Ultimate Notifier Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 2

20 Nov 2012

Has this mod been tested with 7.1?

Geeks, making the world a better place
20 Nov 2012

 Not yet. This support forum will be updated when that is done.

Has this mod been tested with 7.1?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Nov 2012

This is a great mod for member notifications; I hope the 7.1 version comes out soon.

Geeks, making the world a better place
27 Nov 2012

As soon as it is D7.1 compatible I will purchase it. 

17 Dec 2012

Any time frame when this might be released for 7.1?  My members are complaining about not having this installed.  I had it on the 7.0.9 site and they liked the control they had with it; now they just have the Dolphin and are complaining about not having this mod installed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
6 Jan 2013

This mod is now updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Jan 2013

Thanks, installed and working.  I have a question, do members need to turn off the email notifier in "Edit profile info"?  I don't want members getting extra notifications from the site.  Or, does that need to be keep on?  Basically, how should this be set up properly so that only the "Ultimate Notifier" is sending the messages?

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jan 2013

Slight little problem with the module.  It appears if anyone uses a single quote in a comment/title will throw an error; basically the script is interpreting it as the end of the statement; it would have to be escaped.


Database error in mysite.com

INSERT INTO `modzzz_notify_notifications` SET
                    `member_id` = 6,   
                    `subject` = 'Reply to a participating forum topic at mysite.com',   
                    `message` = '<a href="http://mysite.com/member">member</a> has replied to a Topic you have participated in ... <a href="http://mysite.com/topic/I-m-Gone.htm">I'm Gone</a>',   
                    `title` = 'I'm Gone',
                    `created` = 1357716823
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'm Gone', `title` = 'I'm Gone', `created` = 1357716823' at line 4

Geeks, making the world a better place
9 Jan 2013

 Nothing needs to be turned off.

Thanks, installed and working.  I have a question, do members need to turn off the email notifier in "Edit profile info"?  I don't want members getting extra notifications from the site.  Or, does that need to be keep on?  Basically, how should this be set up properly so that only the "Ultimate Notifier" is sending the messages?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Jan 2013

Here is another example of the error; again appears to be related to the use of a single quote.


Database error


INSERT INTO `modzzz_notify_notifications` SET
                    `member_id` = 1,   
                    `subject` = 'Someone in your Friends or Faves list added a Photo at myniftysite.com',   
                    `message` = '<a href="http://myniftysite.com/My_Member">My_Member</a> has added a Photo, <a href="http://myniftysite.com/m/photos/view/You-just-can-t-make-this-stuff-up">You just can't make this stuff up...</a>, at <a href="http://myniftysite.com/">MyNiftySite.com</a>',   
                    `title` = 'You just can't make this stuff up...',
                    `created` = 1357851817

Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't
make this stuff up..., at MyNiftySite.co' at line 4

Found error in the file
'*/var/www/modules/modzzz/notify/classes/BxNotifyDb.php*' at
line *447*.
Called '*query*' function with erroneous argument #*0*.

Geeks, making the world a better place
11 Jan 2013

 The issue is being investigated.

Slight little problem with the module.  It appears if anyone uses a single quote in a comment/title will throw an error; basically the script is interpreting it as the end of the statement; it would have to be escaped.


Database error in mysite.com

INSERT INTO `modzzz_notify_notifications` SET
                    `member_id` = 6,   
                    `subject` = 'Reply to a participating forum topic at mysite.com',   
                    `message` = '<a href="http://mysite.com/member">member</a> has replied to a Topic you have participated in ... <a href="http://mysite.com/topic/I-m-Gone.htm">I'm Gone</a>',   
                    `title` = 'I'm Gone',
                    `created` = 1357716823
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'm Gone', `title` = 'I'm Gone', `created` = 1357716823' at line 4


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
11 Jan 2013

Any idea on this yet; my email inbox tends to get a lot of "database error" due to this bug.

Geeks, making the world a better place
2 Feb 2013

Please Update this Module with Spy Notifications on dolphin same like facebook

1 Mar 2013

Hello: one of my members just posted this on my site:

Under the Notifier there's an option "Add a Blog Post - Notify me when action done by Friend , Favorite, Both or None.


I have the notifier set to Both.

Could anybody explain to me this action since I never got any email notification when one of my friends adds a blog post BUT I get an email every time I post a new blog ( like I need any notification for that


So it appears he is not getting any notifications when his friends add a blog post.

Geeks, making the world a better place
9 May 2013

Patch 2.0.7 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with blog notifications and also formatting issue with periodic mails.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 May 2013

Hey Modzzz.. Does this work for any of your other mods? Like Pets, Likes, FMyLife, People, Friends Bulletin, ext?

31 Jul 2013

 Not by default, but most mods can be integrated without much complexity.

Hey Modzzz.. Does this work for any of your other mods? Like Pets, Likes, FMyLife, People, Friends Bulletin, ext?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 Aug 2013

 Ok Thank you for your quick reply.. Will wait and see what happens in the next few weeks..

 Not by default, but most mods can be integrated without much complexity.

Hey Modzzz.. Does this work for any of your other mods? Like Pets, Likes, FMyLife, People, Friends Bulletin, ext?



1 Aug 2013

This evening I got a request from a member that wishes to stop receiving an update on a particular forum topic.  He wanted a way to opt-out of the notices about that topic.  How difficult would it be to add something that would allow the Ultimate Notifier to skip certain items when composing the email?  I am guessing that some list of what is included would have to be presented to the member in order for them to do the opting out and a list for the notifier to check against.

Geeks, making the world a better place
15 Aug 2013


This evening I got a request from a member that wishes to stop receiving an update on a particular forum topic.  He wanted a way to opt-out of the notices about that topic.  How difficult would it be to add something that would allow the Ultimate Notifier to skip certain items when composing the email?  I am guessing that some list of what is included would have to be presented to the member in order for them to do the opting out and a list for the notifier to check against.

I know you are busy with updating your modules but was wondering if you could think about this.

Geeks, making the world a better place
2 Sep 2013

RESPONSE : There are no immediate plans to implement such a feature. This will require a major re-work of the module.


This evening I got a request from a member that wishes to stop receiving an update on a particular forum topic.  He wanted a way to opt-out of the notices about that topic.  How difficult would it be to add something that would allow the Ultimate Notifier to skip certain items when composing the email?  I am guessing that some list of what is included would have to be presented to the member in order for them to do the opting out and a list for the notifier to check against.

I know you are busy with updating your modules but was wondering if you could think about this.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Sep 2013

Thank you for putting your module titles in blue. It makes it very easy to find them... Tongue Out

Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
6 Sep 2013

In the admin install console, I set the notifications to weekly. However when I logged onto a couple of accounts the setting was Daily by default. I need to set to Weekly for everybody please and if they want to change to daily, thats cool with me.. but I don't want to annoy our members... 

Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
6 Sep 2013

I just downloaded and installed this product today.

Is there any easy way to determine which version I am running? I see a lot of patches I don't know if I need to apply them or not..



Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
6 Sep 2013

Whenever you update the settings, it is applied to members that register after those settings are changed. I have now added an option to allow admin to override the existing member settings.

In the admin install console, I set the notifications to weekly. However when I logged onto a couple of accounts the setting was Daily by default. I need to set to Weekly for everybody please and if they want to change to daily, thats cool with me.. but I don't want to annoy our members... 


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 Sep 2013

The readme.txt has the version number. Do not be concerned with patches when you are doing a fresh installation. The patches are for sites that have older versions of the mod running.

I just downloaded and installed this product today.

Is there any easy way to determine which version I am running? I see a lot of patches I don't know if I need to apply them or not..




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 Sep 2013

Patch 2.0.8 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.8 folder in zip file)

Added the ability for Administrator to override the existing members notification settings. You will now see the new option in the Admin Settings for the mod.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 Sep 2013

Every day I love this product more and more.... 

Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
10 Sep 2013

I found how to check the version number... uploaded for anybody else that needs this info... :)

versioninfo.png · 269.5K · 414 views
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
10 Sep 2013

Does enabling the Admin override go change existing settings or do I need to run a query to update everybody?

overide.png · 370.8K · 375 views
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
10 Sep 2013

Quick Question...htmlheader.png shows a language key  <bx_include_auto:_email_header.html />

However, when I go to language settings I cannot find this key now matter how I try to find it..

See languagesettings.png

BTWm it seems a header is being sent out, but I want to maybe tweak it a smidge... 

Great product and I appreciate your support.


htmlheader.png · 29.8K · 402 views
languagesettings.png · 536.5K · 386 views
Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
10 Sep 2013

When the override is enabled, it creates a temporary Cron job that begins execution in a minute and this Cron process will automatically reset the member settings. A Cron job is used to prevent timeout for sites with a large membership base.

Does enabling the Admin override go change existing settings or do I need to run a query to update everybody?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Sep 2013

Thanks for the update... I cannot tell you how happy this module makes me...

I send out the emails weekly.. and, yes,  my inbox got filled up.. I would rather have a single log file, but at least I know they went out... :)



Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
10 Sep 2013

Added to my site, to early to tell if members will appreciate the extra notification. I am having an issue with Outline, normally when someone joins their avatar shows up on the outline. Yesterday this did not happen when he joined the site. I did a few changes and wondering if I can rule out this mod. Or possibly someone else experienced this issue and can provide insight.

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from Zarconia.net
10 Oct 2013

 Your outline issues are unrelated to the Notifier module.

Added to my site, to early to tell if members will appreciate the extra notification. I am having an issue with Outline, normally when someone joins their avatar shows up on the outline. Yesterday this did not happen when he joined the site. I did a few changes and wondering if I can rule out this mod. Or possibly someone else experienced this issue and can provide insight.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Oct 2013

I think I have a slight problem. I have uninstalled until I can get some help on this..

Database error in SingleBooklovers<br /><br />

Query:  <pre>INSERT INTO `modzzz_notify_notification_settings` SET `Period`='weekly', `MemberID`='1',  `Active`=1</pre> Mysql error: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'<br /><br /> Found error in the file '<b>/home/singlebk/public_html/modules/modzzz/notify/classes/BxNotifyDb.php</b>' at line <b>489</b>.<br />

Called '<b>query</b>' function with erroneous argument #<b>0</b>.<br /><br /><br /> Debug backtrace:


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
14 Nov 2013

- This issue you mentioned was already solved sometime ago. Download the latest copy of the module.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
14 Nov 2013

Patch 2.0.9 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.9 folder in zip file)

Limit Notification of Profile Views to once per day.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
22 Nov 2013


I just did the update...


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
25 Nov 2013

No more errors...


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
27 Nov 2013

This is updated so that members who choose the option on their Profile not to receive site notifications will not receive messages from Ultimate Notifier either.

Re-upload the modules/modzzz/notify/classes folder.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 Feb 2014


This is updated so that members who choose the option on their Profile not to receive site notifications will not receive messages from Ultimate Notifier either.

Re-upload the modules/modzzz/notify/classes folder.

I am not so sure about this change.  Maybe I don't understand what site notifications are?  I thought they were the messages one got about like, "you have a new message"  Some might not want to get site notifications but want to get their Notifier notifications.  I like the idea of a separate switch so I guess I will note this change in case I need to upgrade in the future for other reasons.

Geeks, making the world a better place
2 Feb 2014

The mod was adjusted to allow compatibility with my Who Viewed Me module. Now the Notifier will not send out an Email if the Profile viewer has "show who I viewed" disabled in the Who Viewed Me module.

Re-upload the modules\modzzz\notify\classes folder.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
30 Jun 2014

Hi there, in the email notifications (for example, a comment was posted) does it also show the comment itself in the email? Thanks in advance!

22 Dec 2014

 No, it does not. A link to the page with the comment is provided. 

Hi there, in the email notifications (for example, a comment was posted) does it also show the comment itself in the email? Thanks in advance!


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
23 Dec 2014

The Ultimate Notifier was exactly what I was looking for giving a little boost to my website and engaging users.


Unfortunately, I can't make it work right.

  • When I override everyone's settings by setting notifications to "Immediatly", my website is extremely slowed down. Each time I create something on my website (group, event..) with the admin account, who is friend with almost every member, page take A LOT (more than 1 or 2 minutes) of time to redirect when I click on “Submit”. I think it might be because the server tries to send e-mail notifications to all of admin’s friends and during that time do not redirect the user to the next page.
  • When I override everyone's settings to "Daily", there's just no e-mails notification being sent at all!


Do you know what is causing such behavior?

16 Apr 2015

Forget about my last post. We removed a security check and speed is okay now.

16 Apr 2015

The price of this module has been reduced.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
17 Jul 2015

I noticed that I have third party modules that are not in the list of the notifier, including some of your mods.  For example, I have your recipe module but the notifier does not include that in the list.  Is it possible for me add third party modules similar to the way your Dolphin Alerts module does.

Geeks, making the world a better place
19 Aug 2015
26 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.