Forced matrix with Affiliate\Referrals system 2.0 from AntonLV

Hello everybody.

This is a support forum for our Forced matrix with Affiliate\Referrals system 2.0 module.

If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.


Best Regards AntonLV -
16 Apr 2012

I had bought your mod 3 months ago. Is there any option to upgrade it ?

18 Apr 2012


I had bought your mod 3 months ago. Is there any option to upgrade it ?

 Sure, you just need to pay the difference between versions. If you have our previous Forced Matrix for Affiliate\Referrals System, you need to pay $50. Please, contact us via internal mail box for more details.

Best Regards AntonLV -
18 Apr 2012


Product was updated.

Several corrections and bug fixes were done.

Best Regards AntonLV -
19 Jul 2012


New 2.0.5 version was released.

New features were added:

  1. Allows to place block with member's referral link on most popular pages of the site such as: ads, article, blog, event, group ,news ,photo ,video ,sound ,site ,store ,profile. Administration of the site can remove block with referral link from any of listed pages. We think, this option will make members more active, because allows to send referral links on interesting pages.
  2. Now you can reward members for any number of directly invited members with membership level.
Best Regards AntonLV -
5 Sep 2012

Is there any documentation on how to configure the commission plan in the matrix?  I'm a bit confused.

join in $?

Upgrade % of price?


If I want to charge $9.95 per month for premium membership how to I configure the matrix to payout the following for referrals:

Level 1: 15%

Level 2: 3%

Level 3: 2%

Level 4: 1%

2 Oct 2012
2.Now you can reward members for any number of directly invited members with membership level. This is awsome news Anton. Does it use the FB inviter or another that the user must use to invite people? I will be using this. A very happy... Nathan : )
2 Oct 2012

Hello, !

Is there any documentation on how to configure the commission plan in the matrix?  I'm a bit confused.

join in $?
Upgrade % of price?
If I want to charge $9.95 per month for premium membership how to I configure the matrix to payout the following for referrals:

Level 1: 15%
Level 2: 3%
Level 3: 2%
Level 4: 1%

We have no special user's documentation for Forced Matrix System, all main features described on product's page, but we can answer on all your questions. 

join in $ - in this column you can set integer or double values. These values will be used as commissions in your current currency. For example: if you set 0.25 near level 2, then each matrix's owner will get 25 cents for every new joined member on level 1.

Upgrade % of price - it is percentage of price of membership level. You can put to this column only integer values. For example if you set 10 for level 3, then matrix's owner will get 10% from every level's 3 member which upgraded his/her membership level up to paid  membership level.

Concerning your example:

$9.95 per month for premium membership

Level 1: 15%

Level 2: 3%

Level 3: 2%

Level 4: 1%

In this case if member from level 1 upgrades up to premium membership level matrix's owner will get %15 from $9.95 = $1.49 and so on..

Level 1: 15% payout = $1.49
level 2:  3%  payout = $0.29
level 3:  2%  payout = $0.19
level 4:  1%  payout = $0.09

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Oct 2012

Hello, Nathan :)


Does it use the FB inviter or another that the user must use to invite people?

Yes, you can use FB inviter and any other invitation methods which integrated to our Forced Matrix and Affiliate\System mods.

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Oct 2012


join in $ - in this column you can set integer or double values. These values will be used as commissions in your current currency. For example: if you set 0.25 near level 2, then each matrix's owner will get 25 cents for every new joined member on level 1.

Upgrade % of price - it is percentage of price of membership level. You can put to this column only integer values. For example if you set 10 for level 3, then matrix's owner will get 10% from every level's 3 member which upgraded his/her membership level up to paid  membership level.

Thanks for the response.  Now, the question is do I configure one or both? If both how does it work together?  I need to be able to explain this to my members.


2 Oct 2012


Thanks for the response.  Now, the question is do I configure one or both? If both how does it work together?  I need to be able to explain this to my members.

If you like to pay commissions only to users which have in their matrices members with upgraded membership levels (bought membership level), then you need to fill Upgrade % of price column only. In other words, you will pay commissions only for bought membership levels.


If you like to pay commissions to members who invited new members to their matrices you need to fill join in $ column.


Also you can set both options  in this case you as site vendor will pay commissions for new members in matrix and for members which upgraded membership level in this matrix.

Example: If member B invited member A, then B will get commission for this member from join in $ column.
If member A upgraded his/her membership level, then member B will get comission from column Upgrade % of price

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Oct 2012

Example: If member B invited member A, then B will get commission for this member from join in $ column.
If member A upgraded his/her membership level, then member B will get comission from column Upgrade % of price

If I understand you correctly;

join in $ - member B will receive commission when invited, member A, joins based on the set amount regardless of it's a free or paid membership.

upgrade % of price - member B will receive commission when member A upgrades to a paid membership based on the set %

I really appreciate the superb support you're providing.  Awesome mod BTW. 

2 Oct 2012

join in $ - member B will receive commission when invited, member A, joins based on the set amount regardless of it's a free or paid membership.

Yes, if user A just joins by referral or affiliate link which was sent by member B, then member B will get commission.


upgrade % of price - member B will receive commission when member A upgrades to a paid membership based on the set %

Yes, exactly :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
3 Oct 2012


i had the following questions


If i have a 3 x 8 forced matrix.

  1. member A brings in member B and member B brings in Member C does Member A get paid on member C?
  2. If member A gets paid on 8 levels does member B get paid only on 7 levels or does member B create his own Level 1 -8 ?
31 Oct 2012

Hello, Ben!


If i have a 3 x 8 forced matrix.

1. member A brings in member B and member B brings in Member C does Member A get paid on member C?     

2. If member A gets paid on 8 levels does member B get paid only on 7 levels or does member B create his own Level 1 -8 ?


1. If you mean commissions, then yes. Member A can get commissions from member C, if member C upgraded or joined by member's A or B referral link.

2. Yes, each member has his/her own 8 levels in matrix. For each member level begins from his/her position (0 level).

Best Regards AntonLV -
31 Oct 2012


A couple of questions.  If you have a membership set at $5 per month - is there a way to set it up so that it pays out on a monthly basis and not a one time payout for just joining?

Can it pay out commissions on items sold on from the Dolphin store.

Thank you.

2 Nov 2012



 A couple of questions.  If you have a membership set at $5 per month - is there a way to set it up so that it pays out on a monthly basis and not a one time payout for just joining?
Can it pay out commissions on items sold on from the Dolphin store.

Our system allows to earn commission for referred members' joins and for referred members' upgrades.
If referred member upgrades every month/day, then inviter(sponsor) will get commissions every month/day.  Commissions will be sent to sponsor every time when referred member upgrades.

About store: In current version we have no this feature, but maybe we include it to the next release. If you like, we can make it for you but as modification.

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Nov 2012

Thank you for the quick response on my above questions.

I have what might be a tough question this time:

Is  this system legal?  I've been researching MLM's and just selling memberships in the USA and most other countries is viewed as a ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme and will get you into trouble.

This sounds like a great system but since you have "pay-to-play" commissions, then the government might take a second look at your business.

Thank you.

2 Nov 2012


Is  this system legal?  I've been researching MLM's and just selling memberships in the USA and most other countries is viewed as a ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme and will get you into trouble.
This sounds like a great system but since you have "pay-to-play" commissions, then the government might take a second look at your business.

Yes, our Forced Matrix systems are legal.
Using these systems the owner of the site can not compel the users to make entrance fee (first payment) to start earning (that defines all unlegal pyramids schemes). In our Forced Matrix members can earn money without entrance fee, thus sites' owners pay members for their work (but members don't get money directly from payments of refereed users). It works like standard affiliate or referrals system, but using different algorithms.


P.S. In the name of our mod "Force.." means Cascade (when each level is filled up after the previous one).

Best Regards AntonLV -
7 Nov 2012



Is  this system legal?  I've been researching MLM's and just selling memberships in the USA and most other countries is viewed as a ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme and will get you into trouble.
This sounds like a great system but since you have "pay-to-play" commissions, then the government might take a second look at your business.

Yes, our Forced Matrix systems are legal.
Using these systems the owner of the site can not compel the users to make entrance fee (first payment) to start earning (that defines all unlegal pyramids schemes). In our Forced Matrix members can earn money without entrance fee, thus sites' owners pay members for their work (but members don't get money directly from payments of refereed users). It works like standard affiliate or referrals system, but using different algorithms.


P.S. In the name of our mod "Force.." means Cascade (when each level is filled up after the previous one).

 Thanks for clearing it up for me. My research confirms what you are saying and that your system could not be considered a Ponzi/Pyramid system.

12 Nov 2012

Once you refer someone and they upgrade their membership to a monthly membership fee. Can the affiliate get a recurring commission?

13 Nov 2012


Once you refer someone and they upgrade their membership to a monthly membership fee. Can the affiliate get a recurring commission?

Yes, referral gets commissions every time when referred member upgrades (if you enabled commissions for membership upgrades). 

Best Regards AntonLV -
14 Nov 2012

Just curious when will this module be compatible with D7.1?

20 Nov 2012


Module was updated and it is available for new 7.1 now!

Best Regards AntonLV -
21 Nov 2012

Hi Anton, have to say this mod looks very interesting to me... has opened up so many ideas on how to use it but have some questions also!

Please can you clarify the following for me :-)


1 - does this module only work with default dolphin paid membership setup, or can it also work with martinboi's subscription management module (allows automatic subscription payments).

2 - if it is used with default paid membership setup and I invite member 'test' who then pays to upgrade. I get commission on his payment. If he then misses a month, does he leave my matrix permanently or if he takes a month off then returns, does he automatically rejoin my matrix?

3 - in the description is says if members setup their payment info in account settings. I take it this is same place as they put for store payments? (account - payments - settings)?

4 - mass payment feature. Is this unlimited for ALL members, or just 255 at a time?

5 - can you explain what 'spillover' feature is please? noticed it on one of the screenshots.

One last point just to clarify please!

If I set a matrix of 3 wide and 3 levels, I then charge £4 for paid membership.

Can I set it so that every member of every level gets £1 for a paid join.

I invite 3 people to fill level 1. I get £1 per person (£3)

My level 1 invitees invite 3 people each. They then start their own matrix and get £1 per person. I also get £1 per person from them as they are my level 2... (£9)

Same for level 3...


Each new member effectively starts their own 3x3 matrix with payments going 3 levels deep.


Sounds like an incredibly powerful module to me if all this is correct!

thanks for your time, appreciate your response.

26 Dec 2012

Hi, :)

1 - does this module only work with default dolphin paid membership setup, or can it also work with martinboi's subscription management module (allows automatic subscription payments). I am not familiar with martinboi's subscription module, but I think it will work fine without any additional changes, because we use only standard Dolphin's functions for membership upgrades.

2 - if it is used with default paid membership setup and I invite member 'test' who then pays to upgrade. I get commission on his payment. If he then misses a month, does he leave my matrix permanently or if he takes a month off then returns, does he automatically rejoin my matrix? Member "test" will not be removed from the matrix (if he/she missed one month). It will stay in your matrix, but you will get commission for his/her upgrade only when he/she buys membership level. 

3 - in the description is says if members setup their payment info in account settings. I take it this is same place as they put for store payments? (account - payments - settings)?  Yes, exactly.

4 - mass payment feature. Is this unlimited for ALL members, or just 255 at a time? Only admin can pay commission to all members. This feature works only for administration of the site. You as admin will be able to send commission to all members who installed their paypal details in account settings in the same time. 

5 - can you explain what 'spillover' feature is please? noticed it on one of the screenshots.  This feature allows to all members in your matrix to fill their matrices by your directly invited members, but only if your matrix is already filled.

One last point just to clarify please!
If I set a matrix of 3 wide and 3 levels, I then charge £4 for paid membership.
Can I set it so that every member of every level gets £1 for a paid join.
I invite 3 people to fill level 1. I get £1 per person (£3)My level 1 invitees invite 3 people each.
They then start their own matrix and get £1 per person. I also get £1 per person from them as they are my level 2... (£9)
Same for level 3...
Each new member effectively starts their own 3x3 matrix with payments going 3 levels deep.

Yes, you can set static commission for each level for new joined member, but for membership upgrade you can set only percentage of membership price in default module version.
For example: If membership costs £4 and you want to pay commission £1 for each upgraded member, then you need to set 25% commission for upgrades.   

Best Regards AntonLV -
26 Dec 2012

 Thanks for answering question!

So, the point below just to clarify, you could set a fixed amount commission (£1 from example) which would only effect NEW joins, then set 25% on upgrades which would only effect UPGRADES...

I guess this would also allow to set different rates for each!

Very interested in this mod. Will prob buy this especially with the sale currently on!

Thanks Anton

Yes, you can set static commission for each level for new joined member, but for membership upgrade you can set only percentage of membership price in default module version.
For example: If membership costs £4 and you want to pay commission £1 for each upgraded member, then you need to set 25% commission for upgrades.   


26 Dec 2012

So, the point below just to clarify, you could set a fixed amount commission (£1 from example) which would only effect NEW joins, then set 25% on upgrades which would only effect UPGRADES...
I guess this would also allow to set different rates for each!

Yes, right! You also can set different percentage values for upgrades and static values for different matrix's levels and membership levels.

Best Regards AntonLV -
27 Dec 2012

If a member in the matrix is inactive (does not pay monthly or is a free member) and they have a paid members below them, does the matrix compress up for commissions?

Second scenario: Can the matrix be configured to pay 3 levels for membership level "A" and 5 levels for or membership level "B"  and so on?

Third scenario: Can the matrix be configured to pay 3 levels for an active membership and 4 levels if you personally enroll 4, pay 5 levels if you enroll 5 etc.

19 Jan 2013


If a member in the matrix is inactive (does not pay monthly or is a free member) and they have a paid members below them, does the matrix compress up for commissions? Matrix exists for all members, but inactive members will not get commissions for activities of their referred members.


Second scenario: Can the matrix be configured to pay 3 levels for membership level "A" and 5 levels for or membership level "B"  and so on? Yes, you can set different number of levels for each membership level, but matrix width has to be the same for all membership levels.

Third scenario: Can the matrix be configured to pay 3 levels for an active membership and 4 levels if you personally enroll 4, pay 5 levels if you enroll 5 etc. If you mean to pay commissions only for direct invited members, then you just need to set commission values only for members from first level.

Best Regards AntonLV -
19 Jan 2013

I installed the module and I pay for paid memberships only.  Thus they get a percentage.  When I setup the commissions structure, I put $0 for join and then the appropriate % for the levels for the upgrade commissions.   Now when someone visits the referrals page and click on the View referrals matrix price information link, the attached is showed which shows the matrix but with no commission structure.  I need to change that to include the percentage upgrade commission's calculation so that they can see the commissions that will be earned for referring paid memberships.  Where and how can  I accomplish that?  Or if I put the dollar amount that they will earn in the $ column will it calculate both the dollar amount and the upgrade % amount?   There needs to be a way to show members how much they can earn under the upgrade % scenario.

paid memeberships.png · 60.4K · 715 views
15 Feb 2013



Yes, in default version members can see percentage only without result sum, because if you set percentage of a membership level's price and have several paid membership levels, members will get commissions for each of them, but on popup window must be only one column with result sum.

Best Regards AntonLV -
16 Feb 2013

Anton... First I'd like to thank you for your Patience in answer all of our questions... Perhaps you my want to read through these questions and create a reference manual. I think many of us maybe in fact asking the same questions... just differently.

So with that being said... Here are my questions... and as to your patience... You might really need it now!

First here are the facts (data) of my question:

Member ships:

1) Non-member =$0 (dolphin default that I wish I could get rid of)

2) Standard = $0 (yet another dolphin default that I wish I could get rid of)

3) trial member = $5

4) Green Member = $10

5) Biz member = $15

I have set up a 3 x 10 matrix:

And I want the percentage to be paid on each level: (commissions based on the new member's membership type)

Matrix level 1) 30%

Matrix level 2) 20%

Matrix level 3) 10%

Matrix level 4) 8%

Matrix level 5) 7%

Matrix level 6) 6%

Matrix level 7) 5%

Matrix level 8) 4%

Matrix level 9) 3%

Matrix level 10) 2%


Now here comes the issues...

1) If my "Member B" sends out a referral link... and her user, instead of buying a membership, chooses the default dolphin accounts by selecting a free membership (aka non-members or standard members) Do I still have to pay a commission when nothing was sold? I don't want to pay anything until the new user becomes a paid member. So I setup those account types (non-members or standard members) with ZERO $ and ZERO % in the matrix settings. But Will "My Member B" still see a new Free member... show up on their 1st level???

2) Lets say that a green member A signs up green member B...

Well that's simple, because they are both on the same membership plan... So A earns $3  (or 30%) of B's $10 membership


Here is where I'm lost...

3) Lets say that a green member A(who paid $10) signs up member B, who signs up as a Biz member (who pays $15)

I think your system only pays the $3 to member A... even though member B sign up at a higher membership.... Is that correct?


What I was hoping to see is that the Member A would be paid % based on member B membership price... The same should be true in reverse... after all... If member A is a Biz member... I don't want to have to pay him/her $4.5 on a new member B that only joined as a Green (which should be a $3 commission) or trial member (which should be a $1.5 commission). I want to pay the 30% of the membership price that the member B joins at.

Am I saying this right? Do you guys understand what I am asking? Doesn't it make sense? :-) The same should flow through to all of the matrix levels... For instance: I make 5% of whatever membership plan Price that a new member on the 7th level pays.

Currently, in the matrix settings, for all of my membership types I have both $ and % filled in... Maybe for this scenario I should have only filed in percentages???

4) Lastly a Forced Matrix question:

As a test... I created one new member (my "member B" -  1st possition-1st level) $15 membership

Then my "Member B" sends a referral link out (her first direct referral) to a new user (which now ends up being my 2nd possition-1st level)... <--- do to forced matrix... I get it... sort of lol.

But understandably... from the point of view of "My Member B... This should be her new "Member B" and is her 1st possition-1st level)

Now I understand that because This is a force matrix... the second member is forced to become my 2nd possition-1st level... but how does the commission payment work?

Do I get paid "first level commissions" on both my 1st and 2nd position on my 1st level? What commission does My Member B get for the referral? Am I having to pay twice?

I ask because if my Member B does still get paid... then I am paying twice... and if my "Member B" doesn't get any commission for the referral until I fill all three of my 1st level positions... what incentive do they have to continue to fill in their three?

In theory... This would mean that the 59,049 members on the 10th level... would have to wait to get paid unit all... 19,683 members on the 9th level... fill in their three as well?

Maybe I am not understanding this at all :-)

I'm just trying to avoid a total financial  meltdown... before my website and this matrix... go live.

Thanks again for your patience~

4 Mar 2013

Hello, !

1) If my "Member B" sends out a referral link... and her user, instead of buying a membership, chooses the default dolphin accounts by selecting a free membership (aka non-members or standard members) Do I still have to pay a commission when nothing was sold? I don't want to pay anything until the new user becomes a paid member. So I setup those account types (non-members or standard members) with ZERO $ and ZERO % in the matrix settings. But Will "My Member B" still see a new Free member... show up on their 1st level??? 


Non-members can not have matrix and can not be added to the matrix, because they are not join members(guest on the site) and have no profiles.


If you want to pay commissions to sponsors(inviters) only when their invited members buy membership level, then you need to fill upgrade % column in matrix's settings and to leave join $ column with ZERO. Free members also are placed to matrix and matrix's owner will get commission for them only when referred members buy paid membership level. 


2) Lets say that a green member A signs up green member B...
Well that's simple, because they are both on the same membership plan...
So A earns $3  (or 30%) of B's $10 membership plan. Here is where I'm lost...
Member A gets commission $3 from member's B upgrade, because member B on level 1 of member's A matrix. If member B invites new green member C then member A will get $2 (20%) and member B $3 (%30), because member C on level 2 for member A and on level 1 for member B.

3) Lets say that a green member A(who paid $10) signs up member B, who signs up as a Biz member (who pays $15)I think your system only pays the $3 to member A... even though member B sign up at a higher membership.... Is that correct? Commissions depends on membership level's price and on member's B level. In matrix settings you can set only percentage and this percentage uses for commissions calculation from membership price, thus if member B buys Biz then member A will get $4.5, because membership costs $15 and member B on level 1.


What I was hoping to see is that the Member A would be paid % based on member B membership price... The same should be true in reverse... after all... If member A is a Biz member... I don't want to have to pay him/her $4.5 on a new member B that only joined as a Green (which should be a $3 commission) or trial member (which should be a $1.5 commission). I want to pay the 30% of the membership price that the member B joins at. Yes, correct.


Am I saying this right? Do you guys understand what I am asking? Doesn't it make sense? :-) The same should flow through to all of the matrix levels...
For instance: I make 5% of whatever membership plan Price that a new member on the 7th level pays.Currently, in the matrix settings, for all of my membership types I have both $ and % filled in... Maybe for this scenario I should have only filed in percentages???
First column in matrix's settings under Join $ allows to set commission for members' joins.
Second column under Upgrade in %  allows to set commission as percent from membership price. 


4) Lastly a Forced Matrix question:As a test...
I created one new member (my "member B" -  1st possition-1st level) $15 membership

Then my "Member B" sends a referral link out (her first direct referral) to a new user (which now ends up being my 2nd possition-1st level)... <--- do to forced matrix... I get it... sort of lol.

But understandably... from the point of view of "My Member B... This should be her new "Member B" and is her 1st possition-1st level)

Now I understand that because This is a force matrix... the second member is forced to become my 2nd possition-1st level... but how does the commission payment work?

Do I get paid "first level commissions" on both my 1st and 2nd position on my 1st level? What commission does My Member B get for the referral?
Am I having to pay twice?I ask because if my Member B does still get paid... then I am paying twice... and if my "Member B" doesn't get any commission for the referral until I fill all three of my 1st level positions... what incentive do they have to continue to fill in their three?
In theory... This would mean that the 59,049 members on the 10th level... would have to wait to get paid unit all... 19,683 members on the 9th level... fill in their three as well?
Maybe I am not understanding this at all :-)I'm just trying to avoid a total financial  meltdown... before my website and this matrix... go live.

Well, using default configuration of our module, you can set commissions for every new joined member and for their upgrades. Following your example member A can get commission from member B and from member C which was invited by member B. You(as administration of the site) need to pay commissions to all sponsors if their referred member upgrades (to member A from member B (1  level) and C (2 level)) and  (to member B for member C (1 level for member B)). I don't think that member will wait until matrix is filled(invites about 19,683 members). You don't need to pay the same member several times even if member is located in several matrix simultaneously.
Following example above: if member C buys membership level you need to pay commissions two times: to member B (as from level 1 member) and to member A (as from level 2 member).  Commissions is calculated depends on membership price and levels on which upgraded member is located in sponsor's matrix. If member C  buys Green membership, member B will get 30% ($3) and member A get 20% ($2).

In other words you will need to pay to all upper levels' members which are located in referred member's branch.
One example for commissions for matrix 3X7. If you set minimum price for membership levels $10 and percentage 10% ($1) for each level, you may earn (as site owner) minimum $4 from each upgrade and the rest $6 you need to pay as commissions.
How it works: If a member N upgrades up to Green membership level, he/she may be located maximum on level 7, thus you need to pay $1 on each upper-levels his branch and you as admin will get $4 in this case. As you can see if upgraded member is located in another level(upper) you can get more money. I think, there are may be a lot of combinations with different percentage to make your matrix profitable.  

Best Regards AntonLV -
7 Mar 2013

Anton... Thanks for hanging in there with me on this... 

All of the Member A and Member B stuff gets a little confusing after a

My Last thought on all of this is... when you say that:

" You(as administration of the site) need to pay commissions to all sponsors if their referred member upgrades (to member A from member B (1  level) and C (2 level)) and  (to member B for member C (1 level for member B))."

I assume that your system calculates this for me... and all that I need to do is use the mass payment feature in paypal... Correct?

I hate to say.. but I really don't want to "assume" anything. :-)

8 Mar 2013

Hello, !

I assume that your system calculates this for me... and all that I need to do is use the mass payment feature in paypal... Correct?
I hate to say.. but I really don't want to "assume" anything. :-)

Yes :) commissions is calculated automatically and you just need to check payment requests in admin panel.
You can use paypal mass pay feature for payments or pay to member using Dolphin's cart system. Also if you have points system, you can pay to members in points.

Best Regards AntonLV -
10 Mar 2013

Thanks again Anton~

12 Mar 2013


Thanks again Anton~

You are very welcome! :)

Best Regards AntonLV -
13 Mar 2013

in upgrading for D7.1.1 do i uninstall the old version and reinstall the current verison or do i over write the files with the new ones and do nothing else?

21 Apr 2013

Hello, maddp!

You just need to overwrite files and recompile cache. You don't need to uninstall it.

Best Regards AntonLV -
22 Apr 2013

Is there a possibility to gave "Affiliate/Referal" button (with its submenu of course) in the bottom links?

How can you do that?

28 Jun 2013

Hello, accept!

If you want to create the button for our module, you need to add new record for it into sys_menu_member table. You can use already existed records from the table for other buttons as example.

Best Regards AntonLV -
29 Jun 2013

Ok Anton, but I would like to add this button (with submenu as 'feedback', 'history'...) to the footer links. Is that possibile?

29 Jun 2013

How can I do that?

1 Jul 2013

Hello, accept!

Ok Anton, but I would like to add this button (with submenu as 'feedback', 'history'...) to the footer links. Is that possibile?

If you want to add them near the FAQ, Terms or Use, About Us and etc.. links , you need to add new menu items to sys_menu_bottom table. If you have 7.1 version you can do it via admin panel -> builders ->  Bottom Menu Builder.


Best Regards AntonLV -
1 Jul 2013

Yes, thank you, but the problem is with submenu - I can't make submenu in admin panel.

1 Jul 2013

Hi, accept!

Yes, thank you, but the problem is with submenu - I can't make submenu in admin panel.

As far as I see you want to have popup menu in bottom members menu, but not the additional links near bottom menu links.

As I mentioned before you need to add new record into sys_menu_member table. You can see already existed records in this table for other buttons and you may use them as example. I can not write the code here, because I need to create and test it first. If you like I can perform it for you as custom modification.

Best Regards AntonLV -
2 Jul 2013

Thank you for help.

I have another remark: There is prepared banner in "Available Banners" which indicates general URL (homepage).

Is this possibile to have different url, f.ex. url of my blog page?

2 Jul 2013

Hello, accept!

I have another remark: There is prepared banner in "Available Banners" which indicates general URL (homepage). Is this possibile to have different url, f.ex. url of my blog page?

Yes, you can edit URL in admin panel -> Forced Matrix System -> Affiliate/Banners section. Click on edit near a banner and then change value of the Banner points to this page: option.

Best Regards AntonLV -
3 Jul 2013


As far as I see you want to have popup menu in bottom members menu, but not the additional links near bottom menu links.
As I mentioned before you need to add new record into sys_menu_member table. You can see already existed records in this table for other buttons and you may use them as example. I can not write the code here, because I need to create and test it first. If you like I can perform it for you as custom modification.

 OK, I will let you know if I can't handle, but another similar thing:

If you put this record (Affiliate/Referals) into 'sys_menu_bottom' table > after you choose this button there is missing "Affiliate", "History" and "Referrals" buttons from site (you have to move top "Afiliate/Refferals" from top menu).
Is there any good way to have those three buttons in the submenu (not popup)? 

13 Jul 2013
15 Jul 2013
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.