be with Profile Blocks.

Maybe something happened during AntonLV's 'Profile Composer' upgrade.


TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
18 May 2014

I have not been able to use this module since I bought it in December 2013! I have 2 membership levels... Standard (free with no expiration date) and Gold (Paid and expires after 365 days). If a member reaches a certain level of points, I want the member to automatically be upgraded to Gold status from Standard status; or if the member already has Gold status I want their membership to be automatically extended. This module can not do this. This omission needs to be corrected.

5 Jul 2014

I want it to work a little different than callum does, but I'm not sure how exactly to set it up.


I want a member to voluntarily be able to purchase  60 days of Premium Membership for 100,000 points but I'm not sure how to set this up or if its even possible.  I do not want it to be automatic.

If a Member chooses to make the purchase they should be upgraded immediately from Standard (the only other membership level avail to my users).  If they are already a Premium Member, the 60 days should be added to the end of their existing term.


Is this doable?

yes, I searched before asking....
27 Sep 2014

Hello Modzzz,

I was wondering. Is it possible to charge points for viewing videos? Not looking at the thumbnail but to really play the video.

25 Dec 2014

No, it is not possible to determine when the video is being played separately from the video page being viewed.

Hello Modzzz,

I was wondering. Is it possible to charge points for viewing videos? Not looking at the thumbnail but to really play the video.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
25 Dec 2014

But we can set up charge points for viewing?

25 Dec 2014

No, the Points mod was not designed to be a revenue earner for the site. It is focused more on rewarding members for participation. I have a Credits module for the purpose of revenue earning.

But we can set up charge points for viewing?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
25 Dec 2014

Ok cool.. Thank you.. Just bought credits and the converter.. Will message you later about them.. Thank you Modzzz.

25 Dec 2014

Hi Modzzz, this is the code I used for the service call.

bx_import('BxDolService'); return BxDolService::call('point', 'profile_block', array($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID));

Thanks in advance.

10 Feb 2015

@mars89 - You will also need to make some code adjustment. That service call presently can only work on the Profile page. See code change below to allow the function to be used elsewhere :

In modules/modzzz/point/classes/BxPointModule.php

Find :


function serviceProfileBlock ($iProfileId) {

Replace with :


function serviceProfileBlock ($iProfileId=0) {

    $iProfileId = ($iProfileId) ? $iProfileId : getLoggedId();

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Feb 2015

Hi Modzzz,

Your solution worked perfectly thanks a lot for all your support, and your great products Smile   

11 Feb 2015

How are the 'Available Levels' in m/point/membership supposed to be sorted?


In m/credit/membership they're sorted by Membership Level order (which makes sense)......

But, in points, the ordering doesn't look right.


Screenshot attached.

Membership.jpg · 236.8K · 815 views
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
19 Feb 2015

OK, it seems we're looking at sys_acl_level_prices and need to sort by price.

I changed the first five rows in the table manually, to keep the order right, and it seems to have worked. Also, changed a couple of images on the levels, so don't let that throw you.

Points.jpg · 144K · 827 views
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
20 Feb 2015

Have a question about the difference with how the Membership point level and the Auto membership works.

I understand the Auto membership as it would automatically upgrade your MS level once you reach that level of points allocated to that MS level if they wish to upgrade as I would presume that once the required amount of points has been reached it would offer an option to upgrade using there points. (option being the key word here) CORRECT? This Auto Membership option can be turned on/off in settings. That's all good and self explanatory.

BUT this leaves the Membership option which displays the points needed to obtain/reach the next level named (Available Levels). Does this automatically upgrade a member who reaches that level (point wise) or are they given an option (again key word) to purchase that level once they reach the required amount of points for that level?

The reason for that question is, if it automatically upgrades them to that next level, What's the point of having the option to turn on/off the auto Membership option in settings if the other one does it automatically anyway.

I am hoping it offers them a choice as to whether they want to upgrade or not in both instances as I would like myself as a member if my account automatically used up my points to upgrade me to an account I didn't want especially if I was aiming at using those points to purchase other products within the site. This is why the word OPTION is the key word for both here.

Other than that so far it's a great mod with plenty of great features.

4 Apr 2015

@phil1ooo - Auto membership are deals with the dolphin membership system so it is different from the Membership point level. The Point Level system is just for bragging rights currently. I will consider adding the option where members can choose whether they want to auto-upgrade or not.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 May 2015

This is one of the first mods I wanted to install with 7.2.0 and can't seem to find the snippets to rectify the problems with shoutbox, unjoin action and deleting the avatar.


Did boonex fix those bugs in this version, or are they still an issue and I just can't find them?

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
9 Sep 2015

Points Module - This is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Sep 2015


This is one of the first mods I wanted to install with 7.2.0 and can't seem to find the snippets to rectify the problems with shoutbox, unjoin action and deleting the avatar.


Did boonex fix those bugs in this version, or are they still an issue and I just can't find them?

 Boonex didn't fix those bugs yet, but I was able to identify the snippets to be replaced using notepad. Dreamweaver couldn't find any of the three, go figure.


Thanks for providing the fixes for those!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
19 Sep 2015

Adding or editing levels doesn't seem to work, receive an SQL error when attempting to add a new level

28 Sep 2015

An issue with adding/editing levels has been resolved. Re-upload the modules/modzzz/point/classes folder.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
29 Sep 2015

Hey Modzzz,

I am having an issue with the points and levels. Ok, I am using the bouncer level for admin and crew of the site.

If I set up freshman to make 5 points for adding anything(Lets say ads). And also click the checkbox for Update All Levels. All levels update to 5 points. Now I do not want the Bouncer to make any points because that is there job. If I change just the Bouncer and NOT click the checkbox for all levels. All levels still change to 0.

No matter what I change it still changes all levels. It is like only having one level but different names?

Thank you very much for any kind of help I can get on this..

10 Oct 2015

Points Module - Patch 2.1.6 Released. (See patches/version_2.1.6 folder in zip file)

Fixes various issues with levels.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Oct 2015

hi i have issue

 i am not sure what i hve to add in Alert Unit




not sure why your mod has all this


and my site don't

3 Nov 2015

 i can anyone advise me how to do setup of each action, so points get added or deducted. 



hi i have issue

 i am not sure what i hve to add in Alert Unit




not sure why your mod has all this


and my site don't


3 Nov 2015

Two reported issues have been fixed. Please re-upload the files for this module.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Nov 2015

Please see attached for problem I'm having with the 11.13.15 update. When I couldn't get anything to display on the Point Activities page, I did a fresh install of Dolphin 7.21 in one test directory and another fresh install for 7.1.6 with a previous version of Ultimate Points. 


Not sure if this is relevant, but both  config files say they are version 2.1.5 with the only difference between the two showing up in WinMerge is the title.


How do I fix this so I can use this mod with the latest version of Dolphin?

points-mod.jpg · 73.9K · 446 views
config-compare.jpg · 102.2K · 457 views
7.3.5 with responsive UNI
24 Nov 2015

@sbg101 - The version number is unrelated to the general functionality of the module. I have corrected it now. PM me your site login so I can take a look.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Nov 2015

Points Module - Patch 2.1.7 Released. (See patches/version_2.1.7 folder in zip file)

Modified action adding functionality.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 Dec 2015
5 Jan 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.