Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 15

5 Jul 2015


When you say Responsive Layout (NEW), is it mean the whole news feed is responsive when use in tablet and phones or something else ?

Cause when using news feed in my cellphone galaxy s6 i can't see no responsive layout ?

I mean i can't see news feed fitting in the screen properly but it only viewed as it is viewed on a desktop or laptop...


I'm i missing something here ?



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5 Jul 2015



When you say Responsive Layout (NEW), is it mean the whole news feed is responsive when use in tablet and phones or something else ?

Cause when using news feed in my cellphone galaxy s6 i can't see no responsive layout ?

I mean i can't see news feed fitting in the screen properly but it only viewed as it is viewed on a desktop or laptop...


I'm i missing something here ?



 To get a responsive behaviour you must install also a responsive theme

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10 Jul 2015

Released EvoWall 1.7.8

About this version:

1) Improved the Facebook and Google+ sharing

2) impreved the support for HTTPS

To update this version, you can upload all files and then uninstall/install the module (if you have not the email with the activation code, copy the code before to uninstall your old version). No post will be deleted after the update.

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10 Jul 2015

Thank you for the update .. before i install this . If you remember you did a custom work for my news feeds . Is this will affect that custom work ? Or i can upload only the other files but not upload evowall css ...


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15 Jul 2015

After the upgrade to 1.7.8 YouTube video not working ! I have to disable HTTPS (I'm using SSl certificate ) protection so i can see the YouTube videos ! for some reason the .$protocol. Doesn't show YouTube video to work unless if i disable SSL protection , while if i replace $protocol by HTTPS the YouTube works just fine .

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15 Jul 2015

I did the upgrade and all i have for a module is " News Feed " . It offers very little and seems to be inaccessible. It used to allow uploads of pictures and such ?  all those choices are now gone....evo wall 1.7.8

15 Jul 2015

hello, the update was successfully but same thing for https ''SSL Certificate" can't display videos, befor i replaced the bascore file manually by changing videos codes http by https and works fine.

and another thing when i upload a picture it say that i added 3 new photo and it make it small forma :( it will looks like avatar photo

16 Jul 2015


When a member comments on a post on the EVO Wall, can that post be moved to the top of the page?

Some members are complaining that when their post is commented on, they get an email notification, and they have to scroll down the page and search which of their posts received the new comment. If a post is commented on by another member, it should be moved to the top of the page as most recent.

Is it possible to add this option in a future version?


16 Jul 2015

Are we the only one with this error or have multiple users this problem?
When a member tries to add a video and paste a Youtube video url and then clicks on continue, the page reloads / the upload isn't working. We have installed an SSL certificate and since themn problems with the uploading of video's

19 Jul 2015

We still like to know how it's possible to set grouping of posts to 1 or 2 minutes instead of the default minimum.
That way when a member uploads a badge of photo's at the same time, they get nicely grouped. If he uploads them individual and it takes more than 1 minute they won't get grouped.

19 Jul 2015

un-liking a post is not possible??? I also checked it on your demo site.

21 Jul 2015
I customized all my EVO Wall email templates in the admin area (admin > email templates) and saved the changes.
Less than 5 minutes later, all the EVO Wall email templates changed back to their original form. It deleted all my changes. What happened? Why?
So I customized the EVO Wall email templates all again. Clicked save. Less than 5 minutes later, they reverted back again to original form.
Why can’t I customize the EVO Wall email templates? What do I need to do to make my email template changes stick?
21 Jul 2015


This is a quick follow-up to the EVO Wall email template issue.

I noticed in the mysql database table: sys_email_templates, that the each EVO Wall email template field ( ie: _ibdw_evowall_notify_comment_url ) is duplicated. On one site database each field is duplicated 4 times, on another site database each field is duplicated 11 times. (image below).

When I deleted the duplicates on one site, I was able to customize the email templates successfully in the admin.

Why are these fields duplicating themselves? How do I stop it from happening?

EVOWall-fields-duplicates.png · 60K · 365 views
21 Jul 2015

The email templates of EvoWall are deleted when you uninstall the module.

The current dolphin framework dont allows to have a memory of the email customization.

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22 Jul 2015

Relased EvoWall 1.7.9

this version only solve the issue with the Unlike button (not working on EvoWall 1.7.7 and 1.7.8)

If you have installed EvoWall 1.7.8, you can overwrite the file like_action.php of the new package, or edit

this file and replace (at the line 152) this row:

$query="DELETE FROM ibdw_likethis WHERE id_notizia='".$idnotizia."'' AND id_utente='".$user."'";




$query="DELETE FROM ibdw_likethis WHERE id_notizia='".$idnotizia."' AND id_utente='".$user."'";

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22 Jul 2015

This is a question I've been meaning to ask for a long time.  I've noticed that after a while that news entries disappear from members profiles.  Their activity of uploading a video or picture eventually vanishes as if it had been pruned.  I do not have pruning enabled in the Boonex advanced options.  Is there something I am doing wrong or need to look for?  Thanks.

23 Jul 2015

Check the settings for the module Boonex Spy.

By default the notifications (the same used by EvoWall) are removed after 30 days.

You can tune this value in order to get more life for your activities notification.

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24 Jul 2015


Does EVO wall works with a new install of Dolphin 7.2 and theme Evo ? And is it possible to see a demo without all the other modules ?

24 Jul 2015

Is there a way for comments posted on the EVO Wall to be included in the static URL's of videos, photos, etc.??

What I am finding, and my members are getting mad at, is that if they post a comment on a video or photo on the EVO Wall - that comment does NOT show up in the comments on the static video, photo web page. They want to know where there comment is and why it's not there too.

For example: I post a video on the EVO Wall. 5 members comment on it. Yet, when anyone clicks on the static URL for that video, it shows 0 comments. 

I may have to consider going back to using the improved Timeline in v7.2 if this can't be done. EVO Wall doesn't seem to save important member participation and commentary to the static URL's of the content.

Can this be accomplished?

4 Aug 2015


This is a question I've been meaning to ask for a long time.  I've noticed that after a while that news entries disappear from members profiles.  Their activity of uploading a video or picture eventually vanishes as if it had been pruned.  I do not have pruning enabled in the Boonex advanced options.  Is there something I am doing wrong or need to look for?  Thanks.

 Hi did you manage to tune it lol ?

I got the same problem, thank god i have only 3 members active , so i need to know.


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9 Aug 2015

Has anyone noticed how ridiculous it is to get to the last post in this thread? Yell

Having said that, I have a question.

Is there a way I can block new classified ads (from Modzzz app) from posting to the wall? I have the EVO wall and the classified RSS on the same page and when a lot of people post new ads, it floods the wall and pushes the relevant content off the page. ... Hosted by!
14 Aug 2015

You can remove one or more module post directly editing 2 files:

1) mqconditions.php

2) mqconditions2.php

For the module classifieds by Modzzz, just remove this line:

if ($modzzzclassified=="on") $conditions=$conditions.", '_modzzz_classified_spy_post', '_modzzz_classified_spy_post_change', '_modzzz_classified_spy_rate', '_modzzz_classified_spy_comment', '_ibdw_evowall_bx_classified_add_condivisione'";


The save, upload the file and empty the cache.


PS: we reply as soon as possible, because during this month we are closed for summer holidays

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17 Aug 2015

Perfect, thank you.... ... Hosted by!
17 Aug 2015

 Did never get anything back on this... I posted it a couple of times and send it via e-mail.

We still like to know how it's possible to set grouping of posts to 1 or 2 minutes instead of the default minimum.
That way when a member uploads a badge of photo's at the same time, they get nicely grouped. If he uploads them individual and it takes more than 1 minute they won't get grouped.


18 Aug 2015


this is a request to change the default behaviour of the module, not a support request.

Anyway, the way is to change the grouping logich of the query.

Open the file masterquery.php and search the lines:

//Get type of grouping
 if ($timing_similar=="Day") $groupcond=", DAY(date)";
 elseif ($timing_similar=="Week") $groupcond=", WEEK(date)";
 elseif ($timing_similar=="Month") $groupcond=", MONTH(date)";


As you can see here there are 3 options (for days, weeks and months), you can add another type of time grouping and then create the same option (es. MINUTE)


//Get type of grouping
 if ($timing_similar=="Day") $groupcond=", DAY(date)";
 elseif ($timing_similar=="Week") $groupcond=", WEEK(date)";
 elseif ($timing_similar=="Month") $groupcond=", MONTH(date)";
 elseif ($timing_similar=="Minute") $groupcond=", MINUTE(date)";


also in the file install.sql where, by default, there are only 3 options:

Search (install.sql) this line:

INSERT INTO `sys_options` SET   `Name` = 'TimingSimilar',   `kateg` = @iKategId,   `desc`  = 'Posts grouping for',   `Type`  = 'select',   `VALUE` = 'Day',   `order_in_kateg` = 37, `AvailableValues` ='Day,Week,Month';

If you want to add your option (for example, MINUTE)

change this line as you can see below:

INSERT INTO `sys_options` SET   `Name` = 'TimingSimilar',   `kateg` = @iKategId,   `desc`  = 'Posts grouping for',   `Type`  = 'select',   `VALUE` = 'Day',   `order_in_kateg` = 37, `AvailableValues` ='Day,Week,Month,Minute';


This change has not been tested, but let us know.

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21 Aug 2015

Do I need to un-install and than install it again to run this? Otherwise the modification in install.sql makes no sense, according to me...

21 Aug 2015

I reinstalled the latest version with the changes, but if I upload one photo he says it are two ( code in firebox shows only one image in .pop_foto (photozoom).

In some cases it works perfect how we want, in some cases it fails. Very strange...

21 Aug 2015


I tried to create a poll today from within the wall. I had a question and six possible answers. When I clicked the create button, it dumped it and took me to the main poll page. 


I went back to the wall, clicked on the poll button and it opened with my original question still there and my first 2 answers. It dumped the final 4. I went ahead and just tried to create it with 2 answers and it was successful. 


Seems that more than 2 answers causes the poll to not post properly. ... Hosted by!
8 Sep 2015

Is the module compatible with 7.2 now?

10 Sep 2015

No it is not..

18 Sep 2015

Using EVO Wall on the Home Page : For Non-Members / Guests


When I place the EVO Wall block on the home page, members who are signed in see the full wall (all posts, videos, links, comments, etc.)


However, guests and non-members essentially don't get to see anything. There are a few items, but not much at all. I set "Default Profile Wall Privacy: Public."


I want guests & non-members visiting the home page to be able to see the full EVO Wall with all posts, videos, links, etc. as incentive to join my website. If they see how popular it is, they are more likely to join.


Is it possible for the EVO Wall to display everything posted for guests/non-members on the home page?

25 Sep 2015

When is this module finally compatible with 7.2???

25 Sep 2015


Is the module compatible with 7.2 now?



the update for Dolphin 7.2 has not been released because D7.2.0 has a bug as you can

see on the official repository:

We are waiting the fix for youtube by Boonex on the new D7.2.1.

When the update will be ready we'll send a newsletter to all our customers.

Currenltly we have released only the updates for the modules "IBDW 1Col - Account Menu" and "IBDW 3Col - Account Summary" and we are working on the updates of the modules for "Covers" (Profile Cover, Group Cover, Page Cover, Blogs Cover, ecc...).

We hope to finish soon and we are sorry for the delay but Dolphin Stable D7.2 has introduced many changes and we have to create much new code in order to get the compatibility.

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1 Oct 2015


today we have released EvoWall for D7.2

On this version there is only a limit due to a bug present on Dolphin 7.2 (

For this reason for youtube, you must embed the video from the videos module waiting the fix by Boonex (already planned on D7.2.1)

Please report any other bug

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4 Oct 2015

Is there a demo for this new version? A nice addition for the new version (7.2 / 7.2.1) would be hashtags and the location of the member when he posted a photo, status, video etc. ( example: 2 minutes ago near Berlin )

4 Oct 2015

Did you include any new modules integrated in evowall?

4 Oct 2015

In the description of EvoWall you can see all the modules included (if upgraded for d7.2) in.

Also, we have created a new demo site:

Now, we have to update the rest of our modules, then we'll consider to add/change/improve our modules.

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5 Oct 2015

anyone having problem to uninstall the old version of evowall 1.7.9 and getting blank page ?

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5 Oct 2015

On test site some demouser must have changed the password. or am I blocked?

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5 Oct 2015

When I upload a photo via the News Feed Photo Icon, the photo is uploaded to the site but does not appear on the News Feed. I have the Show Photos option selected in the admin panel, is this a result of a SSL certificate as well?

7 Oct 2015

Does this latest version of Evo Wall perform as responsive on phones and tablets, while compatible with Dolphin 7.2? From what I've seen it does. Can it be used with any other responsive themes, or is it only Evo? And it seems that being responsive, it replaces the need for Mobile Evo Wall. Is that correct? I like the looks of it - are there certain system requirements or conditions, for it to run smoothly with Dolphin 7.2, on both desktop and mobile? Can the Evo background be changed?


Thanks - I'm new to Dolphin, but excited and curious to see what can be done.


12 Oct 2015


anyone having problem to uninstall the old version of evowall 1.7.9 and getting blank page ?


let me know if the problem is present again, otherwise contact me in PM.

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14 Oct 2015


On test site some demouser must have changed the password. or am I blocked?


no, the credentials for are:

username: demouser

password: ibdwdemopass


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14 Oct 2015


When I upload a photo via the News Feed Photo Icon, the photo is uploaded to the site but does not appear on the News Feed. I have the Show Photos option selected in the admin panel, is this a result of a SSL certificate as well?

 Do you see the notification of this upload in the Spy block?

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14 Oct 2015


Does this latest version of Evo Wall perform as responsive on phones and tablets, while compatible with Dolphin 7.2? From what I've seen it does. Can it be used with any other responsive themes, or is it only Evo? And it seems that being responsive, it replaces the need for Mobile Evo Wall. Is that correct? I like the looks of it - are there certain system requirements or conditions, for it to run smoothly with Dolphin 7.2, on both desktop and mobile? Can the Evo background be changed?


Thanks - I'm new to Dolphin, but excited and curious to see what can be done.




our module (EvoWall) has been created about 2 years ago. When Dolphin templates were only UNI and ALT.

Boonex, in D7.2, decided to call the new template of Dolphin "Evo" but there is no relation between our module name and the template of Boonex.

In other words, EvoWall has been called with the prefix Evo just to explain that it's a wall EVOLUTED.

You can use EvoWall with your template responsive (not only Evo of Boonex).


About the color, fonts, backgrounds, ecc...

You can customize EvoWall as you want thanks the file css.

In EvoWall you can choose two type of color scheme: UNI (light colors), DARK (black colors)

And also, you can customize for the scheme you choosed, the file css (evowallstyleUNI.css for the scheme Light, or evowallstyleDark.css for the Dark scheme)

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14 Oct 2015

Boonex fixed the issue of YouTube for the future Dolphin 7.2.1

We have uploaded a new update of EvoWall (2.0.1) that allows you to embed the YouTube video.

If you have already installed EvoWall 2.0.0, follow these steps:


0) copy the activation code you have already used for EvoWall

1) extract the file readme for the fix of youtube, follow the instructions

2) upload the folder modules (that contains EvoWall)

3) uninstall and reinstall EvoWall


This update only allow to use YouTube Embed in EvoWall (if you have also fixed the youtube issue on d7.2.0 as explained in the instructions), so if you want you can continue to use EvoWall 2.0.0. The new update is not a bug fix, just allows to use Youtube videos.

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14 Oct 2015

I have good question , before when uploading youtube in the evowall we were able to play youtube in the Wall but now when click on play in the news feed , the video open youtube app instead ! but still able to play it in the boonex default video module. what cause this behavior ?

 This happening even in your demo site , did test with demosuser.


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17 Oct 2015

The above problem is happening on mobile version and not desktop version...

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19 Oct 2015

When is the photodeluxe update coming? I can't use the EvoWall module and MegaProfile quite yet because the PhotoDeluxe module isn't installed.

21 Oct 2015
21 Oct 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.