Premium Business Listings Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Premium Business Listings mod.

Paypal email is -
16 Dec 2010

Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Apply patch if your mod version is less than 2.0.2

This patch fixes payment processing problem with Paid Business Listings

Paypal email is -
16 Dec 2010

Thank you for the update!


I have applied the patch as instructed from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2, however the version number does not appear to update in the tools -> modules section. Do I need to perform anything in addition to replacing the contents from the classes directory?

Skype: shawn.nelson
16 Dec 2010

Nothing else needs to be done. The version number is stored in the database when the mod is first installed.

Paypal email is -
18 Dec 2010

For the 'Listings in My Area' block, is it difficult to display listings local to the user's state rather than city?


I made the following change to BxListingSearchResult.php:

case 'local':
$this->aCurrent['restriction']['local_state'] = array('value' => $sValue, 'field' => 'state', 'operator' => '=');
$this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/local_state/$sValue/$sValue2";
$this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_modzzz_guide_caption_browse_local', $sValue);


But it is still trying to pull from the member's city rather than state. I am not posting this as a bug to the mod... just didn't want to add to your email inbox of items that are more critical :)

Skype: shawn.nelson
30 Dec 2010

I responded to your PM regarding this change.


For the 'Listings in My Area' block, is it difficult to display listings local to the user's state rather than city?


I made the following change to BxListingSearchResult.php:

case 'local':
$this->aCurrent['restriction']['local_state'] = array('value' => $sValue, 'field' => 'state', 'operator' => '=');
$this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/local_state/$sValue/$sValue2";
$this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_modzzz_guide_caption_browse_local', $sValue);


But it is still trying to pull from the member's city rather than state. I am not posting this as a bug to the mod... just didn't want to add to your email inbox of items that are more critical :)


Paypal email is -
31 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

Fixes problem with setting permission to rate and comment to fans only

Fixes language string error in privacy setting

Paypal email is -
31 Jan 2011

how does a member 'relist' a listing once it has expired?

I can see (logged in as member) the expired listing in 'orders' and also in 'invoices' but no option to re-list.


1 Feb 2011

There is no relist feature presently.

Paypal email is -
1 Feb 2011

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Adds the possibility to have both Free and Paid Packages. Admin can now create Promotional Packages that allows the posting of Free Businesss listings for a specific length of time.


Paypal email is -
9 Feb 2011

Nice addition.

Still, the main thing I think this needs is the ability for a member to easily re-list and expired paid listing, or increase the listing time on one thats due to expire.


Without this feature, members will have to re-create listings from scratch each time they want to re-list. this mod is great for establishing recurring listings but need this feature I think.

9 Feb 2011

Hi, modzzz.  I was looking at your Premium Business Listing Module and have a question:

There are many businesses who do not have a city/state/country because their business is online only through just a website.  How are these online-only businesses handled in this module?



10 Feb 2011


Hi, modzzz.  I was looking at your Premium Business Listing Module and have a question:

There are many businesses who do not have a city/state/country because their business is online only through just a website.  How are these online-only businesses handled in this module?




To further clarify:

Not all businesses are needed locally.  For those that are (like a lawn care company, for example), then the dig-down search to a state/city/category/subcategory is needed.  No problem there.  But let's say I own a hosting company :) ... I would be national or global, but if I'm based out of Chicago, then I'm losing tons of customers who can't find me because they're forced to pick a city.

The ability to add a national or global site to every single city would be an amazing feature :)

11 Feb 2011


Nice addition.

Still, the main thing I think this needs is the ability for a member to easily re-list and expired paid listing, or increase the listing time on one thats due to expire.


Without this feature, members will have to re-create listings from scratch each time they want to re-list. this mod is great for establishing recurring listings but need this feature I think.

 I agree.  If I were a customer wanting to relist, I might not because I wouldn't want to start everything over from scratch.  A relisting is very common on directories, so I'm surprised it's not a feature here.

11 Feb 2011

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

Here is a list of improvements made :

1) Fixes problem with Free listings expiring

2) Adds Re-listing and Extending features to Paid Listings

At any time BEFORE a Listing expires, the owner can choose to extend the length of time it is listed for.

At any time AFTER a Listing expires, the owner can choose to RE-LIST the listing. This is very convenient as it prevents the member from having to create the listing from scratch again. During re-listing, a different Package can be chosen if desired.

3) Adds Facebook Comment and Social Sharing

4) Upgrade to Google Maps V3 with Street Views

5) Additional blocks on main listing page
a) Quick Post Listing
b) Latest Comments
c) Latest Forum Posts
d) Tags

6) Removes the compulsory addition of location to facilitate posting of online businesses

Paypal email is -
12 Feb 2011




12 Feb 2011


Skype: shawn.nelson
14 Feb 2011

Hi. I recently purchased this module, though there is an instruction included, I would like to ensure that I won't mess up anything during installation.

Would someone please guide me in the process (I'm using Dolphin v 7.0.4):

Package installation

1. It says upload 'modules' folder : do I use FTP in doing this or with the tools in the CMS? there are two sub-folders in 'modules' (boonex and modzzz), should I upload them both as one folder in /public_html/modules directory or should I upload the boonex/forum/integration/listing folder to the directory- /public_html/modules/boonex/forum/integrations?

2. Once folder is uploaded, it says "install", should I do this or upload first the following "directory files" :





(is /public_html the right path where to upload these files?)

it says Run, should I do this before or after I modify the .htaccess?

In .htaccess Find : RewriteRule ^forum/groups/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=groups [QSA,L] Just above add : RewriteRule ^forum/listing/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=listing [QSA,L]


Thanks for your assistance!

15 Feb 2011

1. It says upload 'modules' folder : do I use FTP in doing this or with the tools in the CMS? there are two sub-folders in 'modules' (boonex and modzzz), should I upload them both as one folder in /public_html/modules directory or should I upload the boonex/forum/integration/listing folder to the directory- /public_html/modules/boonex/forum/integrations?

RESPONSE : I usually use FTP. If you upload the "modules" folder as stated, it will merge the content with that of the "modules" folder that already exists. The two sub-folders will then look like this after upload :




2. Once folder is uploaded, it says "install", should I do this or upload first the following "directory files" :

RESPONSE : It does not matter which is done first


(is /public_html the right path where to upload these files?)



it says Run, should I do this before or after I modify the .htaccess?

RESPONSE : It does not matter which is done first

Paypal email is -
15 Feb 2011

Thanks a lot!

15 Feb 2011

How do you activate the Facebook comment block?

How do you edit the "states"?

16 Feb 2011

The mod now has a help.txt file with instructions for activating facebook comments, configuring google maps etc. Download again.

Presently, there is no admin interface for the states. You can modify them in the `States` table in the database.


How do you activate the Facebook comment block?

How do you edit the "states"?


Paypal email is -
16 Feb 2011

Trying to find out if there is a way for a user to add a listing from another user to his business listings with a click instead of having to reenter all the information.

Please advise.

17 Feb 2011

No, there isn't such feature. I cannot figure out a reason to have such feature either.


Trying to find out if there is a way for a user to add a listing from another user to his business listings with a click instead of having to reenter all the information.

Please advise.


Paypal email is -
17 Feb 2011


Hi modzzz, I noticed that the facebook comments block in the premium listing does not change and so the comments intended for  a particular listing is also showing in other listings, is that the way it's supposed to work?


How do you edit the display size of video?


Also, the number of entries per state/region is still not reflecting. Please help.

17 Feb 2011

I have fixed the State/Regions issue. I am uncertain if there are settings to adjust video display in Dolphin, I will investigate. I will also look further into the comments issue.


Hi modzzz, I noticed that the facebook comments block in the premium listing does not change and so the comments intended for  a particular listing is also showing in other listings, is that the way it's supposed to work?


How do you edit the display size of video?


Also, the number of entries per state/region is still not reflecting. Please help.


Paypal email is -
18 Feb 2011

hi modzz, how do you align center the video embed?

21 Feb 2011

I have adjusted the mod to center the embedded video. Download again and replace these folders :




hi modzz, how do you align center the video embed?


Paypal email is -
21 Feb 2011

modzzz, how do you access the database where i can edit the contents of 'States'?


The mod now has a help.txt file with instructions for activating facebook comments, configuring google maps etc. Download again.

Presently, there is no admin interface for the states. You can modify them in the `States` table in the database.


How do you activate the Facebook comment block?

How do you edit the "states"?



27 Feb 2011

This depends on your hosting. Most hosts offer a CPanel which has a link to phpmyadmin which is a graphical interface to the database.


modzzz, how do you access the database where i can edit the contents of 'States'?


The mod now has a help.txt file with instructions for activating facebook comments, configuring google maps etc. Download again.

Presently, there is no admin interface for the states. You can modify them in the `States` table in the database.


How do you activate the Facebook comment block?

How do you edit the "states"?




Paypal email is -
27 Feb 2011

Thanks modzzz.

27 Feb 2011

I have setup a free package that doesn't allow videos, photos, sounds, or files, and a paid package that does.  Now I would like to give a few business friends of mine free and unexpiring access to the paid package.  Any ideas?

13 Mar 2011

There is no functionality to allow that presently.

I have setup a free package that doesn't allow videos, photos, sounds, or files, and a paid package that does.  Now I would like to give a few business friends of mine free and unexpiring access to the paid package.  Any ideas?


Paypal email is -
13 Mar 2011

Right...  I wasn't able to find any built-in functionality allowing that.  I was hoping to get some ideas as to how I could go about it.

For instance, when a paid package is setup by the member the details are saved in the database, and then there is a trip to PayPal.  The member makes the payment and returns to your site.  At this point all the required information is in the database including all the listing and member data, the package data, the payment details, and the expiration date.

I imagine it would be fairly simple to edit the record for this listing and set the expiration date to a date years in the future; this could satisfy the unexpiring part... if I knew for sure which tables/rows/colums where involved.

Or... how can I change a free listing to a paid listing in the database (i.e. change a listing from one package to another).  Again, If I knew the tables/rows/colums involved I could have someone enter a free listing (Package 1) and then edit the db to convert it to a paid listing (Package 2).... this could satisfy the free access to a paid package.

Any insight would be most helpful getting me pointed in the right direction, and would be greatly appreciated.

13 Mar 2011

Alright, now you've spoiled me with the Premium groups update you just put out.. any chance you're working on enhancing Business listings with the same functionality?  Specifically:

c) Adds possibility to set default Search Distance, Latitude, Longitude and Zoom for Google Map on Groups main page. 

d) When a logged in member views the Groups main page, Google Map will automatically display all the Groups within a given proximity of that member's profile location (City+Country).



Keep up the awesome work, wish I had more in the budget to give you a little more support!

Skype: shawn.nelson
14 Apr 2011

Yes, all of my mods with Google Maps will be updated.

Alright, now you've spoiled me with the Premium groups update you just put out.. any chance you're working on enhancing Business listings with the same functionality?  Specifically:

c) Adds possibility to set default Search Distance, Latitude, Longitude and Zoom for Google Map on Groups main page. 

d) When a logged in member views the Groups main page, Google Map will automatically display all the Groups within a given proximity of that member's profile location (City+Country).



Keep up the awesome work, wish I had more in the budget to give you a little more support!


Paypal email is -
14 Apr 2011

Hi Jerome,

Its very hard to contact with you even after phone calls I made it my friend.I belive If I write my details here you will have better time to respond


17 Apr 2011

Version 2.0.7 released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

Fixes issue with search not recognizing Country.

Fixes issue where only public Listings were displayed when viewing Categories and Sub-Categories pages

Fixes issues with "Get Premium", "Re-list" and "Extend listing" features.

Adds possibility to set default Search Distance, Latitude, Longitude and Zoom for Google Map on Listing main page. 

When a logged in member views the Listing main page, Google Map will automatically display all the Listing within a given proximity of that member's profile location (City+Country).

Fixes problem with Google Map displaying the incorrect location for Cities with the same name in different states.

Paypal email is -
3 May 2011



For some reason I am not seeing my business listings show in the Google maps unless i click on the listing then i can see the specific listing in the map. Why can't i see all listings in the map?

Also how do I put the map on the home page if the site?

Thank you in advance for you help,



16 May 2011

The Map Block on the main listings page will show listings within a specified proximity of a selected location. By default, the profile location of the viewing member will be used.

Some customization will be needed to put the Map Block on the home page of the site.



For some reason I am not seeing my business listings show in the Google maps unless i click on the listing then i can see the specific listing in the map. Why can't i see all listings in the map?

Also how do I put the map on the home page if the site?

Thank you in advance for you help,




Paypal email is -
16 May 2011

Thank you for your reply,

I set the user search distance to be 200 miles and the listing address is within 30 miles. Is there something i have to to get this to work the first time? I added my Google Map API and the maps work fine, I did the update listings and cities from within the listing settings screen.

NOTE: this is a brand new install...

Thanks for the note on adding the map to the home page, are there any good tutorials on how to make / modify modules and how to add items to the home page?



17 May 2011

Are you saying that you entered a city in the search box and clicked on search but the map failed to display a listing that was within the selected distance ?

Thank you for your reply,

I set the user search distance to be 200 miles and the listing address is within 30 miles. Is there something i have to to get this to work the first time? I added my Google Map API and the maps work fine, I did the update listings and cities from within the listing settings screen.

NOTE: this is a brand new install...

Thanks for the note on adding the map to the home page, are there any good tutorials on how to make / modify modules and how to add items to the home page?




Paypal email is -
17 May 2011

I have attached screen shots of the issue.

1) I have a user profile with the city / zipcode matching the lisitng city / zipcode.

2) When I go to the listings main page the default doesn't show the listing even though it is clearly within the search range. When I click 'search' it still doesn't update the map to show the listing.

3) When I view the listing details you can see that the listing does show on the listing details page in the correct location.

So the issue seems to be that on the default view of the listings map, or the search results of the map won't show the listings on the map.


Thanks in advance for your help.



listing_main_page.jpg · 81.2K · 425 views
User_Profile.jpg · 56.3K · 446 views
listing_details.jpg · 120.7K · 414 views
19 May 2011
modzzz, Do you have any ideas or suggestions please? Thanks, Scott
23 May 2011
I think i found the issue... When I view the $aVars in bxListingPageMain.php it appears to be showing me the lat / long for the current user. Regardless of the city / zipcode i use to signup the user i am getting [lat] => 40 [long] => -100 - when I check the SQL call in modzzz_listing_map_multiple_xml.php I see that the results fail because it is showing the Distance of over 1,000 Miles. I am not sure how the user gets the lat / long set, but when I view the sys_zip_codes table it is blank. Do I need the sys_zip_codes table filled? If so where do I get a copy please? I hope this helps you debug - Please advise my next step. thanks, Scott == SQL SELECT `p`.`title`, `p`.`uri`, `p`.`address1`, `p`.`city`, `p`.`country`, `p`.`thumb`, `m`.`lat`, `m`.`lng`, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians('40') ) * cos( radians( `m`.`lat` ) ) * cos( radians( `m`.`lng` ) - radians('-100') ) + sin( radians('40') ) * sin( radians( `m`.`lat` ) ) ) ) AS distance FROM `modzzz_listing_profiles` AS `m` INNER JOIN `modzzz_listing_main` AS `p` ON (`p`.`id` = `m`.`id`) WHERE `m`.`failed` = 0 AND `p`.`status` = 'approved' HAVING distance < '100' ORDER BY distance LIMIT 0 , 0
24 May 2011

If I want this module to only offer a single country and single area when listing, where do I edit the country list?


Thanks - daihlo

28 May 2011

The mod uses the global Countries list that is used in other sections of Dolphin. Once you modify this list, the changes will be reflected everywhere that Countries is used on your site.

In your ADMIN Panel :

    a) Click on Settings
    b) Click on Predefined List
    c) Click on the Red Minus to Remove Undesired Countries
    d) At the bottom, click Save

If I want this module to only offer a single country and single area when listing, where do I edit the country list?


Thanks - daihlo


Paypal email is -
28 May 2011

For some reason this isnt working for me.

I can go through this procedure but when I click save after removing country, the page refreshes and the countries are re-listed as before!?

28 May 2011

Would be great if multiple categories could be added to listings as they can with some other mods.

Many business for example - shops - would have more than one category.


Can this be an addition to next update?

9 Jun 2011

How can I add new information to be completed in a new Business Listing?


I am trying to add social media details so companies can promote their twitter, linkedin, facebook, blog etc displaying the urls for each?


Currently I have to add images to the about section and then hperlink but this takes a long time.


I would prefer it if i could just add it as required information like:


Contact Details


Phone number:



Social Media





Any help is much appreciated,


Ryan -

12 Jun 2011

Hi, First of all: Thanks for making this great plugin. Love it!

Second ... I'm stuck with some issues ...Perhaps I'll list them for convenience ...

Things I'd like to add to the listing:

  1. opening hours
  2. Target audience
  3. Dress code
  4. icon (for in the list and next to the title)
  5. option to turn on / off the description of the listing (for paid listing)
  6. option to turn on / off said icon (for paid listing)
Interesting modification I'd like to have:
  • make the featured listings stand out with (changable in CSS file?) a custom markup (background colour, bold, ...)
In this light, I support RyanBiggs his question. Perhaps make dynamical addable custom fields ...
Should you consider Daihlo his advice for the mutliple categories, which I think is a good idea if 1 admin controls all listings, please make it an option in the admin panel, because I wouldn't want to see all claimed listings to pop up in every category ...
Well ... These were my 2 cents. If there is a possibility to make this in an update, or help me with creating it myself, I would be very grateful.
Yours Truely,
16 Jun 2011

 For custom work requests, PM me directly with full details.

How can I add new information to be completed in a new Business Listing?


I am trying to add social media details so companies can promote their twitter, linkedin, facebook, blog etc displaying the urls for each?


Currently I have to add images to the about section and then hperlink but this takes a long time.


I would prefer it if i could just add it as required information like:


Contact Details


Phone number:



Social Media





Any help is much appreciated,


Ryan -


Paypal email is -
19 Jun 2011

  For custom work requests, PM me directly with full details.

Hi, First of all: Thanks for making this great plugin. Love it!

Second ... I'm stuck with some issues ...Perhaps I'll list them for convenience ...

Things I'd like to add to the listing:

  1. opening hours
  2. Target audience
  3. Dress code
  4. icon (for in the list and next to the title)
  5. option to turn on / off the description of the listing (for paid listing)
  6. option to turn on / off said icon (for paid listing)
Interesting modification I'd like to have:
  • make the featured listings stand out with (changable in CSS file?) a custom markup (background colour, bold, ...)
In this light, I support RyanBiggs his question. Perhaps make dynamical addable custom fields ...
Should you consider Daihlo his advice for the mutliple categories, which I think is a good idea if 1 admin controls all listings, please make it an option in the admin panel, because I wouldn't want to see all claimed listings to pop up in every category ...
Well ... These were my 2 cents. If there is a possibility to make this in an update, or help me with creating it myself, I would be very grateful.
Yours Truely,


Paypal email is -
19 Jun 2011

Version 2.0.8 released. (See patches/version_2.0.8 folder in zip file)

Fixes javascript error typically seen when viewing in IE.

Fixes display problem when there are private listings.

Modifies the display of Packages information.

Paypal email is -
2 Jul 2011

Hi Modzz,

Does this upgrade fix/add the ability for non US based sites to select location re google maps?



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
2 Jul 2011

 Google Map display is determined by the address of the listing for both US and Non-US based. There is no feature to manually adjust the map display.

Hi Modzz,

Does this upgrade fix/add the ability for non US based sites to select location re google maps?




Paypal email is -
2 Jul 2011

After performing an upgrade to 2.0.7, my business locations are no longer showing proper on the google map. Most are defaulting to somwhere in Europe when the listing has a full US location defined.


I performed the upgrade as instructions defined, even updated cities in the admin panel. Can you tell me what is wrong here?

Skype: shawn.nelson
5 Jul 2011

 I have a Real Estate module (designed by AndrewP) with Google maps and the co-ordinates for Thailand re property location(s) works great. Why would Google be any different on your module??

 Google Map display is determined by the address of the listing for both US and Non-US based. There is no feature to manually adjust the map display.

Hi Modzz,

Does this upgrade fix/add the ability for non US based sites to select location re google maps?





CropperCapture[3].jpg · 34.4K · 410 views
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
5 Jul 2011

 I cannot replicate the problem you are having. I have created a business listing with a thailand address and I do not see any problem with the mapping, see here . PM me your site details so I can take a look at this.

 I have a Real Estate module (designed by AndrewP) with Google maps and the co-ordinates for Thailand re property location(s) works great. Why would Google be any different on your module??

 Google Map display is determined by the address of the listing for both US and Non-US based. There is no feature to manually adjust the map display.

Hi Modzz,

Does this upgrade fix/add the ability for non US based sites to select location re google maps?






Paypal email is -
6 Jul 2011


I'm experiencing problems using the Location (map for all locations) and the local lists.
The map shows nothing (in picture: a city with 16 locations) and the local lists shows empty.

Anything I might have overlooked?


Thanks :) 

16 Jul 2011

Ah, the google locations work now. Seems like you need to give it some time (take a day) for the changes to appear on the map.

I still have nothing in the "local" list though. Except for 1 location I added 2 hours ago. And I've been adding locations for 2 days already. This also makes that it is the only location listed in "recent locations". Does anybody else has the same problem? I'm in the blue on how to solve this :(

18 Jul 2011

 modzzz, I am still having the issues detailed below, this is after performing an upgrade as instructed from your documentation. Prior to the upgrade, map locations were fine. Post upgrade, they do not display properly.


Also, when someone adds a facebook comment to one business listing, that same comment is displayed across all listings?


After performing an upgrade to 2.0.7, my business locations are no longer showing proper on the google map. Most are defaulting to somwhere in Europe when the listing has a full US location defined.


I performed the upgrade as instructions defined, even updated cities in the admin panel. Can you tell me what is wrong here?


Skype: shawn.nelson
18 Jul 2011



Facebook comment not being displayed and google map not showing icon for the location of the business..access info has been email.

30 Jul 2011


To upgrade from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8, do I disable the plugin, upload and re-install?


4 Aug 2011

 No, see the readme.txt in the patches/version_2.0.8 folder for upgrade instructions.


To upgrade from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8, do I disable the plugin, upload and re-install?



Paypal email is -
4 Aug 2011

Hi Modzzz

I originally bought the Business Directory mod.  I have noticed that the download linkl is missing.  I have noticed that on the Business Directory mod you are referring people to the premium business listings.  So what happens to the people who have bought the Business Directory mod.

Many thanks



8 Aug 2011

Business directory mod has been re-uploaded. 

Hi Modzzz

I originally bought the Business Directory mod.  I have noticed that the download linkl is missing.  I have noticed that on the Business Directory mod you are referring people to the premium business listings.  So what happens to the people who have bought the Business Directory mod.

Many thanks


Paypal email is -
8 Aug 2011

Is it me or does auto approve not work on this module?


All my listings are waiting for approval, but the box is ticked in the back office....



11 Aug 2011

 Are you using Paid or Free listings ? I haven't had any reports from anyone else about this. PM me your site details so I can take a look.

Is it me or does auto approve not work on this module?


All my listings are waiting for approval, but the box is ticked in the back office....




Paypal email is -
11 Aug 2011

Dear Modzzz,

All the free listings that I spent weeks to insert are expiring. However, they should never expire. I changed the setting already, but they still seem to be getting expiring.

When they expire, are the records deleted from the database? I can't find them anywhere to re-activate them. 

Please advice





Ok, I found how to re-list the listings. However, when I choose a free listing (currency 0) it sends me to a paypal page which gives an error. Isn't there a way to bypass the paypal system?


15 Aug 2011

 PM me your site details so I look at your configuration for the mod.

Dear Modzzz,

All the free listings that I spent weeks to insert are expiring. However, they should never expire. I changed the setting already, but they still seem to be getting expiring.

When they expire, are the records deleted from the database? I can't find them anywhere to re-activate them. 

Please advice





Ok, I found how to re-list the listings. However, when I choose a free listing (currency 0) it sends me to a paypal page which gives an error. Isn't there a way to bypass the paypal system?



Paypal email is -
16 Aug 2011

 It was me being a idiot......... derrrrrrrrrr...............

 Are you using Paid or Free listings ? I haven't had any reports from anyone else about this. PM me your site details so I can take a look.

Is it me or does auto approve not work on this module?


All my listings are waiting for approval, but the box is ticked in the back office....





16 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.9 released. (See patches/version_2.0.9 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability for members to view their expired listings.

Adds the ability to see details for package selected when creating a listing.

Adds the ability to create packages that allows free listings when paid mode is activated.

Modifies Extend and Re-listing functionality.

Paypal email is -
24 Aug 2011

Version 2.1.0 released. (See patches/version_2.1.0 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to Broadcast messages to fans.

Adds the ability to embed Youtube Videos by entering only the Video Url.

Paypal email is -
15 Sep 2011

Hi Modzzz, Ive set my free listings for 60 days, does this mean every listing will be free the first time it is added, then when a user clicks re-list, they will automatically be taken to the packages page providing some are enabled?



26 Sep 2011



PLEASE make this for the mod!


At the moment, on the home page, you can search through listings by the category block, or by keyword block, state block, or by the search block.


Problem is if I have lots of countries, and lots of business listings on each country, 

if I select to view by country or state, then I get one long list of listings and can not then filter by category.


It would be a HUGE addition to this mod, and to general Dolphin use if the Category block was available AFTER searching by the top level of filters on home page!


Then I could first search by country, then by state and finally by category!



This addition would make these premium mods perfect! 

No other mod on market currently allows you to do this, yet it would improve the way the whole dolphin setup could be used massively....


PLEASE make it happen!!!!!!

24 Oct 2011

i agree!









PLEASE make this for the mod!


At the moment, on the home page, you can search through listings by the category block, or by keyword block, state block, or by the search block.


Problem is if I have lots of countries, and lots of business listings on each country, 

if I select to view by country or state, then I get one long list of listings and can not then filter by category.


It would be a HUGE addition to this mod, and to general Dolphin use if the Category block was available AFTER searching by the top level of filters on home page!


Then I could first search by country, then by state and finally by category!



This addition would make these premium mods perfect! 

No other mod on market currently allows you to do this, yet it would improve the way the whole dolphin setup could be used massively....


PLEASE make it happen!!!!!!


24 Oct 2011

Jerome, if you could implement this to all your 'listing' type mods (premium range) I would buy the rest of them! 

Already have at least 10, this feature would tip me to buy the rest!  Money mouth

24 Oct 2011

Hey Modzzz,

I sent this question to you through PM then I found this support page so I will repost here in case other members are wondering the same thing.

Is it possible to limit the amount of photos, videos, and/or files a user can upload. It seem to me that if user have the right to upload photos, videos, files; they can simply click on the green plus button to add as much media as they want. This can really kill any server. If possible I want user to upload only one videos, 4-6 photos, and/or 4-6 files.

25 Oct 2011

This is not possible with this or any other Dolphin module that I know of but I will look into the possibility of implementing this and other suggestions made in the thread.

Hey Modzzz,

I sent this question to you through PM then I found this support page so I will repost here in case other members are wondering the same thing.

Is it possible to limit the amount of photos, videos, and/or files a user can upload. It seem to me that if user have the right to upload photos, videos, files; they can simply click on the green plus button to add as much media as they want. This can really kill any server. If possible I want user to upload only one videos, 4-6 photos, and/or 4-6 files.


Paypal email is -
25 Oct 2011

Please look into this also???

I will buy all your premium range mods if you can do this! 



PLEASE make this for the mod!


At the moment, on the home page, you can search through listings by the category block, or by keyword block, state block, or by the search block.


Problem is if I have lots of countries, and lots of business listings on each country, 

if I select to view by country or state, then I get one long list of listings and can not then filter by category.


It would be a HUGE addition to this mod, and to general Dolphin use if the Category block was available AFTER searching by the top level of filters on home page!


Then I could first search by country, then by state and finally by category!



This addition would make these premium mods perfect! 

No other mod on market currently allows you to do this, yet it would improve the way the whole dolphin setup could be used massively....


PLEASE make it happen!!!!!!


25 Oct 2011

Version 2.1.1 released. (See patches/version_2.1.1 folder in zip file)

Integrates Business Listings with Deal Finder, Jobs and Coupon mods

Adds the ability to drill-down local listings by Category

Paypal email is -
27 Oct 2011

Hi Jerome, great news adding the jobs and coupons and deal finder integration! Thanks.


Whats different with the drill down by category though? I cant see any changes with that?

I already have category blocks on my listings home page that allow drilling down by cat or am I missing something?


What would be a huge addition to these mods and is just being overlooked in dolphin at the mo is to be able to drill down by country, state, town and then category... allowing category listings within the country/state search results.


This is the feature I need and would allow these mods to work fantastically on both a big and local scale! 


Is this possible? not sure if Im missing something with the category drill down addition...



28 Oct 2011

Great idea to combine all of these.


If we update our business listings module will our members loose all the listings they have made already?


This is a very popular module with our members.

28 Oct 2011

 Did you apply the patch and check out the change before posting this message ? The patch does what you asked for. You drill down by country/state and you are further able to drill down by category.

Hi Jerome, great news adding the jobs and coupons and deal finder integration! Thanks.


Whats different with the drill down by category though? I cant see any changes with that?

I already have category blocks on my listings home page that allow drilling down by cat or am I missing something?


What would be a huge addition to these mods and is just being overlooked in dolphin at the mo is to be able to drill down by country, state, town and then category... allowing category listings within the country/state search results.


This is the feature I need and would allow these mods to work fantastically on both a big and local scale! 


Is this possible? not sure if Im missing something with the category drill down addition...




Paypal email is -
28 Oct 2011

 You will not loose any data when applying this or any other of my patches. If there is any case where this will happen, I will specifically state that when releasing the patch.

Great idea to combine all of these.


If we update our business listings module will our members loose all the listings they have made already?


This is a very popular module with our members.


Paypal email is -
28 Oct 2011

thanks jerome,

This is a big help. our members are making good use of the listings module.

28 Oct 2011

 Got it, I was using the regular search box on listings home instead of going through the 'local listings' page. 


Great addition thanks :-)

Will be purchasing the other premium mods that I dont have yet as promised ! (already have many of them!)


Will this function be added to other premium mods? 



 Did you apply the patch and check out the change before posting this message ? The patch does what you asked for. You drill down by country/state and you are further able to drill down by category.

Hi Jerome, great news adding the jobs and coupons and deal finder integration! Thanks.


Whats different with the drill down by category though? I cant see any changes with that?

I already have category blocks on my listings home page that allow drilling down by cat or am I missing something?


What would be a huge addition to these mods and is just being overlooked in dolphin at the mo is to be able to drill down by country, state, town and then category... allowing category listings within the country/state search results.


This is the feature I need and would allow these mods to work fantastically on both a big and local scale! 


Is this possible? not sure if Im missing something with the category drill down addition...





28 Oct 2011

Hi Jerome, the new update is very welcome, great additions to the mod!

Since applying it though, my states block will no longer appear on the listings home page. 


There is a 'browse states' block that appears when viewing the 'local listings by country' page, and a 'states' block that shows in pagebuilder for listings home, but will not appear on the page when I view it. 

Has this block been overwritten with the patch by 'browse states'?

I would like a way to still have the states block show on my listings home page!







29 Oct 2011

 No modification is made to the States block. On the listing home page, the states block detects the Country that is set on your Profile and loads the corresponding States. If it is not showing, you are probably viewing with an Admin profile that does not have a value for Country set in the Profile.

The Categories drill-down update will be applied to all other mods that has localization drill-down.

Hi Jerome, the new update is very welcome, great additions to the mod!

Since applying it though, my states block will no longer appear on the listings home page. 


There is a 'browse states' block that appears when viewing the 'local listings by country' page, and a 'states' block that shows in pagebuilder for listings home, but will not appear on the page when I view it. 

Has this block been overwritten with the patch by 'browse states'?

I would like a way to still have the states block show on my listings home page!








Paypal email is -
30 Oct 2011

That was it! I had no country selected on my admin profile! Set it right and it works perfectly!


Thanks for the update and support, these premium mods are now perfect for me :-)

Already have half of them, will be buying the rest.


Many thanks 



 No modification is made to the States block. On the listing home page, the states block detects the Country that is set on your Profile and loads the corresponding States. If it is not showing, you are probably viewing with an Admin profile that does not have a value for Country set in the Profile.

The Categories drill-down update will be applied to all other mods that has localization drill-down.

Hi Jerome, the new update is very welcome, great additions to the mod!

Since applying it though, my states block will no longer appear on the listings home page. 


There is a 'browse states' block that appears when viewing the 'local listings by country' page, and a 'states' block that shows in pagebuilder for listings home, but will not appear on the page when I view it. 

Has this block been overwritten with the patch by 'browse states'?

I would like a way to still have the states block show on my listings home page!









30 Oct 2011

 If you applied this patch already, please re-do the file updates (do not run the sqlupdate.php again)

Version 2.1.1 released. (See patches/version_2.1.1 folder in zip file)

Integrates Business Listings with Deal Finder, Jobs and Coupon mods

Adds the ability to drill-down local listings by Category


Paypal email is -
7 Nov 2011

Got it all working thanks.

This is a great addition, really improves the search / browse functions in Dolphin in a huge way!


Thanks for supporting your mods so well. 

Please check my request in Premium Groups re RSS! ;-)


Appreciate your work.

100% recommend the premium range of mods by Modzzz

7 Nov 2011

is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

some users create stores via deals and then realise they have to do listing seperatly and, or the other way around !


also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

thanks in advance ;) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
17 Nov 2011

is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

RESPONSE : You will have to get this done as a custom job.

also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

RESPONSE : I have already told you that all issues mentioned will be investigated and addressed.

is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

some users create stores via deals and then realise they have to do listing seperatly and, or the other way around !


also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

thanks in advance ;)


Paypal email is -
17 Nov 2011

I really think this would fully intergrate the listings, deals and coupons !!

This is a oddness in the fact that users are able link 'business listings' to coupons and deals but businesses that are stores etc are not able to link or show their business in the stores area (for deals)!

If a user chooses the store route first they then have to add the business listing seperately (even though you have mainly intergrated it all anyway), or the other way around etc .

It would be a great addition and complete your efforts of intergration. If and user adds a profile via stores it should be auto added to business listings or the user should have choice. > the same should also apply if the user was to add a listing and then want to add deals ...

I hope you understand my above point and this move would fully intergrate the mods like you have been achieving ;)



is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

RESPONSE : You will have to get this done as a custom job.

also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

RESPONSE : I have already told you that all issues mentioned will be investigated and addressed.

is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

some users create stores via deals and then realise they have to do listing seperatly and, or the other way around !


also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

thanks in advance ;) -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
19 Nov 2011

 If you want this depth of integration, you will have to get it done as a custom job. It is definitely not going to be done as a general enhancement.

I really think this would fully intergrate the listings, deals and coupons !!

This is a oddness in the fact that users are able link 'business listings' to coupons and deals but businesses that are stores etc are not able to link or show their business in the stores area (for deals)!

If a user chooses the store route first they then have to add the business listing seperately (even though you have mainly intergrated it all anyway), or the other way around etc .

It would be a great addition and complete your efforts of intergration. If and user adds a profile via stores it should be auto added to business listings or the user should have choice. > the same should also apply if the user was to add a listing and then want to add deals ...

I hope you understand my above point and this move would fully intergrate the mods like you have been achieving ;)



is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

RESPONSE : You will have to get this done as a custom job.

also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

RESPONSE : I have already told you that all issues mentioned will be investigated and addressed.

is it possible that you can add the choice of linking a store (made via deals) to business listings a user may have ?

some users create stores via deals and then realise they have to do listing seperatly and, or the other way around !


also can you get back to me about the issue I have mailed about

thanks in advance ;)




Paypal email is -
19 Nov 2011

Hey Jerome;

Can you increase the number of Telephone per business, nowadays companies have more then 1 phone contact. Such as cell phone etc, perhaps even say skype contact or such? I think this would be most beneficial.

Currently you have only 1 phone and 1 fax. I think upto 3 phone contacts would be great.

What do you think?

29 Nov 2011

Can you increase the number of Telephone per business, nowadays companies have more then 1 phone contact. Such as cell phone etc, perhaps even say skype contact or such? I think this would be most beneficial.

Currently you have only 1 phone and 1 fax. I think upto 3 phone contacts would be great.

What do you think?

30 Nov 2011

hello modzzz,


have issue where I am not able to verify claims for listings via admin panel! -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
30 Nov 2011

 Will consider it for the next update. Do not spam the support threads though. One post per issue is enough.

Hey Jerome;

Can you increase the number of Telephone per business, nowadays companies have more then 1 phone contact. Such as cell phone etc, perhaps even say skype contact or such? I think this would be most beneficial.

Currently you have only 1 phone and 1 fax. I think upto 3 phone contacts would be great.

What do you think?


Paypal email is -
30 Nov 2011

 There was an issue with your site which has been fixed.

hello modzzz,


have issue where I am not able to verify claims for listings via admin panel!


Paypal email is -
30 Nov 2011

awesome!  this is so much better and working fantastic now ;)

Thanks You Modzzz .........



 There was an issue with your site which has been fixed.

hello modzzz,


have issue where I am not able to verify claims for listings via admin panel! -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
1 Dec 2011
Hello! There was something strange. The module stably worked already half a year. Yesterday I have cleared turn in MassMailer and from the module all records have left. Records are absent both in AdminPanel and on a site. But they remained in the Database. Thus all references to concrete records work. I have added point Listing View in the main menu, but it haven't worked. Writes, what there is no page modules/? r=listing/view / {modzzz_listing_view_uri}. Please, prompt that could deteriorate!
1 Dec 2011

The mod has a feature to deactivate Free (non-paid) listings after a period of time. This can be turned on/off in the Admin settings for the module. You most likely had this setting on and the listings got expired. PM me your site details and I will check on it tonight.


Hello! There was something strange. The module stably worked already half a year. Yesterday I have cleared turn in MassMailer and from the module all records have left. Records are absent both in AdminPanel and on a site. But they remained in the Database. Thus all references to concrete records work. I have added point Listing View in the main menu, but it haven't worked. Writes, what there is no page modules/? r=listing/view / {modzzz_listing_view_uri}. Please, prompt that could deteriorate!


Paypal email is -
1 Dec 2011

Many thanks for a prompt reply!

I not so well understand on English... I so have understood that it is necessary to send to you screenShot options of the module.

If I have not misunderstood, write that I need to make.

BusinesListing_screenShot1.jpg · 211.4K · 374 views
BusinesListing_screenShot2.jpg · 123K · 385 views
BusinesListing_screenShot3.jpg · 118.2K · 401 views
BusinesListing_screenShot4.jpg · 119.7K · 382 views
1 Dec 2011

Hello, modzzz!
I have looked more attentively at Base Given and have seen that all records have the status expires. You are right!
But how to me it to correct?

I have changed adjustment number of days before free listing expires (0-never expires). Was 30, now 0. Has kept, but has changed nothing...

It is necessary to correct manually in the Database the status at each record?

2 Dec 2011

 Change the status in the database records to 'approved'.

Hello, modzzz!
I have looked more attentively at Base Given and have seen that all records have the status expires. You are right!
But how to me it to correct?

I have changed adjustment number of days before free listing expires (0-never expires). Was 30, now 0. Has kept, but has changed nothing...

It is necessary to correct manually in the Database the status at each record?


Paypal email is -
2 Dec 2011

Thanks big!
All has earned!

2 Dec 2011

There was here still what question.

Now the module is deduced on a site homepage. In it there is a possibility of sorting of announcements on such parameters: featured, recent, top, popular. By default costs popular. It would be desirable to make by default recent.
Prompt, please, where it is necessary to make changes?

6 Dec 2011

 Go to the Admin Settings for the mod and you will see the option there.

There was here still what question.

Now the module is deduced on a site homepage. In it there is a possibility of sorting of announcements on such parameters: featured, recent, top, popular. By default costs popular. It would be desirable to make by default recent.
Prompt, please, where it is necessary to make changes?


Paypal email is -
6 Dec 2011


7 Dec 2011

Hi Jerome, I have an urgent problem, only seems to be affecting this mod and only just noticed!


When Im logged in as admin, I can see all listings with no problem.

However, If I log in as another user, I can only see listings that are created in that users name.

All other listings appear with this error


checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0


I can view all listings if not logged in!


Only just noticed it today, just after 'launching' my site as a beta to a number of people....!


I dont know if its related, but the only change made today was to un-install the JanRain Facebook login mod as the single user I created using it would take forever to log in after registering... 


This was just an install/uninstall file though, no other file changes.


Will pm you the site details if you need?



9 Dec 2011

 PM me the site details. I cannot replicate this.

Hi Jerome, I have an urgent problem, only seems to be affecting this mod and only just noticed!


When Im logged in as admin, I can see all listings with no problem.

However, If I log in as another user, I can only see listings that are created in that users name.

All other listings appear with this error


checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0


I can view all listings if not logged in!


Only just noticed it today, just after 'launching' my site as a beta to a number of people....!


I dont know if its related, but the only change made today was to un-install the JanRain Facebook login mod as the single user I created using it would take forever to log in after registering... 


This was just an install/uninstall file though, no other file changes.


Will pm you the site details if you need?




Paypal email is -
9 Dec 2011

sent you message


thanks- Tim

9 Dec 2011

just tested on other people computers and same error...

9 Dec 2011


Prompt how to adjust, please, in adminpanel the module that records always had a status approved.
Problem in that we at last have repaired subscriptions and now all records in the module all time receive the status expired.

Or it can be necessary to correct something in MySQL?

10 Dec 2011

My prob fixed. Modzzz sorted for me :-)


Great service!

10 Dec 2011



Prompt how to adjust, please, in adminpanel the module that records always had a status approved.
Problem in that we at last have repaired subscriptions and now all records in the module all time receive the status expired.

Or it can be necessary to correct something in MySQL?

 I understand that options which concern status EXPIRE, are here (look attach).
Or still somewhere there are options?

expires.jpg · 56.6K · 376 views
14 Dec 2011

Kind day!

I have understood. Besides installations in Admin Settings it was necessary as to put 0 in the field expired_date in MySQL.

16 Dec 2011

Hi Jerome;

Perhaps I have not used the mod enough but here is a question I have; if I have only 3 biz setup to show on the Home Page (Index) block and it was setup to show featured biz as the default and we have 15 Featured Businesses, how do all of them get a fair shake at being displayed. I mean if only the most 3 recent featured biz were displayed then what happens to the other 12. Unless the featured portion is a random one and every screen refresh or page load 3 diff sets of biz are displayed. This is critical especially when it is a paid function.

This would have to apply to all the mods that has this functionality.

19 Dec 2011

 Yes, the Featured portion is random.

Hi Jerome;

Perhaps I have not used the mod enough but here is a question I have; if I have only 3 biz setup to show on the Home Page (Index) block and it was setup to show featured biz as the default and we have 15 Featured Businesses, how do all of them get a fair shake at being displayed. I mean if only the most 3 recent featured biz were displayed then what happens to the other 12. Unless the featured portion is a random one and every screen refresh or page load 3 diff sets of biz are displayed. This is critical especially when it is a paid function.

This would have to apply to all the mods that has this functionality.


Paypal email is -
19 Dec 2011

Can we not have more then 1 block of the biz on the home page? For instance one default at Featured and one Most Recent?

19 Dec 2011

 The mod can be adjusted on your site to facilitate this.

Can we not have more then 1 block of the biz on the home page? For instance one default at Featured and one Most Recent?


Paypal email is -
19 Dec 2011

I'm a little confused about something.  


Under admin > Modules > Listing  you can define Categories and Subcategories... no problem here.  On the listing entry form, Categories and Subcategories are called 'Parent' and 'Category'.   This is wrong.  It should still be called category and subcategory.  Subcategory should not be an individual required field, because there may be cases where subcategories are not required.  The subcategory entry field should only appear when a category with subcategories is selected.

I also don't understand why the listing module appears under admin > Settings > Category Settings.  What is the  purpose of defining any categories here?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
22 Dec 2011

 Im interested in this also. Please let me know more.


Also, is it possible to adjust listings so that each business can have multiple states?

Many businesses are national, or in more than 1 state. Only way at the moment is to make multiple listings of the same business for different areas.



 The mod can be adjusted on your site to facilitate this.

Can we not have more then 1 block of the biz on the home page? For instance one default at Featured and one Most Recent?



8 Jan 2012

hi i have a issue where when users click the '>' button on local listings block (account page) is disapears totally ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
9 Jan 2012

Hi Jerome, I have a question for you about this mod!


Ive been using it a while now and its great. Ive not so far had a listing that has expired as yet as mine are set to 12months before they need to re-pay.


Can I ask, what notifications does the mod send out to users when a listing is about to expire?

I think I read that listing owners get an email saying their listing is about to expire?

What about admin though? Do I as a site admin get notification that a listing is about to expire in any way?


If not, can this be added as otherwise, I may end up with hundreds of business users, but not be able to know when they have expired or are about to in order to chase up a 2nd year payment!


If you could let me know about this please.



9 Jan 2012

One other question, If I choose to remove the 'stars' page block on view profile, it (the stars) still appears on the feed to the index page. what do I need to change in order to remove these stars from showing on index page feed?


10 Jan 2012

Hi Jerome, please can you reply to the questions below, just started using the mod on my site that launched last week and have a couple of questions.


(forget the previous post I fixed that)


1 - I need to know, does ADMIN get a notification of when a listing from a user is about to expire, in order so I can follow them up with a return sale? Otherwise, I have to manually watch every listing date?


2 - Is there a way for ADMIN to create a listing and then 'give' it to a users account?

It would be great if there was an admin feature for this, other than logging in for each user then creating it for them.


3 - I need to be able to create some listings at a discount to the advertised price.

Could you integrate something like this within admin, or have a 'enter discount code' for discount price?




Hope to hear from you on these.


Many thanks - Tim

17 Jan 2012

1 - I need to know, does ADMIN get a notification of when a listing from a user is about to expire, in order so I can follow them up with a return sale? Otherwise, I have to manually watch every listing date?

RESPONSE : No, the owner gets notified.


2 - Is there a way for ADMIN to create a listing and then 'give' it to a users account?



3 - I need to be able to create some listings at a discount to the advertised price.

Could you integrate something like this within admin, or have a 'enter discount code' for discount price?

RESPONSE : Yes, this could be done a custom job

Hi Jerome, please can you reply to the questions below, just started using the mod on my site that launched last week and have a couple of questions.


(forget the previous post I fixed that)


1 - I need to know, does ADMIN get a notification of when a listing from a user is about to expire, in order so I can follow them up with a return sale? Otherwise, I have to manually watch every listing date?


2 - Is there a way for ADMIN to create a listing and then 'give' it to a users account?

It would be great if there was an admin feature for this, other than logging in for each user then creating it for them.


3 - I need to be able to create some listings at a discount to the advertised price.

Could you integrate something like this within admin, or have a 'enter discount code' for discount price?




Hope to hear from you on these.


Many thanks - Tim


Paypal email is -
17 Jan 2012

Hi Jerome, I will prob be interested in the custom work as above then as for me, it would be very neccesary.


I will mail you with exactly what I need for this.


On point 1 - I think this would be a needed upgrade for the module, otherwise there is no way for admin to track when businesses are expiring in order to follow through with the next years payment.


Surely it could be set so that when a listing is due to expire, both the listing owner and admin are sent an email? I think this is definitely needed for the mod.


Thanks- Tim

18 Jan 2012

What would be great if every 3 business registered there could be a newsletter sent out to members stating those business. It would certainly help generate interest. Perhaps this could be incorporated into Notifier?

22 Jan 2012


Prompt, please, that is written down in a key _modzzz_listing_spy_rate? I have casually erased it...

23 Jan 2012

 You can always re-download the mod and retrieve whatever you have erased.


Prompt, please, that is written down in a key _modzzz_listing_spy_rate? I have casually erased it...


Paypal email is -
23 Jan 2012

I have found.
Will excuse for troubling.

23 Jan 2012

Hi Jerome, I just noticed something on my site, when a user creates a listing, they are not able to add photos to it or edit photos after the listing is made.


The 'add photo' button in actions block does not show for a user who has created a listing, yet it does show for me being admin.


Also, if they click the general 'edit' button, you can see the section to select listing thumbnail, but not the section for adding photos!


Is this normal or is there a problem on my site?


23 Jan 2012

A recommendation;

Have the ability to enter FB ,Twitter etc URL just like their Weblink. Basically the ability to enter say up to 3 links.

24 Jan 2012

Is there a way to have the Listing homepage block "slide" between listings?   Basically you would only need the block sized to show 1 listing but it would flip through all your recent listings etc.  I have seen this with another directory listing software but I cannot find a way to do it here.


I will pay for you to do this. Pretty much like a jquery content slider only each panel would be another listing.


See the top right box on this PMD template.  Not a bad tool but very limited

27 Jan 2012

 Modzzz fixed within a day :-)

Great service as usual!



Hi Jerome, I just noticed something on my site, when a user creates a listing, they are not able to add photos to it or edit photos after the listing is made.


The 'add photo' button in actions block does not show for a user who has created a listing, yet it does show for me being admin.


Also, if they click the general 'edit' button, you can see the section to select listing thumbnail, but not the section for adding photos!


Is this normal or is there a problem on my site?



27 Jan 2012


I was wondering if there is a business database for sale that is current (updated) for this module? That would be awesome! Does someone already have a dolphin website with 10's of thousands of businesses with this module? If so, can you sell that database?


3 Feb 2012



I was wondering if there is a business database for sale that is current (updated) for this module? That would be awesome! Does someone already have a dolphin website with 10's of thousands of businesses with this module? If so, can you sell that database?


 I do not know of such a databas, but i do not think one is needed. This business listings mod is the most popular item on my site. My members love because it if bay far the best of its kind.... Just show businesses what it can do and they will come.



3 Feb 2012

This is weird, in the Biz, mod the Biz Website requires it to have at least www so it should "" . If you were to enter "" it does not work and returns with Page not found in Dolphin.

The software should adjust and add the "http://www." prefix if it is not present.

6 Feb 2012

 You cant write software to correct every human mistake. is not a valid URL.

This is weird, in the Biz, mod the Biz Website requires it to have at least www so it should "" . If you were to enter "" it does not work and returns with Page not found in Dolphin.

The software should adjust and add the "http://www." prefix if it is not present.


Paypal email is -
7 Feb 2012

Where can I edit the Form for the add Listing?  I need certain fields to be required.  I do not see it in the admin menu area.

11 Feb 2012

 The form to add listing is at modules\modzzz\listing\classes\BxListingFormAdd.php

Where can I edit the Form for the add Listing?  I need certain fields to be required.  I do not see it in the admin menu area.


Paypal email is -
11 Feb 2012


14 Feb 2012

I assume there is a specific way that I would need to structure the excel file in order for it to work with the listings. Does anyone have a single row files that I can go from in setting up the DB list I purchased?


I have a list of about 1500 businesses we received. I cannot see doing this manually 1 at a time.. There has to be a way to import the list and set auto approval on when I do it.  Please say there is a way to do a this !

14 Feb 2012


Are you going to respond to me with a start time and cost for the messages we have been passing? I have 2 things waiting to start and I need them ASAP.. I wanted to start them 2 weeks ago.

Let me know or please point me to someone you trust to work with your mod.




14 Feb 2012

Ok.. Have not heard a peep in over 3 days. I cannot waste anymore time.  If I do not hear from you today I will pay another dev to help me.

16 Feb 2012

A suggestion for this mod since I have seen this applied in another standard Boonex mod. The ability to have more then one Category, just like you have the ability to have more then one photo.

It would be great since that would allow for the business to be searched by different categories, a really powerful tool.


25 Feb 2012

Jerome, Any Chance to correct the Broadcast fix for this module please. I cannot move forward wit h my project, it is at a standstill please.

1 Apr 2012

Something I cannot figure out; why is it that a member cannot comment or rate a business unless he becomes a fan or something. Is there a setting somewhere I have missed? Thanks.

12 Apr 2012

 When creating the listing you have the option to set who has commenting and rating access.

Something I cannot figure out; why is it that a member cannot comment or rate a business unless he becomes a fan or something. Is there a setting somewhere I have missed? Thanks.


Paypal email is -
12 Apr 2012

 Darn, I knew it was something like a simple setting. Can I as admin control the default settings so they are all the same when members add their business? Or are he default values hard coded in the software.


 When creating the listing you have the option to set who has commenting and rating access.

Something I cannot figure out; why is it that a member cannot comment or rate a business unless he becomes a fan or something. Is there a setting somewhere I have missed? Thanks.



12 Apr 2012

What would it take to have a member to add their business in more then one category?

16 Apr 2012

 The existing categories functionality will have to be replaced. PM me for customization quote.

What would it take to have a member to add their business in more then one category?


Paypal email is -
16 Apr 2012
I have just had a complaint from a customer who pointed out that all googlemaps within business listings on my site are pointing to charring cross in London. I checked this and he is right. no matter what the zip or post code it still points tot he same place. Is there ar reason for this and can it be put right? The last thing i can afford to do is lose memebrs so please help if you can. Regards, Nathan
16 Apr 2012

 I just checked several sample listings on your site and they are not pointing to that address (unless you are referring to a different site than the one I worked on).

I have just had a complaint from a customer who pointed out that all googlemaps within business listings on my site are pointing to charring cross in London. I checked this and he is right. no matter what the zip or post code it still points tot he same place. Is there ar reason for this and can it be put right? The last thing i can afford to do is lose memebrs so please help if you can. Regards, Nathan


Paypal email is -
16 Apr 2012

Thanks for taking a look. I will supply you with a list tonight to show you what is happening. I ran a check of several sites and they all point to charring cross......





17 Apr 2012

NO Company info at Job info block on listing page view

comes up in block as Company: N/A

Is this correct or should this be fixed?

I know the job shows on listing page so that is ok. But if the companyname is not needed then hide it or let it say the company name. This is fixed with premium jobs version .09

look at the attachment

Thanks and please advise what to do?

JOBS-INFO-Listingpage.jpg · 128.9K · 372 views
26 May 2012

Download the mod again and replace this file :


NO Company info at Job info block on listing page view

comes up in block as Company: N/A

Is this correct or should this be fixed?

I know the job shows on listing page so that is ok. But if the companyname is not needed then hide it or let it say the company name. This is fixed with premium jobs version .09

look at the attachment

Thanks and please advise what to do?


Paypal email is -
27 May 2012

Thank you for a quick fix and it works fine now!!

I have suggestion: when you are admin of listing is it hard to build in a button to add JOB on listing page?

This also goes for Coupon or deal buttons. it could be activated based on checkbox on listing settings

That could be very handy i think


if jobs = checked then button 'Add job' visible = true

if coupons = checked then button 'Add coupon' visible = true



Again, thank you for the hard work.


27 May 2012

 Suggestion noted.

Thank you for a quick fix and it works fine now!!

I have suggestion: when you are admin of listing is it hard to build in a button to add JOB on listing page?

This also goes for Coupon or deal buttons. it could be activated based on checkbox on listing settings

That could be very handy i think


if jobs = checked then button 'Add job' visible = true

if coupons = checked then button 'Add coupon' visible = true



Again, thank you for the hard work.



Paypal email is -
27 May 2012

Version 2.1.3 released. (See patches/version_2.1.3 folder in zip file)

Made updates to the Invoicing and Payment functionality.

Paypal email is -
5 Aug 2012

Hi Modzzzzz.... Thought I would let you know that google has deactivated its maps API for this module. Atleast thats the message I am getting. It began today.....


Please let us know if you discover anything.


Nathan : )

9 Aug 2012

Hi Jerome, could you please help..

I created a package successfully via Admin panel, my regular user who does not have Admin access, is not able to see the package name when he tries to add a listing.. I am not sure if I need to do anything else on Admin panel beside creating a package..

Thank you.

14 Aug 2012

Jerome - Please check your PM, I sent you the userID & my Admin Acct to see if I am doing anything wrong from my end...

Thanks again!

14 Aug 2012

 You did not activate paid listings in the settings.

Hi Jerome, could you please help..

I created a package successfully via Admin panel, my regular user who does not have Admin access, is not able to see the package name when he tries to add a listing.. I am not sure if I need to do anything else on Admin panel beside creating a package..

Thank you.


Paypal email is -
14 Aug 2012

Hey modzz , i have bought premium groups from you and i believe i can embed multiple YouTube video in it but in business listing module there is only one input for YouTube ? can we have same functionality like in groups , we want to embed multiple video ,



I will appreciate if you could answer it quickly ...

23 Aug 2012

 I will consider it in future updates.

Hey modzz , i have bought premium groups from you and i believe i can embed multiple YouTube video in it but in business listing module there is only one input for YouTube ? can we have same functionality like in groups , we want to embed multiple video ,



I will appreciate if you could answer it quickly ...


Paypal email is -
24 Aug 2012

OK..... so i have created a business listing for a dance class under my admin login. I have also made a review of the class as admin and left a review. In page builder / listings/view i have the "review" block on the page but it is not pulling the review i posted.

Am I missing something? The listing and the review were both made under the admin login. Should thet pull together automatically or do i have to set something else to link the review to the listing?


9 Sep 2012

 Business listing does not have a built-in reviews feature. Is this customization that was added ?

OK..... so i have created a business listing for a dance class under my admin login. I have also made a review of the class as admin and left a review. In page builder / listings/view i have the "review" block on the page but it is not pulling the review i posted.

Am I missing something? The listing and the review were both made under the admin login. Should thet pull together automatically or do i have to set something else to link the review to the listing?



Paypal email is -
11 Sep 2012

My bad modzzz.... lol, for some reason I thought that your reviews module was integrated with reviews.... Shame as it would be an awsome edition.... any chance of it happening?

14 Sep 2012

 Reviews functionality will be added at some point in the future.

My bad modzzz.... lol, for some reason I thought that your reviews module was integrated with reviews.... Shame as it would be an awsome edition.... any chance of it happening?


Paypal email is -
15 Sep 2012

Hey Jerome,

Much needed updates to this module are sorely needed for this to be a true Business directory:

1. Filters are needed on the home page - Sort by alpha, distance from location and user ratings.

2.  Paid/sponsored listings priority placement over free listings, more data listed in the directory, business logos, etc are things that a business will pay for - not just the ability to add photos, sounds, files & videos.  More compelling reasons are needed to entice a business to pay extra - exposure is the main reason, not just the content on their page.

3. Multiple locations for a business - No way to address this currently, except create another listing...see #4

4. Duplicate Names - Multiple locations for a business don't have different names.  

5. Multiple categories & sub-categories for one business listing is a much needed option.  Businesses are offering more services and products to stay in business, and pigeon holing them into one category does them no good.

6. An option in the membership level section where we can allow or disallow a member to delete their own listing.  We need data on our sites - don't make it easy for members to get rid of it.

I know you're busy creating new modules every other week, but it seems to me that you should add more features to your existing modules, like Premium Business Module, and charge us all an extra fee for these kinds of upgrades. 

Please let us know what you've got planned.

Cheers - Jethro

5 Oct 2012

There are plans in the making to have some of these modules (Business directory, Club, Memorials etc) developed as full blown sites instead of just add-ons and at that time many more bells and whistles features will be added to them. Thanks for the suggestions.

Hey Jerome,

Much needed updates to this module are sorely needed for this to be a true Business directory:

1. Filters are needed on the home page - Sort by alpha, distance from location and user ratings.

2.  Paid/sponsored listings priority placement over free listings, more data listed in the directory, business logos, etc are things that a business will pay for - not just the ability to add photos, sounds, files & videos.  More compelling reasons are needed to entice a business to pay extra - exposure is the main reason, not just the content on their page.

3. Multiple locations for a business - No way to address this currently, except create another listing...see #4

4. Duplicate Names - Multiple locations for a business don't have different names.  

5. Multiple categories & sub-categories for one business listing is a much needed option.  Businesses are offering more services and products to stay in business, and pigeon holing them into one category does them no good.

6. An option in the membership level section where we can allow or disallow a member to delete their own listing.  We need data on our sites - don't make it easy for members to get rid of it.

I know you're busy creating new modules every other week, but it seems to me that you should add more features to your existing modules, like Premium Business Module, and charge us all an extra fee for these kinds of upgrades. 

Please let us know what you've got planned.

Cheers - Jethro


Paypal email is -
5 Oct 2012

ummmm, interesting.

5 Oct 2012

when you are planning to integrate paypal reoccurring payments ?

18 Oct 2012

 In reality when do you think this would be available?


There are plans in the making to have some of these modules (Business directory, Club, Memorials etc) developed as full blown sites instead of just add-ons and at that time many more bells and whistles features will be added to them. Thanks for the suggestions.

Hey Jerome,

Much needed updates to this module are sorely needed for this to be a true Business directory:

1. Filters are needed on the home page - Sort by alpha, distance from location and user ratings.

2.  Paid/sponsored listings priority placement over free listings, more data listed in the directory, business logos, etc are things that a business will pay for - not just the ability to add photos, sounds, files & videos.  More compelling reasons are needed to entice a business to pay extra - exposure is the main reason, not just the content on their page.

3. Multiple locations for a business - No way to address this currently, except create another listing...see #4

4. Duplicate Names - Multiple locations for a business don't have different names.  

5. Multiple categories & sub-categories for one business listing is a much needed option.  Businesses are offering more services and products to stay in business, and pigeon holing them into one category does them no good.

6. An option in the membership level section where we can allow or disallow a member to delete their own listing.  We need data on our sites - don't make it easy for members to get rid of it.

I know you're busy creating new modules every other week, but it seems to me that you should add more features to your existing modules, like Premium Business Module, and charge us all an extra fee for these kinds of upgrades. 

Please let us know what you've got planned.

Cheers - Jethro



18 Oct 2012

 Sorry, no time frame has been worked out for this as yet.

 In reality when do you think this would be available?


There are plans in the making to have some of these modules (Business directory, Club, Memorials etc) developed as full blown sites instead of just add-ons and at that time many more bells and whistles features will be added to them. Thanks for the suggestions.

Hey Jerome,

Much needed updates to this module are sorely needed for this to be a true Business directory:

1. Filters are needed on the home page - Sort by alpha, distance from location and user ratings.

2.  Paid/sponsored listings priority placement over free listings, more data listed in the directory, business logos, etc are things that a business will pay for - not just the ability to add photos, sounds, files & videos.  More compelling reasons are needed to entice a business to pay extra - exposure is the main reason, not just the content on their page.

3. Multiple locations for a business - No way to address this currently, except create another listing...see #4

4. Duplicate Names - Multiple locations for a business don't have different names.  

5. Multiple categories & sub-categories for one business listing is a much needed option.  Businesses are offering more services and products to stay in business, and pigeon holing them into one category does them no good.

6. An option in the membership level section where we can allow or disallow a member to delete their own listing.  We need data on our sites - don't make it easy for members to get rid of it.

I know you're busy creating new modules every other week, but it seems to me that you should add more features to your existing modules, like Premium Business Module, and charge us all an extra fee for these kinds of upgrades. 

Please let us know what you've got planned.

Cheers - Jethro




Paypal email is -
18 Oct 2012

I understand that you'd like to create many new smart modules and claim that area before any other developer do that.

I understand that you want to integrate different modules using your point system.

I understand that you'd like to integrate modules into packages in order to maximize your profit.

It is all very smart and we like the products.

But complexity seems to have taken overhand.

First priority must be that launched modules do what they promise and are bug free.

Upgraded versions with more features could very well be something that you offered to a cost like someone suggested.

However, customer satisfaction is decreasing with no reliable timeline for updates set. Or not even answering questions.

Reduce the number of products for complexity reasons and get the promised functions working before creating new modules and new bells and whistles to existing products or forcing buyers into packages that they didn't sign up for when buying a free standing module.

7.1 My favorite number
19 Oct 2012



I recently updated my Premium Business Listings module, and noticed there is now a block titled Reviews in the page builder. 


I do not see any option to add a review within the actions, where is this functionality?

Skype: shawn.nelson
21 Oct 2012

That was intended for integration with the Reviews mod but I am now building a Reviews section for the business listing mod (upgrade patch to be released soon)



I recently updated my Premium Business Listings module, and noticed there is now a block titled Reviews in the page builder. 


I do not see any option to add a review within the actions, where is this functionality?


Paypal email is -
22 Oct 2012

 An in-built reviews feature will be available shortly.

My bad modzzz.... lol, for some reason I thought that your reviews module was integrated with reviews.... Shame as it would be an awsome edition.... any chance of it happening?


Paypal email is -
22 Oct 2012

Version 2.1.4 released. (See patches/version_2.1.4 folder in zip file)

Adds Reviews section so that members are able to post reviews on Business listings.

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24 Oct 2012
5 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.