Premium Jobs Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Premium Jobs mod.

Paypal email is -
26 Feb 2011


i recived an email from you about the new job  version patch, i have the 2.02 version but i would like to upgrade it can you tell me how can i do it

11 Apr 2011

Do you mean you want to upgrade from normal Jobs mod to Premium Jobs mod ?


i recived an email from you about the new job  version patch, i have the 2.02 version but i would like to upgrade it can you tell me how can i do it


Paypal email is -
11 Apr 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (see patches/version_2.0.3 folder)

Fixes issue where members were allowed to post Jobs under Companies they did not create.

Paypal email is -
28 Apr 2011

I have installed the Premium Jobs module and followed the installation instructions.  It appears to have installed correctly however when I click on the Jobs Home link it gives me an all white screen with a red box saying: Error


Database query error

I can access other parts of the Job module however can't access the Job Home or Add a Job.  Help!


13 Jun 2011

 This typically will occur if you forgot to run the sqlstates.php. Please confirm that you did indeed run that file as stated in the installation instructions.

I have installed the Premium Jobs module and followed the installation instructions.  It appears to have installed correctly however when I click on the Jobs Home link it gives me an all white screen with a red box saying: Error


Database query error

I can access other parts of the Job module however can't access the Job Home or Add a Job.  Help!



Paypal email is -
13 Jun 2011

You are awesome!!  I missed that step somehow.  Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly!!!


13 Jun 2011

hello i bought the jobs but i would like to know how can i up grade it to premium??

21 Jun 2011

 You pay the price difference. I have sent you a PM with payment details.

hello i bought the jobs but i would like to know how can i up grade it to premium??


Paypal email is -
21 Jun 2011

whats PM????

21 Jun 2011

 The messaging system on this site.

whats PM????


Paypal email is -
21 Jun 2011

Version 2.0.4 released. (see patches/version_2.0.4 folder)


Adds the ability to integrate Jobs with Resume.
Fixes javascript error typically seen when viewing in IE.

Fixes display problem when there are private listings.

Modifies the display of Packages information.

Paypal email is -
1 Jul 2011

Where exactly is the patches for 2.0.4?

22 Jul 2011

Download the mod again and unzip it. You will see a folder called patches. Open it and you will see a folder inside of it called version_2.0.4

Where exactly is the patches for 2.0.4?


Paypal email is -
22 Jul 2011

Version 2.0.5 released. (see patches/version_2.0.5 folder)

Adds the ability for members to view their expired listings.

Adds the ability to see details for package selected when creating a listing.

Adds the ability to create packages that allows free listings when paid mode is activated.

Modifies Extend and Re-listing functionality.

Paypal email is -
2 Sep 2011

Version 2.0.6 released. (see patches/version_2.0.6 folder)

Adds the ability to embed Youtube Videos by entering only the Video Url.
Fixes issue with missing media upload section.

Paypal email is -
16 Sep 2011

Version 2.0.7 released. (see patches/version_2.0.7 folder)

Adds integration with Business Listings mod - When posting a Job, you can now select the Company from existing Business Listings. On the Business Listing view page, there is now a block to display all Jobs posted by that company. 

Modifies the Location functionality to solve Map Display problem. I have added the ability to add job location if the Job is not posted by a company. If the Job is posted by a company you can still add job location or inherit the location of the company.

Adds the ability to drill-down local listings by Category.

Paypal email is -
11 Nov 2011


I have the Premium Jobs/Job mod. I have tried to add some 'test' job, made it available to my Friends only. However, I'm having some issues with the job now, e.g.:


1.) I can not view, edit, delete the job.

2.) The Friends can not view the job.

The job appears only in the relevant bracket beside the chosen category. But that's about it.


Could you please advise/fix it?




13 Nov 2011

 You removed the menu link that shows wanted jobs. I logged into your site and put it back.


I have the Premium Jobs/Job mod. I have tried to add some 'test' job, made it available to my Friends only. However, I'm having some issues with the job now, e.g.:


1.) I can not view, edit, delete the job.

2.) The Friends can not view the job.

The job appears only in the relevant bracket beside the chosen category. But that's about it.


Could you please advise/fix it?





Paypal email is -
14 Nov 2011

Version 2.0.8 released. (see patches/version_2.0.8 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to disable Job Seeker functionality.

Paypal email is -
14 Nov 2011

installed latest version and testing it.

when adding new job and add new company details i get database Error on submit?!

also when selected a company from dropdownbox it comes up in block as Company: N/A
and when want to edit the company --> dropdownbox is gone and company can't be changed?!


See attachments

please advise in how to solve this?


Premium-Jobs-addnew.jpg · 57.3K · 547 views
Premium-Jobs-editjob.jpg · 19K · 563 views
25 May 2012

I am having the same problem when creating a job with a new company.

The actual database problem is this:

Column 'zip' specified twice

I've checked the SQL and it's attempting to insert country, state, address1, city and zip twice.  Once for the job and once for the new company.

I am able to create a job without creating a company at the same time but this bug really needs to be fixed

25 May 2012

Regarding not being able to change company after the job is posted, this is the deliberate design of the mod. Other issues mentioned will be fixed.

installed latest version and testing it.

when adding new job and add new company details i get database Error on submit?!

also when selected a company from dropdownbox it comes up in block as Company: N/A
and when want to edit the company --> dropdownbox is gone and company can't be changed?!


See attachments

please advise in how to solve this?



Paypal email is -
26 May 2012

Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Fixes issue with Posting Jobs for Companies.

Paypal email is -
26 May 2012

Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with some fields for Companies not being updated.

Paypal email is -
14 Jun 2012

I've installed this fix and now when I edit an existing job, a database error tells me that there is no column in the jobs_main table called employee_count.  I added that column to the table and then when editing, it said there was no column called office_count.  I added that table and the edit was successful



2 Jul 2012

Download again and replace this file :


I've installed this fix and now when I edit an existing job, a database error tells me that there is no column in the jobs_main table called employee_count.  I added that column to the table and then when editing, it said there was no column called office_count.  I added that table and the edit was successful




Paypal email is -
4 Jul 2012

Thank you

5 Jul 2012
Hi Am attaching files of the problem menubar for jobs creator works on google but does not appear on IE Could I be doing something wrong or have not done? Also is there a site where I can test drive the Premium shop module? Thanks Vish
Jobs01.png · 116.7K · 545 views
13 Jul 2012

 PM me your site link. Seems like you have an issue with your custom template.

Hi Am attaching files of the problem menubar for jobs creator works on google but does not appear on IE Could I be doing something wrong or have not done? Also is there a site where I can test drive the Premium shop module? Thanks Vish


Paypal email is -
13 Jul 2012

Hi, i just purchased the Premium Jobs Mod.  I was wonder how I add the Job Search tot he Home Page?


17 Jul 2012


after the entry appears in your modules, such information:


Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. See the Terms of Service for more information.


Why? Please help...maps not work :(

11 Aug 2012

 An API Key is now needed for Google Maps v3. An upgrade patch will be available soon.


after the entry appears in your modules, such information:


Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. See the Terms of Service for more information.


Why? Please help...maps not work :(


Paypal email is -
13 Aug 2012

Thanks for information. And when exactly? Maybe in this week?

15 Aug 2012

This mod is now updated to Dolphin 7.1 . Check the readme_upgrade.txt in the zip file if you are upgrading from Dolphin 7.0.x.

Paypal email is -
26 Nov 2012

 Is this resolved? When I go to Jobs Home Page, I see A Map which has Grey background, if I click on '-' to reduce the map size I do get the correct display, but why do I not see that first? What do I have to setup to fix this? Also in the admin section I see no option for Google Map

 An API Key is now needed for Google Maps v3. An upgrade patch will be available soon.


after the entry appears in your modules, such information:


Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. See the Terms of Service for more information.


Why? Please help...maps not work :(



4 Dec 2012

HI Modzz, I am wondering if this module is a whole new, separate system to dolphin's ads system or is it built on top of it?  If it is built on top of the ads system, does it replace it?  I am in need of both an ads and jobs system separately for different purposes and was considering this premium jobs module.  Thank you.

30 Jan 2013

 This is a separate mod.

HI Modzz, I am wondering if this module is a whole new, separate system to dolphin's ads system or is it built on top of it?  If it is built on top of the ads system, does it replace it?  I am in need of both an ads and jobs system separately for different purposes and was considering this premium jobs module.  Thank you.


Paypal email is -
30 Jan 2013

When one applies for a job and selects the resume on site (not uploaded from members computer), it sends a DAT file of the resume as an attachment to the job posting member. What kind of file is this? I tried opening it with a photo viewer and it said file is empty.

Please advise.

Edited - Seems like an empty file - properties show 0 bytes. Extension DAT.

31 Jan 2013

Does the job module not check the Dolphin Setup membership level for Action Permission?

I have disabled the Broadcast Function for certain Member Level, but they are still able to Broadcast. I realise there are 2 Broadcast options; One to Fans and one to Applicants.

Can you kindly explain how this works please.

3 Feb 2013

Setting the Privacy Settings for Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds to Fans (Which is the default value) does not allow Fans to upload any of these items. I even set the Dolphin Membership Action value for uploading video for this member to Enabled.

Settings in Jobs were on Fan

Member became Fan

Members Dolphin Video setting in the jobs section was enabled.

Where would it prompt for Video upload for Fans? (i cannot see it)


4 Feb 2013

The default value is admin, not fan (unless you have customized the mod). After a member becomes fan, the Upload Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds buttons become active in the Actions block. If this is not happening on your site PM me your details so I can take a look.

Setting the Privacy Settings for Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds to Fans (Which is the default value) does not allow Fans to upload any of these items. I even set the Dolphin Membership Action value for uploading video for this member to Enabled.

Settings in Jobs were on Fan

Member became Fan

Members Dolphin Video setting in the jobs section was enabled.

Where would it prompt for Video upload for Fans? (i cannot see it)



Paypal email is -
5 Feb 2013

I have modified the broadcast access checking. Download the mod again and replace this file :


Does the job module not check the Dolphin Setup membership level for Action Permission?

I have disabled the Broadcast Function for certain Member Level, but they are still able to Broadcast. I realise there are 2 Broadcast options; One to Fans and one to Applicants.

Can you kindly explain how this works please.


Paypal email is -
5 Feb 2013

 Thanks will update and test.


I have modified the broadcast access checking. Download the mod again and replace this file :


Does the job module not check the Dolphin Setup membership level for Action Permission?

I have disabled the Broadcast Function for certain Member Level, but they are still able to Broadcast. I realise there are 2 Broadcast options; One to Fans and one to Applicants.

Can you kindly explain how this works please.



5 Feb 2013

 Will send you PM.

The default value is admin, not fan (unless you have customized the mod). After a member becomes fan, the Upload Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds buttons become active in the Actions block. If this is not happening on your site PM me your details so I can take a look.

Setting the Privacy Settings for Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds to Fans (Which is the default value) does not allow Fans to upload any of these items. I even set the Dolphin Membership Action value for uploading video for this member to Enabled.

Settings in Jobs were on Fan

Member became Fan

Members Dolphin Video setting in the jobs section was enabled.

Where would it prompt for Video upload for Fans? (i cannot see it)




5 Feb 2013

In the Jobs Admin I see two settings that read as follows;

Number of days before free job listings expires: _________

Number of days before free jobs listings expires (0-never expires): ________

Is there a difference between the two?

Can we use any one, or do both have to be set at same value?


5 Feb 2013

The option in use is ... number of days before free jobs listings expires (0-never expires)

The other invalid option will be removed in the next update.

In the Jobs Admin I see two settings that read as follows;

Number of days before free job listings expires: _________

Number of days before free jobs listings expires (0-never expires): ________

Is there a difference between the two?

Can we use any one, or do both have to be set at same value?



Paypal email is -
5 Feb 2013

 Certainly my mistake it seems.I am so sure i saw fans for some reason, in a couple of additions.


The default value is admin, not fan (unless you have customized the mod). After a member becomes fan, the Upload Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds buttons become active in the Actions block. If this is not happening on your site PM me your details so I can take a look.

Setting the Privacy Settings for Videos/Photos/Files/Sounds to Fans (Which is the default value) does not allow Fans to upload any of these items. I even set the Dolphin Membership Action value for uploading video for this member to Enabled.

Settings in Jobs were on Fan

Member became Fan

Members Dolphin Video setting in the jobs section was enabled.

Where would it prompt for Video upload for Fans? (i cannot see it)




6 Feb 2013

 Any feedback on this please?

Thank You


When one applies for a job and selects the resume on site (not uploaded from members computer), it sends a DAT file of the resume as an attachment to the job posting member. What kind of file is this? I tried opening it with a photo viewer and it said file is empty.

Please advise.

Edited - Seems like an empty file - properties show 0 bytes. Extension DAT.


6 Feb 2013

If admin sets the Expiry of all jobs to be at 60 days, and another member who has a job posted that is active for say 50days already. On the 50th day the member decides to Feature the job for say 20 days, what would happen in this scenario?

  • Will the feature mod only allow for 10 days of purchase?
  • Will the feature mod allow for more then 10 days of purchase?
  • Will the job expire regardless whether it is still an active Featured job or will it wait till the feature is done and then expire immediately?

How does this work please and thanks.

6 Feb 2013
6 Feb 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.