Personality MatchMaker

Support Thread for Personality MatchMaker

Are you looking for an alternative to Dolphins default Cupid Match?

If the answer is Yes then let me explain a few things about the Personality MatchMaker

Install is easy -  upload the files to the modules folder with FTP and go to administration/modules press install

No core files are change............................. No configuration needed by Admin



Cupids Match is based on common profile fields .

eg same country, same height, same ethnicity,  both graduated high school - Match!

Administrators have to set up the profile fields and settings for Cupid Match to work


Personality MatchMaker is based on Science and  the well known research of Carl Jung the father of Analytical Psychology, Katharine C. Briggs, Isabel Briggs Myers, and David Keirsey..

The sixteen personality types which we use in our assessment are based on MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator which is the most widest used Personality Assessment in the world.



The  Personality MatchMaker  includes a Questionnaire, which is a self-scoring psychometric assessment, to measure the  Psychology preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

1  EXTRAVERT / INTROVERT – Where do we get our energy?
2  SENSING / INTUITIVE – How do we take in information?
3  THINKING / FEELING – How do we make decisions?
4  JUDGING / PERCEIVING – How do we organize our world?

Now based of the 4 opposite pairs of cognitive functions and which ones people use most, much like being left or right handed,.is how the Questionnaire comes to its result.of the personality type for the individual.




The members are matched  with there compatible partner according to Dr David Keirsey recommendation.of which personality types are best suited together.


 The information above is for people who want to know the basics of how it works


Easy part is there is no configuration needed, as  the module does everything for you automatically.

 member does the questionnaire -> description summary of personality type on profile page ->

matches appear in matching block -> members receive email notification of matches ->

view matches profile page and read about there personality type.


More about Personality MatchMaker at


I hope you enjoy this Personality MatchMaker module and any questions I will answer to the best of my ability.

Jennifer Bogan  . Acc. Dip. Psychology.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
22 May 2012

The link doesnt work..............

23 May 2012


The link doesnt work..............

Post is pending approval.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
23 May 2012

Hi I had to change the compatible version from 7.0.x to 7.0.0 - 7.0.9  on the post. . All fixed now, sorry for the delay .

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
23 May 2012



1 would it not be better to give the generic names on profile for the personality types IE: ISTP - The Mechanic


ISFJ - The Nurturer ect.. as most peeps will not understand the anachronisms..



2 does this link to the default match meter on browse.php/extended ?



3 would it not be better in profile view to have the profile users name in place of the "YOU" ARE TO "USERNAME" IS outgoing, energetic and reliable .


plus on the matches page the preferences search area has not got the personality type selector  and

the Search Personality Types selector does !
  It is not good to have the selector questionnaire page set default as "sometimes" as this will give a result evenly matched users should be made to click an answer for each question
if you see the advantages of advise I will purchase .


happy thoughts

24 May 2012




1 would it not be better to give the generic names for the personality types IE: ISTP - The Mechanic

ISFJ - The Nurturer ect.. as most peeps will not understand the anachronisms..

2 does this link to the default match meter on browse.php/extended ?

3 would it not be better in profile veiw to have the profile users name in place of the "YOU" ARE TO USERNAME IS outgoing, energetic and reliable .

If you sort the 2 questions 1 3 I would buy it ..

even if it does not like to match meter ....


happy thoughts

 Hi Mingle I love feedback!

1. Great idea .

#  I can change it to the Role name indeed.

This is easy only need to change value in language file


2.  The match meter is part of cupid match. If you would like, you can disable cupid match in admin/ admin/settings/advanced settings/ matches.. And hide the menu sub menu item "Match" which is under 'People'   in admin/builders/navigation menu,  by un-checking Member.

How about I show in readme instructions how to add type to browse extended views


Administration : Administration 41 y/o  flag Brisbane, Australia
Administration account
Administration : Administration, INTJ ,41 y/o  flag Brisbane, Australia
Administration account
I have not added this to browse as it is changing core files which this module does not do. However I can include in the readme information to easy change for your self. I have included in the readme how to add the Questionnaire as part of the join process, which is very easy to do.
 - If you need help let me know I will do it for you.
3. Yes this would be better using nickname rather You. I have to check into this as the information is stored in the database not files, for optimal performance. I will get back to you on this. I don't forsee any problems
Do you refer to the report when reading the Questionnaire results as well.
Profile view do you mean reading your own profile?
Reading another profile view you would like to see the members nickname as well?
Just making sure I have it right :)

4. plus on the matches page the preferences search area has not got the personality type selector  and

the Search Personality Types selector does !
Good Point I will fix this
5.   It is not good to have the selector questionnaire page set default as "sometimes" as this will give a result evenly matched users should be made to click an answer for each question
This is taken care of :)
If members do not answer the questions the result gives them below message -
Because your personality preferences were so evenly matched, it is not possible for this assessment to derive a specific personality type for you. Please take the assessment again and answer at least 40 questions.
The Questionnaire page is reset for them to take the Questionnaire again. You can test this for yourself. Login at and log in as demo1 pw demo1 go to the questionnaire don't answer anything, press button score it on the bottom of the page and you will see the error message with page reset to begin the Questionnaire.
I am working on the Personality Reports which will be an addon for the MatchMaker
It will be a complete set of Personality Profile Report and downloadable in PDF format approx 20 pages.
Goes into depth of Temperament Types, Roles, Work, Relationships, Love. Lots of information of dating and how you and your compatible partner fit together and why.
Jennifer Bogan
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
24 May 2012

Very, very nice!! I just took the test..

I'm: Extrovert/Intuitive/Thinking/Perceiving

I'll be recommending this module!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
24 May 2012

 Hi newton27

Very, very nice!! I just took the test..

I'm: Extrovert/Intuitive/Thinking/Perceiving

I'll be recommending this module!

 I am INTJ - Introvert Intuition Thinking Judging


Thanks so much for the recommendation



Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
24 May 2012

Hello I just added to the demo site at

 So now you can create your own profile.


Or the demo user you can use for testing:

login: demo1

pass: demo1


I had it invite only to deter spammers. I will monitor it and ban spammers, so its all good.


Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
24 May 2012

makes me wish i had a dating site lol : )

24 May 2012


makes me wish i had a dating site lol : )

 Its not just for dating  DRautenbach its actually for self discovery, learning all about yourself. I have adapted this for dating.

The ADDON I am working on for Personality Profile Reports will be including all the information for self discovery. I have learnt so much from this is why I have created this module, its fantastic really the things you can learn about yourself.

Each Report is approx 20 pages and will be downloadable for people who do the Questionnaire  in PDF format so its a great deal of information and will be purchasable for those who already have the module. I don't know how much this ADDON will be but as you see I have kept my pricing for the module reasonable so people can afford to purchase it. It has taken me 2 years of research and work to create this.

I want to help people help themselves. So maybe I should add this information on the market page . I think I will after the reports are created. Its a lot of work to make them.


 The Personality Reports now are accurate but basic information.


I am also working on my own dating site at that will have this exact module including the New Personality Profile reports.

I love what I do. I actually quit my job to do this, as I love it so much.


Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
24 May 2012

 Hello Mingle

plus on the matches page the preferences search area has not got the personality type selector  and
the Search Personality Types selector does !

happy thoughts

 I have thought about this.Kiss

The Perfect Match for each type is configured by the MatchMaker module. MatchMaker is based on Science and the algorithm configured according to world leading experts proven theories..

The reason there is no personality type in the preferences area is because it is not a search. This is where you choose the gender, age and location for your matches, to appear on your match block which are also emailed to you. The personality type for the matching is handled by the algorithm

There are 16 personality types and only one Perfect Compatible match for each Personality Type.

Example INTJ's perfect compatible match is ENFP only.


Personality MatchMakers search page is where you can search for members by type :)


I am working on your other suggestions right now.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
24 May 2012

Hello Jennifer Thanks for taking suggestions on board regards username on profile as it is in general other peeps viewing the profile the profile owners name would be preferable if you wanted to be really on the ball it would say hello the viewers name  username personality . but the users profile name would be great ..

will just bring a real touch of member personal communication ..

regards the personality types a personality name would be preferable on the results page

also in the profile view  My Personality Type box .

The instructions on how to place on browse extended would be great ..

Regards search on matches page I understand that it search for age sex country ect but if you are a member who knows your personality and are aware of the personality type that would best suit you perhaps a please select box would be preferable which would leave optional . But I am sure you know your product and how it works better than me :O)


I have been looking at making a mod like this for just a couple of months I am glad you beat me to it as I am aware of the amount of work it in tails ..

As an add on you could when you have the time have small packs for different personality names for different sorts of sites with possible small icons ..

As I am aware that these tests are recognized  world wide and are taken into account for employment physiology  dating and many other areas of life .. Like the idea of the personality reports could be attached to CV  .. How many peeps are currently out of work :O)

Although I am working on a dating site.

Currently My main interest in this is for a site I have for getting long term unemployed back to work ..

Happy thoughts

PS: the box on index page is showing up for non members and if the link is clicked takes you to access denied page instead of being redirected to join page ! which would be more preferable to just making the block members only .


25 May 2012

 Hello Mingle

Firstly I would like to thank you for sharing your ideas. You actually think like me and your suggestions are very good and I have taken all of them onboard and making changes now. for v 1.0.2Embarassed

Hello Jennifer Thanks for taking suggestions on board regards username on profile as it is in general other peeps viewing the profile the profile owners name would be preferable if you wanted to be really on the ball it would say hello the viewers name  username personality . but the users profile name would be great ..

will just bring a real touch of member personal communication ..

regards the personality types a personality name would be preferable on the results page

also in the profile view  My Personality Type box .

The instructions on how to place on browse extended would be great ..

Regards search on matches page I understand that it search for age sex country ect but if you are a member who knows your personality and are aware of the personality type that would best suit you perhaps a please select box would be preferable which would leave optional . But I am sure you know your product and how it works better than me :O)


I have been looking at making a mod like this for just a couple of months I am glad you beat me to it as I am aware of the amount of work it in tails ..

As an add on you could when you have the time have small packs for different personality names for different sorts of sites with possible small icons ..

As I am aware that these tests are recognized  world wide and are taken into account for employment physiology  dating and many other areas of life .. Like the idea of the personality reports could be attached to CV  .. How many peeps are currently out of work :O)

Although I am working on a dating site.

Currently My main interest in this is for a site I have for getting long term unemployed back to work ..

Happy thoughts

PS: the box on index page is showing up for non members and if the link is clicked takes you to access denied page instead of being redirected to join page ! which would be more preferable to just making the block members only .


 I have great ideas and you will see them soon.. Thanks for your words on inspiration Mingle.

Thanks for the PS.,

Back to work, actions speak louder than words!

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
25 May 2012

 Hello Mingle I have updated the module with the things you asked about.. If you care to view the changes please go to the demo site at

login as





1 would it not be better to give the generic names on profile for the personality types IE: ISTP - The Mechanic


ISFJ - The Nurturer ect.. as most peeps will not understand the anachronisms..



2 does this link to the default match meter on browse.php/extended ?



3 would it not be better in profile view to have the profile users name in place of the "YOU" ARE TO "USERNAME" IS outgoing, energetic and reliable .


plus on the matches page the preferences search area has not got the personality type selector  and

the Search Personality Types selector does !
  It is not good to have the selector questionnaire page set default as "sometimes" as this will give a result evenly matched users should be made to click an answer for each question
if you see the advantages of advise I will purchase .


happy thoughts


Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Jun 2012



The Personality Matchmaker has a new version with personalized Personality Profile Reports.

Personality Profile Report

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Jun 2012

Does this replaces dolphins cupid system or can it run beside it?

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
4 Jun 2012


Does this replaces dolphins cupid system or can it run beside it?

 Hello it doesn't replace anything nor does it change any core files. It can run besides it. This is a complete module in its own nice little folder :)


Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Jun 2012

Thanks for the fast answer. Could it be possible to display this score beside the normal cupid matchmaking score? That would be perfect

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
4 Jun 2012
demo1 : Demo Account 22 y/o  flag Brisbane, Australia
Demo Account for demonstation purposes only
HI see the image above this is from extended view of members. I can give instructions in the readme file how to add your personality type to this .
Example see the below image has INTJ. This is possible yes and very easy. No core files are changed so I can give you intructions how to add this key in the correct place, if this can be helpful to you.
demo1 : Demo Account 22 y/o INTJ   flag Brisbane, Australia
Demo Account for demonstation purposes only
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Jun 2012


For the 1.1.4 update I am working on adding "mbti match" on extended browse page.

mbti match


Also adding  "Personality Match Summary"  block to the profile page. When you view a members profile if you are a matched you will see the "Personality Match Summary" which tells how you are compatible with each other..


I will let you know when this is ready with more illustrations.

Yes this module will be updated to be compatible with 7.1.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
15 Jun 2012



Personality MatchMaker now has "Personality Type"  included  in the default search.Type in Search

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
17 Jun 2012

The Original Personality Matchmaker:

'Personality Matchmaker' integrated with dolphins cupid match, includes Questionnaire, Personality Profile Report, Automatic Matchmaking, Admin Manual including how to set up cupid match, User FAQ and much more..

To Thyself Be True...
If there is a key that can unlock a process of development beyond the ordinary for any relationship, it is self awareness. Too often people confuse self awareness with the easily gained knowledge of their ego self; their own likes, dislikes and smugly affected cultural poses. But real self awareness is understanding why we behave in such ways, and recognizing those things within us that work against our preferred outward expression of ourselves; accepting them as part of our whole personality; accepting their influence in our lives.

Start your journey of self discovery....
Let's begin with your Personality Type ......

Q. What is a Personality Type?

The Personality Types Indicate Preferences, Not Abilities
Your type is the combination of preferences you chose when you answered the test. It is up to you to decide what type you truly are, since only you know your true preferences. The scores on the test indicate clarity of preference, not strengths or abilities to perform in the various areas. All of us use all of the functions at different times; your type indicates those functions you prefer to use most often. For example, Sensing "S" types are capable of abstract thought, but its not their preferred action, it takes more energy than it would take an iNtuitive "N" type. By the same token, iNtuitive types are capable of being more sensing of their environment, but its not their preferred action, it takes more energy than it would take a Sensing type. Extraverted people can enjoy moments of quiet introspection just as Introverted people can enjoy being around strangers.

The 16 different types have preferences, not a limitation of abilities. This discussion of personality types is not to imply we aren't capable of responding to different situations with what is needed, instead, it is to point out preferences that we have that direct our long term choices in life, our relationships and our careers.

We All Have Special Gifts

There are no "good" or "bad" types. All types contribute special gifts to the world. Knowing your type can help you understand and develop both your most and least preferred functions, as well as help you understand and work with other people

Q. Is this hard to set up?

Its already set up for you, including an admin manual for optional extra's and a User FAQ.

Upon joining members have the option to take the Personality Questionnaire which yields a Personality Type and a Personality Profile Report.

Q. Does this work with dolphins cupid Match

Yes Personality Matchmaker is integrated with Dolphin default Cupid Match, and you can now choose the Personality Type of the person you would like to be matched with in profile edit.

Q. How do I find my Personality Matches?

Upon completing the Personality Questionnaire your Recommended Matches are automatically are displayed on the Personality Matches Page, and also on the Match blocks found on the homepage, your profile and account page. You will also receive an email (the email address you used upon registering) informing you of your Personality Matches.

Q. What is a Recommended Personality Match?

A recommended Personality Match is the Personality Type that is most compatible with your own Personality Type according to the research and theories of Carl Jung, Katharine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.

Q. How do I choose Match Preferences?

Your Match preferences are your personal choices to define who you are seeking.

Go to the Personality Match - matches page, to make your choices.
Select the Gender, Age, Country and enter City of the person you would like to be matched with.

Q. What information is on the Personality Profile Report?

Information on your Personality Type, Temperament, Dominate Function, Work and Careers, Love and relationships, Recommended Matches with links to pages, expanding the information found on your Personality Profile Report.

When reading a members Personality Profile on their profile page it is personalized with there nickname. When reading your own Personality Profile Report it is personalized with your own nickname

Nice Images below.

Personality Match homepage.

Personality Match homepage

Personality Profile Report

Personality Profile Report












Profile Page

Profile Page

Dolphin demo site

login demo1

password demo1


Have a nice Day!

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
10 Aug 2012



'Personality Matchmaker' version 3.0.0 had an error in the install.sql which has been corrected. If you have version 3.0.0 please download the new version 3.0.1 at


Have a nice day!

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
11 Aug 2012

I just noticed that error today.

That was a super quick fix, thanks!!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
11 Aug 2012

Your welcome Newton!

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
15 Aug 2012


update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'

update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
19 Aug 2012

 Hello Dately

Does this replaces dolphins cupid system or can it run beside it?

 Is now integrated with 'cupid match' as well as its own system. Best of both worlds.


update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'


update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
19 Aug 2012

UPDATES: till 04.09.2012

update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'

update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix
Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

update 24.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Member limit db error fix

update 04.09.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Personality Profile page blocks output when member has no predefined type

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Sep 2012

UPDATES: till 04.09.2012

update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'

update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix
Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

update 24.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Member limit db error fix

update 04.09.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Personality Profile page blocks output when member has no predefined type

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Sep 2012

LAST UPDATE: V.3.0.5 -  04.09.2012 - 8.51pm

update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'

update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix
Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

update 24.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Member limit db error fix

update 04.09.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Personality Profile page blocks output when member has no predefined type

update 04.09.2012 - 8.51pm

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Profile field error

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Sep 2012

LAST UPDATE: V.3.0.6 -  05.09.2012 - 2.50am

update 11.08.2012

New function - Integration with 'cupid match'
New profile field - 'Looking for Type'
New Matchmaker Theme
New page 'Careers'
New page 'Temperaments'
New page 'Preferences'
New page 'Functions'
New page 'FAQ'
New integration with 'cupid match'
New 'Looking For Type' profile field
New PDF Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf
New PDF Admin manual optional extra.pdf
Updated 'Personality Reports'
Updated page 'About'

update 12.08.2012

Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fixed profile field error

update 20.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Matches bug fix
Updated install.sql and uninstall.sql - fix profile field 'LookingForPTest1Type' member visability

update 24.08.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - Member limit db error fix

update 04.09.2012

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Personality Profile page blocks output when member has no predefined type

update 04.09.2012 - 8.51pm

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed Profile field error

update 05.09.2012 - 2.50am

Updated  ATest1Module.php - fixed syntax error

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
4 Sep 2012

UPDATED 31.10.2012.

The complete Matchmaking system based on Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types.

Features Include:

  • 30 Seconds Installation - NO Core Files Changed
  • Integrated with dolphins cupid match
  • Integrated with dolphins search
  • Tutorial PDF - how to set up cupid match
  • Optional extra's tutorials
  1. - how to add the questionnaire to the join process
  2. - how to add Personality type to browse extended view
  • Matchmaker Emails
  1. - to notify members they have a match.
  • Membership Management Action:
  1. - view ptype data

ALL Members can:

  • Take the the "Psychometric Questionnaire". (Questionnaire - Image I)
  • View own complete "Personality Report" (Personality Report - Image B)
  • View own "Personality Profile info " info on OWN profile page.

(Personality Profile Info - Image J)
Personality Profile info

Members with "Membership Management Action: - view ptype data" permissions can:

  • Do the the "Psychometric Questionnaire". (Questionnaire - Image I)
  • View own and other members complete "Personality Reports". (Personality Report - Image B)
  • View own and other members "Personality Profile info " info on profile pages.

(Personality Profile Info - Image J)
Personality Profile info

  • View "My Personality Matches" on, home, account and profile page.
  1. - easy to remove unwanted matches

(My Personality Matches - Image K)
My Personality Matches

  • View on ALL Members Profile pages:
  1. - "Personality Compatibility Info" (with matched members)

(Personality Compatibility Info - Image L)
Personality Compatibility Info

  • Complete Compatibility Report

(Complete Compatibility Report - Image M)
Complete Compatibility Report

Personality Questionnaire determines:

  • Extraversion / Introversion – Where do we get our energy?
  • Sensor / Intuitive – How do we take in information?
  • Thinker / Feeler – How do we make decisions?
  • Judging / Perceiving – How do we organise our world?

How Matchmaking works:

Matchmaker, matches members based on the compatibility of one individuals "personality type" with another individuals "personality type" as suggested by world renown Myers-Briggs, Carl Jung, and Dr. Keirsy. Whereas Dolphin and most matchmaking sites, match members on common profile fields, or common same answered questions, eg, I have brown hair, I live in Australia, I am 24, Wow You are a Match! It is inaccurate that people are compatible because of common answers.

16 Personality Types - (a module page)

(16 Personality Types - Image A)
16 Personality Types

My Personality Report - (with comments)

(Personality Report - Image B)
Personality Report

Recommended careers - ( a module page)

(Careers - Image C)

Temperament Types - (a module page)

(Temperaments - Image D)

Personality Preferences - (a module page)

(Personality Preferences - Image E)

Cognitive Functions - (a module page)

(Functions - Image F)

About Myers Briggs - (a module page)

(About - Image G)

Members FAQ - a module page

(FAQ - Image H)

"Psychometric Questionnaire" - (a module page)

(Questionnaire - Image I)

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
31 Oct 2012

Personality Matchmaker has just been updated. (including bug fixes)

Version: 3.0.8
Compatibility: 7.0.0 - 7.0.9

Fixed comments not working. - Now working

The 3 Pages named, "temperaments", "preferences" and "functions" are now found on one page named "Information".

Updated template and layout.

*Currently working on the version for dolphin v.7.1.0

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
16 Nov 2012


Personality Matchmaker has just been updated. (including bug fixes)

Version: 3.0.8
Compatibility: 7.0.0 - 7.0.9

Fixed comments not working. - Now working

The 3 Pages named, "temperaments", "preferences" and "functions" are now found on one page named "Information".

Updated template and layout.

*Currently working on the version for dolphin v.7.1.0


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
16 Nov 2012

NEW Update: Personality Matchmaker has been updated now to version 3.0.9 to fix broken links of careers.html

Please download your new version at


If you find a bug let me know please so I can fix it a.s.a.p

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
16 Nov 2012

UPDATED 3.1.0 - Personality Matchmaker -  lol  must be bug season!

done done and done - till more bugs are reported. :)

Take care have a great day

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
16 Nov 2012

Hey FYI folks- Jennifer is without internet for a couple days, so if you have tried to reach her or for whatever reason may need to get a hold of her, she's currently in a network dead zone so give her a couple days and she'll be back in business and get back to everyone ASAP.


17 Nov 2012

Thanks Jerry for updating for me when I was unable

Currently working on an update for Personality Matchmaker for 7.0.9

Currently working on new release for 7.1.0

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
22 Nov 2012

Personality Test has just released version for 7.1 :) YaY!

This is a brand new looking layout.

Big update for 7.0 and  new release for 7.1. Both 7.0 and 7.1 included in this package. - Check it out at the market and the demo sites .

Need help upgrading let me know .

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
9 Dec 2012

Christmas Special price reduced from $96 to $66 till 31st December.

Personality Test

Determines the Personality Type or Psychological Type, based on the personality development created by Isabel Briggs Myers, who developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory.

Personality Test is integrated with dolphins cupid match and dolphins search.

Upon completing the questionnaire, you recieve your Personality Report. A 'My Matches' block and 'Personality Profile' block appear on your profile page. When you visit your matches profile page you will view a 'Personality Compatible' information block about your match. Your immediate matches will be emailed to you as well as when new matches become available.

Includes both versions for 7.0 and 7.1

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
15 Dec 2012

Personality Test updated to 3.1.4 for versions 7.1 and 7.0.

Price dropped from $96 to $66 till 31.12.2013

Improvements are:

Personality Profile

Privacy function added to Profile page - Personality Profile eg key in left corner

Profile page - Personality Profile text added to language file for easy translation


Merry Christmas

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
27 Dec 2012

Personality Test - Determines the Personality Type or Psychological Type, which is based on the 'Personality Development' that was created by Isabel Briggs Myers, who developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory. 

Christmas Special - Price reduced to $66 - saving of $33
Includes both 7.0 and 7.1

What Do The Letters Mean?

You are social and outgoing. You are most comfortable when with other people and experiencing the world first hand. Interaction with others and first hand experiences energize you. It is not unlike you to start conversations with strangers. You have a preference for the outer world: people, activities, and things. Other people provide you with a mirror, sounding board to help you develop ideas and plans. Being alone may sap your energies. Your concept of the world is derived from experiencing it firsthand and then drawing conclusions.

While you may not be anti-social, you do need (and deserve) your private time and space to retreat from the world. Unlike extroverts, you need to develop a concept of the world or some aspect of it before experiencing it. Too much socializing may zap your energies. Your energies are derived from exploring the inner world of ideas, impressions and pure thought.

You usually gather information with your senses: what you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell in the physical world. The facts gathered from the sensory data you process are the building blocks of your model of our world. You concentrate your energies on what actually exists and do not ponder what might exist too much. You are usually practical and rely on your common sense to guide you through the world. You see things as they are and have little or no need to search for underlying meanings.

While you do process information through your senses you add a twist to your processing by relying on intuition and serendipity. You look for undercurrents of meaning and abstractions in what you experience physically. You do not just see things just as they are, but as what they could be. While you may rely on common sense at times, you trust inspiration far more.

You evaluate data and reach conclusions by using your ability to apply logical, objective analysis to the information before you. Your thinking process values consistency and fairness over the affect your decisions will have on others. You compare courses of action logically and make your choices based upon what consequences you see them as having. If there is something wrong with a plan, you are the one to ferret it out. It is important to remember that this does not mean you are cold and unfeeling, but that your thinking process is analytical.

You make decisions subjectively based upon your values and what is important to you. How people will be affected by your decisions is important to you. You are likely to make decisions based upon what you feel is acceptable and agreeable rather than what is logical. Your truths are founded in your values and those of the society you live in. It is important to remember that we are discussing how you evaluate data and make decisions, and that you rely on your feelings to do so in no way implies you are overly emotional.

You like decisions to be made as soon as possible. You are not comfortable with loose ends and like to see conflicts resolved as soon as possible. You have a preference for a well-structured, orderly lifestyle with few surprises. It may not be all that important who makes the decisions that gets things done as long things do get done. You take commitments very seriously. While you are not inflexible, you do like to stick to a plan once it is set into motion.

You like to have as much information as possible before making a decision. Putting off a final decision until the last moment does not make you uncomfortable. Indeed once a decision is made, a course plotted, you may feel a bit uneasy, because you feel bound to a certain course of action. You would much prefer to wait and see what happens. You enjoy the opportunity to improvise. Commitments are not etched in stone to you, and are changeable.

Upon completing the questionnaire, you receive your 'Personality Type' in the form of a 'Personality Report'. This extensive 'Personality Report' includes:

Personality Description
Work and Career
Love and Relationships
Personality Temperament
Best Temperament Pairing
Natural Talents
Appealing Careers
Population % of your Type
Famous People of your Type

A 'My Matches' block and 'Personality Profile' block appear on your profile page. When you click on a thumbnail of a match in 'My Matches' block it takes you to their profile page, where you will view a 'Personality Profile' block and 'Personality Compatible' information block about your match. Your matches will be emailed to you.

The homepage of 'Personality Test' shows the extensive information about 'Personality Types'

Pages include:

The Basic MBTI Model
Personality Questionnaire
The Theory of Jungian Typology
Summary of the Four Preferences
• Extravert | Introvert
• Sensing | Intuition
• Thinking | Feeling
• Judging | Perceiving
I am an ENFJ
I am an INFJ
I am an ENFP
I am an INFP
I am an ENTJ
I am an INTJ
I am an ENTP
I am an INTP
I am an ESTJ
I am an ISTJ
I am an ESFJ
I am an ISFJ
I am an ESTP
I am an ISTP
I am an ESFP
I am an ISFP
The Four Temperaments
• Portrait of the NF - The Idealist
• Portrait of the NT - The Rational
• Portrait of the SJ - The Guardian
• Portrait of the SP - The Artisan
The Four Functions of Each Type
Dominant Functions
• Extraverted Sensing | Introverted Sensing
• Extraverted iNtuition | Introverted iNtuition
• Extraverted Thinking | Introverted Thinking
• Extraverted Feeling | Introverted Feeling
Typical Natural Gifts and Talents:
• NF Idealist - Appealing Careers
• NT Rational - Appealing Careers
• SJ Guardian - Appealing Careers
• SJ Guardian - Appealing Careers
Differences from Jung
Orientation of the tertiary function
Right Handed or Left Handed
Historical development

Personality Test is integrated with dolphins cupid match and dolphins search.
Installation includes:- adding personality type to dolphin search- adding personality type to cupid match 

  • Optional extra's tutorials
  • - How to add Personality Questionnaire to join process
  • - How to add Personality Type to search
  • - How to add Type to browse on extended view
  • - How to Membership Management Action
  • - How to set up cupid Match


Demo Info:  username - demo1, password - demo1


Jennifer Bogan 

Acc. Dip. Psychology 2000

Contact me for more information

Merry Christmas

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
28 Dec 2012

Personality Test - now ONLY $66 - priced reduced by $30

- Determines the Personality Type or Psychological Type, which is based on the 'Personality Development' that was created by Isabel Briggs Myers, who developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory. 

Personality Test is integrated with dolphins cupid match and dolphins search.

Upon completing the questionnaire, you receive your Personality Type shown by four letters, eg INTJ. Explained in the form of a Personality Report. This extensive 'Personality Report' includes:

Personality Description
Work and Career
Love and Relationships
Personality Temperament
Best Temperament Pairing
Natural Talents
Appealing Careers
Population % of your Type
Famous People of your Type

My Matches block and Personality Profile block appear on your profile page. When you click on a thumbnail of a match in 'My Matches' block it takes you to their profile page, where you will view a 'Personality Profile' block and 'Personality Compatible' information block about your match. Your matches will be emailed to you.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
7 Jan 2013

$50.00 Hell of a bargain - Personality Matchmaker - Determines the Personality Type or Psychological Type, which is based on the 'Personality Development' that was created by Isabel Briggs Myers, who developed their model and inventory around the ideas and theories of psychologist Carl Jung, a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and a leading exponent of Gestalt personality theory.



Personality Test is integrated with dolphins cupid match and dolphins search.

Upon completing the questionnaire, you receive your Personality Type shown by four letters, eg INTJ. Explained in the form of a Personality Report. This extensive 'Personality Report' includes:

Personality Description
Work and Career
Love and Relationships
Personality Temperament
Best Temperament Pairing
Natural Talents
Appealing Careers
Population % of your Type
Famous People of your Type

My Matches block and Personality Profile block appear on your profile page. When you click on a thumbnail of a match in 'My Matches' block it takes you to their profile page, where you will view a 'Personality Profile' block and 'Personality Compatible' information block about your match. Your matches will be emailed to you.

What Do The Letters Mean?

E Extraversion
You are social and outgoing. You are most comfortable when with other people and experiencing the world first hand. Interaction with others and first hand experiences energize you. It is not unlike you to start conversations with strangers. You have a preference for the outer world: people, activities, and things. Other people provide you with a mirror, sounding board to help you develop ideas and plans. Being alone may sap your energies. Your concept of the world is derived from experiencing it firsthand and then drawing conclusions.

I Introversion
While you may not be anti-social, you do need (and deserve) your private time and space to retreat from the world. Unlike extroverts, you need to develop a concept of the world or some aspect of it before experiencing it. Too much socializing may zap your energies. Your energies are derived from exploring the inner world of ideas, impressions and pure thought.

S Sensing
You usually gather information with your senses: what you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell in the physical world. The facts gathered from the sensory data you process are the building blocks of your model of our world. You concentrate your energies on what actually exists and do not ponder what might exist too much. You are usually practical and rely on your common sense to guide you through the world. You see things as they are and have little or no need to search for underlying meanings.

N iNtuition
While you do process information through your senses you add a twist to your processing by relying on intuition and serendipity. You look for undercurrents of meaning and abstractions in what you experience physically. You do not just see things just as they are, but as what they could be. While you may rely on common sense at times, you trust inspiration far more.

T Thinking
You evaluate data and reach conclusions by using your ability to apply logical, objective analysis to the information before you. Your thinking process values consistency and fairness over the affect your decisions will have on others. You compare courses of action logically and make your choices based upon what consequences you see them as having. If there is something wrong with a plan, you are the one to ferret it out. It is important to remember that this does not mean you are cold and unfeeling, but that your thinking process is analytical.

F Feeling
You make decisions subjectively based upon your values and what is important to you. How people will be affected by your decisions is important to you. You are likely to make decisions based upon what you feel is acceptable and agreeable rather than what is logical. Your truths are founded in your values and those of the society you live in. It is important to remember that we are discussing how you evaluate data and make decisions, and that you rely on your feelings to do so in no way implies you are overly emotional.

J Judgement
You like decisions to be made as soon as possible. You are not comfortable with loose ends and like to see conflicts resolved as soon as possible. You have a preference for a well-structured, orderly lifestyle with few surprises. It may not be all that important who makes the decisions that gets things done as long things do get done. You take commitments very seriously. While you are not inflexible, you do like to stick to a plan once it is set into motion.

P Perception
You like to have as much information as possible before making a decision. Putting off a final decision until the last moment does not make you uncomfortable. Indeed once a decision is made, a course plotted, you may feel a bit uneasy, because you feel bound to a certain course of action. You would much prefer to wait and see what happens. You enjoy the opportunity to improvise. Commitments are not etched in stone to you, and are changeable.

Personality Test homepage shows the extensive information about 'Personality Types'.

Pages include:

The Basic MBTI Model
Personality Questionnaire
The Theory of Jungian Typology
Summary of the Four Preferences
• Extravert | Introvert
• Sensing | Intuition
• Thinking | Feeling
• Judging | Perceiving
I am an ENFJ
I am an INFJ
I am an ENFP
I am an INFP
I am an ENTJ
I am an INTJ
I am an ENTP
I am an INTP
I am an ESTJ
I am an ISTJ
I am an ESFJ
I am an ISFJ
I am an ESTP
I am an ISTP
I am an ESFP
I am an ISFP
The Four Temperaments
• Portrait of the NF - The Idealist
• Portrait of the NT - The Rational
• Portrait of the SJ - The Guardian
• Portrait of the SP - The Artisan
The Four Functions of Each Type
Dominant Functions
• Extraverted Sensing | Introverted Sensing
• Extraverted iNtuition | Introverted iNtuition
• Extraverted Thinking | Introverted Thinking
• Extraverted Feeling | Introverted Feeling
Typical Natural Gifts and Talents:
• NF Idealist - Appealing Careers
• NT Rational - Appealing Careers
• SJ Guardian - Appealing Careers
• SJ Guardian - Appealing Careers
Differences from Jung
Orientation of the tertiary function
Right Handed or Left Handed
Historical development

Personality Test is integrated with dolphins cupid match and dolphins search.
Installation includes:- adding personality type to dolphin search- adding personality type to cupid match

Includes both 7.0 and 7.1

Optional extra's tutorials- How to add Personality Questionnaire to join process
- How to add Personality Type to search
- How to add Type to browse on extended view
- How to Membership Management Action
- How to set up cupid Match

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
9 Mar 2013

  My users LOVE this module!!!!

It's a very enlightening module for a site when your out to hook up your members on a different level.

One of my best purchases! Very intensive results that amaze me!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
9 Mar 2013



I have this module.. How do I configure it correctly? Currently is it notifying mena bout other men that have the same personality.. We need to the mathcamker to only show men to womena ns vice versa.. Unless that user specified that they are a man looking for a man..? Any help please?


11 Jan 2014

Hello Migone1

Looking for preferences is part of dolphin where you choose for "looking for" in your profile settings.


Go to your profile

Edit profile

Field: Sex - Man - Woman

Select your sex

Field: Looking for - Man - Woman

Select looking for



I have attached instructions (which came with the module) on how to set up dolphins default "cupid match" which should have been done automatically for you on install. 

Email me at for a faster reply.

Tutorial - how to set up cupid match.pdf · 350.3K · 573 downloads
Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
12 Jan 2014

Would be nice to have all the english written in html convert to _t(blah blah) in order to be translatable-ready in the language keys.

13 Jan 2014


Would be nice to have all the english written in html convert to _t(blah blah) in order to be translatable-ready in the language keys.

The module has it own language file at modules/lworld/test1/install/langs/en.php.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
13 Jan 2014
14 Jan 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.