IBDW PhotoDeluxe

Write here for support request and bugs reports

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
6 May 2011

Does this work with existing photos already in a user's albums?

7 May 2011



After tested the demo on your website (http://demo.italiansworldwide.com) I see a lot of bugs.


1. Can't upload more than one photo.


2. When I have no friendsI can tag my photos but tag is not saved.


3. Date "created" in album is 31-12-1969 16:00:00


4. Link to photos displays in "Flashnews" redirected me to Boonex Photos module.


5. When comment on Album I see notification "Commented on album" without nickname and without album name (I do not know in which album).




Suggestion: maybe next picture will be loaded when click on the picture viewed (like on facebook) ?


All modules are encoded so I can not fix these errors :-(




Always test the modules before you give them to the community.

Watermark Plus and Comments Plus - two modules - must have in your community! :)
7 May 2011

@ JoeWa - Yes it works with existing albums.


@ wypalacz -

1 - Actually you can upload 2 at a time, however you can only put in a description for one. (Hold down shift like Flash upload)

2 - Yep, you need friends to tag friends... normally the way it works

3 - Should make suggestion to be able to configure time format..

4 - Photo Deluxe currently only integrates with SpyWall, 1Col, and MegaProfile.

5 - I just tried this on my site where I have this installed and was not able to duplicate this issue.


Out of these items you described, 2 of them (#1 and #3) should be labeled as 'Suggestions' for future releases. I personally like this module and do not think that because of these to enhancement requests, that you should be telling everyone not to buy this version. The product works as described.


Nothing to see here
7 May 2011

Excellent module, up and running with the latest versions of all IBDW modules... all nicely working hand-in-hand. Great work!

7 May 2011

We desire to analyze all the suggestions by our customers in order to add the most significant features (not only the bugs fix) to this new important module.

We have added many many functions and features to all the modules, in this year.

We hope in your reporting as you have made from the begin.


Thank you.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
7 May 2011

What's about the new updates

Thanks to the suggestions and requests received in these days, yestarday we have published the updates for SpyWall and for PhotoDeluxe:

1) in SpyWall
- each post have a different data icon (for photos, videos, ecc..)
- the notification emails now support UTF-8

2) in PhotoDeluxe:
- added the delete photo confirmation
- fixed the bug with IE for the double "page/page" in the address
- added the automatic link recognize in the comments
- all the notifications, as "commented on album", now have the format

"profileA commented on album XXX of profileB"

Make sure so to have all the last updates in your sites.

We remember that we receives many requests for features adding or improvments and that we add the most frequently requested.

The most part of our customers has understood our efforts to improves our modules, thanks the experience given by the use in these months and by the evolution of the social networking environments.

For who complains for our frequent updates, we ask...
know you a company called Microsoft? It's a company that releases very many updates, this is accepted by the customers without protests.
Many  Windows users also cooperate to report the bugs to Microsoft.
Also, Boonex Dolphin is often under update. We want not compare us to these big companies but our extensions are very complex and then each adding it's an trap (despite the many tests).

So, after 1 year in this market, we thank all for the repors that have made our extensions very known in this Boonex market.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
14 May 2011

Feature Request....Please!


Can photos automatically be shared with the Megaprofile and Spywalls without pressing the “Share” button every time.

26 May 2011


Feature Request....Please!


Can photos automatically be shared with the Megaprofile and Spywalls without pressing the “Share” button every time.

Can you explain better?

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
26 May 2011

 If I submit a photo do I have to press the share button for my friends to see the photo in the news feeds?


Feature Request....Please!


Can photos automatically be shared with the Megaprofile and Spywalls without pressing the “Share” button every time.

Can you explain better?


26 May 2011

Maybe this is a semplification...

today we have published the last version PhotoDeluxe 1.0.5.

To update from the previous version:


follow this procedure in order to keep the table for comments and for the friends tagged

1) download the file ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/sql/uninstall.sql
2) remove the rows:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ibdw_photo_tag`;

3) upload via FTP this file in the original folder ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/sql/
4) uninstall the previous installation (from the administration->tools->modules)
5) upload all the new files
6) then install the new module updated.


Fixed a layout problem for who use the rate (the stars) instead of the "like" function. So this bug is not present in the previous version if you have choose to use the like.

Now you can choose the translation for the Photos menu link for your profile and for the "view profile" menu.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
1 Jun 2011


I am interested with your photodeluxe but I like to know if it possible to add block (html, ...) on the "view photo" page ? (thrue Builder/ Pages blocks )

Thank you

3 Jun 2011



I am interested with your photodeluxe but I like to know if it possible to add block (html, ...) on the "view photo" page ? (thrue Builder/ Pages blocks )

Thank you

 Yes you can, you can open in the builder, the page called PhotoDeluxe and add the block HTML, in the same or in another column.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
3 Jun 2011

Ok, I am completely confused. How do I integrate this with the already existing photo mod in Boonex? I don't need two different ways to view albums or photos? The entire thing seems incomplete to me. I also don't understand the integration with spywall. I select 'share' on an album, it says it's shared, then on the spywall, it says 'skyforum shared an album' what's the [purpose of that?

I also see many little bugs, like it creates a black image names 2345.jpg that takes several attempts to delete, it's a blank image. This happens when i try and do multiple uploads at one time.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Ok, updated to V 1.06. Now I create a new album. Successful, then I open the album to add photos. I select several and hit the button, one image uploads, then it fails back to the album page. It shows 2 images, one is black (no content) and is labeled with the album name, the second image is the single image that was successful.

It's got a serious problem somewhere.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Photo View page needs some help as well.

  1. Clicking the right arrow takes you to the next image (ok)
  2. Clicking the left arrow takes you all the way back to the first image. (not good)
  3. Needs a slide show effect to fully utilize the ajax feature
  4. The ajax is not just opening a new image, it's creating a whole new table each time that is sized to the image size. This gives the appearance of reloading the entire page. The table should remain static and the image should be made to meet the constraints of the table, not the other way around. If the image is smaller than the table, show it that way, don't make the table smaller. If the image is bigger, then reduce the image to fit the table. This way is just too clunky.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Cannot access or view other members albums or photos? Can only see my own?

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

IMHO, all images display better on a black background. Maybe a way to change the background color (on the fly) within the table that displays the single images? Would be great for sites that are basically white.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Tried adding a single image to a newly created album. Uploaded the image successfully, then got a big ACCESS DENIED warning. Clicked on the warning (it's a link!) and was brought back to the albums page. The album was there as well as the photo I uploaded. i was able to open and view the album.

This only happens once, then you can repeatedly access and upload single images without any further access problems.


http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Clicking on "Back to the photos" takes you back to the album page

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Thumbs created for the album display page are not kept to aspect. Distorts image... Most photos are not absolutely square. Would be better to allow white space at the top and bottom so you can maintain the image aspect ratio. This only happens for albums created in photodeluxe. Albums imported from Boonex album page maintain aspect and look fine.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

Ok, so many problems, I am taking the mod down so my users don't become cornfused.

I have full confidence in IBDW to get these issues handled but until they do....

One more problem, (and this might be your issue with multiple uploads) the second image uploaded, either one at a time or multi always fails. Shows as a black image with no content. All images before or after are fine (except for thumb aspect ratio problem)

I hate to say this but I am a bit shocked that IBDW would present a product with so many obvious flaws. Surprised

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

One more thing. System is changing the names of the uploaded images. 2347.jpg, 2348.jpg etc. Not good. I'm just speaking for myself here but I make my images more accessible by how I name them on the net. The names shouldn't be changed. If a user wants a generic name, let them make that choice.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
5 Jun 2011

A user uploads his photo via SpyWall... the link reported shows:

...but when clicked, the link shows:

...an extra '/page/' is added for some reason resulting in 'file not found'... any ideas? 

7 Jun 2011

I have installed the latest version of all modules, including PhotoDeluxe... and now SpyWall posts (and 1Col etc) all point to the original Boonex Photos links. PhotoDLX Config has been set to 'ON' for all modules - any ideas?

Also, I checked some users spywalls and suddenly all photos are 'liked' by admin profile (user 1)! This is especially bad for one user because he was showing pictures of cutting his wrists! 

7 Jun 2011


A user uploads his photo via SpyWall... the link reported shows:

...but when clicked, the link shows:

...an extra '/page/' is added for some reason resulting in 'file not found'... any ideas? 

Hello this is a bug (with IE) fixed from the previous versions..have you solved this aspect after the update?

Let us know..

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
7 Jun 2011

I don't know if the problem still exists - after the upgrade SpyWall just shows the Boonex Photos module for all links (including new photo posts). We have been conversing via email this afternoon.

7 Jun 2011


I have installed the latest version of all modules, including PhotoDeluxe... and now SpyWall posts (and 1Col etc) all point to the original Boonex Photos links. PhotoDLX Config has been set to 'ON' for all modules - any ideas?

Also, I checked some users spywalls and suddenly all photos are 'liked' by admin profile (user 1)! This is especially bad for one user because he was showing pictures of cutting his wrists! 

 As you can see in the market post, you must update to the last versions the following modules (otherwise you have not the integration):

- SpyWall

- 1COL

- MegaProfile


Also, today we have published an update (1.0.7) that fix the sharing in photodeluxe vs spywall.

If you have installed the ver. 1.0.6, you can just overwrite the file called view.php

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
7 Jun 2011

All issues have been corrected following upgrading all modules to the latest versions. Thanks IBDW, keep up the good work!

7 Jun 2011

you know I love your products, but I do have a few suggestions for your photo deluxe module AND your upcoming video deluxe module. I posted this in your 'blog' you posted on Video Deluxe as well:


When you click on Video Deluxe or Photo Deluxe from the main menu, it take you to YOUR albums. You need to have a way for members to click a link and view ALL Video/Photo deluxe albums created by other members. Currently if the members wants to see another member's video or photo deluxe albums, they have to visit that member's profile and click the link under the MegaProfile (IF they even have that module loaded) OR disable the integrations with your other modules and use the Boonex defaults.

** Also need to implement a way to upload multiple photos and videos.


Implementing this would allow site owners to use only 1 photo or video module (Yours) instead of having to keep the default boonex ones.

Just a suggestion :)

Nothing to see here
9 Jun 2011

Ciao IDBW,

when I look at a photo in photodeluxe, when I click on on the "User name" of the photo on the top left ( of ......), I get and extra / in the link. So the link is   mysite.com//username 

So I can not go back to the user page.

Any suggestions ? 

Thank you

9 Jun 2011


Ciao IDBW,

when I look at a photo in photodeluxe, when I click on on the "User name" of the photo on the top left ( of ......), I get and extra / in the link. So the link is   mysite.com//username 

So I can not go back to the user page.

Any suggestions ? 

Thank you

 Hello ilbellodelweb

Did you had the time to have a look at this issue. Do you have any advice ?


13 Jun 2011

Ok, I posted a lot of problems and it looks like very few of them were even considered.

I am sick of the really poor ideas and designing that goes into the photo mods offered here.

  • This mod cannot handle multiple uploads
  • This mod does not automatically create a new album iof more than one image is uploaded (has to be created first) If it isn't created, ALL images posted directly from the spywall get dumped into one generic album.
  • This mod does not allow you to set default titles, tags and descriptions and forces you to manually edit each and every photo uploaded. Time consuming and a real pain (not really usable on a site that stores a lot of images)
  • This mod does not allow you to view anyone elses photos within it's confines
  • This mod limits your image uploads to 5 when started from the spywall and then cannot even complete them.
  • No slideshow capabilities that show off the mods ajax capabilities. (ajax is reloading the entire page instead of just the photo???)

C'mon you guys. I know you're better than this. The current setup you have only does one thing better than Boonex's and it's the single least required feature. It integrates with spywall (sort of).

Can we please do something about it? If you don't have any intention of finishing the project, please let me know now so I can ask for a refund and remove it from my site. The little ajax mod i got from someone else is actually more user friendly than this mod.

The point is this. Photo mods are a dime a dozen and everyone has a good idea. The problem is, the ideas by themselves are worthless. A photo mod has to be  quick, easy to navigate, easy to use and easy to understand for everyone. So far, I have not seen a single example of a GREAT photo mod from any current or past developer from the boonex community.


http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
14 Jun 2011

Ok, I just removed the photodeluxe mod from my site. It has done damage to the existing album mod on Boonex. The representative thumbnail no longer appears on the album and it makes the album look empty. Also, when you click on the old album, it will display the images in it but lists the image count as zero.

What a clusterPh___k.

I would like you to disable my license key, then refund my money, then very politely, i ask you to log into my site and repair the damage your mod has created.


http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
15 Jun 2011

good luck with that bud..

15 Jun 2011


first I am really surprise that IBDW respond less to this forum as the other (spywall, megaprofile,...).

Maybe they just forgot to click on the "Suscribe" link... 

I am still waiting for some answer on the " // " error.

I found also one other Bug.

When I had a .png picture, it create a second picture in the album - just a black one with a number and .JPG ) and if I delete the extra black picture, it delete also the original one.

Anybody can reproduce this error ( and the " // " one)?

I join a picture here

bug photodeluxe.PNG · 53K · 667 views
15 Jun 2011

Their tech support is always very quick and detailed via email. A lot of issues are user/site specific so it seems a waste writing one person's fix(es) in this long thread. Multiple uploads would be most welcome, hear hear.

15 Jun 2011


sorry for the delay of our answer, but we have collected all the last reports and feature requests.

Today we have released the new update for PhotoDeluxe (1.0.8). We have uploaded the update in 2 times, make sure the file zip is called IBDW-photodeluxe1.0.8bis.zip (because the first upload contains a wrong file)

These the news:

1) Now supports the multiple upload with the form that allows to insert the title, the description, the tags and the categories. For each photo, you have also a thumbs to the side of the informations.

2) Now you can decide the mandatory fields (description, tag, category)

3) the problem of the double slash was fixed

4) the categories are the same specified in the database

5) the privacy is the same specified in the database

6) now an user can cancel an upload

7) the number of photos are sincronized (between the default module Boonex Photos and Photodeluxe) at the first access to the album with PhotoDeluxe

8) the deleted photos are not displayed in SpyWall

9) If you delete the default profile's album, this will be created at the first access to the photodeluxe page

Now, if you have installed the previous version 1.0.7, you must uninstall and reinstall the module because this version adds some fields in the photodeluxe config table.

For more bug reports, please write here or to info@ilbellodelweb.it (preferred).

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Jun 2011


first I am really surprise that IBDW respond less to this forum as the other (spywall, megaprofile,...).

Maybe they just forgot to click on the "Suscribe" link... 

I am still waiting for some answer on the " // " error.

I found also one other Bug.

When I had a .png picture, it create a second picture in the album - just a black one with a number and .JPG ) and if I delete the extra black picture, it delete also the original one.

Anybody can reproduce this error ( and the " // " one)?

I join a picture here




One of the first things I noticed. Read my original posts

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
15 Jun 2011


I was thinking you forgot to click "suscribe", you war just to busy to work on it. Sorry.

15 Jun 2011

LOL. A video for your viewing pleasure.....

How to upload ALL the photos off your PC in one easy shot

After all was said and done, I selected 10 photos, 2 made it into the upload. I am still trying to figure out why it displayed literally hundreds of photos from my PC or site while I was doing the upload. Does anyone actually do any testing around here during the development phases? PS, this was using the latest bis update file as recommended

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
16 Jun 2011


LOL. A video for your viewing pleasure.....

How to upload ALL the photos off your PC in one easy shot

After all was said and done, I selected 10 photos, 2 made it into the upload. I am still trying to figure out why it displayed literally hundreds of photos from my PC or site while I was doing the upload. Does anyone actually do any testing around here during the development phases? PS, this was using the latest bis update file as recommended

Hello SkyForum,

I've see your video (thanks) and I think the module it's not installed fine.

Have you uninstalled the module before to install the new version?

Maybe have you just overwritten the files?

If you want, contact us via email so to install we for you the module in order to test it in your site.


Let us know.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Jun 2011

I followed the instructions to the letter. I uninstalled the module (days ago) because it wasn't working. I then downloaded the newest version, installed it on my server (overwriting the old files) and then installed it from my admin panel like I always do.

Your instructions do not say to delete all the old files. Should I have deleted them completely before I uploaded the newer version?

I will send you my server/site access so you can take a look.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
16 Jun 2011


I followed the instructions to the letter. I uninstalled the module (days ago) because it wasn't working. I then downloaded the newest version, installed it on my server (overwriting the old files) and then installed it from my admin panel like I always do.

Your instructions do not say to delete all the old files. Should I have deleted them completely before I uploaded the newer version?

I will send you my server/site access so you can take a look.

 SkyForum, Whenever I read the 'upgrade/install' instructions, I figured it would probably be best to just uninstall it, delete the directory all together, then re-upload. Thats what I did and everything seems to be working with the multi photo uploader. I tried 5 photos and it worked, but havent tried anything over than that since I used to get the same error as you. Only 2 would actually upload no matter how many I chose.

Its fixed for me.

Nothing to see here
16 Jun 2011


PhotoDeluxe was updated to the version 1.1.0 (who installed the 1.0.9 can simply overwrite the files). Anyway if you uninstall the module before an update you can be sure that the installation will correct.

This version fixed the title displayed in the SpyWall for the photo and also it solves some little layout bug.

We try to solve the reported bugs asap (often in the same day), this is the reason of our continuous updates.

Always we preferred to publish immediatly an update instead to wait 1 month and collect all the bugs reported (that it's better for the developer but not for who uses the module, we think).

Each addition, modification, improvement, ecc... requires to repeate all the test (we have 2 indoor and 2 outdoor tester, but maybe we have need to increase our beta tester, someone else wants to run?). This is an hard job and so we have always believed that many important are your reports to discover the bugs (due to inifite variables: OS, browser, ecc...).

Our modules complexity is the reason of the updates. But who uses Internet know that it's normal (How much are the updates from Microsoft or for the browsers or the other applications).

We think that, by our side, we must always listen the requests (the most frequently) and the reports in order to release versions more improved and too interesting.

In this first year in this market, we have received many thanks by our customers, because our applications have increased the interest of the members for their sites radically. Some members have not understood our commitment and many many other  have tried to swindle or resold illegally our modules. As you know the modules are encrypted to protect our own work (we would have wanted to publish all codes in clear but it's not possible).

We worked each days in the direction: to give the updates asap and to apply the upgrade for free. Who know us, know it.

Now, when we have in projects many other modules as: SpyWAP (or SpyMobile...maybe) for the mobile device, VideoDeluxe and more other extensions, we ask us if, in this situation, where the market it's blocked for us from the last release of this new Boonex Marketplace, and where the users are very few, if there is a sense to continue here.

PS: no one ever complains for the bugs of important applications such as operating systems or of applications that dont work. We regret that, when you give a chance to discuss and interact, sometime does not consider the commitment of those who work primarily to achieve full customer satisfaction

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 Jun 2011

Keep up the great work - the updates are always appreciated and always improve the product. I'd like to see photos that were added to the SpyWall deleted when they are deleted from PhotoDeluxe. I understand that is a pretty complicated request as I'm sure the two use different database entries.

17 Jun 2011


Keep up the great work - the updates are always appreciated and always improve the product. I'd like to see photos that were added to the SpyWall deleted when they are deleted from PhotoDeluxe. I understand that is a pretty complicated request as I'm sure the two use different database entries.


if you have installed the last version for SpyWall (2.1.1) and PhotoDeluxe (1.1.0), this problem was solved.

If the problems is still present, you can attach a screenshot here or send an email to info@ilbellodelweb.it

Best regards

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 Jun 2011

Hi ilbellodelweb,

I love your product and I am waiting for the next one ( videodeluxe,...)...

I am agree to be one of your tester, but unfortunately I don't have any PHP knowledge. 

As for the update it is some times to find the times to make so many update ( as I also have to wait that there is not many members online on my site).


I don't understand what is your issue with boonex market, but I will be very sad if we don't get any more products from you as there are a big improvment to our site. 

17 Jun 2011

Wow, you're quick :) I'll install the latest PhotoDeluxe now. UPDATE: Great, it works perfectly with removing the deleted photos from Spywall, excellent work as always.

17 Jun 2011
I purchased this Sunday and have not received the activation code.........I also downloaded the version from the store and the version says 1.0.0 should it not be 1.0.8? Is it? Please advise on the delay for activation code and version issue?
21 Jun 2011

they are a full day (and them some) behind us. They'll get it tonight

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
21 Jun 2011
Did they resolve all your issues SKY..........
21 Jun 2011


I purchased this Sunday and have not received the activation code.........I also downloaded the version from the store and the version says 1.0.0 should it not be 1.0.8? Is it? Please advise on the delay for activation code and version issue?

We have answered directly to your messages area (maybe you have not see the messages of today).

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
21 Jun 2011


today we have published another important update for this module (1.1.1).

The news:

  • now the preview size is the same you have set in the default module Boonex Photos. So, to change the width or the height of the image preview, you can simply set these values in the Boonex Photos.
  • fixed 2 translation keys
  • fixed a bug in the uninstall.sql

IMPORTANT: in the navigation menu, you must put the item called "PhotoDeluxe" in the "MyProfile" (to see your photos and albums) and the item "PhotoDeluxeUser" in the "Profile View" (to see the albums and the photos of the profile visited).

Thank you for your reports.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
21 Jun 2011

Attention: today we have published the version 1.1.1, but a file was missed, you can download the correct version now.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
21 Jun 2011

I don't know if I just don't find the way or if it missing.

But if it missing, I really suggest the possibilty for the admin to be able to delete or edit comments !

22 Jun 2011


I don't know if I just don't find the way or if it missing.

But if it missing, I really suggest the possibilty for the admin to be able to delete or edit comments !


we have added this feature to the incoming PhotoDeluxe 1.1.2 that also solve the layout bug (undex Mac) and allows a better informations insert (more easy) for the photos (also for the onfocus event).

Stay tuned!

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Jun 2011

Released the PhotoDeluxe 1.1.2

Update very recommended.

Please, continue to suggest new idea and bugs reports.

PS: this is not a new layout for Boonex Photos, but a different way to use the gallery. So, also the features are differents. But, as you know, we desire to add the most frequents resquest of improvements and additions.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
24 Jun 2011

Published the PhotoDeluxe 1.1.3 that adds the most frequently request and increase the security

(so recommended)

The news:

1) it supports the format: nickname, real name, first name

2) the date creation of album can be displayed in the international or in european format

3) the access to the photos and albums is now allowed for the guest (we recommends also to update the module IBDW MegaProfile to the current version 3.1)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Jun 2011

Great work as usual! Laughing Where can we update the title 'photodeluxe' that shows in the browser title bar when viewing photos?

30 Jun 2011

Something is wrong with the language file, I edited it in french and I cannot add photos when I'm on the french page of the module. The buttons of the popup page are not working.


Please fix







9 Sep 2011


Something is wrong with the language file, I edited it in french and I cannot add photos when I'm on the french page of the module. The buttons of the popup page are not working.


Please fix







Please forward your language file (for french) to info@ilbellodelweb.it

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Sep 2011

Have you received my language file?

13 Sep 2011



As you can see guys the share feature with FaceBook does not pick up the title of the picture and when it is shared it does not pick up a thumbnail of the picture.  The click through rate is substantially diminished because of both....... Please can you do something about this?  You are doing an amazing job and I am thrilled with ALL of your mods.............Keep up the amazing work...........

Photo Deluxe.png · 340.9K · 649 views
14 Sep 2011

I appreciate you guys getting to the updates but holy cow! I just downloaded 2.1.7 last n night and installed it and now today, I have to do 2.1.8? LOLOL!

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
14 Sep 2011


I appreciate you guys getting to the updates but holy cow! I just downloaded 2.1.7 last n night and installed it and now today, I have to do 2.1.8? LOLOL!

Sorry Skyforum,

the in the version 2.1.7 a file was missing.So the immediate release of the 2.1.8

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Sep 2011

Ok, here's one for you. If you type something that the database can't find, this is the result. Not sure I need my users seeing this error.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
16 Sep 2011

Also, having trouble uploading png files in 7.06. It won't complete. Progress bar goes all the way across, then it hangs. Only happens with png files.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
16 Sep 2011


Ok, here's one for you. If you type something that the database can't find, this is the result. Not sure I need my users seeing this error.

 Yes I get the same VERY VERY UGLY error message and it appears that error message's can just be VERY ugly like all the error messages look end users should not be subject to such VERY UGLY messages........IMHO the error messages should be so much more end user friendly and an E-mail with a link back to whatever should be used for the admins to see...............The way it is setup now allows for the end user to really see the GUTS of the system which is never a pretty picture.................Every-time I see it, it is like a gut punch and I have yet to see any site on the Internet have messages that look so we will call it, "Gutsy." 

18 Sep 2011
Still loving this mod. Will future versions allow you to tag yourself in photos? You can tag any other member, but not yourself.
3 Oct 2011
Still loving this mod. Will future versions allow you to tag yourself in photos? You can tag any other member, but not yourself.
3 Oct 2011

Self-tagging seems like something that should already be included. We also look forward to this being integrated.

4 Oct 2011


released the new version IBDW PhotoDeluxe 1.6 that improves the compatibility with IE.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
6 Oct 2011

Thankyou! :)

7 Oct 2011

released IBDW PhotoDeluxe 1.7

In this version we added the "Move Photos" from an album to another and also fixed some bug for the Facebook share button.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Oct 2011

Also, in this version we added the self-tagging. So now you can tag your self in the photos.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Oct 2011

Once again, thankyou for the update! This has become such a poweful mod.

New changes are great. Self tagging. Awesome! The move photos to other albums is very easy to use and a valuable feature. Awesome!

You may need to check the new images in the Move Photo menus, they are coming up broken for me.

Love your work!

11 Oct 2011


Once again, thankyou for the update! This has become such a poweful mod.

New changes are great. Self tagging. Awesome! The move photos to other albums is very easy to use and a valuable feature. Awesome!

You may need to check the new images in the Move Photo menus, they are coming up broken for me.

Love your work!


about your issue, can you describe the problem in details?

If you want you can send one or more screenshot to our email info@ilbellodelweb.it

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Oct 2011

IBDW PhotoDeluxe 1.9 was released!

If you have already installed the previous version 1.8, you can just overwrite the file called view_page.php

This file fix the bug of wrong functioning of move photo button for the page opened by SpyWall.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
24 Oct 2011

YUP! That corrected my problem!

As usual, an outstanding product. I didn't realize it till I started working on it that I hadn't updated since 1.3. 1.9 Rocks! I especially like the Facebook upload feature, well done!

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
24 Oct 2011

Released PhotoDeluxe 2.0

compatible with D7.0.8

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
27 Oct 2011

I'm having an issue with the comment box, tags & picture title overlapping my Photo's. The Edit icon & back arrow also overlap each other. It's not the Template as UNI looks exactly the same.

I've included a Screen Shot.

How can this be fixed? Thanks Much.

3 Nov 2011

Released the new version 2.1 for PhotoDeluxe. This update solve a bug when you dont use the "like for spywall" feature but only the rate.

If you have installed the version 2.0, you can just overwrite the files view.php and view_page.php. Then empty the cache!

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
3 Nov 2011

I know that you are just now getting into the whole mobile apps with your Mobile Wall, but do you think you will also consider a mobile version of PhotoDeluxe as well? This would really be a great improvement to the default Photos module that comes with Boonex Mobile App.


To be able to so the same things such as:

- Create Albums

- Comment Photos

- Upload Photos

- Tag Photos

- Share Photos

- and Facebook Share (if possible)

Would make an awesome replacement for the default Photos app that comes with the mobile apps. Its just a suggestion :)


Nothing to see here
4 Nov 2011



try to clean your browser cashe and the website cashe!

5 Nov 2011

Released the PhotoDeluxe 2.2.

This version solve the bug for the default photo rating.

For who installed the previous version 2.1, you can just overwrite the files and recompile the language

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
8 Nov 2011

 can we see pics same way like in facebook, i mean at the moment if we click on pic then it is directed to main pics instead of opening in wall. 


Please make the module like fb 

9 Nov 2011

Released PhotoDeluxe 2.3

This version fix the bug with the categories (when not activated) and improves the compatibility with the module MobileWall (the Wall for The Boonex Mobile Apps)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Dec 2011

I'm having issues with certain photo's not displaying at all. It will only show when clicking on the "View Original" link. I have many photo's which will not display like the following example.

ie. http://objectivekb.com/page/photoview?iff=9774924149&ia=546665340&ui=1355392

Login first

Username: demo

Password: demo321


23 Dec 2011


are you sure to have installed the current version?

If not, please update and then let us know.

Otherwise, contact us via email with the details (when this happens, what browser, ecc.) and the credentials for the access to the FTP and the dolphin administration.



See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
23 Dec 2011

Photo Deluxe version 2.4 is the newest version correct? That's what I have installed. I've noticed this issue in the previous versions I've used as well.


I'll send you my information.


Thanks Much!

24 Dec 2011


download the current version 2.5 that solves the latest bugs and also allows to the administrator to edit the photos of the profiles.

Let us know

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Jan 2012

Had an issue installing 2.5. I got the following header errors.


Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php on line 26

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php on line 317

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/install/installer.php:26) in /home/skyforum/public_html/inc/admin_design.inc.php on line 56


Not sure what it all means. The mod installed and works fine.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
9 Jan 2012

Maybe just a problem with the cache.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Jan 2012

Can you expand on that please? What cache problem can cause this?

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
9 Jan 2012

Individual photos in release 2.5 are not showing - simply a grey background with all the associated links and icons, but not the photo itself. 'View original' shows as expected, but not the Photo Deluxe version. Uploading a new photo also does not show. Any ideas?

26 Jan 2012

I have the exact same issue.. Certain photo's do not display at all. These photo's can only be viewed when clicking on "view original".

One other possible bug.. Is there a Character limit for the photo description?

When clicking on the edit icon at the bottom left area of the view photo page you can enter a lengthy description, yet when you click on the edit icon at the top beside the delete button there is a shorter character limit & the description doesn't change.





6 Feb 2012

When I try to tag myself in a picture, I need to type in my username (bbrown) so that my name (Bob Brown) shows up... if I start typing "Bob..." it does not display me as a possible person to tag since my username is "admin". How can this be resolved? The same rule of thumb would be applied in the "In This Photo" section underneath the picture... it currently shows the username; how can I make it show the person's full name instead?

FYI, I also have 1col, 3col, MegaProfile, and Spywall installed, and all four of those have "real name" chosen for all applicable settings (and that setting is enabled in PhotoDeluxe as well).

14 Feb 2012


When I try to tag myself in a picture, I need to type in my username (bbrown) so that my name (Bob Brown) shows up... if I start typing "Bob..." it does not display me as a possible person to tag since my username is "admin". How can this be resolved? The same rule of thumb would be applied in the "In This Photo" section underneath the picture... it currently shows the username; how can I make it show the person's full name instead?

FYI, I also have 1col, 3col, MegaProfile, and Spywall installed, and all four of those have "real name" chosen for all applicable settings (and that setting is enabled in PhotoDeluxe as well).

Install the current version 2.7

This improves the use of real name and first name instead of nickname.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Feb 2012



When I try to tag myself in a picture, I need to type in my username (bbrown) so that my name (Bob Brown) shows up... if I start typing "Bob..." it does not display me as a possible person to tag since my username is "admin". How can this be resolved? The same rule of thumb would be applied in the "In This Photo" section underneath the picture... it currently shows the username; how can I make it show the person's full name instead?

FYI, I also have 1col, 3col, MegaProfile, and Spywall installed, and all four of those have "real name" chosen for all applicable settings (and that setting is enabled in PhotoDeluxe as well).

Install the current version 2.7

This improves the use of real name and first name instead of nickname.

 Perfect, thank you!

15 Feb 2012

Is there a way to customize the browser page title when you are viewing a PhotoDeluxe photo on the live site? Right now, the title simply says "photodeluxe". I would prefer it to just have my website's name there or, better yet, the website name (-) the user's name (-) the name of that photo.

Is either one of those things possible?


15 Feb 2012

Is there a way for members (or non-members, if we choose) to view a gallery/listing of all photos from all users?

If there is a way to do that, I would also like to have a way to place that gallery, or at least the first 10-20 thumbnails from it, in a home page block.

28 Feb 2012


I recently found a bug in the Photo Deluxe mod..

There seems to be a character limit set for the Image description when adding new photo's. When adding a photo to an album with a description that exceeds the character limit it adds the photo with no description, no tags & no category. It deletes everything you set in those fields.

There should be a warning which tells you the character limit & prevents the photo from being added to the album, so you have a chance to edit the description.

Increasing the limit would be nice as well if possible.

Thanks much!

12 Mar 2012


Is there a way to customize the browser page title when you are viewing a PhotoDeluxe photo on the live site? Right now, the title simply says "photodeluxe". I would prefer it to just have my website's name there or, better yet, the website name (-) the user's name (-) the name of that photo.

Is either one of those things possible?


As you know, I've contacted AlexT about this question.

This is the answer by AlexT:


Now title is set automatically from button's title - which leads to the page. 

There is no way to change it in runtime for now.



See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Mar 2012

Released the version 2.9 of PhotoDeluxe.

This version solve a bug with the apostrophe for the sites that use the real name instead of the nickname.

For who have already installed the version 2.8, it's needed only to overwrite the files:

  • view.php
  • viewpage.php
See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
19 Mar 2012

Released PhotoDeluxe 3.0

This version solves some layout problems related to the width of the titles and also improves the style.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 Apr 2012

What new/updated in 3.2?

13 Jun 2012

Today we have released the version 3.3

Fix the bug of the tag of the same profile in the same photo.

Thank you ViceNightLife for this report.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
15 Jun 2012

Released PhotoDeluxe 3.4

This version add the compatibility with the incoming module IBDW EVO Wall.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Jun 2012

What is "IBDW EVO Wall."  is it related to Spywall?

25 Jun 2012


What is "IBDW EVO Wall."  is it related to Spywall?

 Yep it's Spywall related.  it has more features. Laughing

25 Jun 2012



What is "IBDW EVO Wall."  is it related to Spywall?

 Yep it's Spywall related.  it has more features. Laughing


EVO Wall is a new module.

SpyWall is designed just for friends, EVO not.

Evo is different for many aspects and also allow to see new type of contents (Boonex Sounds, Boonex Blogs, and other contents from 3D party extensions (of UE30, Modzzz, Rayz).

But we waiting to finish the first beta before to post the test site.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
26 Jun 2012

Is it possible to migrate the comments from the boonex photo module into PhotoDeluxe? And is it not possible to browse all albums and top/popular with this? :(


3 Aug 2012

 And of course... another enhancement... Can you add integration to Membership actions? To control who is allowed to be posting comments etc...

Is it possible to migrate the comments from the boonex photo module into PhotoDeluxe? And is it not possible to browse all albums and top/popular with this? :(



3 Aug 2012

I have a question. Maybe I'm setting it up wrong but why doesn't the main photo gallery link make use of photodeluxe? Why can we only use it in relation to our own profile page? I really want to get rid of the clunky boonex album and photo pages...

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
16 Aug 2012


I have a question. Maybe I'm setting it up wrong but why doesn't the main photo gallery link make use of photodeluxe? Why can we only use it in relation to our own profile page? I really want to get rid of the clunky boonex album and photo pages...

Hello, can explain with a screenshot?

The photodeluxe in not a module for the replace of the default module Boonex Photos.

Photodeluxe is designed for the profile's gallery, not for all the photos sections.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Aug 2012


I have a question. Maybe I'm setting it up wrong but why doesn't the main photo gallery link make use of photodeluxe? Why can we only use it in relation to our own profile page? I really want to get rid of the clunky boonex album and photo pages...

PhotoDeluxe displays the profile's gallery (photos and albums).

So you see the link to this module in your profile menu and into the menu of the other profiles.

This module dont replace the module Boonex Photos, because it designed to display all the albums/photos of the site, just for the profile.

Anyway, after the release of EVO Wall, we have planned to work on the photo's summary for the enteire site and also to create a similar module for Videos.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Aug 2012

Also today we have released the new version 5.1 of Photodeluxe, this version improves the facebook sharing and the compatibility with the new EvoWall

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Aug 2012

There is nothing that I want more than a competent and well designed photo and video gallery. I have never seen one that I liked or thought was useful.

There are a few here with a ton of features.You can tell they were developed by a coder and nut an end user. Very few people need to be able to slice and dice a photo 75 different ways without having a solid and easy to use interface to view the photos. Cooliris is crap and anything designed to look like it is also crap. (IMHO). Using massive flash options to make images slide and focus and everything else is just window dressing that looks cool at first but eventually gets in the way of just simply viewing the photo/videos.

I'd rather have simple and effective. The current photo deluxe mod you provide is simple and very effective and I can't wait to make that the default photo and video gallery setup for my entire site.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
25 Aug 2012


I'm also hoping there can be a way to include all the existing comments. That's a lot of user interactions to toss away...


There is nothing that I want more than a competent and well designed photo and video gallery. I have never seen one that I liked or thought was useful.

There are a few here with a ton of features.You can tell they were developed by a coder and nut an end user. Very few people need to be able to slice and dice a photo 75 different ways without having a solid and easy to use interface to view the photos. Cooliris is crap and anything designed to look like it is also crap. (IMHO). Using massive flash options to make images slide and focus and everything else is just window dressing that looks cool at first but eventually gets in the way of just simply viewing the photo/videos.

I'd rather have simple and effective. The current photo deluxe mod you provide is simple and very effective and I can't wait to make that the default photo and video gallery setup for my entire site.


26 Aug 2012

What are the chances of adding client side image resizing?  If a user tries to upload a lot of high resolution images, uploads will take a long time.  Downsizing images client side, can make image uploads much faster.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
26 Aug 2012

They have tried to share photo?

This occurs by sharing your own photo
It gives this error:


26 Aug 2012


They have tried to share photo?

This occurs by sharing your own photo
It gives this error:


It's a problem introduced with the last versions of PhotoDeluxe when you use SpyWall (this issue is not present on EvoWall). Anyway we are working on this bug and will release the update of SpyWall asap.

Thank you for the report.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
27 Aug 2012

Today we have released the new update for PhotoDeluxe (ver. 5.2)

About this version:

- fixed the issue with SpyWall (sharing)

- improved the style

- fixed the issue with the number (max) of photos that you can delete, move or organize

- improved the compatibility with EVO Wall (EVO Wall is incoming on this market)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Aug 2012

Don't you like my question about image resizing?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
28 Aug 2012


Don't you like my question about image resizing?

Yes, we hope to add other new features to PhotoDeluxe asap (now we are very busy by the launch of the new EVO Wall and also of the updates of the other mods for the compatibility).

Also today we released a little update for PhotoDeluxe that solve the conflict with the file config.php (of Photodeluxe) when in the root of the site is already present a file called config.php.

Who have already installed the version 5.2 must only overwrite the files.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 Aug 2012

The feature TAG for photos can be enabled/disabled in the photodeluxe settings.

If enabled you this will be the result in PhotoDeluxe:

and this will be the result in EVO Wall

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
3 Sep 2012

Released the update for Photodeluxe (5.5)

About this update:

  • fixed the issue with the arrows (to see the next or the previous photo)
  • improved the compatibility with the EvoWall and other minor bugs

If you have already installed the ver. 5.4, you can only overwrite the files.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Sep 2012

Installed the update: got the following error trying to activate

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/activation.php(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code on line 1

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
29 Sep 2012

Also updated the EVOwall to 1.1.2 at the same time. Now I've lost all images in the wall, text only.

Just found out why. Each time you upgrade EVO, it erases the permissions you've set for the custom memberships. Have to go in  and re create them. A major pain in the unowatt.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
29 Sep 2012

Did you uninstall/reinstall?

It will only clear the membership actions if you un-install then re-install. He usually mentions if that is required or if simply overwrite files is sufficient...

29 Sep 2012

Yes, I uninstalled, reinstalled. That's the way I've always done his mods

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
29 Sep 2012


Installed the update: got the following error trying to activate

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/skyforum/public_html/modules/ibdw/photo_deluxe/activation.php(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code on line 1

I can't reproduce this issue.

If you want we can install the module on your site so to verify the process step by step.

Let us know

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Oct 2012

I thought this mod would have create the same view for when "viewing all member photos" but it does not. The default boonex module is used for that. This module only shows up your personal photos when viewing your profile for example.  Is there no way for when clicking to view "all photos" of all members for it to have the same look and feel and ajaxed workings? If not this also put me in another point. I inquired about the evo template via email on your site and have had no reply. Anyway for me to achieve this?



25 Oct 2012

This question has been asked and answered many times. read the thread

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
25 Oct 2012

You are quite right SkyForum. I certainly jumped the gun after skim reading. I've got it now. ;)

25 Oct 2012

Having an issue with the loading icon hanging. Often I click to upload or do an action and the loading icon pops up and just hangs there. I have to click the action again or again until the action can be completed.

26 Oct 2012

I would love to see a new feature in PhotoDeluxe, where it was possible to share a album or a picture only with certain members/friends. Would this be possible. And a message was sent to the user or users who got alloved.

3 Nov 2012

Have an issue with Facebook and this mod.

You will notice 2 problems in this video. First, the Facebook share does not pick up the photo I am trying to share. Always fails. The second is the expanding popup when I open the permissions window for Facebook.


View the video 

It always amazes me why I can;t embed a video from one Boonex site to another.

One more thing that's not related to the mod. How can I get rid of that extra photo from the Facebook share code? No matter where I post it, ti always displays one extra icon on a separate line. Annoying as hell.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
3 Nov 2012



View the video 


My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
3 Nov 2012

Well crap.....

Try this....


http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
4 Nov 2012
5 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.