Premium Business Listings Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 4

8 Feb 2015

This is a custom job that has nothing to do with a general module update. To answer your question  ... yes, it was done for that client.

 Has this been done?

I haven't implemented this module yt as I thought another update was iminent.


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8 Feb 2015

Thanks, for clearing that up. - The Online Guide to Travel
8 Feb 2015

Version 2.2.1 released. (See patches/version_2.2.1 folder in zip file)

Improved integration with Coupons, Deals and Jobs modules

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23 Jul 2015

I sent you a PM.  Will you update my custom Business Listing module to 2.2.1?  When will you be adding the ability to add Events to a business listing, like you can in your Premium Groups module?  Will multiple categories for Listings become a standard feature?

24 Aug 2015

This module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

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4 Sep 2015

I need to be able to import a CSV list into business listing.

Any suggestions?

9 Sep 2015

 You will have to get this done as a custom job.

I need to be able to import a CSV list into business listing.

Any suggestions?


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10 Sep 2015

 Can you send me a quote for this.

Would need to give me the ability to import further users at a later date instead of just a one off.



 You will have to get this done as a custom job.

I need to be able to import a CSV list into business listing.

Any suggestions?



10 Sep 2015

An issue with posting business news has been resolved. The following file is updated :


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14 Oct 2015


I paid you 4 1/2 months ago to customize my business listings module.  Do you plan on doing the work?

16 Nov 2015

hi i have issue of images cropping in business listings

all images are cropped at home page but when clicked, they show full size

can u advise resolve

25 Nov 2015

 hi today added one listing and again

image cropped and it looks very bad

please resole asap

hi i have issue of images cropping in business listings

all images are cropped at home page but when clicked, they show full size

can u advise resolve


26 Nov 2015

Photo Cropping is not handled by the Business Listing module. This is a functionality of the Photos module. Search the forums here for solutions to your cropping issue. There is one post here and many others.

hi i have issue of images cropping in business listings

all images are cropped at home page but when clicked, they show full size

can u advise resolve


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26 Nov 2015

Modzzz, When will you be able to add multiple categories to the Business Listings?  It's been over 6 months now.

5 Jan 2016

You finished half of the multi category feature.  Month 8 now.  Can you finish the rest this week?

10 Mar 2016

I added patches/version_2.2.1 to a Dolphin 7.1.6 website and since then can't view a business listing unless I'm logged out or set the _modzzz_listing_block_actions to Guest only.

Any ideas? - The Online Guide to Travel
25 Mar 2016

Started to get Database errors, so uninstalled and installed again.

Actions have returned. Strange.

One feature I have noticed that is great, is the Website link in the menu which returns the website in an iframe.

That menu link only appears on the Main 'View Listing' page though. Perhaps it would be good if it showed up on the other sublinks too.

Main - Comments - Employees - Events - Fans - Forum - News - Testimonials - Website - The Online Guide to Travel
26 Mar 2016


Month 8 and you're completely silent.  Not good.  Do you intend to finish the custom biz feature or refund my payment?

26 Mar 2016

Everything seems to be working well on Dolphin 7.3.0 - Thanks!

Michel on - The Online Guide to Travel
1 Apr 2016

Request for next update,

Within each Listing it would be great to be able to add multiple premises, or shops etc.

In case a business has a dozen outlets, they would benefit being able to show them all on one listing page somehow.

Integrate into a map would be ideal to be viewed on the listing view page.

1 May 2016

Question about the 'claim listing' feature,

this is key to the module where admin might want to create lots of listings, then let the owners know they can claim them to attach to their profile etc...


However, when a listing is claimed, does the 'claim listing' button still show?

If so it would be ideal if it can only show on unclaimed listings...

12 May 2016

@daihlo - Claim button does not show once a listing is claimed.

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12 May 2016

On modzzz_listing_reviews_view you have blocks with Caption Lang Keys _modzzz_listing_block_videos and _modzzz_listing_block_sounds.
I believe they should be _modzzz_listing_block_video and _modzzz_listing_block_sound.
It seems you also have _modzzz_listing_block_file and _modzzz_listing_block_files.
I changed the later to the former.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
31 May 2016

@TravelNotes - Thank you for the report.

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31 May 2016

Modzzz,  Thanks for completing the custom work.  Is there any way to link Business Listing Payments up to the PayPal PayFlow Pro module so that recurring payments can be used?  If not, any future plans for including recurring payments capability with the module?

3 Jun 2016

I am not sure how flexible the PayPal PayFlow Pro module is (in terms of integrating with third party modules). I would have to take a look at it when time allows.

Modzzz,  Thanks for completing the custom work.  Is there any way to link Business Listing Payments up to the PayPal PayFlow Pro module so that recurring payments can be used?  If not, any future plans for including recurring payments capability with the module?


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4 Jun 2016

A question about Categories and Sub-categories with this mod too.

Generally I like how this one is set up, except for the uri appending an -en

I went in to the database to clean up some of these uri entries and see there's a `modzzz_listing_categ_bak` table as well; where the uri doesn't have and -en ending.

If I remove the -en appends on my current categories and sub-categories will it cause any problems?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
9 Jun 2016

@TravelNotes - There shouldn't be any issues with removing the 'en'. It is only critical for sites that use multiple languages.  `modzzz_listing_categ_bak` is not used. That table is utilized during installation only.

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9 Jun 2016

Really need to be  able to add a listing to multiple categories...

I thought this was in place before but must have overlooked it until now!


Can you add this function please?

Many businesses need to be in more than one cat.



18 Jul 2016

Hi Modzzz, I've played with this module before for ideas, but am now using it for a serious site launch that needs everything to work to its best with complete functionality.


There are 2 things that are issues with the current options on the module, if it is to actually be used for business listings - these are requirements that actual businesses have.


1 - ability to add to multiple categories. Without this option, it severaly limits being able to find the business as most (by far) fit into multiple categories. Being able to list but with limited search results (due to single cats) severely limits the module.



2 - ability to add multiple locations or stores. at the moment, the module is more setup to list the business 'head office' with contact details. however, in terms of retailers, the majority have multiple stores. This needs to reflect again in search results.

This could be done either by allowing a listing to add multiple 'towns' that then appear in search results, or even create a 'sub listing' a bit like your sub profile module, although this may too cumbersome if a retailer has over 100 stores (which some do that Im dealing with...)


This though, also presents an additional issue - tags / keywords.

these are essential to get accurate search results, as they can be used for 'brands' as an example which along with location, would be the main thing a customer would search for.


If allowing multiple stores, we then need to add tags to each store as not all stores will sell the same brands.



If the above could be added though, this would turn the module into a fully functional listing module that fits the actual requirements of a listing service.


Without the above, Im realising through real world testing that it is not complete as yet, as the very thing it looks to do - provide a search listing service for businesses - is severely restricted / limited by these missing features.




Please let me know if this is something you can do?



2 Aug 2016

hi i asked before.  When I bought this, I had seen option where small biz card size listings can be seen in one row.. Now this option is not there. can you do something so we can see 5 listings pictures in one row and so on.. like 20 in one box.. 



23 Sep 2016

That option had never existed in this module. However, I will look at possible adding that design view in the future.

hi i asked before.  When I bought this, I had seen option where small biz card size listings can be seen in one row.. Now this option is not there. can you do something so we can see 5 listings pictures in one row and so on.. like 20 in one box.. 


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23 Sep 2016

Nice work, thank you modzzz!

Everyday is a new beginning.
17 Oct 2016

Hello Modzzz; I am working with DeanMonte and we are seeing an issue with the business listing.  When a non-member (Guest) clicks on a listing, the following database query error is returned:


SELECT `id`, `name`, `description`, `price`, `days`, `videos`, `photos`, `photos` as `images`, `sounds`, `files`, `coupons`, `banner`, `featured`, `status` FROM `modzzz_listing_packages` WHERE `id`='0' LIMIT 1
Mysql error:
Unknown column 'coupons' in 'field list'

Found error in the file '/modzzz/listing/classes/BxListingDb.php' at line 199.


When a member clicks on the listing there is NO database error.

Geeks, making the world a better place
24 Oct 2016

The following file has been updated :


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25 Oct 2016


The following file has been updated :


 Thank you modzzz!

Everyday is a new beginning.
25 Oct 2016

Thanks Modzzz; I have said it before but you are one of the best developers on Boonex.

Geeks, making the world a better place
25 Oct 2016

 You are welcome.


The following file has been updated :


 Thank you modzzz!


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25 Oct 2016

  You are welcome :)

Thanks Modzzz; I have said it before but you are one of the best developers on Boonex.


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25 Oct 2016

Hello Modzzz,

You have outstanding mods. Congratulations.

I am interested in buying the Business Listing mod but I have few pre-sales questions:

1) Can the ability to submit a listing be limited to certain dolphin membership levels?

2) The Listing packages you are talking about in the Listing Mod description, are they the dolphin memberships? I am confused. Please explain more.

3) When creating the Listing Package, is it possible to set a limit and determine how many photos, videos, sounds etc. can a specific package have?

4) How are the featured listings added into the system? Can members order them or does the administrator manually add them?

5) The mod comes with a Comprehensive list of Business Categories and Sub-Categories with over 2500 Business Categories. That is awesome but I will not use it as I am building a Community directory in a specific niche. Does this list come as an option? Is it possible to do a fresh install of the mod without that list of businesses? I would like to create/add my own categories.

6) Is the search by Zip code supported?

7) Is the Multi-Category submission supported? (Listings can be posted in multiple categories). If the answer is yes, then can we set the limit? E.g: How many category per package?

8) Is the Multi-Location submission supported? If yes, can we set the location limit?

9) Is the Multi-Payment Gateways supported (Can we used paypal, 2checkout, stripe etc). Can more payment gateways be added?

10) Which payment system is the Listings mod using? Is it using the default (built-in) dolphin payment gateways? Or does mods come with it own payment system?

11) Is the Multi-Currency supported? Can Packages be charged in dollar, in euro or in pound depending on the member location/country.

12) Is the package term/plan supported?  E.g: Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual/Annual

Package A:

30 Days: $xxx

90 Days: $xxx (10% OFF)

180 Days: $xxx (20% OFF)

360 Days: $xxx (30% OFF)


13) Can Locations be translated like categories and sub-categories? They come all in English.

14) Are Custom fields supported?

15) Is the business Hour available in the listing?

16) can the system be set in order to offer 2 listings for free with limited listing features to any membership then start charging for additional listing packages with more and advanced features?

17) Is the search engine priority and ordering supported? E.g. When searching for listings, Gold listings can have priority #1(top of the list) in the search results, then silver listings (priority #2), then bronze listings (priority #3) and the free/basic listing (no priority).

18) Can a Business/company logo be added?

19) Can the following options/features be limited to a specific listing package or membership : Share, Favorite, add news, promote, inquire, Google Map etc. They seem to be available (allow) to all packages.

20) Can the Listing title, Description, keyword size be limited by listing package? e.g:  Package A: Title: 60 Characters, Description: 160 Characters, keywords: 10 keywords etc.

Thanks a lot for your attention.


Best Regards.

29 Oct 2016

i am receiving an error message when trying to install:

Installation of: Business Listings Failed



-- Changing database: 
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: 

Please see attached.
business listing install error.doc · 27.5K · 388 downloads
8 Nov 2016

@lavida - The issue has been resolved and the module is now re-uploaded.

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8 Nov 2016

thanks.  will try again tomorrow!

8 Nov 2016

Hi, module has installed fine, but i can't find the following?:


In modules\boonex\events\classes\BxEventsTemplates.php


    Find :

       'views_count' => $aData['Views'],

9 Nov 2016

  Find :

       'id' => $aData['ID'],

In modules\boonex\events\classes\BxEventsTemplates.php


    Find :

       'views_count' => $aData['Views'],


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9 Nov 2016

Hi Modzzz,


It has been two weeks now since I posted here. Would mind answering my pre-sales questions found in my previous post?


Thanks in advance.

10 Nov 2016

@DigitZup - See responses below. Also, please note that there is a demo link on the Product description page that will allow you to check out the features available for the module.


1) Yes

2) No, check the demo to get a better understanding.

3) No. You can only turn on/off whether upload of specific media (photos etc.) is available or not.

4) Administrator manually feature listings.

5) The list can be removed before installation.

6) No

7) The mod allows the selection of a main category and unlimited multiple sub-categories for the main category selected.

8) No, however this is a planned future feature.

9) & 10) The package system uses Paypal.

11) No

12) Each package can be limited by number of days.

13) No

14) No

15) There is no specific field for this. You can place Business Hour in the description.

16) No, the mod would have to be customized to achieve this.

17) No, search is ordered based on date of posting.

18) Yes

19) No

20) No

Paypal email is -
10 Nov 2016

Hi, installed and working great thanks.  Just a few questions.  

  1. I need to set the default country / state to Spain / Almeria and not allow any exceptions. So the search form and the listing submission form should not show these fields.
  2. I also want to remove all Privacy settings from the form.  These are to be set by the admin as a site-wide policy

How can i do these please?

10 Nov 2016

 These will require code modifications.

Hi, installed and working great thanks.  Just a few questions.  

  1. I need to set the default country / state to Spain / Almeria and not allow any exceptions. So the search form and the listing submission form should not show these fields.
  2. I also want to remove all Privacy settings from the form.  These are to be set by the admin as a site-wide policy

How can i do these please?


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10 Nov 2016
10 Nov 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.