Profile Composer from AntonLV - part 2

4 Sep 2013

Hello, Grosman!

Even though I have two columns in the "Profile Builder" and "Pages Builder-Profile" the profile page looks like it has only one column.

Profile Composer's -> Profile Builder intends for building default blocks structure for members profiles. It means if you like to change number of columns on profile page or to make available any of standard blocks, you need to do it via Dolphin's -> Builders -> Pages Builder(profile) and then you will be able to create default Profiles blocks structure for members using performed changes from Dolphin's -> Builders -> Pages Builder(profile) page.

In Profile's Composer -> profile builder section, only blocks from Active area of  Dolphin's -> builders -> Pages Builder(profile) page are available. Also if you set number of columns on  Dolphin's -> builders -> Pages Builder(profile) page, Profile's Composer -> profile builder automatically changes its number of columns and if you place any block from Active section of Dolphin's -> builders -> Pages Builder(profile) to inactive area, it will also automatically disappear from members' profiles and Profile's Composer -> profile builder.

The use of Profile Builder
1) I've created a universal block that I wanted to use on all members profiles. I add that in "Profile Builder" but it doesn't stick. Instead it wipes out all individual blocks that members have created.
2) I would assume that I could add a universal block but wouldn't interfere with already created individual blocks by the users.


If you like to create new block and place it to the all members' profiles, you can do it in 3 ways:

  • Create new block in Dolphin's -> builders -> Pages Builder(profile) section and then place it to Active area of the page. Go to Profile's Composer -> profile builder,  place new block to desire position on profile page and then click on Apply current settings to member's profiles button (this button allows to place this block to the all members profiles)
  • Create block using Profile composer's -> Create new block area, then go to Profile's Composer -> profile builder,  place new block to desire position and then click on  Apply current settings to member's profiles button.
  • Member can create new block and admin can make it available for the all members as it was described above via Profile's Composer -> profile builder area. 


Under 'Shared Members block's" I've clicked "place this block under my profile". The block then disappears from the "Shared Members block's" but isn't added to the Profile


May be there is problem in the script or with the block's permissions. You can check who can see this block in Profile Composer -> profile builder area, if you click on it. Anyway if you try to put your block on profile page, it has to be available for you.

"Standard site's blocks Shared member's blocks "That text is a bit off. Padding perhaps?

This module has been tested on default Dolphin's templates and we had no problems with titles.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Sep 2013

 Hi Anton,

Create block using Profile composer's -> Create new block area, then go to Profile's Composer -> profile builder,  place new block to desire position and then click on  Apply current settings to member's profiles button.
Member can create new block and admin can make it available for the all members as it was described above via Profile's Composer -> profile builder area. 

 - When I add a new block and "Apply current settings to member's profiles buttons" it looks fine. But when leaving the page it goes back to the state it was before. There is also no change to the actual Profile page. Can you please check using the login provided. 

7.1 My favorite number
5 Sep 2013

Hello, Grosman!

It's better to continue this conversation via inbox, as it seems to be your local problem.


It is hard to reproduce and find the problem, until you have broken page structure, you need to fix it first.

Best Regards AntonLV -
6 Sep 2013

AntonLV and this mod rocks!

I had misunderstood the usage and AntonLV clarified it and was quick in replying. 

7.1 My favorite number
11 Sep 2013

Hello, Grosman!


Thanks for the kind words :)

We are glad that you are satisfied!

Best Regards AntonLV -
11 Sep 2013

For some reason it seem that the bottom bar disappears now? Is anyone else have that with 7.1.4? or is it just my site?

12 Sep 2013

Hello, TruckingSpace!

We never faced with such kind of probelm. Can you please send us your site's access info via inbox? We will check it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
12 Sep 2013


For some reason it seem that the bottom bar disappears now? Is anyone else have that with 7.1.4? or is it just my site?

 My 7.1.4 site seems to be working fine...Bottom menu bar appearing...

Is there anything you've done recently.....With caches? Installed any new modules?

12 Sep 2013


Updated version 2.1.2 is released.

Several bugs for admin's -> profile builder area and users part were added.

Best Regards AntonLV -
14 Sep 2013



Updated version 2.1.2 is released.

Several bugs for admin's -> profile builder area and users part were added.

 Do we need only upload new files, or is it necessary to uninstall and re-install the module?

Much Thanks :)

14 Sep 2013


You don't need to reinstall the module, just upload new files and clean cache :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
15 Sep 2013

I upgraded my site to 7.1.1 and I had the problem with the member menu bar disappearing from the profile page.  I upgraded the module to 2.1.2 but did not seem to fix the problem.  I did manage to get the menu bar to appear by loading in the old BxBaseProfileView and then putting the new one back in place.  However, when dragging a block around, the blocks don't move and the block you are dragging ends up at the bottom of the column.

I saw the other member post about missing menu.  Was this addressed?  What about positioning blocks?  That is not working as it should now.

Geeks, making the world a better place
24 Oct 2013

Yes AntonLV went to the my site and fixed the problem I was having

24 Oct 2013

Hello, geek_girl!


I can not tell you exactly where is the problem, I need to see it first.

Provide me please with your ftp and admin panel acess info, we will check.

Best Regards AntonLV -
25 Oct 2013

I upgraded the module, clear caches etc.  I applied the 7.1.1 upgrade patch to my site.  The member menu bar did not disappear this time.  However, the problem with arranging the blocks still exists.  You grab a block and drag it to where you want to place it and it goes sliding down to the bottom of the column.

I need to figure this out.  However, my site is complicated, I don't have a regular set up ftp; if you ftp into the site you will see several folders and only one of them is the current test site.  Can you guide me on what may be the cause here?  I would guess a jquery problem since it involves siding the blocks around.

Geeks, making the world a better place
29 Oct 2013


I need to figure this out.  However, my site is complicated, I don't have a regular set up ftp; if you ftp into the site you will see several folders and only one of them is the current test site.  Can you guide me on what may be the cause here?  I would guess a jquery problem since it involves siding the blocks around.

Yes, I also think that the problem is in jquery integration and we need to check two files AqbPageBuilder.js and composer.js



Best Regards AntonLV -
29 Oct 2013

I looked at the files but I doubt if I can do this so I have changed the configuration of the site and will PM the info.

Geeks, making the world a better place
29 Oct 2013

How to integrate TinyMCE in the text block?

Unbenannt.jpg · 75.2K · 469 views
Sorry for my English!
5 Feb 2014


How to integrate TinyMCE in the text block?

I wanted to do the same thing for my members....

Please test this all out OK? Under some circumstances with some sites there can be issues with doing this-----> (If you also use the profiles comments which also uses TinyMCE)

There are different TinyMCEs that can be used---> You will want the TinyMCE that does not have HTML (Usually #9):

1- You will need to find, open, and Edit file: pcomposer/classes/AqbPCTemplate.php

2- In this file near line 273 search and find this:

    function getTextBlockForm($aBlock){
       $aForm = array(
         'form_attrs' => array(
            'id' => 'pc-text-form',
            'name' => 'pc-text-form',
            'method' => 'post',
            'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',
            'action' => '',
            'onsubmit' => "javascript: AqbPC.submitBlock('text','"._t('_aqb_pc_empty_fields')."'); return false;"
        'inputs' => array(
        'title' => array(
                'type' => 'text',
                'name' => 'title',
                'value' => $aBlock['title'],
                'required' => true,
                   'caption' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_title_edit'),
                'info' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_title_edit_info'),
                   'attrs' => array('id' => 'aqb_pc_text_block_title'),
        'body' => array(
                'type' => 'textarea',
                'name' => 'body',
                'value' => $aBlock['content'],
                'html' => '0',
                'required' => true,
                   'caption' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_body_edit'),
                'info' => _t('_aqb_pc_text_block_body_edit_info', $this -> _oConfig -> getMaxCharsForBody()),
                   'attrs' => array('id' => 'aqb_pc_text_block_body','style' => 'width:630px;height:250px;'),
                'attrs_wrapper' => array('style' => 'width:630px;height:250px;')

3- Change to this:

    function getTextBlockForm($aBlock){
       $aForm = array(
         'form_attrs' => array(
            'id' => 'pc-text-form',
            'name' => 'pc-text-form',
            'method' => 'post',
            'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',
            'action' => '',
            'onsubmit' => "javascript: AqbPC.submitBlock('text','"._t('_aqb_pc_empty_fields')."'); return false;"
        'inputs' => array(
        'title' => array(
                'type' => 'text',
                'name' => 'title',
                'value' => $aBlock['title'],
                'required' => true,
                   'caption' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_title_edit'),
                'info' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_title_edit_info'),
                   'attrs' => array('id' => 'aqb_pc_text_block_title'),
        'body' => array(
                'type' => 'textarea',
                'name' => 'body',
                'value' => $aBlock['content'],
                'html' => '9',
                'required' => true,
                   'caption' => _t('_aqb_pc_block_body_edit'),
                'info' => _t('_aqb_pc_text_block_body_edit_info', $this -> _oConfig -> getMaxCharsForBody()),
                   //'attrs' => array('id' => 'aqb_pc_text_block_body','style' => 'width:630px;height:250px;'),
                //'attrs_wrapper' => array('style' => 'width:630px;height:250px;')

The changes are in blue....(9 gives you simple TinyMCE)

Hopefully this configuration will work for you...

Anton of course is the expert here, and he may know some advantages or disadvantages to doing this.

Hope this helps :)

5 Feb 2014


Thank you for the comment.

TinyMCE was included to the first Profile Composer version, but we removed it from the later versions, because there was a conflict between TinyMCE from Profile Composer and TinyMCE from profile comments area.

We plan to include it to the next Profile Composer version.

Best Regards AntonLV -
6 Feb 2014

I just noticed that Profile Compose was ignoring the settings under membership levels.  I have Profile Composer unchecked/greyed out for Standard members but they are still able to use Profile Composer.  What can do I do to fix this?  I will download the latest version.  Will I have to uninstall the Profile Composer to fix this?

I am thinking it probably broke with the last update; it is not checking the allowed actions.

Just to be sure, I downloaded the module again, uploaded the files, cleared /cache and /cache_public and then went into the admin and cleared the caches there.  This is s a serious bug as this is a premium feature on our site.

Geeks, making the world a better place
17 Feb 2014

I copied the 3.0.0 version back over to the site and it appeared to fixed the problem.  I hope I am not going to screw up my site doing this.  It is very easy to break things in Dolphin. 

Geeks, making the world a better place
17 Feb 2014

Hello, geek_girl!

Profile Composer doesn't contain membership actions which enable/disable module for members.

We will include this feature to the next version.

If you don't want to wait we can perform it as custom modification.

Best Regards AntonLV -
17 Feb 2014


Hello, geek_girl!

Profile Composer doesn't contain membership actions which enable/disable module for members.

We will include this feature to the next version.

If you don't want to wait we can perform it as custom modification.

My old version did have membership levels; perhaps you added it as a custom addition for me and I forgot.  I will go back and look through my notes on this.  I should be able to look at the codes and add it back easily enough.  Which file would this be located in?

Geeks, making the world a better place
17 Feb 2014


My old version did have membership levels; perhaps you added it as a custom addition for me and I forgot.  I will go back and look through my notes on this.  I should be able to look at the codes and add it back easily enough.  Which file would this be located in?

It would be better to transfer changes from latest Profile Composer version on your version (there are no so many changes).

You may use any of merging programmes for it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
19 Feb 2014



My old version did have membership levels; perhaps you added it as a custom addition for me and I forgot.  I will go back and look through my notes on this.  I should be able to look at the codes and add it back easily enough.  Which file would this be located in?

It would be better to transfer changes from latest Profile Composer version on your version (there are no so many changes).

You may use any of merging programmes for it.

Yes, I am seeing where I paid $30.00 for the customisation to add membership levels back on 28-11-2012; That was back when I first started with Dolphin and knew little about the code.  I should have asked at the time for it to be added to the module so that it would be included in any future upgrades.  Could you possibly add the membership levels to the module to make it easier for me to upgrade in the future?  Meanwhile I will see if I can find the files you emailed to me way back then.

Thanks, -GG

Edit: I am missing the yellow key for standard members.  Do I only need to be concern with php files for memberships or did you have to edit other files to add in membership levels?

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 Mar 2014

I am not going to be able to get this to work,  You did NO documentation on what you changed in the files.  If you would have just added a comment; //Modification for Geek Girl Begin, //Modification for Geek Girl End on each change this would be a walk in the park.  Instead I am playing a guessing game as what needs to be change.


When I paid for this the first time why didn't you say, well, you won't be able to upgrade and which I could said, add it to the module for all and then it would have been in the module even if the module had to be upgraded and I would not be facing this issue.


I have to upgrade the module because the current module I have is breaking the customiser module because of the old js code you had and I can not have this module available to anyone because members have paid for the privilege of doing the profile composer.

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 Mar 2014

Hello, geek_girl!


We have done already many different modifications for Profile Composer and we didn't have such kind of problems.


You can use any of merging tools(I use Araxis Merge) for transferring changes from one version to another, it will take a couple of minutes and I think, It is more difficult to transfer changes manually if you search for my comments in the code first.


Well, if you have original archive with our changes, send it please on our email and we will add comments for you.

Best Regards AntonLV -
13 Mar 2014


Hello, geek_girl!


We have done already many different modifications for Profile Composer and we didn't have such kind of problems.


You can use any of merging tools(I use Araxis Merge) for transferring changes from one version to another, it will take a couple of minutes and I think, It is more difficult to transfer changes manually if you search for my comments in the code first.


Well, if you have original archive with our changes, send it please on our email and we will add comments for you.

I will send the archive with the changes you made for membership levels.  I am seeing things that were commented out and not sure if that was part or not.  I use WinMerge, it is a very nice programme.

Geeks, making the world a better place
13 Mar 2014

This module version seems to prevent the standard non-profile composer users from having their yellow keys when I installed my version with membership levels.  My old version works with standard members and membership levels.  So I am unsure of where to proceed.

Could you test the version with membership levels you sent to me on your test site and see if it is working for you?  It would be nice if you would just go ahead and include membership levels for all and include it in the official release.

Geeks, making the world a better place
1 Apr 2014


New Profile Composer version 2.1.3 with feature for membership levels was released. Now administration of the site can enable/disable membership action which allows to use Profile Composer for some membership levels. 


Best Regards AntonLV -
3 Apr 2014

Thanks Anton.

In order to use Membership levels, there is a database change.  If you don't want to uninstall the module and remove all the blocks and changes your members have made to use membership levels, this is the database change in the module that you can add to the database.

SET @iLevelStandard  := 2;
SET @iLevelPromotion := 3;

INSERT INTO `sys_acl_actions` VALUES (NULL, 'profile composer is allowed', NULL);
SET @iAction := LAST_INSERT_ID();
INSERT INTO `sys_acl_matrix` (`IDLevel`, `IDAction`) VALUES
    (@iLevelStandard, @iAction),
    (@iLevelPromotion, @iAction);

Geeks, making the world a better place
3 Apr 2014

Hello, geek_girl!

Thanks for you cooperation :) This is correct.

Best Regards AntonLV -
4 Apr 2014

How come the new version has a lower number than my older version, which was: version 3.0.1? - The Online Guide to Travel
16 Apr 2014

Hello, TravelNotes!

Sorry for confusion!
Version's number was changed to 3.0.0 by mistake and the right number was 2.1.0, thus the right number of current version is 2.1.3, but not 3.0.3.

Best Regards AntonLV -
16 Apr 2014

When I first purchased this module it worked great and I was happy with it.  However, since you started doing the upgrades on the module it has been nothing but problems after problems.  First it was the member menu bar disappearing and then it was the blocks not sliding apart to drag and drop a block into place; that was a conflict with my double blocks in a column module which was fixed by adding the float: none to the page_5.html page, and then it was the missing yellow keys in the standard members and now it disables my colour picker on standard members when the Profile Composer module is active.  Today I uninstalled the module and reinstalled and I had two members windows open, premium and standard and both pages lost their backgrounds as set in the Profile Cusomiser module, why would your module do that?  After the uninstalled and reinstalled and cleared all the caches the blocks on the page are back to not wanting to slide apart to drag and drop blocks in place (and I made sure that the overrided for the double blocks module was still in place on the template).  I am really to say the heck with your module and write a bad review.

Geeks, making the world a better place
16 Apr 2014

Hello, geek_girl!

We always try to create modules which don't require many changes in files during installation to simplify installation process and process of future Dolphin upgrades, but some of the modules still require small changes in files as Profiles Composer.
Profiles Composer has been updated several times to make it compatible with all Dolphin's jquery versions in order not to rewrite jquery with our own version. It means Profile Composer must work on all default Dolphin's versions and if you have any problems with it let us know, we always ready to help you.

Usually problems occur when you try to install several modules from different vendors on the same part of the site. If some of the modules don't work after installation, it doesn't mean that some of already installed modules or last installed module are bad, but it means that you need to integrate and connect all of them properly in this part of the site.

When we install our Composer modules on the site which already contains not standard changes in files we always try to integrate it without breaking any already existed modules.

Best Regards AntonLV -
17 Apr 2014

About a little more information on what you are doing.  For example, I see you adding javascript code to the profile view page.  Why would my colour picker work when the Profile Composer is active on the profile page but not when it is not active, when it is on a member that does not have the membership level to use Profile Composer?  I am getting a series of TypeError Undefineds.  I am wondering if you are adding things that when the Profile Composer is not active is causing the issue.  Or do you remove code for the non Profile Composer users that perhaps removing something that is needed.

You know Profile Composer; what you are doing with your code.  I don't.  I know how my colour picker works, what is added to the page.  Perhaps with more knowledge about what you are doing, I can track down the issue causing my TypeError errors.


js_errors.jpg · 114.9K · 619 views
Geeks, making the world a better place
18 Apr 2014

OK, I think I now understand what is happening.  If I had had more information on what your module added to the page, it would not have taken me so long or caused me so much frustrations.  I do apologise Anton for my outburst; it was born from frustration of what was taking place.

OK, I have figured this out.  The colour picker requires the jquery UI library.  When I first installed this colour picker, I already had the Profile Composer module installed.  I did not know PC was loading in the UI library; I thought Dolphin was loading that in.  When I installed the colour picker I did not load in the jquery UI and it was working because the profile composer module was loading in the UI library; for both users.  Now I had you to add membership levels to the module when I first purchased it back when I first started my site; it was one of the very first modules I installed.  Evidently with the way that it was set up for membership levels at that time, it was still loading the UI library for standard members.  However, since then the module has been changed several times.  With the current way the module is set up for membership levels, it does not add the UI library to the standard members page.  So I need to make a change so that the UI library is loaded in outside of the module.


My question is should I remove the part where you load in the UI library;

       $this -> _oMain -> _oTemplate -> addJs(array('jquery.ui.all.min.js'));


and just load that in the _header.html file or should I make changes elsewhere?


Thanks for the help Anton, and again I apologise for the outburst.  It was so frustrated from trying to figure this out.

Geeks, making the world a better place
18 Apr 2014

Hi, geek_girl!


As far as I understand you want to load jquery even if Profiles Composer is not enabled for the member.

If so then you need to place this line 

$this -> _oMain -> _oTemplate -> addJs(array('jquery.ui.all.min.js'));

above this line:

if (!$this -> _oMain -> isAllowedProfileComposer()) return '';

Best Regards AntonLV -
21 Apr 2014

Since the upgrade I'm having problems in the Profile Builder admin section.

I can't move Inactive Blocks into Active Blocks.


If I go to Profile Blocks on my profile, I can 'place this block to my profile'. - The Online Guide to Travel
18 May 2014

I've uploaded files manually, as opposed to using the zip upload before, compiled languages and cleared cache and it seems to be working.


Phew. - The Online Guide to Travel
18 May 2014

Hello, TravelNotes!

Ok, if you still have any problems with this module, send us please your access to our inbox, we will check.

Best Regards AntonLV -
19 May 2014


Lets say i have DJs streaming music each one of them uses a different radio IP, can the admin create unique block for DJ "A" and another unique block for DJ "B" each one with its own radio IP?

I know i could create a block and add the radio player/IP to it and propagate that block to all the DJs but that won't work for my project because that will add the same radio station to all the DJs and not a unique one.



27 Jul 2014


By default Profile Composer doesn't allow to create special blocks for each member. Admin can create blocks which will be available for all members.

Only member can create products for their own usage and close them for other members. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
28 Jul 2014

Would it be possible to add a new menu item to the Blocks page to show a member the blocks they have created?  Currently I see only Profile Blocks and Shared Blocks; a My Blocks selector would be nice.

Geeks, making the world a better place
4 Jun 2015


Thank you for the suggestion!

Yes, we are going to add My Blocks section and also Categories and Search blocks areas.

Best Regards AntonLV -
5 Jun 2015



Module is updated for Dolphin 7.2.

Best Regards AntonLV -
18 Sep 2015

When you say module is updated, have changes been made to Version: 1.3.0 that we need to download and apply?

On the module page it says compatible with 7.3.0

Did this happen automatically?

Michel - The Online Guide to Travel
17 Mar 2016
17 Mar 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.