Ultimate Points Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 2

15 Nov 2012

Patch 2.1.4 Released. (See patches/version_2.1.4 folder in zip file)

Updated to be compatible with Points Contest mod.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Nov 2012

This mod is now updated for Dolphin 7.1. See the readme_upgrade.txt in the zip file for instructions.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Nov 2012

Although the point for all the activities are set for either +2 or -2 (the default values that come with the mod), when I Rate a Listing I and the Listing owner get 10 points. I checked the Point settings for Rating a Directory Listing (Business Listing) and it is set for 2, so how does the member get 10 points and so does the Listing Owner.

Thank You

19 Nov 2012

 This is because the following setting is turned on :

      Points for rating items is on a per star basis

 Therefore, the Points is awarded based on how many stars are given. So if the listing was rated with two stars, the member would get 4 Points and if the listing was rated with three stars the member gets 6 points etc. If you want to give a fixed number of Points no matter what the value of the rating is, go to the admin settings for the mod and turn off the option indicated above.

Although the point for all the activities are set for either +2 or -2 (the default values that come with the mod), when I Rate a Listing I and the Listing owner get 10 points. I checked the Point settings for Rating a Directory Listing (Business Listing) and it is set for 2, so how does the member get 10 points and so does the Listing Owner.

Thank You


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
19 Nov 2012

 Thank You. Ahhhh! I understand now.


 This is because the following setting is turned on :

      Points for rating items is on a per star basis

 Therefore, the Points is awarded based on how many stars are given. So if the listing was rated with two stars, the member would get 4 Points and if the listing was rated with three stars the member gets 6 points etc. If you want to give a fixed number of Points no matter what the value of the rating is, go to the admin settings for the mod and turn off the option indicated above.

Although the point for all the activities are set for either +2 or -2 (the default values that come with the mod), when I Rate a Listing I and the Listing owner get 10 points. I checked the Point settings for Rating a Directory Listing (Business Listing) and it is set for 2, so how does the member get 10 points and so does the Listing Owner.

Thank You



19 Nov 2012

Sorry, I am shifting this question from the Rewards to here since i guess this is where it should have been posted originally.

I tested the Points assigned when Rating a Coupon and I was again given 4 points instead of 2. I checked in the Points History and it shows 4 was given for Rating A Coupon.


27 Nov 2012

Points history shows a running total. After you rate the first Coupon it shows 2 points, you rate another Coupon, it shows 4 Points and if you Rate another one, it shows 6 Points. I did login to your site with the information you provided by PM and verified that 2 Points is given per individual Coupon rated.

Sorry, I am shifting this question from the Rewards to here since i guess this is where it should have been posted originally.

I tested the Points assigned when Rating a Coupon and I was again given 4 points instead of 2. I checked in the Points History and it shows 4 was given for Rating A Coupon.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
27 Nov 2012

 Thank You. I will inform if i see anything different.

Points history shows a running total. After you rate the first Coupon it shows 2 points, you rate another Coupon, it shows 4 Points and if you Rate another one, it shows 6 Points. I did login to your site with the information you provided by PM and verified that 2 Points is given per individual Coupon rated.

Sorry, I am shifting this question from the Rewards to here since i guess this is where it should have been posted originally.

I tested the Points assigned when Rating a Coupon and I was again given 4 points instead of 2. I checked in the Points History and it shows 4 was given for Rating A Coupon.




27 Nov 2012

I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?

27 Nov 2012

Earlier I posted no points were given for placing a classified ad - I stand corrected.

Tried it again and it looks like it is working just fine. My apologies.

1 Dec 2012

If a member is allowed to gain a maximum of 10 points per day, what is the situation where he has gained 2 points for logging in and say he gets another 2 points for adding an ad and 6 points for posting 3 photos (2 points per photo), he then decides to delete a photo, does that reduce his points of the day to 8 whereby he can obtain the remaining 2 points by another positive action?

1 Dec 2012

Can you explain what it means in this mod when it states - '2 Way Points Feature Turned On' ? For instance Commenting.

Does it mean the member who comments gets 2 points (or whatever the points are allocated) and the member whose business/coupon/profile etc was commented on also gets 2 points? Is that what all those 2 way activations are for?


2 Dec 2012

I have 'Allow Members to purchase points' Unchecked. Yet members are able to buy points, what have i missed?

2 Dec 2012

I can confirm thi, he is still able to buy points. Easiest way is to remove it from the menu.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
2 Dec 2012

 True, but that is not how the mod was designed to work.

I can confirm this, he is still able to buy points. Easiest way is to remove it from the menu.


2 Dec 2012

 A patch will be released to fix this.

I have 'Allow Members to purchase points' Unchecked. Yet members are able to buy points, what have i missed?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Dec 2012

How can I give points for members that print out coupons, share coupon, subscribe to a coupon? Is there instructions on how to Add Actions please?

5 Dec 2012

 The Points mod has a section in the Admin that allows you to add actions. However, it uses the Alerts system and therefore any action that you need to integrate the Points with must trigger an alert. Presently the print action fires an alert but not the others. An update is coming for the Points mod (after Dolphin 7.1 updates) which will allow you to see all the available alerts for a particular module.

How can I give points for members that print out coupons, share coupon, subscribe to a coupon? Is there instructions on how to Add Actions please?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
5 Dec 2012

In the installation of Points there is the mentioning of two bugs in Dolphin.

Since it wasn't updated in 7.1B2 I wonder if this is reported and part of the B3?


* For the unjoin action (for Events etc, there is a bug in dolphin. The developers seemingly forgot to include the
* unjoin alert in the script. See the fix below :
In inc/classes/BxDolTwigModule.php

Find :

 if ($this->_oDb->leaveEntry($iEntryId, $this->_iProfileId)) {

Just below, Add :

 $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_sPrefix, 'unjoin', $iEntryId, $iProfileId);

* For the delete Avatar action, there is a bug in dolphin. The developers seemingly forgot to include the * delete alert in the script. See the fix below :

In modulesboonexavatarclassesBxAvaModule.php
Find :          
            if ($iAvatarCurrent == $iAvatar) {

Just above, Add :

            $this->onEventDeleted ($iAvatar);//added modzzz

7.1 My favorite number
9 Dec 2012

 What about 7.0.9, I guess it is obviously a bug in there too.

In the installation of Points there is the mentioning of two bugs in Dolphin.

Since it wasn't updated in 7.1B2 I wonder if this is reported and part of the B3?


* For the unjoin action (for Events etc, there is a bug in dolphin. The developers seemingly forgot to include the
* unjoin alert in the script. See the fix below :
In inc/classes/BxDolTwigModule.php

Find :

 if ($this->_oDb->leaveEntry($iEntryId, $this->_iProfileId)) {

Just below, Add :

 $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts($this->_sPrefix, 'unjoin', $iEntryId, $iProfileId);

* For the delete Avatar action, there is a bug in dolphin. The developers seemingly forgot to include the * delete alert in the script. See the fix below :

In modulesboonexavatarclassesBxAvaModule.php
Find :          
            if ($iAvatarCurrent == $iAvatar) {

Just above, Add :

            $this->onEventDeleted ($iAvatar);//added modzzz


9 Dec 2012

Dolphin 7.0.9 with Points mod 2.1.4

When I check the Points History as a member it shows

I see the various collapsible section with the first section "Ads" expanded.

I cannot seem to expand or collapse the any section.

In other words, I cannot see how many points I got for putting up a video or a photo.


Same with the Points activities.

I cannot expand or collapse sections.

I can only see the expanded 1st section.

NOTE: I have attached a screenshot. 

In the attached picture, I as a member has earned points for blog commenting and photo uploading.

Blog section is expanded. Photos section is collapsed.
I cannot take expand / collapse  action.



Points-History.png · 23.3K · 408 views
20 Dec 2012

The point mod does not reduce the members point after donate, use it on gift, spotlight ads and Are You Interested?  and so on. that user still have the point that he or she used to buy spotlight ads, donate, gift, use for are you interested.  It is not doing the job that it should do... Mod incomplete.... Please Fix...

24 Dec 2012

Its your integration that is incomplete, not the mod. Each of those mods comes with a readme_points_integration.txt file that provides you with instruction on how to integrate them with the Points mod. Once followed properly, the Points will be deducted.

The point mod does not reduce the members point after donate, use it on gift, spotlight ads and Are You Interested?  and so on. that user still have the point that he or she used to buy spotlight ads, donate, gift, use for are you interested.  It is not doing the job that it should do... Mod incomplete.... Please Fix...


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Dec 2012

when will this be 7.1 ready please ?

DedicatedServer4You.com -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
14 Jan 2013

 This mod was already updated for Dolphin 7.1 (over two months ago)

when will this be 7.1 ready please ?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
14 Jan 2013

Placing Member Point block on the profiles page is giving me constantly server errors = profile page cannot be loaded. This had been happening for quite some time now so the block has been made inactive. However, several members have been curious about their points total and so on, therefore it is important to reinstate the block back.

22 Jan 2013

 Are you running the latest version? What is the actual error message that you are getting ?

Placing Member Point block on the profiles page is giving me constantly server errors = profile page cannot be loaded. This had been happening for quite some time now so the block has been made inactive. However, several members have been curious about their points total and so on, therefore it is important to reinstate the block back.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Jan 2013

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.

2 Feb 2013

 Points are not awarded if you comment on your own item. You will receive Points if you comment on an item posted by someone else.

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Feb 2013

Two questions

1) Are the limits per level? Lets assume i distributed 100 points as the action limit on all levels, will the user get another 100 if he reaches the next level or do i have to set the limit to 200? I want to give each level the possibility to have 100 possible action points, so i have to set 100 for every level or 100,200,300,400,.....?


2) Adding own actions in points admin. How does this work exactly? Can we have example? Is this tied to modules only that follow some specific coding guidelines or can i register anything there that can be called from everywhere in dolphin code? I think about give the user points for some activity which isn't part of a module but i wonder if this is possible at all.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods | http://goo.gl/H3Vp81
2 Feb 2013

The Mod states; Points awarded for Commenting On A Coupon. 

Member A Added A Coupon. Member B made a comment on that Coupon. Member B got no points.

Exactly the same exists for Biz.

Member is NOT commenting on their own Coupon or Biz.

I still do not understand your explanation.


 Points are not awarded if you comment on your own item. You will receive Points if you comment on an item posted by someone else.

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.



2 Feb 2013

 I would advise you to download the respective mods again and re-run the respective sqlpoints.php . There is no issue with Points awarding for Comments in the latest versions of these mods. Ensure that you clear cache after running the sqlpoints.php

The Mod states; Points awarded for Commenting On A Coupon. 

Member A Added A Coupon. Member B made a comment on that Coupon. Member B got no points.

Exactly the same exists for Biz.

Member is NOT commenting on their own Coupon or Biz.

I still do not understand your explanation.


 Points are not awarded if you comment on your own item. You will receive Points if you comment on an item posted by someone else.

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Feb 2013

 1) Whatever is set for the level is exactly what they get.

2) The Add functionality is suited for modules with a Group-like structure. Each field in the add section has an info icon at the end that gives an example of what the entry should be like. The next update will include easier instructions on how to assign Points anywhere. Presently that clarity is lacking.

Two questions

1) Are the limits per level? Lets assume i distributed 100 points as the action limit on all levels, will the user get another 100 if he reaches the next level or do i have to set the limit to 200? I want to give each level the possibility to have 100 possible action points, so i have to set 100 for every level or 100,200,300,400,.....?


2) Adding own actions in points admin. How does this work exactly? Can we have example? Is this tied to modules only that follow some specific coding guidelines or can i register anything there that can be called from everywhere in dolphin code? I think about give the user points for some activity which isn't part of a module but i wonder if this is possible at all.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Feb 2013

 Do you mean as follows;

Download Listing mod...run sqlpoints.php on my site

Download Coupon mod ... run sqlpoints.php on my site.

Is that it, and check?

Please advise,

 I would advise you to download the respective mods again and re-run the respective sqlpoints.php . There is no issue with Points awarding for Comments in the latest versions of these mods. Ensure that you clear cache after running the sqlpoints.php

The Mod states; Points awarded for Commenting On A Coupon. 

Member A Added A Coupon. Member B made a comment on that Coupon. Member B got no points.

Exactly the same exists for Biz.

Member is NOT commenting on their own Coupon or Biz.

I still do not understand your explanation.


 Points are not awarded if you comment on your own item. You will receive Points if you comment on an item posted by someone else.

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.





2 Feb 2013

 Done and worked for both Coupons and Biz.



 Do you mean as follows;

Download Listing mod...run sqlpoints.php on my site

Download Coupon mod ... run sqlpoints.php on my site.

Is that it, and check?

Please advise,

 I would advise you to download the respective mods again and re-run the respective sqlpoints.php . There is no issue with Points awarding for Comments in the latest versions of these mods. Ensure that you clear cache after running the sqlpoints.php

The Mod states; Points awarded for Commenting On A Coupon. 

Member A Added A Coupon. Member B made a comment on that Coupon. Member B got no points.

Exactly the same exists for Biz.

Member is NOT commenting on their own Coupon or Biz.

I still do not understand your explanation.


 Points are not awarded if you comment on your own item. You will receive Points if you comment on an item posted by someone else.

I commented on a coupon and there were no points awarded to the member. Anything i need to trigger this? but when i deleted that very same comment it deducted points.

Please advise.

Edit** Exactly the same situation with Biz Listing.

Is there something that triggers the comment section for points that i have not setup.






3 Feb 2013

Has Points been Integrated with the Jobs Module?

3 Feb 2013

I was under the impression that whatever is activated to give points to the member is what will show on the site in the Points Activities Section. I see that everything is shown regardless of if it is installed on site or not.

Please advise, thanks

7 Feb 2013

 Any response to this please? I mean come on. I guess the squeaky wheel gets the oil?????


Has Points been Integrated with the Jobs Module?


7 Feb 2013

 Please advise...

I was under the impression that whatever is activated to give points to the member is what will show on the site in the Points Activities Section. I see that everything is shown regardless of if it is installed on site or not.

Please advise, thanks


7 Feb 2013

Yes, the mod is integrated. Once you unzip the mod you will see a readme_points_integration.txt .

 Any response to this please? I mean come on. I guess the squeaky wheel gets the oil?????


Has Points been Integrated with the Jobs Module?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Feb 2013

There is an admin section in which you can de-activate actions.

 Please advise...

I was under the impression that whatever is activated to give points to the member is what will show on the site in the Points Activities Section. I see that everything is shown regardless of if it is installed on site or not.

Please advise, thanks



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Feb 2013

 In admin, I unchecked all the actions within each individual mods, but yet they show. I also have no Classified Mod installed and yet it shows as _modzzz_classified on the site to a member.

There is an admin section in which you can de-activate actions.

 Please advise...

I was under the impression that whatever is activated to give points to the member is what will show on the site in the Points Activities Section. I see that everything is shown regardless of if it is installed on site or not.

Please advise, thanks




7 Feb 2013

 This is what i am referring to.


I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?


7 Feb 2013

Confirm your dolphin and mod versions . Unable to replicate on the official demo site at http://dolphinmods.com/71/m/point/home/ . When I remove actions from the admin they disappear from the activities page also.

 This is what i am referring to.


I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Feb 2013

 Dolphin 7.0.9. Mod Vers 2.1.4 installed.

Confirm your dolphin and mod versions . Unable to replicate on the official demo site at http://dolphinmods.com/71/m/point/home/ . When I remove actions from the admin they disappear from the activities page also.

 This is what i am referring to.


I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?




7 Feb 2013

 Please PM me the site details so I can have a look.

 Dolphin 7.0.9. Mod Vers 2.1.4 installed.

Confirm your dolphin and mod versions . Unable to replicate on the official demo site at http://dolphinmods.com/71/m/point/home/ . When I remove actions from the admin they disappear from the activities page also.

 This is what i am referring to.


I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?





Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Feb 2013

 I uninstalled and reinstalled the mod. I think the problem is caused when you uninstall a mod that was originally installed along with the point.

In essence, I had Classified installed on site along with points. When i uninstalled Classified it still showed on the Points activity regardless if I unchecked the action within Classified. Thus the Value was showing too. Once I uninstalled points and reinstalled it the mod worked as it should in terms of appearance on the site.

Try that as a test.


 Please PM me the site details so I can have a look.

 Dolphin 7.0.9. Mod Vers 2.1.4 installed.

Confirm your dolphin and mod versions . Unable to replicate on the official demo site at http://dolphinmods.com/71/m/point/home/ . When I remove actions from the admin they disappear from the activities page also.

 This is what i am referring to.


I had Classified installed and then removed it (all via admin), now when I view the Points Activities page i See this for Classifieds on the heading;


How do I correct this.

I mean should the points mod only display the Modules that are currently installed on the site that can earn you points? Or am I missing something here?

Ok, I get it, every time I remove a mod, I must manually also delete all the actions in the Points mod for the uninstalled mod? Is this correct?






7 Feb 2013

Can you also explain what it means by Activate 'Two Way Points?' Please?

You should have a box to deactivate entire mod if it is not installed on site, rather then the admin having to go thru each action to deactivate within each mod. Just a suggestion.

7 Feb 2013

Also now that i uninstalled and reinstalled the Points Mod, I cannot see the Resume Points Or the Job on the Manage Action in the Admin or on site. What do I need to do to fix that please?

Do i have to run sqlpoints for Job and Resume again?

7 Feb 2013
9 Feb 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.