Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 6

17 Apr 2013

In wich file can i find and increase the padding that is circled in the attached printscreen?
It's currently set to 5px, but i want to make that 15px.

I searched in a lot of scripts, but didn't found it.
Does someone knows?

print.png · 93.8K · 407 views
17 Apr 2013


In wich file can i find and increase the padding that is circled in the attached printscreen?
It's currently set to 5px, but i want to make that 15px.

I searched in a lot of scripts, but didn't found it.
Does someone knows?

this code is inherited by the default module of Boonex (Photos), if you add an image using the module photos (yoursite/m/photos) you will see the same code with this padding value.

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17 Apr 2013

perhaps you missed this:


BUG: If you set a value with an apostrophe ' in the lang key _ibdw_evowall_msgformhome it does not display.

18 Apr 2013


perhaps you missed this:


BUG: If you set a value with an apostrophe ' in the lang key _ibdw_evowall_msgformhome it does not display.


Released the new update 1.3.6

About this update:

1) fixed the bug for _ibdw_evowall_msgformhome

2) added the post for BLOG COMMENTED

About the comment to the news, the default module Boonex News dont supports the Spy system (of Boonex Spy).

So this can be displayed on EvoWall. EvoWall supports the 3d party module of Modzzz called "ULTIMATE NEWS" ( This module is compatible with EvoWall because uses the Spy system.


If you have already installed the previous version of EvoWall (1.3.5 for D7.1.X or 1.3.3 for D7.0.X), you must upload the following items (otherwise you can upload the new version and reinstall the module):

  • basecore.php
  • inserimento.php
  • mqcondition.php
  • mqcondition2.php
  • the language files (located into the folder ibdw/evowall/install/langs)

Then recompile the language.

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18 Apr 2013

BUG: I am still seeing media as well as profile updates etc... in the wall for profiles that are unconfirmed. I also have Deny unconfirmed profiles enabled.

18 Apr 2013

 Thank you for this update! It shows blog comments now. Sorry for misleading you with the news posts, Boonex Timeline doesn't show these... I meant only blogs.



Released the new update 1.3.6

2) added the post for BLOG COMMENTED

About the comment to the news, the default module Boonex News dont supports the Spy system (of Boonex Spy).

So this can be displayed on EvoWall. EvoWall supports the 3d party module of Modzzz called "ULTIMATE NEWS" ( This module is compatible with EvoWall because uses the Spy system.


18 Apr 2013

When a friend shares on his wall a photo I posted on my wall, I get an email notification letting me know user X shared my photo, and it supplies a link which looks like <site_name>/profile.php?id_mode=140 (I guess 140 is a unique number which is different with each photo share).

However, when I press that link, I get to MY profile page, and the wall shows a single post- the original post of my photo by myself.
I would expect it to take me to the friend's profile and show me the post where he shared my photo... it makes more sense to me, at least.
Also- it makes the wall show the welcome message, which I set to disappear after 5 messages, and it appears because it shows only 1 post (the photo share post). 

19 Apr 2013

How can i set that "posts" like ... joined at the event ... about an event i created are not visible on my wall, but only on the wall from the person that joined my event?

20 Apr 2013

EVO's email notifications are not processing the <Domain> variable. 

20 Apr 2013

How can i display the place name, city and number of participants inside the posts of events on the wall?
I want to display that instead of the description.
I use Boonex Events for the events posts.

print.png · 212.7K · 386 views
20 Apr 2013

Also i'd like to know how to display a post ( text ) that you made on someone else his / her profile only on that members profile and not on your own.

21 Apr 2013

Activity in the EVO wall that has been commented on has no way to be deleted unless the whole activity is removed. This is not ideal as sometimes someone may comment with spam and only that spam message should be removed.

24 Apr 2013

Enhancement: Can you make it possible to upload the photos from the wall into the default user's album "<username>'s Photos". Have an option to choose default or specify would be good.



24 Apr 2013

EVOwall Facebook share does not pass over video thumbs to Facebook. If you upload a video locally to the wall, then try and share it to Facebook, the text goes but no video thumb.... ... Hosted by!
26 Apr 2013


EVOwall Facebook share does not pass over video thumbs to Facebook. If you upload a video locally to the wall, then try and share it to Facebook, the text goes but no video thumb....

From April, it seems facebook dont accept a simple thumbnais for the sharing (

We are already at work to increase the size of the image sent to the fb sharer.

Thanks for the report.

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27 Apr 2013


Activity in the EVO wall that has been commented on has no way to be deleted unless the whole activity is removed. This is not ideal as sometimes someone may comment with spam and only that spam message should be removed.


30 Apr 2013


Enhancement: Can you make it possible to upload the photos from the wall into the default user's album "<username>'s Photos". Have an option to choose default or specify would be good.




30 Apr 2013

How can I go about moving the text/description below the photo instead of on the right?

2 May 2013


How can I go about moving the text/description below the photo instead of on the right?

 Try to change the stylefor the div "#descrizione" (about at the line 232) on the file evowallstyleUNI.css


#descrizione {




#descrizione {
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3 May 2013



Enhancement: Can you make it possible to upload the photos from the wall into the default user's album "<username>'s Photos". Have an option to choose default or specify would be good.




Not, you can specify the name for the wall album, but the images you add using evowall are automatically linked to the wall album.

See my products at | Hosting:
3 May 2013


EVOwall Facebook share does not pass over video thumbs to Facebook. If you upload a video locally to the wall, then try and share it to Facebook, the text goes but no video thumb....

Today we have released the update for EvoWall 1.3.7, if you have already installed the ver. 1.3.6 you can only overwrite the following files and folder.

  1. basecore.php
  2. blocchi_wall.php
  3. bt_condivisione_1.php
  4. notizie.php
  5. the folder /install

Then empty the cache.

This update fix the problem of the images shared on facebook after the FB policy change about the min-size of the images shared.

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3 May 2013

 great thanks! Worked great.


How can I go about moving the text/description below the photo instead of on the right?

 Try to change the stylefor the div "#descrizione" (about at the line 232) on the file evowallstyleUNI.css


#descrizione {




#descrizione {


4 May 2013

bug: when user X likes a wall post of user Y, there is an event in the SPY saying "X likes a post of Y", but the links for users X and Y are direct links to the site (i.e ""), and not to the users profile as I expected.

5 May 2013


When you add url, and you paste (or write) a string which is not a valid URL, you get some error messages shown which are not very elegant.

Here's an example, where I pasted (by mistake) a string of numbers instead of a URL:



The error handling should be better in that case.

evo_url.jpg · 47.8K · 1216 views
8 May 2013

What is the css snippet to fix this? The image attached is upload videos button after a the continue button is pushed once a youtube link is entered. The text is white a long with the background. I have changed the background for the url box but I do not see where to change the form background.

screenshot.jpg · 42.3K · 1219 views
9 May 2013


What is the css snippet to fix this? The image attached is upload videos button after a the continue button is pushed once a youtube link is entered. The text is white a long with the background. I have changed the background for the url box but I do not see where to change the form background.

This depends by the template. Is it Manta?

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10 May 2013


bug: when user X likes a wall post of user Y, there is an event in the SPY saying "X likes a post of Y", but the links for users X and Y are direct links to the site (i.e ""), and not to the users profile as I expected.

Fixed on the version released today

See my products at | Hosting:
10 May 2013



When you add url, and you paste (or write) a string which is not a valid URL, you get some error messages shown which are not very elegant.

Here's an example, where I pasted (by mistake) a string of numbers instead of a URL:



The error handling should be better in that case.

Thanks for both the reports.

Today we have published the EvoWall ver. 1.3.8 that solves also this issue.


If you have already installed the previous version 1.3.7, you can overwrite the following files:

  • blocchi_wall.php
  • inserimentourl.php
  • like_action.php
  • basecore.php
  • bt_condivisione_1.php
  • notizie.php
See my products at | Hosting:
10 May 2013



What is the css snippet to fix this? The image attached is upload videos button after a the continue button is pushed once a youtube link is entered. The text is white a long with the background. I have changed the background for the url box but I do not see where to change the form background.

This depends by the template. Is it Manta?


No its a Unicorn template with design boxes.  I thought the css for this was in your module. I did not know the expansion of the box after hitting the continue button went to the template css.

10 May 2013


I have a few small queries, but I'll mention my immediate query.

I have three 'news feeds' installed and only two of these lines:

Display in the account page the post of: Friends

Display in the home page the post of: Members

The account page is fine.  But the 'homepage' is not fine.  As you can see, I've selected members.  But when a new member joins, this is not mentioned in the 'homepage' news feed for example.  Only in the profile of that particular member.  If a member likes another member's photo.  Both of which I am not friends with.  I still would like that to appear in the feed.  Showing the site activity.

The homepage news feed & profile news feed are identical from what I can see.

I would want an extra option.

Display in the profile page the post of: Me

So that anything connected with myself, is shown.  Posts I create, photos I like etc...

And that the homepage mentions all the site activity.  Right now, the homepage only does my activity, and I cannot see any 'member' activity at all.

Is this possible??

13 May 2013



version 1.3.8 on dolphin 709 have high CPU


please author for version 1.3.2

14 May 2013

The wall also needs to show Forum posts too.

14 May 2013




version 1.3.8 on dolphin 709 have high CPU


please author for version 1.3.2

As explained via Unity message, it's not normal you have this issue with a dedicated server.

Have you checked you have no js errors?

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14 May 2013


The wall also needs to show Forum posts too.

 The forum is not spied by the module Boonex Spy, so it's impossible to integrate it.

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14 May 2013

I noticed images being added to "groups" show on the wall feed but if clicked you get an access denied message. Even if they are my own on my admin account. I checked my albums and they do not transfer to an album. So I had to guess they are just hard linked into a location into an images folder for show in the groups. I don't suppose it's relevant to show the group images on the wall if they wont work when clicked on. Is this something you can replicate?

14 May 2013

I've found a way to enhance the News Feed.

Not sure how & why this happens.  There's a free wall that you can install.  By installing the free wall, and using it on the Homepage, but not viewable by anyone (guests or members).  The News Feed can grab that information from the free Wall, and display it in the News Feed.  I like that the News Feed now displays new members that have just joined along with other site activity.  This is better than have a News Feed that moves slowly.  And I can see the status of other members I'm not currently friends with, and 'Like' their thoughts.

I don't think this trick works on Profiles though.

15 May 2013

Hello, a feature suggestion (actually asked by my mebers, so it's highly relevant) - can there be another button in addition to 'like'? Something called perhaps 'support' or 'hug' (best would be if it was customizable because I'm sure many would like it to be 'dislike'), because not always it is appropriate to like a post, when it has a negative meaning or if it's some sad news. I'd probably try to duplicate the like button for this but with your mod being encrypted, it's just up to you...

16 May 2013

By the way, this occured to me only now - could there be some counter for likes (as a total aggregate for a member, not for individiual post on the wall, that's already counted and displayed)? So for example underneath a thumbnail in EVO (I think it's .mioavats) there could be something like "liked: xxx times" (meaning the author of the post on the wall has clicked like button xxx times)? There's enough space anyway since the area where the post and comments show is offset to the right... And totally cool would be a block for a homepage with a rank of the members who liked the most. :)

16 May 2013



What is the css snippet to fix this? The image attached is upload videos button after a the continue button is pushed once a youtube link is entered. The text is white a long with the background. I have changed the background for the url box but I do not see where to change the form background.

This depends by the template. Is it Manta?



This was not a template issue. This form is controlled in your css at modules/ibdw/evowall/templates/uni/css/evowallstyleDark.css


The following code in that file controls this form on your evowall files not the template.

.evoblock .form_advanced_table td, .input_close, .button_wrapper_close {


    background-color: #FFFFFF;




.evoblock .form_advanced_table {border:1px solid #DDDDDD;}


.evoblock .form_advanced_table th




                background-color: #DCDCDC;


                font-weight: bold;


   text-align: center;


My template css made the text white which is why I could not see it. But I wanted to change the background, not the text. Problem solved.

17 May 2013

Sorry, these days we are very busy for the updates for D7.1.2

Now it's available EvoWall 1.3.9 that is compatible with D7.1.2

Also we have improved the support for the name formats (nickname, first name, real name) into the notifications for the personal messages and the urls.

Also, we have added a new action post for the support to the new module IBDW Profile Core (many time required by our customers).

If you have already installed the version 1.3.8, you can only overwrite the files, recompile the languages and empty the cache.

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18 May 2013

Can I request you add Modzzz Cupid, Questions, and Flirts? I have tried to figure out how to add them but I am so lost.. I have a bunch of modzzz stuff and I see you only have a few of his in there..

Thanks if you can help out..

19 May 2013

It's possible add featured post only for admin post on evowall (add on next version)


thank you

19 May 2013

Using EvoWall 1.3.9 and PhotoDeluxe 6.4, I have these issues:


1. When uploading a youtube video, I don't see my existing albums in the list, I only see the default album name. Maybe it's because my existing albums are empty, but they still need to be shown.




I also don't quite understand the multi selection option for albums... Can I save videos/photos in more than one album?


2. After uploading, no matter to which album, the videos appear ALWAYS in an album named "Array". (I've tested also with English album names, to make sure it is not a non-latin album name issue).



Same thing with photos:

1. You don't see empty albums in the list of available albums to save the photo in.

2. No matter what album you select, the photo is saved in an un-named album (newly created).


evo1.jpg · 24.2K · 1155 views
evo2.jpg · 51.9K · 1153 views
evo3.jpg · 21.4K · 1145 views
evo4.jpg · 46.9K · 1091 views
20 May 2013


Can I request you add Modzzz Cupid, Questions, and Flirts? I have tried to figure out how to add them but I am so lost.. I have a bunch of modzzz stuff and I see you only have a few of his in there..

Thanks if you can help out..

 If you could include the Pokes module too, that would be great!

20 May 2013

I am getting an "Access Denied" message when I try to upload a photo using evowall.  I am using 1.3.8 on Dolphin 7.1.2. I have checked the membership level permissions and all evowall permissions are enabled for membership type.


UPDATE: My apologies. It looks like I am getting the same message when trying to use boonex photos module as well. Its just the flash uploader not working.

22 May 2013


I am getting an "Access Denied" message when I try to upload a photo using evowall.  I am using 1.3.8 on Dolphin 7.1.2. I have checked the membership level permissions and all evowall permissions are enabled for membership type.


UPDATE: My apologies. It looks like I am getting the same message when trying to use boonex photos module as well. Its just the flash uploader not working.

This happens when there is a problem with the folders permissions.

I bet you have upgraded your dolphin version, right?

Anyway, have you tried to upload a photo using the default module of Boonex (yoursite.ext/m/photos).


Another reason of this issue can be the files of the default template base. Are you sure are identical to the default template base of D7.1.2.

Try to compare the folder templates/base of your site with the default temlpate/base of D7.1.2 (you can use a software as winmerge to do it)


Let us know

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22 May 2013

After your requests:

We have released the new update for EvoWall (1.4.1) and for Profile Cover (1.0.5).

About these updates:

1) fixed the problem with the sex on the notification about the cover

2) updating both these modules, you can see into the wall, the cover image exactly on the same position saved into the cover box.

If you have already installed EvoWall 1.4.0, you can only overwrite the files:

  • basecore.php
  • mqconditions.php
  • mqconditions2.php
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22 May 2013

There is an issue with the update for evowall. Breaks my page column format. Any column to the right of evowall gets bumped to under the other columns. See pics. Also the color of the characters  is blending with the color of the box, so you cannot read whats posted.

I tried everything to fix this issue including taking all columns and blocks shuffling them deleting columns all together and then clear cache each time.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled evowall then everything is normal. I even did a fresh install on evowall with the newest version. I have a copy of the old version but have not tried that. I suspect it would work. Also have a backup just in case.

It is not the template, because I changed to each one and the results are the same. Definitely something to do with newest version.

vunderba5.png · 1.6M · 395 views 6.png · 1.7M · 464 views 7.png · 1.3M · 442 views
Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
23 May 2013


There is an issue with the update for evowall. Breaks my page column format. Any column to the right of evowall gets bumped to under the other columns. See pics. Also the color of the characters  is blending with the color of the box, so you cannot read whats posted.

I tried everything to fix this issue including taking all columns and blocks shuffling them deleting columns all together and then clear cache each time.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled evowall then everything is normal. I even did a fresh install on evowall with the newest version. I have a copy of the old version but have not tried that. I suspect it would work. Also have a backup just in case.

It is not the template, because I changed to each one and the results are the same. Definitely something to do with newest version.

Fixed today, thanks for the report.

Released EvoWall 1.4.2 (if you have also the module Profile Cover see the forum for the update to the ver. 1.0.6)

If you have already installed the version 1.4.1 you can simply overwrite the file basecore.php and empty the cache

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23 May 2013
23 May 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.