Recipe Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Recipe mod.

Paypal email is -
19 Feb 2011

Patch 2.0.1 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Fixes problem with search when the "Use operator LIKE for search" setting is de-activated

Paypal email is -
11 Aug 2011

Patch 2.0.2 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to share recipes with site members and external friends

Adds the ability to embed Youtube Videos by entering only the Video Url.

Paypal email is -
16 Sep 2011


My members love this mod, but, Please explain how to Edit the Recipe Categories, and Cuisine. I want to delete some and add some..Please explain how to do that..

Thanks very much


23 Sep 2011

These lists can be edited in the Admin panel by going to Settings=>Predefined Values and select the one you want from the drop-down.


My members love this mod, but, Please explain how to Edit the Recipe Categories, and Cuisine. I want to delete some and add some..Please explain how to do that..

Thanks very much



Paypal email is -
11 Feb 2012

Patch 2.0.3 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with members posting comments and voting on Recipe listings.

Paypal email is -
11 Feb 2012

Patch 2.0.4 Released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with some fields on the create form not being editable.

Paypal email is -
1 Apr 2012

In recipe settings i activated the option the admin/creator of the recipe can edit/delete comments. But it is not working, there are not buttons beside the comments. In fashion mod it is possible. Please can you fix that so its the same behaviour like in fashion mod? This option is not working

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
21 Aug 2012

 This issue was resolved.

In recipe settings i activated the option the admin/creator of the recipe can edit/delete comments. But it is not working, there are not buttons beside the comments. In fashion mod it is possible. Please can you fix that so its the same behaviour like in fashion mod? This option is not working


Paypal email is -
13 Dec 2012

This mod is now updated for Dolphin 7.1

Paypal email is -
13 Dec 2012

7.1 version.  The ingredients and directions input boxes are too narrow.  The ingredients and direction input boxes need an HTML editor.  I can not seem to even enter a line return; all the ingredients are jumbled together, same for the directions.  I should be able to list the ingredients one to a line and it would be nice if I could do a bullet list; which if I had the TinyMCE editor I could do.  Those boxes don't seem to be able to take HTML; I try entering a line return; enter, but it was stripped out when I saved.

Geeks, making the world a better place
10 Feb 2013

OK, I could not wait for you to make the changes on the ingredients and directions; so I am hacking the code to add those bits myself; easy enough to do that part.

However, I noticed that when you go to edit a post, it does not read in the set values for privacy or for the category of the recipe.  You have to go back and reselect all those settings.  It would be nice if it read the set values back in when you edit the recipe.

Geeks, making the world a better place
10 Feb 2013

 I agree 100% with you as I have 2 volunteers who add recipes and they constantly complain the ingredients and direction input boxes are so tiny they cannot hardly enter or see what they are typing.  I commented to Modzz long ago how nice it would be to adjust those box sizes and have a better display layout too.  A bullet list would be a super idea to use as well.

7.1 version.  The ingredients and directions input boxes are too narrow.  The ingredients and direction input boxes need an HTML editor.  I can not seem to even enter a line return; all the ingredients are jumbled together, same for the directions.  I should be able to list the ingredients one to a line and it would be nice if I could do a bullet list; which if I had the TinyMCE editor I could do.  Those boxes don't seem to be able to take HTML; I try entering a line return; enter, but it was stripped out when I saved.


10 Feb 2013

The ingredients and direction input boxes have been adjusted to accommodate HTML. Download the mod again and replace this folder :


Paypal email is -
11 Feb 2013

Thank you Modzz for updating the recipe description, ingredients and direction boxes and making them larger.  I love the added HTML feature too!  A++

11 Feb 2013

I also added HTML editor to the nutritional information box; I may want to highlight certain terms.

I don't open working sites to others; I can not risk a wrong turn bringing them down; even with experienced coders.  I will see about installing it on a test site.

You set the category, and privacy levels.  However, I notice if you need to go back and edit the recipe, you have to set the category and privacy levels anew; it does not read back in the current values.  Not a big deal since one would not edit a recipe that often; just something I noticed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
11 Feb 2013


 I commented to Modzz long ago how nice it would be to adjust those box sizes and have a better display layout too.  A bullet list would be a super idea to use as well

 That is one of the advantages to being able to hack the code; the fix took only a minute.

Geeks, making the world a better place
11 Feb 2013

By the way, I agree, an A++ module; and having a forum for the recipe is a nice touch.

Geeks, making the world a better place
11 Feb 2013

When I go to "home" the recent recipes block is empty.  However, clicking on "Recent" in the menu will display the recent recipes.  How is the recent block populated?

recent_recipes_empty.jpg · 149.1K · 715 views
Geeks, making the world a better place
13 Feb 2013

The convention in Dolphin is to display only items with public viewing access on the site homepage and on the module main page. If an item is not showing on the main page, it is because it has some other viewing access (friends, members, me only etc.)

When I go to "home" the recent recipes block is empty.  However, clicking on "Recent" in the menu will display the recent recipes.  How is the recent block populated?


Paypal email is -
14 Feb 2013


The convention in Dolphin is to display only items with public viewing access on the site homepage and on the module main page.

Thanks Modzzz for the explanation; I did not know this.  I find it a strange convention since public should be the world and members of course are members of the site.  All members should be able to see these items even if they are not marked public.

Geeks, making the world a better place
15 Feb 2013

I have modified the mod so that homepage and the module main page will also show items with members viewing access to logged in members. Re-upload all files and clear cache.


The convention in Dolphin is to display only items with public viewing access on the site homepage and on the module main page.

Thanks Modzzz for the explanation; I did not know this.  I find it a strange convention since public should be the world and members of course are members of the site.  All members should be able to see these items even if they are not marked public.


Paypal email is -
19 Feb 2013

I have a request for a future release.  It would be nice to be able to add to the cuisine and season in the admin section.  For now, we have to edit the database directly.

Geeks, making the world a better place
20 Feb 2013

You can do this in the admin panel. Go to Builders => Predefined Values and select the options from the drop-down list.

I have a request for a future release.  It would be nice to be able to add to the cuisine and season in the admin section.  For now, we have to edit the database directly.


Paypal email is -
20 Feb 2013

Thank you, I was looking in modules, Recipes, for this and did not see it.  Predefined Values; I learned something new about Dolphin as well Smile

Geeks, making the world a better place
20 Feb 2013

I have a problem, when clicking on the list of cuisines, the link shows http://mysite.tld/__cat_url__

How can I fix this problem?  I am using version 2.0.4

Geeks, making the world a better place
21 Feb 2013

 This issue among others was resolved. See my post in this forum 2 days ago.

I have a problem, when clicking on the list of cuisines, the link shows http://mysite.tld/__cat_url__

How can I fix this problem?  I am using version 2.0.4


Paypal email is -
21 Feb 2013

I downloaded and upped all files and cleared the cache, including the file cache on the server.  It only works for categories; cuisine, seasons, preparations, still show the problem.  I will download again; and try again.  Looking at the code, I am thinking that cuisine, seasons, preparations are just types of categories; so if it works for categories, it should work for the others; yet it does not.

Thank you.

Geeks, making the world a better place
21 Feb 2013

Hello and g'day.

I have noticed that if a member leaves the site, the recipe info will list the viewer as the one that posted the recipe.  Is it possible to have it say anonymous for when the one that posted the recipe is no longer a member?  I want to keep the recipes in place but want it to say anonymous in the Info block when the member has deleted their account.

Geeks, making the world a better place
17 Mar 2013

Presently the recipe should be deleted along with the member. I have made a note of this request for inclusion in the next update.

Hello and g'day.

I have noticed that if a member leaves the site, the recipe info will list the viewer as the one that posted the recipe.  Is it possible to have it say anonymous for when the one that posted the recipe is no longer a member?  I want to keep the recipes in place but want it to say anonymous in the Info block when the member has deleted their account.


Paypal email is -
20 Mar 2013


Presently the recipe should be deleted along with the member.

I see; well they are left behind.  I would prefer being able to keep the recipes and just have them marked anonymously so perhaps this can be a choice in your next update.  Meanwhile, could you be so kind as to point me in the direction of which files to edit to have it say; and this is pseudo code of course, if $author_ID not found, $author_ID = "anonymous".

Geeks, making the world a better place
20 Mar 2013

-> The mod has been updated (Dolphin 7.1 version) so that Recipes are left behind when the poster's account is deleted. In that case the poster is displayed as anonymous.

-> Re-upload all mod files, clear cache and recompile the language for the mod.

Paypal email is -
21 Mar 2013

Thank you, this is appreciated.

Geeks, making the world a better place
24 Mar 2013

I noticed that the photos are displayed in the order of last in, first out.  I would like to display the photos in the order they are uploaded.  In other words, if I upload the photos in the order of photo_1.jpg, photo_2.jpg, and photo_3.jpg, I want the first photo that is displayed to be photo_1.jpg.  Currently it shows photo_3.jpg as the first photo.  The reason is that if you are uploading a series of example photos of preparing a recipe, you want step one to be presented first.  Of course one could upload the photos in reverse order; however, people are use to uploading things in the order they are presented.

I am looking through the code to see where I can change the order of the images; I assume this is done through the database query for the images but so far have no luck finding it.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jun 2013

You will not find this code directly in recipe's source code. This Mod uses lots functions of Dolphins TwigModules so it calls also the base function getMediaIds() from /inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php to retrieve the Ids of the images.

This function should not be changed because other modules use this function too. What you can do is to duplicate the function found in /inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php and rename it, including an ORDER BY ASC or ORDER BY DESC

    function getMediaIds_recipe ($iEntryId, $sMediaType) {
        return $this->getPairs ("SELECT `media_id` FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . $this->_sTableMediaPrefix . "{$sMediaType}` WHERE `entry_id` = '$iEntryId' ORDER BY `media_id` DESC", 'media_id', 'media_id');

Then change recipe call to this function in BxRecipePageView.php

return $this->_blockPhoto ($this->_oDb->getMediaIds_recipe($this->aDataEntry['id'], 'images'), $this->aDataEntry['author_id']);

Best way would be to move the db access from /inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php to BxRecipeDb.php and get rid of TwigCode by overwriting the function.

I just tested it an can change the order with this. Another way is to change the code where the photos are being uploaded, but i think this also is done with the TwigModules functions. I really hate mods based on TwigModule-Code because it is a shared code.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
7 Jun 2013

In modules/modzzz/recipe/classes/BxRecipeDb.php

Add this function :

    function getMediaIds ($iEntryId, $sMediaType)
        return $this->getPairs ("SELECT `media_id` FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . $this->_sTableMediaPrefix . "{$sMediaType}` WHERE `entry_id` = '$iEntryId' ORDER BY `media_id` ASC", 'media_id', 'media_id');

I noticed that the photos are displayed in the order of last in, first out.  I would like to display the photos in the order they are uploaded.  In other words, if I upload the photos in the order of photo_1.jpg, photo_2.jpg, and photo_3.jpg, I want the first photo that is displayed to be photo_1.jpg.  Currently it shows photo_3.jpg as the first photo.  The reason is that if you are uploading a series of example photos of preparing a recipe, you want step one to be presented first.  Of course one could upload the photos in reverse order; however, people are use to uploading things in the order they are presented.

I am looking through the code to see where I can change the order of the images; I assume this is done through the database query for the images but so far have no luck finding it.


Paypal email is -
7 Jun 2013

Thanks for the quick reply Smile

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jun 2013

Best way would be to move the db access from /inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php to BxRecipeDb.php and get rid of TwigCode by overwriting the function.


Thats what i meant, I just showed geekgirl the silly stuff of using TwigModule code and where to find such stuff. You are faster than me editing my post to make it more clear. LOL. Now be as fast and tell me how to change Points Mod so the admin can delete Media and the user gets the points subtracted. I still have no answer from you :(


In modules/modzzz/recipe/classes/BxRecipeDb.php

Add this function :

    function getMediaIds ($iEntryId, $sMediaType)
        return $this->getPairs ("SELECT `media_id` FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . $this->_sTableMediaPrefix . "{$sMediaType}` WHERE `entry_id` = '$iEntryId' ORDER BY `media_id` ASC", 'media_id', 'media_id');



Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
7 Jun 2013

Both of us seem to have posted the answer the same time :) Regarding the Points mod, the request is not easy to accomplish, hence no response on that as yet. It will most likely be available in the next patch update which should be released soon.

Paypal email is -
7 Jun 2013

Mmm, does not seem to be working.  I cleared the cache and cache_public and the cache from the admin but it did not change the order.  I guess I could try DESC.

Yes, DESC worked.  It may be they are numbered differently as you upload or something.  The main thing is that I now have control over this.  Thank you very much, both Modzzz and Dately.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jun 2013


Both of us seem to have posted the answer the same time :) Regarding the Points mod, the request is not easy to accomplish, hence no response on that as yet. It will most likely be available in the next patch update which should be released soon.

I also tried and cannot find good solution for the points problem, only by changing the base code and thats really a pain. Ok i wait. Lets stay with recipe here.

I wondered why the order is correct on my recipes added and found out that the real problem is if you add photos via the action panel, they have different upload order than by editing the recipe. I now mix up all the orders LOL but i guess this problem is still not eliminiated with the overwritten function. I not have changed my code or overwritten it and can clearly see the uploaded photos have different order when using action panel and edit recipe. so this must be changed too.

@geek_girl: can you try upload photos via the action panel and via editing the recipe? does it have different order too? My alcohol level is to high right now so i do not want to touch any source code anymore. LOL

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
7 Jun 2013

I wasn't having any issue with the order either so the actions button must be invoking a different function. I will check when I return later tonight if no one solves it before then.

Paypal email is -
7 Jun 2013

I want but i cannot LOL, so i check tomorrow if you not found it until then.


Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
7 Jun 2013

I edited my reply and you got posted before my update.

DESC works.  The images for the recipes are uploaded using the form (Clicking on Add Recipe).  Adding images as needed.  So I guess the order gets reversed when they are processed?  Anyway, as long as I can order them so that step 1 photo is displayed before step 2 photo.

On the add form, you browse for the photo, and add a title.  Then you click on the + button to add another photo and the input box opens below so you can add the second one.  Maybe when they are actually uploaded, the last photo input box is the first photo that gets uploaded and thus as ID number 1?  I don't know.  All that matters is I can control how they are listed.


Thanks again.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jun 2013

Now that my head is clear again i examined the upload function. First of all there is no need to change the code like described above. The recipes code is working correctly. The problem comes from the upload form in both areas, action panel and add/edit form.

If you click the + button to insert another photo, the last local image path and the description are copied to the new field below. Now it is possible to make a mistake. If you start to add the next photo to the first element (because there was the + button) then the order will be reversed in the end. If you add the photos always to the last field created by the + button the order is correct.

So i suggest just to clear the newly created field (its path and description) then all users know that this is the field to add the next photo. Can this field be cleared modzzz? I think its this input or button wrapper stuff coming from here


Making changes here will change it site wide. I would be happy about this.

Edit: Oh i think thats a jquery-chain in the file creating this field. Maybe its possible just to add another element wich clears the field by default?

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
8 Jun 2013

I solved it using some core changes (7.0.9) and think this is the best solution. I am really happy that the newly created field is emtpy whereever the file upload form is used.

Just open ./templates/base/form_field_files_upload.html and replace

<img src="<bx_icon_url:action_fave.png />" title="Add" alt="Add" class="multiply_add_button" onclick="$(this).parent().parent().append($(this).parent().clone().find('img.multiply_add_button').remove().end().find('img.multiply_remove_button').show().end().hide()).find('.bx_sys_file_upload_line').slideDown();" />


<img src="<bx_icon_url:action_fave.png />" title="Add" alt="Add" class="multiply_add_button" onclick="$(this).parent().parent().append($(this).parent().clone().find('INPUT.form_input_file').val('').end().find('INPUT.form_input_text').val('').end().find('img.multiply_add_button').remove().end().find('img.multiply_remove_button').show().end().hide()).find('.bx_sys_file_upload_line').slideDown();" />

Then try adding new photos videos etc. It cannot be more clear for the user now! Modzz you don't need change anything in recipe mod. Btw. this works very well with Cupid Mod too, but need to be changed in /modules/modzzz/cupid/templates/base/form_field_questions.html

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
8 Jun 2013


you mentioned an upcoming patch. Will that also include similar new features as for your Premium Events?


============================== PURPOSE =====================================

Many SEO features added including Google Rich Snippets.

Added Facebook Comments Block.


7.1 My favorite number
10 Aug 2013


just installed the mod,works fine but i just want to get rid of the posibility of members to create new categories,as in this way 

i may ending in having countless categories.

any ideea on how to do this?


17 Aug 2013

Hey Modzzz,

Quick question. How come in the outline it says Anonymous? But show the Avatar of the member. I looked at the settings and there is none that states Anonymous or members name?

Thanks for your help.

19 Aug 2013

 In modules\modzzz\recipe\classes\BxRecipeFormAdd.php
Find :

        $this->processMembershipChecksForMediaUploads ($aCustomForm['inputs']);

Just above, add :

        $aCustomForm['inputs']['categories']['attrs'] = array(
            'add_other' => false


just installed the mod,works fine but i just want to get rid of the posibility of members to create new categories,as in this way 

i may ending in having countless categories.

any ideea on how to do this?



Paypal email is -
20 Aug 2013
20 Aug 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.