Ultimate Points Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 3

9 Feb 2013

 I reran the sqlpoints for Resume, I do see the options and yet I the actions I have set do not give me points. Is there something else that needs to be done?

Also now that i uninstalled and reinstalled the Points Mod, I cannot see the Resume Points Or the Job on the Manage Action in the Admin or on site. What do I need to do to fix that please?

Do i have to run sqlpoints for Job and Resume again?


9 Feb 2013

 You also need to clear cache.

 I reran the sqlpoints for Resume, I do see the options and yet I the actions I have set do not give me points. Is there something else that needs to be done?

Also now that i uninstalled and reinstalled the Points Mod, I cannot see the Resume Points Or the Job on the Manage Action in the Admin or on site. What do I need to do to fix that please?

Do i have to run sqlpoints for Job and Resume again?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 Feb 2013

 Thank you, that worked.

 You also need to clear cache.

 I reran the sqlpoints for Resume, I do see the options and yet I the actions I have set do not give me points. Is there something else that needs to be done?

Also now that i uninstalled and reinstalled the Points Mod, I cannot see the Resume Points Or the Job on the Manage Action in the Admin or on site. What do I need to do to fix that please?

Do i have to run sqlpoints for Job and Resume again?




9 Feb 2013

When a member deletes a comment in Coupons, points get deducted, not when he/she adds. Privacy is set to Public and Comment On A Coupon is active. Any ideas what i need to look at?

9 Feb 2013

 Are you saying that they do not get Points when they post Coupon comments ?

When a member deletes a comment in Coupons, points get deducted, not when he/she adds. Privacy is set to Public and Comment On A Coupon is active. Any ideas what i need to look at?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 Feb 2013

 Yes, started fresh with brand new member. When I commented on Jobs/Coupons No points were awarded. yes when I deleted those same comments, points were deducted. Comments on listing were awarded points. Advise what i should be looking at.


 Are you saying that they do not get Points when they post Coupon comments ?

When a member deletes a comment in Coupons, points get deducted, not when he/she adds. Privacy is set to Public and Comment On A Coupon is active. Any ideas what i need to look at?



9 Feb 2013

FYI. In the Jobs section the description for points given for an action is incorrect. They have been transposed.

A) It reads 'Comment Left On Your Directory Listing' Should actually be 'Comment Left On A Directory Listing'


B) 'Comment Left On A Directory Listing' Should be 'Comment Left On Your Directory Listing' 

The reason being when I Activated B (since in my case A is not applicable on my site) a member that left a comment got no points. So after trying numerous times, I decided to Activate A and Deactivate B, it worked perfectly.

Please try it and see. Perhaps this issue exists throughout? I too will check.

Some of the wording is a little tricky to understand. Where can I modify the text for this mod?

So the matching display description is also incorrect.

Please advise,

EDIT** - Yep it seems to be the same for the mods i have. Kindly advise where to fix the text so it reflects correctly.

9 Feb 2013

In the Points History Page, would it not be a good idea to keep a total points at the bottom of the page?

9 Feb 2013

Regarding Favourites, I only see it in the Listings mod, when I activate it in admin and click on Fav on one of the Listings, No Points awarded to the member. I don't quite understand this Favourite anyway. Any ideas?

10 Feb 2013

 OK, figured this out. Is this related to Making Members Faves? It works with that feature just fine. So all ok here.

Regarding Favourites, I only see it in the Listings mod, when I activate it in admin and click on Fav on one of the Listings, No Points awarded to the member. I don't quite understand this Favourite anyway. Any ideas?


10 Feb 2013

 Please see solution further below. The Point Settings are transposed..

When a member deletes a comment in Coupons, points get deducted, not when he/she adds. Privacy is set to Public and Comment On A Coupon is active. Any ideas what i need to look at?


10 Feb 2013

I'm not sure what I've done wrong here- I've installed points a number of times after upgrades and on my test site...It's always gone fine without any issues....

I just recently installed a fresh copy of 7.1 and began going through the install process and after I clicked install, I got a blank screen (All White)

I still have access to the admin panel, it shows that Points is installed, but when I try to navigate to POINTS in the admin panel, I get the same "Blank Screen"...

The same goes for the rest of the site- Homepage, Profile Page, etc.- all "blank" But all of the other parts of admin panel seem to be working fine.

(NO Database Errors reported)


[11-Feb-2013 08:08:55] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '=' in /public_html/modules/modzzz/point/classes/BxPointTemplate.php on line 276

I compared my past "working" BxPointTemplate.php file to the new one....


275 ?>
276         var <?php=$sJsObject; ?> = new BxPmtCart({           
277             sActionUrl: '<?php=BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPayment->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); ?>',
278             sObjName: '<?php=$sJsObject; ?>'
279         });
280 <?php



275 ?>
276         var <?=$sJsObject; ?> = new BxPmtCart({           
277             sActionUrl: '<?=BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oPayment->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); ?>',
278             sObjName: '<?=$sJsObject; ?>'
279         });
280 <?


I went ahead and removed the "php" from the new file and everything seems to be pulling up fine now....

I'm just curious though-

Is there anything else you think I may need to do?

Is the "php" supposed to be there?


I just want make sure I've covered the bases and also bring this to your attention if it's something that needs to be addressed or changed or whatever......I had just downloaded the latest updated version of POINTS.

BTW- My POINTS came packaged with GIFTS in the Ultimate Points and Gifts Combo Pack

Hope this somehow helps????

11 Feb 2013


I just want make sure I've covered the bases and also bring this to your attention if it's something that needs to be addressed or changed or whatever......I had just downloaded the latest updated version of POINTS.
BTW- My POINTS came packaged with GIFTS in the Ultimate Points and Gifts Combo Pack
Hope this somehow helps????

 UnderDog4All, it happened to me exactly the same thing with ausi 7.1 and your solution works, whether it is a valid time ... I await the response modzzz ...

12 Feb 2013

The fix above works or you can re-download the mod and replace this file :


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Feb 2013

How would I go about making the Homepage Point Leader's Block visible to visitors?

15 Feb 2013

Point deduction is not working. I tried it on several actions like deleting ads/photos, when I am adding photo it gives me 2 points, for deleting no points deducated, even though the action for reducing is active, the value is 2. I tried to set it to -2 as well, not working.

What could be the possible problem?

18 Feb 2013

1.From the admin panel I create a voucher expires and start dates do not appear once the vouchers created, see the two screenshots.

2. as said leader block UnderDog4All the points do not appear on the home page for visitors, even if both boxes are checked in page builder > home page

admin.jpg · 71.9K · 535 views
bd_1.jpg · 128.4K · 464 views
20 Feb 2013

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.


29 Apr 2013

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
29 Apr 2013

 So the Limit in the Admin is for ALL the points for ALL the activities for one day?

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.




29 Apr 2013

 I think it is- If we're talking about photos, once "member #1" uploads 50 points worth of photos for that day, they will no longer be able to accumulate points for adding photos that day....."member #2" can though....until they've gained 50 points.....After the limit is reached, they'll need to change to say- Uploading Videos to continue accumulating points for that day.....

Is this what you are trying to establish?

 So the Limit in the Admin is for ALL the points for ALL the activities for one day?

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.





29 Apr 2013

 I am trying to understand how it works. 

So if in the Admin you have set the daily limit to say 100 points, then you would have to set each individual action for points in a logical manner. So if photos upload value would be say 10 for each upload and the max limit for that action is 100 - this means every photo upload gets you 10 points, once you do 10 of them you will not be given any more points for any further uploads, not only that you will also NOT get any more points for today for any other action on the site since you have reached your daily limit of 100 points (set on the admin side in the settings section of points). This is what i understand from this setup.

So for ALL your actions for the day you can only accumulate a max of 100 points. Whether you choose to gain them all in a single action or a collection of actions is the members decision.


 I think it is- If we're talking about photos, once "member #1" uploads 50 points worth of photos for that day, they will no longer be able to accumulate points for adding photos that day....."member #2" can though....until they've gained 50 points.....After the limit is reached, they'll need to change to say- Uploading Videos to continue accumulating points for that day.....

Is this what you are trying to establish?

 So the Limit in the Admin is for ALL the points for ALL the activities for one day?

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.






29 Apr 2013

 If indeed you set- Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):100 Then all they can gain for that day is 100 points- Regardless of how they go about doing it....Leave it at "0" and they can gain say 100 points for photo uploads....100 points for video uploads....100 points for making a crap load of comments on peoples stuff...ETC....and they can gain 100's to 10000's of points per day if they had that kind of time and content on their hands to post.

 I am trying to understand how it works. 

So if in the Admin you have set the daily limit to say 100 points, then you would have to set each individual action for points in a logical manner. So if photos upload value would be say 10 for each upload and the max limit for that action is 100 - this means every photo upload gets you 10 points, once you do 10 of them you will not be given any more points for any further uploads, not only that you will also NOT get any more points for today for any other action on the site since you have reached your daily limit of 100 points (set on the admin side in the settings section of points). This is what i understand from this setup.

So for ALL your actions for the day you can only accumulate a max of 100 points. Whether you choose to gain them all in a single action or a collection of actions is the members decision.


 I think it is- If we're talking about photos, once "member #1" uploads 50 points worth of photos for that day, they will no longer be able to accumulate points for adding photos that day....."member #2" can though....until they've gained 50 points.....After the limit is reached, they'll need to change to say- Uploading Videos to continue accumulating points for that day.....

Is this what you are trying to establish?

 So the Limit in the Admin is for ALL the points for ALL the activities for one day?

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.







29 Apr 2013

 Yes, this is how it works.

 I am trying to understand how it works. 

So if in the Admin you have set the daily limit to say 100 points, then you would have to set each individual action for points in a logical manner. So if photos upload value would be say 10 for each upload and the max limit for that action is 100 - this means every photo upload gets you 10 points, once you do 10 of them you will not be given any more points for any further uploads, not only that you will also NOT get any more points for today for any other action on the site since you have reached your daily limit of 100 points (set on the admin side in the settings section of points). This is what i understand from this setup.

So for ALL your actions for the day you can only accumulate a max of 100 points. Whether you choose to gain them all in a single action or a collection of actions is the members decision.


 I think it is- If we're talking about photos, once "member #1" uploads 50 points worth of photos for that day, they will no longer be able to accumulate points for adding photos that day....."member #2" can though....until they've gained 50 points.....After the limit is reached, they'll need to change to say- Uploading Videos to continue accumulating points for that day.....

Is this what you are trying to establish?

 So the Limit in the Admin is for ALL the points for ALL the activities for one day?

For each action, you can set a limit on how much Points are given to a particular member per day. For eg. you can decide that you are only giving 50 Points for Photos uploaded per day.

Can you please advise what it means when it says "Limit" on the Point Activity page please? I understand Value is what a member earns?

Is the "Limit" per day? How does this tie in with the "Max. daily limit for points earned per member (zero for no limit):" in the Admin Settings of the Point Module.







Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
29 Apr 2013

Thank you

30 Apr 2013

On Add Actions, for your Premium Auto Listing mod, what do I place in the following?

* Language Key for Module Name:    
* Alert Unit:    
* Alert Action:    
* Amount of Points:    
* Daily Limit:    
* Action Language Key:    
* Action Language Key Description:    

Additional Info (needed for Comments, Rating, Add, Delete actions)
Main Module Table:    
ID Field:    
Author Field:


Thanks in advance

30 Apr 2013

I want points to be awarded for posting something on wall/timelime(text,link,photo-anything).

What do I need to put in 'Add Action' for the following:

* Alert Unit:     
* Alert Action:

6 May 2013

As I stated in my response by PM, the Premium Auto Listing mod already comes with integration of the Points mod.

On Add Actions, for your Premium Auto Listing mod, what do I place in the following?

* Language Key for Module Name:    
* Alert Unit:    
* Alert Action:    
* Amount of Points:    
* Daily Limit:    
* Action Language Key:    
* Action Language Key Description:    

Additional Info (needed for Comments, Rating, Add, Delete actions)
Main Module Table:    
ID Field:    
Author Field:


Thanks in advance


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 May 2013

 An update of the mod will be available within the next two weeks and this is included.

I want points to be awarded for posting something on wall/timelime(text,link,photo-anything).

What do I need to put in 'Add Action' for the following:

* Alert Unit:     
* Alert Action:


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 May 2013

In the block leader points on the home page, I want to display by default -> months. What should I change please? In a future version it would be nice to have the choice for the admin ... :-)

11 May 2013

In the block leader points on the home page, I want to display by default -> months. What should I change please? In a future version it would be nice to have the choice for the admin ... :-)

11 May 2013

Hi Modzzz

Thank you for this great Mod

I have been using this for a few months now and everything works fine. I have noticed that referrers are getting points allocated for members that have not confirmed (activated) their profiles. This has become a problem because accounts are being created with dummy emails and points earned

Is there something that you can do so that points is only allocated once an account gets activated AND if an account is deleted or deactivated, any points earned gets reversed

Thanking you in advance


25 May 2013

Does anyone know how to get the Add Action to work with a custom module we added? I have two custom modules and I have went through the settings on the admin page http://prntscr.com/17d41o

however when i test i get no increase in points

30 May 2013


This has become a problem because accounts are being created with dummy emails and points earned

Is there something that you can do so that points is only allocated once an account gets activated AND if an account is deleted or deactivated, any points earned gets reversed.

 I solved this by changing the referral mod and some core changes. If a user joins, his IP is logged if another user is joining with the referral id with the same IP no points are being added for a few hours.

But one thing I still have no solution for. People uploading media, receive points, but if the admin deletes them the points are not deducted from the users account. I also know why this is a problem, because adding/deleting points is based on the logged in userid. if the admin is deleting it the mod doesn't know for which user to add/delete points. so they are just dropped by the code if the user is admin. I tried to find a way to implement something into the core files of dolphin where the file actually gets deleted but I couldn't find out who the owner of the media is that gets deleted. if somebody know that would be great.


Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
30 May 2013

On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
7 Jun 2013

 Shame I didn't fully try this out in the Admin on your test site. It's not working there, either.

Foot in Mouth


On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings.


TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
8 Jun 2013

 Very good module....

But i want to disable donate points and i want count points only for members (role=1).

This is possible????

12 Jun 2013

-> You can disable the ability to donate Points in the membership level settings.

-> I will add the ability in the next release to remove admins from the leaderboards etc.

 Very good module....

But i want to disable donate points and i want count points only for members (role=1).

This is possible????


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Jun 2013

 The issue is fixed and will be available in the upcoming patch release.

 Shame I didn't fully try this out in the Admin on your test site. It's not working there, either.

Foot in Mouth


On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Jun 2013

It great that you found, and fixed, the problem.

Any idea when the patch will be released?

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
20 Jun 2013

 I'll ask again: When is the 'upcoming patch release' due out?


 The issue is fixed and will be available in the upcoming patch release.

 Shame I didn't fully try this out in the Admin on your test site. It's not working there, either.

Foot in Mouth


On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings.




TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel
24 Jun 2013

 I cannot pinpoint a specific date.

 I'll ask again: When is the 'upcoming patch release' due out?


 The issue is fixed and will be available in the upcoming patch release.

 Shame I didn't fully try this out in the Admin on your test site. It's not working there, either.

Foot in Mouth


On 'Manage Actions' in Admin (Browser: IE 9), the submit button doesn't send changes to database although if I edit database the changes take place in admin and member pages.

Everything else in admin seems to work; manage levels and changes to settings.





Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Jun 2013

 A temporary solution is to change the link to the home page like this index.php? PointLeadersMode = month or
index.php? PointLeadersMode = week

In the block leader points on the home page, I want to display by default -> months. What should I change please? In a future version it would be nice to have the choice for the admin ... :-)


29 Jun 2013

 A temporary solution is to change the link to the home page like this index.php? PointLeadersMode = month or
index.php? PointLeadersMode = week

In the block leader points on the home page, I want to display by default -> months. What should I change please? In a future version it would be nice to have the choice for the admin ... :-)


29 Jun 2013


Before I buy the "Points+Gifts+Rewards Combo", I have a question:

Is there a function to "buy" functions like "Mail", "show profile", ..... with points?

E.g. a User want to write a mail to another user and this cost 5 points.....

When not, can we modify the core files of dolphin or this module?


Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de
6 Oct 2013


Before I buy the "Points+Gifts+Rewards Combo", I have a question:

Is there a function to "buy" functions like "Mail", "show profile", ..... with points?

E.g. a User want to write a mail to another user and this cost 5 points.....

When not, can we modify the core files of dolphin or this module?


Bezirzer.de, elbrocker.de, tierschutz-community.de
6 Oct 2013

 This functionality does not exist in the Points module but can be found in the Credits module.


Before I buy the "Points+Gifts+Rewards Combo", I have a question:

Is there a function to "buy" functions like "Mail", "show profile", ..... with points?

E.g. a User want to write a mail to another user and this cost 5 points.....

When not, can we modify the core files of dolphin or this module?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Oct 2013

Hello Modzzz .. is it possible to have badges awarded when people hit point levels ?

DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
26 Nov 2013

Hey Modzzz; I only want one level for my points, how do I achieve this? How do I disable the other levels?


26 Jan 2014
28 Jan 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.