IBDW MegaProfile by IlBelloDelWEB.it

Write here for suggestions and support about the module IBDW MEGAPROFILE

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
24 Jan 2011

I  have some suggestion

1) photo upload   is  a gread fonction   but   will be fine  to  have the same profil photo like the avatar

because  in the spywall  is  the avatar Picture in the profil  is the profile user

2) action   button  Some  Pepole install  diferent module how is  create a action button.  this will be grate  to have a possibility  to integread all this action   too.

24 Jan 2011

I would improve it by creating mobile apps that could access the Mega Profile, and post to spywall.  The combination of the two, would probably make you a lot of money around here

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
24 Jan 2011

I agree with BangLoungeFM on his first point - the default profile picture should be the avatar the user originally chose when signing up to the site. It will cause confusion/irritation this way.

24 Jan 2011

No, no, no, a thousand times NO!


Avatars are avatars, and profile pictures are profile pictures.  The two should not be intermingled.  Avatars used in dolphin are 64px - 64px images that for the most part, will make really lousy profile photos.  Dolphin 7 avatars were never intended to be used as profile images.  One of the stupidest things that Boonex ever did, was to put that ridiculous "check box/copy to profile photos" option on the avatars page.  It was one of the first things I removed from Dolphin.

Everybody around here thinks ass-backwards.  The avatar should not be used as a profile picture, it should be the other way around.  In the absence of a user uploaded avatar, a default profile photo should be resized/cropped, and used as the avatar.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
24 Jan 2011

Houstonlively Sorry,

it does not matter what problems Boonex has, the only thing thatmatters is what the end user thinks

that's not the same spywall User avatar and profile mega pictures.

The confusiuon will come very quickly, for example someone write in spywall interesandmodule to find the topic, then decide you look at the profile of the author to look at onceyou can see different images,

It does not matter what you see, whether avatar or picture it is not the same.
As a user, my first thought is whether I go to the correct profile, or the locker
In the end it does not look professional.


If you're so smart, Help boonex team to resolve the problme.

24 Jan 2011


No, no, no, a thousand times NO!


Avatars are avatars, and profile pictures are profile pictures.  The two should not be intermingled.  Avatars used in dolphin are 64px - 64px images that for the most part, will make really lousy profile photos.  Dolphin 7 avatars were never intended to be used as profile images.  One of the stupidest things that Boonex ever did, was to put that ridiculous "check box/copy to profile photos" option on the avatars page.  It was one of the first things I removed from Dolphin.

Everybody around here thinks ass-backwards.  The avatar should not be used as a profile picture, it should be the other way around.  In the absence of a user uploaded avatar, a default profile photo should be resized/cropped, and used as the avatar.


did you say everybody.  I have to agree with you ;)  I prefer to keep them separate however i do see that people are confused between profile photo and avatar.. some think they are the same but they're not.  i'm just saying how they see it :S  ahh i dunno

24 Jan 2011



Houstonlively Sorry,

it does not matter what problems Boonex has, the only thing thatmatters is what the end user thinks

that's not the same spywall User avatar and profile mega pictures.

The confusiuon will come very quickly, for example someone write in spywall interesandmodule to find the topic, then decide you look at the profile of the author to look at onceyou can see different images,

It does not matter what you see, whether avatar or picture it is not the same.
As a user, my first thought is whether I go to the correct profile, or the locker
In the end it does not look professional.


If you're so smart, Help boonex team to resolve the problme.

hmmm  okay i got your point. this way, we don't have to worry about seeing "no photo" in every megaprofile after we install it.

25 Jan 2011



If you're so smart, Help boonex team to resolve the problme.

I have done exactly that.  On more than one occasion.  With that said, I trust this developer to do this mod in a perfectly sensible way.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
25 Jan 2011

there should be only one thing for every profile - no matter if you say profile photo or avatar - just one as if there is avatar and profile photo also its very confusing for everybody...why make things harder ..just keep things basic and simple. I know photo looks bad in avatar resolution - than lets make avatars a bit bigger.. :-)

25 Jan 2011

Well yes, ideally a profile pic would be scaled down for use around the site as an avatar - at the moment the MEGAPROFILE doesn't offer that option, so users join and are taken to the avatar upload page... given the option to use it as a profile pic (which isn't great as you already said)... then they get to their profile and hey presto they are asked to make another upload for their profile pic. It's just confusing. Maybe best for now is to send new members directly to their MEGAPROFILE to upload a profile pic, then prompt them to choose an avatar for site use later. Then there's the other issue of users who already have a profile pic of a decent size in their profile photos album... and now will need to re-upload (which is not user-friendly).

25 Jan 2011

Personally, I wish the avatar module would just go away.... along with all the whiners that just had to have avatars several years back.   Why on earth Boonex decided to inextricably weave the avatar module functionality into just about every module, is well beyond my comprehension.  Just about every module is dependent on the avatar module.  It sucks that we are forced to use it whether we like it or not.

It would have been a lot simpler to just have a little checkbox next to each profile photo that said "Use as Avatar", and just eliminate the useless avatar module altogether.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
25 Jan 2011

1. If a member has a mutual friend he is shown in the mutual friend's "Friend" section... when he's not actually a friend. Too many friends there, but hopefully you'll see what I mean when you look at it.

2. Also, "Edit My Profile" doesn't cater for sites using a subdirectory rather than root.

25 Jan 2011


No, no, no, a thousand times NO!


Avatars are avatars, and profile pictures are profile pictures.  The two should not be intermingled.  Avatars used in dolphin are 64px - 64px images that for the most part, will make really lousy profile photos.  Dolphin 7 avatars were never intended to be used as profile images.  One of the stupidest things that Boonex ever did, was to put that ridiculous "check box/copy to profile photos" option on the avatars page.  It was one of the first things I removed from Dolphin.

Everybody around here thinks ass-backwards.  The avatar should not be used as a profile picture, it should be the other way around.  In the absence of a user uploaded avatar, a default profile photo should be resized/cropped, and used as the avatar.

Ok My friends,

I think the same of houstonlively. The avatar is the avatar.

So, into the future update we want add this features:

1) the crop image function, so when an user upload a photo it's possible to select the area to use for the default image

2) when the profile image is set (not the avatar), automatically the avatar is changed with this new image.


Also, today we have fixed some little bugs thank your reporting:

you only must overwrite the files: core.php and profilecore.php

This fix solve:

1) the man_big image is dislayed when the member sex is female. Now for waman member the image is Woman_Big.gif

2) the style is lost when you have not created a copy of the template UNI. Now if you dont have created the template, the module use the default style

Thank you very much!

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Jan 2011

I think I would be a great feature to add the Fave action to the Actions List

25 Jan 2011

Could it be possible to get this in blue also translated for site that are also not in english ( _single language key is translated in my database):

Situazione sentimentale:Single
Data di nascita:3 March, 1972
25 Jan 2011


I think I would be a great feature to add the Fave action to the Actions List

That was my second suggestion.

or to have a tutorial to insert the different action button from different module.

25 Jan 2011

It would be cool to have members email address shown in the profile. I really hate the boonex version with last date log on shown it looks horrible.

What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
26 Jan 2011

Another update for all the installation that have problem with the layout.

Also, we inform to you that now we are working about the Crop of the picture.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
26 Jan 2011

I have just bought this module, I think it will be good for my site... I will let you know in 24 to 48 hours when I eventually get my Activation code...

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
28 Jan 2011


I have just bought this module, I think it will be good for my site... I will let you know in 24 to 48 hours when I eventually get my Activation code...


we check the activation request each 2 hours (we are in Italy), so if you make the request when in Italy is night, you will receive the code in the next mornig.

But, it's necessary to require the code from the activation form that you can see in the administration area.

Also, after click the send button, remember to confirm the address in the step 2 of the activation code request.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Jan 2011


No, no, no, a thousand times NO!


Avatars are avatars, and profile pictures are profile pictures.  The two should not be intermingled.  Avatars used in dolphin are 64px - 64px images that for the most part, will make really lousy profile photos.  Dolphin 7 avatars were never intended to be used as profile images.  One of the stupidest things that Boonex ever did, was to put that ridiculous "check box/copy to profile photos" option on the avatars page.  It was one of the first things I removed from Dolphin.

Everybody around here thinks ass-backwards.  The avatar should not be used as a profile picture, it should be the other way around.  In the absence of a user uploaded avatar, a default profile photo should be resized/cropped, and used as the avatar.

 Well this mod should def help that. I plan to remove the check in the checkbox again now once I have the mod running. I put the check back prior only because I was gettiing tons of default images in browse... Now this mod should eliminate that!!! :)

28 Jan 2011


today we have published another update, IBDW MegaProfile 1.3. What's news?

1. now Megaprofile supports the multilanguage in the profile informations, not only english
2. fixes the path in the photo and video albums
3. fixes the link to the profile of friends and mutual friends

Now, we working about the Avatar issue.

In the future update, we will add the possibility to upload a photo directly or to crop the image. Also, only if you want, you can decide, during the upload or later, to crop the profile image and set it as avatar.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Jan 2011

I installed megaprofile.

But I found a bug.

(1). When a friend request is sent , it starts showing in the friends list. (even if the friend request is not accepted).

(2). Also after accepting the friend request it shows twice a friend in the friend list.

Please solve this soon.

29 Jan 2011


Write here for suggestions and support about the module IBDW MEGAPROFILE

Please make a similar post for suggestions for IBDW SPYWALL.  I have some suggestions for it.

29 Jan 2011

In my opinion, modules should be developed while having in mind  the possibility that they could be deployed in sites that are already live and have content and users. As such a a key missing feature of Megaprofile is the ability to use existing user photos as their profile image instead for opting for the no-image default.


An idea would be during installation for megaprofile to scan the user table, then search in the user's default album and find the latest uploaded picture. Then copy that to be used as the user's profile picture.


Additionally, I'd like to see the option to be able to declare the default album name that megaprofile searches in to select photos to be used as profile pictures, as depending on your setup you might have changed the default album naming scheme.

31 Jan 2011



I installed megaprofile.

But I found a bug.

(1). When a friend request is sent , it starts showing in the friends list. (even if the friend request is not accepted).

(2). Also after accepting the friend request it shows twice a friend in the friend list.

Please solve this soon.


the megaprofile give from the friendlist table only the member accepted or that have accepted your friendship request. In fact the query select the member from the friendlist where the field "CHECK" is 1.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 Jan 2011

I love this MOD but did any one observe a decrease in the speed of profile page loading ?


31 Jan 2011

Ah and another suggestion is to use Dolphin's internal functions to render the friends avatars. This way, if you have performed modifications to the way avatars get displayed (through mods, or altering the code, or the css) it carries through and you also get the status graphic on top right where you can see when a user is online, as well as pop up the action box to interact with.. For instance, on my site I have modified the avatar display mechanism to display the avatars with rounded corners, plus to change the color of the nickname text, depending on the nickname gender.

31 Jan 2011




I installed megaprofile.

But I found a bug.

(1). When a friend request is sent , it starts showing in the friends list. (even if the friend request is not accepted).

(2). Also after accepting the friend request it shows twice a friend in the friend list.

Please solve this soon.


the megaprofile give from the friendlist table only the member accepted or that have accepted your friendship request. In fact the query select the member from the friendlist where the field "CHECK" is 1.

I think the problem is something else . it is when someone sees other person profile, even he is not friend he is shown in His friends. Why ?

Is this problem only with me. Please help me.

31 Jan 2011





I installed megaprofile.

But I found a bug.

(1). When a friend request is sent , it starts showing in the friends list. (even if the friend request is not accepted).

(2). Also after accepting the friend request it shows twice a friend in the friend list.

Please solve this soon.


the megaprofile give from the friendlist table only the member accepted or that have accepted your friendship request. In fact the query select the member from the friendlist where the field "CHECK" is 1.

I think the problem is something else . it is when someone sees other person profile, even he is not friend he is shown in His friends. Why ?

Is this problem only with me. Please help me.

I also have a problem like that.

In the "Mutual Friends", it does show 2 times the same user, and it does show you as a friend even if you are not.

31 Jan 2011






I installed megaprofile.

But I found a bug.

(1). When a friend request is sent , it starts showing in the friends list. (even if the friend request is not accepted).

(2). Also after accepting the friend request it shows twice a friend in the friend list.

Please solve this soon.


the megaprofile give from the friendlist table only the member accepted or that have accepted your friendship request. In fact the query select the member from the friendlist where the field "CHECK" is 1.

I think the problem is something else . it is when someone sees other person profile, even he is not friend he is shown in His friends. Why ?

Is this problem only with me. Please help me.

I also have a problem like that.

In the "Mutual Friends", it does show 2 times the same user, and it does show you as a friend even if you are not.

Please give us the url of your site and the credential of the user where I can see this error. Give us these info to the support email info@ilbellodelweb.it

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 Jan 2011

On the profile page, I want to change the title "MegaProfile" to "Profile". Where can I do this?

so long


2 Feb 2011


On the profile page, I want to change the title "MegaProfile" to "Profile". Where can I do this?

so long


You can simply open the Item called Megaprofile and change the name as you want

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Feb 2011



On the profile page, I want to change the title "MegaProfile" to "Profile". Where can I do this?

so long


You can simply open the Item called Megaprofile and change the name as you want

Thanks. Sometimes I can't see the trees for the woods. :)

2 Feb 2011




On the profile page, I want to change the title "MegaProfile" to "Profile". Where can I do this?

so long


You can simply open the Item called Megaprofile and change the name as you want

Thanks. Sometimes I can't see the trees for the woods. :)


Go to Administration => Builders => Page Blocks and select "Profile"   Then click "MegaProfile".  Thats where u change it.

2 Feb 2011


today we have published the new version MegaProfile 1.4.

About this version:

  • adds the Profile Customization link
  • adds the Fave link
  • fix the friends block bug due to a friend with a member deleted
  • fix the position bug for the member icon in the block (thanks to Patric81!)

You must uninstall the module (because the configuration table has been changed), overwrite the files, then install the module.

Now, we working about the new version that will allow to choose if set the image as avatar (when you upload your image, when you choose an image from your profile photos album or in a second moment).

We read all your suggestion to develop the best update.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Feb 2011

"Customize" link should not appear below profile photo if Profile Customizer module is not installed

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
2 Feb 2011


"Customize" link should not appear below profile photo if Profile Customizer module is not installed

Did you check Megaprofile config?  You can turn it off in there.

2 Feb 2011

OK, that took care of it.... but I had to manually navigate to  megaprofile/configurazione.php


After updating to version 1.4, my admin page no longer has the proper link to this page.  It shows the pre-activation link/image instead.  Of course, when I click that link, it tell me MegaProfile has already been activated.  This never happened on any of the other mods.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
2 Feb 2011

Disregard last post... fixed.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
2 Feb 2011

Today we want publish the new update of MegaProfile.

There are some big news!

1) you can display the profile customization and fave link

2) you can add five new link as you want (you must only write the path in the configuration)

3) the image of the profile is adjusted to the largest of your column

4) you can set the profile image as your avatar, or not


So, the profile can set the profile image as the avatar (it's not mandatory but possible). For this we have added the CROP IMAGE feature.

We have decided to apply this update for all our customer, not additional package. We hope you appreciate.

Soon the update in the market (MegaProfile 1.5)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Feb 2011


9 Feb 2011

Dude you are incredible.

What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
9 Feb 2011

I hav a little suggestion for all of ur facebook look alike mods... Plz dnt make the interface exactly like FB or else in future it can cause trouble..

Just try to maintain a lil difference in looks...

9 Feb 2011

Thank you for frequent updates to your products, and the excellent service you provide to your customers.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
9 Feb 2011

You know what... i am HAPPY that ilbellodelweb is part of boonex.  He's awesome!!  :D

9 Feb 2011


the update is online. Because we have added many many neew features (as the crop image, the "set as avatar" and more), it's necessary to uninstall the old version (the image of the profiles are NOT removed) and install the new.

ABOUT THE STYLE: facebook as changed the style of the template of the site, our modules are similar, but not the same, of the old style of facebook. Our customer can customize the style (via css) and change the icons freely. Some icon are similar to facebook, but if you see with attention are not the same.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Feb 2011

An avatar is a computer user's representation of himself/herself or alter ego whether in the form of a three-dimensional model used in computer games,[1] or a two-dimensional icon (picture) used on Internet forums and other communities.[2][3] It can also refer to a text construct found on early systems such as MUDs.[4] It is an object representing the user. The term "avatar" can also refer to the personality connected with the screen name, or handle, of an Internet user.


Note: "It is an object representing the user" note the word Object, it in not way gives the impression that it is a profile pic, a portrait of ones self, or an image of yourself.


here endith the lesson Wink

9 Feb 2011


the set as avatar is not mandatory. The administrator can choose if enable or not this function.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Feb 2011

When setting the profile pic as the Avatar it displayed a random member's photo!! Very strange.

10 Feb 2011
Thanks for the graet job. I have a suggegtion, to put the chat funktion only if the member is connect in the community
10 Feb 2011


Thanks for the graet job. I have a suggegtion, to put the chat funktion only if the member is connect in the community

This is a feature also present in the IBDW 1COL. As in Facebook, when you visit the account page or the home page you can see the online friends chat.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Feb 2011

Today we have published the updates for D7.0.5!

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Feb 2011


thank for your bugs reporting.

Today we have released two update for MegaProfile, sorry. But the latest version D7.0.5 use a different method for the greetings, fave, ecc.

Also the current version MegaProfile 1.6, solve a bug in the avatar creation.

If you have installed the version 1.5, you must only overwrite the files.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Feb 2011

I un-installed MegaProfile version 1.5 and installed version 1.6.

I get an error stating that this is not compatible with my version (D7.0.5.) of Dolphin.

I now notice that one MUST overwrite v1.5. files to 1.6 only....

Can I re-install MP 1.5 and then overwrite the files or has there been a database entry type of thing that will prevent this?

Thanks for any help.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
12 Feb 2011


I un-installed MegaProfile version 1.5 and installed version 1.6.

I get an error stating that this is not compatible with my version (D7.0.5.) of Dolphin.

I now notice that one MUST overwrite v1.5. files to 1.6 only....

Can I re-install MP 1.5 and then overwrite the files or has there been a database entry type of thing that will prevent this?

Thanks for any help.

Open /modules/ibdw/megaprofile/install/config.php for editing, add the text in red, then save.  Install module.


$aConfig = array(
'title' => 'Megaprofile',
'version' => '1.6',
'vendor' => 'IlBelloDelWeb.it',
'update_url' => '',

'compatible_with' => array( // module compatibility

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
12 Feb 2011

Houston your a genius, many thanks for that!


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
12 Feb 2011


Houston your a genius, many thanks for that!


Yes thanks Huston....

Today we have correct this error and also solved the problem with the crop image for site installed in a subfolder.

For who have installed the version 1.5 or 1.6, only the file overwriting needed.

Thank for your reports.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
14 Feb 2011
Also, we have shared the german translation thanks to Webby0815 You can download for free the file.
See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
14 Feb 2011

Read more


...using the latest version... does nothing. Members with long descriptions shows 'Read more' yet when clcked does nothing.

16 Feb 2011

We have checked but work fine...

we have created a new installation D7.0.5 where you can try the functioning.

You can see the description for the member ilbellodelweb.

the address is: http://www.italiansworldwide.com

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 Feb 2011

Hi   i try  to  post   this  tíme  my error  in the  right Forum

If  a  want make the profile visible for guest I get  a  database error:

Database error


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys_block_list WHERE ID= AND Profile=1108
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND Profile=1108' at line 1

Found error in the file '/home/homepages/apps/dolphin-7.0.1/modules/ibdw/megaprofile/core.php(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code' at line 248.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.

I try to reducing the amount of friends to 2 in profile settings in admin>advanced settings then clear cache but  style the same  error



18 Feb 2011



i have 1 comment of megaprofile.


Why the BeFriend features wont change once your request already been sent to the member you are inviting. its should change something like this,


Pending Request Or Waiting for Approval etc etc.


Just a pieceo of advice to avoid confusion sir..


Thank you

18 Feb 2011


Hi   i try  to  post   this  tíme  my error  in the  right Forum

If  a  want make the profile visible for guest I get  a  database error:

Database error


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys_block_list WHERE ID= AND Profile=1108
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND Profile=1108' at line 1

Found error in the file '/home/homepages/apps/dolphin-7.0.1/modules/ibdw/megaprofile/core.php(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code' at line 248.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.

I try to reducing the amount of friends to 2 in profile settings in admin>advanced settings then clear cache but  style the same  error



Hello, contact us directly via email and give the informations needed to check the problems.

Sat and Sun our office is closed but we read the messages as possible.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
19 Feb 2011




i have 1 comment of megaprofile.


Why the BeFriend features wont change once your request already been sent to the member you are inviting. its should change something like this,


Pending Request Or Waiting for Approval etc etc.


Just a pieceo of advice to avoid confusion sir..


Thank you

Hello, thank you for this suggestion. I'd like what they think about the others. Do you think, after I send a friend request (but still the friendship has not been confirmed) the link must change ?

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
19 Feb 2011

"Friendship request sent" or "Friendship pending" would be great!

19 Feb 2011





i have 1 comment of megaprofile.


Why the BeFriend features wont change once your request already been sent to the member you are inviting. its should change something like this,


Pending Request Or Waiting for Approval etc etc.


Just a pieceo of advice to avoid confusion sir..


Thank you

Hello, thank you for this suggestion. I'd like what they think about the others. Do you think, after I send a friend request (but still the friendship has not been confirmed) the link must change ?

yes boss to avoid confusing.

just a simple message that we already send our invitation to member.. Something like this


$sourceID = $aMemberInfo['member_id'];

$targetID = $aRow['Recipient'];


$temp = db_assoc_arr("SELECT * FROM `sys_friend_list` WHERE (`ID`='$sourceID' AND `Profile`='$targetID') OR (`ID`='$targetID' AND `Profile` = '$sourceID')");

if ($temp['Check'] == 1)

$aMemberInfo['_befriend'] = _t('_remove_friend');

else if ($sourceID == $temp['ID'] && $temp['Check'] == 0)

$aMemberInfo['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_friend_pending');

else if ($targetID == $temp['ID'] && $temp['Check'] == 0)

$aMemberInfo['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_accept_friend');


$aMemberInfo['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_Befriend');

19 Feb 2011

Are you using a different template other than "uni".  If you are, try copy uni in /modules/megaprofile/templates/  and change it to your current template name.  I tested it and it works fine for me.

Read more


...using the latest version... does nothing. Members with long descriptions shows 'Read more' yet when clcked does nothing.


20 Feb 2011

I also find that "Friendship request sent" or "Friendship pending" is better.

20 Feb 2011

Okay, after reading all that has been written about this module, here is my contribution to the discussion:

Problems Encountered:

When setting the profile pic as the Avatar it displayed a random member's photo!! Very strange.

  • I have the same problem, running version 1.8 on Dolphin 7.0.3!  Please advise as this is a really bad issue to have data being changed randomly!

Avatars - vs- Profile Image

With regards to this heated issue of Avatar -vs- Profile Image, the issue rests on what the end user understands since Avatars are used throughout the entire site to represent the member.  Since this is the way Dolphin is set up (for better or for worse) it doesn't make sense to have a one-way push from Megaprofile image to set as Avatar.

The current version of this Megaprofile is much improved (thanks - Laughing ), however, there should be a two-way relationship so that either the Avatar setup from Dolphin or Megaprofile can set an image to represent the user. Period!  No need to debate this until the Dolphin gurus change this whole Avatar business. We need to address the end-user's experience.  Right now, my testing community is rather confused; and I have to listen to them and find some kind of a solution.

Also, from a member's Account page, there is no way a user would be aware that they need to manage their profile image on their profile page itself.   The only way to manage that image, is of course on the Megaprofile block.  In fact, unless you mouse-over the default image-placeholder, the user would still have no idea that they can manage that image just by looking at the layout.

So IBDW - can you guys make this a two-way street for now, where the Avatar designation on Dolphin's module pushes the choice to be represented on the Megaprofile block?

If and when Dolphin changes anything in the future, we are at least eliminating confusion for our members.

Information Section

  • The option to add more fields in this section based on the fields set up on my site is needed!  There are several fields we use that are critical for our site, and having the option to put those in this section would help tremendously.
  • Also, we would like the ability to set the order in which these items would be displayed in this section.
  • Date of birth - not all members want to display this information, and some would prefer to list age instead of their actual date. Member options are needed for this displayed field as privacy controls are a major issue these days!
  • e-mail - same as DOB.  Also, this is not set as a clickable link, which would be very helpful.
  • Lastly, these items are not reflecting the way they're set up in the Field Builder console.  For example,  we have designated City and Gender to be searchable values - however, this feature is rendered useless and not working in this module.

Okay, this will suffice for now. Hopefully my input is constructive enough for some changes on the next version?

Cheers - Jethro

23 Feb 2011


So IBDW - can you guys make this a two-way street for now, where the Avatar designation on Dolphin's module pushes the choice to be represented on the Megaprofile block?

Last time: No, No, a thousand times NO!  There are thousands of internet communities where people know the difference between an avatar and a profile pic.

Rather than try to dumb things down in hopes that no one will be confused is an approach I cannot agree with.  A per-page help system, to educate the users is a far better approach.  There are likely millions of internet users that would think using an avatar as a profile picture, makes no sense.... I'm one of them.  It's up to the web site owner to educate members how to use a Dolphin site, because there will always be those that don't understand, no matter how the site is designed.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
23 Feb 2011

Um...HL - I didn't realize that you've taken it upon yourself to dictate what you feel is appropriate web design for all of us.  I don't agree with you, and I also don't appreciate your acidic comments.  You have made it perfectly clear how things should be in previous posts - I surely didn't request you to TELL us all again how you feel!

Let others chime in with their opinions and let the developers choose what course of action to take with their product offerings.


23 Feb 2011

Last time I try to add a Profile photo and I just got a black picture instead of the picture I upload. Did this happen to some of you already ?


For the avatar/ profile discussion, I like to sugest to just put an configuration possibility in the admin panel: Use avatar as profile photo (yes/no). So everybody can choose what do they want for their website.

23 Feb 2011


Um...HL - I didn't realize that you've taken it upon yourself to dictate what you feel is appropriate web design for all of us.

Why not?  That's exactly what you are doing.


I also don't appreciate your acidic comments.

What acidic comments?  Do I need to take more sensitivity classes?  It's just that whenever I see some really bad suggestions, I can't resist speaking up.  Things just have to make sense to me.... don't take it so personally.


I surely didn't request you to TELL us all again how you feel!

Let others chime in with their opinions and let the developers choose what course of action to take with their product offerings.

C'est la vie.  I don't usually wait for someone to give me permission to reiterate a flawlessly logical point.  It's a good thing that this developer has demonstrated not only a high level of coding expertise, but a high degree of common sense as well.  I feel really comfortable that he's not going to do something out of character... like use an avatar as a profile photo.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
23 Feb 2011

I'm with HL on this one. An Avatar is anything BUT a profile picture. Please do not confuse the issue further.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
23 Feb 2011

I agree with HL. I think it should stay as it is.

Give me something to believe in...
23 Feb 2011

Hi all,

After following this topic and other IBDW's topics, i can see alot of people having different suggestion. True, this is a support and suggestion place. So please respect individual's ideas without giving a NO to it. All of us have the right to suggest...whether for the Mod owner to change it or not, is up to them. Any mod will never suit all needs.

The current mod may suit some people here but not the rest...But did you even think if the owner really changed the mod, it may suit you but still not the other...So this will never end. The best solution is for the mod to have an admin control of choosing YES or NO for all the suggestion and i think all of you will be happy right? Ha, but thats not as easy as you guys think. Enough of all the Avatar, Profile Pics and other issues....just let IBDW decide.

We will all support and respect people's suggestion and ideas here. No more being someone who really think you are GREAT to disagree with others ideas. No personal here...

Best regards

23 Feb 2011


the subscribe-link does't work.


so long


23 Feb 2011


I don't  now  if is  a bug  or   is  desired

if  I try  to change the picture, from the album  I can only  go  to one album, I am not able to chose a picture from a other photo Album, is  it normal

23 Feb 2011

I'm having some issue with cropping, sometimes when I crop it doesn't work and the image looks stretched and fuzzy. I also think if you can make the upload image icon a little more larger that the members can see when they slide the mouse across would be a great idea.

What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
23 Feb 2011

So I get my answer

Is  not possible to  make  the  profileview by Guest.

I think  the  way is  not freindly  to  get  user, if some one have  a promo site like facebook  mysapce  and co.  nobady  can get  information about the  Profile

The best way ist to have the possibility of Guest to see the Profile.

who would have the possibility of you that visitors can see the profile of user???


Hi   i try  to  post   this  tíme  my error  in the  right Forum

If  a  want make the profile visible for guest I get  a  database error:

Database error


SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys_block_list WHERE ID= AND Profile=1108
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND Profile=1108' at line 1

Found error in the file '/home/homepages/apps/dolphin-7.0.1/modules/ibdw/megaprofile/core.php(1) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code' at line 248.
Called 'db_value' function with erroneous argument #0.

I try to reducing the amount of friends to 2 in profile settings in admin>advanced settings then clear cache but  style the same  error



Hello, contact us directly via email and give the informations needed to check the problems.

Sat and Sun our office is closed but we read the messages as possible.


28 Feb 2011

Hi  i have a  some suggestion  to   the  profil/avatar pic

Right now  we can chose between  Picture  to yes as avate  or not  as defautl

this  will be grade to  have a 3dr option to force picture  to avatar

Set avatar checked by Default:  yes / no and Force

By force  the cas chose pic to avatar  need  to be remove with out changing the css file

Today we want publish the new update of MegaProfile.

There are some big news!

1) you can display the profile customization and fave link

2) you can add five new link as you want (you must only write the path in the configuration)

3) the image of the profile is adjusted to the largest of your column

4) you can set the profile image as your avatar, or not


So, the profile can set the profile image as the avatar (it's not mandatory but possible). For this we have added the CROP IMAGE feature.

We have decided to apply this update for all our customer, not additional package. We hope you appreciate.

Soon the update in the market (MegaProfile 1.5)


2 Mar 2011

For some reason or another the crop doesn't work for me. It refuse to crop

What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
4 Mar 2011

I would like to suggest put the upload pic option in the center so members can see it.

What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
8 Mar 2011

it looks like there is a bug in megaprofile that causes to following:



i got problems with avatar too since i installed megaprofile!

http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro
8 Mar 2011

After fiddling with MegaProfile for a while, here are a few suggestions that I believe are either important or beneficial:


- Option to set the compression/quality level for thumbnails in the config (right now the compression is so big that it makes the thumbnails look terrible)

- Fix the image uploader/cropper to handle PNG images that have transparency (alpha channel) properly, instead of filling the  transparent parts with black (bello, contact me and I can send you the code needed for that, as I've already made it for an image cropper I did for another site)

- Add an option to have an icon next to each action link in the megaprofile box like in dolphin's default action box.

- Add the ability to select an image from any of your albums, not just the default one.

- Support interoperability with spywall. I think I read somewhere that this is already supported, but every time I uploaded a new profile photo, I didn't see an entry in spywall

- Add support for the display of dolphin's regular avatars instead of the custom ones, just like you do for spywall

- Add support to automatically detect all profile fields (user added as well) in the configuration and then provide the ability to the admin to select which ones to display (not just date of birth, email, relationship etc).

- Add the option to display Age instead of Date of Birth.

- Move the popup box for the image uploader to the center of the screen, as it tends to  appear below the top menu of the site.

- Make the popup box bigger to accommodate for larger uploaded images (to the extent possible)

-  Fix the "sys_block_list" database error. My suspicion is that it happens whenever a guest tries to view someone's profile (hence there is no id number for "ID= AND Profile". I may be wrong though.

- Add an option to import the latest photo uploaded in the default album for each user as their profile picture upon installation, as for sites that have been going on for a while, users already have pictures appearing in their profiles which is always something that attracts users to check on other people's profiles. If the photos reset to the default icon in the profile for everyone, the result to the site's traffic is catastrophic.


- Fix the language key in the configuration screen for the "back to admin" link in MegaProfile. Currently it's set to:  _ibdw_1col_backadmin

9 Mar 2011

I've been going thru the thread but haven't seen an answer to this question: how can I assign a profile pic to the 1000s of users I already have? Right now their profile page has a huge generic icon on it where there picture used to be.


Also, the photo uploader and crop tool seems to be getting lost behind the middle row on the Profile page. I grabbed a screen cap.





cropBehind.jpg · 54.4K · 518 views
bigEmpty.jpg · 48.3K · 487 views
9 Mar 2011

totally agree with aMUSiC!

http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro
9 Mar 2011

How to change 'occupation' to 'profession' in mega profile???

10 Mar 2011


After fiddling with MegaProfile for a while, here are a few suggestions that I believe are either important or beneficial:


- Option to set the compression/quality level for thumbnails in the config (right now the compression is so big that it makes the thumbnails look terrible)

- Fix the image uploader/cropper to handle PNG images that have transparency (alpha channel) properly, instead of filling the  transparent parts with black (bello, contact me and I can send you the code needed for that, as I've already made it for an image cropper I did for another site)

- Add an option to have an icon next to each action link in the megaprofile box like in dolphin's default action box.

- Add the ability to select an image from any of your albums, not just the default one.

- Support interoperability with spywall. I think I read somewhere that this is already supported, but every time I uploaded a new profile photo, I didn't see an entry in spywall

- Add support for the display of dolphin's regular avatars instead of the custom ones, just like you do for spywall

- Add support to automatically detect all profile fields (user added as well) in the configuration and then provide the ability to the admin to select which ones to display (not just date of birth, email, relationship etc).

- Add the option to display Age instead of Date of Birth.

- Move the popup box for the image uploader to the center of the screen, as it tends to  appear below the top menu of the site.

- Make the popup box bigger to accommodate for larger uploaded images (to the extent possible)

-  Fix the "sys_block_list" database error. My suspicion is that it happens whenever a guest tries to view someone's profile (hence there is no id number for "ID= AND Profile". I may be wrong though.

- Add an option to import the latest photo uploaded in the default album for each user as their profile picture upon installation, as for sites that have been going on for a while, users already have pictures appearing in their profiles which is always something that attracts users to check on other people's profiles. If the photos reset to the default icon in the profile for everyone, the result to the site's traffic is catastrophic.


- Fix the language key in the configuration screen for the "back to admin" link in MegaProfile. Currently it's set to:  _ibdw_1col_backadmin


we have published a new update:


1) fix the language bug for "back to admin" link

2) improves the set as avatar method

3) adds the german language

4) adds the capability to choose to display the birthday or the age


IMPORTANT: the error in the query is due to the fact that you allows the block view to the guest. It's not correct, all our modules can be displayed only from the members. A guest has not an ID, so what blocked members for this user?


Also, we have planned to add your request about the compression factor. So...stay tuned!

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Mar 2011


I've been going thru the thread but haven't seen an answer to this question: how can I assign a profile pic to the 1000s of users I already have? Right now their profile page has a huge generic icon on it where there picture used to be.


Also, the photo uploader and crop tool seems to be getting lost behind the middle row on the Profile page. I grabbed a screen cap.





the profile image is the default dolphin male/female image and it's correct. The member must set own image that is a different thing respect to the avatar.

The largest of the image is conditioned by the largest of the column where you have put the megaprofile block.

If you have a very big size for the image maybe someting is wrong.

We invite to visit the demo site (http://demo.italiansworldwide) to compare and check the behaviour of the module in your site.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Mar 2011


IMPORTANT: the error in the query is due to the fact that you allows the block view to the guest. It's not correct, all our modules can be displayed only from the members. A guest has not an ID, so what blocked members for this user?

There are sites that allow profile pages to be viewed by guests. As such the block should be viewable by a guest, but with reduced functionality, such as display only the profile photo, links to photo and video albums, the photo and album sections etc.

10 Mar 2011



I've been going thru the thread but haven't seen an answer to this question: how can I assign a profile pic to the 1000s of users I already have? Right now their profile page has a huge generic icon on it where there picture used to be.


Also, the photo uploader and crop tool seems to be getting lost behind the middle row on the Profile page. I grabbed a screen cap.





the profile image is the default dolphin male/female image and it's correct. The member must set own image that is a different thing respect to the avatar.



For my members that already have uploaded and selected a profile picture: http://www.etalentshowcase.com/BlaireBand , nothing shows up in the MegaProfile. The only picture there is the defaul dolphin image.

10 Mar 2011

That default avatar image isn't an icon, it's an image. Just go change it to whatever you want would be my suggestion...

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
10 Mar 2011


That default avatar image isn't an icon, it's an image. Just go change it to whatever you want would be my suggestion...


Is that to me? If so, the avatars are still there and unaffected.


The profile pictures are removed from the profile page when the MegaProfile is installed, that's the problem I'm having. I'm sure this isn't designed to blank out all the members profile pics and replace them with the generic icon, so I'm just trying to find out what the issue is.

10 Mar 2011

LOL, this is a long thread and I don't want to go back through it. Someone wanted to be able to change the default avatar image to something else. I was just pointing out they could create their own and just switch it on the server. Problem solved.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
10 Mar 2011

I wrote a quick hack for megaprofile that will import the latest uploaded image of each user as their megaprofile profile picture. Save this into a php file on your server (edit the configuration values to include your database values) and run it only once. Then you can safely delete the file. This code is provided as is, it has not been thoroughly tested on many installations but It Should Work™ .


// Configuration Variables

$server = 'localhost';
$user = 'your_username';
$pass = 'your_password';
$database = 'your_database_name';

// End Configuration Variables

$link = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass);

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
mysql_query('SET NAMES "UTF8"');

$query = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY `ID` ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$photo_query = "SELECT `Hash` FROM `bx_photos_main` WHERE `Owner` = " . $a['ID'] ." AND `Status` = 'approved' ORDER BY `Date` DESC LIMIT 1";
$photo_result = mysql_query($photo_query);
$b = mysql_fetch_assoc($photo_result);
$ibdw_query = "SELECT `Owner` FROM `ibdw_mega_profile` WHERE `Owner` = " . $a['ID']. " LIMIT 1";
$ibdw_result = mysql_query($ibdw_query);
$c = mysql_fetch_assoc($ibdw_result);
if (isset($b['Hash']) && $b['Hash'] != '' && !isset($c['Owner'])) {
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO `ibdw_mega_profile` (`Owner`,`Hash`) VALUES (".$a['ID'].", '".$b['Hash']."')";
$insert_result = mysql_query($insert_query);
echo "done";


11 Mar 2011

I'm really tempted to try it. I'll back everything up and then let you know.

11 Mar 2011

 How do I do this..

"(edit the configuration values to include your database values) and run it only once." I want to try as well and thank you...

I wrote a quick hack for megaprofile that will import the latest uploaded image of each user as their megaprofile profile picture. Save this into a php file on your server (edit the configuration values to include your database values) and run it only once. Then you can safely delete the file. This code is provided as is, it has not been thoroughly tested on many installations but It Should Work™ .


// Configuration Variables

$server = 'localhost';
$user = 'your_username';
$pass = 'your_password';
$database = 'your_database_name';

// End Configuration Variables

$link = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass);

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
mysql_query('SET NAMES "UTF8"');

$query = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' ORDER BY `ID` ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$photo_query = "SELECT `Hash` FROM `bx_photos_main` WHERE `Owner` = " . $a['ID'] ." AND `Status` = 'approved' ORDER BY `Date` DESC LIMIT 1";
$photo_result = mysql_query($photo_query);
$b = mysql_fetch_assoc($photo_result);
$ibdw_query = "SELECT `Owner` FROM `ibdw_mega_profile` WHERE `Owner` = " . $a['ID']. " LIMIT 1";
$ibdw_result = mysql_query($ibdw_query);
$c = mysql_fetch_assoc($ibdw_result);
if (isset($b['Hash']) && $b['Hash'] != '' && !isset($c['Owner'])) {
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO `ibdw_mega_profile` (`Owner`,`Hash`) VALUES (".$a['ID'].", '".$b['Hash']."')";
$insert_result = mysql_query($insert_query);
echo "done";



11 Mar 2011


thanks for your scripts, it is working out of the box!

http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro
11 Mar 2011

At the top of the script locate these lines:

// Configuration Variables

$server = 'localhost';
$user = 'your_username';
$pass = 'your_password';
$database = 'your_database_name';

// End Configuration Variables


You need to enter the relevant information regarding your database credentials. As this is not a mod but a quick hack, I do not auto-detect these values from the dolphin installation, plus megaprofile is not my mod (though I'd really love to see this included in a next version of it).

$server is the address of your database server. 95% of the time you do not need to change the address as mysql runs in the same machine as the web server. You're pretty safe to leave it as 'localhost' or if that doesn't work use '' .

$user is the username of the account that accesses the database on behalf of dolphin. Some people use 'root', others use a dedicated user for that

$pass is the password of the user connecting to the databse.

$database is the name of the database that you have created for dolphin.


All these values have been set by you during installation of dolphin on your server. If someone else installed dolphin for you, you will have to ask them for these values.

This script requires almost no php knowledge to use, but it's far from being automated.


How do I do this..

"(edit the configuration values to include your database values) and run it only once." I want to try as well and thank you...


12 Mar 2011

There are two bugs in version 2.0 of megaprofile:


1) The option for Age and Date of birth in the configuration is reversed. If you select "Age" it shows the birth date on the profile, and if you select "BD" it shows the age.


2) When you select it to display the age, the age is wrong. For instance, for a guy that was born in March 1st 1979 it showed that he is 29 years old. Also for a profile that didn't have a birth date set, it showed that she was 11 years old.

14 Mar 2011

Solved with the last update MegaProfile 2.1.

Thank you for your report.


For the update from the version 2.0, you can only overwrite the files:



For the previous version you must uninstall the module and then upload the new version and install the module.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
14 Mar 2011

What about the change picture option being in the middle or being bigger

Solved with the last update MegaProfile 2.1.

Thank you for your report.


For the update from the version 2.0, you can only overwrite the files:



For the previous version you must uninstall the module and then upload the new version and install the module.


What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook
14 Mar 2011

I have made ALL the recent Megaprofile updates...


Having changed the name from Megaprofile to 'Profile', with each 'update'  I have accumulated 6 'profile' tabs, how do I get rid of them?

Thanks in advance,


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
17 Mar 2011


I have made ALL the recent Megaprofile updates...


Having changed the name from Megaprofile to 'Profile', with each 'update'  I have accumulated 6 'profile' tabs, how do I get rid of them?

Thanks in advance,



you can delete the old item called "Profile" then rename the last item "megaprofile" to "profile"

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
17 Mar 2011

And just how do I delete them???


you can delete the old item called "Profile" then rename the last item "megaprofile" to "profile"


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
17 Mar 2011

In friends list of the particular user i m using real names and it is causing hiding of names behind the avatars.... have a look at screenshot...

mega.png · 97.6K · 464 views
19 Mar 2011


In friends list of the particular user i m using real names and it is causing hiding of names behind the avatars.... have a look at screenshot...

In fact in the configuration it's suggested to display the name only if you use the nickname.

In each case you can adjust via css the style to use the real name.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Mar 2011

One Question - In the information section, how do i add custom items i added in the join form?

For example i have a field for affiliations (clubs) and i request that info on join and i want it to show in the profile under the information section.

Do you plan to all customization of this section to allow us to add more info in that section other than your default?

28 Mar 2011


One Question - In the information section, how do i add custom items i added in the join form?

For example i have a field for affiliations (clubs) and i request that info on join and i want it to show in the profile under the information section.

Do you plan to all customization of this section to allow us to add more info in that section other than your default?

For customization request please, write to info@ilbellodelweb.it

The standard version supports the standard fields of the informations table.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Mar 2011


Today we have released the new version of all our modules for the compatibility with D7.0.6

The update to D7.0.6 (and so to the last versions of our modules) is recommended (http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Dolphin_7_0_6_Released_Important_service_update_)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
28 Mar 2011

Ok, so here is something one of my users asked.

"When i login and i am taken to my account dashboard, where to i upload or change my profile photo?"

Now while i think it's simple using the megaprofile, my user does have a point. Shouldn't there be a simple section on the user account page that controls the mega profile and it's appearance?


Unless i am totally missing something.

8 Apr 2011


Ok, so here is something one of my users asked.

"When i login and i am taken to my account dashboard, where to i upload or change my profile photo?"

Now while i think it's simple using the megaprofile, my user does have a point. Shouldn't there be a simple section on the user account page that controls the mega profile and it's appearance?


Unless i am totally missing something.


We have answer directly to your email after the site check.

You have some problem with the Ray service, in fact you can't use the webcam also in the module Boonex Photos.

The photo from your album is displayed correctly to your megaprofile.

Also we suggest to upload the module to the current version2.3

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Apr 2011

Thanks for that info, yes my RMS was fixed, but my post on here was directed to the users ability to edit the megaprofile from their account/dashboard, rather then on their profile.

Will there be the possiblity in the future to also have a block on the accounts page where you can control your megaprofile section?

10 Apr 2011

Feature Request.....Please!


Is there a way to randomize the friends that are displayed in the friends block?

26 May 2011

Challenge or error....within newsfeeds.


When it shows “Member A” is now friends with “Member B” it takes you to “A’s” profile regardless of which user you click. This is wrong and the only place it is working incorrectly.

26 May 2011


Feature Request.....Please!


Is there a way to randomize the friends that are displayed in the friends block?

 This is a good request....

Also I think can be interesting to allow (to the administrator) to choose the random results also for the mutual friends.

In these days we will add this feature.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
26 May 2011


Challenge or error....within newsfeeds.


When it shows “Member A” is now friends with “Member B” it takes you to “A’s” profile regardless of which user you click. This is wrong and the only place it is working incorrectly.


are you sure? try on the demo site http://demo.italiansworldwide.com

Here we have not this type of error. Also, for SpyWall, please write in the correct topic:


Let us know

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
26 May 2011


we have released the new MegaProfile 2.5

that allows to display the friends and the mutual friends randomly.

To use this version you must uninstall and reinstall the previous installation (this dont removes the images of the profiles)

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
30 May 2011

June 3, solved the problem of the transparent PNG.

This fix is available with the new version 2.6

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
3 Jun 2011


today we have published the new release of MegaProfile.

What news?

1) Now it supports the COUPLE of Profiles

2) Improves the privacy

3) use the small thumbs for the local video preview

4) you can set the max image filesize. The module configurator also display the max value available for your php settings.


PLEASE NOTE: with the first upload of this morning (MegaProfile 2.7) we have used an old file for the install.sql. This was fixed immediatly with this version.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Jun 2011

I have a good idea.

-for first , as well as video and photo, insert system  files and sounds.

-for second for all (video,photo,files,sounds) ability to create playlists.

10 Jun 2011

Why do I get this error when I set it to viewable for guest and member? I only get the error when I allow guest to view. Member only works fine.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

Give me something to believe in...
13 Jun 2011


I have a good idea.

-for first , as well as video and photo, insert system  files and sounds.

-for second for all (video,photo,files,sounds) ability to create playlists.

Maybe...for the next updates

Today we have published the version 3.3 that fix some little bug:

1) now you can translate the title directly from the language file (not by the Block via builder)

2) the subscription button works now even if you have not put the Actions block in the profile page.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Jul 2011

Need Support on this one!


I have installed Mega Profile and its good.


How ever, how do I set all of my site members avatar to profile picture in Mega Profile? Right now it's my standard avatar. Help?

14 Aug 2011

Anyone know how to uninstall this module?


I made a copy of my live site and installed it on my development machine, but it's impossible to just uninstall the module. All the Profile pages stop working. Awaiting a response from the developer. I don't want to start hacking around in the ibdw_mega_profile or megaprofiles tables in the database.



16 Aug 2011


Ability to edit profile photo on account page.

The argument about if to use avatars, what avatars are and all this is one thing. But the simple ability to have an easy and user friendly way to navigate to change profile photo is lacking. By default most sites allow you to add/edit your profile photo via your account/dashboard or whatever administrative page and while putting a "read me" or " help" button is an option, in general less than 10% of social networking users ever visit help/faq/tos/toc pages. So as such it would be beneficial to simple add a section on the dashboard for the user to control the ability to change their profile photo.

7 Sep 2011

1)  I am trying to understand why everything throughout the site has categories and tags but for some reason the profiles do not? As a person who wants to be found both would help my profile be found by more than just a title.  The title in this case is the category and no chance to get more specific once a person finds the title/category this would be a great addition to the profiles.

2) I can't see why in the world with the platform that Dolphin offers that the profile pictures could be replaced with a "VIDEO," introduction by the profile person this would be a great addition to your mod...........People have asked how do I ad video's to my profile page but they really would love the opportunity to have a video introduction to their profile page.................

30 Sep 2011

Released IBDW MegaProfile 4.0

compatible with D7.0.0-D7.0.8

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
27 Oct 2011

Released MegaProfile 4.1

that allow to manage the custom link directly from the administration of the module.

Into the file zip you can see the how to (extralink.txt) to add new link.

If you have not experience with php/js and you want add new links to the menu (for both the profile pages (my profile and other profiles) you can require a quote to info@ilbellodelweb.it

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
2 Dec 2011

Suggestion- As we can see in twitter some profiles are verified, so can there be a verified status in megaprofile??

Like those members who mail us their identity proofs, then get their profile verified.

3 Dec 2011

saurav: there is already verified mod from modzz

3 Dec 2011

We are glad to inform you about the release of MegaProfile 4.2

This version improves the management of the profile photo and the "set as avatar" feature.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
22 Dec 2011

Does anyone know if GUESTS still have the inability to view profiles with this module? It's extremely important to have some profiles viewable by guests in my situation.



26 Dec 2011

MegaProfile allows to show some informations (not all) to the guest if you sent the visibility of the block "Profile" for member and guest

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
5 Jan 2012

Installed 4.2. The megaprofile block is not available in the page blocks/profile page.

http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
9 Jan 2012


Installed 4.2. The megaprofile block is not available in the page blocks/profile page.

 Hello SkyForum,

contact us (PM) and give us the credentials to check your site.


See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
9 Jan 2012


Is it possible to change displayed name of Megaprofile block on profile page to profile owner's username, so when you watch the profile page the username is shown above the profile image?

Thank you in advance!

9 Jan 2012

I PM'd my credentials yesterday, still waiting for a response.



http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net!
10 Jan 2012


I PM'd my credentials yesterday, still waiting for a response.




See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Jan 2012



Is it possible to change displayed name of Megaprofile block on profile page to profile owner's username, so when you watch the profile page the username is shown above the profile image?

Thank you in advance!

 Sorry, not

If I've understood what you means you want display the username in the title of the block. Let me know

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
10 Jan 2012




Is it possible to change displayed name of Megaprofile block on profile page to profile owner's username, so when you watch the profile page the username is shown above the profile image?

Thank you in advance!

 Sorry, not

If I've understood what you means you want display the username in the title of the block. Let me know


10 Jan 2012

More questions:

Is it possible to add simple messenger form to profile actions block?

And as a suggestion, would recommend to add an option to display both date of birthday and user's age.


15 Jan 2012

How do we show the action buttons
When the profile  User  Private 

Such as: Befriend?

23 Feb 2012


More questions:

Is it possible to add simple messenger form to profile actions block?

And as a suggestion, would recommend to add an option to display both date of birthday and user's age.


For this it's needed a little customization, by default it's not possible. If you are interested you can contact us via Unity messages or via email at info@ilbellodelweb.it

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Mar 2012


How do we show the action buttons
When the profile  User  Private 

Such as: Befriend?

In megaprofile, only if you are friends you can get private informations.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Mar 2012

Today we have released a new update (not mandatory for who have already installed the version 4.4)

This update only adds the default couple image (man+woman as a single image). So only if this is an important feature for you we suggest the update, otherwise not.

If you want change this default image you can edit the file ibdw/megaprofile/templates/base/images/couple.gif

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Mar 2012

Released MegaProfile 4.7 that solve a bug with the video's link in the menu of the "my profile" page.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Apr 2012

Released MegaProfile 4.8

This is not an important update because only solve a call to a not existent image.

If you has already installed the ver. 4.7, you can just overwrite the file core.php



See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 Apr 2012

Hello ilbellodelweb,

I'm interested by your module. I did my tests on your demo website. I saw that in order to load a new avatar (from an album or by uploading or taking a photo with camera), i have to go to my profile page.

Is there a way to have the same functionnality on the dashboard with the actual version ?

On the dashboard, when I click on my avatar, I'm redirected to my profile page instead of changing my avatar.

Thank you.

23 May 2012

Released MegaProfile 5.0

This version dont display the hidden albums

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
12 Jun 2012


Hello ilbellodelweb,

I'm interested by your module. I did my tests on your demo website. I saw that in order to load a new avatar (from an album or by uploading or taking a photo with camera), i have to go to my profile page.

Is there a way to have the same functionnality on the dashboard with the actual version ?

On the dashboard, when I click on my avatar, I'm redirected to my profile page instead of changing my avatar.

Thank you.

We have replayed to you via Unity message area.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
12 Jun 2012

Released the MegaProfile 5.1

For who already use MP 5.0 just you must overwrite the file extralink.php

This update allows to add custom links that contain the variable {ProfileNick}

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
11 Jul 2012

The new update forces the style


.page_block_container {
.page_block_container {

because some sites are affects by this style (opacity:0.99)

If you have installed the version of MegaProfile 5.1 and you have this problem, you can just overwrite the file modules/ibdw/megaprofile/templates/uni/css/style.css
See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
31 Jul 2012

Enhancement: For the avatar's in the "Friends" and "Mutual Friends" block. Can you please have it so the proper gender's default avatar is displayed instead of the visitor_small.gif?

4 Aug 2012


Enhancement: For the avatar's in the "Friends" and "Mutual Friends" block. Can you please have it so the proper gender's default avatar is displayed instead of the visitor_small.gif?

Thanks for the report. We released the version 5.3 for MegaProfile, that solve this issue.

If you have installed the previous version 5.2 you can just overwrite the file core.php



See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
4 Aug 2012

fantastic, thanks!

4 Aug 2012

Found a privacy issue related to avatar. If the option to use the first photo of an album is enabled, it will show the photo regardless of the privacy setting of the album. Can this be fixed?


Also, what are the requirements to have the avatar shown? I have a lot showing up as the <gender>_big.gif, when they do have an actual avatar set. I did just install megaprofile.... so maybe it will it not show them if they did not copy the avatar to their albums and before MP was installed... ?


Can the site avatar's be used if they are set? Even if the image space need to be shrinked....

5 Aug 2012

Enhancement Request: Is it possible to show the simple messenger chat box if they are online? And ideally show it based on their membership actions? So if the user be sing viewed, is online, but doen't have the "use simple chat" action, the chat box shouldn't appear... also, if the user viewing the profile doen't have the permissions, the box shouldn't appear either...

5 Aug 2012

Enhancement Request: Can you add confirmation dialogs to the "Report Spam",  "Block" and "Remove Friend" actions? 

6 Aug 2012

BUG: If the user's description has ' or ,  character within it, and the description is longer than the "Profile Description Max Chars" then your "Read More" link does not work...

10 Aug 2012


BUG: If the user's description has ' or ,  character within it, and the description is longer than the "Profile Description Max Chars" then your "Read More" link does not work...

Released the new update for MegaProfile (version 5.4)

About this update:

  • added the new feature "chat" (simple messenger). The administrator can disable this feature of enable the chat just for friends or for all the members of the site
  • new look for the MegaProfile block, in respect of the style introduced by the new generation of modules "EVO"
  • fixed the latest bugs

Tu upgrade your version, you must uninstall the previous version and install the new.

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
13 Aug 2012

Released MegaProfile 5.5 with other fix with the new style "EVO" and other minor bugs.

If you have already installed the version 5.4, you can just overwrite the files and empty the cache

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
20 Aug 2012

Released MegaProfile 5.7

  • Added the Music link (you can enable or disable this feature)
  • Fixed some minor bugs.

To use this version you must uninstall the previous, upload the files and then install the ver. 5.7

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
25 Sep 2012

I think a really good feature to add would be a USEFUL report profile function. Boonex doesn't seem to want to improve this so you guys are  the ones to call on! :)

Really though, the report button should have a selection of available reasons to be reported. Ideally this list would be customizable however some reason that come to mind to have as default: Underage, Wrong Gender, Terms Violation, Harassment and Other. Also, should be a small text box which would allow the reporter to provide some more details (optional) as to why they are reporting the user...

That report would then be sent out via email to the admin, or even possibly, just to the local msg system if a list of user's could be defined as recipients to the spam/abuse reports.

26 Sep 2012

Released MegaProfile 5.8

  • Added the compatibility for D7.1.0 (Osho)
  • Minor bugs fixed.

If you use D7.0.X (not Osho), and you have already installed the previous version 5.7, you can only overwrite the file core.php

See my products at http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ilbellodelweb | Hosting: zarconia.net
16 Oct 2012

Are my suggestions being considered?

I have another one.


A big part of dating sites, is seeing what the other person is interested in, their persona details, height, weight etc... However all these details at inaccessible when just using the mega profile . I'd like to see the option to include ANY fields you have created in the fields builder.  Or at least, a link to a popup that has their profile details.

Also.. a current issue with the existing ones when using a pre-defined list (such as I've done for City), the data displayed is from the Value column and not the LKEY which is should be. The problem is because there ARE many places with the same name. The VALUE column can not have duplicates, but the LKEY can so the Value will contain data that is not actually the way I want it displayed since it has some random characters added to it, to make it unique.


Hope this makes sense, and please... reply so I know you if you may consider any of my last 4-5 suggestions.



31 Oct 2012
7 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.