Page Access Control from AntonLV

Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Page Access Control module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 3 Feb 2012

Hello is there any posibility to close access by link modules/?r=photos/home/ or only by link m/photos/

because i need to add link modules/?r=123_flash_chat/home but it does not work

please give me some help how to solve this problem



Quote · 2 Mar 2012


Hello is there any posibility to close access by link modules/?r=photos/home/ or only by link m/photos/

because i need to add link modules/?r=123_flash_chat/home but it does not work

please give me some help how to solve this problem



 Yes, sure. If you protected an URL modules/?r=123_flash_chat/home then it should work for that URL. But if URL is slightly different, f.ex. modules/?r=123_flash_chat/home/someparam, then it wouldn't work for it.

You can use a wildcard character * to define URL templates. In your case URL's to protect should be


(if you're using module version which comes with Dolphin by default then check "Advanced Expression" while adding such URL templates).

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 3 Mar 2012

Ok thx now it works fine, but one more question on Page Access before i was also able to deny access to some kind of boxes for admins why did u disable this function?


Quote · 3 Mar 2012


Ok thx now it works fine, but one more question on Page Access before i was also able to deny access to some kind of boxes for admins why did u disable this function?


 That function is still there. Proceed to [admin panel -> Page Access Control -> Page Blocks Access], select desired page, click on any block and you should see a block visibility settings form.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 5 Mar 2012



Ok thx now it works fine, but one more question on Page Access before i was also able to deny access to some kind of boxes for admins why did u disable this function?


 That function is still there. Proceed to [admin panel -> Page Access Control -> Page Blocks Access], select desired page, click on any block and you should see a block visibility settings form.

 Right but when i only selct Standard members for visibility, admins also can see the Blocks...i think there is something missing

Quote · 6 Mar 2012




Ok thx now it works fine, but one more question on Page Access before i was also able to deny access to some kind of boxes for admins why did u disable this function?


 That function is still there. Proceed to [admin panel -> Page Access Control -> Page Blocks Access], select desired page, click on any block and you should see a block visibility settings form.

 Right but when i only selct Standard members for visibility, admins also can see the Blocks...i think there is something missing

 Yes, because admin is not affected by this module. That was made intentionally to allow admin always see and access everything despite of his membership level. If you want to change that then edit the file modules/boonex/pageac/classes/BxPageACModule.php, and remove two occurrences of the line

elseif (isRole(BX_DOL_ROLE_ADMIN, getLoggedId())) return; //admin isn't affected by this module

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 6 Mar 2012

Discovered that the "Site Stats" block on the homepage is not affected by the Page Access Control?

I tried on different browsers, cleared cache too, but it seems the "Site Stats" is being shown to everyone even though I selected the the memberships to display to.

Is this a bug or is it just me?

Quote · 28 Aug 2012


Discovered that the "Site Stats" block on the homepage is not affected by the Page Access Control?

I tried on different browsers, cleared cache too, but it seems the "Site Stats" is being shown to everyone even though I selected the the memberships to display to.

Is this a bug or is it just me?

I just tried to reproduce the issue on my demo Dolphin 7.0.9 and had no luck. I changed the block to be visible to Silver members only and I cannot see it using Standard members.

Note. If you want to hide the block from Visitors you need to use default Dolphin's Page Builder -> Select page -> Edit block -> "Visible For" checkset.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Aug 2012


It was indeed as you said the "Note. If you want to hide the block from Visitors you need to use default Dolphin's Page Builder -> Select page -> Edit block -> "Visible For" checkset."!

I've unchecked the Visitors option and it works fine!

Thanks Anton!!

Quote · 30 Aug 2012



I am having a problem here.  The PAC is allowing unselected members to  view blocks that they should not be able to view.    I got to PAC-> Page Block Access-> select the block-> unchecked those that I do not want to be able to view block, yet they are still able to do so.

Quote · 18 Sep 2012




I am having a problem here.  The PAC is allowing unselected members to  view blocks that they should not be able to view.    I got to PAC-> Page Block Access-> select the block-> unchecked those that I do not want to be able to view block, yet they are still able to do so.


While unchecking member groups didn't you forget to uncheck the "all" option too?

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 19 Sep 2012

Yes I did..  I checked just to make sure.   I have attached screen shots and  as you can see it is visable.

PAC1.png · 367.1K · 493 views
PAC2.png · 1M · 487 views
Quote · 21 Sep 2012


Yes I did..  I checked just to make sure.   I have attached screen shots and  as you can see it is visable.

We've sent you an email.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Sep 2012

Quick way to block ALL /pages from non members other than home and login?


If you create access rule as simply / then everything forward of / is blocked.

Unfortunately this also blocks index and login which I need to be available to non members!


Any suggestions?

Quote · 14 Mar 2014


Quick way to block ALL /pages from non members other than home and login?


If you create access rule as simply / then everything forward of / is blocked.

Unfortunately this also blocks index and login which I need to be available to non members!


Any suggestions?

 Try this variant as an "Advanced Expression":


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 15 Mar 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.