Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 12

23 Jul 2014


Using your phone. How can you post a commit on the wall? There is no summit button and my phone does not have an enter key listed? Is there anyone else having that same problem. 

We have added for EvoWall next version (1.7.2) the possibility to display the send button when you are using a mobile device.

Anyway we have tried with a simple Android Tablet, and when we have added the comment this has been posted using the tablet virtual keybord.

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23 Jul 2014

I've hidden a post (by ) for error, sorry:

this his question:

A bit of an annoyance.  If the admin changes the password or otherwise updates the profile of, say, UserABC, an entry shows up in the timeline with the Admin's avatar but with the description "UserABC changed own profile".  I'd rather that this type of activity not show up at all.  Is there a way to accomplish that?


When the administrator change something of a profile informations, the module Boonex Spy save this action as made by the administrator.

The only thing we can do to bypass this issue of Spy is to identify a profile change made by the administrator as a change made by the profile owner.

What do you think about?

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23 Jul 2014

Stupid autopilot system wont let you quote from one page to the next....

In regards to my post about text, I am not talking about maximum characters, I am talking about how the word wrap is set up. Actually read the text in the image I uploaded and you will understand, it is severing words right in the middle to facilitate the wrap... ... Hosted by!
23 Jul 2014

Stupid autopilot system wont let you quote from one page to the next....

In regards to my post about text, I am not talking about maximum characters, I am talking about how the word wrap is set up. Actually read the text in the image I uploaded and you will understand, it is severing words right in the middle to facilitate the wrap...

 I've to go back...

See my products at | Hosting:
23 Jul 2014


Stupid autopilot system wont let you quote from one page to the next....

In regards to my post about text, I am not talking about maximum characters, I am talking about how the word wrap is set up. Actually read the text in the image I uploaded and you will understand, it is severing words right in the middle to facilitate the wrap...


as temporaly fix you can do this:

open the files evowallstyleUNI.css (and or evowallstyleDark.css if you are using the option DARK) you can see into the folder ibdw/evowall/templates/base/css

then, about at the line 167, find this code:

    float: left;
   margin-left: 6px;
   margin-right: 30px;
   word-break: break-all;

and comment the attribute word-break as below:

    float: left;
   margin-left: 6px;
   margin-right: 30px;
  /* word-break: break-all; */

we have already applied this fix to the incoming update and so you can try this solution on our demo site.

account demo: demouser - ibdwdemopass

See my products at | Hosting:
23 Jul 2014

Amigo i emailed you guys, please help? Great mod, but i need help. :)

Everyday is a new beginning.
23 Jul 2014



Stupid autopilot system wont let you quote from one page to the next....

In regards to my post about text, I am not talking about maximum characters, I am talking about how the word wrap is set up. Actually read the text in the image I uploaded and you will understand, it is severing words right in the middle to facilitate the wrap...


as temporaly fix you can do this:

open the files evowallstyleUNI.css (and or evowallstyleDark.css if you are using the option DARK) you can see into the folder ibdw/evowall/templates/base/css

then, about at the line 167, find this code:

    float: left;
   margin-left: 6px;
   margin-right: 30px;
   word-break: break-all;

and comment the attribute word-break as below:

    float: left;
   margin-left: 6px;
   margin-right: 30px;
  /* word-break: break-all; */

we have already applied this fix to the incoming update and so you can try this solution on our demo site.

account demo: demouser - ibdwdemopass

 Thank you.... ... Hosted by!
24 Jul 2014

Once you tell me where, then I can't leave it alone....

I applied your temporary fix but then went ahead and added the following.

/*word-break: break-all;*/
   text-align: justify;
   text-justify: distribute;

What I end up with is a very clean looking comment box. I know some people don't like how the words get a little stretched sometimes but I like the overall appearance of justified text. It seems to work well.. What is your opinion? ... Hosted by!
24 Jul 2014


Once you tell me where, then I can't leave it alone....

I applied your temporary fix but then went ahead and added the following.

/*word-break: break-all;*/
   text-align: justify;
   text-justify: distribute;

What I end up with is a very clean looking comment box. I know some people don't like how the words get a little stretched sometimes but I like the overall appearance of justified text. It seems to work well.. What is your opinion?

 Never mind, after looking at it for 5 minutes, I hated it... ... Hosted by!
25 Jul 2014


The module EvoWall displays the image using the default function of dolphin get_member_icon for the thumbnails.

Automatically, if you set the album privacy (for example) "Me Only", you will see the anonimous gray image instead of the profile image.

Try on our demo site and let us know.


I reproduced the bug with privacy settings on your site. This proves that the problem still exists. Users can see thumbinals and enlarged thumbinals of photos which shouldn't be visible for them.

Please find in attachment detailed description of this issue (based on your site) and screenshots. Document is showing the issue when user add a private (or only for friends) photos, but the bug also exists when users rate/comments a private (or only for friends) photos. 

From my observation the problem occurs when User add/rate/comment on a few photos - private (or for friends) and accessible to all members. After that, during the photos grouping on the Wall, all photos/thumbinals which are added/rated/commented by User are visible - both private (or for friends) and accessible to all members. But of course this is just my observation - it may be wrong.

Wall-privacy.doc · 154K · 487 downloads
26 Jul 2014

I hope that you'll fix above problem within a few hours, because this is a huge bug in the User privacy & security.

26 Jul 2014


I hope that you'll fix above problem within a few hours, because this is a huge bug in the User privacy & security.

this is the update for the issue you have reported (present when the grouping is activated).

Overwrite the file functions.php of your EvoWall 1.7 (into modules/ibdw/evowall).

This file will be added to the incoming update.

functions.php · 25.5K · 410 downloads
See my products at | Hosting:
27 Jul 2014

quick question, there are 3 instances in pagebuilder to place the evo wall, home, profile and account

is it a case that home displays wall for all site activity

profile displays only your activity

and account displays yours and friends activity...?

28 Jul 2014


quick question, there are 3 instances in pagebuilder to place the evo wall, home, profile and account

is it a case that home displays wall for all site activity

profile displays only your activity

and account displays yours and friends activity...?

 for each instance (in home, in account and in profile page), you can set the default privacy.

Example, home page: privacy "members"

This means all posts by all members will be displayed, but considering the profiles privacy settings. So if I've created an album with privacy "friends", this album's images will be not displayed in the home.

See my products at | Hosting:
29 Jul 2014

followed updates install to a tea now the tag in the top right corner does not show on hover, so no one can share or delete. i have no added membership lvls for users so its not that.

29 Jul 2014

Has the share feature to other social media group been resolved.

If i share something from my site it show up on facebook as a link.

Compare to sharing 

I can post that link then share it but i wish that feature worked for everything..
31 Jul 2014

Has anyone else had this problem. The pictures uploaded from the evo wall newsfeed are good quality and look great, but the same picture uploaded through mega profile don't look as good of quality? I have the settings 750x750 in boonex pictures just like it's apparently set in the mega profile, but the picture quality is quite sub par by comparison to when uploaded through the newsfeed. Would appreciate any thought or feedback. Thanks


31 Jul 2014

Has anyone else had this problem. The pictures uploaded from the evo wall newsfeed are good quality and look great, but the same picture uploaded through mega profile don't look as good of quality? I have the settings 750x750 in boonex pictures just like it's apparently set in the mega profile, but the picture quality is quite sub par by comparison to when uploaded through the newsfeed. Would appreciate any thought or feedback. Thanks

31 Jul 2014


Has anyone else had this problem. The pictures uploaded from the evo wall newsfeed are good quality and look great, but the same picture uploaded through mega profile don't look as good of quality? I have the settings 750x750 in boonex pictures just like it's apparently set in the mega profile, but the picture quality is quite sub par by comparison to when uploaded through the newsfeed. Would appreciate any thought or feedback. Thanks



by default MegaProfile images quality is 70 (max value is 100)

In the incoming new version (responsive) of MegaProfile we have added a new field where you can choose the image quality (0-100)

Just the time to finish the tests.

Thanks for your report.

See my products at | Hosting:
31 Jul 2014


followed updates install to a tea now the tag in the top right corner does not show on hover, so no one can share or delete. i have no added membership lvls for users so its not that.

Contact us in private for a site check

See my products at | Hosting:
31 Jul 2014

I have no idea if you are very busy, but i send you more than 5 mails and messages in the past 2 days and no response back. Can you please respond asap?

1 Aug 2014


I have no idea if you are very busy, but i send you more than 5 mails and messages in the past 2 days and no response back. Can you please respond asap?

we have write to you this morning in pm.

See my products at | Hosting:
1 Aug 2014

 So, do all 3 instances of the wall display all site content (depending on privacy settings of content)

What I was asking is if the 3 instances of evo wall (home - profile - account) display different content (regardless of privacy)


so that home will display content from all members (privacy allowing)

profile will only display content from the profile owner

account will display friends content only


is this the case or are all 3 instances of evo wall identical content.


quick question, there are 3 instances in pagebuilder to place the evo wall, home, profile and account

is it a case that home displays wall for all site activity

profile displays only your activity

and account displays yours and friends activity...?

 for each instance (in home, in account and in profile page), you can set the default privacy.

Example, home page: privacy "members"

This means all posts by all members will be displayed, but considering the profiles privacy settings. So if I've created an album with privacy "friends", this album's images will be not displayed in the home.


3 Aug 2014

I have the following error showing on one of my members wall where they have posted a photo. It only shows when I have grouping activated.

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

4 Aug 2014

Has anyone integrated Modzzz Ultimate Articles, and Ultimate Blogs?

I use both these as they offer better functions than the standard articles and blogs, but Evo wall is only allowing for the standard boonex versions of these to integrate.

5 Aug 2014

Is there a guide for integrating 3rd party modules to show on evo wall?

I see it was referenced in the early support forum posts but not able to find that info anywhere at the moment.

7 Aug 2014


Has anyone integrated Modzzz Ultimate Articles, and Ultimate Blogs?

I use both these as they offer better functions than the standard articles and blogs, but Evo wall is only allowing for the standard boonex versions of these to integrate.

About the privacy question, maybe it's better to explain using an example:

if into the homepage you choose "members" and in the account page "friends" you will see different posts because in the home you see the friend posts and the posts made by other members. But if you choose for the home page the same privacy (friends), the two wall will display the same posts.

For the question about the 3d party modules integration, we have replied in PM.

See my products at | Hosting:
8 Aug 2014


I have the following error showing on one of my members wall where they have posted a photo. It only shows when I have grouping activated.

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/kinkkey/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

 What's the EvoWall version installed on your site?

See my products at | Hosting:
8 Aug 2014


this is the update for the issue you have reported (present when the grouping is activated).

Thank you for the update. I have one question - after this update grouping is not working properly - before this update User could see several thumbnails in one Wall entry. After your update - there is only one thumbnail in every user entry.

Of course - if there is a need - I can reproduce and document this bug on your site.

10 Aug 2014

newby question to Evo Wall users :-)

If someone posts a comment within a group, a ref to it shows in evo wall.

Its just says '* commented on 'group' then a regular repost of the groups link.

How can I turn off posting to wall when people comment on something...

I don't mind a new group being posted to wall, but not a repost of that group everytime someone makes a comment within the group...


Please tell me this is an option!

11 Aug 2014

Also, URL posting doesn't work for me using latest version.

It goes through the whole process, then the refresh icon comes up, but then nothing.

I have 'simplified URL' option checked.

11 Aug 2014

We want to create an compose icon in the member menu ( Top Extra ) and the possibility to post from every page on your own wall. ( just like on twitter for example or the default Boonex option  "AddContent" ).

Can someone help us with that? 

12 Aug 2014

So #main_testata must be working on every page and placing photo's, video's, URL's, posts, etc. only on your own wall and is be placed in a extra_menu_popup_...just like the "AddContent" member menu item or the spy member menu item.

Ass attachment a print screen of the member menu I ment. ( this is the default bottom member menu on the Boonex Demo Site, but i must also work when you work with the member menu in the top )

We think this could be a nice add-on for the EvoWall module and some buyers of the EvoWall module are also looking for this to simplify the use of their site. 

print.png · 174.5K · 377 views
12 Aug 2014

Also a possibility if the member icon is to hard to implement... A page block that works for every page that let you place the post to my wall. That can be set invisible and only appears when you click on a button ( that button can be set in the member menu ).

Hopefully i get a response back from Ilbellodelweb to help us with this issue, because we need this asap... 

13 Aug 2014

For some odd reason now in the news feed I am getting this:

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/trucking/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/basecore.php on line 288

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/trucking/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/basecore.php on line 298

I did not add anything or change anything before that popped up. So I uninstalled and re downloaded. then installed again and it is still there.

16 Aug 2014

which code I install on boonex default module photos, videos, and sounds for make a button or link for current page share to my evo wall automatically like evo wall share button

but this button will be for default boonex modules

19 Aug 2014

I'm still on a very old version of Evo Wall, version 1.3.9.

I've discovered that anyone can delete anyone's posts regardless of what it is.

I just created a blog entry, and someone has deleted this from the Evo Wall.

I was wondering, if this was a known issue, and if so, what's the next safest version of Evo Wall to use?  And if I can have that version please.

31 Aug 2014

How to disclude the "... is now friends with ..." from the wall?
We run a datingsite so privacy is important. 

5 Sep 2014

Tried to delete the following things from basecore.php, but with no result. For some reason he counts them still as posts. We have set 20 posts per page and now i see only 12. ( the other eight where messages about friendships )

* OR $row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept'
* elseif ($row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept') $stampa=_t("_ibdw_evowall_isfriend");
* if ($row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept')







Can you please send me ASAP a solution to disclude them from the wall?

6 Sep 2014


Tried to delete the following things from basecore.php, but with no result. For some reason he counts them still as posts. We have set 20 posts per page and now i see only 12. ( the other eight where messages about friendships )

* OR $row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept'
* elseif ($row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept') $stampa=_t("_ibdw_evowall_isfriend");
* if ($row['lang_key']=='_bx_spy_profile_friend_accept')







Can you please send me ASAP a solution to disclude them from the wall?

To exclude a type of content you need to remove the language key in the files:

  • mqconditions.php
  • mqconditions2.php

No change in the file basecore.php!

We suggest to browse the forum when you have a question because often we have already answered to the same request.

See my products at | Hosting:
12 Sep 2014

Hi, reposting this as not had an answer to either question yet.


1 - 

If someone posts a comment within a group, a ref to it shows in evo wall.

Its just says '* commented on 'group' then a regular repost of the groups link.

How can I turn off posting to wall when people comment on something...

I don't mind a new group being posted to wall, but not a repost of that group everytime someone makes a comment within the group...


2 - URL posting doesn't work for me using latest version.

It goes through the whole process, then the refresh icon comes up, but then nothing.

I have tested with 'simplified URL' option checked and not checked.

14 Sep 2014

which code I install on boonex default module photos, videos, and sounds for make a button or link for current page share to my evo wall automatically like evo wall share button

but this button will be for default boonex modules

15 Sep 2014


Hi, reposting this as not had an answer to either question yet.


1 - 

If someone posts a comment within a group, a ref to it shows in evo wall.

Its just says '* commented on 'group' then a regular repost of the groups link.

How can I turn off posting to wall when people comment on something...

I don't mind a new group being posted to wall, but not a repost of that group everytime someone makes a comment within the group...


2 - URL posting doesn't work for me using latest version.

It goes through the whole process, then the refresh icon comes up, but then nothing.

I have tested with 'simplified URL' option checked and not checked.



sorry for the delay.

Too busy after the return from the summer vaction.

I reply per points:

1) in EvoWall you can remove the post about the comments on a group following these easy steps:

    - open the file mqconditions.php and search and remove the language key: _bx_groups_spy_comment

      in other words you have to remove the text:


      , '_bx_groups_spy_comment'

      (comma included)


     - do the same for the file mqconditions2.php

     - then upload the files and empty the cache.


2) About the url posting...I can check your site. Are you using the default files of EvoWall or something has been changed? Also what the EvoWall version?


Let me know, if you want I can check directly your site (credentials needed on a private message).

See my products at | Hosting:
16 Sep 2014


which code I install on boonex default module photos, videos, and sounds for make a button or link for current page share to my evo wall automatically like evo wall share button

but this button will be for default boonex modules

 This is not possible with the current dolphin structure. Anyway we'll study a way to get a similar feature.

See my products at | Hosting:
16 Sep 2014

I'm getting the follwing error using version 1.7.2

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.phpon line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

I tried the functions.php file above, cleared caches and no luck same error.

17 Sep 2014


I'm getting the follwing error using version 1.7.2

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.phpon line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in/home/ktmarina/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/functions.php on line 270

I tried the functions.php file above, cleared caches and no luck same error.

Replied via Boonex message area, waiting your answer

See my products at | Hosting:
17 Sep 2014

I recently deleted a few members. Since then, I am having errors where my wall is giving credit for photo upload to who ever is viewing the wall. For example Member A actually posted the picture, but when Member B views the wall, it's saying that Member C commented on the photo of Member B. However if Member D is viewing the wall, it says that Member C commented on the photo of Member D. And it's all the same post/picture.

Several members have asked me why they are being credited with the photo, but the photo is not in any of their albums. Any ideas would be wonderful so I can correct this problem!

Thank you!

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
26 Sep 2014


I recently deleted a few members. Since then, I am having errors where my wall is giving credit for photo upload to who ever is viewing the wall. For example Member A actually posted the picture, but when Member B views the wall, it's saying that Member C commented on the photo of Member B. However if Member D is viewing the wall, it says that Member C commented on the photo of Member D. And it's all the same post/picture.

Several members have asked me why they are being credited with the photo, but the photo is not in any of their albums. Any ideas would be wonderful so I can correct this problem!

Thank you!

It's better to check the site, contact us in PM.

Also let us know the following informations:

- your dolphin version

- the version of EvoWall installed on your site

Let us know.

See my products at | Hosting:
26 Sep 2014

Can i just uninstall and reinstall so i don't have to upgrade from any previous versions
26 Oct 2014
1 Nov 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.