It would be nice to be able to use template keys in language strings. Here's one reason why:
When you create a blog post, it has a title. When the blog post is viewed, the title appears directly above the blog post content. All of this is contained in a design box with a header title "Post View ".
Why do I need the web page to tell me I am viewing the blog post? I already know that without someone telling me. If we were able to use template keys in language strings, we could use '__post_caption__' as the string for the key '_bx_blog_post_view', then eliminate the code highlighted in red below from modules/boonex/blogs/templates/base/blogpost_unit.html
<hr class="blog_unit_hr bx-def-hr bx-def-margin-sec-top bx-def-margin-sec-bottom" />
<div class="blog_unit">
<div class="unit_info__post_mode__" style="__style__">
<div class="unit_title bx-def-font-h2">
<div class="blog_text bx-def-font-large bx-def-margin-sec-top __friend_style__">
<div class="unit_date bx-def-margin-sec-top">
<a href="__author_link__">__author_title__</a>
<span class="bullet">·</span>
<span class="unit_date bx-def-font-small bx-def-font-grayed">
Why do all this? Because by moving the title to the design box header, saves almost 10% of the available vertical screen space. The useless 'Post View' text is replaced by something more relevant.
Maybe this isn't the right way to accomplish this task, but I hate wasted space.... especially on wide screens where vertical space is at a premium. This is not just blog posts... it's photos, sounds, videos, and probably more. It's worth repeating, that no one needs to be told that they're viewing a photo, sound, video, etc.